HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Planning MIN ~.iINUTES OF THE IvlEETING OF THE ASHI..H..ND PLLU\jNING COlVMISSION April 10, 1967 ~ The R0gu~.r meoting of the J.shl~.nd Planning Commission WA.S hold J:l.pril 10, 1967, Henry Peck, Ch:]irlTl~n, presiding. Hegul,'1r and ex officio members attending in nddi- tion to the chairman -;,rere- John Billings, ED.iott rJ~cCrp,ckcn,vJ.T. .LI8.wkins, James Ragland, Rich~rd Thorpe, Jim C. Busch, and Allen i.lsing. 1-1.1so attending was Al Frazier, lTIemhzr of the of the staff of the Bureau of j,vlunicip~ 1 l\esol.:.rch. The minutes of the regular n~eting of fhrch 13, and the Special Meeting of I"hrch 27, 1967, wore placod on file. Cornrnitt3G heports: ZoniEK Cor;"ID ttoe : 1. V~rhnce 1/-031 - Helman, i>.shb,nd School District Ir5. A fsvor~blc cOlnrr~ttee report was given by Dr. ~hcCracken. Following discussion a motion was !l'Ji1de by lJr. h'lcCrackGn and seconded by Iv.tr'. Busch thEt the variance be granted. This WP.s passod unanimously. It was also recommended by Dr. 1111:'.c- Cr~cken th.'Jt a lettor be sont to lY.ir. Jobe, Superintendent of r...shland Public Schools, tho. t the ll.shl::J.nd Phnning Commission wa s interested not only in the public schools of hshland but also in the orderly devolopmont of city streets, etc. This was seconded by Mr. Busch and passed by unanimous vote. 2. Zoning Amendment - Sight clearance - corners and alleys. The discussion on this subject was continued until the next meeting on the advice of Mr. Alsing, who said he would bring additional information at that time. 3. Ro~oning property on Hitt Hoad. After discussion this was referred to Hr. Alsing - for further inforIrlc1.tion. Subdivision Cor~ttee: 1. Extension of Scofield Street. A motion livas IIL'lde by lYlr. Thorpe and seconded by Mr. Ragl-:nd that this be tabled. Carried unanimously. 2. Victoria Subdivision - This was referred to committee for study, a need of street pattern noted. Public He,!lring s 7:45 PM - Zone change 11009, 311 Wimer Street, rtichard and Nellie Hatcher. A report from the zoning co~mittee recommended that this request be denied. }oil's. H.B. Ramsey, 291 vJirner St. was present, in opposition to the granting of this request. b. motion WD. s made by fi.ir. Thorpe, seoonded by ~'Jr. Busch and passed by umnimous vote that this request not be granted. 8:00 PM - Zone ch~nge 1~OG. 644 Normal l~venue, Wm. P. and Eileen wright. The report from the committee was not favorable. Also in opposition were ~~s. George Ward, h. E. Frey, L. E. Ch~ntrey, 635 Park st.. Bill Brown, 648 Park, Oscar Bjorlie, 611 Normal i).ve., Mr. 8. IVlrs. W. Van der Wood, who own a rental at 667 Normal Ave., A letter also in opposition was read from Ray and Sylvia Black. ~~. Wright discussed his plans for his proposed project. hfter discussion a motion was made by Dr. lllJacCracken and seconded by J.ltlr. Dawkins to deny the request. It carried unanimously. ASHLA1ID PLANNING COMMISSION April 10, 1967 p. 2. FL'BLIC EEitiUNGS (continued). 8:15 PH - Conditional Use Permit j}018, 1065 Siskiyou Blvd. Clifford G. lVlornn. The committee in its report recommended the granting of this request. A motion wns made by Dr. MacCrncken, and seconded by Hr. Busch, that this Conditional Use Permit be granted. The voto was unanimous. 8 :30 P1VI - IVlinor lan<? partition :/t53 and zone variance 1f34, Clay Street, Nohnwk St., and Mary Jane Avenue., Fracl~ Rigo. The report of the committee was favorable to this request. A motion w~s made by lV~. Billings, seconded by ~~. Busch, to grant this request. The vote wns unanimous. 8 :45 FlYI ~ I'finor land pllrti tion -i/j4 !J.nd zone vari:mce 1P33, 717 B.oca st., Guy F. Hoberts. A motion was made by}~ Billings that this request be approved. It was seconded by ~~. Busch. It carried, Dr.lVhcCr~cken voting in opposition. fu2-eci.sJ~.~~enda It!3~: 1. Conditional Use Permit ir~20, 773 Siskiyou Blvd. This was referred to the zoning cOl11li1i ttoe and a Public He'lring set for 7 :45 PivI, May 8, 1,/67. (wilder Hook) 2. Conditional Use formit il~19, 1150 Ashland street, Catholic Church. This was referred to committee and a Public Hearing set for 8:00 PM, ~ay 8, 1967. 3. foi.iinor land partition #55. Siskiyou and Mary Jane, L. C. Ireland. This was re~orred to the zoning co~mittee, with n report requested for the ne~~ meeting. 4. Confirm minor bnd partition #56 which was approved by committee. A motion W1S made by :Mr. Thorpe and seconded by ~~. Busch to grant this request. It c0.rried unanimously. 5. Zone variance if35, Sheldon Rio, 570 Taylor st. This was referred to tho zoning co~~ttee and and a Public Hearing set for 8:15 PM, ~ay 8, 1967. 6. I"linor land partition, 88 Emerick, fulderstone. A motion 'WaS mC'_de by :r~. Billings. and secondod by ~:Jr. Thorpe, that this be approved subject. tc sid9-yard requirements. It p3ssed unanimously. 7. Conditional Use application. Building on Siskiyou Boulevard - Ellen Hall. This was referred to committee and a Public Hearing set for 8: 30 al, IIIJay 8, 1967. Adjournment followed. H. Kinney, See:..