HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-22 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD November 22, 1983 I. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 PM, Planning Office, City Hall Ashland, Oregon NS II. T P I PLA NI A T A. PA #83 -95, Site Review to convert a portion of the existing structure at 36 S. Second into a toy store. Applicant: Cindy Wilcox B. PA #83 -101, Variance at 121 Bush St. to demolish the existing carport and construct a proposed garage and 2nd story addition within 3' of the side property line. Applicants: Marty /Dawn Burns C. Site Review for the proposed construction of a porch addition and elevator to the Swedenburg House, located at 990 Siskiyou Blvd. Applicant: SOSC D. Site Review for the proposed construction of a photo- copy business at 1752 Hwy 66. Applicant: Larry Medinger PLEASE NOTE: Notices only enclosed, findings and conditions of approval will be distributed at the meeting. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS STAFF REPORT MINUTES ASHLAND HEARINGS BOARD November 22, 1983 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. by Chairman Lance Pugh. In attendance were Planning Commissioners Tom Owens, Planning Direc- tor John Fregonese and Associate Planner Steve Jannusch. PA #83 -95 SITE REVIEW CINDY WILCOX PLANNING ACTION #83 -95 is a request for a Site Review to convert a portion of the existing structure at 36 S. Second Street into a toy shop and a licensed massage business. The remainder of the structure is comprised of a previously approved bookstore and private residences. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial. Zoning: C -1(D) (Retail Commercial Downtown Overlay). Assessor's Map 9DB. Tax Lot 5900. APPLICANT: Cindy Wilcox /Diane Lieberman 1) Fregonese gave the Staff Report noting that there were no specific Staff requirements other than those established in the Findings. Jannusch stated that the applicants had coordinated an inspection with Robb Robbins from the Fire Department and that such inspection had revealed no violations of the Fire Code. In reference to Conservation Division requirements, Fregonese stated that the proposal was being placed on a list for subsequent review of Commercial projects by the Energy Conservation Division. As there was no further discussion, the application was approved by the Hearings Board. APC, 11/22/83, Page 1 PA #83 -101 ORDINANCE VARIANCE MARTIN E.BURNS PLANNING ACTION #83 -101 is a request for an Ordinance Variance at 121 Bush Street to demolish the existing carport and construct a proposed garage and 2nd story addition within 3 feet of the side property line in lieu of 6 feet as required by Ordinance. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single family Residential. Zoning: R -1:7.5 (Single family Residential). Assessor's Map 8AA. Tax Lot 600. APPLICANT: Martin E. Burns STAFF REPORT 1) Pugh asked the Planning Director why this Variance request was not being reviewed by the full Commission. Fregonese stated that the setback request did not exceed 50% of the distance to the property line as required by Zoning Ordinance, thus the review could be a Type I. Pugh then asked whether all the neighbors had been notified regarding the proposal. Fregonese stated that such notice took place whether the review was a Type I or a Type II. Jannusch noted that this style of architecture for the addition would match that of the existing structure including the jerkinhead gables on the new roof line. As there was no further discussion, the application was approved by the Hearings Board. PA #83 -96 SITE REVIEW SOUTHERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE PLANNING ACTION #83 -96 is a request for a Site Review for the proposed construction of a porch addition and elevator for handicapped access to the Swedenburg House located at 990 Siskiyou Boulevard. The structure will be used as a museum on the 1st floor and SOSC offices on the 2nd floor. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Southern Oregon State College. Zoning: SO (Southern Oregon State College). Assessor's Map 10CD. Tax Lot 5700. APPLICANT: Southern Oregon State College STAFF REPORT 1) Fregonese gave the Staff Report noting that the reason that this proposal was a Type I hearing is that the building is on the National Registry of Historic Structures. The changes anticipated included the removal of the carport to the south of the structure and replacement with a narrower deck. The new deck would have a new railing placed around its perimeter at the height of 42" to meet the Building Code requirements for public occupancy. The deck would be APC, 11/22/83, Page 2 accessed by a new stairway for a fire exit and an elevator for handicapped access. He continued by noting that the railing would match the widow's walk atop the structure. 2) A future parking lot had been noted on the Site Plan submitted by the applicants. Fregonese stated that such parking facility would require a Conditional Use Permit through the Planning Commission. As there was no further discussion, the Hearings Board approved the application with the attached conditions. PA #83 -97 SITE REVIEW LARRY MEDINGER /LIGHTNING PHOTOCOPY PLANNING ACTION #83 -97 is a request for a Site Review for the proposed construction of a photocopy business at 1752 Highway 66. An existing dwelling would be demolished, two existing rental units will remain. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial. Zoning: C -1 (Commercial). Assessor's Map 15AB. Tax Lot 5000. APPLICANT: Larry Medinger /Lightning Photocopy STAFF REPORT 1) Fregonese gave the Staff Report noting that this application had created the most controversy for the Staff to assess. It had been Planning Commission policy to locate parking directly in back of the structures such that the parking facility would not be visible from the public right -of -way. Attempts to redesign this proposal to comply with such a policy had not been successful by Staff and the applicants. The alternative to this was to create a wider landscaped area including a berm to provide screening of the parking area from the right -of -way. In addition, the access proposed off of Hwy 66 would be eliminated with pedestrian access provided through the landscaped area. 2) Pugh asked Staff how the applicant would access the parking for the rental units to the rear. Fregonese stated that this would be provided off the curb cut existing on Ray Lane. Fregonese noted that if the landscaping plan reflected a hedge to be used as screening that this would be approved as well providing that it met all the requirement of the Ordinance. Since there was no further discussion, the proposal was approved with the attached conditions. Pugh asked Staff to look into a situation from the previously approved Planning Action adjacent to the BiMor service station on Hwy 66. It was his recollection that approval of the service station required that the mobile home located adjacent to the sidewalk be APC, 11/22/83, Page 3 removed at the end of the school year when the student living there moved out. What apparently had happened was that the mobile home was moved and a larger mobile home placed in the spot. Pugh asked Staff to investigate this situation and see whether the Findings Conditions reflected such a situation and whether anything could be done at present to remedy the situation. As there was no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. APC, 11/22/83, Page 4 John Fregonese, Planning Director