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NOVEMBER 10, 1964
A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Ashland ,.ms held in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall on the above date. The meeting ,-'
was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Richard L. Neill. Present-
Councilmen Baker, Kerr and Lewis. Absent - Councilmen Peters, Ward-
and Whitham.
Mayor Neill stated that he would like to suspend the regular order
of business and present a merit award to Mr. John Murphy. This
award was sponsored by Oregon State Board of Health, Water Pollution
The minutes of the regular meeting of October 20, 1964 and adjourned
meeting of October 27, 1964 .were presented. It was moved by "Kerr,
seconded by Baker that said minutes be approved. Carried 2 to 1,
Lewis dissenting.
1. Petition for stop sign at intersection of Holly and Idaho
Street. City Administrator Ayre presented photographs of the
intersection and stated that he had discussed the matter with
Police Chief Hays and Public Works Director Alsing, and it was
their suggestion that stop signs be placed to stop traffic on
Idaho Street at Holly and on each corner of Hoily at Harrison
Street. Moved by Lewis, seconded by Kerr to proceed with
installation of said signs as described by the City Administrator.
Carried unanimously.
2. Request for 2 hour parking on Third Street between Siskiyou
Boulevard and Lithia Way. City Adm~nistrator Ayre stated that
he and Public Works Director Alsing had talked with the merchants
nearby and studied the situation with regard to the new curbs
which were installed. Ayre recommended that 2 hour parking be
installed on a trial basis. Police Chief Hays stated that there
would be some problem of enforcement. City Administrator Ayre
stated that it was felt that just the presence of the signs would
be enough to discourage people from parking there all day. Ayre
also stated that the merchants had offered to pay for the signs.
Moved by Kerr (with the stipulation that the City of Ashland pay
for the signs), seconded by Baker to install 2 hour parking
signs on said street on a temporary basis. Carried unanimously.
3." City Administrator Ayre stated that regarding the Oregon
Broadcasting Company's request for a franchise to operate-eable
television in Ashland, he has talked with Councilman Peters, .
Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, to whom the matter was
referred, and Peters recommended that the franchise be granted.
Council Hinutes
November 10, 1964
Ayre stated that. it l'1ill pro'vide eduGat:ional 1:el,~vision to .
Ashla.nd; the cost 'i.'7,ill be $15.00 for inEtalle:tion a.nd $5.. 00
pG~ mont.hi that t:bey \vi::'l use the Ci'cy pO\';:3r p,~125 f()r cabl.es;
c.nd t:ha-t .I(:hc:n~ will be a 3% franchise fee. Council:miin Le\^15~s
suggested that an ordinance be prepared by City ,I\ttm:ncy for
Conncil approval. City Attorney Skerry sug'{csted a :cate 1;,e
speci.fied in the franchise agreement 80 tl1at'~he City could
maintain some control on rates. Coul1cilma::J. Bakel.' st~l\:ed th~tt
he fel:t the ordi~lo.llce should contai.n a provision for remO'.,.",l
of the cables if the co,npany should go out or business.
4. Letter fr.:.'Jm Nrs. Dan'1in Lane, requesting l'1ater service for
her residence outside the city limits; llr. & Mrs. Lane addressed
t.lle Council stating that they d.:) not have suffh:ient 1,'c.tET
supply and their last hope is to appeal for city water. Council-
man Baker stated 'that it is the Cit.y's policy not to exter,c1 water
service beyond the city limits, bu.t the possibility of the
Leme's annexing to the City sho1.1.1d be investigated. The Council
agreed to refer the matter to City Administrator Ayre to in-
vestigate the possibility of annexation.
5. Recorder Bartelt presented liquor license renewal application
from the followipg: Pioneer Market, Safeway. Ha~y's, Siskiyou
Market, and the Log Cabin. Moved by ~0rr! secondeu by Lewis
to approve said applications. Carried unan;.mously.
1., Clover Lane Annexation: Attorney Skerry read Ordinance
#1367 annexing certain territory to the City of Ashla,nd, and,
dispensing with an election in territory to be annexed. Public
Works Director Alsing stated that city water lines are now in
this area but se\'ler lines are not. "Moved by Ker:c, o;econded
by Lewis that the rules be suspended and Ordinance passed to
secpnd reading by title only. On roll call, carried unanimously
by members of the Council and Mayor Neill. Following second
reading by Attorney Skerry, moved by Baker, secondPod by Kerr
that Ordinance No. 1367 be adopted. On roll call, c~rried
unanimously by members 'of the Council and !-layor Neil.l..
2. Quiet Village #3 Annexation: Attorney Skerry read Ordin-
ance No. 1368 annexing certain territory to the City of Ashland
arid dispensing with an election in the territory to be annexed.
Moved by 'Lewis, seconded by Baker that tinder a suspension of
the rules, Ordinance be passed to second reading by title only,
On roll cail, carried unanimously ,by members of the Council
and Nayor NeilL Fol101'1ing second reading by Attorney Skerry f
moved by Kerr, seconded by Lewis that Ordinance No. 1368 be
adopted. On roll call, carried unanimously by members of the
Council and Nayor Neill.
Council Minutes
November 10, 1964
3. Curb, gutter and paving on Euclid Street: Nr. Ed Lupton
addressed the Council stating t.hat he circulated t:he petition
and obtained signatures from 51\% of the property own8n'. He
stated that since the petition had been circulated,'there has
been a change of ownership of some, of the p:=operty, but the
new o,~er was willing to sign. City Administrator Ayre
presented a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Krause, 565 Ashland St.
protesting the curb, gutter and paving of Euclid Street. Noved
by Lewis, seconded by Baker to approve said curb, gutter and
paving and instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution.
On roll call, carried unanimously.
4. Rezoning ,iillah Temple property from R-l ,to ,C"i: 'l'his
zone change was approved by the Planning Commission November
9,' 1964. There being no objections from the audience, moved by
Lewis, seconded by Baker that the zone change be approved and
City Attorney be instructed to prepare the Ordinance. On roll
call, carried unanimously.
1. City Administrat.or Ayre request.;d. that ';:he Council adopt
specifications and call for bids on fi,,:e hydrants to be used
throughout the city and in Bell view. fl"vsd by Lewis, seconded
by Kerr to adopt said specifications E.n',} ano call for. bids on
fire hydrants. On roll call, carried an.'1n:;'mollsly.
2. Appraisal of Asse~bly of God Church property: City Admin-
'istrator Ayre stated that the property and buildings have been
offered to the City for $20,000 and the appraisal shows the
value at $24,000. Ayre also stated that it IoJOuld be "Jery
costly to remodel the church for suitable police purposes.
After some discussion, it was moved by Lewis, seconded by Kerr
that the City l\.dministrator be instructed to explore the
Possibility of obtaining a 90 day option not to exceed $100
I .
on the property. Th1s would allo~ time for a report from the
Berkeley expert who is going to assist in the up-dating of
the Police D8partment. On roll call, carried unanimously.
Lewis stated that if 'In option is ob.tained, perhaps the cost
of a comp..e i:ely ne\" structure should be explored.
3. Cloverleaf Dairy property. City Administrator Ayre
stated that upon instruction from the Council to investigate
leasing of this property for a parking lot, he had contacted
Nr. Kaptyn and had received a letter from Mr. Kaptyn offering
to rent the prope:::ty for $185 per month. Councilman Le,,,is sug-
gested that City Ac-lministrator apprn<lCll Hr. Kaptyn with an offer
of $100 per month with a five year lease.
Council Hinutes
November 10, 1964
4. Payme:1t f::>r ove.r.time work: City AG":T-inistJ':'at.o:-c Ayre stated
that on a f8~" ccc3sions j..t he.s D8;Q;"l l....ecezsary for ~:he Chief of
Police 1:0 \,!0rk nn extra sb:Lft as 2. F,ntrol~rtan cue 1:0 sickness
or vaca'Lions, and the q1J.(':st.~.I~n h.:~.;; ~.~.::L.s(:.n C.,S to \vhet.her he
should be paid ::~v9rtirr.e at: his :r.2'.i.:~ or the patrolman I 5 rat,e.
"After some c.iscP.ssion, ~'n(f'\/e:l by E;:lKE';):, s8ccr:cJ0.d by Ker~ t.hat
overtime be pZl.id at: '~..h.:: Chief r~; ~'.'(~9'.:..J.ar rate. C~rried u.nanirnous-
5. Annexation Charge: A letter Ivas presented from f.lrs. Mary
Rehker stating that she had been told that she would not have
to pay the af;"lexation charge becau;3~ of lCl.nd she hild donated
for street purposes. City Administrator Ayre stated that there
is no evidence to s~bst~ntiate her cl~im that she was told
she would not have to p~y the annexation charge. f.loved by
Le'.~i s seconded by Baker that no o.ct:ion be taken and the ordin-
ance regarding ~nilexations prevail. Carried unanimously.
6. At.torney Skerry pre22.1ted the H;)yor' s proclamation of the
result of the November 3rd elect.io~. Hoved by Lewis, seconded
by Kerr to approve said proclamat.ion and the results of the
canvass of said votes. Carried unanimously.
7. City Administrator Ayre st.at.cd thaj-_ I-tn;. Jones of the
Chamber of Commerce had cont.acted hj_rr. req'12sting to have
Christmas decorations and two t~ees install~d by the
evening of November 27th. Moved by Le-,Iis, seconded by Baker
to grant s~id request. Carried unanimously.
8. Electrical Superintendent Bosh'Clars stated that there has
been a problem ~1ith dO\'mto~m street lights and new conduit
will have to be installed to correct it properly. Whilework
is being performed, an overhead cable will be installed to
operate street ligh.ts.
Recorder Bartelt presented Bills in the amount of $82,634.16,
and payrolls in the amcunt of $44,909.06 for payment. !-loved
by Kerr, seconded by Lewis that bills be ordered paid. On
roll call, carried unanimously.
1. Attorney Skerry presented a resolution establishing a polciy
with regard to furnishing of fire protection to businesses locat-
ed outside the City of Ashland. City Administrator Ayre present~
material furnished by the League of Oregon Cities regarding the
policies of other Oregon cities on this matter. f.loved by Baker,
seconded by Kerr that under a suspension of the rules, said
resolution be passed to second reading by title only. On roll
call, carried 'unanimously. l'ollowing second reading by Attorney
Skerry, moved by Baker, seconded by Kerr that said resolution
be adopted. On roll call, carried unanimously.
~ .' ..
Council Neeting
November 10, 1964
2. Attorney Skerry presented Ordinance No. 1369 authorizing
the !-layor and City Record8r to use facsimile signatures for
the issuance of checks, Ol:2f:ts and Wiirr,'lnts issued for and on
behalf of the Ci. ty of Ashland. 110ved by Kerr, seconded' by
Lewis that the rules be suspend8d and said Ordinance be passed
to second reading by title only. On roll call carried unani-
mously. Following second reading by Attorney Skerry, Moved by
Baker seconded by Kerr that Ordinance No. 1369 be adopted. ,On
roll call, carried unanimously.
Before the end of tHe,meeting, Mr. Art Diederich, First Vice Pres-
ident of the Student Body of Southern Oregon College, addressed the
Council offering a few suggestions regarding more street lights
near the campus, wider crosswa:k, yellow curbs and parking limits.
The I.iayor suggested that I,ir. Diederich put his suggestions in
written form and present them to the Public ('Jorks Director.
There being no further business the Council unanimously agreed to
adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor.
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W. E. Bartelt, Recorder