HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-12 Planning MINNOTE: Anyone wi4h ng to 4 peak at any PLann ng Commizz Lon Meeting encounccged to do 4o. 1 you do with to .6peafi, p.2eaze nine and Wen you have been ne:cogn'Lzed by the Chain., give yoult name and comp.2ete address. you w tt then be aJowed to zpeah.. P2ea.e note that pub2,ic tatimony may be Vin ted by the Chain and noAmaLPy .us not atowed agen, the pub!Lc hean,%ng hays been ctozed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 12, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM, Civic Center, 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, OR II. 4ELCOME TO NEW COMMISSIONERS: Mary Ann Alston, Larry Helms III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS: Regular meeting of December 8, 1982 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. PLANNING ACTION #82 -88 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to construct an arbor addition for outdoor seating for the Creek View Cafe located at 85 Winburn Way. Comprehensive Plan designation: Parks. Zoning: R -1:10 (Single family Residential). Assessor's map 9BC. Tax lot 3000. APPLICANTS: Bush /Lori Hayden and Mark Gilbert B. PLANNING ACTION #82 -89 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to convert the Winchester House, located at 35 S. Second St. into a travelers accommodations and restaurant. Comprehensive Plan designation: Commercial Downtown Overlay. Zoning: C -1(D) (Downtown Commercial). Asses- sor's map 9BD. Tax lots: 5600 5700. APPLICANTS: Patrick Gibbs /Gibbs family VI. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS: A. PA #82 -73, request for an Ordinance Variance for a 3' sideyard setback for a proposed carport addition at 105 Nob Hill. Applicants: Allen /Sheila Drescher. B. PA #82 -85, request for a 12 mos. extension (until 10 -83) of a MLP and variance at 326 Ridge Road. Applicant: Judith L. Clark. C. PA #82 -86, request for a 12 mos. extension (Until 12 -83) of a CUP SR for travelers accommodations upstairs at 395 E. Main St. Applicant: Roger Ledbetter. D. PA #82 -87, request for a MLP on the NE corner of Thornton Way and Wimer Sts. Applicant: Vera Lawson. E. PA #82 -91, request for a 14' frontyard setback at 510 Terrace St. Appli- cants: Charles /Barbara Bean. VII. LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A. Letter from Granite St. neighbors re: Lithia Homes project VIII. STAFF BUSINESS: A. January 26, 1983, public hearing re: Rezoning of South Ashland IX. ADJOURNMENT CALL TO ORDER MINUTES ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 12, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Lance Pugh, at the Ashland Civic Center, Ashland, Oregon. Members present were Mary Ann Alston, Barry Warr, Neil Benson, Lance Pugh, Larry Helms and Don Greene. Planning Director John Fregonese, Associate Planner Steve Jannusch and Administrative Secretary Ann Baker were also present. The new members were welcomed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1983 After some discussion, Greene nominated Lance Pugh as Chairman with Warr seconding the nomination. Benson then nominated Greene with Helms seconding. The hand vote was 3 -2 in favor of Pugh. The position of Vice Chairman was then considered. Warr moved that Greene be nominated as Vice- Chairman with Helms seconding. The vote was 5 -0 in favor of Greene as Vice- Chairman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS The Minutes and Findings and Orders of the Regular Meeting of December 8, 1982, were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -88 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW BUSH HAYDEN /LORI HAYDEN /MARK GILBERT DESCRIPTION Planning Action #82 -88 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to construct an arbor addition for outdoor seating for the Creek View Cafe located at 85 Winburn Way. A setback Variance to build to within 9 feet of the front property Line, and a parking Variance are also a part of this request. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Parks. Zoning: R -1:10 (Single Family Residential). Assessor's Map 9BC. Tax lot 3000. APPLICANT: Bush Hayden /Lori Hayden /Mark Gilbert APC, 1/12/83 Page 1 STAFF REPORT 1) Jannusch read the Staff Report noting to the Commissioners that in addition to the Site Review and Conditional Use Permit, the applicant was requesting a Variance for setback to the front property line and also a parking Variance. After the presentation of the Staff Report, the Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Bush Hayden, applicant for the project, spoke on behalf of the addition. He noted that they had owned the restaurant for five years and had been consistently conducting business there in good taste. The expansion, he would hope, would provide a better service to the community. He concurred with the Staff Report that parking would not be greatly impacted by the reduction of the existing stalls, that in fact, 90% of his customers come directly from the park. He noted further that the elimination of the parking would be probably doing people a favor since once an individual is in the spaces in question, it is difficult for them to get out due to the traffic patterns. Other than the addition of serving beer and wine, there were no changes proposed to the operation. He did state, however, that they were not planning on running a beer hall. He continued by noting that if the application is denied by the OLCC, that no extra plumbing would be installed in the arbor area for a sink. 2) Pugh asked the applicant whether he agreed with the Staff Report and the Conditions applied therein. Hayden said, yes, he did. 3) Warr asked the applicant whether he would plan on going ahead with the arbor if the application were denied by the OLCC. Hayden replied that, yes, he would. 4) Greene's fears relative to potentially late hours were dispelled when Hayden stated that typically the restaurant closes at 8:30 except for Thursday evenings when band are held in the bandshell in the park, during the summer months only. These evenings he plans on staying open until 9:30 pm. Hayden concluded his presentation by noting that if at some point, music were incorporated in the outdoor seating area, that the music would be gentle and tasteful and would not disturb the neighbors. At this point, the public hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) Warr stated that he agrees that the facility has been kept clean and neat, feeling that it has been an asset to the area. He questioned the logic of the zoning for the area, noting that since this is a commercial project and feeling that numerous other opera- tions in the vicinity are commercially oriented, why the zoning is APC, 1/12/83 Page 2 still residential here. Fregonese replied that the question had never come up before. He felt though, that these concerns could be dispelled since uses can expand as a non conforming use based on the existing zoning. He further noted that if the area were, in fact, zoned Commercially, that no setbacks would be necessary. 2) Jannusch noted that with the zone change to Commercial controls for commercial expansion by the Planning Commission would be greatly reduced, noting that it makes more sense to retain the zoning as it i s 3) Fregonese noted that the adjacent uses were not necessarily commercial, that, in fact, fraternal organizations and the Parks Office are pre existing developments in the area. 4) Warr concluded by stating that he, in fact, was in favor of the request. 5) Greene moved to approve the application with the Conditions attached with Benson seconding the motion. The vote was unanimous. PUBLIC HEARING PA *82-89 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW PATRICK GIBBS /GIBBS FAMILY DESCRIPTION Planning Action #82 -89 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to convert the Winchester House, Located at 35 S. Second Street into a traveler's accommodations and restaurant. Comprehen- sive Plan designation: Commercial Downtown Overlay. Zoning: C -1(D) (Downtown Commercial). Assessor's map 9BD. Tax lot #'s: 5600 5700. APPLICANTS: Patrick Gibbs /Gibbs Family STAFF REPORT Jannusch gave the Staff Report. Relative to condition #6, involving the two options on the alley adjacent to the parcel, Greene asked if the alley was currently paved to which Fregonese replied no. Frego- nese continued by noting that the alley that runs between First and Second Streets was to be paved by Drescher as a condition of approval for a Planning Action which had been reviewed in the past. At this point, the public hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Patrick and Michael Gibbs, applicants, introduced themselves to the Commission, noting that they had been working with the City APC, 1/12/83 Page 3 officials regarding the conditions of approval in the Staff Report. Michael then stated that he felt the project would be a positive addition to the City. 2) Pugh asked the applicants whether they agreed with the conditions imposed by the Staff Report to which the applicants replied that they did. 3) Michael stated that information had been submitted to the Energy Conservation Coordinator relative to the remodel of the project. 4) Warr asked whether the drainage problem involved the alley perpendicular to Hargadine. Staff replied that it did. He then asked for a clarification as to which of the two options the staff would prefer under condition #6. The second option was preferable. Patrick Gibbs then stated that they would pursue this second option first and if resolution were not acheived, then the first option would be pursued. At this point, the public hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) Helms asked again for a clarification of condition #6 which staff explained. 2) Jannusch noted that the Historic Commission was in support of the project. 3) Warr then asked whether bathroom facilities would be provided in each of the units. Fregonese noted that this was a Health Department requirement and should be taken care of by that agency. 4) Warr then moved to approve the application with the conditions attached, requiring that option 2 of condition #6 should be pursued prior to the consideration of option #1. Helms seconded the proposal and the vote was unanimous in favor. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS Prior to the review of the Type I actions, Fregonese explained the Type I procedures to the new Commissioners. 1) Planning Action #82 -73 is a request for an Ordinance Variance for a 3' sideyard setback for a proposed carport addition at 105 Nob Hill. Applicants: Allen /Sheila Drescher. This Planning Action was approved. 2) Planning Action #82 -85 is a request for a 12 months extension (until 10 -83) of a Minor Land Partition and Variance at 326 Ridge Road. Applicant: Judith L. Clark. This Planning Action was ap- APC, 1/12/83 Page 4 proved. 3) Planning Action #82 -86 is a request for a 12 months extension (until 12 -83) of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review for trave- ler's accommodations upstairs at 395 East Main St. Applicant: Roger Ledbetter. This Planning Action was approved. 4) Planning Action #82 -87 is a request for a Minor Land Partition on the northeast corner of Thornton Way and Wimer Streets. Applicant: Vera Lawson. Greene asked whether there had been a prior Planning Action involving these parcels. Jannusch stated that there had been a Minor Land Partition involving the contiguous parcels over a year ago, thus making this a legal partition. This Planning Action was then ap- proved. 5) Planning Action #82 -91 is a request for a 14' frontyard setback at 510 Terrace St. Applicants: Charles /Barbara Bean. This Planning Action was approved. LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1) The letter from the Granite Street neighborhood was presented into the record. 2) Pugh expressed concern over the letter, questioning what staff's interpretation of the problem would be. Fregonese replied that the plat had been submitted by the applicant, but that staff needs to make a thorough inspection of the property, documenting what kind of earth cuts had been made, as well as cuts of any trees in excess of 6" in girth. He noted further that the new road cut is not on the PUD property approved by the Planning Commission. He felt that this road cut involves a property line dispute only. He continued by stating that it would be proper to bring the assessment back to the Planning Commission prior to signing of the final plat. Staff would be going on an inspection of the property on Monday, January 17, after which the Planning Commission could review staff's findings at the meeting of the 26th or in February. 3) Benson asked whether any violation of the PUD had been found during the cursory inspection staff had made. Fregonese replied that no violation had been detected. Problems created by the new road cut were not a part of the PUD. 4) Fregonese continued by noting that Cooper had requested that staff not go on his property without his being there. There had been some question about staff's legal right to go on the property prior to submittal of the plat without the applicant's approval. Now that the plat had been submitted, staff technically has the right to go onto the property. APC, 1/12/83 Page 5 STAFF BUSINESS 1) The public hearing regarding the rezoning of South Ashland on January 26, 1983, was noted. 2) Parking lots were presented as a topic of discussion by staff. Fregonese requested that the Commission take a look at a couple of installations of chip seal surfaces for parking areas at the Morical House and the McCall House. He noted that these applications had been approved as a test for these parking areas to determine how they would fare under low intensity uses. 3) Fregonese then noted some parking lots that had been approved in the Industrial Park along Hersey Street and Williamson Way. In 1978, the Planning Commission had approved these projects, utilizing gra- nite with an oil surface. The condition of these lots today show that this is not a good application. He further noted that with the new Industrial Park coming up for approval to the Planning Commission net month, it was a good time to reassess parking and landscaping requirements in industrial developments encouraging a high mainten- ance standard for such developments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. John Fregonese, Executive Secretary APC, 1/12/83 Page 6 14.44.3 PH 2 -k7( YES NO SE YES NO PH Al ston Warr Benson Pugh Helms Greene 8weorp TOT PLANNING COMMISSION VOTING RECORD 1/ YES NO PH YES NO Pugh Benson Greene Helms Warr _Helms V Greene Pugh mss- Alston Benson ,mss s- Warr Alston Greene Alston Warr Helms -Algenws Benson Pugh TOT 7,� TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Pugh Benson Alston Greene Helms Warr Jam-- Helms Greene Warr Pugh Alston Benson Benson des Pugh_ Warr Alston nom_ Helms Greene Gilmer Benson Pugh Greene Alston Warr Helms TOT TOT TOT TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Apenes Owens Pugh Benson Helms Greene Alston Warr Hansen Helms Greene Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Alston Benson Benson Apenes Apenes Pugh Warr Helms Owens Alston Hansen Hansen Greene Greene Alston Warr Helms Owens Apenes Benson Pugh TOT TOT TOT TOT