HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-08 Planning MINNOTE: Anyone wL hLng to speak at any P.2ann i.ng Commission Meeting is encouraged to do zo. I you do wizh to speak, p.2ease rye and agek you have been recognized by the Chan., give your name and comp.2ete address. you witt then be attowed to 4peak. P2eaae note that public teztimony may be timited by the Chain and non ma iy is not aL2owed ager the pubt c heats i,ng has been c eo4 ed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 8, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM, Civic Center, 1175 E. Main St., Ashland, OR II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS: Regular meeting of August 11, 1982 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. PLANNING ACTION #82 -44 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to convert the existing residence at 514 Siskiyou Blvd. into travel- ers' accommodations consisting of 2 guest suites. Comprehensive Plan desig- nation: Urban Low Residential. Zoning: R -2 (Multi family, low density). Assessor's map 9BD. Tax lot: 7600. APPLICANT: Al Gieleghem B. PLANNING ACTION #82 -56 is a request for a Planning Approval Extension until July 1983, for Phase I of Pine Meadow Planned Unit Development, a 33 -unit condominium development approved in April 1979. The first phase involves construction of 10 units. The property is located west of the intersection of Scenic Dr. and Grandview Dr. Comprehensive Plan designation: Rural Residential and Suburban Residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single family residential) and RR -.5 (Rural Residential). Assessor's map 8AA, tax lot: 6900; 8AB, part of tax lot: 200. APPLICANT: William S. Wiley C. PLANNING ACTION #82 -59 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to convert the existing residence at 453 Allison St. into an owner occupied Bed and Breakfast consisting of 2 guest rooms. Two on -site park- ing spaces will be provided with two additional spaces on the adjoining parcel to the east. Access to the parking will be via the alley. Comprehensive Plan designation: Urban low residential. Zoning: R -2 (Low- density, multi- family). Assessor's map 9BD. Tax lot: 8500. APPLICANTS: Victor /Nancy Wigginton D. PLANNING ACTION #82 -61 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review for the use of a mobile home at 315 Tolman Creek Rd. as a temporary YMCA office prior to construction of a new YMCA. The temporary office would be used until May 1984. Comprehensive Plan designation: Urban low residential. Zoning: R -2 (Multi- family, low- density). Assessor's map 11C. Tax lot: 1101, 1201. APPLICANT: Ashland Family YMCA IV. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS: A. PA #82 -60, request for 2 Minor Land Partitions and a Boundary Line Adjustment at 2405 Siskiyou Blvd. Applicant: Vincent Oredson. B. PA #82 -62, request for a time extension until 8- 24 -84, for prior PC approval of 18, 2 -story apartments at 667 Park St. Applicant: W. R. Welch. V. LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A. Letter from Gary Jones, re: Jackson Road Golf, Inc. VI. STAFF BUSINESS: A. Study Session September 22, 1982 B. Guanajuato Way /Ashland Creek Clean -up day September 18, 1982, 9 -11 AM VII. ADJOURNMENT CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Lance Pugh at the Ashland Civic Center, Ashland, Oregon. Members present were Barry Warr, Neil Benson, Don Greene, and Tom Owens. Planning Director John Fregonese, Associate Planner Steve Jannusch, and Administrative Secretary Ann Baker were also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS The Minutes and Findings and Orders of the Regular Meeting of August 11, 1982, were approved as written. CONTINUANCE REQUESTS Relative to PA #82 -44 and 82 -56, the applicants had requested a continuance of each of their respective planning actions. Warr moved to continue both planning actions until the October, 1982, meeting. Owens seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -59 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SITE REVIEW WIGGINTON DESCRIPTION: MINUTES ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 8, 1982 Planning Action #8Z -59 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to convert the existing residence at 453 Allison St. into an owner occupied Bed and Breakfast consisting of 2 guest rooms. Two on -site parking spaces will be provided with 2 additional spaces on the adjoining parcel to the east. Access to the parking will be via the alley. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Urban Low Residential. Zoning: R -2 (Low- Density, Multi- Family). Assessor's Map 9BD. Tax Lot: 8500. APPLICANTS: Victor and Nancy Wigginton APC, 9/8/82, Page 1 STAFF REPORT: 1) Jannusch read the staff report, adding to condition #6 that the subject request receive an annual review by the Health Dept. to commence in May, 1983. 2) Fregonese suggested that condition #5 be clarified to include the requirements of the Planning Commission's policy that the sign be no greater than 6 sq. ft. or, if free standing, no higher than 3 ft. above grade. Relative to the condition concerning the drainage plan, he suggested that it would be appropriate to suggest that the applicant contact the Public Works Dept. prior to paving the public parking area for the drainage plan. In addition, he suggested that the condition be added that the applicant shall be responsible for enforcing the off street parking off the alley to prevent patrons of his establishment from parking on Allison. PUBLIC HEARING: 1) Victor Wigginton, applicant, spoke on behalf of his proposal. The public hearing was then closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION: 1) Greene suggested that it was important to include the requirements relative to parking in that the area be paved adjacent to the alley. This should be added to condition #9. In addition, he felt it was appropriate to include that the garage be used for parking only and not for storage. 2) Jannusch noted that the applicant had ample parking based on ordinance requirements with the 4 spaces he is providing, excluding the garage area. 3) Warr requested a clarification on the sign requirements. Fregonese cited the ordinance and the policy established by the Planning Commission, noting that a sign permit could be obtained later, and the approval of the sign was not a direct function of this particular review. 4) Warr was concerned about the proliferation of travelers' accommodations in the City. He recognized that it might not be a Planning Commission function to limit the number of travelers' accommodations proposed, however, he was concerned about the extensive number of such facilities which presently exist. Based on the existing condition of the economy, he was concerned about cutting the travelers' accommodations pie into smaller pieces. 5) In defense of the rights of the applicants, Fregonese noted that such a question should be looked at from both sides. He noted further that, although there were risks involved, the applicants should determine the pros and cons of the pursuit of such an operation. He further noted that such accommodations broaden the appeal of Ashland in providing more options in terms of a place to stay when visiting Ashland. APC, 9/8/82, Page 2 6) Warr felt the applicants should investigate all potential problems encountered when pursuing such a business. 7) Greene asked if each room had a separate bath. Fregonese responded that, since the applicant was proposing two rooms or less, the only requirement as far as the Health Dept. was concerned would be to require baths for both sexes on the same floor. He further noted that future expansion of the facility would require addi- tional Health Dept. inspections, which would probably include the requirement that each room have a separate bath. 8) Wigginton asked to speak again on behalf of his application. He noted that he had been in the service and he and his wife had spent three years in Europe. During that time they had decided to embark on this business. He noted that his wife relates well to people, and such a business will allow her to stay in the home while bringing in an income to supplement his own. 9) Greene moved to approve PA #82 -59 with the conditions and amendments previously noted, including that the garage be available for parking only and that the parking areas be paved. He further noted that the approval should be contingent upon the placement of a notice on the sign that parking be available in the rear. Warr seconded the motion. 10) Fregonese responded to Greene's proposal relative to the directional parking sign. He noted that such a requirement would make the sign and business appear too commercial for a residential property. 11) Owens asked whether keeping the garage open for parking was necessary in terms of the requirements of the ordinance. Jannusch replied that in terms of the ordinance, it was not necessary. Owens asked Greene why he wanted this requirement to be imposed. Greene stated he felt it was necessary in order to free up ample parking for the facility. This condition would stand as noted. He did, however, propose an amendment to the motion to delete the directional parking sign on the main sign proposed by the applicant. The vote was unanimous in favor of approving the application. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -61 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SITE REVIEW YMCA DESCRIPTION: Planning Action #82 -61 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review for the use of a mobile home at 315 Tolman Creek Rd. as a temporary YMCA office prior to construction of a new YMCA. The temporary office would be used until May 1984. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Urban Low Residential. Zoning: R -2 (Multi Family, Low Density). Assessor's Map 11C. Tax Lot: 1101, 1201. APPLICANT: Ashland Family YMCA. APC, 9/8/82, Page 3 STAFF REPORT: 1) Fregonese presented the staff report, noting that condition #4 should be changed to read, "an 8 -inch water line," not "an 8 -inch well line." PUBLIC HEARING: 1) Pat Flannery, general director of the YMCA, spoke on behalf of the applica- tion. He noted that the Y is presently leasing a house on Ashland St. for $550 a month. Heritage Bank has offered to provide the mobile home to the Y at no cost and this would provide a substantial savings. He continued by stating that soccer fields are presently being installed at the new Y site and with such staff facili- ties being located there, it would provide a sense of ownership to the parcel and would reinforce the Y's permanence at the new site. He further noted that the mobile home would be strictly a temporary measure until such time as the permanent facility could be constructed. He outlined to the Commission that the moving of the mobile home is contingent upon the close of the sale of land to McDonalds. He further noted that permanent building construction can be phased at the site. He then questioned the flexibility of the Planning Commission relative to the deadline established in the staff report. 2) Fregonese noted that the Planning Commission can modify any decision made after a public hearing is held, and such time extension could be approved if valid reasons are given. 3) Relative to signing in favor of the Tolman Creek Rd. signal assessment district, Flannery noted that this had been accomplished in previous approvals. The public hearing was then closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION: 1) Greene asked why the condition had been imposed to require an 8 -inch water line extending along Tolman Creek for water service. Why was it necessary to provide a fire hydrant off this 8 -inch water line? Fregonese replied that this was a requirement imposed by the Fire Dept. 2) Flannery noted to the Commission that Lee Roy King, Fire Chief, had said that the line could be laid off the well system in lieu of placing the 8 -inch line down Tolman Creek. Fregonese asked Flannery what the water service would be to the trailer. Flannery replied that there is already an existing water service capable of handling the water needs for the temporary facility. 3) Fregonese noted that it would probably be appropriate to only require the fl- inch line at the time of permanent construction, and that such a line should be installed to the Fire Chief's satisfaction. 4) Fregonese noted to the applicant that the current sign which exists on the Ashland St. site would not meet the code requirements for the new site on Tolman Creek. The Tolman Creek property is located within a residential zone and, since this is the case, the sign could not be illuminated and would have to be a maximum APC, 9/8/82, Page 4 of 15 sq. ft. in size and no taller than 5 ft. above grade if it were a ground sign. 5) Warr asked the applicant what their target date would be for commencing construction and how long construction was anticipated to last. Flannery responded by noting that their intentions are to begin this fall, possibly in November, and that the original proposal which included a pool was projected to take from 12 -15 months to complete. Now, without the pool, it was probably going to take 10 -12 months for completion. 6) Warr expressed concern about the precedent being set relative to allowing a mobile home even as a temporary structure on lots within the City. Fregonese replied that each application will be looked at on an individual basis and no such precedent is necessarily being set. 7) Greene noted that this had been the third application for the placement of a temporary structure reviewed by the Planning Commission. The other two were Klamath First Federal and Heritage Bank. 8) Benson asked whether the parking provided for the temporary facility was going to be in the same area as the permanent facility projected. Fregonese noted on the plan that the parking would be provided in the same area. 9) Benson asked about the inclusion of a bike path for access to the soccer fields. FIannery noted that a bike path would be provided with the close of the sale of the property to McDonalds. Benson stated he would like to see a bike path installed at this point. Flannery then noted on the plan where the bike path would be entering onto the Y property off Tolman Creek Rd. providing a separate entrance for bicycles from vehicle traffic. Benson then asked what surface would be applied to the proposed bike path at this time. Fregonese responded that it would be decomposed granite. This minimum requirement was imposed since Tolman Creek Rd. is presently unimproved and the paving of the bikepath along Tolman Creek would be wasteful since it would probably be torn up at the time Tolman Creek is improved. 10) Greene noted he thought it appropriate that an addendum to condition *10 be included to read that if substantial progress had been made for work at the facility, an extension could be granted. Pugh felt it was appropriate that the Planning Commission's feeling be noted, but that it should not be in the form of a motion. Owens concurred and stated that the intent of the condition is apparent as stated and that adding such wording to the condition would be one more possible area open to interpretation by future Commissions. Warr also concurred, stating that a reasonable Planning Commission would not deny an extension if progress had been made at the site. 11) Benson felt it was appropriate to add the condition that the bikeway be installed when the soccer fields are completed. Greene felt this was not necessary at this point. 12) Flannery noted that soccer facilities were spread throughout the City and would remain so. APC, 9/8/82, Page 5 13) Owens moved to approve the proposal with conditions expressed in the staff report, except for #4. The motion was seconded by Warr and passed unanimously. TYPE I APPROVALS 1) Planning Action #82 -60, a request for two Minor Land Partitions and a Boundary Line Adjustment at 2405 Siskiyou Blvd.; applicant: Vincent Oredson. This request was approved by the Planning Commission. 2) Planning Action #82 -62, a request for a time extension until 8/24/84 for prior Planning Commission approval of 18 2 -story apartments at 667 Park St.; applicant: W.R. Welch. This request was approved by the Planning Commission. LETTER FROM GARY JONES RE JACKSON RD. GOLF, INC. 1) Fregonese felt it appropriate to inform the Planning Commission that this was not the only 18 -hole golf course proposed for the City. He also felt, however, that it was a good use for the property as the north entrance to Ashland. He stated it would be appropriate for the applicants, in their approval process, to sign a consent to annex to guarantee that the property would not block future extension to the interchange. The second recommendation would be that the appIi- cants cooperate with the Greenway Committee for procurement of the necessary ease- ments for extension of the Greenway. 2) Owens asked what the nature of the presentation was at this point. Were the applicants asking for a ruling from the Planning Commission or what? Fregonese responded that this was not a formal review by the Ashland Planning Commission, but the applicants were requesting a letter of support to be presented to the Jackson County Planning Commission for this proposal. He then noted the property on the map. 3) Benson asked which portion of the property would be used as a golf course. 4) The developers of the property submitted an informal presentation of what their proposal was, noting that the area comprises approximately 135 acres and indicating this area on the map. As the spokesman for this location, Jones then stated that, although there were two pending proposals for 18 -hole golf courses, it was possible that two courses would complement each other. He noted that it would be an asset to tourism and the economic stability of the City. He noted that this particular property lends itself beautifully to a golf course with the terrain and water availability. He then requested a letter of support from the Planning Commission to be addressed to the Jackson County Planning Commission. 5) Pugh felt that this would probably be a good use for the property, but he was reluctant to support one project versus another. APC, 9/8/82, Page 6 6) Bob Lima spoke on behalf of the proposal, stating that virtually all the land under proposal is Class 4 land, with a minute portion being Class 3. Even though the land is a Century Farm, it does not lend itself to farming. Directly under the surface is either hardpan or Coker clay. 7) Fregonese reiterated his concern relative to the consent to annex and the requirements to provide easements for the Greenway. The developers of the project felt okay with this, but they noted that Billings approval would be required before they commit to it. Lima noted that the stretch of Jackson Rd. which the proposal was adjacent to had been typically a traffic hazard. 8) Warr stated that he favors this use for the area. He noted that this was the first group to approach the Planning Commission for such support. He did not feel that this would be inappropriate to offer the support in terms of the Planning Commission's impartiality. 9) Owens suggested that Fregonese draft a letter of support to the County Planning Commission and that Pugh provide his signature for it. 10) Warr asked whether the City Planning Commission would ever have a chance to review the design of the golf course. Fregonese responded that the County would provide the improvement drawings to the City at the time the application came through their offices. 11) Lima stated that, as developers, they would provide such drawings as a courtesy to the City Planning Commission. 12) Owens moved that such a letter be drafted, and Warr seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously in favor. STAFF BUSINESS 1) Regarding the study session of September 22, 1982, Fregonese noted that areas 2 and 3 will be reviewed on that date. He felt that it might be appropriate to start on Strawberry Lane and walk the Ditch Rd. or Hitt Rd. It was determined that the Commissioners would meet at 11:15 at the Downtown Council Chambers with maps being available at that time. The Commissioners are supposed to bring lunches and their hiking boots. 2) Pugh encouraged PIanning staff and Planning Commission involvement in the League of Oregon Cities conference being held in November. Fregonese noted that the City would probably spring for registration and a meal, but the budget could not afford lodging for the Commissioners. APC, 9/8/82, Page 7 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM. John Fregonese, Executive Secretary APC, 9/8/82, Page 8 PLANNING COMMISSION.VOTING RECORD I ez. PH S YES NO PH n- 4 YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Owens Pugh �EN3E1001 Greene Warr 1/// Greene ammock Warr L Pugh Owens s Benson Benson s Apggg Pugh Warr Owens i Greene Greene s Warr amffir Owens v Benson Pugh TOT 5 TOT TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Apommas Owens Pugh Benson Greene Reid Warr Greene Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Billings Benson Benson apenes Apenes Pugh Warr Billings Owens 1 444=w1 Hansen Greene Owens -yam Benson Pugh TOT TOT TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Apenes Owens Pugh Benson Billings Greene Reid Warr Hansen Reid Greene Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Billings Benson Benson Apenes Apenes Pugh Warr Billings Owens Reid Hansen Hansen Greene Greene Billings Warr Reid Owens Apenes Benson Pugh TOT TOT TOT TOT