HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-10 Planning MINNOTE:, Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission Meeting is encouraged to do so. If you do wish to speak, please rise and_after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the public hearing has been closed. I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM, Civic Center, 1175 E. Main St., Ashland, OR II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS: Regular meeting of October 13, 1982 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: IV. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS": ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 10, 1982 A. PLANNING ACTION #82 -66 is a request for a 4 months extension (until 1 -83) of the Conditional Use Permit for a temporary YMCA office in the existing residence located at 1746 Hwy 66. Comprehensive Plan designation: Re- tail Commercial. Zoning: C -1 (Retail Commercial). Assessor's map 15 AB. Tax lot; 5100. APPLICANT: Ashland YMCA B. PLANNING ACTION #82 72 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Temporary Use of the property located at the NE corner of "C" St. and Pioneer Sts. for a Christmas tree sales lot. The applicant is proposing to use the lot for the month of December only. Comprehensive Plan desig- nation: Retail Commercial. Zoning: C -1 (Retail Commercial). Assessor's map 9BA. Tax lot: 11500. APPLICANT: Gary /Barbara Mumblo A. PA #82 -71, request for variance from frontyard setback of 20' to 15' at 937 Clay Street. Applicants: John /Rhonda Refsnider. V. STAFF BUSINESS: Final Workshop on rezoning of South Ashland, November 17, 1982 VI. ADJOURNMENT CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lance Pugh at the Ashland Civic Center, Ashland, Oregon. Members present were Ethel Hansen, Neil Benson, Lance Pugh, Don Greene and Tom Owens. Planning Director John Fregonese, Associate Planner Steve Jannusch and Administrative Secretary Ann Baker were also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS The Minutes and Findings and Orders of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 1982, were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -66 YMCA DESCRIPTION: Planning Action #82 -66 is a request for a 4 months extension (until 1- 83) of the Conditional Use Permit for a temporary YMCA office in the existing residence located at 1746 Hwy 66. Comprehensive Flan designation: Retail Commercial. Zoning: C -1 (Retail Commercial). Assessor's map 15 AB. Tax lot: 5100. APPLICANT: Ashland YMCA STAFF REPORT PUBLIC HEARING: MINUTES ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 10, 1982 Fregonese presented the staff report. He noted that extensions are typically granted as a Type I hearing and that this Planning Action had been no exception except that it had been called up by neighbors. At this point, the public hearing was opened. 1) Pat Flannery, the Director of the YMCA, spoke on behalf of the application. He apologized for his tardiness in filing for the exten- sion. He noted that he had followed the conditions of approval APC, 11/10/82 Page 1 to the letter. One of the neighbors had complained to the "Y" about parking across the street from her house thereby creating problems for her in backing in and out of her driveway. The "Y" had subsequently agreed to park their vehicles elsewhere. 2) There was no one present to speak against the proposal. At this point, the public hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION: 1) Owens suggested that the proposal be postponed for a few minutes and to go on to the other agenda items to allow for the negative feedback of those neighbors who still were not in attendance. 2) Pugh asked Fregonese is this were proper to which Fregonese replied that it was ok to hold up discussion on this topic until the other Planning Actions had been discussed. The Commission agreed to go on the next Planning Action. PUBLIC HEARING PA *82 -72 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GARY /BARBARA MUMBLO DESCRIPTION: Planning Action #82 -72 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Temporary Use of the property Located at the NE corner of "C" St. and Pioneer Sts. for a Christmas tree sales lot. The applicant is proposing to use the lot for the month of December only. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Retail Commercial. Zoning: C -1 (Retail Commercial). Assessor's map 9BA. Tax lot: 11500. APPLICANT: Gary /Barbara Mumblo STAFF REPORT: 1) Jannusch presented the staff report on this Planning Action noting that the applicants have been conducting this business there for the past four years and the staff is not aware of any problems. The Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING: 1) It was noted that the Mumblos were present for any questions. Since there was no one to speak in opposition to the proposal the Public Hearing was closed. APC, 11/10/82 Page 'L COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION: 1) Greene moved to approve the application with Owens seconding the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the proposal. TYPE I PLANNING ACTION: 1) Planning Action #82 -71, request for variance from frontyard setback of 20' to 15' at 937 Clay Street. Applicants: John /Rhonda Refsnider. John Fregonese reviewed the proposal to the Planning Commission noting that there had been no negative input given by adjacent neighbors. This Planning Action was then passed. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -66 YMCA 1) Discussion now reverted back to the discussion of the YMCA. The Commission questioned why those individuals in opposition to the proposal were not in attendance at this time. 2) Fregonese noted that staff had been receiving a number of frivolous appeals from individuals expressing disfavor in letter form but apparently having no desire to express their concerns directly to the Commission. 3) Owens moved to approve Planning Action #82 -66 with the established conditions. Greene seconded and the vote was unanimous. STAFF BUSINESS: 1) A poll was taken of Commissioners in attendance to determine how many of them would be available for the final workshop in the rezoning of south Ashland quadrant on November 17, 1982. The Commissioners stated that they would all be able to attend at this time. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. APC, 11/10/82 Page 3 John Fregonese, Planning Director YMCA PLANNING COMMISSION VOTING RECORD 1/ //D 41-Z PH "2 YES NO PH ?Z, 7 Z YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Owens Pugh Benson DOOlots Greene Wit Hansen 2 Greene Hansen -Wow_ Pugh Owens -s Benson y'�' Benson -mss Pugh IL L W 4WISOMONrs Owens Wild Hansen Hansen Greene Greene L)if ..k Owens Benson Pugh TOT TOT X TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Apenes Owens Pugh Benson Billings Greene Reid Warr Hansen Reid Greene Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Billings Benson Benson apenes Apenes Pugh Warr Billings Owens Reid Hansen Hansen Greene Owens Apenes Benson Pugh TOT TOT TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Apenes Owens Pugh Benson Billings Greene Reid Warr Hansen Reid Greene Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Billings Benson Benson Apenes Apenes Pugh Warr Billings Owens Reid Hansen Hansen Greene Greene Billings Warr Reid Owens Apenes Benson Pugh TOT TOT TOT TOT