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June 11. 1947
No. 17
The Council me't in adjourned session a't 7:30 P. M. this date. Presen't: Mayor Wiley.
Councilmen Daugher'ty. Fischborn. NosIer. Absen't: Cmunci1men Merrill. Redford. Wei'tzel.
Aleo presen't were 'the members of 'the Ci'tizen's Budge't Commi't'tee consis'ting of H~ S. Ingl~
H. R. Morris. Don O'Bleness. LLoyd Selby. Dr. W. W. Weller and G. H. WENNER.
G. H. Wenner was elec'ted Chairman and Don' C'Bleness secretary.
The entire budget was gone over. every'thing found 'to be in order and wi'th1n 'the
6% limii;a'tion. I't was moved by Morris and seconded by Selby 'tha't 'the budge't be accepted
as a whole. Carried unanimously. To'tal oE the budget for 'the year July 1. 1947 'to June
J 30. 1948 was $46.598.00.
The members of 'the Ci't1zen's Budge't Commi't'tee were excused. Upon mo'tion by Daugher-
'!;y. seconded by Fischborn. 'the date for 'the final public hearing was se't for July 8.
lS47. Publica'tion dates June 16 and 23rd.
The buying of tlUO.OO worth of S&II' O.D.pain't, provided' it was an oil and white lead
base pain't was authorized upon mo'tion by Daugher'!;y. seconded by Nosler and carried.
Pain't 'to be purchased from surplus proper'ty base a't Los ADgeles at a net ptiere of about
18 cen'ts per gallon plus treigh't.
On motion. 'the Council adjourned 'to mee't a't'the call of 'the Mayor:
A.ttes't: (Signed) J. Q. ADAMS.
(Signed) f. 8. WILEY.