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JANUARY 27, 1977
The meetinq was called to order by Chairman Mills at 7:38 p.m. in the Parks
and Recreation Board Room.
Present Were:
Commissioners Bennett
Ga rci a
Mill s
Commissioner Bennett questioned having the position of Secreta~y/Treasurer
and what was the reason for having the position. After some discussion of
by-laws and reasons and description of the position of secretary/treasurer
as the person in charge of approving the bills, making sure the minutes are
taken at the meetings; Chairman Mills opened the nominations for Chairman.
Commissioner Pinnock nominated Kay. Bernard and Commissioner Bennett nominated
Nancy Pinnock. Commissioner Pinnock asked that her name be withdrawn from
the nominations. Commissioner Garcia moved that nominations be closed and that
the Commission cast a unanimous vote for Kay Bernard. Commissioner Bennett
seconded. All were in fa~or and the motion was carried. Nominations were
opened for Vice-Chairman. Commission Bennett nominated Nan~y Pinnock.
Commissioner Bernard moved that nomination be closed for vice-chairman -~nd:
that the Commission cast a unanimous vote for Nancy Pinnock. Commissioner
Garcia seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried. Nominations
were opened for Secretary/Treasurer. Commissioner Mills nomin'ated'Dave Garcia
forsecreta~y/treasurer. Commissioner Bernard moved that nominations be
closed and that the Commission cast a unamimous vote for Dave Garcia.
Commissioner Pinnock seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
The minutes to the previous meeting were not available at this time.
Financial Commentary - December 31, 1976 - The Commission decided to wait on
approval of the December Financial Commentary until the Februa~y meeting.
Bills - Commissioner Bernard brought to the attention of the Park Commission
the utility bill from the Ci~y of Ashland, which is over $800. This bill
is for both water and electric and includes the water going to the duck ponds.
Commissioner Pinnock stated that she was definitely apposed to using City
Drinking water for the Duck Ponds with the water situation as it now stands.
Director Graef told the Commission that he and Ed Fallon, Water Superintendent
for the City, were looking into an alternate water supply for the Duck Ponds.
The Commission was also told that about $140 of the bill in question was for
heating the lower playground restroom. The Commission asked that the heat be
turned down. The Commission also set a budget study session for February 1, 1977
at 4 p.m. ,',
MINUTES 1-27-77
Ashland Tennis Association - Shirley Oas - Mrs. Oas came to the Commission as
a representative of the Ashland Tennis Association to answer anv question the
Commission had concerning the Association. Mr. Oas, Commissioner Garcia and
Director Graef met together to discuss the use of the Park Office as a mail
drop and for placement of a bulletin-board for tennis activities. Director
Graef assured the Commission that the way the mail drop is set up, would not
take any more office staff time. The Association was also interested in
finding a place at Hunter Park to place a bulletin board. The Association
Board members also talked about circulating a newsletter to its members listing
Commission and Board members numbers for any question, comments or suggestions
that th~y may have. The newsletter would also give upconnngtournaments around
the state, social events for the Association, and general news concerning
tennis. The application forms will have mailing address as Ashland Tennis
Association, Park and Recreation, 59 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR 97520; and a note
to make checks payable to the Ashland Tennis Association. Mrs. Oas asked that
a decision be made so that th~y could continue with the membership drive and
also set up a meeting with members and perspective members to discuss the
summer plans, social events, the purpose of the Association and the tennis
ladder, this meeting would also be held to generate interest. Commissioner
Pinnock was concerned that we have some of these people from the Tennis
Association be at the budget hearing to give their support for the Recreation
Budget. Mrs. Oas suggested contacting her husband, Al Carver or BrurE=! Roberts
to notify them of the meetings. The Commission questioned the co-sponsorship
Of the Junior Davis CUD and "Wightman Cup during the summer. Di rector Graef
sai d that he di d not budget for thi s proqram, it was sel f-supporting 1 ast year.
Commissioner Mills wanted to know the amount of time the Ashland Tennis Association
would be asing the tennis courts. Mrs. Oas commented that most of the people
who will be involved in the Ashland Tennis Association are using the courts as
individuals now. The Association would be sponsoring or co-sponsoring tournaments'
such as the Shakespearean Tournament and the Big Al's Tournament and if possible
a tournament just for the Association members. Commissioner Bernard expressed
concern about the amount of time it would take away from the office staff.
Director Graef assured the Commission that with the way the Association is set
up all we would be doing is receiving the mail and storing it until someone
came to pick it up. Commissioner Pinnock asked Director Graef about the 1976-77
budget items for a Tennis Tournament Supervisor ($550) and self-supporting
activities which include tennis instruction. Director Graef told the Commission
that the item listed for Tennis Tournament Supervisor was not used but was in
the bUQget for the City's support of a Tournament Supervisor. The Commission
also asked if there would be any limit on the number of members perl1Ti'tted to
join, and if there would be scholarships for people interested but who could
not afford to join. Mrs. Oas said that she did not know of any money being
set aside for adul~ bat they may do this for the kids. The Tournaments also
provide money for maintenance and upkeep of the tennis courts, such as this year
the tournament provided $700 towards the purchase of windscreens. The Park
Office would not be handling any of book work for the Association, if the
Association wanted to donate any of the money for maintenance of the courts
this would be handled through a donation to the parkS department.
MINUTES 1-27-77
Ashland Tennis Association (conti) - After ~ore discussion, Commissioner Garcia
moved that we support the Ashland Tennis Association as the Ashland Parks and
Recreation Commission of the City of Ashland, Commissioner Mills seconded.
On discussion ~f the motion, the Commission asked Director Graef for his opinion
of the Ashland Tennis Association. Director Gr~ef said that he has a good
opinion of the Tennis Association as it is set up now. The general control
is in the hands of the Park Commission, and it do~s not limit the public use
of the courts. Commissioner Mil~s asked if an amendment to the motion would
be appropriate, to set a time llimit on the Tennis Association. Commissioner
Pinnock stated that she would be against a time limit, because these people
are offering a service to the citizens of Ashland. If there are any problems
that do arise, the Commission and the Board from the Tennis Association can
get together to discuss them.. The question was called for on the motion, all
were in favor and tfue motion was carried.
Jan Hebblewhite - Proposal for Summer Recreation Program - Mrs. Hebblewhite
gave her proposal to the Commission to have the Walker and Helman Elementa~y
School Library's open during the summer for six to eight weeks. Its a shame
that the books are there and not beinq used during the summer months. This
program would be a service to the community children and adults alike. The
lED has been contacted and they are willing to lend films. There would also
be a story hour for the kids, crafts, reading contests, and prizes for different
activities. 'The school population is approximately 600 if we reach at least
one~half the children and 100 adults, fn each area, the cost per participant
would be only $4.00. The school district would take care of maintenance of the
buildings. The o'rily cost to the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission would
be the salaries and $50 per school for supplies. The school district has been
contacted concerning the proposal. Mrs. Hebblewhite considered opening the
librar;'es from the middle of June to the first of August, but felt it was up to
the Commission to decide. Commissioner Mills asked why the Public Library was
cut back, he"heard it was because there were not as many people coming to the
1 i brary. The reason for the cut hack in hours was do to a budget cut, but
they are back to normal. Commissioner Pinnock asked what provisions there are
to keep the children and adults from running up and down the halls at the schools.
Mrs. Hebblewhite said that at Helman thety library is separate from the other
rooms, but at Walker she is checking to see ff the school has a metal gate to
go across the hall to secure the building, or find some other way to secure it.
A question was also asked about the liability insurance and if the school district
would cover it or if the Citywould have to provide insurance. Commissioner
Garcia asked why they feel there is a demand for the schools to be open, he
felt that the Public Library's story hour was not brinqing in that many children.
Mrs. Hebblewhite said the reasons for opening UP the school librades is for
the people in the areas, also convenience for parents and children and the
materials are available. The participants will have reading contests, prizes,
crafts, films, and many other activities. Commissioner Pinnock asked if we
incorporat~ this into our recreation program would we be responsible for setting
up the program, hiring staff and dealing with the paper work. Our only responsibility
would be the salaries and advertising the program as we dO,all other programs
offered by the Department. The Commission asked Leslie Haynes what she felt about
the program and if we should take this on. Mrs. Haynes felt this was a worthwhile
program and she would 1 He to see the program go.
MINUTES 1-27-77
Jan Hebblewhite - (conti) - This program could help extend the reading ,
program from the City Library. The Commission asked if the library had been(:P\'\h(.~~
concerning financial support and Mrs. Haines told the Commission that the
library would love to do it but they have no funds. Commissioner Bennett
asked if there are any other similar programs around the valley, and if so
how are they funded. Mrs. Haines said that there are or have been other similar
programs in the valley but she is not sure they are active now. They received
funding because people di d not pay attention to them, sometimes it was funded
by the Coun~y Parks and Recreation, or from readinq club money. After more
discussion, Commissioner Garcia asked if Mrs. Hebblewhite would consider running
the program for a shorter time (2 weeks). Director Graef told the Commission '
that during the summer playground program, Mrs. Haines would come to the
playgrounds and have a story hour which was a big success.
Ashland Crafts Cooperative - Sandy Pitler - Mr. Pitler, president of the
Ashland Crafts Cooperative, told the Commission that his proposal will not cost
the Commission any money. The Crafts Cooperative is made up of craftsmen from
Ashl and, and they have hel d two (2) indoor Crafts Fai res in the City of
Ashland. The first one was held on May 22, 1975 and the second was a Christmas
Faire on December 11, 12, 1976 at the Ashland Armory. Mr. Pitler read a letter
from Captain Brady of the Ashland Armory concerning the conduct of the Coop
group during the Christmas Crafts Faire. The Crafts Cooperative did not come
to the Commission with a specific proposal, but came with an idea and they would
like to sit down with the Commission members and members of the Crafts Cooperative
to work out the details together. One problem facing the Cooperative is the
Resolution concerning selling in Lithia Park which is limited to the 4th of July.
The Cooperative is in agreement with the resolution in that people should not
be allowed to just set up and start selling their wares in the park. The
Cooperative is proposing a community event, and Ashland being an Artistic
Community, as many artistic communities in the northwest have a yearly crafts
faire. The Cooperative is not proposing to have a yearly crafts faire, only one
this year 1977. Mr. Pitler stated that the Cooperative wants to put the faire
on and have the Commission have their imput on ideas, concerns, plans, etc,
and they will uphold all of the rules and regulations of the Park Commission and
the City of Ashland. Commissioner Mills read the Resolution in question and the
Park Commission discussed it and the Ordinance 10-68-060 concerning selling in
the Parks. Mr. Pitler read a letter to the Commission that was signed by about
twenty (20) merchants from the downtown area, also some other letters were given
to the Commission. The Cooperative is Willing to make any guarantees to the
Park Commission that they ask. Some Commissioners have been contacted and feel
that if there were no selling they would permit the crafts faire. Mr. Pitler
said that many craftsmen would not be willing to come if they were not allowed
to do any selling. The Cooperative asked the Commission to change or pass a
Resolution to allow this event this year to see how it will be run. Some
members of the Crafts Cooperative contacted Commissioner Mills and asked him
to attend the Christmas Crafts Faire held at the Ashland Armory and to discuss
the possibility of having the Faire in Lithia Park or on other sites. Commissioner
Mills told the Cooperative that selling is allowed on the 4th of July, but the
members of the Crafts Cooperative felt that the spirit and atmosphere is not
conducive to a Crafts Faire. Commissioner Bennett asked if the event is approved,
would the group have $200 - $300 to place as a deposit on the Park. Mr. PitFer
stated that they would be willing to do anything the Commission would require.
MINUTES 1-27-77
Ashland Crafts Cooperative - (conti) - Commissioner Pinnock asked Mr. Pitler
if food stuffs woul d be sol d during the Fai reo Mr. Pitler responded by saying
he felt that there are food craftsmen just as the people who work with leather,
pottery, etc. eommissioner Pinnock said this is not what she ment, it was
the junk foods she was concerned about. Mr. Pitler stated that th~y are prepared
to leave the area cleaner than when they began. Commissioner Pinnock also asked
about the booths and if this is a two (2) day faire would the booths be left
up, and who would provide security for them. Mr. Pitler is hoping to create
a faire site and if the Commission felt it necessary, th~y would provide a
person for security. The Ashland Crafts Cooperative have a jury system to
select those who will be allowed to sell their wares at the faire. Application
forms will be sent throughout the valley. Pictures and/er slides must be sent
with the application forms, which are turned over to the jury, and they sit down
select the best to be allowed to sell or display their wares. ~ Director Graef
asked if there would be any entertainment. Mr. Pitler stated that at the last
faire held at the armory, every hour they had a group use the stage and play
for those at the faire, these people were paid from a fund by the Cooperative.
Mr. Piller said that he knows there has been a problem in the past with the
people on Granite street and they have begun a program to contact those people.
The entertainment would last from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. so that they will be all
closed out in time for Shakespeare. The Commission asked about booth space and
limitation on numbers. Again Mr. Pitler told the Commission that they would
like to sit down with them and set up the rules, number of booths, and where
they will be placed, etc. The Commission discussed the legality of changing the
resolution at this time. Commissioner Bennett moved to table this until the
next regular meeting. Commissioner Mills seconded. Mr. Pitler stated to the
Commission that he is in favor of this resolution and if he were to rewrite the
resolution, he do it as follows: No vending in the Park whatsoever unless by
special permission of the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission. The Park
Commission could then specially permit the 4th of July. Commissioner Pinnock
brought up the fact that these resolutions and ordinances are protections for
the Park Commission, this sets the guidelines for all vending or selling.
We should consider standards of usage for large groups in Lithia Park. After
more discussion, Commissioner Mills removed his second and Commissioner Bennett
removed his motion to table the issue. After more discussion, Commission~r
Garcia moved to rescind the resolution providing for the prohibiting of vending
in Lithia Park with the exception of the Fourth of July. Commission Mills
seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Bennett Yes
Pinnock Yes
Mills Yes
Garcia Yes
Bernard No
The paper was asked that it be noted that the Commission rescinded the resolution
and not the OrdiBance. r
MINUTES - 1-27-77
Ashland Crafts Cooperative - (conti) - After much discussion as to who will
be allowed to sell and when in the Park, Commissioner Pinnock moved that we
allow the Ashl and Crafts Cooperative to have a two (2) day crafts fai re in
Lithia Park. The area to be specified later working with them in the
summer of 1977. Commissioner Mills seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Pinnock Yes
Garcia Yes
Mills Yes
Bennett Yes
Bernard No
Guidelines for the faire will be worked out at a later date. The Commission
also reserves the right to deny the faire to be held if their specifications
are not met. Mr. Pitler said that this is what they expect. Commissioners
Mi 11 s reques ted that the Cftaiiman write a 1 etter to the Chamber of Commerce
so that their 4th of July committee will be informed of the change in the
Anderson Bequest - Director Graef showed the Commission the designs again that
he received from the County. The Commission said that they would like to 5ee
the project move ahead. Commissioner Garcia suggested that we could put an
ad, in the paper for local designers to assist us with the design, we would put
in what we would like to see. Commissioner Gareia and Bennett were asked to
work with Director Graef on a project design.
Swim Pool - Kay Bernard, Nancy Pinnock - After the last meeting Commission~Bernard
and Pinnock found out more information about the sites in question for the pool.
Commissioaers Bernard and Pinnock talked with Don Lewis, Dean of Administration
at Southern Oregon State College, concerning College owned prooerty (2 sites).
The first site was the Corner of Iowa and 'l\'all<er' (Site # 14), itls :tne'area
adjoining the property at Iowa and Wightman, this area is being graded off for
ball fields. The second site, commonly known as the Grubb Barn area (Site #13)
off of Eas t Main and Wal ker Avenue. On the College development map they have
designated the whole area to accommodate a 10;000 capacft,y stadium, but as the
enrollment has reveled over the years, they have revised their thinking and decided
to keep or continue to use the old football stadium they have. At the present
time the Grubb Barb site is baing used by the Equestrian Club, and it is being
rented by the previous owner. On the College development map it has not been
changed from the football stadium, which is the original deSignation. The
property is across from the Junior High, but it is outside the City Limits.
MINUTES 1-27-77
Swim Pool - (conti) = The other in question were the IIArmory Sites" the property
off California and Wightman; and the Lithia Mill Property, South of East Main
off California. The property off California and Wightman is a desirable site,
but there is problems with the availability and it is under discussion as a
possible site for the Armory. The property south of East Main off California
is desirable, but there are IRS liens against the property which make the
availability in the near future questionable, also the property is zoned for
fli'gh density which may make the price a difficulty. After some (iJiscussion,
Commissioner Bernard suggestid contacting the Council to let them know what the
Commission has been doing with the Site Selection for the possibility of a
municipal pool. At this time we want to tell the reasons for our selection of
a partic~lar site. Commissioner Mills suggested getting a firm commitment from
the Armory Committee concerning the property they are consi dering. There is
also the possibility that the grant will come through for the Hunter Park
area and if the area cannot be changed, it will be a concern to reloca-e the
ball diamonds. Commissioner Bernard asked the Commission how they wanted her
to present the idea to the Council to show what they have done. Commissioner
Pinnock suggested giving a progress report but do not back any specific sites,
until after the grant proposal is back.
Bear Creek Greenway - The Commission suggested talking with Dave DIOlivo about
serving on the Committee, if Mr. DIOlivo is not interested Commissioner Bennett
and Commissioner Mills will be alternates.
Transfer of Appropriations- Director Graef told the Commission that we have a
surpl us of money due to the fact that we di d not hi re back the Park Ranger II
position and also the delayed hiring of the park foreman position, with the
anticipation of a higher insurance premium. The1ransfer of appropriations
would be for one or two mini-pickup trucks, and items stolen from the park shop.
Di rector Graef has talked wi th the Park Foreman Joe Martinez concerninq the
use of the trucks in the parks. After some discussion of the need for the
trucks and using the money for the loan to the City, Commissioner Mills moved
to approve the transfer of appropriation of the option of tools and pickuos,
case of oil, saber saw, and one small liiTt> chain saw. Commissioner Pinnock
s e con de d. On a ro 11 ca 11 vo te :
Commissioner Pinnock Yes
Garcia Yes
Bennett Yes
Mills Yes
Bernard Yes
High School Basketball Program - The program is in the budget for an intramural
high school basketball league. This program was set up by George Findlay.
After some discussion, the Commission decided to drop the program.
MINUTES 1-27-77
Programs in Progress - The Winter Program was sent to the Commission and the
most successful ,program is Fly Tying. Menls Basketball is dOing ok~y, but it
does have its problems. We are also co-sponsoring some programs a Tole and
Water color class for the Senior Citizens and some dancinq classes for the
general public.
Museum - The breakin at the museum was just to the restroom, the displays were
not broken into.
Shakespeare would like to donate three black swans in connection with the opening
of the Black Swan Theater. They will place two of the swans in the lower duck
pond and one in the upper duck pond to give a mate to the one that is already
the re .
With no"further business the meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m. to an adjourned
meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 1, 1977.
Respectfu~ly submitted,
,~.~ .- it /~~.. j}
,\/'((,/J(J-tl- C//Lta.-r
Wanda OINeal, Secretary
FEBRUARY 1, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bernard at 4:02 p.m. in the
Parks and Recreation Board Room.
Presen t wete:
Commissioners Bennett
Ga rci a
Absent were:
Commissioner Mills
Commissioner Bernard asked the Commission to set up a meeting time with the
Chamber of Commerce - Fourth of Jul y Committee. The Commi ss ion deci ded uoon
March 10, 1977 at 7 a.m. if this is convenient with the Chamber.
Teen Recreation Needs - Paul Votaw - The Commission asked Mr. Votaw to check
with students at the junior and senior high schools to find out what tyoes
of recreation activities they would like to see the Parks and Recreation
Department support for teenagers. Mr. Votaw told the Commission that he
talked with the students and they were interested in the following recreational
1. Intramural teams in baseball, softball; fl (I,g football ~ and basketball,
2. Di eye'l e t0ui-'~ iig ti-i ps, races C\I;G l:::oa1 t:-.
3. All comers track meets in the Spring.
4. Frisbee tournaments.
5. Bowling nights.
The Corrmission made the following comments regardhg the sugqestions from
Mr. Paul Votaw:
1. A good intramural program should be set up by either the schools
or by the Parks and Recreation Department.
2. The bi cycl ing program is good, but shou1 d be offered other than
duri ng the Wi n ter Program.
3. The all comers track meet and the frisbee tournament maybe added
under a special activities program during the summer or spring.
4. Bowling nights would not be that good in that there are leagues
he1 d every ni ght of the \'ieek, inc1 uding Saturday afternoons and Sunday
5. The Commission mentioned teen aances and asked if they would be
accepted by the students. The Commission would pick up the cost of
the band and the rental fee for the faci Ti ty and the sponsoring cl ass
or cl ub wou1 d pi ck up the res t of the fees and al so recei ve the profi t
on the dance.
Income ledger - The Commission was concerned about the Interfund loan and
Transfers from the City line items and'tJhat actually is in each account.
!'lINUTES 2-1-77
Director Graef read through the Parks budget with the Commission. The
following items were commented upon by the Commission.
1. Park Patrol. Each Commission member gave their opinion on the
concept of the Parks department funding the summer park patrol.
Commissioner Bennett felt that with a consensus viewpoint, if our
proposal is that we pay hal f and the City pay ha1 f of the sa1 ary
for the park patm'I, he is in favor of this.
Commissioner Pinnock felt that v-Ie should not pay for more then half.
We shou1 d not be in the Po1i ce business, but vIe shoul d wot'k with them
in this effort. We do not want someone who will hide behind the trees,
but sorreone who is willing to do the job they were hired to do.
Commissioner Gai"cia felt \'1e should not fund the Park Patrol at all.
There should be a patrol for the presence sake, but they should not
be thei'e pulling people out of the bushes for doing sornething,wronq.
Commissioner Bernard felt that this was an item the Commission should
want to discuss at a later meeting.
2. Downtown Pl(l,nt.eY's. The Commission expressed a concern ab()llt. the
Dc:iJo.r~rI1e:it taki:lg c.a~~e of the duv.intO\~n plante)^; -f0r the Cit:l ui'",d
having tvlr. Nelson, Finance Director, trade his services for this.
The meeting vIas adjourned at 5: 30 p.m. to an ,adjourned meeting to be hel d on
Monday, February 7, 1977 at 4 p.m.
Resp~ctfu1ly submitte1,
! ./ . ,; ,.' /
I / / ;'<'\ / . 1/
/ if. ) lt1tll /1 I(J tCF
t (,/ ..'-' r ( ,v( L. I j
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
~. 1I"I1N'""'~
V\) or,JC\d
FEBRUARY 7, 1977 - 4:00 p.m.
1. Parks Divison
2. Recreation Division
FEBRUARY 7, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bernard at 4:12 p.m. in the
Parks and Recreation Board Room.
Present were:
COl11l1i ss i oners
Garci a
~1i 11 s
Chairman Bernard told the Commission that Mayor Gary Prickett contacted her
concerning a joint meeting between the Ashland Parks Commission and the
Ci ty Counci 1 after the Ci ty Counci 1 recei ves the 1 etter from HUD concemi ng
the changing of the site selection for the swimming pool if the request is
The Commission discussed the following items regarding the Parks Budget:
1. Using the sod from the deer pen to resod the lawn area just above
the lower duck pond, and in later years using this sod for repairs to
the lawn.
2. Irrigation line item for $700. Commissioner Garcia felt that the
water system that was put in after the flood was wasted, also a maD
should be drawn up to show the water systems we presently have. He
also hoped that when we do put in the new water systems maps would be
kept up on them.
3. Park Patrol for Lithia Park. Director Graef told the Commission
that he budgeted for ha1 f of the sal aries of three employees and the
Police department would provide the uniforms.
Commissioner Pinnock moved that we request that we pay pay for one-ha1 f the
salary for three park patrol for the reasons that we have discussed,to cost
$2,808. Commissioner Bennett seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Pinnock Yes
Garcia No
Bennett Yes
Mills Yes
Bernard Yes
Commissioner Garcia felt that there are sufficient law inforcement officers.
COl11l1issioner Mills felt that the COl11l1ission should set up guidelines for the
Park Pat ro 1 .
, --/lr'
MINUTES 2-7-77
6. Summer Open Library Program. The Summer Open Library program is
scheduled for two (2) elementary schools (Helman and \'Jalker). Both
Commissioner Bennett and Pinnock were in favor of the program, because
they feel there is a need for both active and quiet activities. The
Commission requested that a tally of the number of people using the
program be kept for the six week program.
Commi ss i oner Bennett moved we approve both budgets as submi tted and corrected
in the fiscal year 1977-78. Commissioner Mills seconded. All were in favor
and the motion was carried.
With no further business the meting was adjourned at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted~~
'I / / .~.// /,'
/; /,,:!, //," //)- ."cz-://
tv Ct, 71l u'~ v /v( I
Wanda 0'Nea1, Secretary
FEBRUARY 24, 1977
~Tbe,me~til')g wa~..Ga1Jad to order by Ch.4irmall_Bern.axda.t 7:30 p.m. in the Parks_
and Recreation Board Room.
P resen t were:
Commissioners Pinnock
G a rc i a
Bern a rd
The minutes for November 30, 1976, December 16, 1976, and January 27, 1977
were approved as written.
Director Graef read through the Financial Commentary with the Commission an
commen ted s peci fi ca lly on the use of water, and that there may be an overr'un
as per Mt. Nelson in the utilities account~ due to the longer watering season
thi~ ~a.s-L fa.ll. O"ir'ecto'( Gfaef re"lt t:'lo.t We j{la.y (Jut 0"'i~(I\jrl th+i==. aL~0:..Hlt,
due to the fact that we have 'turned off all the fountains and duck ponds that
run cons tan t1y.
Bills - Commissioner Mills moved to approve the bills. Commissioner Bennett
seconded. All \<Jere "n favor and the motion was carri ed.
The letter from Doug Templer concerning Pop Warner Football was read to the
Commi S5 ion. Di rector Graef commented that thi s type of program wou1 d be to
costly to begin through out department. Director Graef suggested that
~1r. Templer get together with a group of interested parents to t'un the
program similar to the Little League program in Ashland.
The letter from the Ashland Senior Citizens Club was read to the Commission.
The Senior Club is pleased with the work being done to clean up and repair
the Women's Civic Club Building, and they pledge their support to help
maintain the building in such good condition.
Frank Philipps - Mr. Philipps questioned the Commission on the idea of the
Ashland Crafts Faire. Mr. Philipps told the Commission that he did not
keep up with the Newspaper articles on the question of selling in the Park
by the crafts faire people and he wanted ,to know how each Commissioner
pet'sonally felt about the Faire and selling in the Park. The Commissioners
answered Mr. Philipps as follows:
MINUTES 2-24-77
Frank Philipps - (conti)
1. Jack Mills - Comnissioner r.lills would like to see the faire in the
Park. Ashland has many gifted people and the atmosphere of the
Shakespeare Festival, lends itself to the Park and' selling by the
crafts people one time a year. The craftsmen should have an opoortunity
to sell their wares to the public.
2; Nancy Pinnock - Commissioner Pinnock stated that she' is apposed
to selling (vending) in the Park, but believes it should be contained
in the Lithia Park Extension. Commissioner Pinnock voted for the
faire, not naming the faire site with reservations on large groUD
usage standards for the park. The faire would be set up with the
intent to preserve the Park. Commissioner Pinnock wanted to try it
once, because in the past we have'run a closed conservative park.
3. Bob Bennett - Commissioner Bennett felt the Commission is hiding
behind a Resolution, and the Commission should be making decisions on
this type of thing. The Crafts Faire does represent a segment of the
Ashland Community. Commissioner Bennett said he was not in favor of
selling in the Park, but he would like to have a yard stick to go by
fo r futu re reference.
~. Dave Garcia - Commissioner Garcia feels pretty mu~ the same &5
the other Commissioners and also that in the Comprehensive Plan for
Ashland, the City is interested in clean industry, and arts and crafts
is a clean industry. Commissioner Garcia felt that this will not be
a market for all to sell in the Park, but that this will be an event
for all of the Community to be involved in. This is also one way to
establish Ashland as a Crafts Community.
5. Kay Bernard - Commissioner Bernard had the one decending vote,
because she is not in favor on having one group judging all entries
for the faire.
Mr. Philipps commented that is was remarkable and controdictory to rescind the
resolution on selling in the park and at the same meeting permit the Crafts
Faire to sell in the Park.' Commissioner Bernard said that the two hinged
together, so \'Jhy do one with out doing the other.
John Connors - Casa del Sol - Mr. Connors said that he felt the Crafts Faire
was not a non-profit organizatinn and that there is capitalization going on
by this group. Mr. Connors and other business men have very high established
overhead with taxes, rent, etc. He suggested that if the Faire is put on to
bring people to Ashland, why not do it at a time when the selling season is
down. Thi s fai re is setti ng a pattern for the future, and it is happeni ng
during the peak season for selling wares by the established businessman.
Mr. Connors feels the group is not non-profit, due to the fact that they will
be selling and the money goes to the individual selling at the faire.
MINUTES 2-24-77
Ray Godfrey - Proposals for Commi.ssion to Consider -
1. The possible establishment of an Iris Garden in Lithia Park.
Mr. Godfrey is personally interested in planting an Iris Garden
in Lithia Park if an area were established or set aside. He would
also come in every three years and plant different varities.
2. The second proposal would be the establishment of an Arboretum.
(A botanical garden exh'ibiting trees for their scientific interest
and educational value, and in association \'Jith appropriate wildlife
features.) Mr. Godfrey has tal ked with Dr. Bill Sammons and
Dr. Frank Lang, head of the Biology Department at SOSC, and they
are both infavor of this proposal. Mr. Godfrey told the Commission
that him an a friend of his will do all the planting of the trees
for the Arboretum in the upper park which is not used for much of
anything at the present time. The Commission asked Mr. Godfrey to
get together with the Director on presenting the two proposals.
Little League Lease - Dennis Varin, Fred Baumgartner, Floyd Gilbert -
Mr. Varin, treasurer, gave the Commission the insurance oapers with all of
the coverages requested, except that the property damage coveraae is still
at $25,000. 'The following items were clarified and corrected in the lease:
1. Paragraph III - Would like to wording chanced about the practice
time schedUleS. The game times can be qiven, but the teams practice
at so many different hours, and it would be impossible to list them.
The wording could be changed to state that the Ashland Little League
has priority to the fields during certain hours, and these hours will
be posted at tr: ball diamonds.
2. Paraqraph IV - Mr. Varin asked that the items listed be clarified
as to what types of improvements that Director may request the Little
League to make.
3. Paragraph X - Clarification of who can use the concession stand.
Groups using the concession stand must contact the Little League.
The Commission asked that a health certificate be posted in plain site
in the concession stand, and that a list be posted for steps to setup
and cleanup the equipment. The door to the refrigerator should be
taken off or chained shut when it is not in service.
4. Mr. Varin also asked if they could take care of skinning the infie'lds
or if this should be done this year. Director Graef felt that this would
be alright to do since the fields/lawn is not in good shape.
Commissioner Mills moved to approve the Little League Lease with the changes
that have been recommended. Commissioner Garci a seconded. In discussion,
the Commission asked that the Little Leagl!e have a copy of 'the Health Certificate
to the Parks Office by April 1st, and the original posted in plain view at the
concession stand. Commissioner Garcia suggested that we consider having the
MINUTES 2-24-77
Little League Lease (contI) - Little League aerate, fertilize, and seed the
bare spots. Director Graef felt that the lawn is in such bad shape, and the
Little League is looking for another place to locate, that \^le should not ask
them to do this. The motion was calied for, all were in favor and the motion
was carri ed.
Bear Creek Greenway Committee Appointment - Chairman Bernard appointed
Commissioner Mills to serve on the Bear Creek Greenway Committee. Commissioner
Bennett reques ted that hi s name be dropped from the City Commi ttee whi ch
Mayor Prockett appointed him to.
Resolution Suggestion - Nancy Pinnock - Commissioner Pinnock moved that we
accept the resolution to our Park Ordinances that states henceforth, it is
the policy of the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission that vendin~ be
prohibited in Lithia Park with the exception of those registered for the
Fourth of July and the Ashland Crafts Faire to be held two (2) days in August,
1977 in Lithia Park. Commissioner Bennett seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Pinnock Yes
Garcia No
r~i 11 s No
Bennett Yes
Bernard Yes
Guidelines for Crafts Faire - Conmissioner Pinnock read through the guidelines
worked out with Director Graef and Commissioner Garcia. (See attached) The
Commission discussed the following items concerning the guidelines for the
Crafts Fai re:
1. #12 - All items sold at a particular booth must be handcrafted by
the individual :;, that booth and not purchased for resale.
2. #17 - The sound system at the band~he11 belongs to the Ashland
City Band, and they must be contacted if it is to be used.
3. #20 - An emergency first aid station will be set up by the Commission
and s ta ffed by the Crafts F ai re. There mus t be on duty at all ti mes
during the Faire either a Doctor, Nurse or EMT (Emergency Medical Tech.).
4. #1 - The number of people who must be residence from the City of
Ashland who participate in the Crafts Faire is set at sixty (60) percent.
The Comnission felt that this is fai r in that the Park is supported by
City tax dollars and that City residents should be the majority of those
who are using the faci1itv. ..
5. #14 - Two (2) off duty or reserve police officers must be hired by
the Crafts Cooperative to keep order during the faire hours.
Mr. Sandy Pitler had the following comments and questions regarding the guide-
lines for the fai re:
1. Mr. Pitler asked that the Commission add that there will be no
parking near the bandshe11. The Commission agreed to recommend this
to the City Council.
2. #1 - Mr. Pit1er asked if it would be possible to require that the
majority of the people live within Jackson County, due to. the fact that
MINUTES 2-24- n
Guidelines for Crafts Faire - (Conti) - many of the poep1e live just
outside of the city limits.
3. #12 - This guideline should read no merchandise shall be sold
that has not been made by the particular craftsmen chosen for the
4. #14 - Mr. Pit1er told the Commission that he talked with Chief
Hays concerning the reserve officers, and he felt that they would
be quite heavily scheduled during the summer. The police must be
hired by the Ashland City Police Department and paid for by the,
Ashland Crafts Cooperative.
5. # 16 - r~r. Pit1 er s ai d that to have the Sani tary servi ce pi ckup
the trash on Satul'day and/or Sunday would be staggering in cost.
They do have it worked out so that the trash will be taken away on
Saturday afternoon by their own crews and then on Monday by the
Sanitary Service.
6. #18 - A business license must be purchased by each individual
vendor. The cost is $20, $15 of that is refundable by the end of
the quarter. Contact City Recorder, Joe Butler for more information
about the business license.
7. #20 - The equipment for the first aid/emergency station will be
provided by the Parks department, but it w'il1 be staffed by the
Crafts Faire with one of the following: Doctor, nurse, EMT.
8. #21 - Mr. Pi tl er di c1 riot unders tand if \tIe \'!anted a des i gn of each
uooth eXdcLly o.S each (;Y'dfLsiildrl wuulJ ~eL hi::, up or- ju:,t ct yeilt~r'al
layout of the entire al'ea for the faire.
9. #24 - Mr. Pit1er asked that the need for fire extinguishers be
explained. They must be placed in booths where flame producing
elements are used.
10. The Crafts rooperative must pay workmans compensation on all paid
employees of th faire.
Conmissioner Pinnock moved that sixty (60) percent of the craftsmen at the
Crafts Faire must live within the City Limits of the City of Ashland.
Commissioner Bennett seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Garcia No
Bennett Yes
Pinnock Yes
Mills Yes
Bernard No
Commissioner Mills asked that it be noted that he felt this should be a faire
for the Craftsmen of Ash1 and.
Commissioner Bennett moved that we accept the items as corrected and adjusted
for the Arts and Crafts Faire. Comnissioner Mills seconded. All were in favor
and the motion was carried.
MINUTES 2-24-77
Ashland High Leaminq Center - Harry Ditwil1er -Mr. DitvJiller would like to
receive any of our old playground equipment for a grouo that he is takinq
down to Mexico during Spring Vacation. The equipment would be given to an
orphanage in ~~exico. The Commission asked that a letter be written to
Ml~. DitvJi11er explaining the situation, in that if the equipment is dangerous
or hazardous; theCommi ss ion feel s they shoul d not pass it on to others.
Dance-a-thon - Debbie Pinnock - t~issPinnock came to the Commission to request
that they co-sponsor a dance-a-thon wi th the Sophomore c1 ass to helD rai se
money to put on the Senior prom and to purchase a live Christmas tree as a
gift to the City of Ashland. The Commission exoressed the fo11ovJinq concerns
fo r the dan ce- a-thon:
1. Amplification of music and ~ettinq a noise permit.
2. Curfew hours for those participating in the dance-a-thon.
Miss Pinnock will check with the Chief of Police concerning this
Commissioner Bennett moved to table until the next meeting.
Three proposals from Dave Garica - Closing of dirt section of Pioneer Street -
The Commission discussed the following concerning the closing of Pioneer Street
,. that runs through L i thi a Park:- ... ....... -- ..-..-. .
1. COi'lliil:ssioner Beflllett ::,U9::te::.L8U Lhat VJe n14u~s'L the City to\'ridon
the street and put in a water line. This is an access for Shakespeare
during the summer.
2. Commissioner Pinnock did not feel that closing the street would
stop erosion of the hillside. This street is a needed acess to the
park, and we should send a recommendation to ~he Traffic Commission
to see if the street could be widen, a water 1 ne for fire safety, and
the possibility of having the street paved.
3. Commissioner Garcia felt that some planting should be done along
that area to help prevent the hillside from eroding. The street would
not have to be closed with the proper drainage and possible paving of
the street.
4. Commissioner ~1ills commented that it would be a good idea to keep
the street open, because the Police do use the street to patrol the
Proposal to repeal Park Ordinance - Commissioner Garcia moved that the Park
Commission recommend to the City Council that the ordinance which prohibits
anyone over the age of sixteen (16) from using the playground equipment
should be repealed. Commissioner Bernard seconded. Discussion: Mr. \~es Hoxie
stated that he was not in favor of the repeal of the ordinance, since the
ordinance was pOt into effect to protect the small children ~anting to play
on the equipment from being chased off by big kids (age 20+). He suggested
maybe amending the ordinance to allow adults with small children to demonstrate
how to use the equipment. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Garcia Yes
Pinnock No
Mills No
Bennett No
Bernard No
f'.'1INUTLS ?ut~4.-77
....,~ ,f'. (' I ~ i
I. r\.'! I. i
Proposal to Establish Bandshell as a Free Speech ,l\rea ,.. COl1imiss';cii
motion dies lack of second.
G (;, '( .~_.; (~:. I ~)
Tennis Tournament - f\l Cat~Ver - The Commission discussed the follcl'iinJ F,.'
concerning the tennis tournamellt:
1. The CC}fnmission v!ould like to have someone f)^OI1'l the P,shli.:l!'!,j Tcnr;'i:.)
Association take Ci:H'e of the y'estroorr.:; to clean rmcJ sU:JD1v tiil'.
cost VJould be prohibHive for C)LJ)" depii.rl"ln<.::nt to 'ti;k!0 cate of t'i;:;.
2. jl1r. Carver must check ~\l'it!1 the L'itfle League cCJ1lcernincl t use
of their equipment and the concession stand for t!,':: tournJ.:r:nt.
3. The Ashlano Tonn'is j:lssociation vJil', hc~ l~eqlr!rC'd to qet a !1:,:aitl1
cel'ti fiu.te and post it tlt the conces'~ion stand dUl'iilCJ thc; tliunli:UJ1'nt
and have a copy on file -in the PaTks office'.
4. r\n of tfw above I'cquirernc:qts win bc~ in 'iiritin~).
Commissioner Bennett 1110VL:d tO~tn(r: the /\shlanj Tennis fi,ssociC1t'ic,r: to CL>iHluc1:
their annu3.1 Biq /rl IS Tenn'ls Touni,~:;r:(~nt. COi!:;rjs~;'ioner filills sc:co'idc?d. f\ll
were in faVOr' and the motion \'Ia:.: G.'rried. Tl1 Co,nrnission asked [)'irccto r;rclt:T
to handle all the details.
sose Grdduilt:ion - E.C. i1icC"1l1 .. The letter "'iDS re2.c1 to the COlT1TnisSlon from
r~j(. f'.1cGil'l rCC1ucsting th,-: use of th{~~ r~[}nd~:: 1"1 fOt t~.)e SOSC qr-}du(;.t"i:.::~ C}::
Saturday, June '1~ ]t)//. LOlllrni~,s !OiIC:T Iii i is i'i1oved to approve tile requeST Tor
the use of the Gandsh,::n. CormriSS'iO):(~r BcnneLt seconde.d. Discussion:
1. The Commission ViaS concenled about ho\tJ the area vias left after
1 as t yea )^S q raduat ion.
2. The Comnisslon v1'ill make up a Standi1rd of Usa~j(-: for larg? o.rouns
us i ng th(~ Pa)'f<'
3. This \v;l1 help to protect the clt'izens VJf;'l func! the park upkeep.
The question 1'lilS called for, all l'JerG in favoy' Cllld the motion vIas cc,n-icd.
Commissioners Pinnock and Mills will work with Mr. Hoxie and Mr. John Connors
on the Standards of Usage guidelines.
R~~quest for Use of Tennis Courts - Director Graef received a request fi^orn the
Ashland Junior Hiqh and Ashland Senior Hiqh to use the liunte\^ Park TE~nnis courts
fOl^ classes and team practice. The junior hi~Jh vJOu1d l-ike to use the courts
from Apr"il 25 to June 8, 8:30 a,m, to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., nondclY
thru Friday, using six (6) courts. The hiqh schcol would like to use t:!e courts
from March 7 to May 20, 3 p.m. to 5:30 c.m.) Monday thru Friday, using six (6)
courts. This is a trade off for the use of the gym soace. Comrnissioiln fTl'1s
moved to accept this request from the school district. Commissioner !3ennt~tt
seconded. COll1nissioner Gennett amended the motion to include the hOI11(~ 1:lalehe's
as listed. Commissioner P'innock seconded. The motion vias passed I'Jitl1 a vote' o~
4 to 1. The amendment vv'as passed I'/ith a vote of 4 to 1.
MINU1TS 2-24-77
Spring Dance - Director Graef told the Commission that we will be sponsoring
a Spring dance with the Sophomore class on Friday, March 25, 1977.
Cornni s s i arleY's r~ i l'I s, Pi nnack an d Ga rei a vii 11 act as chaoerons for the dance.
~iater Use Guici2'linc~~ for rhc Pilt'ks System - Director Graef asked the Commission
to read thr'ouqh the gui 'iinc.s that he \'frote up, and make comments and suqcJt"~stions
to llim for add-itions and/or' (Jc),:,t'ions. J\lso~ if the s'ituation gets bad enowJh,
we may want tu write a letter to the Council for more directive guidelines
cOi1cernin~l park lllnds.
I>iith no furthel~ businC?ss the meeting vJas adjourned at 11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted)
I-Ianda 0 I 1!23,l, Secretary
t~ ~
t:,i r.'A."
L '~....
0.""'"";; ~ i":
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C J/:~S., f.
CITY H/\LL. ISH /\[')D. OF:;!'r;()r'~ 97520
48;~~S21~) Ot' ~~+82-~)216
PARK CO{\~f/i(S:,IO~Jr:FS:
I<^.Y UERN/"~D. Ckl;rman
N/c.NC'r' P!t.,';,!()(><
Dt,\'E G/.r:ic,l/..
~JCHN V/ (J/"',C~:) f,~iLLS
naG B[NI,[~ I
, r;-
Februa\~y 28, 1977
Gui~r;~UJ~~~ focJ:hc:_._~1lQ}m~::-_:l5al~x:.~ft~Li:d r, (Augus t 13, '14) (1\'1 t. l\u
l: Z () ,,:;,"j )
1. Sixty percent (607;) of the craftSln211 vending at the fair rnust
live \1ith'in the CHy Liil11t~:; of Ashlind~ Oy'eqol1.
2. The:: l\shland PiiY'ks ?, Recr-e(;tic);'l COl''1:Jrission must be P1Acsentcd \ilith c
list of the cr-iter-ia to h~ used bV thc: !\sh"iand Ci'afts Co-Do to bE:
Llsorl 'l'tl ce,l,-,r,","tlC1 (\"l+t<:~"-'I-j l)'"",,,O\~'" t'il" <;c1lr.("1-,'u"'1 D\;'or'es~ 1-,,-,,,),,.,.-.<;
\:..... ...) ~~.......t.. .J ...1 C I ""~';<i.,,_ I J. _I '- ~. \:" ....,\.., ,-".\,,0 , ~ I 'V....::> L\...~ 111_."
3. 1\ compi ete i is t of crafts:r{'!1 sei ected mus t be rrescnred to tile'
Ashland Parks & Recreat'ion COiiinri:;s'ic,tl as soon as the se'lection procc:';s
is completed.
4. A listing of five (5) nan,% of l\shlimd Crafts Co.,Oo member's Inust be
submitted to he Ashland F1iJTks & RC~G\'cat..ion Commission, aloi1~J \'fith
addresses and t(;l ephone numhers. 1112se pc~rsons \'ii'll be dec:rn,~d as
responsible p'rsons to the Ashland Parks & RGcrea.t'ion Commission.
5. The Crafts Fair s~all begin at 10:OOam and end at 7:00pm..
6. Construction of booths for the Crafts Fail~ shall begin no sooner than
6:00am the day of the Fair, and will be cleaned up and out of the park
no later than l2:00noon the day after the Fairs last day.
7. A $500.00 deposit is required by the Ashland Parks?{ Recreat'ion Depat'trnent.
8. Copies of the Ashland Crafts Co-Op papers of non-profit articles of
incorporation must be oresented to the Ashland Parks & Recreation Corrmiss'ion
as soon as possible.
9. The Ashland Orafts Co-Op must present to the Ashland Parks & Recreation
Commission a Health Certificate for each edible craft vendor participatinq.
10. If a noise perm'it is needed, the j'1,shland Crafts Co-Op must secure this
permit from the !\shland City Council & present the permit to the Ashland
Parks & Recreat'ion COll1mission.
11. All certificates and permits and other required items must be presented
to the Ashland Parks & Recreation Crwmission by July 14,1977, 4:30pm..
Home of F,Hnous Lit ilia hHk
0-!:l i ~. e 1 i n ~_f9_c. .1\1 e ?~~l~~q r- - 12J 7 _~..!::!:'"tt.s_ r a "Lr.
12. No merchandise ma,y be sold that f125 not been I'ICi.cko by"
craftsn~n chosen for that particular boo
13. A copy of dpplicable Park Ordinances \'Jill DC' nresentl:d to the
Ashland Crafts Co,.Op and must be ac!hc;red to.
Arrangelll2nts must be maJe for bID (2) off..,-:!) CHy
Reserve Police Officers to be on duty durin0 the Fair
Saturday lO:OOa:n to 7:00pm, 3, Sunday "IO:()C~'::1 to 6:00
paid fo\~ by the flshl and Crafts Co".Op.
11 CC;il:::n c r
U rs 0 f
~ ~ to b (~
Four' (4) Porta-Potties (uortable toilets) \[\'10 on e;lCh ';ide 011.::(<
bc\ndshell) wnl be provided and paid for hy thc~ J\slili,nd r.riltts Cc p,
16. Arrangements must be made for hiD (2) du;nDst(;\^S and Si!nHarv ServiCe
pi ckup for th(~1l1 be.fore the Sunday events i'ind (i(' OlA b(~f()re ;!2: (,en en
ffJon day.
17. If the !\shland Crafts Co.-Op intends to use: th2 sound systrc:!n at the:
band shell, it. m')st make arran0ements to u:,c: the sound Sj'stCCnl v:ith
the Ashl and Ci ty Band.
18. Each individual vendor must apply for and obtain a business license
Clccor-d"ing to tile ordiniinCeS of tht' C'1 ty 0; [\sill (end i.1.nd d-isnl ay Sll
license -in plain vie\"l in his/her booth dUt"inq the Crafts Fair.
19, The f\sh12,nd C'-(~fts Co-"Op dt:'F'(~eS h' 2ssur"-' re<:,l)C1n'~ib"ilit\' +"o\^ c:"<!!
0:: .~;:e : ai :
c.;::::;; ,:0:'::1:;
,I . _ I _. . I '-..'"'
~;:\.J::'e 1:I..Jv:r"::, \/;::~I; puiU PUill.C Ullll.:";i":"" (1i"\..~ u;!
20. A First-Aid station must be establ'ished as d(~signed by the /~shl(),nd p(1
& Recreation Comm'ission, and staffed by a f\'ledical Doctor, Nurse; o:^ l-.
at all times \tlhr-::il the Fa"ir is 'in operation.
21. The design of 2"11 structures to include entire Fair layout set un for th
Cr'afts Fail', must be subnrltted to the rishl:1nd Parks g, Recrea.tion Co!:;,.r1ssicn
for apPl'ovu.l b,Y' llu'ly 14, 1977. This may be a general layout.
22. The Ashland Cl'aft?, Co-Op agrees to handle all publicity and advE:Ttisino,
Thev shall empha.size in all publicity and advertising that tfTc 1~,shlCtnd
Crafts Co-Op is a non-profit organization and that the Ashland Parks &
Recreation Com'!lission is not co-sDonsoring the event in any \tJav.
23. The Ashland Ci'afts Co-Op shall be l'esponsible for deaning un the Fd:Y'
area and leaving 'it as before by"12:00noon on r,ionday, AW1Ust 15,1977,
This to be approved by the Director of Parks & Recreation.
24. At every booth lilhere then~ is a flame producing element there must bc;:;
a fi re ex t"i n gu is he \^.
25. Liability Insurance must be obtained by the Ash'land Crafts Co-Op for
coverage of all times that merrbers or the Fai r will be in the park and
for coverage or the Fair itself, as required by the City of I\shland.
Guidelines for the Surnmer--1977 Crafts Fair
page 3
26. If the Ashland Crafts Co-Op decides to cancel the Fair at any time,
it shall be thei r responsibility ,to notify all ,interested parties.,.
including the County Health Department, Police, Medical attendants,
Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission, etc..
27. The Ashland Crafts Co-Op or its members may not paint, disfigure in
any way, nail to trees or existing structures, tables, benches, or
drive any stakes into the ground.
28. The Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission recommends that parking be
prohibited by the bandshell and gazebo area.
29. No sporting activities will be al"lowed at the Fair.
30. The site of the Fair shall be the area of the bandshell in Lithia
Park as discussed by the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission and
Sandy Pitlel" of the Ashland Crafts Co-Op.
31. The Ashland Parks & Recreation Conmission will not be responsible for
any bills incurred by the Ashland Crafts Co-Op.
32. No motorized vehicles will be driven on any lawn area or over any
i rri gat i on sys tems .
33. Any violation of set guidelines may result in the suspension of the
Fair or individual vendor, as the case may be.
34. The Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission, Ashland Parks & Recreation
Depa rtment & its employees, the City of As hl and & its employees shall
not be held l-iab1e for any incidents that occur during the set up,
duration, or cleanup of the Fair.
MARCH 31, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bernard at 7:30 p.m. in the
Parks and Recreation Board Room.
Present were:
Commissioners Mills
Ga rci a
Special Meeting - February 1, 1977 - Commissioner Bennett corrected the
minutes as follows: Page 1 - The Commissions comments regarding suggestions
from Paul Votaw: 1. A good intramural program should be set UP by the
Special Meeting - February 7, 1977 - Chai rman Bernard corrected the minutes
as follows: Page 1 - Chairman Bernard told the Commission that she contacted
Mayor Prickett concerning a joint meeting between the Ashland Parks and
Recreation Commission and the City Council after the City Council receives
the letter from HUD concerning the changing of the site selection for the
swimming pool if the request is accepted.
The minutes for February 1, 1977; February 7, 1977; and February 24, 1977
were approved as corrected.
Financial Commentary - February 28, 1977 - Placed on file.
Oj~~ussion and/or approval of bills - Commissioner Mills moved to p~y the
bills. Commissioner Pinnock seconded. All were in favor and the motion was
carri ed.
Letter from Frank Lang is support of the Arboretum proposal was placed on file.
Letter from Everett Weighter thanking the Park Commission for their putting
in the two (2) work study positions for the Childrens Theatre was read and
pl aced on fi 1 e.
Dr. John Reynolds - Dr. Reynolds donated two (2) Canadian Honkers to the Park,
in exchange, he would like the use of one of the black female swans.
MINUTES 3-31-77
Dr. John Reynolds - (conti) - Conrnissioner Pinnock moved to accept the offer
of Dr. Reynolds; the gift of the honkers to the Park and give him the use of
the female swan. Commissioner Mills seconded. Dr. Reynolds would give the
swan back when the Park Conrnission wanted it. All were in favor and the
motion was carried.
Dance-a-thon - Miss Debbie Pinnock - Miss Pinnock received a dance permit
from the City Council and permission to be out past the curfew of the city.
Miss Pinnock told the Commission that the money th~y raised from the dance-
a~thon would be used to purchase a living Christmas tree for the City of
Ashland, and to put on the Senior Prom when they are Juniors. Commissioner
Mills moved to waive the fee on the building. Commissioner Bennett seconded.
All were in favor and the motion was carried. The dance-a-thon will be held
Apri 1 30 - May 1.
Arboretum Proposal - Ray Godfrey - Mr. Godfrey's proposal for an Arboretum
would take three (3) acres to begin, and possibly putting in a water line
and parking spaces in a few years. Mr. Godfrey is working on the project
with Mr. Frank Sesock, most of the work would be done on the weekends.
Mr. Godfrey asked for the following in his proposal:
1. The right to do clearing as necessa~y.
2. The right to the cleared wood.
3. Help from the Park Employees in watering the seedlings for the
fi rs t two ( 2) s umme rs .
4. For the Park Department to provi de ferterl i zero
The project would take one to two months to complete. Commissioner Bennett
moved to table until the next meeting with more information.
Iris Garden Proposal - Ray Godfrey - Mr. Godfrey would provide and plant the
Iris in an Iris Garden and replace the Iris every three to four years.
Commissioner Pinnock moved to accept the proposal for the Iris Garden in an
area decided upon by Mr. Godfr~y, Joe Martinez, and Doug Graef, and the details
worked out with them. Commissioner Bennett seconded. All were in favor and
the motion was carried.
Standards For Park Usage - Commissioner Bennett moved to accept the sub-
committees report for standards of usage on graduations and the Feast of Will.
Commissioner Mills seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
The Commission asked that Director Graef put the guidelines in order.
4th of July - The Commission set a time to meet"with the committee working on
the 4th of July celebration. The meeting will be held Friday, April 8, 1977,
at 4 p.m., at the Parks and Recreation office.
MINUTES 3-31-77
Crafts Faire Guidelines - Sandy Pitler - Mr. Pitler asked the Commission to
reconsider the first guideline for the Crafts Faire, requiring that 60 percent
of the participants in the faire live within the City limits of Ashland.
Commissioner Pinnock moved to reconsider the first guideline on the Crafts
Faire. Commissioner Garcia seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Mills
Commissioner Garcia moved that 51 percent of the craftsmen at the Crafts Faire
must live within the Ashland School District. Commissioner Pinnock seconed.
On a roll call vote:
Conrnissioner Pinnock Yes
Garcia Yes
Mills Yes
Bennett Yes
Bernard Yes
Mr. Pitler talked with Mr. Joe Butler, City Recorder, concerninq the Business
licenses, and asked that we recommend to the City Council with Mr. Butler
that the Crafts Coop apply for a license for the entire faire instead of each
individual vendor requesting a license. The Commission asked Chairman Bernard
to contact Mr. Butler for his opinion and then to take care of the matter.
Anderson Bequest - Dave Garcia, Bob Bennett - The Commission discussed the
idea of having a design contest. There would be two (2) age groups: 18 and
under and 19 and over. A general bill of materials and cost must be given
with the design. Commissioner Pinnock moved to proceed with the plan.
Commissioner Bennett seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
Commissioner Mills voted in favor of the concept only.
Museum Displ~y - Dave Garcia - Commissioner Garcia received the go ahead from
all of the Conrnississioner and Director Graef to give the museum displ~ys to
the College Biology department. They will place them in glass container that
will be air tight.
Support Ashland Youth - Kathy Newcomb, Joan Rogers - Support Ashland Youth
is looking for alternatives to keg parties. This group would like to see
more open gym nights just ofr high school students. Mrs. Newcomb was asked
to work with Director Graef on getting more space available.
MINUTES 3-31-77
Rosemary Dalton - Building Use Request - The Jackson County Taskforce on
Household Violence would like to use the Women's Civic Building, for a
benefit they will be having. This group is aSking that the fee be waived
for the benefit. The group did plan on serving wine at the benefit. The
Commission asked Director Graef to get a legal opinion on the standing of
the bUilding with the Park Ordinance as to alcoholic beverages being served
in the building. Commissioner Garcia moved that we waive the fee for this
group. Commissioner Bennett seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Pinnock No
Garcia Yes
Mills No
Bennett Yes
Bernard Yes
Kathy Ging - Energy Fair - Miss Ging would like to have the buildinq fee
waived for the use of the building for two (2) days. Contnissioner Garcia
moved to waive the bUilding fee for the Energy Fair. Commissioner Mills
seconded. The motion was carried with a vote of 2-3.
Rogue Community COllege - Commissioner Bennett moved that we allow Rogue
Community College to have their graduation on August 26, with the stipulation
that their reception be held at the Henry Enders pavilion; and if they have
a pot luck picnic they must reserve an established picnic site. Commissioner
Garcia seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
Phoenix High School Graduation - Commissioner Pinnock moved to allow the
Phoenix High Graduation to be held at the Bandshell on June 5, we would
like to know who their speaker is and their topic. Commissioner Bennett
seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
Es tate of Edward Wol ter - Mos t of the inventor has been cl eared out. Di rector
Graef talked with Mr. Wolters sister, and they would like to have an old clock
and some 01 d photographs from the es tate, these items have been gi ven to her.
Waiver of Business License - 4th of July - Commissioner Bennett moved that we
request the Chairman to send a letter to the City Council ,asking a waiver of
the business license fee for the 4th of July celebration. Contnissioner Pinnock
seconded. On a roll call vote:
Commissioner Garcia
Mi 11 s j
MINUTES 3-31-77
Tree Removal - Dave Garcia - Commissioner Garcia would like to have a
committee set up to review all the trees that are to be cut in Lithia Park.
Director Graef pointed out to Commissioner Garcia that if the committee did
not allow the department to cut down a potentially hazardous tree and it
fell and hurt or killed someone, the City, The Parks Department and the
Commission Members could be sued. Joe Martinez, Park Foreman, told the
Commission that the only trees being taken out are those that are dead and
Revised Resolution - Jack Mills - Commissioner Mills moved to include in
Commissioner Pinnocks resolution on selling in the park the Feast of Will.
Commissioner Bennett seconded. All were in favor and the motion was carried.
Bear Creek Greenway - Jack Mills - Commissioner Mills told the Committee that
the Park Commission is apposed to the purchase of Bluebird park.
Swim Pool - Kay Bernard - Chairman Bernard went over the discussion from the
joint meeting with the City Council. The Commission discussed design and
Site/location and set up a study session on Monday, April 11,1977 at 7:30 p.m.
Teen Dance - Director Graef told the Commission that before putting on another
teen dance, he must have a firm committment from the parents for chaperons.
The only chaperons that showed up were Bob Bennett and Molly Hi 11. We di d have
two (2) off duty police officers also.
Jim Parsons - Cedar Trees - Mr. Parsons would like to have any of the Cedar
Trees that we cut down to make into benches for the COllege Greenhouses.
A plaque would be put by them stating that they were donated from Lithia Park.
Also, any trees that can beOJt up for lumber will be taken to a mill in White
City that will cut up domestic lumber and we will receive credit as a percentage
per square footage of 1 umber.
Recreational Swimming - Don Lewis from SOSC talked with Director Graef about
using open times at the SOSC pool for recreational swimming this summer.
Commissioner Bennett suggested that this be co-sponsored with the COllege,
letting them hire the staff and keeping the money that comes in from the program.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secreta~y
P. O. BOX 727
TF.LEPHONE 462.4215
May 4, 1977
Mr. Doug Graef
Park Director
City Hall
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Dear Doug:
Re: Estate of Edward F. Wolter
Our File A-I05
Enclosed for your records in the above matter are
copies of the following:
Petition for Probate of Will and Appointment
of Personal Representative
Affidavit of Attesting Witness to Will
D~rbara L. L~ililej
Affidavit of Attesting Witness to Will -
Bert G. Davis
Order Admitting Will to Probate and Appointing
a Personal Representative
A copy of this letter as well ~s a copy of the enclosures
are being sent to Bob Nelson so that he will be informed of the
financial status of the Park Department with respect to this
gift by the decedent.
Our of the $1,618.76 cash shown on the Inventory, the
following bills have been paid:
Security Insurance (ins. on house). . ~ .$ 29.00
Filing Fee for Petition and 2 copies
of Letters of Administration. . 58.65
Tom Owen's claim as attorney for
Guardianship. . . . . . . . . . . 520.50
Elgan C. Amidon's claim re Guardian
and flowers.. .. . . .... 300.00
Total. . . . .$908.15
Mr. Doug Graef
May 4, 1977
Thus, this leaves in the cash account the sum of
. 1,285.00
. .. 34.50
. . . . .. 50.00
. . 1,236.00
Total .. .. $3, 541. 48
The above are estimates. Further, we are at this time paYlng the
real property taxes so as to prevent the further accrual of
Our estimate of the yet to be paid is as follows:
Associated Insurnace - Executor's Bond. .. . .$
1976-77 Real Property Taxes + interest. . . . .
Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital (lab fee). . . . . .
Hearthstone Manor .
Conger Morris . . . .
Medford Clinic. . . .
Tidings - publication fee (approx.)
Personal Representative's Fee.
Attorney's fee. . . . . . . . .
As you can see, the Estate is short approximately
$2800.00 in cash to pay the bills. However, you have indicated
that as soon as the new fiscal year arrives and you have the money
.,~ .
t~~so, you are going to paint and fix up the house and then put
it on the market for sale. That should glve us the cash necessary
to pay the bills and close the Estate. The Estate, however,
cannot be closed until the bills are paid.
If either you or Bob have any questions, please feel
free to give me a call.
Very truly yours, ,
.~ (.p \. (!~
\ ~(j}/v...Lu\"~ .. /\"ctC(~
City Attorney
cc: Robert Nelson
Direct:or of Finance
l.Y 26, 1977
Commentary 4-30-77
Quarterly Report
Bi 11 s Moti on
11 ter Estate
Curt Anderson
Terri Anderson
Chairman Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Bennett (9 p.m.)
The department will be out of debt to the Ci~y by July 1, a year and
one-half sooner than expected. Of course, we will still borrow on
anticipated tax income during the year.
Place on next monthls agenda.
Mills. moved, Pinnock seconded to pay the bills; the vote was
3 yes 0 no.
The Commission asked Director Graef to look into setting UP a
public auction with the auctioneer possibly donating his time to
the Parks Department, with all the proceeds going to the Park.
Mr. Anderson is organi zing eight (8) foot races during the summer
for the Summer Recreation Program. One of the races will be in
connection with the 4th of July activities. There is very little
cost in connection with running. The money that is taken in on
the program can go for making markers for joggers running in" L i thi a
Park to know how far they have gone; also maps can be made with
different trails shown and the number of miles traveled.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded, to support the program in any way we
can; the vote was: 3 yes, 0 no.
Mrs. Anderson would like to see the promotion of informed use of
the Park system. Showing what the local people could do for the
Director Graef made a copy of the skateboard report received from
Los Angelos County Parks and Recreation and gave it to Chairman
Bernard to read and pass on to the Commission members. Director
Graef told the Commission that he see skateboarding as a fad that
will come and go as it has in the past. The department will sponsor
a few special events to see if putting in a park is feasible. Director
Graef was asked to check into the cost of equipment and liability
insurance before making a decision. Jerry Spears, Bill Stanrell and
Tom Frantz came to the meeting in support of a skateboard park.
MINUTES 5-26-77
Page 2
Dtions From April Meeting
\. t'ark Patrol Motion
Anderson Beques t
Design Contest Motion
Kiwanis Tennis Tourney
Motion 6-24,25,26-77
Jr. High Band Concert
at Bandshell Motion
Nlming of Upper Lake
Feast of Wi 11
Mo ti on
~ uebi rd Pa rk
Park Commission
Appoi ntmen t
Michael O. Riley
Ka ren Bri tton
Barry Peckham
Jean Crawford
Ed Griggs
John Ra 1 s ton
Job Description
Park Conrnission Duties
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded, that we fund the Park Patrol; the
vote was: 3 yes, 0 no.
Pinnock moved~ Mills seconded, to have the Director continue with
the promotion of the design contest; the vote was: 3 yes 0 no.
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded, to grant the request for use of the
Hunter Park Tenni s Courts; the vote was:" 3 yes, (J no.
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded, to grant the request; the vote was:
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded, to name the upper lake Black Swan
Lake, the vote was: 3 yes, 0 no.
The Oregon Shakespearean Festival Association requested the use of
the grass area just above the lower duck pond for the annual WFeast
of the Tribe of Will~" to be held on Friday, June 17,1977.
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded, to approve their request if they accept
our written recommendations; the vote was: 3 yes, 0 no.
Di rector Graef read a 1 i st of improvements he fel t woul d be needed
if Bluebird Park would be donated to the Parks department. Mills
told the Commission as it stand, the land will be purchased by the
county and given to the City of Ashland to be dedicated as park land.
The Conrnission requested Director Graef to check into all the details
regarding the dedi cation of the 1 and for parks.
Each of the six (6) candidates for the position of Park Commissioner
told the Commission their views of how they could best serve the
City of Ashland on the Parks Conrnission. Bennett arrived after the
selection process began and disqualiffed himself from voting. The
final vote for the position was two (2) for John Ralston and one (1)
for Bar~y Peckham.
Pinnock Moved, Bennett seconded, to review the directors job
description every Spring with the director; the vote was: 4 yes,
o no.
The Commission discussed writing into the operating procedures the
annual review of the directors job description and salary review.
Bennett and Pinnock are to meet together and bring to the Conrnission
a recommendation for changes in the operating procedures manual.
~ ~ar Creek Greenway
Swim Pool
Summer Recreati on
Information Clipboard
1 tjltstanding Young Man
- of the Year
Down town Mai ntenance '---
MI NUTES 5-26-77
Mills told the Commission that $50,000 was allocated this year for
land acquisition. At present, they must draw up loose ends by
June I, due to the del~ys in Salem many of the people are asking
for reappraisals of their land and then asking higher prices on
thei r 1 and.
The four (4) engineering firms have been contacted and the meetings
have been set up for the end of June. The Commission requested
Director Graef to set up a meeting to look at all aspects of the
Hawthorne Pool in Medford (outdoor) and the SOSC Pool (indoor), having
lunch inbetween to discuss questions they have concerning the pools.
The Commission set the date as Saturday, June 25, prior to the
peetings with the engineers.
Director Graef told the Commission about the programs the department
will be running this summer. The Commission requested that the
program be put into the Tidings. Director Graef told the Commission
that we do not have any money in the budget for this type of
adverti sement.
There is a clipboard in the Park Office for the Commission to look
at for information pertinent to parks and recreation.
Bennett nominated Director Graef through the National Association
of Jaycees as Outstanding Young Man of the Year.
The Commission requested Director Graef to check with Foreman Joe
Martinez on the time and cost of maintaining the downtown treewells
and Plaza island. Chairman Bernard will check with Ron Salter,
City Attorney, regarClfng the legality of spending Park Levy money
on land not dedicated as Park land.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m. into executive session.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda OINeal, Secretary
"me 23, 1977
Presen t
Absen t
May 26, 1977
Quarterly Report
Commenta~y 5-30-77
Bi 11 s
oeorge Hunter Trust
-Ron Salter
-Bob Nelson
Anderson Bequest Design
Denni s Byrnes
Wol ter Estate
Job Description
Mo ti on
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Ralston, Bennett
The minutes were approved as written.
Ralston questioned the figure for Revenue from other agencies and what
it was for. This figure will be clarified at the next meeting.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded to place on file. The vote was: 5 yes
o no.
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded to accept the Commentary. The vote was
5 yes 0 no.
The Commi$sion requested that both letter be' placed on file regardino
the George Hunter Trust.
The Commission named the shelter the Anderson Shelter. The designs
will be due by the Middle of August and will become the property of
the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission. The designs must be
detailed and with a cost breakdown. The Commission reserves the right
to reject any and all designs. The design information will go out by
newspapers, posters, flyers, etc. The Commission will act as judges
for the contest. The winners will be announced at the August Commission
Director Graef suggested selling the estate outright instead of by an
auction. The auction would take much more time and energy to bring
about. Graef wi 11 continue to check things out regarding the sal e of
th e es ta te .
Bennett read through the changes made in the directorls job description
(see attached). The Commiss~on also requested that this be on the next
agenda for fi nal approval.
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded to accept the document as revised.
The vote was 5 yes 0 no.
~erating Procedures
Speci al Events
Margaret Phay
Carriage Proposal
Jim Arms trong
Bear Creek Greenway
Swim Pool
Ho rs e Pro b 1 em i n Park
Bl uebi rd Pa rk
Ron Salter
Recreational Swim at
Feast of Wi 11
- - '11 evard/Downtown
MINUTES 6-23-77
Pinnock read through the additions and corrections on the Operating
Procedures. The Commission asked that a rough draft be typed and
given to them before the next meeting for their review.
Miss Phay told the Commission about the playground activities she is
pl anning for the summer. Miss Phay asked for thei r approval and
support for the activities. The Commission members expressed concern
regarding the Pet show and allowing dogs in the parks (any park) and
with the Go Cart Races. Miss Phay told the Commission that she wanted
to do two (2) teen dances this summer in which we would do the advertis
and get good publicity on them.
Mr. Arms trong came to the Commi ss i on for thei r aporoval of a horse
drawn carriage ride through Lithia Park on Winburn Way turning arround
by the upper duck pond (Black Swan Lake). The Carriage runs would
generally begin June 15 to the end of September.
Ralston moved, Bernard seconded to approve the horse draw carrige. On
a roll call vote: Mills abstained, Bennett abstained, Pinnock no,
Ral s ton yes, Bernard yes.
The Greenway Committee wants to go ahead with the bike path from Ashlan
to Talent and later to Phoenix and Medford connecting the three cities.
Bernard expressed concern as to what the Commission wanted regarding
the 0001. The Commission will meet at the Park Office to go to the
pools in Medford and then to the SOSC Pool.
Councilman McCannon asked Director Graef to find out from the Commissio
if they felt that there was a horse problem in Lithia Park. The
Commission stated that they felt there is not a problem with horses.
Director Graef read the letter from Attorney Ron Salter regarding the
responsibility before park land dedication. Mr. Salter felt that there
was no need to answer their questions re~arding Bluebird Park since the
Council does not plan on giving it to the Commission.
The recreational swim starts on June 25 at the SOSC Pool. The cost is
$10.00 for 14 swims (approx. 71~) and will continue through August 7.
The days and times are Saturday and Sunday from 1-6 p.m. The Commissio
requested Director Graef to write a letter of thanks to the college for
their cooperation.
We had no problems with the clean up after the Feast of Will.
Director Graef informed the Commission that we will no longer be taking
care of the boulevard after July 1. The boulevard will be cleaned up
before it is turned over to the Cemetary Department. The Commission
also expressed a concern over the legal impliments of caring for the
downtown pl anters and flowerbeds and asked Di rector Graef to check into
MINUTES 6-23-77
q ee ti on of Secreta rJ!- The Commi ss ion elected Bennet t as See reta ry_ Treas u rer 0 f the
Treasurer Commission to serve the rest of 1977.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
July 28, 1977
Presen t
Absen t
June 23, 1977
June 30, 1977
Bi 11 s-June
1'~mber of Commerce
.~th of July Cleanup
Tobin, Crawford,
Mikolavich, Inc.
Appointment of Allen
Drescher as Council
L+aison to Commission
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mi 11 s
Swim Pool
Kay Bernard
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett, Mills, Bernard
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded to approve the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes ~ no.
Closing books for fiscal year, Commentary not available.
Approved to pay.
Pl aced on fil e.
Placed on file. Letter regarding incident in Adult Softball League.
Councilman Dresbher was welcomed by the Commission members as the
City Council Liasion.
The Bear Creek Greenway Committee was just about put out Qf commission
when the county di d not budget money for them to continue. County
Commissioner Tam Moore, Liaison to the Bear Creek Greenway told the
committee that they wanted a program set for the project. They were
told that if the program they submitted was accepted, there would be
money available to continue.
The Committee met with the school board Tuesday night to discuss there
cooperation. Pinnock and Bernard went over the contract with City
Administrator Brian Almquist and City Attorney Ron Salter on Wednesday.
It was suggested that a joint meeting be set up to sign the contract.
The meeting was set for Thursday, August 4, 1977 in Brian Almquist,~s
office at 4 p.m.
Suggestions for Use:
Moti on
Anderson Bequest
Denni s Byrne
MINUTES 7-28-77
Bernard asked the Commission what they would like to have done with
the mus~um.
1. Use for storage - Problem vandalism
2. See if someonewould"like to purchase and 'mOve it.
3. Find out cost of bringing it up to code.
4. Find out cost to tear it down and use f6'r salvage or for sale.
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded to table. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Byrne showed the Commission the advertising flyer to be passed out,
posted, and mailed to all the local media in Jackson County.
Job Description-Director The job description was approved and the Commission requested that a
final copy be typed for there si gnature and the di rectorl s si gnature.
Operating P.rocedures
Craftls Faire Closure
of Winburn Way on
August 13, 14, 1977
Closure of Winburn Way
" r1}llen Drescher
Comments from audience
on closure of Winburn
Way (General)
C.P. Corliss
Moved to time later in meeting.
Sandy Pitler was not available, acted upon later in meeting.
DrescherJs proposal is to close down Winburn Way for two (2) days from
Nutley Street to the Upper Duck Pond (Black Swan Lake) to run a test an.
collect reliable data to make decisioffi from regarding the closure of
Winburn Way in the furture. Traffic would be mon~tored during the
closure on Winburn and on Nutley and Granite Streets. Some reasons
given to Drescher to close down Winburn Way are: 1. It would cut down
on the road noise and fumes in the park. 2. There would be less hot
roders. 3. There would be less danger for the children playing near
the street by the pl ayground.
1. Apposed to closure and test until a list or petition of people
really interested in the test are presented. Also, have a list of
what the:."test will accomplish.
2. How can just two (2) days really show the number of cars using
Winburn Way and if it is necessary to close the street,permanently.
3. Why should the tax payers be the ones to pay for a test like
thi s .
4. Closing of the street would be a loss of parking spaces in the
park, also it would be almost impossible to patrol the park and more
vandalism could take place.
Corliss recommended the closure of Winburn Way, but instead of having
machines doing the counting, have people day and night monitoring the
streets also listing exactly what happened to the people/cars that
went into the park, such as they added to congestion in the park, they
parked the cars and stayed 2 hours, etc. They need a tight monitoring
"")sure of Winburn Way
,II (Cont')
Vic Lively, Rep. for
Chi ef Hays, APD
Buzz Heard, Rep.
Chief Reed, AFD
MI NUTES 7-28-77
The Ashland Police Department is apposed to the closure of Winburn Way
for the following reasons:
1. Liability if someone is playing in the street and a barricade
is moved and someone is hurt.
2. The barricades would have to be manned to keep people from
moving them out of the way and going into the park.
3. Winburn Way is the Cities marn route to the Watershed.
4. Warning signs and flashing lights would not keep people from
moving the barricades.
5. We would not like to have our officers patroling in a locked
for The Ashland Fire Department is also apposed to the closure of Winburn
Way for the following reasons:
1. This is the best route when trying to protect the homes on upper
Granite Street and the upper park area.
2. Response time is cut down by having ,to dodge cars parked on Grani
3. Again this is the best route to the City Watershed.
Bennett moved, Mills seconded, to recommend to the City Council and the
Traffic Safety Commission that we are not at the present time in favor
of this proposal. Roll call vote: Yes"Sennett, Mills, Pinnock, Bernar
No Ra 1 s ton.
'~""Bfts Faire Closure of Pitler gave the Commission an upda,te::on the progress of the Crafts Fair:
~bum Way on August 13,At present, the number of booths held by Ashland School District residei
14, and the use of Grass are 42 or 55-60% and outside the school district are 31 people. Also,
Area near Rose Garden' all of the paper w01'k is in, except for the security bond. The Craft's
Sandy Pitler Faire would like to have Winburn Way closed down between the hours of
8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 13 and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday,
August 14. The Commission expressed concern with the use of the area
for the day care center and not having a co~red area for the children
to play under. Pitler told the commission that he was hoping to have
the day care center near the trees.
Mo ti on
Mo ti on
4th of July
Teen Rock Concert
Jim Terrile
Ral s ton . moved, Bennett seoonded to recommend the closure of Winburn Way
on the dates asked for. Roll call vote: Yes Ralston, Mills, Bernard;
No Nancy, Bennett.
We received better communication between the Chamber regarding cleanup
and with this we had only one booth in which there was a clean up probl
Also, requiring a cleanup deposit helped.
Terrile's proposal is to have four (4) local bands (Rhythm Method,
JIVille Hill, Molasses, and Continental Drift) play to raise money for
teens of Ashland. All four (4) bands are donating their time for the
concert. The concert could be held at the college football field or at
the Ashland High Football Field. The concert would be held on a Sunday
from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Commission expressedconcern for the noise of
the concert and the homes around the area, and suggested maybe using th
YMCA facilities. Director Graef and Margaret Phay are to work out the
detai 1 s of the concert.
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded to approve the proposal. The vote was:
5 yes 0 no. The Commission members offered their help and support.
Mrs. Kathy Newcomb also volunteered the parents of Help Ashland Youth.
Planters Graef told the Commission that the Parks Department takes care of
the downtown pl an te rs and treewell s in exchange for 6ther Ci ty servi ce~
such as the Electric Depar.tment changing the lights at the Tennis Couri
or services at the City Shop. This is not a trade for Ceta Personnel.
../ ti on
Wol ter Estate
Teen Dance
Painting Hunter Park
,.:?tl COIl'Br$::>. Track Meets
Operating Procedures
CH2M HILL Contract
Operating Procedures
Mo ti on
Moti on
Mrd: i on
MINUTES 7-28-77
Graef talked with Patrick Henry, Land Mart and John Zupan, Realtor-
Broker of Medford regarding an. appraisal of the Wol ter Estate Property
in Medford. They provided us with an appraisal, tax lot map, Tax roll
and legal descriptions. also Medford City Zoning Codes
The teen dance was held July 22, from 9-12 midnight. It was the most
advertised dance sponsored by the Department. The turn out was
approximately 75-100 students. and we lost approximately $240 on this
dance. Advertising was done with posters, flyers, radio spot announce
ments, local paper write ups and paid newspaper ads.
The Conrnission has expressed an interest to work together in repaintin
the Hunter Park Multi-Service center. Director Graef will pick severa
different days to suggest to the Commission for getting to~ether to
paint the building.
Bernard commented on the success of the All Comers Track Meets held
on Monday Evenings. Several people have asked her if it is possible
to have more of these meets during the summer. Director Graef comment
that he would like to have more meets, but we must try to keep the cos
down, it is costing us approximately $250 each year for ribbons for th
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to table the Operating Procedures.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no
Bernard went through di fferent ques tions that they di scussed wi th
City Administrator Brian Almquist. Questions have risen regarding the
purchase or use of Twin Plunges. The Commission went back to a letter
written to them from two (2) engineers, Elmer Savikko and James Hensha
concerning the renovation of the Twin Plunges pool. The Commission
asked that all information on the pool be sent to Allen Drescher.
The Commission set Thursd~y, August 4, 1977 as the date to sign the
Pinnock moved, Ral9Dn seconded to reconsi der the Operating Procedures.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded to accept section I as it reads. The
vote was: 4 yes 1 no (Mills)
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the Operating Procedures as
corrected. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. (See Attached Corrected copy)
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal Secretarv
^C'UI ^~In n^DV~ (,(,\MMT~~Tl'\1\1
Suggestions for Use:
Mati on
Anderson Bequest
Denni s Byrne
MINUTES 7-28-77
Bernard asked the Commission what they would like to have done with
the museum.
1. Use for storage - Problem vandalism
2. See if someone would like to purchase and:rnOve it.
3. Find out cost of bringing it up to code.
4. Find out cost to tear it down and use for salvage or for sale.
Bennett moved. Pinnock seconded to table. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no.
Byrne showed the Commission the advertising flyer to be passed out,
posted, and mailed to all the local media in Jackson County.
Job Description-Director The job description was approved and the Commission requested that a
final copy be typed for there signature and the director's signature.
Operating Procedures
Craft's Faire Closure
of Wi nburn Way on
August 13, 14, 1977
Moved to time later in meeting.
Sandy Pitler was not available. acted upon later in meeting.
,. t ' ~~ '"\ .' ......:
" \
~ '
Closure of Winburn Way DrescherJs proposal is to close down Winburn Way for two (2) days from
Allen Drescher Nutley Street to the Upper Duck Pond (Black Swan Lake) to run a test and.
collect reliable data to make decisioffi from regarding the closure of t
,Winburn Way in the furture. Traffic would be monitored during the
closure on Winburn and on Nut1ey and Granite Streets. Some reasons
given to Drescher to close down Winburn Way are: 1. It would cut down
on the road noise and fumes in the park. 2. There would be less hot
roders. 3. There would be less danger for the children playing near
the str~et by the p1 ayground.
Comments from audience
on closure of Winburn
Way (General)
. . ~ '"
C.P. Corliss
1. Apposed to closure and test until a list or petition of people
really interested in the test are presented. Also, have a list of
what the."test will ,accomplish.
2. How can just two (2) days really show the number of cars using
Winburn Way and if it is necessary to close the street permanently.
3. Why should the tax payers be the ones to pay for a test like
th is.
4. Closing of the street would be a loss of parking spaces in the
park. also it would be almost impossible to patrol the park and more
vandalism could take place.
Corliss recommended the closure of Winburn Way, but instead of having
machines doing the counting, have people day and night monitoring the
streets also listing exactly what happened to the people/tars that
went into the park, such as they added to congestion in the park, they
parked the cars and stayed 2 hours, etc. They need a tight monitoring
sys tem.
Closure of Winburn Way
(Conti )
Vic lively, Rep. for
Chi ef Hays, APD
Buzz Heard, Rep.
Chief Reed, AFD
Mo ti on
MINUTES 7-28-77
The Ash1 and Pol ice Department is apposed to the closure of Winburn Way
for the following reasons:
1. Liability if someone is playing in the street and a barricade
is moved and someone is hurt.
2. The barricades would have to be manned to keep people from
moving them out of the way and going into the park.
3. Winburn Way is the Cities mai'n route to the Watershed.
4. Warning signs and flashing lights would not keep people from
moving the barricades.
5. We would not like to have our officers patroling in a locked
for The Ashland Fire Department is also apposed to the closure of Winburn
Way for the following reasons:
1. This is the best route when tryin~ to protect the homes on upper
Granite Street and the upper park area.
2. Response time is cut down by having ,to dodge cars parked on Granite
3. Again this is the best route to the City Watershed.
Bennett moved, Mills seconded, to recommend to the City Council and the
Traffic Safety Commission that we are not at the present time in favor
of this proposaL Roll call vote: Yes:~Bennett, Mills, Pinnock, Bernard~
No Ralston.
Crafts Fairc Closure of Pit1er gave the Commission an update.-on the progress of the Crafts Fain:.
Winburn Way on Au~ust 13,At present, the number of booths held by Ashland School District resident
14, and the use of Grass are 42 or 55-60% and outside the school district are 31 people. Also,
Area near Rose Garden all of the paper work is in, except for the security bond. The Craft's
Sandy Pit1er Faire would like to have Winburn Way closed down between the hours of
8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday,August 13 and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday,
August 14. The Commission expressed concern with the use of the area
for the day care center and not havi'g a cov~red area for the chi" dren
to play under. Pi t1 er to1 d the commi ssi on that he was hopi ng to have
the day care center near the trees.
Mo ti on
4th of July
Teen Rock Concert
Jim Terrile
Ra1ston,moved, Bennett seconded to recommend the closure of Winburn ~~ay
on the dates asked for. Roll call vote: Yes Ralston, Mills, Bernard;
No Nancy, Bennett.
We recei ved better communi cati on between the Chamber regardi ng c1 eanup
and with this we had only one booth in which there was a clean up problem
Also, requiring a cleanup deposit helped.
Terrile's proposal is to have four (4) local bands (Rhythm Method,
J'Ville Hill, Molasses, and Continental Drift) olay to raise money for
teens of Ashland. All four (4) bands are donating their time for the
concert. The concert could be held at the college football field or at
the Ashland High Football Field. The concert would be held on a Sunday
from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Commission exoressedconcem for the noise of
the concert and the homes around the area, and suggested maybe using the
YMCA facilities. Director Graef and Margaret Phay are to work out the
details of the concert.
., }
. .
SEPTEMBER 14, 15, 16, 1977
Parks landscaping must be inspired by good design, good plant material and
ample color, good selection of plant material and groupings of plants are often
neglected in our city landscapes.
The following are a few basics which can be useful to create and maintain
aesthetic and low maintenance landscaping.
1. Planting should consist of an abundance of native plant material.
2. Parks must have a relationship to the surrounding areas.
3. Parks should give the park user a sense of freedom where a person
feels removed from everyday life.
4. Flower borders do not have to be much wider than three feet, winding
around evergreen shrub borders. They are most effective and reduce
high maintenance cost of large single flower beds.
5. Park landscapes should be designed to provide good access and 'ease
of maintenance. Over elaborate 1anscapes can become less aesthetic
through 1 ack of proper maintenance.
6. Playground designers should take advantage of the inexpensive long
lasting and aesthetic materials such as: large tires, logs, sand
and gravel, rock boulders, earth mounds,- driftwood and heavy ropes.
7. A park design must provide for easy mowing of grass areas.
8. The use of r~rk mulch as shrub surface material placed 2 - 3 inches
deep helps Jnsiderab1y to curb weed growth and helps to retain soil
moisture, and also gives an aesthetic look to the landscape.
9. Park walkways should be wide enough designed to allow service vehicles
to circulate through park areas.
Bicycle Path Design
A. More often than not it is superimposed in an existing park. If it can
be aligned to one side against a barrier such as a stream or road the
impact will be minimal. Otherwise one can expect:
1. Conflicts with activity areas such as:
a. athletic facilities
b. pi cni c areas
c. p 1 aygroun ds
2. Con f1 i cts with pedes tri an ci rcu1 ati on between the above e 1 emen ts and:
a. parking areas
b. res t rooms
c. drinking fountains
3. In the attempt to mlnlmlze or eliminate some of these conflicts
it may be more desirable to move some of the above elements rather
than forcing the path to have an undesirable alignment.
4. Visually isolated areas should be avoided or lighted to minimize
adverse social activity.
B. General Design Details:
1. Design speed generally should be for 20 mph. It may need to be
greater where curves occur at the base of a decline.
2. Some locations may benefit from encouraging reduced speeds which
can be done by:
a. installing sharper curves
b. changing from smooth surfacing to something that produces
some vi brati on
3. Site distance - avoid blind curves. A center stripe will encourage
some users to stay on thei r side where there is inadequate forwar.d
vision of the path.
4. Widths - assume 3.3 feet for the bike lane, 2.5 feet for pedestrian
lane, .8 feet distance frol]1 edge of lane to stationary,objects such
as sign posts, benches or walls. Eight feet is minimum for Tight
trafficed areas, with widths un to 12 feet or more being appropriate,
depending on the traffic volume. (For concrete paths keep in mind
that concrete mi xer trucks need about 10 feet between forms to
maneuver, especially in curving alignments.
5. Intersecti on treatments
a. Have good non-skid surfacing where braking and sharp turns are
common ~
'b. Provide good visibility in all directions.
c. Where bike paths end at or cross streets and offset ramp into
the street is desirable in that:
1. It forces the bicyclist into a slow speed maneuver.
2. Once the cyclist is slowed down both he and the motorist
have more ti me to become aware of each other's presence
and respond with appropriate procedures. The mutual aware-
ness process works best if the bicyclist is deflected to
to the left so that he can look straight at the first lanes
of traffic he will cross.
3. A full height curb rather than a ramp at the end of a path
will discourage motor vehicle traffic from taking off along
the path.
6. Curves
a. Broadm curves where higher speeds are expected on hills unless
reduced speeds are desired in which case a series of sharper
curves might be used for that purpose.
b. Sharp curves require more maneuvering room; allow a little extra
wi dth.
7. Grades - 3% maximum is desirable for long climbs of the average
cyclist. Shorter climbs can range up to 8%, while steeper graees
which can be negotiated by the stronger riders on 10 speed bikes,
are too steep for the average ri der.
8. Mode Separation - pedestrians and cyclists can be provided separate
paths, deffned by different types of paving for each if adjacent, or
by actual separation.
9. Night visibility
a. Lighting of paths is desirable, especially at intersections or
points of danger.
10. Guard rails shou1 d be used to protect ri ders who mi ght wander off
the path from falling into roadways, rivers, etc.
C. Special Considerations
1. Prohibiting motor vehicles - bo11ards are effective against cars,
not motorcycles. They are a hazard in terms of bi cyc1 is ts running
into them. It may be advisable to use them to help establish
initial use patters, then remove them until problems arise, which
temporary replacement might correct.
2. Allowing maintenance vehicles all-weather access to the park -
this would require such considerations as:
a. wi der curves
b. extra depth or reinforcing in paving.
c. removable or hinged boll ards
3. Surface ~rainage - surface water crossing paths is not desirable
from the standpoint of traction, especial]y in sub-freezing conditions.
Water should be collected and piped under the path.
MAINTENANCE - A good program for sweeping and keeping the paths in good repair is
essential to a good bike path system.
A. Location of racks should be where pedestrians won't trip over them, yet
in locations that are not hidden where thieves like to work.
B. Covered parking area will encourage bicycle usage on rainy d~ys.
C. Di fferen t rack des i gns
1. Common rack holds the wheel erect. Design of the rack should support
the rear derailleur on 10 speed bikes (some prefer chaining the rear
wheel to the rack because it is more difficult to remove that wheel
from the bicycle in a theft where one wheel is left behind).
2. Some racks are designed to hold the bike by the handlebar in a
suspended manner.
3. Some racks are mere hitching posts to which the bicycle can' be
leaned and secur~d. They are advantageous in that they can be
walked through when empty and they can be swept around easily.
4. Other more elaborate (and expensive) styles are available, one of
which has a coin operated lock.
CONSTRUCTION - Concrete -is the most durable, carefree path. Also most expensive.
CONCLUSION - Three main things are important to remember in bike path design:
One is that bi~yc1ing in parks will usually conflict with other activities.
~~u~ selection or park alterations should be given thorough consideration~
. " ."\
The second is that the dimensions and specifications should result from
the type of use the path will recei ve and the ground conditions on whi ch
it is constructed. '
The last is that bicycling is a pleasurable activity, and the designer
should layout curves and grades with graceful movement in mind.
,Mineral elements that are essential to the growth of rhododendrons that may
be absent or unavailable in soils are, nitrogen, c~lcium, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorus, boron and manganese. Other minerals i, essential, are required in
such minute traces that rarely, if ever, cause a d"ficiency problem.
Poor root growth as a rule is caused by compacl.ed soils, overwatering, poor
iJrainage, low temperatures, or over-fertilization or "unbalanced fertilization"
which may result in inability to absorb sufficient iron and having iron chlorosis.
The most common reason for iron chlorosis is an excess, instead of a deficiency,
of calcium by alkalinity or too high a P.H. As most of us know, soil alkalinity
and acidity is measured by P.H. units, with PH-7 as a neutral or turning point
between acidity and alkalinity. PH-6 has an active acidity of 10, PH-5 of 100,
PH-4 of 1000, and PH-3 of 10,000. Soil over a PH-7 would be alkaline. In
general, rhododendrons do best in soils having a PH of 4.5 to 5.5.
Some people, in confusion, ask what is Ph. What does it mean? Technically,
; t means the percentage of hydrogen ions concentrated in the soil.
City water and hard well waters also contribute to raise the alkalinity, 'and
attention and means should be taken to remedy and balance the problem. To lower
the PH, that is to make soil more acid, use sulphur, one to two pounds to 100
square feet. Of course, the amount greatly depends on the alkaline in the soil.
Sulphur is slow acting and long lasting. In about eight weeks or less, it should
show signs. A"lso, about one and one fourth cup of iron sulphate per 100 sq. feet
in the spring of the year should do the trick, as an acidity supplement. Oak 1 ear-'
mulch and of course, peat moss are good. Personally, I have always used my own
oak leaf mold, broken down with ammonium sulphate, at the park. It speeds up the
the breaking down of the oak leaves with the help of fall and winter rains, and
in about 6 months time, the leaf mold is ready for use for mulching over the plants.
Poor Growth Coridi tion and Why
The stunting of rhododendron growth is due mainly to the improper drainage
or a;tbo heavy soil that remains wet. Therefore, lack of oxygen reaching the
root system. There are, of course, species of rhododendrons that are able to
do quite well in heav~er soils. The Trif10rum group, one of the head of the
group is the Augustinii and also the R. He1io1epis series, all do well in soils
too tight for the average rhododendron, not forgetting the Hippophaeoides in
which can stand bog soil conditions.
Rhododendron's Enemy No.1
One of the rhododendron's worst pests is the most frequently present is the
strawberry weevil or black vine beetle, "Brachychinus Sulcatus". This pest or
beetle rests in the clay and is active during the night. Its special diet is
young tender leaves, leaving semi-round holes on the edge of the foliage. The
insect is about five-eighths of an inch long and one quarter of an inch in
diameter, a blackish brown color. The reason it is not noticed or seen, is
because it is mostly a night feeder. I have seen them at times in the early
morning of the cool overcast days. The real damage the little fellow does is not
just eating the leaves, which is not too pleasant to look at, but its eggs that
it lays about late June or early July and hatch during the fall, September to
October, depending on the weather conditions. I believe the warm fall weather
may prolong it sow~. When these little grubs hatch out during the fall season,
they immediately start chewing on the bark at the base of the rhody trunk and
if not noticed or checked, it will without a doubt kill the plant. Its signs
are usually the leaves look wilted. When one sees this, for sure the shrub
has had it. It is gone - DEAD. By the time you may find its plight, the off
offenders have transformed themselves into chrysalids, or are full grown beetles
and are off to other hunting grounds. Try Orthine. one tablespoon to a gallon
of water, apply at its base over the rootball, anr. see. They say it works.
Parks Program
1. As part of planting mix:
20% soil
60% shredded leaf mold
20% sludge
2. Application of shredded sludge on established turf.
one application per year _
aereate area, apply shredded sludge through centrifica1 spreader
Also recycle leaves swept from city streets and park areas
a. Can use up to 1/2 (possibly more) of leaves swept each year.
b. Eliminate expense for bark mulch
c. Shredded leaves rich in humus - are used in the sludge - leaf mold -
soil planting mixture.
d. Bark takes nitrogen from soil for 3 years before puts back, leaves
are putting nutrients back almost immediately.
11": "-''''~,1.1 ':..0::- :~~~\;r': :'_'1:.1~::: .~:_~~"...!' ',' ";l}':~
The resul ts have been very good
a. City Hall Renovation - 1/4 of City Hall lawn area (inc1udinq large
" planter beds) planted to turf and flowers in sludge - soil - leaf
mold mix. Area is one year old. Has good color, growing two times
as fast as rest of lawn. Has never been chemically fertilized.
b. One direct appiication has been made to date - Service Center lawn
1. In bad shape when aDp1ied
2. Followed the aeraation, apo1y shredded sludge method at about
three times the rate of commercial fertilizer.
3. Greened up in 3~ - 4 weeks - still holding color (since July)
The future - hope to apply to several park areas this fall
A. ' DEQ Regul ati ons
1. Covered trucks
2. Must be done in dormant season to avoid contact by the public
3. Must post signs, "This area fertilized with composted municipal
sludge on ( da te ) II .
b. Will follow some techniques as used in Service Center test application.
a. Odor - has not been a problem with composted, shredded
b. High Application Rate - May not really be necessary but even if it is
the is only applied once per year.
c. IIDamp Off" - where sludge not thoroughly mi xed or more than 20% of mi x,
a,green mol d was noted and grass seed failed to germinate (areas were
reseeded in spring without any problem).
d. Have not noted any of the above problems with direct application to
established turf.
e. Heavy metals - not in significant amounts in 9ur material. Check with
'-' your local treatment plant for analysis of your material.
f. DEQ - be sure to cooperate with your local enVironmental agencies.
The sludge presentation was the most interesting and informati ve of the enti re
conference in Eugene.
Joe Martinez
September 22, 1977
Abs en t
July 28, 1977 Motion
Commen tary
July 31, 1977
Moti on
~i 11 s
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Ralston, Bennett (Late)
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded to approve the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no.
The Commission expressed concern regarding the teenage dance and the
way the donation money was handled by Bob Nelson, Finance Director
and the auditor. Many people heard that the money taken in was to be
used for the kids of Ashland and they gave $5.00 more as a donation.
Mr. Nelson suggested making a line item transfer or earmarkinq a
portion of existing appropriations for this fund.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded that our director make a line item
transfer from a budgeted item that has addi tional funds to cover the
expenses of the rock concert, and the donations taken in from the
concert be put into a fund marked donations for teenaqe activities
that was ori ginally anti ci pated. The vote was: 4 yes, 0 no (Bennett
absent at this time).
To be taken up 1 ater in meeting.
Frederi ck R. Strasburg Both letters were written compl imentin9 the Commission for all owing
Joan Robbins the Craftls Faire to be held in Lithia Park. Both Letters were placed
on fi le.
Gordon M. Sel f
This letter was regarding a skateboard park at Hunter Park. Read and
placed on file.
Bear Creek Greenway
Swim Pool
The Committee is writing a letter to Tam ~100re asking him to reconsider
his decision regarding the funding of the Bear Creek Greenway program.
in that, there are state funds available for the Bear Creek Greenway
but no county moneYr
CH2M HILL has asked the Committee to consider three (3) things:
1. Is the three (3) pool scheme so volital that we shouldn't use it
for the perspectious? Are you satisified as is?
2. When do we want them to complete the soil investigation? .This is
included in the original $11,750. This would mean bringing the drill
down from Corvallis to Ashland.
3. Reconfi rm the si ght.
'im Pool conti
Advisory Committee
Bi 11 s Moti on
MINUTES 9-22-77
Chairperson Bernard deligated the following responsibilities to the
Commission and Director:
Bennett and Mills to prepare a fact sheet with all pertinent
information for the Citizens Advisory Committee; Monday,
September 26, 1977 at 7:30p.m.
Ralston and Pinnock are to contact groups and organiiations
for di fferent tal ks that may be of interes t to them regarding
the pool. This contact should be completed by the end of
next week.
Graef wi 11 be sendi n9 off the 1 etter and form for the BOR Funds
to Salem.
Graef and Howard will make the presentation in Salem for the BOR
funds on November 3 or 4. The Commission also stated to stress
the fact that the facility will be regional not just for the CIty.
Chairperson Marge Lininger, Ann Benedict, Jer~y Cooper, Judy Clark,
Judy Wilber, Dan Sager.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to approve the bills for payment. The vote
was: 5 yes, 0 no. The Commission asked that Director Graef notify
them of any large expenditures that the department intends on making,
even if it is in the budget that has been passed, just for their
Quarterly Report 6-30-77 Bennett moved, Mills seconded to accept them. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Commentary Motion
Man Power Progress
Report The Commission asked that Park Foreman Joe Martinez attend the next
Commission Meeting to present the last two (2) Man Power Reports.
Director Graef told th.e Comnission that one thing he is doing regarding
the manpower is not hiring any more CETA employees. This is cutting
the crew~down, but in the long run we will have a more effecient crew.
Generally, the employees hi red under the CETA program are the chroni cally
unemployes or the unemployable person. Also, if you do have a regular
position come up, you must put a CETA person in that position. The
commission was agreeable to not hiring any new CETA personnel.
Dennis Byrne'is to talke with some of his professors at college and
send the Commission a written report as to how to interpret these report
Anderson Shelter Design The Commission took a feW minutes to go over the three (3) designs that
Contest were turned in on the Anderson Shelter.
Motion Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to award the first prize to the Peckman
design and second to Medtnger and reject the third design (Denis Jordan)
The vote was: 3 yes, 2 no (Bennett and Pinnock stated they do not
believe that the Medinger design meets the criteria laid down.
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded to reconsider. The vote was: 5 yes, 0no
,n Lti on
,J. BUS I NESS con t '
Iderson Bequest_cont"
Wol ter Estate
Moti on
Sale of Estate Items
MINUTES 9-22-77
Pinnock moved, Bennett seconded to not award a second prize nor a third
prize because the other two (2) designs did not appear to meet the
criteria stated. Our Chairperson showld write a letter of thanks. The
vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
The Commission asked Graef what the next step should be. Graef told
the commission that the next thing to do would be to contact Al Alsing
of Public Works and the City Engineer to see if this can be built as
is or what else must be done with the design to have it completed.
The Commission asked Graef to have Al Alsing and the City Engineer atten
the next Regular Meeting to report on the Anderson Shelter design.
The Wol ter house in Medford has been or is in the process of being
sol d. The buyer offered the going pri ce of $22,000.
Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we accept the $22,000 for the
Wolter House and the bills against the e!tate be taken out of this.
Also that a headstone be purchased from this money for Mr. Wolter.
The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no.
The Commission asked that the remaining items from the estate be sold
by the end of November, 1977.
Restoration of Lower Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the proposal as written. (see
Lithia Park Motion attached) The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Committee Appointment
Park Nursery Proposal
Ray God frey
Mo ti on
Fall Recreation
Program Revi ew
OPRS - Medford
Ralston and Bennett were appointed to meet with those groups normally
holding large events in these areas.
Mr. Godfrey read through his outline of the proposal for a park nursery
in Lithia Park. (see attached) The Commission expressed concern with
the cost of such a development with the limited budget at this time,
also with the legali~y of possibly selling stock and being in competitic
with local nurseries. The Commission asked for Park Foreman Joe Martin~
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to table until budget time. The vote was:
5 yes, 0 no.
Fall programs have not been set yet. We cannot get into the gyms until
after November.
The Commission asked that a copy of all the activities be sent to them,
so that they will be informad as to workshops they should attend.
mo ti on
Position Description
Wol ter Es tate
MINUTES 9-22-77
Graef tal ked wi th Earle Chamberl a:in, Bui 1 ding Inspector, regarding the
$10,000 figure for the restoring of the museum bUilding to code, and
Mr. Chamberlain felt that this figure was correct. The Commission
asked that all of the display pieces be removed before the building
is taken out. Graef has been contacted by Councilman Dean Phelps
regarding the museum bUilding as a youth hostel.
Pinnock moved, Rals,ton seconded that after the paintings have been
removed, that Mr. Phelps be contacted, the building offered to him
provi ded he can arrange to have it moved off the property or anyone
elS,e interested inhavin9 it; it should go in total and no 1 ater
than December 31. The vote was: 4 yes, 1 no (Mills)
Graef questioned the Commission regarding his personal position
description item II. Personnel Matters. The two points (A & B)
seem to contradict each other. A. The Director is responsible for
hiring and releasing of all parks and recreation personnel. B. The
Director will consult the Commission on all personnel decisions.
The Conrnission clarified this by saying that "B" is just to have
the Director inform them of any hiring or terminations of employees
and any personnel decisions he has made.
Graef has asked Foreman Martinez to get several estimates on automated
sprinkling systems for Lithia Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda OINeal, Adm. Secretary
I believe that the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission should
use the proceeds of the Wolter Estate for an underground irrigation system
for Lithia Park.
This would:
1. Comply with Mr. Wolter's directions in his will.
2. Give the Park Department a start on an irrigation system so
that we can then conclusively show how it saves in water use,
man hours and money when we wish to extend the system and must
ask for additional funds.
Nancy Pinnock
October 20-22, 1977
Because of previous time commitments, I was only able to attend two
sessions at this state conference.
1. Keynote Session - Friday, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Mr. Glen Jackson was introduced by Neil Edward. Mr. Jackson's address
was a statistical report of public parks in the state of Oregon. Mr.
Jackson has been a leader in this area for many years and is responsible
for getting much of Oregon's lands in public ownership. Oregon's
beautiful coastal parks are due to his efforts. He warned the pro-
fessionals that they l!I:l!~tg~..invp"lved in pushing legislation and
getting voters to wri~~eyw~'f'ic land issues. Mr. Jackson is
not a dynamic speaker, but is able to bring his points to his audience
in an effective manner.
2. Correlation of Community Education and Community Recreation - Friday,
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Dr. Effie Fairchild, Department Head at the University of Oregon, gave
us an interesting report on the growth and development of these two
areas. In growing separately, some of our current problems have
developed. Efforts are being made by several professional organizations
to develop joint statements, and to get more common goals and objectives.
The session was like being in the classroom again. I had expected more
practical material that could be used in my role as a park commissioner.
Dr. Fairchild is articulate and well informed, but I feel she repeated
a lecture that most professionals should have had in their lower
division undergraduate studies.
It really is unfair for me to evaluate the entire conference with such
limited involvement, but I feel it was geared for the professional
instead of the lay person. The conference can be geared to have special
sessions for interested Board and Commission members, and would suggest
that the board and next year's conference planning committee investigate
this possibility.
Submitted by,
-" \ ;)~\, .\-; ., ....y') .
.... ,_f ........ ,~-,;.~ :"'. ""~-.'* l' '.
\..... '\ -, "-
Robert J. Bennett
' , :. \'.
\.....,..'1.". ..
October 27, 1977
September 22, 1977
Mo ti on
Quarterly Report
August 31, 1977 and
September 30, 1977
Ma ri 1 yn S h a rg e 1
Community Skills Bank
Bear Creek Greenway
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 8:45 p.m.
Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Ralston
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written. The
vote was: 4 yes, 0 no.
Not available
Placed on file.
Pinnock brought up the fact of the extremely high water bills. Graef
told the Commission that it was explained to him by Ed Fallon of the
Water Department, that the meter reader was not doing his job and just
estimating what it should be and that this was the only bill that
should be this high, so far we have received two very high water bills.
The Commission asked that we check back two years for the same areas
(1975 and 1976).
Mrs. ~'hargel came to the Commission to request their support of the
Commu.i.ty Skills Bank receiving available Federal Funds from the Jackson
Josephine Job Council for employing hard corp youth between the ages of
16-19. These are Ashland youth who have problems getting and/or holding
jobs. They would be emp10yeed from Janua~y 1 through September, working
two hours a day during the week and all day Saturdays. The Commission
needs to give their support of the projects that the Skills Bank chooses
for the kids to do in the parks system. The Commission asked Mrs. Shargr
to come back to them at a special meeting (date and time to be set later]
with a specific written proposal in detail listing the supervision
provided, materials and tools needed, and exactly what the specific
projects will be. Graef told the commission that he feels this orogram
is good in that it employees Ashland youth in job that are located in
Ashland, and they are not brought in from Talent, Phoenix or Medford.
Graef went to a Pub1 i c Hearinq on the BCG where he presented a letter
from the APRC regarding what Ashland has done in regards to land
acquisition along the BCG. After hearing the Presentations, Tam Moore
County Commissioner, moved the $73,000 be reallocated to the BCG
Committee for land acquisition and appraisals.
Swimming Pool
Man Power Progress
Report Joe Martinez
Reseeding of Lower lawn
Mot ion
Mo ti on
Anderson She1 ter
Al A1sing
Self help - Blair Buck
MINUTES 10-27-77
, PAGE 2
.. -,
Bernard thanking everyone who helped with the pool planning and said
that letters would be going out to the people who helped on the
Committee. The Committee would be gettinq back to the voters with a
survey to find out why the election failed. The Pool Committee wouid
meet: again when all the results are in to evaluate ,them, and also have
a public hearing regardinq the pool.
Martinez presented the report to the Commi s5i on and answered ques ti 6ns
regarding the reoort. Bernard was suprised with the number of man hours
spent on watering (irrigation) in the parks. Martinez stated that the
system is quite outdated. Pinnock asked whe1 Dennis Byrne would be
back to tell them if the report is worth putting together for the whole
year, and if we do, can we make anything out of it.
Martinez asked the Commission about the reseeding of the lower part of
the Park from the lower duck pond to the playground area of the park.
The irrigation system would cost approximately $600 for all the parts.
The reseeding would cost approximately $90 and to resod the same area
would cost approximately $1170.' In ei ther case, people shou1 d be kept
off the area at least one full year until it is well established.
Graef talked with Bill Patton of Shakespeare regarding moving of the
Feast of Will to the area across from the bandshel1 by the rose garden
for the next two years so that this area can be established. He also
suggested moving the 4th of July celebration to the street.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded that we seed the lower park in the areas
designated last month by vote of Commission for approximate cost of $90"
The vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Pinnock moved,Mills seconded,that we accept the proposal as written witi
the addition of the following: 1. limit the area covered to lowere
Lithia Park that is being reseeded. 2. a timing system be installed in
the storeroom with cost comitig.frOlh the Wolter estate. The vote was:
4 yes, ~ no.
Al Alsing, Public Works Director, gave the Commission a list of things
that should be prepared on the design for the shelter before it is giver
out to bid. (see attached list)
Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we hire or contract with an' architec'
or engineer to finish the plans so that it can be let for bid and we
will know exactly the dollar amount that we will be working with. The
vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Mr. Buck came to the Commission to ask for the use of the Hunter Park
building for the office of Self-HelD Unlimited. They need space f?r .
three desks a telephone and a file,cabnet. Mr. Buck told the CommlSS101
that they hope to be funded at least one year. Pinnock asked regarding
the legality of lending out a public building on this type of basis.
Self Help (conti)
OPRS Conference
Wolter Estate
BOR -Swimming Pool
MINUTES 10-27-77
Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we grant the use of the Hunter Park
Multi-Service Center to Organization Self-Help Unlimited under the
terms stated in the;-r Letter, weekdays with hours from 8am - 5pm
allowing them to pay utilities set forth here.
Mills moved, Pinnoc~ seconded to limit the time to a 90 day trial basis.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded to have them pay only half the utilities
and all the phone.
The vote on both amendments and the motion were: 4 yes, 0 no.
Graef suggested to the Commission that they type up their notes for the
workshops they attended at the meetings in Medford, and we could pass
them out at the next meeting and keep a copy on file for future referenc~
Graef talked with Dean Phelps regarding the use of the museum for a yout~
hostel, if th~y would remove 'it from the park. Mr. Phelps felt that the
building should be left where it is and used as a youth hostel. The
Commission expressed opposition to this proposal. The Commission again
asked Joe Martinez, Park Foreman if the building could be put to use as
a storage shed. Martinez felt that the building was not located in a
very secure area and felt that it would be easily broken into. If it
were wired to the police department where they could monitor it this
would help. Graef suggested boarding up all the ~indows and making it
as secure as possible and also painting the building and taking down the
Oregon Natural History Museum sign and only storing paper products, etc.
that are in the way at the shop.
Graef signed a letter authorizinq Ron Salter, City Attorney, to sell
the st~ck from the Wolter Estate to help close the estate. After all thf
costs're figured, we should have about $21,000-$22,000.
Graef talked with Neil Ledward, Jackson County Parks and Curt Baker,
BOR in Salem regarding our presentation for BOR funds for the pool. The}
both felt it would be futile to expect to receive funds now. They dig
suggest:that Graef go for the experience, but not to present our pool
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secreta~y
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TJ COc::.C>~. ~p ST"",v
'vember 17, 1977
Absen t
October 27, 1977
Quarterly Report
September 30, 1977
Mo ti on
Com!Tlen ta ry
October 31, 1977
Lost Check-Oregon loro
Moti on
'11 s Motion
Water Bi 11 s
Historic Commission
Pl aque;award for
Li thi a Park
Wes Hoxie
Bea r Creek Greenway
-,Jack Mills
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Mills, Pinnock, Bernard, Ralston, Bennett
The minutes stand approved as written.
The Commission asked if this is typical to have this much taxes from
prior years coming in. (51'.) .
Bennett moved, Mills seconded, to accept the September 30, 1977 Quarterl~
Report and place on file. The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no.
Placed on file. The Commission questioned the interfund loan of $14,000
This was loaned until sufficient taxes came in.
The check written to pay this bill has been lost and a new one issued.
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded that we rewri te the check for $44.86 to
Oregon Toro for replacement of lost check. The vote was: 1'5 yes, 0 no.
Bennett moved, Pinnook seconded for payment of the bills. The vote was:
5 yes, 0 no.
Graef told the Commission in checking on the large water bills, he was
told that the person reading the meters was just estimating them from
last years records. The Commission asked that we have Bob Nelson or
someone extimate what the Parks department will use from now until
July 1, so that we may make a 1 ine item trans fer if necessary.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded to accept the historic plaque for the
entrance to Li thi a Park. The vote was: 4 yes, 1 no (Bennett; more
information requested).
Mr. Hoxie reported to the Conrnission that the Senior Citizens were very
pleased with the new sidewalk put in front of the Parks building.
The BCG Committee would like to have any slides from the Spring and
Summer Months of Bear CreEk., Ashland Creek, Lithia Springs property.
There will be three (3) meetings to decidtwhat to do with the money
all ocati ons gi ven to the BCG. The fi rst meeting wi 11 be at the Jackson
County Parks Office at 9 a.m. November 21, 1977, the second meeting
will be at Hunter Park-Multi Service Center at 7:30pm November 30, 1977,
and the last one will be December 6 at Sims Cycle in Medford at 7:30pm.
~~im Pool - Kay Bernard
OPRS Con ference Notes
Commissions and Boards
Kay Bernard
Anderson Shel ter
MINUTES 11-17-77
Bernard talked with Ethel Hansen, from the COllege Business Division,
about writing up the attached survey in a professional way before it
is given to the citizens. The Commission went over the entire survey
and added additonal comments they felt were necessary to the survey.
Bernard will get together with Graef and write a letter with all the
comments and suggestions from the Commission. A meeting will be set
up with the grad cl ass to revi ew the survey together.
Conference Notes were presented by Di rector Graef, Bennett, and Park
Foreman Joe Martinez. The Commission felt that the report written by
Martinez on the Park Maintenance workshops in Eugene were filled with
good information. The Conrnission was interested if sludge could be
used in our park system. Martinez told them that it would be possible
to use sludge in all the parks except those near water, such as Lithia
Bernard talked with the Chairman of the Medford Parks Commission, and
discussed the possibility of having workshops for boards and commissions
in our local area. This would include Northern California to possiblj
Grants Pass. This would also help the Commission members together
in this area.
Graef talked with Savikko Engineers regarding the cost to bring the
shelter design into line so that is may be put,"tO bid. The quote was:
$1,200 to 1,500 for the design work and $300 to 400 for on the sight
inspection during the building of the shelter. The Commission asked
Mr. Hoxie if he knew of any person who would be interested in donating
his time on this project, it was also suggested that we check with the
Skills Bank to see if they would help.
Proposal for Wolter Ralston asked that if there is money left over from the Wolter Estate,
Estate - John Ralston that it be put to use for building a fence in the Extension near the
Creek so that people will not fall in. Ratston said that if money is
not available from the Estate, that it should be put into next years
budget. Ral s ton and Graef wi 11 get together and come up with a cas t
estimate for the fence.
Proposal for two Meetings Bennett moved, Ralston sec9nded that we accept the written proposal.
Per Month - Bob Bennett (see attached) The vote was: 2 yes, 3 no (Pinnock, Mills, Bernard)
Proposal Change o~erating' Bernard asked that Bennett add in writing to section 1.5 of the
P1"ocedures re: ri ti n9 Operating Procedures instead of adding Bennetts proposal to the
Propos'als for Park Operating Procedures. The correction will be typed and presented at
Conrnission Meetings the next regular meeting. (see attached)
Bob Bennett
~~mmtssioner Bennett left
..JOSC Pool Lease
Graef went through the lease and told the Commission of the changes.
The lease listed the times as 9-12noon for session I and 1-4pm for
session II thi~ is due to conflicts in schedules. The cost this year
, .
will be $2,190 for 6 weeks, the cost last year was $1980. The
Commission requested that Graef find out wpat'other colleges charge
for use of thei r pool.
BUSINESS (conti)
AlSC Pool lease (cont')
'-0. Moti on
SOSC Pool Proposal
Use All Year
mo ti on
Sprinkling System
Joe Marti nez
Reimburse Ci ty for
Finance Di rectors
Tax levy
Recreation Programs
Irrigation System
MINUTES 11-17-77
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept SOSC pool lease. The vote was:
2 yes, 2 no (Pinnock, Bernard). (More information wanted on year arounc:.
use. )
Burt Merriman, from SOSC, has offered the use of the SOSC pool by the
APRD during available time for public use. The cost of running the
pool would be shared by both agencies. The Commission asked that we
set up a public meeting that is well publicized. The date set for the
meeting is Thursday, December 1, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. if there are no
other con fl i cts .
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded to reconsider SOSC swim pool lease. Th~
vote was: 2 yes, 2 no. (Mills, Bernard)
The drinking fountains and bathrooms are connected to the same water
line and this is illegal. The cost for parts alone will run approximat:
$500. The cost for escavation would run $25 per hour for 7-10 hours
plus $25 for bring equipment to job site. These costs will depend on
any problems going around rocks and tree roots. This must be done
prior to putting in the sprinkling system.
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that the three, Joe, Jack and Doug meet
regarding the replacement of pipeline where needed and Joe go ahead
with project transferring funds as needed. The vote was: 4 yes, 0 no.
Mr. Nelson suggested or talked with Graef regarding having the APRD
reimburse the City for the time he spends preparing our financial repor
The Street Dept. would reimburse the APRD for the time we spend taking
care of the tree wells and planters. After giving Mr. Nelson the figur:
for taking care of the Plaza, tree wells and planters, we have not
received any further word.
Mr. Nelson would like to have the APRC up the Park tax levy enough so
that we do not have to borrow from the City until taxes come in. The
Commission asked if i'uping the tax levy woul d actually guarentee having
the money so that we would not have to borrow from the city. Bernard
appointed Pinnock to assist Graef in checking this out.
The following are programs in progress or pl anned for the future.
Open Gym on Tuesd~y and Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 10 at the Jr. Hig
Open Volleyball at the Same time until Christmas vacation and beginning
again in January. Adult Basketball beginning in Janua~y; Jr. High open
gym on Wednesday evenings from 7+30 - 10~m. with the help of Support
Ashland Youth parents. Coffee house starting in December on Saturd~y
nights. The AIARC is planning an OlDE Fashioned Christmas Party for
Fri day afternoon from 4-6p .m. December 16.
We were going to put in the seed and irrigation system as soon as possi
bute we are being held up by the new water line. Ralston will write to
the Chamber and the Festival letting them know that they can use the
area for the,re festi vi ties this year.
With no further business the meeting was c~osed at 10:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
1. A City swimming pool is:
a. Very desirable
-b. De s i rab 1 e
c. Undesirable
-d. No comment
2. Would you recommend:
a. One centrally located swimming pool
-b. More than one neighborhood swimming pool
c. Other
3. Please rate the following uses of a swimming pool in order of your preference,
"1" being first choice.
Competiti ve
Other uses:
4. Do you favor:
a. An indoor swimming pool.
-b. An outdoor swimming pool.
c. Combination indoor/outdoor swimming pool.
-d. An outdoor swimming pool built with provisions to cover at a later date.
5. Please rate the fOllowing swimming pool shapes in order of your preference,
with "1" being fi rs t choi ce:
Rectangle pool.
Rectangle pool including diving.
"L" shape pool including diving.
Two to Three foot deep tot/instructional pool.
Seperate deep pool for diving, lifesaving training, scuba lessons, etc..
6. Realizing that swimming pool constr.uction costs are escalating at the rate of
1% per month, and that certain features must be included in a swim pool facil ity
to meet state codes ~nd local codes (bath house with restrooms & showers, parking,
lighting, fencing, landscaping), which of the following facility/cost figures
would you feel comfortable with if a swimming 0001 were to be considered in 1978?
The fOllowing figures include pool, mechanical, solar heating, site work &
contingency, bath house, decking, design services, & municipal participation.
I ,....-'
6. Continued.......
a. Three pools (59'X82' Swim, 40'X40'Diving, 20'X40'
-b. Two pools (99'X82' Combined swimming & diving)
c. Three Pools (45'X82' Swim, 40'X40'Diving, 20'X40'
---d. Two Pools (l12'X821 Combined swimming & diving)
___e. Two Pools (75'X82' Combined swimming & diving)
****Note: All two pool models also include instructional
7. How do you feel a future sWimming pool should be financed?
a. City
---b. City/State
c. Federal
-d. City/School District
e. Other:
Ins tr. $738,000
Instr. $702,000
8. How do you feel a future swimming pool should be financed for operation?
9. Please include any additional comments you may have regarding a future
City swimming pool at this time.
Proposal -
Bi-monthly meeting of Parks and Recreation Commission
Bob Bennett
Change of Operating Procedures
Section I. Meetings
1.1 Regular meetings of the Ashland Parks and Recreation
Commission shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday of
each month. The second Thursday meeting will be limited to one
hour and a half and begin at 5:00 p.m. The fourth Thursday
meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
When the day or the day
preceding the day fixed for such regular meetings falls on a
legal holiday, such meetings shall be held at the same hour
of the next succeeding Thursday not a holiday. The Chairperson
can change the meeting time and date with the concurrence of
the majority of the Commission members.
~, p ~ ....
Proposal -
Agenda Items must be written in advance
Bob Bennett
Change of Operating Procedures
Section I. Meetings
1.5 Agenda. All reports------------Commission meetings.
enda items that are to be voted on must be submitted in
writin to the Director at least one week in advance of the
meeting. He shall--------------_______________of the Commission.
. ./ ,,;.--:
December 15, 1977
Chairperson Bernard called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.
Mills, Pinnoc~, Bernard, Bennett, Ralston ( Late 8:15)
November 17, 1977 Motion Pinnock moved, Mills seconded to approved the minutes as written.
The vote was: 4 yes ~ no.
Commentary Motion
November 30, 1977
Bi 11 s Moti on
Pinnock moved, Bernard seconded to approved the commentary. The vote
Bennett moved, Pinnock seconded to pay the bills. The vote was: 4 yes
Park. Ordinance Changes The 'memo was read ,and" pl aced under Unfinished Business.
Bri an L. Al mquist
Historic Commission The letter was read and placed on file.
Lithia Springs
Marilyn Shargel
Skills Bank
Commissioner Ralston
Arri ved 8: 15pm
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mi 11 s
Mrs. jhargel came to the Commission to request the use of the museum
building for the Skills Bank office. The skills bank would bring the
building up to code so that they could use it. The Commissioners werr
in favor of the proposal, but asked Mrs. Shargel to check in to the
cost to bring the buil ding up to code and then bring back a proposa~
for the work,-,cost and use of the building. Mills volunteered to
assistrin any way possible.
The ~ttee met and discussed the new bike trails from P
to Ph 'At the present time the land is still in the hap
State Highway Division, but until it is in park hands, we ca
in the bike trails. The BCG also had their support meetin9
Cynthia Lord, John Evey and James C. Sims. Jim offered hi'
help set up a non-profit organization, which will allow t'
donations and be tax exempt. On December 16 will be the
for the matching money. At the present time we are the
that is funded by the state. If the County does not s'
wi th matching funds, it wi 11 be 4-5 years before we 0
funding agai n. We have al readY recei ved fun dinq fror
Federal BOR funds. All of the cities have given thE'
Swim Pool-Kay Bernard
Boards and Commissions
Kay Bernard
NUrsery Proposal
MINUTES 12-15~77
We wrote a letter to Dr. Hansen and sent the revised survey with the
Conunissions comments. We will be meeting with Dr. Hansen's class in
Bernard met with the Chairperson from Medford Parks and Recreation
Commission, together they wrote a letter to all the Boards and
Commissions in the Local area regarding the workshops, and what they
would 1 i ke to see happen at them. They were to wri te back after the
fi rs t of the new year.
This should be placed under budget discussion.
Park Foreman's Comments Martinez felt that we need more help and not the nursery at the present
Nursery - Joe Martinez time. A nursery would be good in the future, when we have the man powe
to operate it.
Man Power Report
Denni s Byrne
Internship Report
Dennis Byrne
: "-
Change in Operatin~
Proposals Motion
SOSC Pool Lease
Sunvner Use Motion
\OSC Pool Lease
Public Swim
Mr. Byrne took the MPR to school (Cal-Poly) and talked with the
department head. He said that the report was worthless, but it does
show where the employees are spending their time. The best way to
get the tax levy raised, is to go back to the old, old records (1952)
find out what the budget was then and what it is now and compare the
figures, also show park acreage owned each year. The main thing is to
check the other tax levies like the Fire Department and Police Depart-~
and see if their levies have increased more than ours.
The wri tten report has not been returned to Mr. Byrne. It shoul d be
received in January or February. Mr. Byrne did comment that the park
department is in need of more help/employees. The main entrance to
the park should look like a garden. Two things that people notice and
remen-lJer when they leave, is their first impression of the park (the
entr?~ce) and the restrooms.
Pinnock moved, Mi 11s seconded_ to accepted the wri tten proposal (see"'~
attached). The vote was: 4 yes, 1 no (Bennett). (The Commission'
agreed that anything on the agenda unles~ it comes under Audience
Participation must have a written report.) -
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded to accept the summer lease. The vote
was: 5 yes 9) no.
Graef talked with Don Lewis, Burt Merriman and Rod Stevens regarding
the use of the SOSC Pool for recreational swimming run by the City.
Graef listed possible options for the Commission to breakeven on the
cost. The Commission asked Graef to talk with Lewis, Merriman and
Stevens and see if they would be willing to run the program one month
at a time starting in May on Saturdays only from 2-5 p.m. After this
the -commission would go to the City Council for possible funding.
. .
Community Schools
Leon Olson
Sl i de Projector
Bill Patton Motion
Park Use Policy
Nancy Pinnock
John Ra 1 s ton
. Fi ve Year Goal s For
APRC - Nancy Pinnock
MINUTES 12-16-77
Mr. 01 son gave the Commi ss ion background in formation on Community
Schools. At present, Salem is the only Community School that is
funded. -Mr'. _Olson is writing up the proposal now and it must be in
by January 6, 1978. The Community Schools would hire a director to
work with all of the local recreation a~encies. His primary duty
for the fi rs t year woul d be to access the communi ty for thei r recreation
needs, he would also do all the promotional advertisinq of the programs.
Mr. Olson listed 13 ways in which community schools could be funded,
and he said that the best was is for local fund raising. We should
know by April if the communi ty is to be funded, the Di rector woul d be
hired in the Summer of 1978 and the programs would begin in the Fall.
Pinnock moved, Mills seconded that we write a letter in support of
the Community Schools. The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no.
Ral ston moved ,BEmnet~econded that we accept' the offer. The vote was:
4 yes 1 no (Mills). _ _
Ralston and Pinnock asked the Commission to look over the present
Building and Park Use Applications and policy hand outs. If they had
any comments and/or changes they wanted refilected in them, they whould
be con tacted as soon as poss i b 1 e.
The Commission deci ded to set the meeting date after the next regul ar
Park Commission meeting on January 19, 1978.
Parlimentary Proceedures The Commission asked that Bennett check with the professor at the
Nancy Pinnock college who teaches Parlimentary Proceedures, and set up a date and
time to meet, and then notify the Park Commission.
Winter Recreation
Anderson Shelter
George Hunter Bequest
Graef}. went through the Winter Recreation Program with the Commission,
and 1 ; sted three new programs that wi 11 be offered. Two medi tation
classes taught ~y Shandor Ra;nbow-Wind and Gaea Laughingbird and a
Tai Chi Chaun class. Graef will be placing on one wall in his office
a yearly calendar of recreation programs so that anyone interested in
knowing the p~ans for recreation in our department may come in and see
It would be very difficult to ask a retired engineer to do the work on
the design. To Commission told Graef to go ahead with the shelter and
that they were interested in receiving matching funds if possible for
the shelter.
We received a letter from Glen MunEell who is representing the First
National Bank in the trust suit on the Hunter Bequest. He asked that
we have our attorney represent us in this matter. Graef took the letter
to Ron Salter with instruction to act on this for us.
Respectfully submitted
Wanda O'INeal,l Secreatary.
.... ~.
Change in Operating Procedures
1.5 Agenda. All reports, communications, resolutions, contract
documents, or other matters to be submitted to the Commission shall be
"~ubmi tted inwri ting to the Di rec-tor one week prior to the date set
for the Commission rreetings. He shall thereupon arrange alist of
'such matters according to the order of business and shall furnish each
Commissioner, the City Council, and the press with a copy of the same
not later than three (3) days prior to the date set for such meeting of
the Comnission.
Tmpor~ Any citizen attending Council meetings may speak on any i~em on the Agen~. ~f you
~i8h to 8peak~ please rise and after you have been recogn~zed by th~ Cha~r~ g~ve you~
name and address. . The Chair ~in then aHOlJ you to speak and aZso ~nform you as to
the amount of time allotted to you. The time granted ~i n be dependen~ to some extent
on the nature of the item under disaussion~ the number of people ~ho ~~sh to be heard~
and the length of the agenda.
March 7, 1978
I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 7:30 P.M., English Lecture Hall, Ashland Senior High
Executive Session and Regular ~eeting of February 21, 1978.
1. Appeal from a decision of the Planning Commission approving MLP #341 on property
situated behind 335 High Street (R. Chambers, applicant; J. Summerhays, et a1,
2. Proposed improvement of Ivy Lane west of S. Mountain Avenue.
1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions & Committees.
2. Letter from Mrs. Lana Boldt requesting insta11ation.of painted crosswalks at
Siskiyou & Tolman Creek Road, and the employment of school crossing guards.
3. Letter from State Historic Preservation office relative to request for comments
on addition of Mark Antony Hotel to National Register of historic places.
4. Letter from Glenn H. Munsell concerning bequest by George Ian Hunter (dec.)
and memo from Director of Finance relative_ to same.
5. Letters from Ca1ifornia~Pacific Utilities Company requesting permission to
cut newly pavedstreets for cathodic protection and notification of emergency .:ut.
6. Letter from neo Jansen, requesting permission to cut newly paved street for
motel reconstruction.
7. Letter from Dave E. Hakes, requesting Council reconsideration of decision to
allow only one pavement cut on newly paved street at 688 Park Street.
1. Petition from residents in the vicinity of Leonard Street, relative to improved
portion of Prospect Street.
2. Final action on Amendments to proposed Comprehensive Plan.
1. Recommendation from Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission, nominating Mrs. Jean
Crawford to fill unexpired term ending December 31, 1978.
2. Proposal by Parks & Recreation Commission for summer recreational and instructional
swim program at SOSC pool.
3. Memorandum and draft ordinance from Planning Commission concerning the establish-
ment of a Citizens Advisory Committee as required by State Law.
4. Authorization from staff to request 3 year borrowing against FAUS allocations
for improvement of Hersey Street from Mountain to N. Main Street.
S. Memorandum from Director of Finance requesting that Council set date for first
public hearing on 1978-79 budget for March 23, 1978.
1. First reading by title only of an ordinance changing the penalty for vio1ati.on
of certain ordinances from misdemeanors to infractions.
2. First reading of an ordinance amending the Ashland Municipal Code relative to
photocopying charges by the Police Department.
3. First reading of an ordinance ordering the improvement of Ivy Lane, from
S. Mountain Avenue westerly.
4. Second reading by title only of an ordinance adopting a revised schedule of
rates for electric service.
5. Second reading by title only of an ordinance adopting a revised schedule of
water and sewer connection fees.
6. Proclamation by Mayor relative to "Rogue Valley Roundup Week" in Ashland.
1. Wolter Estate Accounting: As of February 28, 1978, $20,228.02 has been
brought into the Wolter Estate through the sale of his house and effects.
Three hundred and twenty-five dollars is still owed on certain items that have
been held for persons who wanted them but coul dn' t afford to pay for them at
the time of the auction. These amounts will be cleared up in the next few
months as money becomes available to these people.
2. Edward Wolter Headstone: I finally located Mr. Wolter1s headstone in the
cemeta~y in which he is buried in Medford--Odd Fellows I believe. We will,
in the future, place flowers and plants there in recognition of his service
to our park system, during appropriate days.
3. Anderson Shelter Plans: Dale Hoffer, of Savikko Engineering in Ashland,
stated he would have the final plans to me the week of March 20, 1978 if no
hangups occurred. We met for the last time at the site Thursday, March 16,
and discussed shelter location, moving a power pole and some plant bed
removal. I will be able to give you a more concise report tonight, I hope.
4. Spring Swim Program: Publicity for this program will begin the week of
March 27, via flyers for the schools and local places of business. We will
also have coverage in Medford and Ashland news media. This will give us
2 weeks publicity. Personnel needed for the program are being lined up
by Lee Howard of SOSC.
5. Small Claims Court Action on Black Swans: As of this date, I have not
pursued any action here, due to my being bogged down with budget and other
departmental matters. I am, however, going to pursue this matter soon. I
am now awai ting the return of the City Attorney in order to explore the best
approach to this course of action.
6. Pacific North\'Jest Regional Park and Recreatio"l Conference: There will be
a reasonably valuable regional conference held Ap- il 8 through April 11 in
Yakima,-Washington. I would like to attend during the days of April 9, 10,
and 11 due to the nature of subject content offered those dates I would also
like to possibly take one or two days off before or after the conference in
order to visit relatives in Seattle.
There will be a bit of a conflict of schedule during some of these dates,
in that the Spring Swim program begins that weekend, and Wanda will be out of
town as supervisor on a Senior Citizen bus trip to Reno the first of the
week. If you feel you would rather have me stay and cover these areas, I will
forego this conference.
Funds are budgeted for my participation in this conference. Also, Commissioner
Jack Mills indicated a desire to attend the conference--I feel this would enhance
the coverage of subject matter both of us could attend. If Jack does decide
to go, I would recommend his expenses be paid out of the budget, in that there
are funds available for this.
7. Spring Recreation Program: This is still being
instructors I had counted on pulled out, but I will
of activities to the interested public this Spring.
soon and will run up to the end of the school year.
Though the Open Gym program has terminated we have elected to continue Tuesday
and Thursday evening adult volleyball from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Ashland
Junior High School.
developed. Many of the
be able to offer a variance
This program should be out
8. Black Swan--(The Birdnapped One): As you have all read in the Ashland
Tidings, our last Black Swan--the one that was ~olen about a month ago--
appeared on Friday, April 17, at Black Swan Lake. Saturday morning, he was
discovered by a jogger just below the pond. I picked him UP and took him to
Dr. Hill at the Animal Medical Clinic for autopsy and examination. Dr. Hill
called me on Sunday and .stated he felt the swan had simply died of starvation
in that there was absolutely no body fat present--there were no other death
causes present. The swan had been dead about 48 hours, he estimated. Also,
he noted, as did I, that part of the swans' right wing had been cut off, and
its wing feathers had been clipped with a scissors like instrument. Also,
the ends of the feathers had been warn as if by rubbing against a cage. I
would theorize that the people who stole the swan couldn't get it to eat, or
didn1t know what to feed it, or didn't feed it and brouqht it back hooinq it
would recover. Dr. Hill stated that when it was brought back, it was in such
a state of health that it woul dn' t have recovered no --matter what it ate. And
so ends the Lithia Park Black Swans vs. man.
Murch 30, 1~.z~
January 19, 1978
Februarv 22. 1978
Mati on~--"--
~1ar~~ 16, 1978
r.loti on
- ---.,.-
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:37p.m.
Pinnock, Bennett, Ralston, ~1ills, Cravlford
M"ills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as corrected.
The vote was " 5 yes f) no.
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as \'Iri tten.
The \Ote \<Jas: 5 yes 0 no.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes )') ~o.
fsl!.11lllen ~~EL Y.il.!:!.: 31, 1978 Bo th Commen ta ri es we re p 1 ace d on fil e .
February 28, 1978
_J~_-:1.91m Ra 1 s ton
Motion .
!,~aJ."- Cree.k GreenvJay
lJack f;1i 11 s
Park Development
Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we ask the City Council to
transfer $1,134 from Operating Contingency and $2,000 from Pl'ograrn
Supplies and Expense to Personnel Services in the Recreation Budget.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Mills moved, Bennett seconded to pay the bills. The vote Vias: J yes 0
Placed on file, minutes fl~om Bear Creek Greenway meeting.
Chairperson Pinnock appointed Jean Crawford to work with Bob Bennett
on the Park Development Committee.
Park Animals All letters were read and olaced on file. Ralston will respond to
D. Irene t~ood\"'orth all the letters accordingly.
Teen RCCl~eatl'on Al~eas
~onda R. Edvlards
scott Stan -j ey
Todd Hakes
Lithia r;a~Tennis
--COUrts - Pat Sorsoli
Le~~iane Paulsen
aI-r:?m Douq GraeT--
~~S\vans-:D~ nQt R~l ace
Them - Name Withheld
Ashland Gun Club Lease
Chuck Parlier
Moti on
Skills Bank Lease
Dance-a-thon Motion
~bbie Pinnock
Registration Summer Svlim
Program - Russ Branson
t~oti on
~9round Equipment
Glen Tobe, Guy Snyder
MINUTES 3-30-78
Mills moved, Bennett seconded to accept the lease as written with
the change from a ten (10) year to a five (5) year lease. The vote_
was: 5 yes 0 no.
The Commission set April 6, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Skills
Bank Lease of the old museum building. This will be a Special
Ralston moved, Mills seconded to accept the proposal of Miss Pinnock
for the annual dance-a-thon to be held in the Parks and Recreation
buildinq on the dates specified. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no lfibstain.
U-{'., (\oc'(-. )
Mr. Branson asked the Commission to hold open fifteen (15) places for
the summer instructional swimming for Iris students. He ,,,ould quarantee
payment for the openings, but he could not guarantee that his students
would actually take the lessons.
Bennett. moved, Ralston seconded to approve ~1r. Bransons proposal.
On a- roll call vote: 2 yes, 3 no (Crawford, t~ills, Pinnock).
Mr. Tobe and ~~r. Snyder presented to the Commission a set of pl ans
for playground equioment. The Commission asked that this be given
to the Development Committee to look into and bring back their
recommendation to the Commission on how to proceed.
Siskiyou Chamber Orchestra Ms. Whitten asked the Commission for use of the Butler Bandshl
Lorraine -l~hi tten on Saturday mornings from July 1 through September 2,1978.
~10ti on Ral stan moved, Mi 11 s seconded to grant the reques t of the Si skiyou
Chamter Orchestra for the use of the Butler Bandshell.
Amendment - Mill'- moved, Ralston seconded to add a $100 cleaning deposit that
will be refundable at the end of the September 2 concert. The vote on
the amendment on a roll call: 3 yes, 2 no (Ralston, Bennett).
Wes Hoxie
Mr. Hoxie brought up the concern of the Senior Citizens regarding the
tax le~y and clarifying statements about raising future taxes.
. Year Goals
ob l3ennett
Land and Water
Conserva{ion Monies
Dou~ Graef, Nancy
Hun te r Trus t
Dave I~hi tney
Allen Drescher
Operatinq Procedures
Bob Bennett
Black Swan-Small Claims
Wri Hen R~~
NRPA Conference Motion
Yakima, Washington
MINUTES 3-30-78
The Commission set Monday, April 17, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. as a study
session to review and make additions and/or corrections to the
1 i s t 0 f go a 1 s .
Graef submitted a letter to Neil Ledward with both the Wolter and
Anderson Shel ter request for matching monies. If Vie do not l~ecei ve
the matching funds for the shelter or irrigation system, Vie can then
go to BaR for fundi n9.
Chairperson Pinnock went through the information she gathered from
the Hunter Trustee on the use of the monies. Other imput was given
from the audience for use of the money also.
Mr. I~hitney sugges ted to the commi ss ion that the money coul d be used
for making one ()f the slow pitch softball diamonds Clt Hunter Park
into a field usable by adults for slO\'/ pitch softball. Graef said
that both field would have to be moved to make one into an adult size
fi e 1 d.
r~r. Drescher suggested that the Commission use the money for a sinking
fund for a new SyJimminq pool for the city of Ashland. At a later
date try to get matching funds from HUD or BOR.
The Comllli ssi on as ked Di rector Graef to qet pri ces on the projects
suggested by the Commission. Community Center remode"ling and enlargin(1,
Tennis and racketball courts, sidewalk and stairs are some of the
items 1 isted.
Bennett suggested that the Commission review the Operating Procedures
yearly. Crawford suggested that the Commission have a job description
for P"rk Commissioners. Pinnock asked Crawford to write up a job
descr~~tion for future Commissioners.
The Commission asked that Director Graef continue with the small
claims court case on the Black Swans. Bennett will work with Graef.
The Commission excepted the written Director's Report.
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we send Doug Graef and Jack Mills
to the Pacific Northwest Regional Conference in Yakim~ Washington on
April 8 though 11. The vote \'/a5: 4 yes, 0 no 1 abstain U1ills).
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda 0' Neal, Secretary
en 6, 1978
Descri ption
Uses Motion
Operating Hours
Tenn Motion
Obligation to Repair
Comp 1 i an ce \'i th Laws
Paragraph 2
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Bennett, Ralston, Pinnock, Crawford, Mills
The Park Commission went through the Skills Bank Lease paragraph by
paragraph, and the following changes were made.
The Commission asked that a complete list be made of all items in the
museum building, to include, the beehive and three (3) original wall
murals (all to stay in tact).
Ralston moved, Mills seconded that the following sentence should be
deleted: It is understood that the lessee has a non-exclusive right
to the use of property. on a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no.
The Commission asked that Ron Salter, City Attorney, give an opinion
regarding vending and the Ashland Skills Bank in [ithia Park.
Ralston moved, Crawford seconded that the final clause under purpose
be deleted, "which shall not be unreasonably withheld." On a roll call
vote: 5 yes 0 no.
The Commission asked that the hours 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. be inserted in
the lease as hours that the Skills Bank may not operate in Lithia Park.
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we accept the five (5) year tenn
of the lease. On a roll call vote: 3 yes, 2 no (Crawford, Pinnock).
Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we incorporate an annual review in,
this particular section. On a roll call vote: 5 yes 0 no.
Chairperson Pinnock will talk with Mr. Salter to see if this is the
proper place for the annual review, and to see if this should include
termination. Pinnock will also ask for C1uidelines for the review and
see if changes in the lease can be made at the time of the annual review
The Commission asked that the last sentence be changed to read: "All
repairs and replacement shall be perfonned in a first class workman-
1 i ke. _manner. II
The Commission added the followinq to the sentence "...workmanls
compensation, unemployment, at lessee's sole expense and other..."
The followinq \'1as added: "...beginning of the te'lrm following renov-
t. 11-
a 1 on , . . .
MINUTES 4/6/78
PAGE 2 '-'",
A lterati ons and
Paragraph B
Defaul t
Risk of Loss
Termi nati on
Improvements The Comnission changed the oaragraph to read: "Such work shall
be accomplished according to plans and specifications therefore
whi ch t if such changes al ter the exteri or appearance t shall fi rs t -
be submitted and approved in writing by the Lessor or his assigned
agent by the lessor. All other such work estimated to cost in excess
of $1000 shall be subject to approval by the Park Director or assigned
agent for the : Lessor. II
The Commission asked that we check into getting electric and water
hookups for the museum building.
The Commission would like Mr. Salter to draw UD a termination clause.
The Commission also added the following sentence: "Failure of lessee
to cure problem within thirty (30) days will be cause for termination.1I
~ The Commission will ask Mr. Salter to rough out a paragraph to compen-
sate the Skills Bank monetarily, and give the APRC the ootion to
rebuil d.
The Commission will ask Mr. Salter about the termination of this lease.
Wi th no further business t the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfullysubmi tted
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
Apri 1 27. 1978
Pres ent
Absen t
M(J rell 28. 1978
f1oT-, 0 n
Commentary March 31, 78
Qua rt e r 1 Y-B~J2.2I..!
M a t'C h 31, 1 ~18
Bills - John Ralston
.-- -r-~r'-~"~E n "D
Cm~r.iljNI CA TI ONS
Closure of Winburn Way
For Easter Eqg Hunt
~argaret & Jol1n----
_'unter Trust - Janet
Fa r;o\>1
Allen Drescher -
Chi 1 dren' s Theatre
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
Pinnock, Crawford, Mills, Ralston
Ralston moved, Mills seconded moved that we accept the minutes as
submitted. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
The Commission discussed the comment by Bob Nelson, Finance Director,
regarding the spring swimming program. He said that the program can
be absorbed \'1ithin the total Materials & Services category \'1ithout
a supplemental budget or transfer of appropriations. The Commission
asked Director Graef to talk with Mr. Nelson regarding this situation.
The Quartel~ly Report was placed on file.
All the bills were okay.
regarding th
innoc:k asked Ralston to respond to t~r. & t1rs. Farquhal~.
closure of Winburn Way for this event.
Ralston \'/il1 also respond to this letter. The letter will be pl'ced
on file for the Hunter Trust funds.
Mr. Drescher came to the Commission on behalf of the Children's Theatre
They would also like to be considered for the use of the Ashland Armory
vlith the HUD funds. Chairperson Pinnock read to the Commission a
letter from Rep. Kip Lombard concerning the Armory and time schedule
they are working \'1i tho
Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we remove the armory application
for HUD funds and reapply at a more appropriate time. The vote was:
4 yes ~ no.
Chairperson Pinnock asked the development committee to work with
Mr. Drescher and the Children's Theatre to explore all the points
of joining together in the HUD application. t~r. Graef also suggested
that the Committee also look into other possible agencies who might
be interested in the facility. This building could be used to house
many social agencies.
MINUTES 4-27-78
Be~r Creek Greenway
Jack Mills
Written report was accepted and placed on file.
Bear Creek Greeml/ay Money After some discussion, the Commission tabled the motion until the
Soecial Election end of the meeting.
Black Swan Money. Motion
NRPA Conference-Yakima
Jack Mi 11 s
Mills moved~ Ralston seconded that we direct our director to purchase
two (2) white swans the biggest, meanest that we can get from Reddinq
or Red Bluff~California, and put them in the upper lake. The vote Vias:
1 yes, 3 no.(Cra\"ford~ Ralston, Pinnock).
The Commission asked that the money be invested for 60-90 days.
Mills and Graef attended many useful workshops and lectures in the
field of Parks and Recreation with many dynamic speakers. Mills
also brought back some information on what other park deoartments
take care of~ such as~ a street tree ordinance. Director Graef
and Mills will write up their notes from the conference for the
Commission to read.
Landura Corporation-Update The Commission signed the letter to Landura and asked that it be
sent for their signature and approval.
Charter Amendment
The Commission sent to the City Council their recommendation to have
them draw up an amendment to the Ci-l:y Charter for the November ballot
anowing for positions on the Park Commission. This request went
on the April 18, 1978 Council agenL3.
Black Swans-Small Claims The Commission asked Director Graef to continue with the case.
Spring Swim Program
Engineering Bill
Savikko Enqineering
The swim program is more than we had expected, and with the changes
in time and the number of bodies allowed in the pool this has helped
the over crowding which hapDen on the first night. We do have one
person who is being paid to take money at the door for the program.
The Commission discussed the inflated billinG from Savikko Engineerina
for the Anderson Shelter design. They listed several questions they -
wanted answered from the engineering firm. 1. t~hy they were not
informed of the cost overrun prior to the billinq. 2. t~hat the
typist typed for 2 hours and the rate of Day ($12.50 per hour).
3. Where the hours were spent for the engineer and assistant engineer.
Chairperson Pinnock \..;ill draft a letter to Savikko Engineering tel-9
them that we are dissatisfied with the billina and why, and that we
will not pay more then the $1500 first quoted.
Anderson Shelter Motion
Nature Conservancy
Tabled motion
Revenue Sharinq Money
MINUTES 4-27-78
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to submit these plans for bid.
vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
A group has formed to purchase 1 and (natural area) throu9hout the
Uni ted States that are prime property that have speci al features on
them~ such as Table Rock. They would like to preserve these areas
for the future.
Mills moved~ Ralston seconded that we ask the City Council to direct
the Ci ty Attorney to draw up a ball ot title and measure requesting
permission to spend $lO~OOO Revenue Sharing on land acquisition for
the Bear Creek Greemvay in the City. In addi tion ~ we request a
provision be added to the ballot measure that allows for future moneys
to be allocated with City Council approval only. The vote was: 4 yes~
o no.
With no further business~ the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted~
) 1
, ." J A !" xlJ
,. I / / . /t:-"L ~/){/c: /-
~ ,.'{/ t-.I~ f '\.--G.'
Wanda 0 I Neal ~ Secretary
May 2, 1978
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett
Abs en t
The Commission went through the list of Park Five Year Goals and made
the following changes.
Goal #1
"Initiate a.program of planned land acquisition based on the City's
comprehensive plan, projected City growth, and documented park and/or
open space need when funding permi ts. II
Goal 1/2
"Continued acti ve support of Bear Creek Greenway pl an, parti cul arly as
it relates to lands along Bear and Ashland Creeks, in and adjacent to
the City of Ashland.1I
Goal #3
Goal #4
Goal #5
Goal #6
Goal #7
Goal #8
IIEstablish a planned program of restoration and development of park
facilities in the City which can be tied to a five year financial plan.'
Goal #4 was deleted.
Goal #5 was added to #3 because of similarities.
IIDevelopment of long ranqe pl anning for the parks budget util i zinq
the city Di rector of Finance.1I
"Exp.'Jre the possibility of county and state assistance in meeting
the :.eeds of Ashl and Ci ty Parks. II
Goal #8 was combined with #1.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
tJ~ dI4
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
MAY 1978
As most of you know by now, more than two million youngsters across the nation are
expected to participate in a track and field program sponsored by the Hershey Food
Corporation, the National Track and Field Hall of Fame, National Recreation and
Park Association and (in Oregon) Oregon Parks & Recreation Society. Greg Jones
and Shelley Briggs from Medford and Eugene, respectively are the state coordinators
for this activity for boys and girls ages 10 to 15. Basically each locality is
being ~sked to host their own local meets the week of June 19-24. From the local
meets, times and distances will be compared and participants will be selected to
compete in a state wide meet at the U. of O. 's Hayward Field Friday, July 7.
Winners from our state will be placed on a regional team based on times and
distances and a team will be flown by the Hershey Company to Huntington, West
Virginia August 5. Some funds are available for transportation of the local
participants to the state meet as well. For further information, call Shelley or
"Diversify Your Program" sponsored by the Oregon Council on Activity Leadership
will be held June 13 and 14. This workshop is geared for people working with the
elderly and nursing homes. A wide variety of useful information will be provided.
Call Kay Merkelbach at 234-8211 for more information.
A special legislative workshop will be held June 2, 1978 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at
the Local Government Institute Building in Salem, on the corner of 12th and Court.
Flyers are enclosed on this most important workshop!
An open house reception, honoring Carula Alliston Klar of Willamalane Parks &
Recreation District will be held, Sunday May 21 in the Heritage Room, Rodeway Inn,
Springfield from 1-3 p.m. Carula will be retiring from Springfield this spring!
Call Willamalane Parks & Recreation for more information.
Park Administration - salary open - Cheney, Washington. One year appointment with
possible opportunity to remain if growth rate continues. Applicants with a minimum
of a masters degree and strong background in park administration, maintenance, and
design are encouraged to apply. There will be an opportunity to teach and to expand
curriculum in a dynamic growing program. Contact: Dr. Howard Uibel, Chairman,
Department of Recreation and Park Administration, Eastern Washington University,
Cheney, Wa. 99904.
Assistant Director, Molalla Community School Program - salary open - Molalla, Ore.
Apply to Bob Stewart, Director, Molalla Community Schools, 434 South Molalla Avenue,
PO Box 188, Molalla, Oregon 97038. Please include a complete resume and any other
pertinent information.
o , ~1. A , F, NE\~S
With softball around the corner, O.M.A.F. Divisions have been busy setting tournament
dates and locations with the following results:
Valley Division: Women's Tournament - Albany - August 4, 5, 6
Men's A Medford - August 11, 12, 13
Men's B Corvallis - August 11, 12, 13
Southern Division: Women's Tournament-Medford - August 4, 5, 6
Men I s A Medford - August 11, 12, 13
Men's B Grants Pass - August 11, 12, 13
North and Portland: Not yet decided.
There will be an Executive Committee Meeting, Wednesday, May 10 in Springfield.
For more information on this meeting, contact Ken Long, Wi11ama1ane Park &
Don't forget the annual O.M.A.F. Raffle at the O.P.R.S. Conference this year
in Astoria. See you there!
The OTRS Metro Chapter held it's monthly meeting at Woodland Park Mental Health
Center. Ann Rafish, R.T. and Vickey Boley, Director of the Activity Therapy
Department presented a very informative session on Substance Abuse and the role
of the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist in dealing with this problem. The program
consisted of basic definition of terminology, classification of drugs and their
affects and developing a treatment plan for a typical case presentation.
Want to get something off your chest bunkie?? News for the newsletter should
be sent to me at Medford Parks & Recreation, Room 140, City Hall, Medford, Oregon,
by ~X..5th of each month.
\. I r
~' i.\\~
Michael A. Starr, President
Oregon Park & Recreation Society
From O.T.R.S.... a committee has been established to study certification and
licensure for T.R. professionals in Oregon. Initial report to be given at
the June 2 legislative workshop.
From Rob Rinehart.... O.C.E.P. is planning a community education bill for Oregon
to the tune of $2.4 million. On the federal level, a bill calling for $474 million
is proposed and would mean approximately $500.000 per year for Oregon Community
School Programs. It's proposed that Park & Recreation agency expenditures be
approved a local matching dollars so these programs could mean a great deal to
Park & Recreation programs in the state. For further information call Rob at
297-1858 or Guy Faust at 686-3996.
EMPLO'y'r'ENT (ffi)R1UNI1Y
Providence Medical Center will be hiring an on call person in Therapeutic Recreation
by July 1, call Kay Merke1bach or personnel at 234-8211.
Natural Resource Section advises that the Federal Register for the Denver Area is now
open and will close on June 1 for persons interested in Federal Park and Recreation
Positions with the Civil Service. DICK LAMSTER also invites suggestions and participition
in the Natural Resource Section.
West Linn Park and Rec..:reation Director, $12,000-14,000. Experience and training in pirk
developnent and recreation programming. Grant writing skills preferred. BA in Park &
Recreation helpful. Deadline JU!16 9. Position begins July 5. Contact: Harry Lee Kwai,
Community Education Director, West Linn School District, West Linn, C1t 97C68 (638-9874).
May 18, 1978
March 30, 1978 Motion
Regular Meeting
April 27, 1978 Motion
Regul ar Meeti ng
April 6, 1978 Motion
Special Meeting
April 30,1978
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as wri tten. The
vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as wri tten. The
vote was; 4 yes ~ no.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as w ri t ten. The
vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
The Financial Commentary was accepted and placed on file.
Bills - John Ralston 1 Ralston brought to the attention of the Commission the two ~necks;j
lone for the Sheriff and one. for the District Court. These ~~
I will start the small claims court proceedings on the Black Swans.
"etters to and From
Savikko Engineering
Mo ti on
Letter to Senator
Kip Lombard
National Guard Armory
The Commission reviewed lett€~ written from the Commission to Sa-ikko
Engineerinq. (May 2, 9, 16, 18, 1978) The May 9 1 etter was front
Savikko Engineering to thp. Ashland Parks Commission.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we pay Savikko Engineering $1500.00
total for services rendered (inclusive of $202.13 already paid).
Rollcall vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Letter was read and placed on file.
Letter was pl aced on fil e.
Marilyn Shargel Motion Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the four points agreed upon
Skills Bank Lease in the discussion Mond~y night May 15, 1978. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mills
Development Committee
Comni ttee
Charter Amendment
Resolution Commission
Pos i ti on Numbers
Park Commissioner
Job Descri ption
Jean Crawford
Bear Creek Greenway
Implementation Plan
Swim Pool Survey
Doug Hellie
Paul Russell
Zubai ru Mahdi
Moti on
MINUTES 5-18-78
PAGE 2 .
Written report accepted. The Bear Creek Greenway is exploring the
possibility of hiring someone who will head the purchase, gift or
donation of 1 and for the Greenway. Thi s person wi 11 be in cha rge
of contacting land owners; at .present, the staff is not able to handle
all of the necessarY initial and secondary contacts.
No report.
Ralston and Graef met with Finance Director, Bob Nelson and discussed
the future of Revenue Shar.inq and the Recreation.~.Budget. Mr. Nelson
felt that there woul dbe no problem with the Revenue Sharing being
taken away in the near future. He di d offer some suqges ti ons for
future funding of the Recreation Budget; serial levy by voter approval,
sales tax, increase in Users charges. The Corrmission asked Graef and
Ralston to find out how other Oregon Recreation Departments fund their
programs. Chairperson Pinnock also requested Ralston to write up these
ideas for a fi 1 e for future recommendati ons to al ternate ways of
Recreati on fundi n g.
The Commission asked that all references to the Commission should be
the Parks and Recreation Commission (er). This will now be given to
the city Council.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to send the resolution to the City Counci
The vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
Crawford presented to the Commission the job description. The Commissi,
added to number 10, that they sign both the payroll and payable
department checks. Crawford also presented a calendar for the year
listing when certain events take place and when business items must
be taken care of. The Commission asked that the position description
be g'l ven to Nan Frankl in, City Recorder, to gi ve out to those applying
for iJark Commi ss i on pos i ti ons.
The Bear Creek Greenway Impl ementation Pl an was prepared for the
Greenway Committee by Doug Graef. The pl an shows the Histow and
Accomplishments of the Bear Creek Greenway from beginning (1930)
until June 30, 1977. The Committee is suppose to keep this up-to-
Swim Pool Survey (conti)
;~regon Shakespearean ..
Festival Association
Bi 11 Pa tton
Slide Projector
Moti on
Wri tten Report
Doug Graef
Feast of Wi 11
MINUTES 5-18-78
and cutting out the solar heating system. A member of the Survey
group commented that many of the communi ty sai d they woul d be will ing
to volunteer their services for the municipal pool. It was also
suggested that the Commission ~embers contact Bend, Oregon to see
how they passed their bond levy and also how they received their
federal fundinl1.
The Shakespearean festival has offered to purchas.e the slide projector,
dissolve unit and tape recorder for $700, with this we can purchase
a simpler model for our ow~ use.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Oregon Shakespearean
Festival's offer to buy'our slide projector and recorder, and purchase
a smaller unit for park use. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no.
The written renort was accented as wri tten. Graef added that the
Black Swans court case should be coming up within two (2) weeks.
Mills and Crawford offered to work with Graef and Bill Patton on
arranging a ne\1 place for the Feast of Will for 1979.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secretarv
June 5, 1978
. Absent
Kay Stein
Senior Center
Kay Bernard
Swimming Pool
Seed Money
Ballot Voting
Vote on Amendment
~ote on Motion
Vote on Amendment
Vote on Motion
Executive session Set
. Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Pinnock, Bennett, Mills, Crawford, Ralston
None ..
Mrs. Stein came to the Commission with the proposal to use a portion
of the Hunter Trust monies. Her request was to request matching funds
from Ti tl e V money, whi ch requi res 25 percent local money. En 1 argi ng
the Multi-service building would provide space for the Senior Center
and a meal site for Loaves and Fishes. Mrs. Stein did not feel that
Ashland was ready for a full time Senior Center, nor could they finance
A letter was read from Mrs. Bernard requesting that the money from the
Hunter Trust be used as seed money for a municipal swimming pool.
Mills moved, Crawford seconded to remove the adult softball field
from the list. The vote was: 5 yes, 0 no.
The Commission agreed to drop the handball/racketball courts from the
The Commission looked over the list and voted on the items listed.
Crawford moved, Mi lls seconded that we vote to use the $50,000.1'0 as
seed lOOney for the pool.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we go until June 1979 if nothing
is in the paper mill. If there is something going at that time, wait
until an answer is given positive or negative.
4 yes 1 abstain (Bennett) ~ no.
4 yes 1 no (Bennett).
Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we accept the sidewalk/stair-
wells, pl ayground equi pment and shel ter as al ternates to the swim
pool project.
Mills moved,. RaJston se'conded that any leftover money go towards the
development of a recreation center.
5 yes ~ no.
5 yes 0 no.
The meeting date will be June 22, 1978 following the regular meeting,
to discuss employee salaries.
1. Summer Recreation Program: You have all received copies of this--all
activities seem to be accepted and reasonably successful so far. The pro-
gram was distributed to all Ashland School District students Qrades 9 and
below two weeks before school let out for the summer. The program was once
again printed by the SOSC print shop.
2. Fourth of July: I wasn't able to attend the last meeting, but the first_
meeting I did attend went well with the Chamber of Commerce in agreement
over what we required of them last year and willing to accomplish the same
this year. They also stated they would put more stringent requirements on
the Lion's Club and their disposal of coals.
3. New Lawn Mower Purchase: As you all know, we had planned for a purchase.
of a new lawn mower (72'1' cut) this comin'g budget year. If we were to get y
such a mower, we would have to buy from a dealer in Portland. We have had
poor service from some of these dealers in the past so Joe Martinez and I ..
decided to look locally. We did find acceptable units availabl~, though
not in 72" cut. One dealer in Medford offers an exceptional value. Through
this dealer, we could buy a 60" and a 48" tractor type mowers for a total
of what was allotted in the budget,----$6,500.00. Then under a contract
with this dealer, we would use his parts, oil, filters, etc. for the entire
year and at the end of the year, we could trade our mowers and $175.00
each for a brand new unit. During the year we have the mowers, either
party can cancel at any time, and the mowers would be covered by a one year
warranty during that time period. I would like the permission of the
Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission to pursue this~ as I do believe in
buying locally, if possible, and we all like the availability of parts and
service nearby.
4. New Water Pipe Line: If you havenlt looked lately, do look at the lower
park and how it has been torn up. The Ashland Parks and Recreation Depart-
ment crew did an exceptionally commendable job on the installation of a new
4" water 1 ine some 1000+ feet UP the park to the park shop. The entire unit" ...,
has been pressure tes ~ed and approved by the Buil ding Inspector. We are now! '1
"legal in the lower pal'k. The job was marred by vandalism, but Foreman Martinez! d;
and Leadman Gomes overcame this and finished on time. This is the first in
a series of modernization projects of the irrigation system in Lithia Park
with the funds of the Wolter Estate bequest.
5. Community Skills Bank Projects: If you go to look at the new water line,
walk a bit further to Butler Playground in Lithia Park and check out the fine
work this agency, through its youth employment monies, has done in construct-
ing sandboxes around the play equipment. This work reflects superb leader-
ship on the part of Supervisor," Mr. Tony Harrison, and thousands of dollars
of improvements arid_safe~y features the Ashland Parks and Recreation Depart-
ment has gained free of charge. Those of you who come in contact wi th mem- ,
bers of this agency might want to express your appreciation for the work they
have put in to Lithia Park. Their next project will be the renovation of the
Gazebo at Triangle Park on Siskiyou Boulevard--we will all watch this project
with great interest, I'm sure. .
6. Workman's Compensation Claim Settlement: The state of Oregon, Worker's
Compensation Department has decided to make a cash settlement to Mr. Art
Pilkenton, former APRD Foreman, for back problems he supposedly incurred while .. .J'
employed with this department. The claim will be for $2,240.00. Bob Nelson,
City Finance Director and Insurance Representative suggested the claim not be
June 22, 1978
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Bennett, Ralston (7:40 p.m.)
Regul ar Meeting
May 18, 1978
Special Meeting
May 2, 1978
Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the minutes as written.
The vote was: 4 yes 0 no (Ralston absent).
Bennett moved, Mill s seconded to accept the minutes as wri tten.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Bi 11 s - John Ra 1s ton
The Commission expressed concern regarding the comments by Mr. Nelson
about receiving a CETA Person 'from the Cemetary Department. Graef
assured the Commission that this had been discussed and the department
will not be accepting any more CETA personnel.
All the bills are as per nonna] for the month.
C orrmen ta ry
May 31, 1978
Letter To Mr. Diller Letters were read and placed on file.
Letter From Mr. Diller
Thank you Card -Debbie Pinnock
Jr. Class Dance-a-thon
SISC Commencement
Land S Water Concervation
Proposed Ashland Swim Pool
Bear Creek Greenway
John M. Evey - OSFA
Placed under Committee Reports.
Pinochle Club Mr. and Mrs. Luttrell came to the Commission to see if their pinochle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Luttrell club could use the Hunter Park-Multi-Service Building at a reduced
fee or for free.
Mills moved, Ralston seconded to accept the request of the Kings and
Queens pinochle club and waive the cost of the rental on the building
on Monday nights from 6 to 10 p.m. The Vote was: 4 yes 0 no and
1 abstain (Bennett)
Chairperson Pinnock asked Bennett to talk with Mrs. Stein regarding
her stand on recreation through her department.
Motion Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we do not build the shelter that
Savikko Engineering designed for us because of the cost and that we
build a prefab-ready made shelter. I have not specifications or
Ji'\~ sizes in mind at this time. The vote was: 2 yes 300 (Ralston, \
Bennett, Pinnock). ~
~. Mills moved, Pinnock seconded that we rescind the 'motion of two (2)
months ago to send the shelter design out to bid. The vote was: 2 yes
3 no (Ralston, Bennett, Crawford)
Mills told the Commission that he met with Director Graef and they
decided that if the grass is ready to use by the Feast of Will 1979,
then the can hold the feast there, if not it will be moved for only
the year 1979 to the area above the Rose garden. Mills will talk
with Mr. Patton. .
Anderson Shel ter
Mo ti on
1979 Feast of Will
Jack Mi 11 s
Jean Crawford
MINUTES 6-22-78
Skills Bank Lease Signed The Conmission signed the final Skills Bank Lease and dated it to
begin on June 22, 1978.
Fourth of July
Nancy Pi nnock
Change in Operating
Procedures- Mills
Hoti on.
We will send a Letter to....the Lionls Club about their hot coals from
the barbecue. A copy of the letter went the Chamber.
Mills moved, Crawford seconded that the following be changed in the
Operating Procedures: Section 1. 1.6. At least three (3) Commission
members must be present to conduct official Commission business. The
vote was: 1 yes 4 no ( Ralston, Bennett, Crawford, Pinnock).
Proposal-Political Groups Graef and Bennett will talk with Ron Salter, City Attorney, on the
or Factions in Lithia legality of such a proposal on groups in Lithia (or any) Park.
Park - Doug Graef
Swim Pool Reports
Phi 1 Djang and
Doug Graef
Swim Pool~ What Should
We do now?
Wri tten Report
Howe rs
The program as a whole wa$ very successful in that a need in the
conmunity was met. Bennett suggested that we would do. better if we
offered lessons on both Friday and Saturday, rather then the recreation
time on Friday nights.
A joint City Council/Park Commission meeting will be held Dfi T~esdav,
June 29, 1978, at 7:30 n.m. in the Council Chambers.
~ .
. \ ..'. . ,.
Accepted as written.
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded that we give Doug pennission.to purchase
the lawn mowers he described in his report. Tne vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda 0' Neal, Secretary
JUNE 22, 1978 - 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting - May 18, 1978
Special Meeting - May 2, June 5, 1978
Commentary - May 31, 1978
Bills - John Ralston
Letter to Mr. Robert Diller - Hunter Trust
Thank you Card - Debbie Pinnock - Jr. Class Dance-a-thon
Slide Projector - Bill Patton - OSFA
Bear Creek Greenway - John M. Evey - OSFA
SOSC Commencement - E.C. McGill
Land & Water Conservation Funding - Mark Hatfield
Proposed Ashland Swim Pool - Curt Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Luttrell - Pinochle Club
Barry Levine - Softball ProDosal
Tom Byrer, Greg Winterowd - Landura Corporation
Harold Munson - Old Helman Ranch Sub-Division
Bear Creek Greenway - Jack Mills
Development Committee - Jean Crawford, Bob Bennett
Financial/Budget - John Ralston
Anderson Shel ter
Skills Bank Lease
1979 Feast of Will - Jack Mills, Jean Crawford
4th of July - Nancy Pinnock
Proposal to Change Operating Procedures - Jack Mills
Proposal - Political Groups or Factions in Lithia Park - Doug Graef
Swim Pool Reports - Phil Djang, Doug Graef
Swim Pool - What Should We Do Now?
Joint City Council & Park Commission Meeting
JUNE 28, 1978 - 7:30 p.m.
J 1. Evaluation Proceedure Suggestion
I 2.
! 3.
~ ~ "...
'2-) ~~./'~
.3) ~S~
~ 5 '10
'B~,J tJb~
Review of Director's Goals Progress Update.
Brief Overview of Discussion with Brian Almquist Regarding
Camp Time Policy for Other City Department Heads.
Crew/Secretary Salaries and Benefits'5
5. Director perfonnance, salar.y.
~~ ,00
\1:1 (
./ \l;)~
"01 - ~~
f\ ~o .~
July 10, 1978
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m.
Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston, Bennett, Mil~(5:00 p.m.)
Recreati on
The Commission went through the list of Recreation Goals and made
the following changes.
"Explore other areas of funding for the recrea ti on program and
recomnend alternatives to the City Council. II
"Investigate the feasibility of the need for a Recreation Program
coordinator to work wi th the Parks and Recreation Di rector. II
Goal #1
Goal #3
"Continue to stri ve for variedCrecreation pro~rams for all ci ti zens
of Ashland, taking note of teen-agers, senior citizens, and the
handicapped. II Combine goals number 3,6,and 7.
"Continue to explore the possibilities of joint programming with the
Ashland Interagency Recreation Committee and other agencies in the
City that are interested in recreation. II
t~Exploration of the feasibility and need for a large conmunity
recreation center. II
Goal #4
Goal #5
Goal #6
Goal #7
Goal #8
,Combine with Goal #3 and 7.
Combine with Goal #3 and 6.
"Support the 'community schools' cOllcept as outlined to the Conmission
by Ashl and Publ i c School's personnel. II
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
July 27, 1978
Speci a1 Meeting
June 5, 1978
Spec; al Meeting
July 10, 1978
Bills - John Ralston
Friend of Ashland
Duck Crossinq
Hearitage Committee
Marjorie O'Harra
Landura Corporation
Tom Byrer
Tree Fund for Bluebird
Park-Betsy Raq1and
Chickens - Bill Patton
Chairperson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Crawford, Bennett, Pinnock, Mills, Ralston
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Mi 11 s corrected the minutes of July 10 by adding an liS II to hi s name.
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accept the minutes as corrected.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
The bills were approved to pay as submitted.
Letters were read and p1 aced on fi 1 e.
Mr. Byrer asked the commission to add two paragraphs and a signature
and date 1 ine to the 1 etter sent as an agree~nt to Landura Corporat; on.
This addition is.a requirement from Farmers Ho~ Administration. The
commission agreed to the addition of the requirements ~y Farmers Home
by consensus.
Ms. Ragland sent the Commission one dollar to begin a fund to replace
the tree that was cut down in Bluebird Dark. The Commission asked
that the doll ar be turned over to the ci ty for the fund since we do
not have jurisdiction over the park. Chairperson Pinnock received
a call from Ken Cockrell of Ray's Garden Center, who offered to donate
and plant a tree in Bluebird Park. to replace the tree that was cut
Letter from Bill Patton was read and placed on file. Mr. Mills went
on record that he had suggested two months earlier, to place more
chickens in the park. Graef suggested that the chickens be moved to
the upper duck pond.
Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we turn them over to the bantam
rooster in Black Swan Lake. The vote was: 3 yes 2 no (Bennett,
Crawford) .
MINUTES 7-27-78
Duane Sample - Restrooms Mr. Sample was concerned with the condition of the restroom in the
lower portion of Lithia Park. ,He asked if this is due to the tourist
season or is it year-round. Mr. Graef explained that vandalism is
year-round in the lower park, and the reason it is not repaired, is
time and money. If we give publicity, the vandalism gets worse.
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mills
Development Committee
Jean Crawford,
~obert Bennett.
John Ra 1 stan
ACjUisition Committee
ack Mills .
Wri tten report accepted and p1 aced on fi 1 e.
The Development Committee was looking into making the Wade/Senior
Investments property into softball di amonds. The Engineerinq Dept.
was to shoot the grade of the property. Crawford met wi th the Soi 1
Conservation Service, to see what the land could be used fo'r. She
was to1 d that jus t under the surface of the ground is bedrock, and
that drainage on the property is not good. The idea to terrace the
property would mean brin~ing in lots of top soil. The soil report
that was just received suggested that the land be used for irrigated
pasture. The Commission asked the Committee to look into other possib1:
uses for the property.
No report.
No repo rt.
Park and Recreation Goals B~nnett moved, Mills seconded that as a Commission we acceot the
Motion Par~ and Recreation goals as 1 isted and review, them annually in June of
each year. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. .
Newberry Plant Site Mills is trying to contact John Evey for information on the proqress
Progress - Jack Mills of the Newber~y Site as a link for the Greenway.
Jack Mills Mills talked with Jim Wright, Chairperson of the 4th of July
Committee, about moving and/or splitting the booths next year. The
question was raised about moving the booths to the street, or the
upper duck pond area. If the area is changed, we would need to work
with the electric department for outlets. There was a question brought
up about the American Legion selling beer near the park. Our departmen
and the Police Department was not notified about the selling of beer.
Mills talked with Mr. Bill Patton about moving the Feast of 'Wi11 to the
area above the Rose Garden, across from the Bandshe11. Mr. Patton was
willing to do this once, and he expressed concern that the City would
not approve of having the barbecues on the street. A letter will be
sent to him regarding the Feast of Will for 1979.
Fourth of July -
1979 Feast of Will
Jack Mills
4Ifugust 24, 1978
Abs en t
Regu1 ar Meetinq
June 22, 1978
Regular Meeting
July 27, 1978
June 30, 1978
July 31, 1978
Bills - John Ralston
Susan Funk - Jackson
and Perkins Co. -
Photo of Lithia Park
Allen Drescher -
Youth Commission
Ashland Saturday Crafts
Fair - John Shea
Raqiba Havill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pinnock at 7:33 p.m.
Pinnock, Crawford, Mills, Bennett, Ralston
Bennett moved, Mills seconded to accept the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes, ~ no.
Crawford moved, Bennett seconded to accept the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
The Commentaries of June 30 and July 31 were discussed and placed
on file.
Ralston moved, Mills seconded to pay the bills. The vote was:
5 yes, ~ no.
The letter was read and placed on file. Chairperson Pinnock asked
if the Commission wanted to see the photograoh framed and hung in
~heparksa,n",d, Recreation Office. The Commission "wa,s in agreement
t t it should be framed. Ralston volunteered to write a thank
, au 'etter to Ms. Funk for the pi ctUre-af\cr1rerp-l:o the-Parks and
Chairperson Pinnock told the Commission about the letter received
from Mr. Drescher about a meeting on August 31, to see about forming
,;a Youth Commission, she urged all the Commissioners to attend this
Vmeetin9 if possible.
Mr. Shea asked the Commission about using the Women's Civin~ Building
(59 Winburn Way) for a Saturday Crafts Market to be held on the
five Saturdays between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Chairperson
Pinnock told the Commission that the building is zoned R-1, and
that the City has given the Commission jurisdiction of the building.
eade Property
LithiaSprings Lease
Con ce rts
Wri tten Report
Vending Ordinance
MINUTES 8-24-78
Bennett offered to continue to look into the rental of the property.
Crawford offered to work with .Brian Almquist and Doug Graef on the
Lithia Springs Lease.
Mills and Pinnock will work the Concert on Tuesday and Crawford
and Pinnock will work the Concert on the Fourth ,of September.
. .-
r r.~
.v;rhe Skills bank is '~o.longer working on
Park. The Rotar~ Club of Ashland has
P1 aced on fil e.
the Gazebo at Triangle
taken over the project.
A study session was set for September 11, 1978 at 4:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
411bvember 30t 1978
.~bsen t
Regular t.1eeting .
October 24, 1978
Spec; a 1 M~eti n C!
November 14, 1978
r~oti on
OctOIier 31, 1978
ell s - John Ra 1 s ten
Change in Minutes
Bob Nelson
~limentary County
Budqet - Bikeway
Curt Baker
FielcLStudx Program
Bi il Bol dt
t~oTI on
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chai rperson Pinnock.
Ralston, Pinnock) Bennett) Crawford) Mills
The following correction was made in the minutes: Unfinished Business
Fourth of July lIall the booths in thestreet,...1I
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accent the minutes of October 24
as corrected. The vote w~s: 4 yes 0 no (Mills absent for vote).
Crawford moved) t1ills seconded that we accept the minutes of
November 14, 1978 as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Placed on file.
The Commission aporoved the bills to be paid.
Mr. Nelson1s memo reflected a change that should be made in t.he
OctlJber 5,. 1978 minutes regaY'dinq the memo read to the Corrmission
dUl ;ng the meeting about t1easure #6. The Commission asked that it
be Kept on fil e.
Letter regarding the Talent/Ashland Bikeway was placed on file.
Bennett moved, CrmlJford seconded that the form be filled out to
take part in the field study program from the University of Oregon.
A letter will be written to the Universitv to explain the situation
the department is in at the present time: The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Fourth of July Activities Ms. Reynolds wrote to the Commission regarding the movinq of the
- Betty Jo Reynolds. 4th of July activities to the Street, rather than having them continue
in the Park. r1i 11 s was asked to \oJri te a letter to ~1s. Reynolds in
regards to the Commissions action in moving the 4th of July activities.
Pl aced on fi 1 e.
~s for Summer
Lecture Seri es
Bill Patton
The letter conceminq having benches available for the surnmet' lecture
series was read and placed on file.
-- ,
MINUTES 11-30-78
Letter to Larry Naake The letter was read and placed on file.
Calif. P & R Society
Mr. Garcia told the Commission that he is interested in runninq some
free workshops for the department to train pl ayground 1 eaders, etc.
in working with the new games program. The new games is not competiti\
nor does it put up age barriers with those participating. There would
not be a fee charged to those participating in the new games.
Mr. Garcia asked for the Commissions support and sponsorship in runnin(
this program.
Ashland Christian Mr. Green explained to the Commission that he started a church.
Fellowship - Andy Green and they are meeting at the Varsity Theatre ~resently, but that
the facilities are not good for a church service. Mr. Green would
like to rent the Women's Civic Building Sunday Mornings on a regular
Motion Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we let the Ashland Christian
Fellowship use the building on Sunday mornings for the current rental
rate of $17.50 for four (4) hours. The vote was; 5 yes 0 no.
New Games Workshop
Dave Ga rci a
Ashland Fun Runs
Ben Benjamin
Workshops by Peter Giffen
and Ron Woolsey
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mills
c uisition Committee
Jack Mills
Mr. Benjamin came to the Commission to ask that the rental fee be
waived for use of the Women's Civic Building. The Ashland Fun Runs
is having a pot luck dinner for those who participated in the
Pilgrimage Marathon. t1r. Benjamin also explained to the Commission
that the Ashland Fun Runs is sponsored by the Park Department.
Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we allow this group use"f
the buil di ng for a pot 1 uck, and that a deposit of $15.00 be gl "en
for care of the building. The vote was: 5 v, es 0 no.
. .
Ron Woolsey gave the Commission a rundown on the two workshops
offered on gardening and horticulture. The first class had about
35 people the second class had about 25 people, and there is one
more class to be held. Mr. Woolsey and Mr. Giffen would like to
work with the Commission in acquiring a grant for the Wade Property.
The Commission encouraged Mr. Woolsey to to go ahead in writing the
Minutes of Bear Creek Greenway were attached. Placed on file.
Mills met with the Ashland Green~ay in November. Curt Baker was
pleased with the vote in support of the Greenway funds. The
Vogel's have expressed interest in the Greenway concerning their
land along Ashland Creek.
MINUTES 11-30-78
~rks Division-Jack Mills Mills was asked to write a letter to the Park Crew which all of
the Commission will sign.
Development Committee
Recreation Division
Jean Crawford
Selection Committee
Jean Crawford
John Ra 1 s ton
Personnel - Bob Bennett
,No report.
Crawford read through the joint school/park aqreement~ and asked
for questions and comrr-ents reqarding the agreement. Pinnock asked
that a yearly review of the agreement be included in the agreement.
It was also suggested that the 1972 agreement be included also.
Recreation Policy will be written un for adult sports using the
school facilities. The policy will include a job description for
the supervisors. The Commission set a study session for 7:30 p.m.
December 5, regarding adult snorts. Crawford listed items to be
included in the recreation policy.
The Selection Committee has narrowed the aoplicatioffito eleven.
Questionnaires have been sent to the applicants, with a question
as to date of arrival.
Ralston had the written report given last month typed for each
Commissioner and to be placed on file.
The Commission set December 5, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. for a reviewing the
job description for the Parks and Recreation Director.
Bennett moved that we purchase a time clock for the Park Shop. Mills
seconded. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no.
The Commission asked that Joe Martinez bring to the December meeting
di sci pl"i nary pol icy for Comnli ss i on cons i derati on.
Chanqe in Operati on Benrl~tt asked that hi s proposal for change in the Operation Procedures
Procedures-Bob Bennett be ~.; thdrawn.
Lithia Springs Lease
Request for Ducks
t~i cci e McNee
Communi ty Ski 11 s Bank
Mari 1 yn Sha rgel
Moti on
The lease with the City of Ashland for the Lithia Sprinqs property
was signed. The lease is for a period of ten (10) years.
Mills moved that we deny the request. Crawford.seconded. The vote
was: 5 yes, 0 no. r'1s. McNeels request for ducks for Lazy Larson
Creek Park was deni ed. Commi ss i oners asked Foreman, Joe Martinez,
about the feeding of the ducks~ he told them that the ducks are fed
on a regular basis.
Ms. Shargel contacted the Commission by letter regarding a request
from the Jacksonville Museum for i terns found in the Oregon Natural
History museum. Ms. Shargel felt that the items where not the property
of the Skills Bank to give away.
Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we allow the museum to take the
old newspapers, the tree stump with numerous acorn holes, the bricks
and iron pieces from the old fire place, but not the mural pieces and
chairs. They can also take the register.
Crawford amended the motion~ Ralston seconded that we loan the items
and also loan the things from the Wolter Estate. The vote on the
amendment was:. 5 yes 0 no. The vote on the motion was: 5 yes 0 no.
Ralston will write a letter to the Jacksonville museum.
MINUTES 11-30-78
tlange in Operating Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that we change Section I, 1.6
Procedures-Nancy Pinnock Meetings. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no. (See attached change).
Mati on
Change in Operating Pinnock asked that her proposal. for change in the Operating
Procedures-Nancy Pinnock Procedures be withdrawn.
Verbal Report on Meeting
in Eugene
The Commission set a study session on Tuesday, December 12, 1978
at 7:30 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Office to listen to the
tapes from Eugene.
Budget Decision Package Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Decision Package #4
Park Division for Parks as stated in Bob Nelson's latest printout of November 29,
Motion 1978. The vote \^lJS; 5 yes ~ no.
Budget Decision Packaqe Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we go along with Decision Package
Recreation Division #4 in the Recreation Budget. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Mati on
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
jJ;,t<bv ())';t.dJ
Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Secretary
4lavember 30, 1978
.l\bsen t
Regular r.1eeting
October 2~~ 1978
Special Meetino
November 14~ 1978
October' 31, 1978
ell s - John Ra l's ton
Change in Minutes
Bob Nelson
Supp1imentary County
BudQet - Bikeway
Curt Baker
Field Study Program
Bi 11 Bol dt
t10ti on
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Pinnock.
Ralston, Pinnock, Bennett, Crawford, Mills
The following correction was made in the minutes: Unfinished Business
Fourth of July lIall the booths in the street_, ....11
Bennett moved, Ralston seconded to accent the minutes of October 24
as corrected. The vote was: 4 yes 0 no (Mills absent for vote).
Crawford moved, r1i lls seconded that we accent the minutes of
November 14, 1978 as written. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Placed on file.
The Commission approved the bills to be paid.
Mr. Nelson's memo reflected a charqe that should be made in the
October '5,. 1978 minutes regardin,,'the memo read to the Commission
during the' meeting about r.1easure "6. The Commission asked that it
be kept on fi le.
Letter regarding the Talent/Ashland Bikeway was placed on file.
Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that the form be filled out to
take part in the field study program from the University of Ol'egon.
A letter will b~ written to the Universitv to exo1ain the situation
the department is in at the present time.' The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Fourth of July Activities Ms. Reynolds wrote to the Commission regarding the moving of the
Betty Jo Reynolds 4th of July activities to the Street, rather than having them continue
in the Park. Mills was asked to write a letter to Ms. Reynolds in
regards to the Commissions action in moving the 4th of July activities.
Pl aced on fi 1 e.
enches for Summer
Lecture Seri es
Bi 11 Patton
The letter conceminq having benches available for the summer lecture
series was read and placed on file.
MINUTES 11-30-78
Letter to Larry Naake The letter was read and pl aced on fil e.
Calif. P & R Society
Mr. Garcia told the Commission that he is interested in runninq some
free workshops for the department to train pl ayground leaders, etc.
in working with the new games program. The new games is not competit1'
nor does it put up age barriers with those participating. There would
not be a fee charged to those participating in the new games.
Mr. Garcia asked for the Commissions support and sponsorship in runnin,
this program.
Ashland Christian Mr. Green explained to the Commission that he started a church
Fellowship Andy Green and they are meeting at the Varsity Theatre presently, but that
the facilities are not good for a ,church service. ~1r. Green would
like to rent the Women's Civic Buildinq Sunday Mornings on a regular
Motion Mills moved, Re1ston seconded that we let the Ashland Christian
Fellowship use the building on Sunday mornings for the current rental
rate of $17.50 for four (4) hours. The vote was; 5 yes 0 no.
New Games Workshop
Dave Ga rci a
Ashl and Fun Runs
Ben Benjamin
Workshops by Peter Giffen
and Ron Wools ey
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack t1ills
4liCQUisition Committee
Jack Mi 11 s
Mr. Benjamin came to the Commission to ask that the rental fee be
waived for use of the Women's Civic Building. The Ashland Fun Runs
is having a pot luck dinner for those who participated in the
Pilgrimage Marathon. Mr. Benjamin alsc explained to the Commission
that the Ashland Fun Runs is sponsored by the Park Department.
Crawford moved, Ralston seconded that we allow this group use of
the building for a potluck, and that a deposit of $15.00 be given
for care of the building. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Ron Woolsey gave the Commission a rundown on the two wor.kshops
offered on gardening and horticulture. The first class had about
35 people the second class had about 25 people, and there is one
more class to be held. Mr. Woolsey and Mr. Giffen would like to
work with the Commission in acQuirinq a grant for the Wade Property.
The Commission encouraged Mr. Woolsey to to go ahead in writing the
Minutes of Bear Creek Greenway were attached. Placed on file.
Mills met with the Ashland Green~ay in November. Curt Baker was
pleased with the vote in support of the Greenw~y funds. The
Vogel's have expressed interest in the Greenway concerning their
land along Ashland Creek.
MINUTES 11-30-78
~ks Division-Jack Mills Mills was asked to write a letter to the Park Crew which all of
the Commission will sign.
Development Committee
Recreation Division
Jean Crawford
Selection Committee
Jean Crawford
John Ra 1 stan
Personnel - Bob Bennett
Mati on
No report.
Crawford read through the joint school/park aqreement, and asked
for questions and comments reqarding the agreement. Pinnock asked
that a yearly review of the agreement be included in the agreement.
It was also suggested that the 1972 agreement be included also.
Recreation Policy will be written un for adult sports using the
school facilities. The policy will include a job description for
the supervisors. The Commission set a study session for 7:31 p.m.
December 5, regarding adult sports. Crawford listed items to be
included in the recreation policy.
The Selection Committee has narrowed the aop1icatioffi to eleven.
Questionnaires have been sent to the applicants, with a question
as to date of arrival.
Ralston had the written report given last month typed for each
Commissioner and to be placed on file.
The Commission set December 5, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. for a reviewing the
job description for the Parks and Recreation Director.
Bennett moved that we purchase a time clock for the Park Shop. Mills
seconded. The vote was: 5 yes ~ no.
The Commission asked that Joe Martinez bring to the December meeting
disciplinary policy for Commission consideration.
Change in Operation Benn~tt asked that his proposal for change in the Operation Procedures
Procedures-Bob Bennett be withdrawn.
Lithia Springs Lease
Request for Ducks
Miccie McNee
Community Skills Bank
Ma ri 1 yn S ha rge 1
The lease with the City of Ashland for the Lithia Sprinqs property
was signed. The lease is for a period of ten (10) years.
Mills moved that we deny the request. Crawford seconded. The vote
was: 5 yes ~ no. Ms. McNee I s reques t for ducks for Lazy Larson
Creek Park was denied. Commissioners asked Foreman, Joe Martinez,
about the feeding of the ducks, he told them that the ducks are fed
on a regular basis.
Ms. Shargel contacted the Commission by letter regarding a request
from the Jacksonville Museum for items found i~ the Oregon Natural
History museum. Ms. Shargel felt that the items where not the property
of the Skills Bank to give away.
Ralston moved, Mills seconded that we allow the museum to take the
old newspapers, the tree stump with numerous acorn holes, the bricks
and iron p.ieces from the old fire place, but not the mural pieces and
chairs; Th~y can also take the register.
Crawford amended the motion, Ralston seconded that we loan the items
and also loan the things from the Wolter Estate. The vote on the
amendment was:, 5 yes 0 no. The vote on the motion was: 5 yes 0 no.
Ralston will write a letter to the Jacksonville museum.
MINUTES 11-30-78
~ge in Operating Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that we change Section I, 1.6
Procedures-Nancy Pinnock Meetings. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no. (See attached change).
Change in Operating Pinnock asked that her proposal for change in the Operating
Procedures-Nancy Pinnock Procedures be withdrawn.
Verbal Report on Meeting
in Eugene The Commission set a study session on Tuesday, December 12, 1978
at 7:30 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Office to listen to the
tapes from Eugene.
Budget Decision Packaqe Mills moved, Ralston seconded that we accept Decision Package #4
Park Division for Parks as stated in Bob Nelson's latest printout of November 29,
Motion 1978. The vote was; 5 yes ~ no.
Budget Decision Packaqe Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we go along with Decision Package
Recreation Division #4 in the Recreation Budget. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Mati on
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. .
Respectfully submitted,
k};, t(V~ (/)'ltt{f)
Wanda 01Nea1, Adm. Secretary
~cember 7, 1978
Joint Policy Statement
Di rector's Pas iti on
Description Motion
411rt Savinq Proposal
The meetinq was called to order ~y Chairperson Pinnock at 4:42 p.m.
Bennett, Pinnock, Crawford,
Mi 11 s, Ra 1 stan
The Commission made the following changes in the Joint pOlicy with the
School District.
1. Delete the worn sufficient under #1 of The Parks Department Aqrees:
and change the words the schools to each school.
2. Delpte undpr The Parks Deoartment Aorees: #2 (custodians shall not
be required co supervise anv qroUD.) and add the followinq sentence.
Supervisors may instruct certain youth activities.
Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we acceot the Joint POlicy
Statement and agreement both parts I and II, and submit it to the
School Board as corrected at their regular meeting on December 11.
The vote was: 3 yes ~ no.
Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we accent the position description
for Director of Parks and Recreation as corrected and submitted at
this time. The vote was: 3 yes ~ no. (See attached description)
Jack Hall from Jack Hall's heating proposed to the Co~nission to
change the boiler in the Women's Civic Building to a hot box system,
which would keeo the water in the boiler at a constant temoerature and
would not use as much oil in heating the water to h~Qf the building.
Bennett moved, Crawford seconded that we aoprovethe proposal to
change to the hot box system and have Wanda' check with Bob Nelson to
see ~ f we can 'do thi s \'/i thin the budget. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Milt/a- O/1e__jJ
Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Secretary
/t'; "., _' 'L~l -
r' '~-,. ...i.: '~::,-I' C
I~>:>..- /.~
Definitions: Commission - Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission
Director - Ashland Parks and Recreation Director
Personnel - All Parks and Recreation Personnel
The Parks and Recreati on Di rector posi ti on inc1 udes many and varied
responsibilities. The following is a list of the Directors duties and
responsibilities. This position description is to be reviewed annually by
the Commission Chairperson and the Director in May, and will be presented
to the Commission for revision and/or approval in July of each year.
I. Directors's Qualifications
Graduate from an accredited degree granting institution in
Parks and Recreation Management or closely related field.
Five (5) years experience in Parks and Recreation or
equivalent training in related fields.
Be a sound financial manager with demonstrated ability in
understanding, preparing, and presentation of budgets.
Be able to communicate both in writing and verbally in an
articulate manner.
Physical and mental health must be compatab1e with assigned
duties and resposibi1ities.
Must be wl11ing to establish residence in the City of Ashland
within six (6) months of date of employment.
II., Relationship to the Commission
A. Director is responsible for bringing policy recommendations
to the Commission.
B. The Director is responsible for executing policies of the
C. The Director is responsible for developing Parks and
Recreation programs consistant with the policies of the
D. The Director is responsible directly to the Commission and
can be released only by the Commission (refer to Section IX).
E. The Chairperson of the Commission will act as the spokesperson
on matters relating to Commission policy.
III. Commission Meetings
A. The Director together with the Commission Chairperson shall
set the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting agenda at
least one (1) week prior to the Commission meeting.
B. The Director will attend all Commission meetinqs and invite
members of his staff to attend as needed. '
C. The Director is expected to provide technical and detailed
information to the Commission relevant to agenda items.
IV. Parks
A. The Director together with the Commission are responsible
for all dedicated park lands'in the City of Ashland. Park
1 ands are dedicated by the Ci ty Counci 1.
B. The Director will recommend park policy and park program
changes to the Commission for final approval.
C. The Director is responsible for research and analysis
relating to acquisition and development of Park land in
the City of Ashland.
D. The Director is responsible for maintaining and financing
a park maintenance and operation program to include
preparation of budgets for all park development and
res torati on projects.
V. Recreati on
A. The Director and the Commission are responsible for, research
and development of a year-round recreation program to meet
the needs and interests of citizens of the City of Ashland.
B. The Director is responsible for the executing of recreation
programs within the Cfty of Ashland.
C. The Director will secure qualified leaders to carry out
special interest programs.
D. The Director shall coordinate recreation programs with other
community agencies and shall avoid duplication of programs.
He will also serve as liaison between such agencies and the
VI. Budget
A. The Director is to keep the Parks and Recreation budgets
separate and is responsible for keeping both within the
approved fi gure.
B. The Director will submit the preliminary and final budgets
to the Commission prior to submission to the City Counci1/
Budget Committee.
C. Budget preparation and coding should conform to other City
D. Line item transfers of budgeted items must be presented
to the Commission and approved by the Commission and the
City Council.
E. The Director is responsible for preparing, securing, and
implementing all grant and bequests.
VII. Personnel Matters
A. The Director is responsible for hiring and releasing 'of
all Parks and Recreation personnel and will advise the
Commission on all personnel decisions.
V II I . Sa 1 a ri es
A. The Director1s salary is set ~y the Commission on an annual
basis, prior'to the beginning of the fiscal year.
B. All other salaries of employees will be set by the Director
and approved by the Commission as part of the annual budget
IX. Resignation of Director
A. Must qive the Commission six (6) weeks notice.
B. AccunrJ1ateso vacation time will not be included in notice
ti me.
X. Termination of Director
A. Must be given six (6) weeks notice by a majority vote of
the entire Commission.
B. Notice will include vacation time.
, ,
XI. Outside Employment
Permission to work at outside employment while employed with
the Ashland Parks and Recreation Department may be granted by
the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission. If such approval
is not received, the employee will not be allowed th work other
than with the Parks and Recreation Department. In order to be
approved, the outside employment must conform to the following:
A. Be compatable with employee's city work.
B. In no way detract from the efficiency of the emo10yee in
his city work.
C. In no way be a discredit to the city employment.
D. Be understood that, in any situation wherein extra du~y will
be necessary in an employee's city work such extra duty will
be in preference to his outside employment.
E. The definition of outside employment shall construed to
include normal and major outside employment and shall not
include the occasional job.
Date of Approval
. "
',' .....
.....;... .' .. -"~.'-
~ember 20, 1978
Recommendation of
Selection Committee
Moti on
Sa 1 a }')' Mati on
Emnloyee Policy r~otion
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pinnock at 5:32 p.m.
Mills, Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston
The Selection Committee unanimously recommended to the Commission
Mr. Ken Mickelsen from Watertown, South Dakota.
Ralston moved~ Crawford seconded that we accept Ken Mickelsen as
Parks and Recreation Director for the Citv of Ashland, as unanimouslv
recommended by the Selection Committee. The vote was: 4 yes 0no. "
Crawford moved~ Ralston seconded that we offer Ken Mickelsen $1,600
per month salary and pay UP to $1,500 moving expense. The vote was:
4 yes 0 no.
Mills moved, Pinnock seconded that we accent the interim emo10yee
policy as read. (See attached) The vote was: 4 yes 0 no.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.
ReSnec}fu11Y submitted,
Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Secreta~y
During the interim period when the Parks and Recreation Department
is without a director on the job the Ashland Parks and Recreation
Commission vests the Park Foreman with the authority to enforce
the existing City of Ashland employee policies on the Park crew.
The Foreman shall keep the Commission informed at all times. This
policy shall terminate when the director begins his employment.
December 28, 1978
Commen ta ry
November 30, 1978
Bills - John Ralston
Chairnerson Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:40 n.m.
Mills, Bennett, Crawford, Ralston, Pinnock
Placed on file.
The bills were aoproved to pay. Ralston told the Corrmission that
the office was contacted hv the DeMolay reqarding the summer youna
adul t concerts that they quarded the barri cades at. They were told ..
that thev wou1 d be paid for thi s servi ce. No wri tten agreement was
made with the time and amount listed.
Letter of Intent for Placed on file.
Greenway - Brian Almquist
Employee Pol icy
Doug Graef
The letter was read and placed on file. Ralston was asked to respond
to Mr. Graef's letter.
, '
Dave Whitney - Basketball Mr. Whitney expressed to the Commission his concern that the
basketball season begin as soon as possible. The Commission told
r~r. Whitney that later on the agenda was the joint School/Park
Policy for use of School facilities. and when this is approved we
can beain to plan the basketball season.
'Of i' .
Bear Creek Greenway
Jack Mill s
Acquisition Committee
Jack Mills
Park Di vis ion
Jack Mill s
In the minutes of the November meeting Karen Smith states that they
are wai tinq for the Letter of Intent from the City of Ashl and before
they can any surveyinq for or in the City of Ashland. Pinnock added
that the letter of intent was sent to the County by Mr. Almquist and
that they have started surveying the Voqe1 property on Ashland Creek.
The Jones/B~yant property appraisal has not come in yet.
No report
MINUTES 12-28-78
Development Committee None
Crawford told the Commission about the two Christmas Ooen
Nelson Gym programs going on at the present time. The programs are
being held at Bel1viewElementary and Briscoe Elementary School.
Because of lack of good publicity the programs lacked participants.
Be11view had about 10-12 per day and Briscoe had about 6 per day.
Nelson told the Commission that he met with the Basketball and
volleyball people about getting the league started. Nelson
suggested the fee be set at $150 for A league and that the rosters
and fee be paid by January 5. A league would only have eight (8)
teams allowed to play, B league did not have a set fee or number
of rosters allowed. Every team must be represented at a meeting
to be held on January 9, if someone did not show from a team, they
were dropped from the league. Officials would be supplied from
the teams themselves (two from each team) and would be paid $5
per game. A basketball coordina~or would be hired to direct the
program and do all of the scheduling.
Joi~t Policy Aqreement Mills moved, Crawford seconded to accept the Joint statement and
Motlon agreement between the Park and Recreation Deoartment and the
Ashland School District for use of their facilities. The agreement
to be dated December 10. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Recreation Division
Jean Crawford, Gary
Part-time Temporary Pinnock talked with Dennis Beddard regarding a job descriotion for
Basketball Coordinator a temporary basketball coordi nator and what procedures mus t be
followed to hire this person. Mr. Beddard suggested that a
contract be signed by the person and Nelson or Crawford.
Moti on
Selection Committee
Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we secure an interim Basketball
person and the screening commi ttee be composed of Jean Crawford and
Gary Nelson, and they should go ahead and write up a Job Description
and set a deadline for applications just as soon as possible.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Ken Mickelsen was selected and voted on by both the Selection Committee
and the Park Commission. Mr. Mickelsen has acceoted the position and
will be resigning his position as of February 1, he hopes to be at
work by February 7 or 8.
Personnel _ Bob Bennett Bennett presented to the Commission an employee policy. (See Attach~d)
Motion Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we accept the policy. The vote was:
5 yes 0 no.
Bi ke Racing,at
L i thi a S,ri nQs
Jack Mil s
Mills met with Mr. Otis about the bike raclng at Lithia Spring. The
area they would like to use is away from the Gun Club area. Mills
turned in some information he had received about the type of racing
to be held, for a new Commission to work on with Mr. Mickelsen when
he arrives.
MINUTES 12-28-78
Skateboarding-Jack Mills Mills moved, Bennett seconded t~ recommend that we do not get into
Motion the skateboard business due to VNO (2) things: 1. Liability
insurance cost and 2. money for buildinq a facility. The vote
was: 5 yes ~ no.
Motion Bennett moved, Mills seconded that we recommend to the City
Council that skateboarding be not allowed in the streets of the
City of Ashland because of the potential hazards. The vote was:
4 yes 1 no (Crawford). '
Museum and Wolter Estate Ralston told the Commission that he received a letter back from
. Items to Jacksonville the Jacksonville Museum. Thev do not receive gifts on loan,
Museum - John Ralston but would be willing to accept the gift, and loan it back to us
if we are interested in displaying it. The Commission asked that
Ralston check with the Ashland Historical Contnission (Lawrance
Powell) to find out more about this option to the Commission by
the Jacksonville Museum. Ralston was asked to report his findings
at January regular meeting. .
An oral report was given to the Commission on the change made in the
heating system to change it to the hot box system. Bar~y Hoyt and
Dale Bohannan went through the parks building to see what type of
insulation and heating system could be used in the buildinq to help
save on fuel costs. They will be submitting a written report to
the Commission on their findings and suggestions.
Energy Consultant Check
on Park Building
. Wanda O'Neal
Bear Creek Greenway
Acquisiton Policy
Revenue Sharing
Key Man Insurance
Appreciation Report
Nancy Pinnock
The Commission set a study session for Wednesday, January 17, 1979
with Karen Smith and Richard Box, City Planner.
A st~dy session was set for Thursday, January 18, 1979 to discuss
Reveilue Sharing funding for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Mills suggested to the Commission that they discuss next month the
pOSSibility of covering Mr. Mickelsen with Key Man Insurance in case
something should happen to him we would be covered in trying to
replace him, rather then using so much in the budgets.
Chairperson Pinnock expressed to Jack Mills and Bob Bennett her
. appreciation and the appreciation of the Commission for their
combined 20 years of service on the Parks & Recreation Commission.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
RespectjUlly submi ~ted, ,
0. tVit,~
Wanda O'Neal, Adm. Sec ta~y
January 18, 1979
Absen t
Basketball Coordinator
Salary - Dave Whitney
Use of Park Truck
Mati on
Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Pinnock, Nelson, Crawford, Sears,(Ra1ston arrived at 7:50 p.m.)
Dave Whitney presented a memo to the Commission with his proposal
for the pay scale and use of one of the Park Trucks for transportation
of equipment to and from games~ and getting the scores for publication
to the Tidings. Discussion of the use of a Park truck ,and salary
Crawford moved, Nelson seconded that we pay Dave $450 for the season
for the dates established to include responsibility for Women's
basketball. The vote was: 4 yes,- ~'no (Ralston absent).
Sears moved, Crawford seconded to deny the reques t for use of a
Park vehicle. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda OINea1, Adm. Secretary
JANUARY 31, 1979 - 7:30 p.m.
Chai rperson
Regular Meetings - November 30, 1978, December 28,- 1978
Special Meetings - December 7, 20, January 18, 1979
Commentary - December 31, 1978
Bills - John Ralston
Budget -
Review Recreation Programs for 79-80
Ashland Little League - Jerry Hauck
Money for Christmas Tree - Class of 179 - Kim Insley, Debbie Pinnock
Weatherization Reports - Dale Bohannan, Bar~y Hoyt
59 Winburn Way
1699 Homes Avenue
Structural Evaluation of Present Park Building at 59 Winburn Way
Letter to Dale Bohannan from Nancy Pinnock
Vacation Open Gym Reports
Briscoe Elementary
Bel1view Elementary
Ashland Fun Run Report - Chuck Taubner
Dave Garcia - New Games Program
Ashland High Honor Society
Dave Whitney - Basketball
Bear Creek Greenway - Minutes of December 12, 1978
Goals and Objectives '
Recreation Division -Gary Nelson
Basketball Program and Budget
Financial/Budget - John Ralston
AGENDA 1-31-79
Museum and Wolter Estate Items ~ John Ralston
Change in Operating Procedures - Nancy Pinnock
Current Status of LWCF - Nancy Pinnock
Park Report - ~'ancy Pinnock
Contracting Tree Work
February 22, 1979 - 7:30 p.m.
Revenue Sharing
January 31, 1979
Bear Creek Greenway
Slide Presentation
Chairperson Motion
Jean Cra\lJford
Vice-Chairperson Motion
John Ra 1 s ton
Treasurer Motion
Berni e Sears
l~egu1 ar r~eetings Motion
November 30, 1978
December 28, 1978
Special t~eeting
December 7, 1978
December 20, 1978
~-anuary 18, 1979
December 31, 1978
Bills John Ralston
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Pinnock
Pinnock, Crawford, Nelson, Ralston, Sears
Neil Ledward, Jackson County Parks and Recreation Director, presented
the Bear Creek Greenway slide presentation and narrative for the
Commission and public attending the meeting.
Ralston moved, Sears seconded that Jean Crawford be nominated as
Nelson moved, Sears seconded that nominations for chairperson be
closed. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Pinnock moved, Nelson seconded that John Ralston be nominated
Sears moved, Nelson seconded that nominations for vice-chairperson
be closed. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Nelson moved, Pinnock seconded that Bernie Sears be nominated
Ralston moved, Nelson seconded that nominations be closed. The vote
Was: 5 yes 0 no.
Ralston moved, Nelson seconded that we approved the minutes.
vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Tr. ·
Pinnock commented that she talked with Bob Nelson regarding the
cash carryover. Mr. Nelson believes there will be more then he had
predi cted earl i er with the cash can'yover. We wi 11 need to make a
decision on possibly cutting the tax levy even more with this
No major or outstanding bills. Pay January bills.
Chairperson Crawford asked the public attending the meeting for input
in policy making and budget preparation. She suggested if they have
any information to call the Pai'l-:s & Recreation Office during office
hours. A meet'j ng \.Ji 11 be set to go over l'evenue shad ng reques ts.
Ashland Little League
Jerry Hauck Motion
Money For Christmas Tree
Debbie Pinnock
Kim Insley
Weatherization Reports
Dale Bohannan
Ba rry Hoyt
Structural Evaluation
59 Wi nburn Way
Fire Inspection Report
Jerry Gl i nes
MINUTES 1-31-79
PAGE 2 4
Pinnock moved, Sears seconded that we approved the little league
lease for 1979 as it was written in 1978. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Miss Pinnock told the Commission that in January, 1978 the Junior
class donated $200.00 for a living Christmas tree to be placed down
town. The class would like to have the tree in the down town area
by March 15 or have the money returned to them. Mr. Graef did
check on several areas to place the tree and was turned down by the
State Highway Division. Sears will work on finding a location to
place the tree and Ralston will respond to the letter.
Each Commission member was given a copy of the letters from the
Building Intpector, ~ale Bo~annan and Barry Hoyt, Weatherization .
Consul tant~' Jerry Gll nes, Fl re Marshall. The 1 etters were concernl ng
the need for insulation of the Parks and Recreation BUildings at
1699 Homes Avenue and 59 Winburn Way. The letter from Jerry Glines
was regarding the fire inspection report on the building at
59 Winburn Way. These letters along with the letter on the
structural evaluation of the building at 59 Winburn Way will be
used for revenue sharing requests.
Vacation Open Gym Reports The written reports from program supervisors were placed on file.
Briscoe El ementary No major probl ems were reported during the program. Attendance was
BeJJyj ew Elemg!lt~ extreme ly low, but thi s may be due to the '1 as t mi nute setting up of
the program and the publicity.
Ashland Fun Run Report The report was read and placed on file.
Chuck Taubner
New Games Program
Dave Garcia
Mr. Garcia asked the Commission if they would like to participate
in the New Games mini-workshop with him to see what type of activities
would take place during a regular tournament. Mr. Garcia gave the
Commission in his letter a tentative planning schedule as follows:
In February, 1. Play with Commissioners, 2. Coordinate site,
3. Prepare letter to be distributed to schools, youth groups,
recreation agencies, etc. In March, 1, Recruit play leaders,
2. Have orientation. In April, 1. Have play sessions to get the
leaders confident about games, 2. Final Coordination, 3. Publicity.
In May, have New Games Tournament. After some discussion of the
concept of New Games, the Commission set Saturday, February 17, for
the workshop on New Games at 9:30 a.m. at the Parks and Recreation
Building, 59 Winburn Way. The Commission invited the press (Joe
Cowley and Jeff Durham) and their families and the Park Crew and
their families.
Ashland High Honor Society The Ashland High Honor Society is putting on a
Debbie Pinnock Senior Citizens of Ashland and would like to know
use the Parks and Recreation building (59 Winburn
regular fee waived.
Nelson moved, Ralston seconded that we waive the fee.
was: 5 yes ~ no.
Basketball Program
Da ve Whitney
Moti on
Marie Wise
Valentine Productions
Richard Otis
Bike Racing
MINUTES 1-31-79
Mr. Whitney gave the Commission a rundown of the present basketball
program for adults in Ashland. Mr. Whitney told the Commission
that the quality of basketball being played is far superior to the
officiating being done. Whitney suggested that the Commission
suspend league play (A league only) for one week, 9valuate the
goals of the program and list the problems and what action will be
taken. Nelson and Crawford will meet with Whitney to see what action
will be taken.
Pinnock moved, Sears seconded that this commission adopt a policy
that if the conditions set down in the basketball booklet, the
school/park agreement and the school rules and any additional
conditions the Chairman and the Recreation Commissioner
might adopt, if they are broken, that this Commission will go on
record as suspend'ing the Adult Basketball season for this year.
The vote was: 4 yes 0 no 1 abstain (Nelson).
pl^ogram for the
if they caul d
Way) wi th the
The vote
Ms. Wise told the Commission that she is with Valentine Productions
and she would like to have the Commission support a production they
will be doing February 13 and possibly the 14th. The school
superintendent and school district are also supportive of this
prod!'::tion. After some discussion of the Recreation Budget and
who wlll benefit from the production, the Commission made the following
motion. Ms. Wise asked that the Commission give them $100 for
operating costs.
Pinnock moved, Sears seconded that based on an okay from Mr. Nelson
that the budget figures are adequate in this winter quarter in the
fiscal year program budget, that we have adequate funds, that we
support this program. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Mr. Otis told the Commission that on Sunday from about 10:30 until
late afternoon there would be a bike racing show similar to what
he would like to see started in Ashland sponsored by the Ashland
Parks and Recreation Department. Chairperson Crawford asked
Nelson if he would attend the Bike Racing Show and report back
to the Commission at its regular meeting in February. Nelson asked
Mr. Otis what type of insurance is provided on practice days?
Mr. Otis will check into the insurance provided on practice days by
the Medford Parks and Recreation Department.
Bear Creek Greenway
Berni e Sears
Goals and Objectives
Recreation Division
Museum and Wolter
Estate Items
Change in Operating
Nan cy Pi nnock
Moti on
Current Status of LWCF
Nancy Pinnock
Pa rk Repo rt
Nancy Pinnock
Tree Bids
Moti on
MINUTES 1-31..;79
The Committee was given an update on the purchase of land in the
Table Rock Area. A special meeting was set up for January 24.
Chairperson Crawford went to the special meeting on Nature
Conservancy. The slide show (presented tonight) is completed
and ready to be shown to any interested groups, just contact the
Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department. Also the new
Bear Creek Greenway brochure is ready to be passed out.
Judith Nebot contacted the Parks office and asked if the Commission
would let her know a good weekend in February to have some people
give a workshop on land acquisition and nature conservancy. There
is a possible cost of $25 per person. The Commission felt that
they would like the workshop after Ken Mickelsen the new Park
Director arrives at the end of February.
The Commissioners are to get back to Chairperson Crawford with
additions and deletions for the Bear Creek Greenway Goals and
Ralston had checked with Lawrance Powell for the Ashland Historic
Commission to see if in the future Ashland plans on putting in
a museum. Mr. Powell said that this is not likely in the near
future and it might be possible to borrow them back from the
Jacksonville museum for display in Ashland. The Commission directed
Ra1 stan to check with Mr. Ron Sal ter, City Attorney, on the 1 egc'l ity
of the contracts discussed and presented in the December 1978 ml'eting.
Nelson moved, Sears seconded that this proposal be accepted. The
vote was: 5 yes 0 no. (See attached.)
Pinnock talked with Jay Robinson, Jackson County Parks, and he felt
we would know a starting date in February.
Pinnock told the Commission about the Tree bids and getting some of
the more dangerous trees out up to $500 worth.
Nelson moved, Pinnock seconded to accept the tree bid form for tree
work. The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda OINeal, Secretary
February 13, 1979
Historic Committee
L ithi a Park
National Register
Chairperson Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.
Crawford, Pinnock, Ralston, Nelson (9:20 p.m.)
The Commission set a meeting for Tuesday, February 20, at 7:30 p.m.
with Rod Reid from the Historic Committee.
The present recreation budget is $37,181.00.
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that we request $37,181 in Revenue
Sharing funds for the Recreation budget. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no.
Greenway Re-app~riation Ralston moved, Pinnock seconded that we ask for $10,000 carryover
$10,000 Motion to this budget (1979-80). The vote was: 3 yes 0 no.
Recreation Budget
Mati on
Greenway Appropriation
~50,000 Motion
Retaining Wall
t'10ti on
Historic Preservation
Lithia Park
Recreation Building
59 Wi nburn Way
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that we request an allocation of
$50,000 for additional Greenway acquisition within Ashland for
new appropriation. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no. The Commission
would like to stress the fact that this allocation by the City for
$50,000 could be matched to bring the total to $200,000. The buying
power would be much greater.
The Commission discussed the liability if the houses possibly fallin9
into the park below. Jim Sims suggested to the Commission that they
talk with Ron Salter to see what the liability would be, and VJllo
would be responsible. Mickelsen suggested to the Commission thct
they table this proposal and see about BOR funds for this pl'oje(t.
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded to table this item to be consid,red
when we do long-range planning for Lithia Park. The vote was: 4 yes
o no.
The Commission discussed the nomination of Lithia Park to the
National Register. The Commission will be meeting v/ith Rod Reid,
Historic Commission, to discuss the historic nomination of Lithia
Chairperson Crawford read for the Commission the lettel^ from the
building inspector regarding the needed repairs for the building.
The Commission discussed the possibility of just doing the necessar,Y
repai rs as recommen ded by the City Fi re 1'1 a rs ha 11. r~'i eke 1 sen told
the cO!ffi1ission that in talking ~lith the people in the community
there is a need for a community recreation center. If you make a
committrnent on this building to repair it, it may limit the possibility
of getting a better recreation center. It was brought to the
attention of the Commission that we do receive rent from the Senior
Recreation Buildin
59 Winburn Way conti)
Hunter Trust Moni es
Pool Site
P ri 0 rity Lis t
MINUTES 2-13-79
Pinnock moved, Ralston seconded that pending the outcome of a
meeting with the director, chairperson, and the council liaison
with Brian, and in the event we hold responsibility for the
Winburn Way building, we request from Revenue Sharing those
items as deemed necessary under codes and laws to whit, fire needs
and plumbing needs at this time. The vote was: 4 yes ~ no.
The Commission discussed the possibility of using the Hunter money
to begin the pool, if not, we should look at other uses for the
The Commission set the Revenue Sharing requests in the following
order: 1. Recreation Budget ($37,181), 2. New Greenway
appropriation ($50,000), 3. Winburn Way building (Cost depending
upon respons i bil ity) . Remind council of Greenway appropri ati on
made last year ($10,000).
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Wanda O'Neal, Secretary
FEBRUARY 22, 1979 - 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting - January 31, 1979
Special Meeting - February 13, 1979
Quarterly Report - December 31, 1979
Commentary - January 31, 1979
Bills - Bernie Sears
Ashland Fun Run Report - Kathie Rivers
Jim Cox - Valentine Productions
Bear Creek Greenway - Gary Nelson
Recreation Division -
Financial/Budget - Bernie Sears
Museum and Wolter Estate Items - John Ralston
Christmas Tree - Bernie Sears
Bike Racing - Gary Nelson
Spring Recreation Swim
Wade Property House - Bernie Sears
March 22, 1979 - 7:30 p.m.
February 22, 1979
Absen t
Regul ar Meeti ng
January 31, 1979
Spec; al Meeting
February 13, 1979
Moti on
January 31, 1979
Bills - Bernie Sears
Moti on
Ashland Fun Run Report
Kathie Rivers
~ackson C2_unty Parks
& Recreat10n Advisory
BJard - Recreation
Pl an
Jim Cox - Valentine
---p-r6ducti ons
,G..~D e H a C!.9
)-10 11.:-. N E;~Y_i:i..~~
Chairperson Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Pinnock, Crawford, Nelson, Ralston, Sears
Ralston moved, Nelson seconded to approve the minutes as written.
The vote was: 5 yes 0 no.
Sears talked with Bob Nelson, Finance Director, and he estimates the
Park Division cash carryover to be approximately $11.000 more than
anticipated. It was suggested that we find out why we have this
cash carryover before cutting our tax levy as suggested by Mr. Nelson
last month. Director Mickelsen said he feels we are in good financial
shape at this time.
The Commission discLissed the neVJ bill l'ist, it \'Ja~ s:..:ggested that a
that other changes may be made
list will be made twice a
(2) days prior to signing the
total be added for each division and
later as deemed necessary. The bill
month and sent to the Commission two
che cks.
Ralstln moved, Pinnock seconded to pay the bills.
yes ~ no.
The vote was:
Pl aced on fi le.
There will be a meeting in Ashland at the Parks and Recreation
building (59 Winburn Way) to get public ;nput and comment on needs,
goals and recreational opportunities within the County. The meeting
will be March 1 (Thursday) at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Cox gave the Commission a written report of the total audience
(530) and the incoloe and expense for putting on the production.
Mr. Cox fel t that the production \^,as well recei ved by all audiences.
and thanked the Commission for their support.
r~r. Haag expressed interest in L ithi a Pat'k and offered hi s hel p
In any way possible..
MINUTES 2-22-79
Nelson told the Commission that at the BCG meeting properties were
named that appraisals have been started on. Mickelsen told the'
Commission that matching money expires on March 31, 1979 if it is
not committed. Neil Ledward is working on using the match in
Jackson County but not specificly in Ashland. Mickelsen will write
a letter to our State Senator asking for support of the Greenway.
Recreation Division Nelson told the Commission that after the meeting with the managers
Basketball-Gary Nel son of the IIAII league teams, the 1 eague has run much smoother. There
was also a change in the officiating.
Bear Creek Greenway
Gary Nel son
New Commi ttees
Museum and Wolter Estate
Items - John Ralston
Christmas Tree - Bernie
Bike Racing
Gary Nelson
Spring Recreation Swim
Chairperson Crawford appointed the following people to head the
following committees upon the recommendation from Director Mickelsen.
1. Bear Creek Greenway - Gary Nelson 2. Ashland Creek Greenway -
Nancy Pinnock 3. Recreation - Gary Nelson and 4. Facility
Development - Bernie Sears and John Ralston. Crawford will sit in
on the Committees as an ex-officio member.
Ralston talked with Ron Salter, City Attorney, about the legality of
giving the items to the Jacksonville museum. He said Ralston could
write up a deed of gift with the provision of getting the items back
to display in Ashland, if we so desired.
After some discussiont Sears recommended to the Commission that the
Class of '79 be given two choices for planting the Christmas tree
that they donated money for. The two places are: 1. Entrance to
Lithia Park near Shakespeare stairs and 2. Triangle Park, north of
gazeL~. Mickelsen will write a letter to Miss Debbie Pinnock telling
her ,.f the two choices.
Nelson reported to the Commission that he attended the Bike racing
in Medford. Mr. Otis is suppose to get back to him on the insUl~ance
for practice days. The Commission discussed the need for a total
park land priority list, to include all lands in the jurf8iction of
the Commission and the land to be dedicated at a later date (Wade
and Lord Properties). Mickelsen also told the Commission that in
conjunction with the park land priority list a survey of City needs
should be done. The Commission also discussed the problem of damage
to the area used for the track and that it could not be used for
any other recreation after bike racing is completed.
Director Mickelsen told the Commission that if they want a Spring
recreation swim that it is his job to organize it and get it going.
Wade Property House
Berni e Sears
Skill s Bank
BOR Projects
Horticulture Training
Ballroom Dancing
Chri s tmas Tree
Cash Flow
.Tree Bi ds
MINUTES 2-22-79
Sears recommended to the Commission three ways to use the Wade House:
1. Have the Fire Department use it as a practice h~u~e.. ..
2. Contract for removal of materials, place a speclflc tlme llmlt
for removal.
3. Use for habitat for park employee.
Sears talked with Brian Almquistt City Administrator, and he suggested
the same, but in a different order.
1. Use for habitat for park employee (not holding City liable)
2. Contract for removal of materials.
3. Have Fire Department use as a practice house.
Sears recommended to the Commission that Mickelsen write a letter
to Brian Almquist recommending the removal of the House on the Wade
property in the best way possible.
Director r~ickelsen talked with Marilyn Shargel of the Skills Bank,
he told her that the department would pay for the hook up of the
water line. Mrs. Shargel told him that the Skills Bank would be
willing to pay for half of the cost approximately $85.00, and they
would do the work in installing the line.
Director Mickelsen called Salem, and they would not give us a
defini te commitment for a starting date on either project.
Mickelsen talked with Ron Woolsey regarding the Community Garden
and greenhouse he v/Ould like to set up in an Ashland Pai'k. They
would also like to charge a fee for the classes, at least to cover
the cost involved. Mr. Woolsey mentioned Hunter Park or Garden
Way Park as sites for the Greenhouse and Garden Site. The Commission
asked if it was necessary to have a structure. After more discussiont
Mickelsen was asked to look into tl'e fee schedule and use of the
Wade property.
John Poole contacted Director Mickelsen regarding offering ballroom
dancing for this department. He sent a letter telling about the
classes and his fee schedule. The Commission approved of offering
the cl asses through the department after the Di rector checked the
references and the fees will be set by Mickelsen.
Mrs. Dale Hoover called the department and offered a place to set
the tree until the appropriate place is found.
Mickelsen recommended to the Commission that the donations be kept
separate as in the past.
Director Mickelsen told the Commission that the tree bids are out
and the date to have them in is February 26 (Monday) at 2 p.m.
The Commis.sion set a special meeting for Tuesday, February 27 at
12 noon. Mickelsen told the Conmission that he will open the bids
at 2p.m. on Monday and make a recommendation to the Commission on
Tuesday at the special meeting.
Dinner for Jack Mills
and Bob Bennett
MINUTES 2-22-79
.' ..-
The Commission set a time for dinner with Bob Bennett and Jack Mills
for Monday, March 26, 197~ at 6:30 p.m. The Dinner will be held at
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
M'vt"vi~ ~~
Wanda O'Neal, secreta~
Ashland Parks Commission
February 27, 1979
Vice-Chairperson Ralston called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.
at the Cheshire Cat.
Pinnock, Sears, Ralston
Crawford, Nelson
Mickelsen recommended to the Commission the low bidder (Bill IS Tree
Service) for doing the tree trimming work. The bid was for $5840.00.
Mickelsen will check into their insurance coverage to see that it is
Sears moved, Pinnock seconded to accept the low bidder (Bill IS Tree
Service). The vote was: 3 yes, ~ no.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Res. p. ectfully sUbmi. tt.i1 e ,
/ dz icff;:L, 0; 1wf
Wanda O'Neij.l, Secre'tary
Tree Bi ds
Moti on
Ma rch 19, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crawford at 9:40 a.m.
P resen t
Pinnock, Crawford, Nelson
Ral s ton, Sears
1979-80 Budget
Pinnock moved, Nelson seconded to rescind the motion on November 30,
1978 to approve the budget. The vote was: 3 yes ~ no.
Nelson moved, Pinnock seconded that we recommend to the Budget
Committee and the City Council the 1979-80 budget for $419,238
approved by the Commission. The vote was: 3 yes 0 no.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
R~SPjctfUll~SUbmit ed,
a~ .
Wanda O'Neal, ecretary
Moti on
MARCH 28, 1979 - 6:30 r.m. - ~OMENS CIVIC BUILDING
A. E'lizabeth p(jtte)~" Stah~ of Orf.qon Historical Soc et.Y~ Placement
of Lithia Park on :~ation(d, R2gister of Historic Paces
I~. B(~a.r C;A(~ek Greer.vlay
B. Recreation
1. basketbc:'ll Report
2. Re COlr,Dl2~1 cia 't. i 011 on R\:'.,Tea.ti on Pol i cy fo r Depa rtrnen t
3. Re comrr:en dati 0:1 or. :-=-.p ri n 9 Sltr! mtni n 9 P rogri.vn
C, fIsh" and G~'~'2nv'c1Y
... ReC0I11IT1E,Yldat-io"\ Oil Gteenvl:,lY Pol i cy for DE~pal'tf!lent
A. \,joltf~rEstat,=-
B. Christmas Tree
C. Landi.'ta Corpor:'ltiJn .. ~,le2d t.o corf; I'm the acceptance of the pent ../-
and a cOil-,mi ttnx;nt to n!i)i 'Ita; nit.
.'- ~ \..,'1\(~
N\Z",~ti'> ,--
1 {~a~'t X.
y~",C,~ .. XI .
"\~ '" ,:" ,tQ'
~-) \ -\"..." XII.
(" /', '
~:. ,{..,~
~Y' ,ll' XIII
I~. Policy on reserv'jng an?('tS, ilncl fee for Lithii:i Park
B. Re\!'ievv and reoypr;h::ndat-lons en pal'icyand fee structure for Buildin9
1. L~Gmens Civic 8uilding
2 Hunter Park \
Ar-)"~ 1'0 If ct'l CJ' 1~ rle~ OJ t"tmp '1 + ", -, ;::'n'l -i ('" \'l an U 0- 'I' .. u,,\1. 0-
t". L, :j.... "..I.\..'" J U -'J' II " '''''
Authcn'; za t'i O:J far bi (1'; on Tennis COLwts _ f\~ If!<. 'I h,).'" '.: '~
p.. t" r \ :... '. () l' '..I ,\ .) '''f -0:' .Y':A... f. \ t., ;' r
P.. Letters of S~pport for Green~"'~IY
b. Letter from Am2rican NatiGnal Bank of Chicago
C. Ope;1 F;ecrect.-ion Pr00r2il1 - t 'y..;c.rC'.t 'l..S"4 p.., ~;)r,.\ ("'>\:11) '\
[J (' e'.! ':'! ,,, , l' r' C 'r h \'(\ I'l) 'n [J a 'r t.
' . J "' t I L , '- I, '. " , J' < " C,- I .,. r, 1\ ....,
E n ' t ,- P '- ',' ",. \' ~ :,(), ") " I v (...
_. "eS1~Jna -lon at oslt:on 0:1 !_On~mSSH)P.' )
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