HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03 Minutes ~ .January 19, 1978 ROLL CALL Present Absent ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair,person Moti on Vice-Chairperson Motion Secretary-Treasurer Motion MINUTES ~ecember 15, 1977 Motion FINANCIAL REVIEW Commentary 12-31-77 Bi 11 s Moti on CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEET! NG Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Mul ti -Servi ce Center, 1699 Homes Avenue. Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Ralston, Bennett None Ral s ton nominated Nancy Pinnock for Chai rperson, Bennett seconded. Mills moved that we cast a unanimous ballot for Nancy Pinnock as Chairperson. Ralston seconded. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Pinnock nominated Bob Bennett for Vice-Chairperson, Ralston seconded. Mills moved, Pinnock seconded that we cast a unanimous ballot for Bob Bennett as Vice-Chairperson. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mills nominated John Ralston for Secretary-Treasurer, Bennett seconded. Mills moved that we cast a unanimous vote for John Ralston as Secreta~y Treasurer. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mills corrected the minutes to read under COMMITTEE REPORTS, Bear Creek Greenway: liThe BCG Committee met and discussed the new bike trails from Ashland to Talent.1I Bernard moved, Bennett seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. The vote was: 5 yes 0' no. The Commission questioned the comments by Mr. Nelson regarding the Recreation Budgets need to be monitored. Graef told the Commission that the reason for this is the popularity of adult sports. Mills moved, Bernard seconded to accept the bi 11s. The vote was: 5 yes o no. Lithia Springs-Letter The letter was read and placed on file. to J. Miller from Bri an Al mqui s t SOSC Graduation-Letter The letter was read and placed on file. to E. McGill from Brian Almquist en Meeting Law from The letter was read and placed on file. Ron Sal ter AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None r ~'~ ~ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORTS 3ear Creek Greenway Jack Mills Motion MINUTES 1-19-78 PAGE 2 Bennett moved, Bernard seconded to accept the report as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Swim Pool - Kay Bernard The Commission met with Ethel Hansen's classes. Several members of each class will be proceeding with the project (survey). Boards and Commissions Kay Bernard UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Skills Bank Mad lyn Shargel Moti on Man Power Report At present there has been no response to the letters sent to area Boards and Commissions. Medford feels that we should drop this project until more interest is shown. Mrs. Shargel told the Commission that the building inspector and the City fire marshall whent through the museum building with her and listed what must be done to bring it up to code for use by the public. Mrs. Shargel checked with the planning department and found out that the Museum is in a R-l zone, and must get a conditional use permit to use it as office space. The Commission asked questions regarding: parking, rent, cooking and live in facilities, and control or program- ming of the building. Ralston moved to accept the Skills Bank/Sunergi proposal as written and to have a lease drawn up by Ron Salter and brought back to the Commission by Doug. Bemard seconded. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no on a roll call vote: Chairperson Pinnock appointed Ralston and Mills to work with Doug Graef on the project. Chairperson Pinnock asked the Commission to save-their reports for future reference. Parlimentary Proceedure A study session was set for 5 p.m. Janua~y 30, 1978 in Bennett's Bob Bennett Office. Fi ve Year Goal s A study session was set for February 6, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parks Offi ce. Ordinance Recommendation The ordinance recommendation was accepted as wri tten. Park Use Policy Moti on NEW BUSINESS Unfinished Business in Writing - Bob Bennett en F The Commission asked that, Ralston and Bennett talk with Ron Salter regarding policy #1. and report back tb the Commission. Bernard moved, Mills seconded to accept the Park use Policy with change and varification of #1. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Park Commission determined that unless an item under Unfinished Business has new information regarding it, it need not be presented in writing; but each commissioner is to bring the previous information submi tted for reference. ':'- - ARKS AND RECREATION NEW BUSINESS (CONT) MINUTES 1-19-78 PAGE 3 .~ 1 dflower Park Proposal Bennett moved, Mi 11s seconded that Doug Graef and Joe Martinez work by Dorothy K. Young with Dorothy Young and report back to the Commission. The vote was: Motion 5 yes 0 no. Park Tax Levy Teen Dance - Jack Mills Motion Landura Corporation Bill Wassell, Greg Wi n te rowd Moti on ~/olter Estate Funds Joe Martinez Motion DIRECTORS REPORT Black Swans Summer Program Report sasc Pool Lease Requirement of Items to be Placed on Agen da ADJOURNMENT E::. Rr ~,study session was set for February 1, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. with Bob Nelson. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept Jack Mills proposal with Doug and Jack working out the details. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission discussed with Mr. Wassell, Landura Cornoration and Greq Winterowd, Planning Department, items that concerned them reqardinl the land as dedicated park land. Some of the items were: available parkinq spaces and access, trees ~ a bUffer between the homes on aaith Avenue~and the park and housing develonment, the onen TID rlitch that runs along the property, and the type of park it will be (passive or active. The commission would like to have the followina items nut into the park when developed: irrigation system, backfiow device, drinking fountain or water supply, open area with grass. Bernard moved, Ralston seconded that we nive preliminary approval to this nroperty as dedicated park land. The final anoroval to be made upon meeting criteria set forth ~y the Commission regarding the development of the land by Landura Corporation. The vote was: 4 yes 1 no (Bennett--would like to be kept as open space) on a roll call vote The Commission set UP a study session for Februarv 6, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to di s cuss i on the park prooosa 1 from Landura Corporati on. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept Joe Martinez's proposal to purchase a welder for the park systelT' from the Wolter Estate monies. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission asked Director Graef to check with Duane Smith about replacement of the two black swans. Commissioner Bennett asked that the Summer Proqram Report be placed on the agenda for next month under Unfinished Business for discussion. The lease was approved and the Commission asked that Don Lewis's office be contacted and asked to remove Btian Almquist sionature and the lv1ayor signature from the contract. Mills suggestion is to have each commissioner submit his/her report in writing or tyoed just as it will go in the packets., The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfullv submitted, l0u/'d?( 0/&4 Wanda O'Neal Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION - brua_ry IS, 1978 -----.,rTENDANCE Present Absent REVENUE SHARING Recreation Budget Moti on Bea r Creek Greenway for Land in Ash1 and Motion Land Acquisition 8eve10pment Fund Mo ti on Retaininq Wall Mo ti on .RK PROPOSAL Oregon Shakespearean Festival Association Moti on PARK BUDGET Dental Plan Motion Park Budoet Motion eJOURNMENT CITY OF ASHLAN[; PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL: MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meetinq to order at 7:37 n.m. Bennett, Bernard, Pinnock, Ralston, Mills None Bennett moved, Mills seconded to accept the Recreation Budqet for 1978/79 as proposed. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no on a roll call vote. Mills moved, Bennett seconded that the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission here~y request $10,000.00 from the Federal Revenue Sharino fund. This money would be used for the acquisition, surveyinq, and/or appraisals of land within the scope of the Bear Creek Greenway inside of Ashland's city limits. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no on a roll call vote. Bernard moved, Bennett seconded that we drop the land acquisition development fund from Revenue Sharing funds. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no on a roll call vote. Ralston moved, Bernard seconded to request $20,000 to build a retaining wall in the Lithia Park Extension. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no on a roll call vote: Chairperson Pinnock read the letter from Bill Patton regarding the sodding or seeding of grass area above the lower duck pond. Pinnock also gave some background information from other motions made regarding this area. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we rescind t~e motion of October 22, 1977. The vote was: 2 yes, 2 no (Ralston, Pinnock) 1 abstain Bernard) The Park Commission discussed the oros and cons for seedinq vs soddina the area. in lower Lithia Park and with comments from Doug Graef and Joe Martinez reaardinq the differences the above vote was taken not to rescind the motion. Bernard moved, Ralston seconded to investiaate the dental n1an by Februa ry 22, 1978 and to talk wi th Bob Nelson. The vote was: 3 yes 2 no (Bennett, Mills). Bennett moved, ~i11s seconded to accept the nark budoet as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.on a roll call vote. The meetinq was adjourned at 9:41 D.m. Resnectfu11y submitted, /d~tLdt( cJ;tfa.! Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSI0N ./ .../ 1978 Present Absent MI NUTES Correcti on Janua ry 19, 1978 FlnanClal KeVlew Commentary Motion February 15, 1978 Special Meeting Moti on CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEET! NG Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Mills, Bernard, Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett None The Commission asked that the comment under Financial Review be rewrittei to explain the word monitoring. liThe Commission questioned the conments by Mr. Nelson regarding the Recreation Budgets need to be monitored due to expansion in the area of adult sports which has over run the budget funds in this area as well as over-exoenditures in areas not previously budgeted for in raises of Director's and Secretary's salaries at mid-year." Ralston moved, Bernard seconded to not aporove the minutes, because there is doubt as to the meaning of the item under rinanci~l Review. The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no. Bernard moved, Mills seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was: 5 yes 0 110. 4il'NANCIAL REVIEW Commentary January 31, 1978 Bills - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND C OMMU N I CA TI 0 NS No t a vail ab 1 e . Approved to pay. Cross Coun try Ski Lessons Letter read and pl aced on fi 1 e. Swimming Pool Letter read and placed on file. Letter to William Wassell Letter read and placed on file. Letter read and placed on file. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA Reconmendatfon for New Park Commissioner Motion tlllot # 1 llot # 2 allot # 3 Bennett moved, Bernard seconded that we use a written open ballot. The vote was: 3 yes, 2 no (Mills, Pinnock). Peter Giffen, Jean Crawford, Tom Pyle, Peter Gi ffen, Jean Crawford Jean Crawford ,. pARKS AND RECREATION AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA (conti) 4IIIlhland Little League Dennis Varin Ashland Gun Club Lease Chuck Pa rl i er Shakespeare Junior Tennis Tournament Step hen Robe rts Moti on AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION -NOT ON fRt AGtNDA COMMITTEE REPORTS ~FI~ISHED BUSINESS Lan du ra Co rpo rta ti on Final Approval Moti on Disscussion Vote Park Policy Moti on Motion Summer Program Report Commissioner Comments . MINUTES 2-22-78 PAGE 2 Mi 11 s moved, Bernard seconded to accept the 1 ease as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mr. Varin brought up the fact that the deposit on the fields was not returned at the end of the season. The reason for this is that the Ashland Little League did not return the keys to the concession stand at the end of the season. The Commission discussed the lease from the Ashland Gun Club and it was suggested that the lease be reviewed every five years rather than eve~y ten years as it is now. Chairperson Pinnock apPointed Jack Mills and Doug Graef to work with Mr. Parlier on the lease renewal. Bennett moved, Bernard seconded to accept the proposal from the Kiwanis- Shakespeare seventh annual tennis tournament to be held June 30-July2 the same as last year. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission asked Graef to write a letter to Mr. Roberts, infonn~ng him.of the charge per person 25 cents for singles and 50 cents for doUbles. Also, that they can use only 6 courts for the tournament. None None Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the Landura Proposal as approved by the Planning Department. The Conmission' expressed concern that the proposal was to sketchy, that they should have all the details in writing so that both parties would know where they stand. The vote was 0 yes, 5 no. The Commission asked Graef to write to Mr. Wassell with a copy sent to the planning department, to arrange a time for a meeting. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to rescind the motion on Park Use Policy as stated in the minutes of January 19, 1978. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mills moved, Bernard seconded that we accept the Park Use Policy as written. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no. Bennett sugges ted that Di rector Graef work out a better way of keepi ng the summer report records and statistics on participation. such as, listing the strenght, weakness, number of participants, and recommendati ons for the next year. There shoul d be more uni fonnity' in the reports. Bennett will work with Graef in making up a form to fo 11 oW for summer reports. -[;'"----:"T PARKS AND RECREATION , UNFINISHED BUSINESS ental Plan tion NEW BUSINESS Black Swans Motion Committee Appointments Fourth of July Jack Mi 11 s DIRECTOR'S REPORT 411fritten Report Armory Dance Concert Spring Swim Program Motion ADJOURNMENT . MINUTES 2-22-78 PAGE 3 Bennett moved, Bernard seconded to reject the proposed dental plan presented by the employees. The vote was: 4 yes, 1 no {Pinnock, not enough background to make decision on.) on a roll call vote. Graef talked with Duane Smith, and he recommended that we do not get any more black swans for the upper duck pond,in that, they are to vulnerable. Bernard moved, Ralston seconded to take the matter to small claims court. The vote was 5 yes 0 no. Chairperson Pinnock made the following committee appointments: 1. Land Acquisition - Jack Mills 2. Park Development - Bob Bennett 3. Budget and Finance Long Range Planning - John Ralston Mills asked to have the Commission give him or Jim Wright from the 4th of July Committee any input they have for this 4th of July cele- bration. Mills was asked to work with the Chamber and 4th of July committee. The wri tten reoort was accepted, except for item three. The concert had about 250 in attendance. The bands were !Tot pleased with the turnout. Expenses were: $40.00 cash to begin with; $180.50 for advertising; .theccbands asked for a $10.00 stipend each~ and the police came to $198154. The income was $411.31, and we lost about $57.63 on the concert. The commission asked that letters be sent to Toad Music, who proyided most of the sound equipment, and the bands who pl ayed. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to operate a recreational/instructional swim program to be run during April and M~y on Friday and Saturdays, and that we ask theCi ty Counci 1 for an appropri ation of $1752 to administer the program and that all the program income less the expense of personnel be returned to the ci ty. The vote was: 4 yes 1 no. Chairperson Pinnock asked Bennett to work with the Director in bringing this proposal to the City Council. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - ~ Vtc.h 16,1978 ATTENDANCE P Jr..e6 ent Ab.6 e.nt FINANCIAL COMMENTARY Fe.bJr..UaJuj 28, 1978 HUNTER BEQUEST PMpO.6a.i by Kay Stun , 'to pO.6 al by Bo b Benne:t:t CITY OF ASHLANV PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING ChaiJr..peJL6on Plnnoc.k. c.alled the me.eting :to oJr..de.Jr.. at 4:23 p.m. CJr..aJlJ60Jr..d, Plnnoc.k., Rai6:ton, Bennett Mil.i6 Bob Ne..t6on, Flnanc.e VlJr..e.c.:toJr.., an.tLcipa.:te6 !t pOMlble. c.aJr.JLyove.Jr.., whic.h will peJr..mit c..U..t.t,[ng a 6w penn-<-e6 6Mm the pJr..o pO.6 e.d :tax Jr..ate. The. PMk.6 levy would be. $1.41 Jr..a.:thvl' than $1.49. MM. Silin .6ugge6ted c.OVl.6:tJr..Uc.tion 06 6a~e6 60Jr.. Jr..ec.Jr..eation tha.:t c.outd be lLtiLtzed by oldeJr.. citizeVl.6 06 the. c.ommunUy, a..6 well a.6 the. youn.g pe.ople; .6uc.h a.6, Ugh.t exeJr..c.-<.oe. 6a.cJ..Li;tie6, .6hu66le.boMd c.ouJtt6, min.la.:tuJr..e gol6 c.oUJL6 e, OJr.. table tennl6 equipmen.:t. TheJr..e. 16 al6 0 the p0.6.61bUty 06 adcUng to the. Mutti-SeJr..vlc.e. BuilcUng to allow .6pac.e 60Jr.. c.ta.6.6Jr..OOm6 and c.Jr..aO:t ac.,t[vltie.o, a.n.d the. c.oVl..6:tJr..Uc.tion 06 Wc.hen a.n.d cU.n.lng 6acilitie6 60Jr.. uoe by the. c.ommun.l:ty and/oJr.. Loave6 and Fl.6he6 meal .6l:Ce. Benne:t:t'.6 pMpO.6al 16 :to c.omplete HunteJr.. PMk. a..6 oJUglnally lntended by MJr... Hun.teJr.., thlo woutd mean c.OVl.6:tJr..Uc:ti.on 06 a plc.n.lc. .6heUeJr.. a.n.d nuJr..Vl.,{..o h-<.ng a.n.d lVl.6ta.tUng playgMund e.quipment and c.omple.-te.lando c.aplng. Bennett 6tU tha.:t the'60Uowlng .6houtd ai..60 be c.oVl.6ldeJr..e.d a..6 pMjec.:t6 60Jr.. the HunteJr.. Beque.ot: 1. Renovation 06 the Mu.tU-SeJr..vlc.e. BuilcUng. 2. COVl.6;t]w,c.Uon 06 :two Jr..a.c.quet ball c.ouJr..t6 adjac.e.nt :to the. tenn.,{.o c.o uJr..:t6 . PMpO.6al by Jean Cllaw60Jr..d CJr..aJlJ60Jr..d'.6 pMpO.6a.i l.6 to pMvlde playgMund equipment that will be. adequa.:te. 60Jr.. c.hUdJr..en. a.n.d adut:t6. PJr..oP0.6al by Na.n.c.y Plnnoc.k. Plnnoc.k.'.6 pMpO.6al,{..o 60Jr.. 1. Tennl6 c.oWL:t.6, 2. Racque.t/handball c.ouJr..:t6, 3. Play equipmen.t, and 4. Ma.:tc.Mng 6undo 60Jr.. .6wlmmLng pool. PJr..opO.6al by Voug GJr..a.en Motion LANV ANV WATER FUNVS J:uncUng needo GJr..a.e.6'.6 pJr..opO.6al 16 60Jr..: 1. Racque:t/Ha.n.dbatt c.ouJr..:t6, 2. pR.a.tjgJr..ound equipment, 3. SheUeJr.., 4. Ma.:tc.hing money 60Jr.. pool OJr.. 60Jr.. te.nnl6 c.ouw 5. Hal6-c.ouJr..:t outdooJr.. ba.6k.etbatt, and 6. volleybatt .6:ta.n.dMdo. Bennett moved, Ral6:ton .6 e.c.onded :to ac.c.ept a.n.d mak.e. a U6t 06 the pJr..ojec.:t6 we cU6c.uo.6ed today and .6ubmit them to the. :tJr..U6te.e6 a.6 pJr..op0.6ed pM j e.c.:t6 :to uo e. the. Hun:te.Jr.. Money. The vote Wa.6: 4 Ye6, ~ no on a. Jr..oll c.all vote.. Commi.6.610neJr.. Plnnoc.k. Jr..ead a le:t:teJr.. to the Commi.6.610n Jr..egMd,{.ng the La.n.d and Wa.:teJr.. nun.cUng a.n.d what muot be done 60Jr.. thuJr.. Jr..eque6:t6. Benne.t:t .6 ugge6 ted tha.:t we a.6 k. 60Jr.. ma.:tc.Mng 6un.do 6Jr..om La.n.d a.n.d Wa.:teJr.. 60Jr.. the lJr..Jr..,{.gation .6Y.6:Cem .in U:thla PMk. (WoUeJr.. money) a.n.d Jr..eque6t ma.:tching 6undo 6Mm BOR 60Jr.. the. AndeMon ShiLteJr... Flnal dec.l610n 60Jr.. Jr..eque.oting ma.:tc.h-<.ng 6undo Wa.6 p0.6tponed un.ill the next Jr..egutM me.eting. $ AND RECREATION .141 NUTES 3- 16- 7 8 PAGE 2 AVJOURNMENT The. meeting Wa.6 adjouJr..V1.ed a.:t 5:20 p.m. Jte: Commi6.610neJr.. MlU6 added hl6 .6ugge.otiOVl.6 60Jr.. the. Hun.te.Jr.. Bequeot mon.le.o. 1. CommunUy c.e.nte.Jr.., 2. Te.nn-<-o c.ouJr..t6, 3. Rac.quet/ha.n.bali c.ouJr..t6, dnd 4. c.omple.tion 06 c.onc.Jr..e:te .6ldwalk.6 aMund tenn.,{.o c.ouJr..t6 and .6taiflWe.ti6 leacUng to the pMung lot. Re6 pe.c.:t6uiiy .6 ubriU..t:ted, Wa.n.da 0' Neal, Sec.Jr..e:taJuj ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ~ - 4111rrch 28, 1978 ATTENDANCE Presen t Absent CITY CHARTER Park Commission Position -Ron Salter Moti on Election Process for Unexpi red Term Motion . ADJOURNMENT . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING " Vice-Chairperson Bennett called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Mills, Crawford, Ralston, Bennett Pinnock Mr. Salter told the Commission of some of the advantages and disad~ vantages of hav~ng the Commission in set positions such as the Common Council . Mills moved, Ralston seconded to refer to the City Council a proposed change in the City Charter to make the Park Commission have similar numbered positions as the City Council has. On a roll call vote: 4 yes 0 no. At present, the person recei ving the least amount of votes wi 11 also receive the short term on the Commission when an unexpired term must be fi 11 ed. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we designate on the ballot three positions for four (4) year terms and one (1) for two (2) year term and ask the City Council for a resolution to that effect. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. A letter wi 11 be written to the Mayor and Counci 1 requesting that a resolution be written to change the City Charter and to designate the two (2) year ter.m on the November ballot separate from the four (4) year terms. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I J / / /t.'.~ /J i ('/Cttt(L&!.--- U J1-e"{ Wanda OINeal, Secreta~y ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION (3) .. CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Ma rch 30, 1978 .TE NDANCE Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. Present Pinnock, Bennett, Ralston, Mills, Crawford Absen t None MINUTES January 19, 1978 Mo ti on February 22, 1978 Motion March 16, 1978 Moti on Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as corrected. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The \Ote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no~ FINANCIAL REVIEW Commentary Jan. 31, .1978 Both Commentaries were placed on file. February 28, 1978 Motion Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we ask the City Council to transfer $1,134 from Operating Contingency and $2,000 from Program Supplies and Expense to Personnel Services in the Recreation Budget. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. ~llS-JOhn Ralston ~n ;. Mills.moved,Bennett seconded to pay the bills. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bea r Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s Pl aced on fi le, minutes from Bear Creek Greenway meeting. Park Development Chai rperson Pinnock appointed Jean Crawford to work wi th Bob Bennett on the Park Development Committee. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMU N I CA TI ONS Park Animals All letters were read and olaced on file. Ralston will respond to D. Irene Woodworth all the letters accordingly. Teen Recreation Areas Rhonda R. Edwards Scott Stanley Swimming Pool Todd Hakes Lithia Park Tennis Courts - Pat Sorsoli Letter to Diane Paulsen _From Doug Graef tk~wans-Do not Replace Them - Name Withheld PARKS AND RECREATION AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA .hl and Gun Cl ub Lease Chuck Parlier Motion MINUTES 3-30-78 PAGE 2 Mills moved, Bennett seconded to accept the lease as written with the-changeftom'a ten (10) year to a five (5) year lease. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission set April 6, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Skills Bank Lease of the old museum building. This will be a Special Meeting. Dance-a-thon Motion Ralston moved, Mills seconded to accept the proposal of Miss Pinnock Debbie Pinnock for the annual dance-a-thon to be held in the Parks and Recreation building on the dates specified. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no 1 "abstain. L,-rM'\o<.- \<- ) Registration Summer Swim Mr. Branson asked the Commission to hold open fifteen (15) places for Program - Russ Branson the summer instructional swimming for his students. He would guarantee payment for the openings, but he could not guarantee that his students would actually tak~~the lessons. Skills Bank Lease Mari lyn Shargel Bennett moved,~Ralston:.seconded to.approveMr. Bransons proposal. On a'.roll.'call vote: 2 yes, 3 no (Crawford, Mills, Pinnock). Playground Equ~pment Mr. Tobe and Mr. Snyder presented to the Commission a set of plans Glen Tobe, Guy Snyder for playground equipment. The Commission asked that this be given to the Development Committee to look into and bring back their recommendation to the Commission on how to proceed. .SkiYOU Chamber Orchestra Ms. Whitten asked the Commission for use of the Butler Bandshell Lorraine Whitten on Saturday mornings from July 1 through September 2,1978. Motion Moti on Amendment Vote on Motion Ashland Crafts Assoc. Patreece L. Mellars Motion AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Wes Hoxie . Ralston moved, Mills seconded to grant the request of the Siskiyou Chamber Orchestra for the use of the Butler Bandshell. Mills moved, Ralston seconded to add a $100 cleaning deposit that will be refundaBle at the end of the September 2 concert. The vote on the amendment on a roll call:, ,3 yes, 2 no (Ralston, Bennett). 5 yes 0 no. The Ashland Crafts Association would like to hold the Crafts Fair in Lithia Park, as in 1977. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to deny the request for the crafts fai re in lithi a Park. The vote on a roll call: 3 yes, .1 no (Ralston) 1 abstain (Pinnock) Mr. Hoxie brought up the concern of the Senior Citizens regarding the tax levy and clarifying statements about raising future taxes. ~ . PARKS AND RECREATION UNFINISHED BUSINESS ve Year Goal s Bob Bennett Land and Water Conservation Monies Doug Graef, Nancy Pinnock Hun te r Trus t Dave Whi tney Allen Drescher . NEW BUSINESS Operating Procedures Bob Bennett DIRECTOR'S REPORT MINUTES 3-30-78 PAGE 3 The Commission set Monday, April 17, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. as a study session to review and make additions and/or corrections to the 1 i s t 0 f go a 1 s . Graef submitted a letter to Neil Ledward with both the Wolter and Anderson Shelter request for m~ing monies. If we do not receive the matching funds for the shel ter or i rri gation system, we can then go to BOR for funding. Chairperson Pinnock went through the information she gathered from the Hunter Trustee on the use of the monies. Other imput was given from the audience for use of the money also. Mr. Whitney suggested to the commission that the money could be used for making one of the slow pitch softball diamonds qt Hunter Park into a field usable by adults for slow pitch softball. Graef said that both field would have to be moved to make one into an adult size fi e 1 d. Mr. Drescher suggested that the Commission use the money for a sinking fund for a new swimminq pool for the city of Ashland. At a later date try to get matching funds from HUD or BOR. The Commission asked Director Graef to get prices on the projects suggested by the Commission. Community Center remodeling and enlarginq, Tennis and racketball courts, sidewalk and stairs are some of the items listed. Bennett suggested that the Commission review the Operating Procedures yearly. Crawford suggested that the Commission have a job description for Park Commissioners. Pinnock asked Crawford to write up a job description for future Commissioners. Black Swan-Small Claims The Commission asked that Director Graef continue with the small Court claims court case on the Black Swans. Bennett will work with Graef. Wri tten Report NRPA Conference Motion Yakima, Washington ADJOURNMENT . The Commission excepted the written Director's Report. Bennett moved, !Ralston seconded that we send Doug Graef and Jack Mills to the Paci fi c Northwest Regional Conference in Yakima, Washington on April 8 though 11. The vote was: 4 yes, 0 no 1 abstain (Mills). With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda OINeal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION r- ~ wi 1 6 , 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent SKILLS BANK LEASE Description Uses Motion Purpose Motion Operating Hours Te nn Moti on Motion Obligation to Repair Comp 1 i an ce \'i th Laws Paragraph_2 Surrender CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Bennett, Ralston, Pinnock, Crawford, Mills None The Park Commission went through the Skills Bank Lease paragraph by paragraph, and the following changes were made. The Commission asked that a complete list be made of all items in the museum building, to include, the beehive and three (3) original wall murals (all to stay in tact). Ralston moved, Mills seconded that the following sentence shoul d be deleted: It is understood that the lessee has a non-exclusive right to the use of property. on a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission asked that Ron Salter,_City Attomey, give an opinion regarding vending and the Ashland Skills Bank in [ithia Park. Ralston moved, Crawford seconded that the final clause under purpose be deleted, "which shall not be unreasonably withheld." On a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no. The Commission asked that the hours 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. be inserted in the lease as hours that the Skills Bank may not operate in L i thi a Park. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we accept the five (5) year tenn of the lease. On a roll call vote: 3 yes, 2 no (Crawford, Pinnock). Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we incorporate an annual review in this particular section. On a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no. Chairperson Pinnock will talk with Mr. Salter to see if this is the proper pl ace for the annual review, and to see if this should include termination. Pinnock will also ask for quidelines for the review and see if changes in the lease can be made at the time of the annual review. The Commission asked that the last sentence be changed to read: "All repairs and replacement shall be performed in a first class workman- 1 i ke..manner." The Conmission added the following to the sentence "...workman's compensation, unemployment, at lessee's sole expense and other..." The following was added: ".. .beginning of the term following renov- ati on, . . . " .-KEATION MI NUTES 4/6/78 PAGE 2 Util i ti es .:rations and Improvements The Commission changed the paragraph to read: "Such work shall Paragraph B be accomplished according to plans and specifications therefore which, if such changes alter the exterior appearance, shall first be submi tted and approved in writing by the Lessor or his assi gned agent by the lessor. All other such work estimated to cost in excess of $1000 shall be subject to approval by the Park Director or assigned agent for the :Lessor." The Commission asked that we check into getting electric and water hookups for the museum bui 1 ding. Defaul t The Commission would like Mr. Salter to draw un a termination clause. The Commission also added the following sentence: "Failure of lessee to cure problem within thirty (30) days will be cause for termination." The Commission will ask Mr. Salter to rough out a paragraph to compen- sate the Skills Bank monetarily, and give the APRC the ootion to rebui 1 d. Risk of Loss Term; nat; on The Commission will ask Mr. Salter about the termination of this lease. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfullysubmi tted ~)ruuio-> e ~ Wanda OINeal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ~ . ~ ril 27, 1978 TENDANCE Present Absent MINUTES March 28, 1978 Motion FINANCIAL REVIEW Commentary March 31, 78 Quarterly Report March 31, 1978 Bills - John Ralston eRRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Closure of Winburn Way For EasterEg~ Hunt Margaret & Jo n Farquhar Hunter Trust - Janet Farrow AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA Allen Drescher - Children's Theatre Motion . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. Pinnock, Crawford, Mills, Ralston Bennett Ralston moved, Mills seconded moved that we accept the minutes as submitted. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no. The Commission discussed the comment by Bob Nelson, Finance Director, regarding the spring swimming program. He said that the program can be absorbed within the total Materials & Services category without a supplemental budget or transfer of appropriations. The Commission asked Director Graef to talk with Mr. Nelson regarding this situation. The Quarterly Report was placed on file. All the bills were okay. Chairperson Pinnock asked Ralston to respond to Mr. & Mrs. Farquhar. regarding the closure of Winburn Way for this event. Ralston will also respond to this letter. The letter will be placed on file for the Hunter Trust funds. Mr. Drescher came to the Commission on behalf of the Children's Theatre. They would also like to be considered for the use of the Ashland Armory with the HUD funds. Chairperson ~innock read to the Commission a letter from Rep. Kip Lombard concerning the Armory and time schedule they are working with. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we remove the armory application for HUD funds and reapply at a more appropriate time. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Chairperson Pinnock asked the development committee to work with Mr. Drescher and the Children's Theatre to explore all the points of joining together in the HUD application. Mr. Graef also suggested that the Committee also look into other possible agencies who might be interested in the facility. This building could be used to house many social agencies. . . . ... ~ PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES 4-27-78 PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NONE NOT ON THE AGENDA 4IIIMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Written report was accepted and placed on file. Jack Mi 11 s NEW BUSINF<;S Bear Creek Greenway Money After some discussion, the Commission tabled the motion until the Soecial Election end of the meeting. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we direct our director to purchase two (2) white swans the biggest, meanest that we can get from Redding or Red Bluff, California, and put them in the upper lake. The vote was: 1 yes, 3 no. (Crawford, Ralston, Pinnock). The Commission asked that the money be invested for 60-90 days. NRPA Conference-Yakima Mills and Graef attended many useful workshops and lectures in the Jack Mills field of Parks and Recreation with many dynamic speakers. Mills also brought back some information on what other park departments take care of, such as, a street tree ordinance. Director Graef and Mills will write up their notes from the conference for the Commission to read. Black Swan Money Motion .FINISHED BUSINESS Landura Corporation-Update The Commission signed the letter to Landura and asked that it be sent for their signature and approval. Charter Amendment DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Commission sent to the City Council their recommendation to have them draw up an amendment to the City Charter for the November baBot allowing for positions on the Park Commission. This request went on the April 18, 1978 Council agenda. Black Swans-Small Claims The Commission asked Director Graef to continue with the case. Court Spring Swim Program En~ineerin~ Bill avikko ngineering . The swim program is more than we had expected, and with the changes in time and the number of bodies allowed in the pool this has helped the over crowding which happen on the first night. We do have one person who is being paid to take money at the door for the program. The Commission discussed the inflated billing from Savikko Engineering for the Anderson Shel ter des i gn. They 1 is ted several ques tions they wanted answered from the engineering fi rm. 1. Why they were not informed of the cost overrun prior to the billing. 2. What the typist typed for 2 hours and the rate of pay ($12.50 per hour). 3. Where the hours were spent for the engineer and assistant engineer. Chairperson Pinnock will draft a letter to Savikko Engineering telling them that we are dissatisfied with the billing and why, and that we will not pay more then the $1500 fi rst quoted. . .. .~PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES 4-27-78 PAGE 3 DIRECTOR1S REPORT (cont') ederson Shelter Motion Mills moved, Ralston seconded to submit these plans for bid. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no. Na ture Conse rvan cy A group has formed to purchase land (natural area) throughout the United States that are prime property that have special features on them, such as Table Rock. They would like to preserve these areas for the future. Tabled motion Revenue Sharinq Money Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we ask the City Council to direct the City Attorney to draw up a ballot title and measure requesting permission to spend $10,000 Revenue Sharlng on land acquisition for the Bear Creek Greenway in the City. In addition, we request a provision be added to the ballot measure that allows for future moneys to be allocated with City Council approval only. The vote was: 4 yes, ~ no. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, !U~ ())&~ Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION . . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING ,-,y 2, 1978 ~ ATTENDANCE Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Present Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett Abs en t None FIVE YEAR GOALS Parks The Commission went through the list of Park Five Year Goals and made the following changes. "Initiate a program of planned land acquisition based on the City's comprehensive plan, projected City growth, and documented park and/or open space need when funding permits." "Continued acti ve support of Bear Creek Greenway pl an, parti cul arly as it relates. to lands along Bear and Ashland Creeks, in and adjacent to the City of Ashland." Goal #1 Goal fJ2 Goal #3 "Establish a planned program of restoration and development of park facilities in the City which can be tied to a five year financial plan." Goal #4 was deleted. Goal #4 ~ Goal #6 Goal #5 was added to #3 because of similarittes. "Development of long range pl anning for the parks budget util i zinq the city Director of Finance." Goal #7 Goal #8 "Explore the possibility of county and state assistance in meeting the needs of Ashl and Ci ty Parks. II Goal #8 was combined with #1. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, tJ~~ Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION . t> -- ,/ 'y 18, 1978 ATTENDANCE Presen t Absent MINUTES March 30, 1978 Motion Regu1 ar Meeti ng April 27, 1978 Motion Regular Meeting April 6, 1978 Motion Spec; a1 Meeting FINANCIAL REVIEW Conrnentary April 30,1978 :11s - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Letters to and From Savikko Engineering Mo ti on Letter to Senator Hatfield Ki P Lombard National Guard Armory AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA ~ Ma ri 1yn Shar~e1 Moti on I Skills Ban Lease . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston Bennett Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was; 4 yes 0 no. Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as w ri t ten. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. The Financial Commentary was accepted and placed on file. Ralston brought to the attention of the Commission the two checks; one for the Shedff and one for the DistrN;t Court. These checks will start the small claims court proceedings on the Black Swans. The Conrnission reviewed 1ettas written from the Commission to Savikko Engineering. (May 2, 9, 16, 18, 1978) The May 9 1 etter was from Savikko Engineering to th~ Ashland Parks Commission. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we pay Savikko Engineering $1500.00 total for services rendered (inclusive of $202.13 already paid). Rb 11 .cal1 vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Letter was read and placed on file. Letter was p1 aced on fil e. Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the four points agreed upon in the discussion MondaY night May 15, 1978. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NONE NOT ON THE AGENDA ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s Development Committee Fi nanci a 1 jBudget Commi ttee UNFINISHED BUSINESS Charter Amendment Resolution Commission Position Numbers Jrk Commissioner Job Descri pti on Jean Crawford NEW BUSINESS Bear Creek Greenway Implementation Plan Swim Pool Survey Doug Hell i e Paul Russell Zubai ru Mahdi Mo ti on MINUTES 5-18-78 PAGE 2 Wri tten report accepted. The Bear Creek Greenway is exploring the possibility of hir~ng someone who will head the purchase, gift or donation of land for the Greenway. This person will be in charge of contacting land owners; at present, the staff is not able to handle all of the necessary initial and secondary contacts. No report. Ralston and Graef met with Finance Director, Bob Nelson and discussed the future of Revenue Sharing and the Recreation~Budget. Mr. Nelson felt that there would be no problem with the Revenue Sharing being taken away in the near future. He di d offer some sugges ti ons for future funding of the Recreation Budget; serial levy b,v'voter approval, sales tax, increase in users charges. The Commission asked Graef and Ralston to find out how other Oregon Recreation Departments fund their programs. Chai rperson Pinnock al so reques ted Ral ston to wri te up these ideas for a fi 1 e for future recommendati ons to al ternate ways of Recreation funding. The Commission asked that all references to the Commission should be the,Parks and Recreation Commission (er). This will now be given to the city Council. Mills moved, Ralston seconded to send the resolution to the City Council. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Crawford presented to the Commission the job description. The Commission added to number 10, that they sign both the pay~oll and payable department checks. Crawford also presented a calendar for the year listing when certain events take place and when business items must be taken care of. The Commission asked that the position description be given to Nan Franklin, City Recorder, to give out to those applying for Park Commission positions. The Bear Creek Greenway Implementation Plan was prepared for the Greenway Committee by Doug Graef. The plan sliows the Histol)' and Accomplishments of the Bear Creek Greenway from beginning (930) until June 30, 1977. The Committee is suppose to keep this up-to- date. Doug, Paul and Zubairu came to the Park Commission meeting to answer any' questions of the Park Commission regarding the pool survey and report. The Commission was highly impressed with the work done on the survey. Ralston moved, Crawford seconded that we commend Dr. Hansen's Business classes for work done on the survey. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Chairperson Pinnock asked the Commission to consider if they want to apply for BOR funds this fall for the Swimming Pool. She asked that they not respond now, but write out their comments and submit them for the next regular Park Commission meeting. Brian Almquist offered to meet with Al Alsing and Douq Graef to see what city services could be used to help cut the cost, such as paving, site preparation, landscaping ~ARKS AND RECREATION NEW BUSINESS (conti) Swim Pool Survey (conti) mregon Shakespearean Festival Association Bill Patton Sl i de Projector Mo ti on DIRECTORIS REPORT Wri tten Report Doug Graef Feast of Wi 11 ADJOURNMENT MINUTES 5-18-78 PAGE 3 and cutting out the solar heating system. A member of the Survey group commented that many of the communi ty sai d they waul d be will ing to volunteer their services for the municipal pool. It was also suggested that the Commission members contact Bend, Oregon to see how they passed their bond levy and a190 how they received their federal fundinq. The Shakespearean festival has offered to purchase the slide projector, dissolve unit and tape recorder for $700, with this we can purchase a simpler model for our own use. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Oregon Shakespearean Festival IS offer to buy our slide projector and recorder, and purchase a small er uni t for park use. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. The written reoort was acceoted as written. Graef added that the Black Swans court case should be coming up within two (2) weeks. Mi 11 s and Crawford offered to work with Graef and Bi 11 Patton on arranging a new place for the Feast of Will for 1979. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, t0~oR{J Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION i I I .~ ARKS AND RECREATION ,AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA ~Qftball Proposal Barry Levine MINUTES 6-22-78 PAGE 2 Mr. Levine told the commission what he and the softball league would like to do with the Sr. Investments/Wade Property. He has talked with some people about volunteering their time and effort to get the project going. Mr. Levine needs to have a cost analysis and the use of a caterpillar. Chairperson Pinnock directed the Development Comnitteetowork on getting the cost analysiS needed for Mr. Levine. .~ / / 411tne 5, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent HUNTER TRUST Kay Stei n Seni or Center Proposal Kay Bernard Swimming Pool Seed Money litian Handball/racketball cou rts Ballot Voting Moti on Amendment Vote on Amendment V,ote on Moti on Motion Amendment 4111fte on Amendment Vote on Motion Executive session Set ~..'-~~~._._. ,..~.._".......,.,- ._.~.,--- --.,---._"- -'-'--~-':----'-.-~'--<;:",-'. ,-;" --,- -", CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Pinnock, Bennett, Mills, Crawford, Ralston None Mrs. Stein came to the Commission with the proposal to use a portion of the Hunter Trust monies. Her request was to request matching funds from Title V money, which requires 25 percent local money. Enlarging the Multi-service building would provide space for the Senior Center and a meal site for Loaves and Fishes. Mrs. Stein did not feel that Ashl and was ready for a full time Senior Center, nor coul d they finance one. A letter was read from Mrs. Bernard requesting that the money from the Hunter Trust be used as seed money for a municipal swimming pool. Mills moved, Crawford seconded to remove the adult softball field from the list. The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no. The Commission agreed to drop the handball/racketball courts from the list. The Commission looked over the list and voted on the items listed. Crawford moved, Mills seconded that we vote to use the $50,000.00 as seed money for the pool. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we go until June 1979 if nothing is in the paper mill. If there is something going at that time, wait until an answer is given positive or negative. 4 yes 1 abstain (Bennett) 0 no. 4 yes 1 no (Bennett). Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we accept the sidewalk/stair- well s, pl ayground equi pment and shel ter as al ternates to the swim pool project. Mills moved, RaJston seconded that any leftover money go towards the development of a recreati on center. 5 yes 0 no. 5 yes 0 no. The meeting date will be June 22, 1978 following the regular meeting, to discuss employee salaries. PARKS AND RECREATION ADJOURNMENT :Minutes 6/5/78 PAGE,;2 The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. - Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSfON , . - . (, --- . ".~ i :' .~ .,; \' .....;.,v ~ "'nt' .....L' :...,! :: ,-....!: I / CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETI NG ne 22, 1978 Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Bennett, Ralston (7:40 p.m.) None Absent MI NUTES Regul ar Meeting May 18, 1978 Special Meeting May 2, 1978 FINANCIAL REVIEW Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no (Ral s ton absent). Bennett moved, Mills seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. C ommen ta ry May 31, 1978 Bills - John Ralston The Commission expressed concern regarding the comments by Mr. Nelson about receiving a CETA Person from the Cemetary Department. Graef assured the Commission that this had been discussed and the department will not be accepting any more CETA personnel. All the bills are as per normal for the month. ~RRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Letter To Mr. Diller Letters were read and placed on file. Letter From Mr. Diller Thank you Card -Debbie Pinnock Jr. Class Dance-a-thon smsc Commencement Land 3 Water Concervation Funding Proposed Ashland Swim Pool Bear Creek Greenway John M. Evey - OSFA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA Placed under Committee Reports. Pinochle Club Mr. and Mrs. Luttrell came to the Commission to see if their pinochle Mr. & Mrs. Tom Luttrell club could use the Hunter Park-Multi-Service Building at a reduced fee or for free. Moti on Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the request of the Kings and Queens pinochle club and waive the cost of the rental on the building on Monday nights from 6 to 10 p.m. The Vote was: 4 yes 0 no and 1 abstain (Bennett) Chairperson Pinnock asked Bennett to talk with Mrs. Stein regarding her stand on recreation through her department. r' I" fARKS AND RECREATfON MINUTES 6-22-78 PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION . ON THE AGENDA (conti) ..In du ra Co rpo ra ti on Tom Byrer The Commission clarified for themselves and Mr. Byrer that they agreed to receive the park completed with the specification listed in the 1etter of Apri 1 3. They woul d not use force-account 1 abor to compl ete the work if the money was to be given to them by Landura Corporation. Planninq Mr. Morris told the Commission that the Planning Commission idea was Representative not for the Parks Department to develop this land, but have the land developed by Landura to our satisfaction before for final approval is received. Mr. Byrer told the Commission that the development must be completed as a plam'ID unit development, and Farmer's Home Admini:' stration would not accept it or would the City if it were not complete. Mr. Byrer asked the commission,11ff:.! were to throw all Qf this out and just say forget this whole thing would you give ble final approval on the plans as they set, and just build it. Would you all say fine. If this is going to drag on for months upon months, with mistrust and haggling and general harassment, and things of this sort, it's obvious members of your staff just do not trust us or nor of your staff but of the Commission, it is unfortunate. If were were just to say, all right we will develop the park as specificied in those plans, would you all then tonight give us approval of those plans, and let us go ahead with this.1I Pinn6ck said, IIIf you would sign this that we sent you. II After more discussion, the following motion was made. Gene Morri s, ....Commi ss i on Discussion Ralston moved, Mills seconded that the Commission rescind its agree- ment of April 3rd made with Landura Corporation and th'tlt we sign a new agreement i dent; ca 1 wi th the former agreement but without an inclussion of the final cost fi:gure. Mr. Byrer, IIWin that include approval of the final plans and specifications as outlined in there? In other,words, what I am looking for is approval of the final pl ans as we have submi tted them to the City and those specifications so we know.1I The Commission went through each item with Mr. Byrer and Mr. Morris. Motion .. , Ammen dmen t Bennett moved, Mills seconded to include the April 17, 1978 plans and specifications as submitted. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. 01 d Hel man Ran ch Sub-Division Harol d Munson The Commission asked the Acquision Committee to pursue this offer. An offer was made to pl ant trees on the Wade, property by Mr. Harold Munson. Water to be supplied by the sewage treatment plant. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Accepted wri tten report as submitted. Mill s and Crawford wi 11 be Jack Mills working together'on the Newberry Packing Plant proposal by John Evey. Development Committee No report Finance/Budget Motion Ralston moved, Bennett seconded that we purchase the following books: John Ralston NEW APPROACHES TO FINANCING PARKS AND RECREATION, REVENUE SOURCES MANAGEMENT IN PARKS AND RECREATION ,~nd LAND ACQUISITION. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. .,. ~ARKS AND RECREATION UNFINISHED BUSINESS derson Shel ter Motion Mo ti on 1979 Feast of Will Jack Mi 11 s Jean Crawford Skills Bank Lease Signed Fourth of July Nancy Pinnock NEW BUSINESS ~hange in Operating Procedures- Mills .Jti on MINUTES 6-22-78 PAGE 3 Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we do not build the shelter that Savikko Engineering designed for us because of the cost and that we build a prefab-ready made shelter. I have not specifications or sizes in mind at this time. The vote was: 2 yes 3 no (Ralston, Bennett, Pinnock). Mills moved, Pinnock seconded that we rescind the motion of two (2) months ago to send the shelter design out to bid. The vote was: 2 yes 3 no (Ralston, Bennett, Crawford) Mills told the Commission that he met with Director Graef and they decided that if the grass is ready to use by the Feast of Will 1979, then the can hold the feast there, if not it will be moved for only the year 1979 to the area.'above the Rose garden. Mills will talk with Mr. Patton. The Commission signed the final Skills Bank Lease and dated it to begin on June 22, 1978. We will send a Letter totthe Lion's Club about their hot coals from the barbecue. A copy of the letter went the Chamber.' . " Mills moved, Crawford seconded that the following be changed in the Operating Procedures: Section 1. 1.6. At least three (3) Commission members must be present to conduct official Commission business. The vote was: 1 yes 4 no ( Ralston, Bennett, Crawford, Pinnock). Proposal-Political Groups Graef and Bennett will talk with Ron Salter, City Attorney, on the or Factions in Lithia legality of such a proposal on groups in Lithia (or any) Park. Park - Doug Graef Swim Pool Reports Phil Djang and Doug Graef Swim Pool, What Should We .do now? DIRECTOR'S REPORT Wri tten Report M'Owe rs ADJOURNMENT The program as a whole was very successful in that a need in the community was met. Bennett suggested that we would do better if we offered lessons on both Friday and Saturday, rather then the recreation time on Friday nights. A joint City Council/Park Commission meeting will be held Dn T~esdaY, June 29, 1978, at 7:30 n.m. in the Council Chambers. Accepted as wri tten. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we give Doug permission to purchase the lawn mowers he described in his report. Tpe vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda 0 I Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING 10 1978 Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. Present Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett, Mills(5:00 p.m.) Absent None FIVE YEAR GOALS Recreation The Commission went through the list of Recreation Goals and made the following changes. "Explore other areas of funding for the recrea ti on program and recommend alternatives to the City Council." "Investigate the feasibility of the need for a Recreation Program coordi nator to work with the Parks and Recreation Di rector. " Goa 1 #1 Goal #2 Goal #3 IIContinue to strive for varied 'recreation proqramsfor all citizens of Ashland, taking note of teen-agers, senior citizens, and the handicapped." Combine goals number 3,6,and 7. "Continue to explore the possibilities of jOint programming with the Ashland Interagency Recreation Committee and other agencies in the City that are interested in recreation." Goal #4 ~ "Exploration of the feasibility and need for a large corrrnunity recreation center." Goal #6 Combine with Goal #3 and 7. Goal #7 Goal #8 Combine with Goal #3 and 6. ADJOURNMENT "Support the 'community schools' concept as outlined to the Corrrnission by Ashl and Publ i c School's personnel." The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION . .- .1Y 27, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent MINUTES Special Meeting June 5, 1978 Spec; a1 Meeting July 10, 1978 FINANCIAL REVIEW Bills - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNCIATIONS Landura Corporati on Tom Byrer Tree Fund for Bluebird Park-Betsy Ragland Chickens - Bill Patton Moti on . CI TY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Crawford, Bennett, Pinnock, Mills, Ralston None Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Mi 11 s corrected the minutes of July 10 by adding an liS II to his name. Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as corrected. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The bills were approved to pay as submitted. Letters were read and p1 aced on file. Mr. Byrer asked the commission to add two paragraphs and a signature and date line to the letter sent as an agreement to Landura Corporation. This addition is a requirement from Farmers Home Administration. The commission agreed to the addition of the requirements by Farmers Home by consensus. Ms. Ragland sent the Commission one dollar to begin a fund to replace the tree that was cut down in Bluebird park. The Commission asked that the doll ar be turned over to the Ci ty for the fund since we do not have jurisdiction over the park. Chairperson Pinnock received a call from Ken Cockrell of Ray's Garden Center, who offered to donate and plant a tree in Bluebird Park., to replace the tree that was cut down. Letter from Bill Patton was read and placed on file. Mr. Mills went on record that he had suggested two months earl ier, to p1 ace more chickens in the park. Graef suggested that the ch4ckens be moved to the upper duck pond. Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we turn them over to the bantam rooster in Black Swan Lake. The vote was: 3 yes 2 no (Bennett, Crawford) . - 'PARKS AND RECREATION AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA 411tm Winmill - Ashland Guacamole Festival Mo ti on Moti on cess to Museum Building Skills Bank - Museum Moti on AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Duane Sample - Duck Crossing .tion MINUTES 7-27-78 PAGE 2 Mr. Winmill came to the Park Commission to see if they would be in favor of have the Ashland Guacamole Festival in Lithia or Hunter Park. The festival would begin at 12 noon and end at 8 p.m. The festival would include a softball tournament, mini-marathon, craft booths, food booths, and a guacamole judging contest. Mr. Winmill told the commission that this would be a one day event on an annual basis. The money derived from the festival would be used to help send a new student to SOSC from our sister city. Ralston moved, Mills seconded to accept the suggestion for the Ashland Guacamole Festival a one (1) day event on Saturday, August 26 at Hunter Park. The vote was: 1 yes, 4 no ( Crawford, Mi 11 s, Bennett, Pi nnock). Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we give the Guacamole Festival permission to use Hunter Park pending temoorarv aooroval, final approval will depend upon the Commission approval of detailed plans. The vote was: 2 yes, 3 no (CraWford, Mills, Pinnock). Pinnock voted no because of the vending, in that the Commission turned down one group this year on vending in the park. The Commission suggested to Mr. Winmill that they contact the Ashland School District about using the school fields at the junior high. The Commission recessed the meeting to take a look at the present museum building and to see exactly what will be. done by the Skills Bank. The Commission discussed the pros and cons of trying to save the mural in the back of the museum building. After much discussion of trying to save the mural, taking out small portions of the picture, aSking others if they would like to try and save it, the Commission made the folloWing motion. Mills moved, Crawford seconded that the Skills Bank take three and one-half feet of the back of the building to they can build a retaining wall. As far as the mural, try to salvage at least a couple of nice sections and also take a series of nice photos and if you cannot salvage then. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no. Mr. Sample suggested to the Commission that speed bumos be placed at or near the upper duck pond to slow traffic down. Many times' ducks are hit in the road because of speeding motorists. Mr. Spud Corliss, a member of the Traffic Commission, told the Commission that the city would be liable if speed bumps were put on public streets. The can be put on private parking lots or streets. If this (speed bumps) were suggested to the Traffic Commission, Mr. Corliss feels it would be tu med down. Bennett moved, Crawford. seconded that we have our di rector write a letter to the Traffic Commission from the APRC to recommend that a duck crossing be painted on the street in the area of the upper duck pond. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. .". 'PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES 7-27-78 PAGE 3 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA(CONT') eane Sample- Restrooms Mr. Sample was concerned with the condition of the restroom in the lower portion of Lithia Park. He asked if this is due to the tourist season or is it year-round. Mr. Graef expl ained that vandal ism is year-round in the lower park, and the reason it is not repaired, is time and money. If we give publicity, the vandalism gets worse. Park and Recreation Goals Bennett moved, Mills seconded that as a Commission we accept the Motion Park and Recreation goals as listed and review them annually in June of each year. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Newberry Plant Site Mills is trying to contact John Evey for information on the progress Progress - Jack Mills of the Newberry Site as a link for the Greenway. Fourth of July - Jack Mills Mills talked with Jim Wright, Chairperson of the 4th of July 1978 Committee, about moving and/or splitting the booths next year. The question was raised about moving the booths to the street, or the upper duck pond area. If the area is changed, we would need to work with the electric department for outlets. There was a question brought up about the American Legion selling beer near the park. Our department and the Police Department was not notified about the selling of beer. Mills talked with Mr. Bill Patton about moving the Feast of Will to the area above the Rose Garden, across from the Bandshell. Mr. Patton was willing to do this once, and he expressed concern that the City would not approve of having the barbecues on the street. A letter will be sent to him regarding the Feast of Will for 1979. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s De ve 1 opmen t Commi ttee Jean Crawford, ~obert Bennett Financi al/Budget John Ra ls ton ~qUisition Committee Jack Mi 11 s UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1979 Feas t of Wi 11 Jack Mills . Written report accepted and placed on file. The Development Committee was looking into making the Wade/Senior Investments property into softball (Ii amonds. The Engineering Dept. was to shoot the grade of the property. Crawford met with the Soil Conservation Service, to see what the land could be used for. She was tol d that just under the surface of the ground is bedrock, and that drainage on the property is not good. The idea to terrace the property would mean bringing in lots of top soil. The soil report that was just received suggested that the land be used for irrigated pasture. The Commission asked the Committee to look into other possible uses for the property. No report. No repo rt. / .~RKS AND RECREATION II'- MINUTES 7-27-78 PAGE 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont') Security For Political Groups - Bob Bennett NEW BUSINESS Bennett talked with Kay Stein, Sr. Programs Director, about recreation Bennett and the Senior Program Office envo1vment in setting up programs. Chairperson Pinnock said she would bewlllTng to work with the Senior Programs staff and work as a committee for senior citizen activities. It was suggested that we not get into this, since we do not have a problem at present with large group security. Proposal to Rent Wade The Commission asked that Bennett and Graef check into the legality Property House - Bennett of renting the property and house and putting the money in a fund for development of the same for recreation/park purposes in the future. The question was a~so asked about having the property deed turned over to the APRC. Graef told the Commission that he would not like to see this done for either the Lord Property or the Wade/Sr. Investment property until the outcome of Proposition 6 is known. A report on the renting of the property will be given at the August regular meeting. Letter from Raoul Maddox was read and placed on file. Parking at Bandshe11 Jack Mi 11 s Motion . DIRECTOR'S REPORT Wri tten Repo rt Anderson She1 ter P1 ayground Program SAIF Dividend .OURNMENT Mills moved, Ralston seconded that recommendations 1 and 2 from letter be posed to the City Traffic Commission. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. #1 The possibility of designating the large, curved paved surface adjacent to the bandshell area for 1imi ted parking for members of the bandon1y--band members driVing cars would place an identification card on the dashboard for this privilege. This area would be protected by barricades which would be put in place before the park employees left on concert nights. (The band would be responsible for furnishing personnel to handle this additional barricaded area.) #2 Those members of the band with heavy instruments, additional equipment, and the equipment for the live broadcasts of the band concerts would be allowed to drive in to the bandshe11 to leave instruments and equipment and would then return to the designated parking area. The di rector's wri tten report was accepted and placed on fi 1 e. Graef told the Conmission that the Anderson shelter will not qo out to bid until possibly December. The County is cooperating with us by making up a comprehensive map of Lithia Park. Many of our youth programs are suffering from the lack of participation due to the National Sports Program run by the college. The Department received a dividend of $527.00. The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ,/ gust 24, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent MINUTES Regul ar Meeting June 22, 1978 Regul ar Meeting July 27, 1978 FINANCIAL REVIEW Commen ta ry June 30, 1978 July 31, 1978 Bills - John Ralston ~lRRESPONDENCE AND C OMMU N I CA TI 0 NS Susan Funk - Jackson and Perkins Co. - Photo of Lithia Park Allen Drescher - Youth Commission AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Ashland Saturday Crafts Fair - John Shea Raqi ba Havi 11 CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGU LAR ME ET I NG The meeting was called to order by Chairnerson Pinnock at 7:33 p.m. Pinnock, Crawford, Mills, Bennett, Ralston None Bennett moved, Mills seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 5 yes, ~ no. Crawford moved, Bennett seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The Commentaries of June 30 and July 31 were discussed and placed on fi 1 e . Ralston moved, Mills seconded to pay the bills. The vote was: 5 yes, ~ no. The letter was read and placed on file. Chairperson Pinnock asked if the Commission wanted to see the photogrliph framed and hung in the Parks and Recreation Office. The Commission was in aqreement that it should be framed. Ralston volunteered to write a'thank you letter to Ms. Funk for the picture and help to the Parks and Recreation Department. Chairperson Pinnock told the Commission about the letter received from Mr. Drescher about a meeting on August 31, to see about forming a Youth Commission, she urged all the Commissioners to attend this meeting if possible. NONE Mr. Shea asked the Commission about using the Women's Civing Building (59 Winburn Way) for a Saturday Crafts Market to be held on the five Saturdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Chairperson Pinnock told the Commission that the building is zoned R-1, and that the City has given the Commission jurisdiction of the building. .; PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES 8-24-78 PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA (conti) ..:ihland Saturday Crafts Mills moved, Bennett seconded to deny the request of the Ashland Fair (Conti) Motion Saturday Crafts Fair use of this building. The vote was: 2 yes, 3 no (Crawford, Ralston, Pinnock). Pinnock asked Bennett and Crawford to check into the use of the building, and what we can 'do, and where we stand. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s Development Committee Financial/Budget John Ra 1 s ton Acquisition Committee 'FINISHED BUSINESS Proposal to Chamber Regarding Booths for 1979 4th of July Jack Mi 11 s Proposal. to .. Rent Wade Property House NEW BUSINESS Recreation District County Meeting Jean Crawford DIRECTORIS REPORT How Park Land is Held Nancy Pinnock There was no meeting in July. Pinnock told Mills that Graef was working with Jim Ragland on the Ashland Greenway Committee, and that he prepared a map of the people who owned land on Ashland Creek. Pinnock asked Mills to work with Mr. Ragland on contacting these land owners. Mills stressed to the news media that the $10,000 from Revenue Sharing which has been placed on the November election ballot for Greenway purposes will not add to City taxes. No report. We have received the book on Financing Parks and Recreation, Ralston wi 11 report on the book next month. No Report. Mills talked with Ted Garriott of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce regarding the moVing of the Fourth of July booths to the Street, rather than having them in the park on the grass. Mills was not ready to give the Commission a proposal on this issue. Moved to Director's Report. The Committee met and rescheduled the meeting for September 23, 1978 at the Talent Junior High School. This meeting is for all Parks and Recreation Commissions in the County. Pinnock told the Commission that there is three ways in which park land is held within the City of Ashland. 1) Land owned by the City has been designated as park land and is maintained by the Park Tax Levy; examples would be Lithia Park, Sherwood Park, Garden Way Park, Triangle Park, and Hunter Park. 2) Land held by the City which is not dedicated Park Land; and example is the Wadel Senior Investment Property, which will be dedicated as park land upon the APRCls request, and the Lord Property, which has been leased unt'i1 1980 by ,the City. 3.) 'Land ownea by' the' City but: leased to the'P-a.rk COTTrnission; an. example is the lithiaSprings Property. The current lease has run out on the Lithia Springs Property. ! ___ J , ~PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTORIS REPORT (conti) de P rope rty LithiaSprings Lease Con ce rts Gazebo Wri tten Report MEET! NG DATE SET Vending Ordinance ADJOURNMENT MINUTES 8-24-78 PAGE 3 Bennett offered to continue to look into the rental of the property. Crawford offered to work with Brian Almquist and Doug Graef on the Lithia Springs Lease. Mills and Pinnock will work the Concert on Tuesday and Crawford and Pinnock will work the Concert on the Fourth of September. The Skills bank is no: longer working on the Gazebo at Triangle Park. The RotarAct Club of Ashland has taken over the project. Placed on file. A study session was set for September 11, 1978 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ~ .' / CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING September 22, 1978 iTENDANCE Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. Present Bennett, Pinnock, Ralston, Mills, Crawford Absent None LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROJECTS Anderson Shelter Wolter Irrigation Graef told the Commission that both the Anderson Shelter and the Wolter Irrigation projects were completed, except for the following areas: 1. Comprehensive Plan (both projects, this will be completed next week) 2. Letter from County Liaison Officer (both projects) 3. Irrigation Plans (Lithia Irrigation, the State has given us some flexibility on this, we can send them in after the application is received.) RESIGNATION LETTER Douglas W. Graef September 20, 1978 40ti on Chairoerson Pinnock read a statement from the APRC to the News media and public attending the meeting, following this, she read Graef's res i gnati on letter. Bennett moved that we do not accept our Director's resignation based on the terms listed in his letter of resignation. Ralston seconded. Di s cuss i on BarrY Levine M. Moorehouse Gary Nel son Curt Anderson Rex Shepherd Linda Barr Liz Blackwell La rry Barr Bill Cobb Joe Thompson Fred Baumgartner Berni e Sears Kay Bernard These people spoke in favor of Graef's jOb as Park's Director, and that they could not see any substantial reasons for the Commission asking for his resignation. They felt that this was a"witch hunt" and that Graef was the target. Pinnock read to the audience the minutes from the executive sessions of June 29, September 7, 8 and 13. Pinnock also read the letter from Graef to Martinez and Martinez's reply to that letter. Graef also gave a rebuttal to the Commission, tellin~ them what he had accomplished in regards to,ule<negative Executlve session comments regarding his job performance. Vote on Moti on Mrs. Bernard told the audience that she served on the APRC, and that she understood the situation, and that when she was Chairperson of the Commission last December, she felt the same way, that Mr. Graef was not doing hts job. On a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no. Moti on OURNMENT Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Doug's resignation, items one and ,two. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, u1~o~ ~~~E~NB'~~~ks Eg~~IJtfJN . .. ctober 5, 1978 TENDANCE Present Abs en t MINUTES Regul ar,Meeting August 24, 1978 Speci a 1 Meeti nq September 22, 1978 FINANCIAL COMMENTARY Commentary August 31, 1978 Letter on Proposition Six - Bob Nelson . Bills - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Ki rshna Garci a Playground in Lithia Park Dorothy K. Young Wildflowers Bob Nelson Skills Bank ~-T'."..'..._;.:,~,,: --,..----~-: ;.'.'fC~._..;.. --- CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Vice-Chairperson Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Bennett, Crawford, Ralston, Mills Pinnock Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we accept the minutes as wri tten . The vo te was: 4 yes .0. The Commission asked if the Ci ty Council receives the Commentary from Mr. Nelson. The Commission wanted to make sure that the Council knew about the expenditures of the Anderson Bequest and the Wolter Beques t. Bennett referred to a letter written by Mr. Nel son, Finance Di rector, regarding the effect of Proposition Six on the Parks budget. Mr. Nelson said, depending on the City Council and the priorities they set, we would have approximately nineteen percent (19%) of our total budget, about $53,212. Ralston moved, Mtlls seconded to approve the bills. The vote was: 4 yes .0 no. The letter was ~ad and placed on file. Graef was asked to respond to the letter. The letter was read and placed on file. Mr. Nelson told the Commission that the Skills Bank insurance papers were in. The 1 etter was pl aced on fi 1 e. Barbara Burton Ms. Burton was contacted about using sludge in the area bf the Feast Dept. of Environmental of the Tribe of Will, and this letter is giving the ~tment the Quality - Use of Sludge okay to use the sludge when putting in the lawn area. The letter was placed on file. Frank N. Gomes _Letter of Resi gnati on arbara Ryberg . Kathy Newcomb AJHS Parent I s Group Moved to New Business. The lette.r WilS read and placed. on file. Jlals'ton wa$as~dto respond to botn letters. "The letters were 1n support ofth:e Sprlng swim program held at the sase pool. . PARKS AND RECREATION MINUTES 10-5-78 PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA .chard Alexander Motion Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we accept the offer of the Ashland Film Society Ashland Film Society. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. The Commission asked Graef to write up and agreement for the Film Society and the Chairperson of the Commission to sign in exchange for the sound system and the rent. Mrs. Hughes told the Commission about Child Evangelism and the purpose for it, and the need for a place to meet that is close to Walker School. Crawford moved, Ralston seconded, that we grant the request of this group to use the building for the month of October while they, continue their search for another suitable place. The vote was: 3 yes, 1 no (Bennett--would like to see them use the building year- round) . Genevieve Hughes Child Evangelism E ri c Ba rl1ett Motion AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Teresa Dixon Skills Bank The Skills Bank Board decided not to pursue the historic background the the museum building, as it would cut out alot of the usable space. Another problem is the beehive, it is in very poor condition. The hive is not in line with state beekeeping regulations. COMMITTEE REPORTS ear Creek Greenway No repo rt Development Committee No re po rt Financi al/Budget No repo rt Acquisition Committee No re po rt UNFINISHED BUSINESS Senior Citizen Written report read and placed on file. Recreation Possibilities Nancy Pinnock Proposal to Rent Wade Property House Bob Bennett ~1oti on Lithia Springs Lease . Bennett suggested that we continue with:arrangement we have at the present time with one of our park employees living there and taking care of it. Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we continue the arrangement we presently have with the park employee living there rent free as a caretaker for the property. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. The Commission asked Graef to write a letter to the Council asking that they renew the Lithia Springs Lease. ... _PARKS AND RECREATION NEW BUS I NESS tter of Res i nation ran k N. Gomes Joint Parks & Rec. Commissions Jack Mi 11 s Jean Crawford Bob Bennett Selection Committee Jean Crawford Moti on Restructuring of Commission at Uof 0 DIRECTOR'S REPORT ei Hen Repo rt Doug Graef ADJOURNMENT . MINUTES 10-5-78 PAGE 3 The letter was read and placed on file. The Commission asked that Graef write him a letter of appreciation. The Commissions discussed the possibility of bulk buying for paper towels, tissue, garbage bags, etc. We could also share equipment. There was also discussion of Measure Number 6 and its affect on the Park and Recreation. Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we accept the proposal for the Committee. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. The Committee will consist of Brian Almquist, Bob Bennett, Jean Crawford, Allen Drescher, and Pat Flannery, with one more person to be contacted from outside the City that is related to Parks and Recreation. A study session was set for Thursday, October 12, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. with the Selection Committee and the Park Commission. The Commission discussed three dates (October 21, November 4 & 11) to meet;with professors in Eugene at the University of Oregon Dept. of Parks and Recreation Management. The meeting is to discuss restructuring of the Commission and Communicaiton with the Director. The Commission tentatively set aside Saturday, November 4, 1978 for the meeting. The CommissioR went through each item on the report. It was placed on fil e. With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Respe~fully submitted, t!/a~~ Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ~ CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING ~ ctober 24, 1978 Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ATTENDANCE Presen t Crawford, Mills, Pinnock, Ralston Absent Bennett MINUTES October 5, 1978 Regular Meeting Crawford moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. FINANCIAL REVIEW Commentary September 30, 1978 Bills - John Ralston Placed on file. Ralston could see no problems with any bills he has looked at for the month. (Last group of bills not included in this.) CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Emily Barnett . Thank you for Use of Hunter Park The letter was read and placed on file. Duck Crossing A newspaper clipping was sent to the Commission about a duck crossing street si gh:ishowing a duck and some duckl ings crossing the street. Historic Preservation Office - Elizabeth Potter - LWCF Projects AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Letter placed on file. NONE Richard Otis - Bicycle Mr. Otis presented a proposal to the Commission to use the Lithia Motorcross Track Springs property (about three acres) for a bicycle motorcross track. He presented two very rough drawings of the proposed track, and showed the Commission some pictOres of the Medford Parks and Recreation motorcross program. He also told the Commission that there is an entry fee which is used for insurance cost. The Commission told Mr. Otis that at the present time, there are no restroom or water facilities at the Lithia Springs property. Graef suggested that the Commission contact Neil Ledward, County Parks and Recreation Director, about putting portapotties at Lithia Springs, since it is a part of the Bear Creek Greenway property. Mills volunteered to work with Mr. Otis is setting up the program. ..t C REA TI ON MINUTES 10-24-78 PAGE 2 ~lENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA (conti) ~an Crawford for Peter Gi ffen and Gardening Workshops Motion COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s Development Committee Fi n anci a 1 /Budget John Ra 1 s ton Acquisition Committee Jack Mi 11 s 'INFI NI SHED BUS I NESS Fourth of July Jack Mi 11 s Tennis Court Progress Doug Graef Lithia Springs lease Letter to Council Remaining Items of Wolter Estate Crawford told the Commission about the proposal by Peter Giffen to offer three Community Service classes on gardening. The first two classes will be held at the Women's Civic Building, 59 Winburn Way from 9 - 12 noon on November 11 and 18. The third class will be held on December 2 at the Wade'Property from 9 - 12 and 1 - 3 p.m. Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we accept the p~oposal of Peter Giffen to hold a community workshop on Saturday, December 2, on a portion of the Wade Property. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Written report placed on file. None Ralston gave the Commission a summary of the books he has read on Finance for Parks and Recreation. A written report was also submitted. The Acquisition Committee will be meeting November 8, at 7:30 p.m. The deadline to use the matching funds is December 31, 1978. Mr. Almquist offered his help to the Committee. Mills read a letter that he wrote to Ted Garriott of the Chamber of Commerce. The letter was regarding the moving of the 4th of July activities to the street and the Lion's barbecue to the Rose Garden area of Lithia Park. He also stated, that if this does work having all the booths in the park, they may discuss this again as a pemanent change. S-\nc.~ Graef suggested to the Commission that they contact Neil Ledward at County Parks in February to see if they can do the tennis courts. The County will be taking their paving equipment to Emmigrant Lake to do same paving in the spring, and may be able to do the courts at that time. The letter to the Council was read regarding the Lithia Springs Lease. The Commission asked that no changes be made in the lease. Graef in a letter to the Commission suggested giving the remaining items of the Wolter Estate to the Jacksonville Museum. Mills suggested rather than giving the items to the museum, that we loan them to the museum, just in case the City of Ashland wants them to put in a museum in Ashland at a later date. Mills and Ralston volunteered to contact the Jacksonville museum and other museums in the area to see if they can use the items listed in the letter. "i-"REA TI ON .13US I NESS lmmer Program Report 1978 Skateboard Park at Counci 1 s Reques t Motion Jackson County Health Requi rements MINUTES 10-24-78 PAGE 3 The written report was placed on file. Commission discussed the concerns they have regarding the establish- ment of a skateboard park in the City on City owned land. Graef recalls a cost figure of $50,000 to $100,000 to build a park and then there would be the cost of insurance. It was suggested that Winburn Way be closed down for a day and that people who signed the petitions could be asked to supervise the event. Mi 11s moved, Crawford seconded to refer'thi s to the December meeting. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Allen Drescher volunteered to work with the Commission in the future for the skateboard park. Drescher will also read through the report from LA County on Skateboarding and report to the Council. The report was placed on file. (Will be used during budget preparation) Meeting the Public Written notes were given to the Commission from the workshop, also Workshop - Wanda O'Nealan explanation of several surveys given to the participants. It was sugges ted that the Commi ss ion take the surveys to see how they relate to others they are working with. Fall and Winter Programs The Commission went through the list of programs offered by the department for the Fall and Winter season. Change in Operating Procedures The Operating Procedures change was deferred to the November meeting. Selection Committee Report - Jean Crawford At the present time, we have received 36 applications most of them from California. So far only one advertisement has been published, and that was in Cali forni a. Confirmation of Final Selection Committee Member Motion Priorities for 8-10 Week Period Western Park and Rec rea ti on Main ten an ce Management School Motion ADJOURNMENT Mills moved, Ralston seconded to appoint Mike Starr, Medford Parks and Recreation Director, to the Selection Committee. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no. The Commission set November 1, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the priorities for the next eight to ten weeks. Mills moved, Crawford seconded to send our Park Foreman to the Western Park and Recreation Maintenance Management School in Port Townsend, Washington on February 4 - 9, 1979. The vote was; 4 yes 0 no. The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. R"ilJ,.lY N Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STUDY SESSION Jvember 1, 1978 Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present Ralston, Crawford, Pinnock, Mills Absent Bennett Pri ori ti es The Park Commission discussed the list of prdorities given by Bob Bennett, who was not able to attend the meeting, for the interim peri ode The following suggestions were accepted for use during the interim peri od. 1. We (the APRC and APRD Office) would not start any new projects or programs unless absolutely necessary. 2. The APRC will receive help in setting teh 1979-80 budget. 3. The Commissioners assigned themselves the following responsibilities during the interim period: Fi nan ces Parks Personnel Recreati on John Ra 1 son Jack Mi 11 s Bob Bennett Jean Crawford ADJOURNMENT Each of the Commissioners will keep Chairperson Pinnock informed of things happening in thei r area of concern. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. Respectfully submitted, uJ~ O;{ee1-f Wanda O'Neal, Secretary ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION j t lVember 14, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent ZERO BASED BUDGETING Letter from Mayor Pri ckett - Parks Division Recreation Division Meeting Dates Set ADJOURNMENT CI TV OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEET! NG The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pinnock at 7:40 p.m. Crawford, Mills, Ralston, Pinnock, Commissioner elect Sears and Nelson Bennett Pinnock read to the Commission the letter written to different departments on the idea of zero based budgeting. Mayor Prickett stressed the need to cut back on spendinq, he suqgested a cutback by the entire City of 6.5 percent. The Commission was told that the Park tax levy started at 1.19 and tops at 2.34 per thousand dollar tax evaluation. After much discussion, the Commission asked Bob Nelson, Finance Director to bring back to them some figures on savings and cost on each of the Decision Packages he presented to them. The Commission also asked him to include in each package the cost of a new dump truck and the possibility of contracting out the outlying City Parks. Park Foreman Joe Martinez suggested to the Commission that contracting out the outlying parks would save the Commission cost of maintaining these parks and the need for extra equipment. Martinez will contact the Jackson County Parks Department about cost of contracting the parks maintenance on the four (4) outlying parks. The Commission also discussed equipment sharing with the City. Pinnock suggested to the Commission, that they go through the programs offered by the department on the basis of cost per participant and the number of participants served for the total cost of a particular program, after doing this look an see if it is feasible to continue that program. Bob Nelson pointed out to the Commission at different levels of the zero based budget, different personnel are needed. Also different percentages of the Administrative Secretaries salary and the Director salary will be divided between the Park and Recreation Budgets. "'e~ -\-0 The Commission willVset priorities for both Parks and Recreation budgets for future budget planning. The Acquision Committee will meet on November 21, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. The Commission will meet for a study session on Monday, November 27, at 7:30 p:m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION ,/ / ~ember 30, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absen t MINUTES Regu 1 a r Meeti ng October 24, 1978 Motion Sped a 1 Meeti n a November 14, 1978 Motion FINANCIAL REVIEW Commen ta ry October 31, 1978 4IIItllS - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Change in Minutes Bob Nelson Supplimentary County Budget - Bikeway Curt Baker Fi el d Study Program Bi 11 Bol dt ~~o ti on CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Pinnock. Ralston, Pinnock, Bennett, Crawford, Mills None The following correction was made in the minutes: Unfinished Business Fourth of July "all the booths in the street, ... II Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes of October 24 as corrected. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no (Mills absent for vote). Crawford moved, ~~i lls seconded that we accept the minutes of November 14, 1978 as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Pl aced on fi 1 e. The Commission approved the bills to be paid. Mr. Nelson I smemo reflected a chanqe that should be made in the October 5~ 1978 minutes regarding-the memo read to the Commission during the meeting about Measure #6. The Commission asked that it be kept on fi lee Letter regarding the Talent/Ashland Bikeway was placed on file. Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that the form be filled out to take part in the field study program from the University of Oregon. A letter will be written to the University to explain the situation the department is in at the present time. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Fourth of July Activities Ms. Reynolds wrote to the Commission regarding the moving of the Betty Jo Reynolds 4th of July activities to the Street, rather than having them continue in the Park. Mills w.as asked to write a letter to Ms. Reynolds in regards to the Commissions action in moving the 4th of July activities. Placed on file. ches for Summer ecture Seri es Bi 11 Patton The letter conceming having benches avail able for the summer lecture series was read and placed on file. . PARK COMMISSION ~--'''';''..~ MINUTES 11-30-78 PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND ~. OMMUNICATIONS (cont') W:tterto Larry Naake The letter was read and placed on file. Ca Hf. P &R Sod ety AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA Mr. Garcia told the Commission that he is interested in running some free workshops for the department to train p1 ayground 1 eaders, etc. in working with the new games program. The new games is not competitive nor does it put up age barriers with those participating. There would not be a fee charged to those participating in the new games. Mr. Garcia asked for the Commissions support and sponsorship in running thi s program. Ashland Christian Mr. Green explained to the Commission that he started a church Fellowship Andy Green and they are meeting at the Varsity Theatre presently, but that the facilities are not good for a church service. Mr. Green would like to rent the Women's Civic Building Sunday Mornings on a regular basis. Motion Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we let the Ashland Christian Fellowship use the building on Sunday mornings for the current rental rate of $17.50 for four (4) hours. The vote was; 5 yes 0 no. New Games Workshop Dave Ga rci a .AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION OT ON THE AGENDA Ashl and Fun Runs Ben Benjamin Motion Workshops by Peter Giffen and Ron Woolsey COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway JaCK Mill s Acquisition Committee .JaCk Mills Mr. Benjamin came to the Commission to ask that the rental fee be waived for use of the Women's Civic Building. The Ashland Fun Runs is having a pot luck dinner for those who participated in the Pilgdmage Marathon. Mr. Benjamin also explained to the Commission that the Ashland Fun Runs is sponsored by the Park Department. Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we allow this group use of the building for a potluck, and that a deposit of $15.00 be given for care of the building. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Ron Woolsey gave the Commission a rundown on the two workshops offered on gardening and horticulture. The first class had about 35 people the second class had about 25 people, and there is one more class to be held. Mr. Woolsey and Mr. Giffen would like to work with the Commission in acquiring a grant for the Wade Property. The Commission encouraged Mr. Wools~y to to go ahead in writing the report/grant. Minutes of Bear Creek Greenway were attached. Placed on file. Mills met with the Ashland Gree11Way in November. Curt Baker was pleased with the vote in support' of the Greenway funds. The Voge1's have expressed interest in the Greenway concerning their 1 and a'long Ash1 and Creek. PARK COMMISSION MINUTES 11-30-78 PAGE 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS (conti) .kS Division-Jack Mills Mills was asked to write a letter to the Park Crew which all of the Commission will sign. Development Committee Recreation Division Jean Crawford Selection Committee Jean Crawford Fianancial/Budget John Ralston Personnel - Bob Bennett Motion . UNFINISHED BUSINESS No report. Crawford read through the joint school/park agreement, and asked for questions and comments regarding the agreement. Pinnock asked that a yearly review of the agreement be included in the agreement. It was also suggested that the 1972 agreement be included also. Recreation Policy will be written un for adult sports using the school facilities. The policy will include a job description for the supervisors. The Commission set a study session for 7:30 p.m. December 5, regarding adult sports. Crawford listed items to be included in the recreation policy. The Selection Committee has narrowed the applicatioffito eleven. Questionnaires have been sent to the applicants, with a question as to date of arrival. Ralston had the written report given last month typed for each Commissioner and to be placed on file. The Commission set December 5, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. for a reviewing the job description for the Parks and Recreation Director. Bennett moved that we purchase a time clock for the Park Shop. Mills seconded. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no. The Commission asked that Joe Martinez bring to the December meeting disciplinary policy for Commission consideration. Change in Operation Bennett asked that his proposal for change in the Operation Procedures Procedures-Bob Bennett be withdrawn. Lithia Springs Lease NEW BUSINESS Request for Ducks Miccie McNee Motion Community Skills Bank Ma rilyn Sha rgel Motion . Amendment The lease with the City of Ashland for the Lithia Springs property was signed. The lease is for a period of ten (10) years. Mills moved that we deny the request. Crawford seconded. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Ms. McNee's request for ducks for Lazy Larson Creek Park was denied. Commissioners asked Foreman, Joe Martinez, about the feeding of the ducks, he told them that the ducks are fed on a regular basis. Ms. Shargel contacted the Commission by letter regarding a request from the Jacksonville Museum for items found in the Oregon Natural History museum. Ms. Shargel felt that the items where not the property of the Skills Bank to give away. Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we allow the museum to take the old newspapers, the tree stump with numerous acorn holes, the bricks and iron pieces from the old fire place, but not the mural pieces and chairs. They can also take the register. Crawford amended the motion, Ralston seconded that we loan the Hems and also loan the trnings from the Wolter Estate. The vote on the amendment was:, 5 yes 0 no. The vote on the motion was: 5 yes 0 no. Ralston will write a letter to the Jacksonville museum. , PARKS AND RECREATION . MINUTES 11-30-78 PAGE 4 NEW BUSINESS (conti) Ralston seconded that we change Section I, 1.6 vote was: 5 yes 0 no. (See attached change). Change in Operating Pinnock asked that her proposal for change in the Operating Procedures-Nan~y Pinnock Procedures be withdrawn. Verbal Report on Meeting in Eugene The Commission set a study session on Tuesday, December 12, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Office to listen to the tapes from Eugene. Budget Decision Package Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Decision Package #4 Park Division for Parks as stated in Bob Nelsonls latest printout of November 29, Motion 1978. The vote was; 5 yes 0 no. Budget Decision Package Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we go along with Decision Package Recreation Division #4 in the Recreation Budget. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Moti on ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, jJ!;,i{;6v {/)'ItJJ . Wanda OINeal, Adm. Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION . ~ember 7, 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent Joint Policy Statement School/Park Motion Di rectorl s Pos i ti on Description Motion 4111tt Saving Proposal Moti on ADJOURNMENT . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEET! NG The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pinnock at 4:42 p.m. Bennett, Pinnock, Crawford, Mills, Ralston The Commission made the following changes in the Joint policy with the School District. 1. Delete the word sufficient under #1 of The Parks Department Agrees: and change the words the schools to each school. 2. Delpteunder The Parks De artment Aorees: #2 (custodians shall not be re uired to supervise:.anv group. and add the following sentence. Supervisors may instruct certain youth activities. Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we accept the Joint Policy Statement and agreement both parts I and II, and submit it to the School Board as corrected at their regular meeting on December 11. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no. Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we accept the position description for Director of Parks and Recreation as corrected and submitted at this time. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no. (See attached description) Jack Hall from Jack Hall1s heating proposed to the Commission to ch~nge the boiler in the Women's Civic Building to a hot box system, WhlCh would keep the water in the boiler at a constant temoerature and would not use as much oil in heating the water to h~a+ the building. Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we approve 'the proposal to - change to the hot box system and have Wanda check with Bob Nelson to see if we can .do this within the budget. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~A oYle-ey Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Secretarv ASHLAND PARK COMMISSION - ~ CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEET! NG ~ember 20, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pinnock at 5:32 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston Absent Bennett Recommendation of Selection Committee Motion The Selection Committee unanimously recommended to the Commission Mr. Ken Mickelsen from Watertown, South Dakota. Ralston moved, Crawford seconded that we accept Ken Mickelsen as Parks and Recreati on Di rector for the Ci ty of Ashland, asitnanjJ!1()usly recommended by the Selection Committee. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Sa 1 a ry Moti on Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we offer Ken Mickelsen $1,600 per month salary and pay UP to $1,500 moving expense. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no. Employee Poli~y Motion Mills moved, Pinnock seconded that we accept the interim emoloyee po 1 icy as read. (See attached) The vote was: 4 yes 9) no. ' ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m. Re~oe5ffullY submitted, (!A.~ oYw~ Wanda OINeal, Adm. Secretary ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION PASSED DECEMBER 20,1978 INTERIM EMPLOYEE POLICY During the interim period when the Parks and Recreation Department is without a director on the job the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission vests the Park Foreman with the authority to enforce the existing City of Ashland employee policies on the Park crew. The Foreman shall keep the Commission informed at all times. This policy shall terminate when the director begins his employment. --- r- " :ember 28t 1978 ATTENDANCE Present Absent MINUTES FINANCIAL REVIEW Commen ta ry November 30t 1978 Bills - John Ralston CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETI NG Chairoerson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:40 o.m. Millst Bennettt Crawfordt Ralstont Pinnock None None Pl aced on fil e. The bills were approved to pay. Ralston told the Commission that the office was contacted by the DeMolay regarding th~ summer younq adult concerts that they yuarded the barricades at. They were told that thev would be paid for this service. No written agreement was made with the time and amount listed. Letter of Intent for Placed on file. ~_Greenway - Brian Almquist employee Policy Doug Graef The letter was read and placed on file. Ralston was asked to respond to Mr. Graef's letter. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None ON THE AGENDA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Dave Whitney - Basketball Mr. Whitney expressed to the Commission his concern that the basketball season begin as soon as possible. The Commission told Mr. Whitney that later on the agenda was the joint School/Park Policy for use of School facilities, and when this is approved we can begin to plan the basketball season. COMMITTEE REPORTS Bear Creek Greenway Jack Mi 11 s Acguisition Committee Jack Mi 11 s Park Division Jac~ Mills In the minutes of the November meeting Karen Smi th states that they are waiting for the Letter of Intent from the City of Ashland before they can any surveying for or in the City of Ashland. Pinnock added that the letter of intent was sent to the County by Mr. Almquist and that they have started surveying the Voqel property on Ashland Creek. The Jones/Bryant proper~y appraisal has not come in yet. No report d'1ISSION , \ IITTEE REPORTS (cont I ) elopment Committee Recreation Division Jean Crawford, Ga~y Joint Policy Agreement Motion MINUTES 12-28-78 PAGE 2 None Crawford told the Commi ss i on about the two Chri s tmas Open Nelson Gym programs going on at the present time. The programs are being held at Bellview Elementary and Briscoe Elementary School. Because of lack of good publicity the programs lacked participants. Bellview had about 10-12 per day and Briscoe had about 6 per day. Nelson told the Commission that he met with the Basketball and volleyball people about getting the league started. Nelson suggested the fee be set at $150 for A league and that the rosters and fee be paid by January 5. A league would only have eight (8) teams allowed to play, B league did not have a:set fee or number of rosters allowed. Every team must be represented at a meeting to be held on Janua~y 9, if someone did not show from a team, they were dropped from the league. Officials would be supplied from the teams themselves (two from each team) and would be paid $5 per game. A basketball coordinator would be hired to direct the program and do all of the scheduling. Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the Joint statement and agreement between the Park and Recreation Department and the Ashland School District for use of their facilities. The agreement to be dated December 10. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Part-time Temporary Pinnock talked with Dennis Beddard regarding a job description for 'asketball Coordinator a temporary basketball coordinator and what procedures must be followed to hire this person. Mr. Beddard suggested that a contract be signed by the person and Nelson Or Crawford. Motion Selection Committee Financial/Budget Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we secure an interim Basketball person and the screening committee be composed of Jean Crawford and Gary Nelson, and they should go ahead and write up a Job Description and set a deadline for applications just as soon as possible. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Ken Mickelsen was selected and voted on by both the Selection Committee and the Park Commission. Mr. Mickelsen has acceoted the position and will be resigning his position as of February I, he hopes to be at work by Februa~y 7 or 8. None Personnel - Bob Bennett Bennett presented to the Commission an employee policy. (See Attached) Motion Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we accept the policy. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Bike Racing at L i thi a S,ri nqs lack Mil s Mills met with Mr. Otis about the bike raclng'at Lithia Spring. The area they would like to use is away from the Gun Club area. Mills turned in some information he had received about the type of racing to be held, for a new Commission to work on with Mr. Mickelsen when he arrives. PARK COMMISSION UNFINISHED BUSINESS (conti) teboarding-Jack Mills J ti on Motion Museum and Wolter Estate Items to Jacksonville Museum - John Ralston Energy Consultant Check on Park Building Wanda O'Neal A BUSINESS Bear Creek Greenway Acquisiton Policy Revenue Sharing Key Man Insurance Appreciation Report Nancy Pinnock ADJOURNMENT MINUTES 12-28-78 PAGE 3 Mills moved, Bennett seconded to recommend that we do not get into the skateboard business due to two (2) things: 1. Liability insurance cost and 2. money for building a facility. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we recommend to the City Council that skateboarding be not allowed in the streets of the City of Ashland because of the potential hazards. The vote was: 4 yes 1 no (CraWford). . Ralston told the Commission that he received a letter back from the Jacksonville Museum. They do not receive gifts on loan, but would be willing to accept the gift, and loan it back to us if we are interested in displ ayingit. The Commission asked that Ralston check with the Ashland Historical Commission (Lawrance Powell) to find out more about this option to the Commission by the Jacksonville Museum. Ralston was asked to report his findings at January regular meeting. An oral report was given to the Commission on the thange made in the heating system to change it to the hot box system. Barry Hoyt and Dale Bohannan went through the parks building to see what type of insulation and heating system could be used in the building to help save on fuel costs. They will be submitting a written report to the Commission on their findings and suggestions. The Commission set a study session for Wednesday, January 17, 1979 with Karen Smith and Richard Box, City Planner. A study session was set for Thursday, January 18, 1979 to discuss Revenue Sharing funding for the Parks and Recreation Department. Mills suggested to the Commission that they discuss next month the possibility of covering Mr. Mickelsen with Key Man Insurance in case something should happen to him we would be covered in trying to replace him, rather then using so much in the budgets. Chairperson Pinnock expressed to Jack Mills and Bob Bennett her appreciation and the appreciation of the Commission for their combined 20 years of service on the Parks & Recreation Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. RespectjUll~ submi~ted, o.~ Wanda OINeal, Adm. Sec ta~y ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREA1ION COMMISSION