HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-0705 ADJOURNED MIN - RECORDER lIAYOR \ July 0, 1946 No. 23 II It I I I The Council me't in adjourned session at 7:30 P. II. 'this.da'te. Presen'tl l4ayor Wiley, Councilmen Merrill, Pu1::nan, Redford, Selby, Wei'tzel. Abeen't. Councilman Daughert;y. Clifford Culmer opera'tor of the Culmer and Daly Cab was present and eta'ted that the Rogue Valley Transi't Company wan'ted him 'to 'take the ticke't agency and provide a atop- ping plsce for 'their buases. The ma'tter _s discussed and no opposi'tion expreseed, but _. refern.i 'to the Police and. Strtl*Der-artmente for dispos1'tion upon motion by Selby, seconded by Weitzel and carried. Dr. Stevenson eu'ted tha't he would like 'the use of 'the City grader for F. H. A. I buildings '\;0 be.construc'ted and on motion by Wei'tzel, seconded by Merrill, 'the use of . the equipmen't was gran'ted. Carried. July 5, 1946 No. 23 contd A t_ remaining bll18 for 'the tiscal year just panec! amounting 'to $1190.16 _re read as 'to 'to'tal amount only, htlTing been oked by tho variou.. co=it'tees sM upon IIlDtion by Sel by, eeconded by Weitzel and to11owiDE; a UIIlmimous roll call _re ordered paid. ~e City A't'ton::ey reported on U. trip to Salem and Portland in conne...tion with ge't'ting intonation concerning 'the aale of _ter bond" and in'tei:est rates, stating that rates had gone up 1/6 of 1% in the pq't fivo wnltl. Tho proposed amlm<1moen'\; to the Char1:or 'to be known as Artiole lDll _s read which called for a bond iseue for .700, 000.00 ot General Cbli&ation Boms. Ano'ther resoltrtion, proposing an amendment to the Charter 'to bc 1alo1llll as Article XDlll _s read calling tor a .5O,ODO bond isaue of General Cbliga'tion Bonds for the purpOG8 of acquirl~ and buildin:; an air port.lIlls the prepara'tion and prlnUng ot a ai ty aharlert'bring all amandJran'ts up to da'te was suggested by the C1 ty A t'torney. I't was movec! by Merr..11 and seconded by '.tei bel that the City A'l;'l;crney prepare and haft the charter printed. Carried. ' following some discuse1on, 'the proposed resolu'tion calling for an "man"-nt to the Char'ter to be known as Article XXXII _II read. It was lIlOved by Selby and seconded by Redtord that 'the rules be suspended and 'the resolution passed to 'the seoond read11:l& by ti'tle only. Carried. Following the second reading by 'title, it _s lIlDTed by Weitzel llnd secomed by Pu'bllan that 'the resolu'tion be adopted as read and. tollowing a .....nh.nus roll call, the l4ayor'dcolared the rBllolut1on adopted. The proposed resolution calling tor an _endment to the eharter 'to be Ialown as Article XXXIII _s read end it _s lIlDVed by Solby and seconded by Redford that the rules be suspended and 'the resolution passed to the aacond reading by title only. Carried. Following 'the second reading, it was lIlOved by Selby and seconded by 1fe1t.el that the resolution be adopted a. read and tollowing a unanimous roll call, the K810r declared 'the resolution adopted. , The date of July 3O'th _. lIet all 'the day.ot theeleotion. The City Sup't reported on the paving ot .uUey Street extel1ll1on belOlf Granite 'to 'the Park. The paving of Xoun'tain Avenue from 10_ Street 'to Eaat "'in S1;reet _. auth- orized upon lIlIO'tion by Ilerrill, .eoonded by lIi"o1t.el and carried. On motion, the CouncUadjourned to _et at 'the call 01' 'the Kayorl J.'t'tllllt. (Signed) J. Q. J.DAIIS (S1(;Z1ed) T. S. WILEY, REC ORDm IlATCR