HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-11 Planning MINNOTE: Anyone wizhing to 4peafi at any Ptann..ng Comm-%.s ion meeting 4.4 encoutcaged to do Aso. 14 you do wL h to 4peak, p!ea6e muse and age& you have been &ecognized by the Chain, gave you& name and complete addn.as you w, l then be a X owed to o pecth. Pease note that pub!1Lc testimony may be Limited by the Chain. and nonmat y not a lowed agex the pub!.%c hecui ng has been closed. I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM, Civic Center, 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, OR II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS: Regular meeting of January 12, 1983 III. PUBtIC HEARINGS: A. PLANNING ACTION #82 -90 is a request for a Minor Land Partition and Ordinance Variance to divide a parcel of land located at 715 Glenwood Dr. into two separate tax lots of approximately 9,474, and 7,514 sq. ft. each. The Ordinance Variance is necessary for the smaller parcel for creating a lot wider than it is deep. Comprehensive Plan designation: Single family Residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single family residential). Assessor's map 16AA. APPLICANT: Dale Hofer B. PLANNING ACTION #83 -01 is a request for annexation, subdivision, and zone change of 21 acres located south of Hwy 66 between Clover Lane and the railroad tracks. The property is presently designated as RR -5 in the County and would be rezoned as E -1 (Employment) upon annexation. Comprehensive Plan designation: E-1. Assessor's map 14A. Tax lots: 1102, 1103, 1 APPLICANT: Ashland Industrial Development Corporation. C. PLANNING ACTION #83 -02 is a request for a 3 -unit PUD, located on a 30,722 sq. ft. lot, NW of the corner of Oxford and Cambridge Sts. Access to the 3 single family residences will be via a 20 ft. private drive off of Oxford. Comprehensive Plan designation: Single family Residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single- family residential). Assessor's map 5AA. Tax lot 1200. APPLICANT: Hal Munson D. PLANNING ACTION #83 -03 is a request for amendments to Planning Action #82 -80, prior Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a 6 -unit, owner occupied travelers accommodations at 451 N. Main St. The current request is for a new owner proposing a 4 -unit, owner occupied travelers accommodations with the smaller dwelling at 55 Nursery St., to be rented on a long -term monthly basis as a residence. The Site Review portion of the application will be filed separately. Comprehensive Plan designation: Urban low residential. Zoning: R -2 (Low density Multi- family). Assessor's map 5DA. Tax lot 7200. APPLICANT: K. Lynn Savage IV. STAFF BUSINESS: A. Continuation of South Ashland rezoning gravel quarry joint Study Session with CPAC 2 -23 -83 V. ADJOURNMENT ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 9, 1983 February 11, 1983 Dear Fellow Commissioners: As you are all aware, the Planning Commission failed to have a quorum present at the February 9th meeting. Since this is the second such occurence in eight months, perhaps we should all be reminded of our agreement to notify the Planning Department as early as possible of our plans for attendance at the meetings. Due to the amount of staff time that it takes to contact each of you, we request that you phone Ann Baker directly regarding your attendance, no later than the day before the meeting. Please DO NOT leave a message. Please make every effort to follow this procedure. With your cooper- ation we can avoid inconveniencing the applicants and the public by cancelling public hearings at the last minute. Sincerely, Lance Pugh, Chairman PLANNING COMMISSION LP:mab CALL TO ORDER MINUTES ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 5:40 P.M. by Vice Chairman Don Greene, at the Ashland Civic Center, Ashland, Oregon. Members pre- sent were Mary Ann Alston, Ethel Hansen, Barry Warr, Don Greene and Tom Owens. Also present were Planning Director John Fregonese, Associate Planner Steve Jannusch, and Administrative Secretary Ann Baker. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS AND ORDERS The Minutes and Findings and Orders of the Regular Meeting of January 12, 1983, were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARING PA #82 -90 MINOR LAND PARTITION AND ORDINANCE VARIANCE DALE HOFER DESCRIPTION PLANNING ACTION #82 -90 is a request for a Minor Land Partition and Ordinance Variance to divide a parcel of land located at 715 Glenwood Dr. into two separate tax lots of approximately 9,474 and 7,514 sq.ft. each. The Ordinance Variance is necessary for the smaller parcel for creating a lot wider than it is deep. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single famiIy residential). Assessor's map 16AA. Tax Iot 2700 2800 APPLICANT: Dale Hofer. STAFF REPORT 1} Jannusch gave the Staff Report. Following the Staff Report, the Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Dale Hofer, applicant, spoke on behalf of his application. He repeated what the staff had stated relative to the proportioning of the lot due to the configuration. He requested the Planning Commission's acceptance of his application. AFC, 2/9/83 Page 1 2) Jean Taylor, who lives directly across Glenwood Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposal. She raised the issue of safety and the increased impact of an additional building Iot on an already narrow road and additional pariking problems. She stated that presently, residents park along the street creating a dangerous problem. She requested that the Planning Commission deny the application. At this point, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) Fregonese noted to Greene that dedicated right -of -way on Glenwood along the frontage of the proposed partition is 40 feet in width. He stated that a condition of approval on the Last partition requested, required an additional 5 foot right -of -way. He then referred to the map in the packet. He noted further that the street could conceivably be 20' -24' in width with no on- street parking. 2) Hansen noted that property there was extremely steep and there was potential for soil erosion. Fregonese assured her that protec- tions were built into the Physical Constraints Ordinance noting that if slopes were in excess of 50 geological studies would be required for any development and construction would require an engineered foundation. 3) Alston asked where the applicants were proposing to park. Frego- nese stated in the garage. 4) Greene asked whether it would be appropriate to make one of the Conditions of approval that two off street parking spaces be provided for the new lot. Fregonese noted that this was already a Code re- quirement. Greene then asked whether or not in excess of 51% of the affected property owners would ensure the improvement of Glenwood. Fregonese replied that Glenwood would probably be improved during the summer of 1984. 5) Warr moved to approve the Planning Action with the Conditions recommended by staff. Owens seconded the proposal. Hansen asked whether it was feasible to require an additional off street parking space. Fregonese replied that this would not be difficult, but that in terms of placement of parking spaces off street, part of the parking stall may protrude into the right -of -way, noting that even for a compact stall, 16' would be required. He suggested that re- quiring an additional stall would not be necessary. The question was then called for and the vote was unanimous in favor. PUBLIC HEARING PA #83 -01 ANNEXATION, SUBDIVISION, AND ZONE CHANGE ASHLAND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APC, 2/9/83 Page 2 DESCRIPTION PLANNING ACTION #83 -01 is a request for annexation, subdivision and zone change of 21 acres located south of Hwy 66 between Clover Lane and the railroad tracks. The property is presently designated as RR- 5 in the County and would be rezoned as E -1 (Employment) upon annexa- tion. Comprehensive Plan designation: Employment. Assessor's map 14A. Tax lot #'s: 1102, 1103, 1104. APPLICANT: Ashland Industrial Development Corporation STAFF REPORT 1) Fregonese presented the Staff Report including the recommenda- tions established by CPAC. He stated that he had dicussed the conditions of approval with Corporation President Krebs, and that Krebs had been supportive of the staff's recommendations. He noted further that :ringmaster and other Board Members were presently taking the Staff Report into consideration. Relative to Condition #1, staff had requested that a 60' right -of -way be dedicated to the City. In discussing this with Corporation Board Members, a compromise had been struck, specifically that a 47' wide right -of -way would be required with an additional 5' utility easement on each side and the street to be paved to a minimum width of 36'. Additional recommendations included that an additional right -of -way be obtained at the northernmost tip of parcel #1 to provide for the future extension of Washington Street to Tolman Creek Road. That a 20' landscape setback be provided adjacent to all streets and that the applicants sign in favor of future traffic signal assessment for the Clover Lane, Highway 66 intersection. 2) Hansen stated that she was pleased to see that this was becoming a reality. This Location should provide an ideal spot for the Industrial Park. 3) Fregonese read Bob Peterson's letter into the record. 4) Alston was concerned about the buildable space available on lots #1 and #2. She was concerned about what would be done with the creek going through these lots. Fregonese replied that the creek would be maintained in a natural landscaping and not filled. No building could be constructed in the creek area anyway. The idea would be to provide picnic tables for the employees of the area, saving the trees and pulling out the blackberry bushes. 5) Greene questioned whether additional open space could be required as a part of the Site Review, to which Fregonese replied, yes. At this point, the Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING APC, 2/9/83 Page 3 1) Hal Hazelrigg, representing the Board of Directors, spoke on behalf of the application. He clarified for the Commission the changes that were proposed for the names of the streets both in the subdivision and for Clover Lane. He stated that he was present to just answer questions. He further noted that he was in agreement with the principle of the Staff Report indicating that it was their intention to have an aesthetically pleasing operation in the develop- ment. 2) Fregonese asked Hazelrigg whether he could expand on who the potential occupants were to be in the development. Hazelrigg res- ponded by noting that he had nothing to add in addition to that which had been reported in the newspapers. 3) Fregonese asked Hazelrigg to explain how the Corporation was formed in developing the project. Hazelrigg began by noting that the City had originally had the option on buying the property, however, due to problems in negotiations with the owners the option expired. At this point, a private investment group was formed and new negotia- tions took place with the owners. The principal owner of the prop erty had a change of heart after negotiations with Corporation President Marion Krebs. He then noted that the new Forest Service Center would be built in the subdivision. He then commented that the Corporation is purchasing advertising in a forthcoming issue of Oregon Business Magazine which will feature an article on Southern Oregon. At this point, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) Hansen once again commented on the merits of the proposal. Warr felt that it was a great thing the area had been in need of this for a long time, and that it was good for the future growth of Ashland. After further discussion, Owens moved to approve the proposal with the modified conditions. Alston seconded the motion the vote was unanimous in favor. PUBLIC HEARING PA #83 -02 3 -UNIT PUD HALL MUNSON DESCRIPTION PLANNING ACTION #83 -02 is a request for a 3 -unit PUD, Located on a 30,722 sq.ft. lot, NW of the corner of Oxford and Cambridge Streets. Access to the 3 single family residences will be via a 20' private drive off Oxford. Comprehensive Plan designation: Single family residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single family residential). AFC, 2/9/83 Page 4 Assessor's map 5AA. Tax lot 1200 APPLICANT: Hal Munson STAFF REPORT 1) Jannusch presented the Staff Report. Alston asked for a clarifi- cation of the solar protection as outlined in the Staff Report to which Fregonese replied that the Ordinance protects from any building obstruction but not from obstruction by vegetation unless obstruction from vegetation is recorded by the deed to the property. 2) Warr asked for the approximate sizes of the other lots in the area. It was determined that the lots ranged in size from 7,500 to 10,000 sq.ft. in the area. Fregonese then stated that these three lots proposed would be equal in terms of the areas they would encompass. He felt that applicants had been innovative in developing this site plan as it could have been presented as a triple flag drive with little thought for the aesthetics of the area. 3) Referring to the Covenants for the subdivision, Greene stated that he understood that the rearyard had to be maintained at 25'. He questioned whether this proposal conformed with this restrictive Covenant. Fregonese replied that the Covenant related specifically to the original lots platted. This proposal meets all the setbacks except for one structure. He stated that the Planning Commission could change this setback if they so chose. He further noted that the Covenants do not define "lot" specifically. He reminded the Commission that they had previously approved the two story, two family unit at this location. He then clarified the Ordinance requirements respective to side and rearyards. At this point, the Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Hal Munson, applicant, spoke on behalf of his proposal. He referred to the middle structure, noting that the front entrance faces Oxford Street. He stated that the design of this house was in a split level because of the slope of the area. He said there would be no shading of the south structures, since all three homes would have a solar application. He stated that he had decided to revise the plan to omit the duplex because it would be more compatible with the surrounding single family residences in the area. 2) Mrs. Norwood, 383 Oxford, stated that she was basically in favor of the proposal, but that she lives directly next door to the middle house and that her backyard abuts the structure. She did not see any reason why the structure could not be moved to 25' from her property line since this area is used for children to play and for access to the pond on the adjacent City property. APC, 2/9/83 Page 5 At this point, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) In response to Alston's suggestion that the house to moved 10' in, Munson stated that this would mean shortening of the driveway, thereby removing the off street parking necessary for the structure. He noted further that the future owner of the lot would probably not want other kids or any strangers going through their backyard anyway. He continued by noting that the elevation of the proposed home would be below the lady's fence and that no windows would be facing her yard. 2) Greene asked about a potential pedestrian access through the development to the pond. He noted that while none was planned, that individuals could walk down a driveway. 3) Fregonese noted that access to the pond is provided off the end of Glendower. Greene asked whether the sidewalks would be required for the development to which Fregonese replied, no, since it was only three units. 4) Alston asked whether the end of Glendower went into private property. Fregonese replied that this was City owned land. 5) Greene asked whether there were any proposed plans for the pond to go into park land. Jannusch replied that this was projected to be a part of the Bear Creek Greenway. 6) Owens moved to approve with the Conditions as attached with Warr seconding. The vote was unanimous in favor.. PUBLIC HEARING PA #83 -03 AMENDMENTS TO PRIOR PLANNING ACTION #82 -80 LYNN SAVAGE DESCRIPTION PLANNING ACTION #83 -03 is a request for amendments to Planning Action #82 -80, prior Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a 6 -unit, owner occupied travelers accommodations at 451 N. Main St. The current request is for a new owner proposing a 4- unit, owner- occupied, travelers accommodations with the smaller dwel- ling at 55 Nursery Street, to be rented on a long -term monthly basis as a residence. The Site Review portion of the application will be filed separately. Comprehensive Plan designation: Urban Low residential. Zoning: R -2 (Low density Multi- family). Assessor's map 5DA. Tax lot 7200. APPLICANT: K. Lynn Savage APC, 2 /9/83 Page 6 STAFF REPORT 1) Jannusch gave the Staff Report noting the additional Conditions imposed in addition to those of the original approval. 2) Owens asked about the use of the separate residence in the previous proposal. Jannusch noted that previously this unit was to house the new owners, the current request involves its use as a monthly rental unit. 3) Jannusch then explained that no Site Review is being requested at this point. The subsequent Site Review could be handled as a Type I In addition, the Historic Commission had reviewed the project and had supported the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. 4) Greene asked whether the applicants would be the first to sign in favor of the future improvements of the alley. The answer was, yes, they would be. At this point, the Public Hearing was opened. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Since there was no public comment, the Public Hearing was closed. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND MOTION 1) After further discussion, Owens moved to approve the application with Hansen seconding. The vote was unanimous in favor. STAFF BUSINESS 1) Planning Commission was reminded of the continuation of the South Ashland rezoning and the gravel quarry joint Study Session with CPAC on February 23, 1983. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. John Fregonese, Executive Secretary APC, 2/9/83 Page 7 J� s� PLANNIG CCOMMISSION VOTING RECORD PH 2- S NO PH 41 NO PH YES NO Owens Alston Greene Hansen G/ Warr v Pt i Roasuoia Warr 1104as Hansen v Greene Alston_ Owens its TOT TOT Appoes Alston Hansen Warr Pugh Owens Greene PH Apenes Helms Hansen Warr Benson Pugh Alston Greene Owens TOT PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO Owens Greene s Pugh Warr Hansen Alston Owens Greene Helms Pugh Benson Warr Hansen Alston Apenes TOT Greene Owens Avtorisiis Alston Hansen Warr TOT Pugh Helms Greene Owens Apenes Alston Hansen Benson Warr TOT TOT TOT Pugh Alston Greene Owens Apenes Helms Hansen Warr Benson TOT v v YES NO PH YES NO PH YES NO 2 1/ 4113 PH 85_0 YES N Aiergista— Warr Hansen Alston Amass Owens Greene v a. o TOT Benson Warr Hansen Alston Apenes Owens Greene Pugh Helms TOT PH YES NO Benson Warr Hansen Alston Apenes Owens Greene Helms Pugh TOT