HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-1020 REG MIN . <;,"- '. ~. . ASmJe" Ci'U C:l'lINcrL :tc.EGULJ.r\ r-,~;~ET.f.NG OCTOBER 20~ 1~64 A regular meeting of the Council of the City of A5hland was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the above cta~0. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P,M. by Mayor Richard L. Neill. Present - Cowlcilmen Kerr, Peters, Ward, Lewis and Whitham. Absent - Councilman Baker. APPROVAL OF MINVfES: The minutes of the regular meeting of October 6, 1964 were presented. It was moved by Kerr, seconded by W~rd that said minutes be approved. Carried 4 to i, Lewis dissenting. COMMuNICATIONS: FOR REFERRAL TO CITY AfJ~mi!SrR;'TaR: 1. Recorder Bartelt presented a letter from Kenrick K. Jones, M.D. and Robert H. Pinson, Optometrist requesting a two hour parking limit on Third Street between Siskiyou and Litid.a !~ay. City Administrator Ayre stated that this area is p:;:-esently rec~iving a "face-lifting" with new curb being installed and parking sp"c~s painted in, and suggested that the Council defer action on this m3tter until the work is completed in hopes that this will improve the situation, !,Iayor Neill directed City Administrator Ayre to report on this matter at the next regular council meeting. INFORMATION, SUBJECTS PENDING AND CLOSED, INVITATIONS: I, RcsolutioB from. Astoria City Council, Astoria, Oregon, petitioning other city councils to oppose ballot measure #4 and to work for its defeat in the November General Election. "oved by Kerr, seconded by Lmiis that the resolution be accepted and placed on file, Carried unanimously. 2. Letter from Henry C. Galey, Realtor, offering for sale, property bounded by North Pioneer Street and "A" Street. City Administrator Ayre stated that he !Ips been info.msd by ~Ir. Galey that the property owned by the Grange Co-op as indicated on the drawing has been sold leaving only the small piece of property owned by Edgerton. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Kerr that the matter be referred to the Realty Committee. Carried unanimoUSly. Attorney Skerry stated that i.f purchase of the property "'as to be consi(kr~cl because of the)las::er Plan, .we should develop an Urban Renewal Plnn or ta~e some official action before considering purchase of any property. 3, Recorder Bartelt presented a letter from MUton E. Frey of 616 Normal Avenue stRtinil tliD.t he Koald like to e,:ercise his option on property that he is now leasing from the City. Attorney Skerry stated that it was a verbal l.~llse with IlO option invoJ.ved, od.;! s.n offer of the property for sale at a price of $13,750, which is the appraised price including street improvements. Moved by Lel.lis, seconded by Kel'r that the matter be referred to the Realty Committee. On roll call, carried 4 to 1, Ward dissenting, . . ." . .j.... COlmCil Minutes -7.- October 20. 1964 4. Recorder Bartelt presented a l~tte~ from Ashland Honda. 30 S. 1st Street petitioning the Council to install one-hour parking signs in front of their business. It was reconunended by Police Chief Hays that parking meters be installed in front of their business. Moved by Peters. seconded by Ward that three meters be installed in front of Ashland Honda. On roll call. carried 4 to 1 Lewis dissenting. S. Recorder Bartelt presented a letter from Ula Prettyman. Young Democrats youth advisor requesting permission to hold a dance at the Elk's Ciub on November 3, 1964. Moved by Lewis. seconded by Kerr to grant permissioh to hold the dance and waive the license and bond requirement. Carried unanimously" 6. Recorder Bartelt presented applications for liquor license renewal for the following businesses: LithiaGrocery 47 N. Main - Moved by Whitham. seconded by Kerr that the request for reccmmen:lation be approved. Carried unanimoUSly. '\~hJ:te House Market. 372 E. Main - Moved by Peters, seconded by Whitham that the request for recommendation be approved. Carried . unanimously. Cooks Reception. 66 E. Main - I.loved by Ward. seconded by Whitham that the request for recommendation be approved. Carried unanimOUSly. Omars. 1380 Siskiyou Blvd. - Moved by Kerr, seconded by Peters that' the request for recommendation be appI'oved. On roll call, carried 4cto 1. Lewis dissenting. FROM BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Minutes of the Ashland Planning Commission meeting of October 12, 1964 were presented. Moved by Kerr. seconded by Peters that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. Carried unanimOUSly. DEPAR1NENT REPORTS: It was moved by Peters. seconded by Whitham that the department reports be accepted and placed on file. Carried unanimously. ,/ COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Fire Committee - Kerr reported regarding fire service outside the city limits. stating that it was the opinion of the committee that a charge of $50 be made to a business with 4 employees or less and $100 be charged to a business with 5 employees or more. This charge to be annual and in addition to the previous charge of $100 per call and $100 per hour. TIle committee also stated that the maximum distance from the fire station should be 3 miles. City Administrator Ayre has written to the League of Oregon Cities to obtain more information on this matter. The Council directed City Attorney Skerry to prepare a resolution on this poltey, and City Administrator Ayre to report his findings from the League. . .- . CDuneil l.finutes .~':;u rctober 20, 1964 2. Traffic Conunittee .. l'lhitham state": t;ldt t.he CominittC6. Public \'Iorks Director Alsing and Chief of Police Hays hau inspectcd sever.al areas on the Boulevard and he presented drawings shO\~ing those.,. areas which the ~onunittee felt should have the curb painted yellow for one car length from the intersection to enable better visibility to traffic ap~roaching the Boulevard. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Peters that the reccmmelldation~ be accepted and Public Works Direet Alsing be directed to carTY out the necessary painting. Carried unanimously. SPECIAL AGeNDA .ITEMS: 1. City Administrator Ayre requested the CoU1\eil to reset the hearing, for curb, gutter and paving on Euclid Street as the notice was not published in time to hold the hearing toni!lbt. . l'oved by Lewis, seconded by '.'1ard that said hearing be reset for November 10, 1964 at 8:00 P.M. Carried unanimous ly . 2. City Administrator ,reported on the joint Council/Park Commission meeting of October 13, 1964, stating that although no action was taken by the Park:Comrnission, they di~cussed the disposition of Lithia Auto Court buildings, possibility of future overnight camping and possible purchase of the Cloverleaf Dairy property. . Ayre stated that the buildin~ inspector and park superintendent had inspected the auto court buildings and they reported that only four of the buildings could even be brought up to standard for a residence and this would be quite'expensiv.. It was not felt that the Council and llr. Kapteyn would'be able' to come to an agreement of price for the Cloverleaf property and City Adminis- trator Ayre was instructed to investigate the possibilities of leasing the property. It was moved by Uhitham, seconded by Lewis that the Lithia Auto Court buildings be put for bid with the stipulation that they must be disman-tIed and not moved in their entirety to any other location. Carried unanimously. It'was sugrested by Councilman Whitham that if we do not receive sufficient bids on these buildings within a reasonable time that we ask the fire department if they would like to use them for practice and burn them down. _ ' ,- '-.., ,/ -....-,._,.J' " CITY AmlINIS-:'RATOR REPORTS: 1"./,"' 1. Electrical Superintendent Boshears reported on the Extended Christmas lighting program requested by the Chamber of Conunerce, stating that the additional 30 fixtures will cost the City approximately $300 for materials and approximately 4 days of labor for installation and removal. It was moved by Lewis, seconded by Peters that the Electrical Department install the lights and furnish the 'Materials requested. Carried unanimously. '. { 2. Citv Administrator Ayre reported to the Council that a letter has been received from the FAA statinr that the City's 'request for aid for the proposed airport had not been included in the 1965 fiscal year program due to insufficient engineering detailS in the layout presented. Ayre stated that he has contacted Ulree engineering firms with regard 'to the Ashland Airport. It was moved by Lewis, seconded by '1ard that City Administrator Ayre l'epo.t to the Council with a recommendation for an . .- . COlDleU Hinutes -4- October 20. 1964 engineering firm. City Administrator Ayre stated that all legal involve- ments foT. the airport property acquisition are nc~ concluded and Attorney Skerry read a resolution authorizing the exercising of the ention to purchase 53.42 acres and certain personal property from Hinnie Owen Parker. Moved by ~ard, seconded by Peters that under a suspension of the rules said resolution be passed to second reading by title only, On roll call, carried unanimoUSly. Following second reading by Attorney Skerry. moved by Peters. seconded by l'lard that said resolution be 'llaopted. On roll call. carried unanimous ly. It was moved by Lewis, seconded by Kerr that the Water Committee be directed to investigate the water rights involved with the property. City Administrator Ayre stated that since the City would now own the property, they would have to fO:rn1ally enter into an agreemeJ;.t wi th ~ir. Ferrell. A lease i\us been submitted by Mr. Ferrell but AY1'" stated that he has not had sufficient time to study it~ The Council arreed to have Mr. Ferrell continue as is and settle the lease at the next special Council meeting tentatively set for next week. 3. City Administrator Ayre presented a cost estimate of the proposed Sherwood Avenue extension. Nard stated that in view of the fact that many of the property owners were not in favor of donating land for street purposes perhaps a street ~as not necessary. Moved by Peters seconded' by "lard to hold this matter in' abeyance with the hope that eventually more of the p~operty owners would donate the land for street purposes. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: 1. Clover Lane Annexation - Atto%ney Skerry presented Ordinance No. 1365 dispensing with an election within the City of Ashland with regard to the desirability of annexing certain property located in territory contiguous to the City of Ashland and establishing the 10th day of November. 1964 as the date for pUblic hearing at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Ward, seconded by Peters that under a suspension of the rules said ordinance be passed to second reading by title only. On roll call. carried unanimously. Following second reading by Attorney Skerry moved by Peters. seconded by l~hitham that Ordinance '1365 be adopted. On roll call, carried unanimoUSly. ' 2. Attorney Skerry presented Ordinance No. 1366 amending ordinance No. 1184 to provide a fixed monthly charge for installation, maintenance and ene~rrY consumed in dusk-to-dawn outdoor area 1i~htinr.. Electrical ( Superintendent Boshears explained that this has been the practice in , the past and this ordinance would merely confirm it. ~loved by Lewis, seconded by Peters that the rules be suspended and said ordinance be passed to second reading by title only. On roll call. carried unanimously Follo\'ling second readinp, by Atto-rney Skerry. moved by Peters, seconded by ~lard that Ordinance '1366 be adopted; On roll call. carried unanimous 1: Moved by Lewis , seconded by Peters to approve the fom which each customer interested in this outdoor lir,hting must submit to the Electrical Department. Carried unanimOUSly. 3. Quitclaim Deed to Howard W. Hietz for property located on Tolman Creek Road off Highway 66 was presented.. Hoved by Lewis. seconded by Ward that the execution of said Quitclaim deed be authorized. On roll call. carried unanimous ly . . ,.' " . . " - Counei I ~finutes -5- October 20, 1964 Before the end of the meeting, City Administrator Ayre re~orted to the Council that the legality of using a facsimile signature machine has now been established "'no he will proceed to purchase said machine. Before the end of the, meeting, Attorney Skerry requested that the COUHi"J.J. reset the public hearing of the Planning Commission on the rezoning of Hillah Tel"ple property for the 9th of November. Due to an oversight the P lanning ComJ'l.i~,;ion was not informed, of the last date set for public hearing. Also, Skerry requested the Council to hold a public hearing for the rezoning of this pronerty on :!ovember 10 at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Peters that said public hearings be set for November 9 and 10 ~t 8:00 P.II. On roll call, carried unanimously. There being no further business, the Council unanimously agreed to adjou~n. subject to the call of the Mayor. h "',1' ""'~. ~-=,...eeL ~ W. E. ilartelt, Recorder jh t