HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01 Minutes e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION JanuMY 20, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6eM: I. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. BILLS AND FINANCES e V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE.AGENDA VI. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA VII. OLD BUSINESS A. No~6ieation an lliting a 6 LaMa PMk in National RegJ...o~~ B. HeatJ..ng .oOMee nOfL new .6hop e REGULAR MEETING The memng Wa.6 eatled ~o o~d~ by Ch~an Nwon ~ 7:00 P.M. at 59 WinbMn Way. N wan, S eM.6, Peckham, W w.o, Miekte..o en. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d ~ved ~e. None Th~e w~e no adcUtioY1..6 no~ detmovr.o ~o the agenda. The chainman pO.6~poned ~hJ...o po~on 06 ~he agenda U~ t~~ in ~he meeting. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o app~ove ~he mJ..n~ell 06 the Regul~ Meeting On Deee.mb~ 16, 1983 M w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no D~e~o~ w.ekwen pfLell eMed the eommJ...o.6ione.M wah ~he b.-LU6 w~ n~om ~he p~eviou.o mOMh ptu.o the QuMt~y Financial S~emen-t no~ Deee.mb~ 31, 1982. Th~e w~e no qUellilovr.o eonee.Ming ~he cuM eM b.-LU6 w:t6. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham Mked the ~ecto~ in he 6 e.U ~hat ~he QuMt~y Hnanual S~~e.me.M indJ..e~ed ~h~ the depMtmeM WM "okay" .60 nM thJ...o 6J...oeal yeM M to eXpendUMell. D~e~OfL Miekwen indJ..eated that atl WM in o~d~. None None The ~e~o~ 06Muatly p~elleMed a tdt~ ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M 6fLom the S~~e HJ...o~o~e P~ell ~v~on Onn~ee indJ..eating ~ha:t mo.6~ an the tow~ po~on 06 Lahia PMk WM now o-6Muatly w~ed on ~he N~oal RegJ...o~~ On HJ...oto~e Ptaeell. Sup~MendeM Gie..o o~ned ~he in60~ation which he had g~h~ed eone~Mng ~he eo.o~ 06 having v~ou.o IUnd.o 06 he~ng .60Meell ivr.o~atled iMO the new mMMenanee 6a~y. A6t~ d{J.,euMion 06 ~he eO.6t na~oM ptu.o .6uUab~y 6a~oM 60~ u.oe in a mMMenanee .ohOR the eommJ...o.6ione.M decided that ~hey woutd tike ~o have a wood .6~ove wah e~aly~e eonv~~ iYl..6tatled. e MOTION MOTION e MOTION e VIII. REGULAR MEETING - JanUMY 20, 1983 PAGE 2 OLD BUSINESS - eon-tinued Heat.-Lng .oOMee 60~ .6hop CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o iYl..6~aU a wood .o~ove wah eataly~e conv~~ wMeh woutd adMeM the poU~an:t6 p~obte.m in ~he new maJ..Menanee 6a~y. CommJ...o.6ion~ W~.6 .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no NEW BUSINESS A. Repo~ on WCC BuildJ..ng u.o ag e Ch~an Nwon ~epo~ed ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion that the eomm.-Lt:tee which me.-t w.-Lth ~y 066icta.t6 eone~ning pMk.o 06Mee .opaee in ~he WCC buildJ..ng had teMned ~hat ~he ~y WM v~y ne~al an whe.-th~ the 06Mee.6 ~emaJ..ned in the WCC BuUcUng OfL moved 6~om a. He .oaJ..d ~hat, in ~he eommJ...o.oion dectded ~o move ~he 066iee toeatJ..on to ~he SIUU6 Bank buUdtng ~hat cay 06Mua.t6 would ~he.n like ~o meet wah eommJ...o.6ion ~ep~elleM~Vell agMn to fueu.o.6 ~he 6~Me u.o e 06 the WCC BuUdJ..ng in eonne~ion wah ~eMeation. Ch~man Nwon .6Md that at th--l.6 POiM ~he eommJ...o.6ion .6hould deude wheth~ o~ no~ to move ~he PMk.o 06Mee ~o ~he otd mu.oeum buUcUng. It WM no~ed agMn that ~he SIUt.t6 Bank teMe woutd be up in June and that, 6~om atl indJ..eatJ..ovr.o, the o~gaMz~on had d~~o~ed to ~he POiM wh~e ~hey would no tong~ need ~he 6a~y. AMe~ .oome fueuMion, CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved to have the PMk.o and ReMeatJ..on DepMtmeM 066iee ~etoeate ~o ~he buUdJ..ng now fLe6e.Med to M the SIUU6 Bank buUdJ..ng by June 21, 1983; moving .ooon~ i6 ag~ee.abte ~o the SIUt.t6 Bank o~gaMzatJ..on who now hotd.o ~he teM e. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM 5 Yell - 0 no The eommJ...o.6ion a.oked ~he d{f[e~o~ ~o wfL.-Lte a tdt~ ~o ~he slUm Bank in60~ng ~he.m that thw teM e woutd not be ~enewed aM~ m exp~atJ..on ~hJ...o June. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham al60 .6uggell~ed ~h~ an 'open ldt~ be w~en ~o ~he SkUl.o Bank - pOMibty t~ough ~he new.6pap~ - ~hanking ~he o~gaM- zation and tho.oe peopte invotved in the o~gaMzatJ..on 60~ thw e660~ and 6ine wo~k in ~he fLell~O~~on 06 ~he old mu.oeum buildJ..ng in ~he tM~ 6ew yeM.6. The eommJ...o.oion would like ~he peopte ~o know ~h~ a ~egfLe;t.o that ~he o~ganJ..zation hM 6atte.n on hMd lime..o and app~euatell the eommunay .6 ~viee they p~60~ed in up-gMcUng ~he buUcUng to ~he .6tandMd a J...o now. The eommJ...o.6ioneM unan-tmou.oty ag~eed ~h~ a te.-U~ 06 ~h--l.6 IUnd would be app~op~~e. B. A~ho~zatJ..on 60fL adv~ing 60~ bid.o D~e~o~ Miekwen .6~ated ~hat a~ho~zaUan WM needed to adv~e 60~ bid.o on :two aem.o: ~he annual ~ee wo~k in L.-LthJ..a PMk and 60~ ~he u.o ed eu.o hman eMt. Bath ae.m6 Me induded in the 82-83 budge.-t. CommJ...o.6ion~ W~.6 .00 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6eeonded. The vote WM: 5 Yell - 0 no The eommJ...o.6.-Lon now fL~Mned to .-Ltem II on ~he agenda - the e.-tectJ..on 06 06nie~ 60fL 1983. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The 60Uowing eommJ...o.6ione.M w~e nomJ..n~ed 60fL ~he 60Uow.-Lng pO.6.-Ltiovr.o: Ve.M WW.o, Ch~an; B~y Peckham, Vice-Chainman; B~nie SeM.6, T~eMM~. Th~e w~e no nomJ..natioY1..6 .-Ln Oppo.6.-Ltion and each eommJ...o.6ion~ aeeep~ed the pO.o~on. REGULAR MEETING - JanuMY 20, 1983 PAGE 3 e IX. D~ectofL Miekwen .oMd ~h~ he wJ...ohed ~o ~epo~ ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion ~hat he. had ~eeuved a V--l.6a 6~om ChMte..o Etdon S~p~~ who had been pMk.o eommJ...o.6ion~ 6o~ .6ix:teen yeM.6 and who had w~en the bookte:t known M the LahJ..a PMk StofLY. He .6Md that M~. S~p~~ had ~Mned ov~ ~o ~he depMtme.M/ eommJ...o.6ion .6 ome peM anal fLeeo~d.o which he had kep~ at ~h~ ~me and wMeh woutd be 06 hJ...oto~eal value to ~he pMk. He a.t60 ~Mned ov~ the o~ginal manu.o~pt 06 ~he LahJ..a PMk S~o~y which he had w~en. ThJ...o manU.6~p~ inceuded an ad~onal .6ectJ..on eompt.-Lmen-tJ..ng ~he wo~k and e660~ 06 the eommJ...o.6ion and depMtmeM ov~ the lM~ 6ew yeM.6 in ~ell~o~ng the pMk and upg~adJ..ng ~he quatay 06 maJ..Menanee. He .6Md that he had w~en a tdt~ 6~om the eommJ...o.6ion ~hanlUng M~. Setip~~ and p~e..o eMed the te.ft~ ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion 60~ thu~ app~oval and ~he .6ignatMe 06 the chainman. The tdt~ WM app~oved and .6igned. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT X. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS Chainman Nwon .6aJ..d ~h~ he woutd like to make a ~eeommendatJ..on eone~ning potiey among ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M. He .6aJ..d th~ when indJ..vidual eomm--l.6.oione.M had que..o~oY1..6 abo~ ~he ~ewon 06 depMtmeMal policy o~ p~OeedMell ~h~ ~hey deal wah tho.o e matte.M w.-Lth ano~h~ eommJ...o.6ion~ ~~h~ than w.-Lth the ~e~o~. e CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6aJ..d th~ he had pe.Monatly attended a ~eeen-t me~ng 06 ~he Yo~h Ta6k Fo~ee. He .oaJ..d ~hat th~e .6eem6 ~o be .6ome momeMum buitdJ..ng among .6ome illy eou.nut me.mbeM ~o ~y to expand ~eMe~ion 6o~ ~een.6 in ~he eommun.-Lty. He ~eeommended ~hat a eommJ...o.6ion~ be appoin-ted ~o act a6 liMon between the ~Mk 60~ee and whatev~ eounw me.mbe.M Me iM~e..oted ~o 60Uow devetopmen:t6 and pOMibty p~up~e in ~he ptanning p~oee..o.6. It WM ag~eed that CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham would attend ~he meeting.6 and advM e ~he eommJ...o.6ion 06 any devetopmen:t6 wMeh .6 ee.med ~etevaM. XI. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA The next RegulM Meeting 06 the eommJ...o.6ion WM .6~ 60~ Feb~uMY 24, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. ~ 59 WinbMn Way. A budg~ .6tudy .6ell.6ion WM .6~ nO~ ThUMday, JanuMY 27, 1983 ~ 7:00 P.M. ~ 59 W.-LnbMn Way. It Wa6 ag~eed by ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M ~h~ budgu .otudy .0 ell.6iovr.o would be hetd ev~y ThUMda.y untell.o otheJuVJ...o e no~Med. The chainman adjoMned ~he me~ng. XII. AVJOURNMENT e Rell pe~6uUy .6 ubmJ..rted, a&~_oit'6 Ann BenecUct DepMmeM S e.~e:tMY . e e CITY OF ASH LAND PARKS ANV RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPECIAL MEETING Feb~u.MY 17, 1983 The Viee-Ch~an called the meeting ~o o~d~ at 7:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.o eM: Peckham, Se~, Nwon, C~aw60~d, Miekwen WW.o 1. Bid.o 60~ T~ee Wo~k - Lilhia PMk D~e~o~ Miekw en p~ell eMed a wung ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M 06 the bid.o wMeh had came in 60~ ~ee wo~k in LilhJ..a PMk. The tow b.-Ldd~ WM 6~om Tom Mye.M 06 Upp~ LJ..mb-I~ T~ee S~viee in the amOUM 06 $4,400.00. D~ectofL Mickwen indJ..eated ~hat a WM the .6~a6 6'.6 ~eeommend~on ~o aeeep~ M~. Mye.M' bid. He WM awMded ~he bid ta.Qt yeM and had done an exee.UeYl.-t jab 60~ ~he pMk and WM expe~ed ~o do .60 agMn thJ...o YeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o accept the bid 6~om Upp~ Limb-It T~ee S~viee 60~ $4,400.00 60~ ~ee wo~k in ~he pMk p~ bid .opeuMe~oYl..6. CommJ...o.6ion~ S e~ .6 eeo nded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no MOTION II. AdjoMnm~ Wilh no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6 ~he me~g WM adjoMned. Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmWed, Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~eM SeMuMY - CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Feb~uMY 24, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell en-t: Ab.6 eM: 1. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. JanuMY 20, 1983 - RegufM Meeting e B. Feb~uMY 17, 1983 - Speual Meeting III. BILLS AND FINANCES IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA A. P~e..oeM~on by C.-Ltizevr.o 60~ T~eell "T~ee Cay, U.S.A." REGULAR MEETING The meeting wa.o called ~o o~d~ by the chainman at 7:00 P.M. at 59 WinbMn Way. WW.o, Peckham, Ne.t.oon, SeM.6, HOWMd, Miekwen CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d ~ved tate. None Th~e w~e ~~ee ad~oY1..6 ~o the agenda: CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6aJ..d th~ he had an aem ~o b~ng up u.nd~ I~e.m.o 6~om the CommJ...o.6ioneM. Th~e w~e wo :two aem.o to be added und~ Otd Bu.oine..o.6; one eone~Mng the ~u.ot ~o be .6d up wah a don~on 6~om ShakellpeMe and ~he .6 eeond ~he app~oval 06 the au~n9 6~ tlO~ ~he 82-83 6J...oeal YeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o have the mJ..n~ell a 6 the JanuMY 20, 1983 RegufM Meeting app~oved a.o w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeaM .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o have ~he min~e..o 06 the Spectal Me~ng 06 Feb~uMY 17, 1983 app~oved a.o w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeaM .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no Chainman W~.6 a.oked wh~h~ ~he eomm.-L6.6ione.M had any qUell~ovr.o eon~Mng the b.-LU6 w:t6 6~om ~he p~eviou.o mOMh. Th~e w~e no qUelltiovr.o. S~ena Unde and JanuMY J enMng.6 w~e p~ell eM at the meeting M fLep~ell eM~Ve..o 06 a ~ze.vr.o eommJ..rtee named C.-Ltizevr.o 60fL T~eell. M.o. Unde exptaJ..ned ~h~ ~he eommWe.e had 60~ed due ~o eneoMage.meM n~om Cay CounUfuan Ru.o.6e.U Dale and wo n~om ~he PtMMng DepMmeM. The women wJ...ohed to td ~he eommJ...o.6ion know abo~ ~he eommJ..rtee and thw gow. P~mMily ~he g~oup J...o iM~ellted in having the illy devetop guidwnell and o~dJ..naneell which would p~omote a heaUhy Mban tlO~e6~ wahin ~he. illy. Thw noeu.o J...o ~o .0 ee M htand became a "T fLee Cay, U. S . A. " A .6lide p~ell eMatio n WM made which wa.o deve.-toped by ~he N~onal A~bo~ Day Foundation eonee~Mng Mban 60~e6~ and ~e6 me~ng ~he qualiMe~oY1..6 ~o be come a "T~ee Cay." D~ecto~ w.ekw e.n .6~ated ~hat he had p~eviou.oty wOfLked in a illy which had an ongoing 60~ell~Y p~og~am and woutd pe.Monatly be w.-Ltling ~o .6hMe hJ...o exp~e along ~hat line wah ~ep~elleMatiVell 6~om ~he eommJ..rtee. The commJ...o.6ion .6tated m app~euation in becoming 6am.-LliM wah ~he gow 06 the eommJ..rtee. e e V. e MOTION MOTION e REGULAR MEETING - Feb~uMY 24, 1983 PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. HeatJ..ng SOMee - MaiMenanee Shop Sup~MendeM Gie..o p~ell cMed in60fLm~on to the eommJ...o.6ione.M on woad bMMng .o~ove..o .6peuatly made wah eataly~e eonV~eM and at60 on a e~aly~e c.onv~~ un-U wMeh can be aUaehed ~o eW~ng .6~ovell. He .6Md that at ~hJ...o lime he could Mnd no in60~~on which would indJ..e~e ~h~ the .opeuatly butU .6~ove would p~60~ be.ft~ o~ tong~ ~h~ a .6~ove wUh ~he e~aly~e artaehmeM. Covr.oid~ng ~he eo.6~ 6a~o~, the eommJ...o.6ion deuded ~ ~hJ...o lime ~o have a .6tove wah the eataly~e artaehmeM ivr.o~atled in the new mMMenanee .ohop ~ath~ ~han pMeha.oe a .6peuatly delligned .6tove. B. WCC BuUdJ..ng - CommJ..rtee Repo~ CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon ~epo~ed on the pfLog~e..o.6 Otl ~he illy .6ub-eommWee on ~eMe.a;tJ..on'.6 meeting.6. A.o ~o ~he 6~Me u.oage 06 the WCC BuUding aM~ ~he PMk.o r 06Mee..o vae~e he .oMd ~h~ ~h~e WM no n~ dewion. A6t~ .6ome fueu.o.6ion the eoneevr.ou.o 06 the eommWee WM that ~he WCC BuUdJ..ng WM .6~ a cUy buUdJ..ng and uwt ~he illy deuded what IUnd 06 u.oage ,they waMed 60~ ~he buUcUng ~hat the ~eMeatJ..on .6ub-eommJ..rtee would onty make limiled .ouggell~oYl..6. The onty fLeeommendatJ..on wMeh ~he eommJ..rtee 6eU a could make eone~Mng ~he WCC BuUdJ..ng WM ~hat U fLemMn open 60~ eommunay u.o e; that a wouldn' ~ be d0.6 ed down and teM vaeaM. A.6 to ~eMeation p~ .6 e in the eommunay, ~he eommJ..rtee .6~ated a Mgh endoM e.meM 06 ~he p~Opo.6 ed DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al PooL C. 83-84 Budgu App~oval D~e~o~ w.ekw en p~ell eMed the eommJ...o.6ioneM eopiell 06 the eomple-ted p~opo.6ed budge-t 60~ 1983 - 84. CommJ...o.6io n~ S eM.6 M Finance 0 6 tlie~ .o~ated that ~he p~opo.6ed budg~ which had come o~ 06 ~he budgu .6tudy .6e..o.6iovr.o ~epfLe..oen:ted an e660~ an the pMt 06 the eommJ...o.6ion ~o keep eO.6:t6 dawn ~entewng ~he cUM eM .o~atu.o 06 ~he economy. Wah ~he app~oval 06 thJ...o budgu, p~op~y ~aXell w.-LU be kep~ at ~he .6ame tevet M tMt ljeM, ~h~ J...o $1. 15 p~ ~hou.oand. ThJ...o MgMe WM kept even wah ~he addition 06 op~atJ..onal expeYl..6e Me~ed by ~he addition 0 6 ~he pool tla~y. Waho~ tl~h~ d{J., eUMion, CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved to appfLove the 83-84 budg~ M p~elleMed. CommJ...o.oion~ C~aw60~d .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no D. T~u.ot Fund Donation - Shake..o peMe D~ecto~ w.ekwen .6aJ..d ~hat he had been in60~ed by B.-LU Parton 0 tl ~he Shakell peMean F e..o~val that ~hw BOMd a 6 D~e~OM had accepted the ~a6t a 6 the tdt~ 6~om the eommJ...o.oion wMeh .6~ated ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion would accept ~he ~u.ot tlund donatJ..on along the guidmnell wMeh ~hey .6uggell~ed. D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6aJ..d that ~ thJ...o POiM, the eommJ...o.6ion needed ~o app~ove .0 endJ..ng ~he tdt~ ~o Shakell peMe wMeh would obligate ~hem to aeeep~ ~he donatJ..on und~ the eonditioY1..6 o~ned wMeh bMieaUy .6aJ..d ~h~ the p~nupal 06 ~he don~on would be kep~ in ~a~ and ~h~ ~he iM~ell~ eoutd be .6pen:t no~ maJ..Menanee 06 LaMa PMk. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o aeeep~ ~he donation 6~om ~he ShakellpeMean Fell~val u.nd~ the .o~p~OY1..6 .6~ated in w~en eommuMeation wah ~h e.m . Co mmJ...o.6 io n ~ Peckham .0 eeo nded . The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no _ VII. MOTION MOTION _II. _XI. REGULAR MEETING - Feb~uMY 24, 1983 PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS A. Gu.n ctub LeM e CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .6~~ed ~h~ ~he .6ub-teM e wah ~he Gun Ctub 60~ ~he Lilhia Sp~ng.6 p~oP~Y woutd .6ho~ty be up tlO~ ~enewal. He .6aJ..d ~h~ ~he Gun Ctub had ~eque.oted that he ~eque.o~ that the eommJ...o.6ion g~ a MMeen (15) yeM exteYl..6ion an the teMe. The uub WM noW p~ng .6ome .-Lmp~ove.men:t6 .-Ln ~h~e60~e ~equell~ng the tong~ teMe. He .oMd that even though the eommJ...o.6ion'.6 teM e wah the illy would exp~e .-Ln tell.6 ~han tl.-LMeen ye.aM, ~h~ ~h~e would be no tegal p~obtem wah the gMn-Ung 06 ~he MMeen Ye.M teMe. AM~ b~e6 fueu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o gMM ~he Gun Ctub a ~enewal 06 a MMeen (15) yeM teMe on the Lahia Sp~ng.6 P~op~y. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no B. AudUoM p~o pO.o al - 82-83 nJ...oeal yeM CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 p~elleMed a tdt~ ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion n~om BUfLnl> and Updeg~ove, ~he aucUtJ..ng 6~ which the illy hM cOn-Ga~ed wah p~eviou.oty to do the annual audU. The tdt~ WM a no~al ~equ.ellt to be appoiMed by ~he eommJ...o.6ion a.6 aucUtJ..ng n~ tlO~ the 82-83 nJ...oeat yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved to accept BMY1..6 and Updeg~ove M aucUtJ..ng 6~ no~ the 82-83 6J...oeal yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no The eommJ...o.6ion WM pfLell eMed wah :two te.fte.M. F .-LMt, a tdt~ 6~om ~he Chamb~ an Comm~ee .6~atJ..ng ~hat ptavr.o 60~ the 4th 06 July eeteb~on w~e beginMng; that booth.o would be placed in ~he .o~ed ~w yeM agMn and that they would be eommuMeaUng wah ~he depMtmeM M ptavr.o devetope. Th~e WM al60 a tm~ 06 app~euation 6~om a 6amily which had vJ...oaed A.o htand thJ...o tM~ .6 u.mm~ which exp~ell.6 ed Mgh p~M6 e 60~ the pMk ~ellto~on and ellpeuatly ~he playg~ound in LahJ..a PMk. The eommJ...o.6ione.M .6uggellted that ~he d{f[e~o~ ~e..opond to the tdt~ ~hanlUng the.m 60~ ~hUfL eommen:t6. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'~REPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6Md that he had fLeeeived a eatl 6~om COMMISSIONERS a eOn-Gacto~ who WM iM~ell~ed in ptaung a bid 60~ eon- .6~cUon otl the poot b~ WM tate in p~ell en-Ung h.-L6 p~e-quali6ieaUon 60~ ~o the depMtmeJll.-t and th~e60~e Wa.6 fuq~Med M a biddefL. CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon .6Md th~ M~. Sevik waMed ~he eommJ...o.6ion to know that, i6 ~he bid.o which came in w~e uvr.oat.-L6- na~OfLY ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion, M~. Sevik would .6~ like ~he oppoJr;tunay to bid on ~he p~oj e~. x. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA The eommJ...o.6ion .6 U MMeh 31, 1983 M the date 60~ ~hUfL next RegulM MeeA:.-Lng. Th~e WM al60 ~e.mJ..nd~ ~hat ~h~e woutd be Spectal MeeA:.-Lng.o on bo~h Fe.b~MY 28~h and MMeh 7th eone~Mng ~he poot bid.o. The chainman adjo~ed ~he meeA:.-Lng. Rellpect6uUy .6ubmWed, .~'-b Ann BenedJ..ct, DepMtmeM Se~~MY ADJOURNMENT e e MOTION e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Feb~uaJty 28, 1983 The chainman eatled ~he me~ing ~o o~d~ at 7:00 P.M. at 59 WinbMn Way. ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: WW.6, Peckham, SeM.6, Nwon, CJtaW60~d, w.ekwen, HOWMd None Ab.6 eM: I. P~elleM~ion 06 Poot D~e~o~ w.ekwen p~elleMed the eommJ...o.oione.M wah P~oj e~ Bid.o bid ~ab~oY1..6 60~m.o eone~ning ~he poot bid and the bathhou.o e and deelUng bid. The 60~m.o indJ..cated th~ ~h~e had been two quali6ied bidde.M 60~ the poot: the taw bidd~ WM Hawkivr.o -Gunae a 6 Med60~d wilh a bM e bid p~ee 06 $137, 955 . D~ecto~ Miekwen .6 Md that thJ...o bid WM we.U wahin the p~oj e~ed bid p~ee awup~ed by the Mehile~. 06 the .6ix bidde.M 60~ ~he bathhou.oe and deelUng, R.A. MMphy 06 Eagte POiM WM the tow bidd~ wah ~he bM e bid p~ee 06 $1 Z7 , 47Z . D~ecto~ Miekwen .6 Md ~hat thJ...o bid p~ee WM much high~ ~han awupated; the eommJ...o.6ioneM w~e we.U awMe 06 th--l.6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved to tabte any dt.ocU.6.6ion o~ a~ion on the bid.o uMil aM~ the dtfLecto~ had the oppo~unay to .6peak wah At Mey~ ~o td Mm know wh~e we .o~and .6 ~ng a Speual Meding 60fL Monday, MMeh 7, 1983 ~ 2:30 P.M. to make a dect1>ion on ~he bid.o. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .0 eeo nd e.d . The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no Will no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.o, the meeting WM adjoMned. Re..ope~6uUy .6ubmJ..rted, Ann BenedJ..ct DepaJttmeM S eM~MY e _ION MOTION e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MMeh 7, 1983 The chainman called ~he meeting to o~d~ at 2:30 P.M. at 59 WinbMn Way. ATTENDANCE: P~elleM: Ab.6 eM: WW.6, C~aw60~d, SeM.6, Peckham, Net6on, Miekwen None I. Chainman WW.6 opened the meeting indi~ng ~h~ ~he pMpO.6 e a 6 ~he meding WM ~o ad~ell.6 the bid.o 6 o~ ~he eOYl..6~uction 06 the DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al Poot; the b~hhou.o e and decking. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon, M eh~an 06 the Poot Comm.-Lt:tee, ~eeommended ~hat the eommJ...o.6ion keep the bid.o und~ advJ...o e.meM ~ ~hJ...o lime and pO.6tpone maung a dewion an awMdJ..ng ~he.m uMil MMeh 30, 1983 which would be the tM~ date pO.6.6ibte and the eommJ...o.6ion could tegatly wad u~ ~h~ lime ~o do .60. Gen~al eon.oeYl..6u.o 06 ~he eommJ...o.6ion WM that ~hJ...o action WM advJ...oabte at ~hJ...o lime. D~e~o~ Miekwen .6uggell~ed ~h~ in .6~~.-Lng a motion ~o ~h~ e66ect ~hat ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M keep ~he op~on open ~o awMd bid.o p~o~ to ~hat ~e i6 they eho.6e to do .60. Covr.oid~atJ..on On bid.o 60~ Poot P~oj ect W.-Lth no 6~h~ d{.ocu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon moved ~o have ~he eommJ...o.6ion pO.6tpone the awMding an eo~act.o on bid.o 60~ bath ~he poot and ~he. bathhou.o e and deelUng u~ .6 ome 6~Me lime ~o be .0 ~ by the eommJ...o.6ion b~ no~ tat~ than ~~y day.6 a6t~ bid opening wMeh would be MMch 30, 1983. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 .6eeonded. The vote WM: 5 Yell - 0 no II. C~ni~on 06 u.oe 06 "poot PM.6" CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6~~ed ~h~ in .6peaking wUh the d{f[ecto~, he had ~ealized th~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion when app~oving ~he J...o.ouJ..ng a 6 a "Family Pool PM.6" 60~ the 6ill~ .6 eMon which the poot --l.6 opened M ineeMive ~o 6am-Llie.o to make $100.00 donation.o towMd eOYl..6~uction 06 ~he poot that the eommJ...o.6ion had no~ deMned what ~hey meaM by a '6amily pM.o' and haw a wo uld be u.o ed. He 6 eU ~h~ a wo uld b e app~o p~ate at thJ...o Urn e .6 a that people would know exacUy wh~ ~hey w~e "buying" wUh thw donation. A6t~ .6ome d{J.,eu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon made a mo~on .6~atJ..ng ~h~ ' 6amily' would be deMned M pMen:t6 and ~hw ehil~en und~ ug~een yeM.6 06 age and ~he "Family Sw.-Lm PM.6" would atlow 60~ 6~ee u.oe an ~he poot by a 6amJ..ty d~ng ~he Umell .0 ~ Mide nO~ gen~al admJ...o.6ion; a woutd not eov~ .6peual p~og~.6 .6ue-h M te..o.6ovr.o. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW6o~d .6 eeonded The vote WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no Be60~e adjoMnme.M, CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon indJ..e~ed ~h~ a Poot CommJ..rtee meeting would be hetd tat~ ~h--l.6 week in which pO.o.oible modJ..MeatJ..oY1..6 ~o ~he bathhou.o e .6~U~Me and pO.6.oibte 6ee .o~U~Mell would be ad~ell.6 ed. D~ecto~ Miekwen then .oMd a S~udy Sell.6ion 06 ~he eommJ...o.6ion would me~ ~o ad~ell.o ~he .6ame .6ubj ect.o and heM ~he eommJ..rtee'.6 ~eeommend~ovr.o. Wah no n~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he meding WM adjoMned by ~he chainman. Rellpe~6uUy .6u.bmWed, Ann Be.nedJ..~, DepMtmeM Se.MUMY - -- . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MMeh 7, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.o eM: I. Covr.oid~on 06 SotM A.opect an poot bid.o MOTION II. Adj OMnmeM SPECIAL MEETING The chainman called ~he me~ng to o~d~ at 7:00 P.M. at 59 WinbMn Way. We--l.6.6, Ne.t6on, Se.M.6, w.ekwen Peckham, C~aw60~d The chainman indJ..eated that the eomm.-L6.6ion Wa.6 meeting to eOYl..6id~ the bid.o wMeh had came in 60~ ~he SotM A.opect at} ~he Daniet Mey~ Memo~al PooL CommJ...o.6ion~ SeaM moved to pO.6tpone action on ~he .oow bid.o uMil the lime when a dewion would be made on ~he poot and b~hhou.oe bid.o al.oo. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6eeonded. Th~e WM no dtlleu.o.6ion. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.o, the meeting WM adj oMned. Rellpe~t}uUy .6u.bmWed, Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~men-t Se~~MY - MOTION MOTION .ON MOTION e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MMeh 18, 1983 The chainman called ~he me~ng ~o o~d~ ~ 7:30 A.M. at CtMk Cartage, A.6htand. ATTENDANCE: P~e..o eM: Ab.6 eJtt: I. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR DANIEL MEYER MEMORIAL POOL WW.6, C~aw60~d, Se.aM, Peckham, Nwon, w.ekwen None The. chainman incUe~ed ~h~ ~he Speual Meeting had been called ~o eon.6id~ awMdJ..ng ~he bid.o 60~ ~he DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al PooL CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon moved to aecep~ ~he taw bid 60~ ~he eovr.o~uwon 06 the bathhou.oe and deeung 6fLom R. A. MMphy Cu.o~om BuilcUng 06 Eagte POiM; bM e bid p~ee $127,472. CommJ...o.oion~ Se~ .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved to aeeep~ ~he taw bid 60~ eOYl..6~uwon 06 the DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al MUMupal Poot 6fLom HawlUY1..6 Gunae an Med60fLd; ba.oe bid p~ee $137,955. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o aeeep~ ~he taw bid on poot 6eneJ..ng 6fLom Quat.-Lty Fence 06 Med60~d 60~ a tow bid p~ee 06 $7,251.64. CommJ...o.6ion~ CfLaw60~d .0 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no II. PROPOSAL '-SWIMMING POO L 'FEES CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon and D~e~o~ w.ekwen pfLelleJtted a pfLOpO.6 ed nee .6~uctMe to the eommJ...o.6ioneM wMeh WM bung ~eeommended by ~he poot eommWee. A6:t~ b~e6 dt.oeu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60fLd moved to have the pfLopo.6ed 6ee .o~u~Me appfLoved. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .0 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no III. AVJOURNMENT Wah no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6, the meeting WM adjoMned. Re..ope~6uUy .6ubmWed, ~h';-o Ann BenedJ..~ DepMtmeM SeMe.-tMy - CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MMch 31, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.o eM: I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES RegutM Meeting - Feb~uMY 24, 1983 e Speual Meeting - Feb~uMY 28, 1983 MMeh 7, 19 83 - Speual Meeting 2:30 P.M. MMeh 7, 1983 - Spectal Meeting 7:00 P.M. MMeh 1 8, 19 83 - Speual Meeting . REGULAR MEETING The chainman called ~he meeting to o~d~ at 6:30 P.M. ~ 59 WinbMn Way. WW.6, Peckham, SeM.6, w.eRwen. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon ~ved tate. C~aw6o~d D~e~o~ w.ekw en inMe~ed th~ he would like ~o add an ae.m eone~Mng app~oval 06 the eo~~ wah SOSC 60~ the Sp~ng SwimmJ..ng P~ogfLam to the agenda. The chainman ptaeed a u.nd~ New Bu.oinell.6. CommJ...o.oion~ Se.aM moved ~o aeeep~ the mJ..n~ell 06 ~he Feb~uMY 24, 1983 RegutM MeU.-Lng. Comm--l.6.6iOnM Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Se..aJt6 moved to accept the mJ..11~ell 06 ~he Feb~uMY 28, 1983 Speual Meeting. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .6 econded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no AM~ .6ome fueu.o-6ion wh~e a WM d~~ned th~ the datell and limell tlO~ the SpeUal Meeting.6 w~e w~ed ineoMecUy on ~he agenda 60fL ~he meeting, not on ~he min~ell, CommJ...o.6ion~ Se..aJt6 moved ~o aeeep~ ~he mJ..n~ell 06 ~he Speual Me~ng on MMeh 7, 1983 ~ 2:30 P.M. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vote WM: 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 moved ~o accept ~he mJ..n~e..o 06 ~he MMeh 7, 1983 Speual Meeting at 7:00 P.M. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham no~ed that a eOMectJ..on .6houtd be made ~o ~he min~e..o 06 MMeh 18, 1983. In ~he mo~on ~o aeeep~ the bid p~ee 6~om R.A. MMphy 60~ eovt.6~uctJ..on 06 ~he bathhou.oe, ~he bid p~ee .6hould ~e.ad $102, 122 no~ $127,472. The eh~an Mked i6 ~h~e w~e a mo~on to accept the min~e1> M eOMe~ed. CommJ...o.6ion~ Ne.t6on .60 moved. Commi.o.6ion~ SeaM .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no REGULAR MEETING - MMeh 31, 1983 PAGE 2 eIII. Th~e w~e no qUell~OY1..6 eone~Mng the bill.o and 6.-Lnaneell n~om ~he p~eviou.o mOMh. BILLS AND FINANCES IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA A. Deb BMk~ - MM. BMk~ p~elleMed the eommJ...o.6ion wdh the P~o zzi FOUMaJ..n wt 0 6 elllim~ed expeY1..6 ell ~o ~ell~o~e ~he P~o zzi FOuMMn M WM p~ell eMed ~o ~he cUy budgu eommJ..rtee. She indJ..eated that .6he WM artendJ..ng ~he meeting ~hi6 evening ~o t~ the eommJ...o.6ion know ~hat ~he HJ...o~o~e CommJ...o.6ion WM .6~ v~y iM~ellted in wo~k.-Lng wah the PMk.6 CommJ...o.6ion an a ~e..o~o~ation 06 the P~ozzi FOuMMn. She .oMd that the pe.Mon who WM a~uatly headJ..ng up the eommJ..rtee an the P~ozzi FOUMMn Wa6 o~ 06 ~own and could avr.ow~ ~he eommJ...o.6iovr.o' qUell~OY1..6 bdt~ ~han .6he ~ ano~h~ ~me. V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Bid.o 60~ SoW SY.6~e.m no~ poot e D~ecto~ Miekwen ~emJ..nded ~he eommJ...o.6ion th~ d WatJ app~oaehing ~he 30 day deadeJ..ne 60~ aeeep~ng o~ ~ej ewng ~he bid.o 60~ the SoW SY.6te.m 60~ ~he pooL Chainman W~.6 inqutfLed a6 to the pO.6.6ib.-Lli:ty 06 awMdJ..ng ~he bid b~ exptMning to ~he eOMMcto~ ~h~ the depMtmeM dJ..d no~ now have the 6und.o 60~ eOYl..6~uwon immedJ..atety b~ mJ..g~ be abte ~o .6~Mt eovr.o~uwon in July. D~e~o~ Miekwen advJ...o ed agaJ..vr.o~ th--l.6 .6aying the eommJ...o.6ion woutd be ~ying a eo~acto~ iMO a p~ee which mig~ no~ be viabte t~ee mOMM down the ~oad. He 6eU that a would be be.:t:t~ to ~e-bid the p~o j e~ when the eommJ...o.6ion be.:t:t~ knew wh~e a .6tood Mnanuatly. A6t~ .6ome b~e6 dt.6eu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved to ~ej e~ ~he bid.o 60~ the SotM Mpe~ 06 the DaMd Mey~ Me.mo~al PooL CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no MOTION VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Sig ning S p~ng Ag~eemen-t.o SOSC - SOSC poot D~e~o~ Miekw en indJ..e~ed that he needed a mo~on 6~om the commJ...o.6ion to a~ho~ze the chainman to .oign ~e eo~act.o wah SOSC 60fL u.oe Otl ~he SOSC poot 60~ ~he depMtmeM'.6 .6p~ng .6w.-LmmJ..ng p~og~am.o. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .00 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no Chainman W~.6 indJ..e~ed that he had ~eeuved a te.ft~ 6fLom ~he O~egon ShakellpeMean Fell~val M.oouaUon which enclo.oed a cheek 60~ $5,848.30 which woutd be appltox- im~ety hal6 06 ~he donation which ~he 6ell~val would make ~o ~he depMtmeM p~ ~eeeM ~ang e.men:t6 to .6 ~ up a ~u.o~ 6und. The eommJ...o.6.-Lone.M accep~ed ~he cheek wah appfLeuation to the 6ell~val. MOTION IX. CORRESPONVENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT e e e e REGULAR MEETING - MMeh 31, 1983 X. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS XI. NEXT MONTHtSAGENDA XII. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 3 Comm.-L6.6ion~ Nwon ~eque..oted 6und.o 6~om ~he eommJ...o.6ion to artend the N. W. Regional PMR..6 and ReMe~on meeting in Idaho on Ap~ 23, 1983 w.-Lth ~he PMR..6 D~e~o~ and PMR..6 Su.p~n-tenden-t. He .6tated that th~e would be no ~avet expeY1..6 e p~ .6 e invotved b~ th~ he. would need ~oom and bOMd 60fL ~he lime. A6t~ b~e6 fucu.o.6ion, the oth~ eommJ...o.6ioneM indJ..eated that ~hey could .6 ee no p~oble.m wah CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon artendJ..ng ~he meeting. The next RegulM Meeting WM .6U 60~ Ap~ 28, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. At ~hJ..6 ~me D~ecto~ Mieke.t6en ~eeommended that a eommJ...o.6ion~ be appo~n-ted ~o wo~k w.-Lth the dep~eM .6~a6 6 and wah ~he HJ...oto~e Comm--l.6.6ion on ~he ~e..o~o~on ptavr.o 60~ the P~ozzi FouMMn. He 6e.U ~hat a mig~ M-6J...o~ wLth eommuMe~on be;tween the PMR..6 CommJ...o.6ion and the HJ...oto~e CommJ...o.6ion. The eommJ...o.6ion agfLeed wah the idea; Comm.-L6.6ion~ Se.aM .6aJ..d ~h~ he would be w~ng ~o wo~k in ~h~ Mpailly. D~ecto~ Miekwen al60 .6Md ~hat the Poot CommJ..rtee would be meeting in ~he upcoming mOMh and woutd pfLell eM a p~Opo.6 ed op~aUonal .6ehedule 60~ ~he new poot at the next RegulM Meeting. Wah no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6, the meeting WM adjoMned. Rell pe~tluUy .6 ubmWed, Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~en-t S eMuMY . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGU LAR MEETI NG Aptit 28, 1983 The chainman catled the mee-Ung to o~d~ at 7:00 P.M. ~ 59 WinbMn Way. ATTENDANCE: P~elle.M: Ab.6 eM: WW.6, Peckham, Se.M.6, Nwon !~ved tate), w.ekwen, HOWMd C~aw60~d 1. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS D~ecto~ Miekwen .6aJ..d that he would like ~o add an ae.m 60~ a~ho~z~on to adv~e 60~ bid.o on a new pick -up ~uek und~ Otd Bu.oinell.o. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved to accept the mJ..n~e.o On the MMeh 31, 1983 RegufM Mee-Ung M w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M6 .6eeonded. The vote wa.o: 3 ye.o - 0 no II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES e III. BILLS AND FINANCES D~e~ofL Mieke.-e.oen ptaeed a memo be60~e the eommJ...o.6ion~ indic~ng ~ha:t a mo~on Wa6 needed to fLeque.o~ an ad~onal app~op~atJ..on 06 $30,000 60~ the eOYl..6~uctJ..on On the VaMel Mey~ Me.mo~al PooL P~eviou.oty a ~equellt wa.o made and app~oved by ~he c{;ty eounc[l nO~ a $235,000 app~op~atJ..on b~ the bid.o came in high~ than a~upated ~eq~ng the ~equellt 6o~ ~he ad~onal $30,000. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham inq~ed M ~o whdh~ the additional fLeque.o~ nO~ $30,000 woutd eov~ ~he .6otM Mpect in nund.o beeame avMtabte. D~e~o~ M.-Lekwen .6aJ..d ~hat a would. MOTION CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 made a mo~on to ~eque.ot the C.-Lty Counc{t app~ove an app~op~atJ..on 60~ an ad~onal $30,000 60~ eOYl..6~uctJ..on an the Daniel Mey~ Memo~al Poot b~nging the ~otal ~o $265,000. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .0 eeo nded. The vo~e Wa6: 3 ye.o - 0 no e The eommJ...o.6ione.M had ~eeuved a .6 eeond memoMndu.m indJ..eatJ..ng ~he neeell.6ay nO~ a mo~on ~o fLeqUell~ tMvr.one.M wahin 6und.o n~om ~he c{;ty eounc{t. The pMpO.6e 06 the tMvr.on~ WM ~o eov~ op~onal expeYl..6ell wah nund.o .6U Mide in the Op~ng Cowngeney Fund. (See copy 06 me.mo.) An~~ ~e.viewing ~he memo, CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham moved ~o ~eque1>~ ~ha:t ~he c{;ty eounc[l app~ove ~he ~avr.on~ 06 nund.o. CommJ...o.oion~ Se.M6 .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no Ch~an WW.6 Mked ~he eommJ...o.oion~ i6 ~hey had any qUellwvr.o eone~ning ~he Bil.t6 LJ...o:t6 On eXpendUMell 60~ ~he p~eviou.o mOMh. Th~e w~e no qUell~oYl..6. MOTION REGULAR MEETING - Ap~t 28, 1983 PAGE 2 e IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA None V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. e The eommJ...o.6ione.M fLeee.J..ved a memo eone~ng ~ecommend~ovr.o 60fL 6eell 60~ u.oage an the Athletic Fie.-td.o 60~ ~OMnamen:t6 and the mann~ in wMeh eoneell.6J..oY1..6 W~ be handted. BMieally ~he ~eeommenda.tion WM ~hat .6p0Yl..60M 06 tOMnamen:t6 be chMged a $25.00 6ee 60~ each ~eam p~upatJ..ng in ~he ~oMnameM; a po~on 06 ~he nee would go ~o Me.td mMMenanee d~ng ~he ~OMnameM and the batanee would go ~oWMd.o ~he annual Me.-td maJ..Menanee nu.nd ~o d~~ CO.6t ~o ~he depM:tmeM. A.o to eoneell.6ioYl..6, a WM ~eeommended th~ the depMtmeM take a p~eeMage 6~om p~v~e eoneell.6ion~ell. The eoneell.6ion~ell would be ch0.6en M to ~he Mghe..ot p~eeMage 066~ed ~o the depM:tmeM. The exeep~on to ~hJ...o ~ule would be tlO~ the be~ eoneell.6ion. I~ WM ~eeommended by the eommJ..rtee ~hat ~he SOSC Athletic Boo.6~~ Ctub be 066~ed ~he eoneell.6.-Lon. The ~e.Mon 60~ thJ...o J...o than nOfL each day OfL ~OMnameM ~hat be~ would be .6otd, ~he eoneell.6ion~e would have ~o apply ~o the 0 LCC 60~ a li~eY1..6 e. The Boo.6~~ Ctub dOell ~hJ...o 60~ v~ou.o SOSC 6unwovr.o and hM expwenee wah the p~oeell.6. ptu.o i6 th~e Me .oev~ tOMnamen:t6, a would be the .6ame g~oup applying 60fL ~e lieeYl..6e. In fueu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ione.M Se.M.6 and Peckham indJ..eated that they 6e.U that oth~ g~oup.o could apply 60~ ~he lieevr.oe equally M we.U. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon 6eU that a would be app~op~ate ~o 066~ ~he eoneell.oion ~o ~he Boo.6~~ Ctub, howev~, .6ince ~he 6ie.-td.o w~e a~ually an SOSC p~op~y and a would be SOSC ~h~ would be applying nO~ the lieen.o e. He 6e.U ~hat, ~ te.M~ thJ...o 6--iJt.ot yeM, that a would be appfLop~~e ~o 066~ ~he coneell.6ion ~o ~he B00.6t~ Club beeau.oe 06 ~hw 6amiliMily wah ~he p~oeell.o and ~h~ connection wah the eoltege. o LV BUSINESS A. Reeommend~oY1..6 on 6ee.o no~ u.o e 06 Athletic F i etd.o Ted Hotden ~. Hotden, p~ell eM in the aucUenee, M ked whuh~ the J 0 7 Alida eommJ...o.6ion knew what ~he lia.b.-Lli:ty would be to the illy i6 be~ w~e .6otd und~ ~hell e eon~ovr.o; L e. i6 inadv~en-Uy a mJ..no~ eovr.ou.med the be~ pMehM ed by .6omeone who WM ov~ tweMy-one b~ then the mJ..no~ became invotved in a mo~o~-vehiete aeeJ..den-t. Wouldn't ~he illy be liabte 60~ .6utt in .6ome way? The eomm.-L6.6ione.M indJ..eated that they did not 6eet ~hat ~he cay would be liabte und~ the con~ovr.o .o~ated b~ al.oo .6uggell~ed th~ D~ecto~ Miekwen eon-ta~ ~he cay arto~ney 60~ hJ...o opiMon M ~o whuh~~he cay WM .-Lne~ng any liab.-Lli:ty und~ ~he guide.linell 60~ be~ conee.o.6iovr.o o~ned above. In fueu.o.oion a WM al60 dU~ned that whatev~ poliUell Me .6d o~ eo~aet.o Me ~awn up w~ be nOfL ~hJ...o .6eMon only and w~ be ~eviewed neu Ye.M. MOTION CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o .od a 6ee 06 $25.00 p~ ~eam eM~ed in a ~oMnameM:tb ~he ~OMnameM .6p0Yl..60M 60~ u.oe 06 the Athtetie Fietd.o und~ ~he au.opieell Otl PMR..6 and ReMeatJ..on 60~ the 1983 .6eMon. CommJ...o.oion~ J'Vwon .6 eeo nded . e The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no REGULAR MEETING - Ap~ 28, 1983 e Feell 60~ u.oe 06 Athtwe F ietd.o (eo wnued) MOTION MOTION B. Repo~ on 6undJ..ng - DanA-et Mey~ Me.mo~al Poot MOTION e C. Reeommenda.:tJ..on.6 6~om Pool CommJ..rtee an p~Opo.6 ed .6ehedule PAGE 3 CommJ...o.6.-Lon~ SeaM moved to aceep~ ~he p~opo.oal ~h~ eoneell.6iovr.o 60~ the .6on~batl .6eMon 60~ 1983 be <1WMded to the highellt b.-Ldd~ an a p~ceMage bM--l.6 . ThJ...o exceudell be~ eoneell.6ioY1..6 60fL tOMnamen:t6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6 eeonded. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no Comm.-L6.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o o6n~ the be~ eonee.6.6ion 6o~ ~oMnamen:t6 on-eY,and 6~~ .t:he 1983 .6eMon on-ey.t:o g~OUp.6 in ~he 60Uow-tng puoJU.ty: ~he SOSC Athle.:CLe Boo.6~~ Ctub; the tOMnameM .6povr.oo~; an i~dependeM eoneell.6ion~e. The depMtme.M woutd ~eeuve a p~eeMage an income 6~om ~he .6alell. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .oeeonded. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no In ~ellpoYl..6e ~o a ~equellt by CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6, D~ectofL Miekwen ~epo~ed th~ 6un~ing e660m by P~ Adam.6 6o~ ~he poot have b~oug~ in $27,276.79 ~o d~e; $4,995.00 06 that hM been ~ed .6inee ~he announeemeM 06 ~h~ loan by the illy. ThJ...o te.aVell $40,00~ le6;t to be fL~ed to meet the $45,000 wMeh J...o to be pcud back ,to the U:ty. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 indJ..eated ~hat he would like a mOMhty fLepo!L:t made to the commJ...o.6ion. Having fLeviewed an op~~onal .6ehedule nO~ ~he DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al Poot wMeh induded houJ1l.l 60~ v~ou.o le..o.6oYl..6, ~eMeatJ..onal .6wimmJ..ng, and mM.Menanee CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o have ~he p~opo.6ed .6chedule adopted by ~he eommJ...o.6ion. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .6eeonded. In fueu.o.oing the pfLOpO.6 ed .6 ehedule a WM no~ed ~h~ ~he tell.6ovr.o pfLog~am.o wMeh can be 066~ed by ~he dep~eM will be g~ea:tly expanded ov~ wh~ ~he dep~e.M hM been able to o66~ in ~he pMt. ReMeailonaUy the .6ehedule pfLovided houJ1l.l to at:te.mp~ ~o meet the need.o 0 6 v~ou.o .0 egmen:t6 06 ~he pOp~on. Gen~al eommeM Mom the aUMenee indJ..e~ed .6 uppo~ 60fL the pfLOpO.6 ed .0 ehedule. CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon catled 60fL the qUell~on. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no FMth~ b~e6 dt.oeu.o.6ion ind{e~ed th~ ~he Poot CommJ..rtee ~eeommended that the 600d coneell.6ion be fLun by the dep~eM fL~h~ than by a pfLivate eoneell.6ion~e. I~ WM the eommJ..rtee'.o fLeeommendatJ..on ~hat the ae.m.o wh.-Leh would be .0 otd thJ...o Ye.M ~emaJ..n .oimpte-~o-handte Ue.m.o .ouch M .oo6;t ~nR..6, .6now eonell, candy. Anoth~ ae.m wMeh the Pool CommJ..rtee ~eeommended, Mom a ~evenue pfLoduung POiM 06 view, WM to pfLovide .0 pace 60fL video gamell in ~he buUdJ..ng. Video gamell obviou.oty would pfLoduee ~evenue ~ v~uatly no expevr.oe and ~h~e60~e could 066.6u ov~ op~a- ~onal expeY1..6 e..o 60fL the pooL The eommJ..rtee ~eeommended the iYl..6t~on 06 videa gamell 60~ that fLeMon b~ 6e.U ~h~ a WM deMnady a policy dewion wMeh ~he 6ull eommJ...o.oion would need ~o deude. A6;t~ .6ome b~e6 fueu.o.6ion, the eommJ..Mion deuded ~o ineo~pofL~e a b~e6 .o~udy .6 ell.6ion iMO ~he next RegufM Meeting ~o fueu.o.o eoneell.oiovr.o in gen~ and video gamell in p~cufM aM~ ~he d{}[ecto~ hM been able g~heJt .oome ~a on pO.6.6ible ~evenue 6~om ~he game..o. e e MOTION MOTION e MOTION REGULAR MEETING - Ap~ 28, 1983 PAGE 4 OLD BUSINESS - cOn-Unued D. A~ho~z~on 60~ bid.o - poot equ.-Lp. D~ecto~ w.ekwen indJ..ca.:ted th~ a WM now the appfLop~e lime. ~o a~hoJUze the adv~ e.meM 60fL bid.o tlO~ vAAiou.o fteml.:> neCell.oMY OOfL ~he opeJLat.,Lon 06 ~he poof. .6ueh M a -6olM cov~, loeke.M, and deck equ.-LpmeM. He Mked the commJ...o.6ion 60~ that , a~hoJUzatJ..on. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o a~ho~ze adveJ1:t,i,oing 60~ bid.o on ~ho.6 e aem.6 neCell.6MY 60~ the op~on 06 ~he pool wMeh may ~un ov~ $1,500. CommJ...o-610n~ Peckham .0 eeonded. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no D~e~o~ Miekwen fLeque1>ted autho~z~on to adv~e 60~ bld6 on the new pickup ~uek budg~ed 60~ in the 1983 - 84 budget expWMng ~h~ de.liv~y d~e 60~ the ~uek woU-td be.6d 60fL aM~ July 1, 1983 when ~he dep~eM would be in ~he new 6J...oeal yeM. CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon .00 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Review teM e wah LUUe League D~e~o~ Miekwen indJ..eated ~h~ a WM time 60~ the ~enewa..t 06 the annual tea.o e wah LUUe League 40~ the u.oe 06 the baU6ietd6 und~ the PMR.6' j~dJ..won. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 M ked i6 ~h~e w~e any ehange..o in ~he eOMeM OfL wO~Mng 06 ~he lea.oe 6fLom pfLevioU.6 Ye.aM. D~e~OfL w.ekwen .6Md ~h~ th~e WM not. CommJ...o.oion~ Nwon moved to fLenew the eW~ng teMe wah the A.ohtand LUUe League. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6 .oeconded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT MOTION e Ch~an WW.6 fLead a le.ft~ wMeh he had ~eeuved tlfLOm ~he A.6htand JuniofL High School. The te.-t:t~ expfLell.6ed app~eu~on to the c.ommJ...o.6ion, Ken, and Donn 60fL Ken and Donn'.o p~eJ..p~on in CMe~ Day ~ the .oehooL Chainman WW.6 WO ~ead a tdt~ ~eeuved 6~om B~an AbnquJ...o~, Cay Admin-t.o~atofL, inMe~ng that the Cay Councti had no~ed ~ha:t the PMR..o CommJ...o.oion had extended ~he tea.o e wUh the Gu.n Ctub OOfL a tong~ p~od 06 ~me ~han the CUM eM teMe between ~he Cay and the CommJ...o.6ion. The tdt~ -6~ated ~hat ~he Cay would no~ hono~ ~he tea.oe wah ~he Gun Ctub PM~ the lime 06 the cuM eM leMe between the Cay and the CommJ...o.6ion. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved to have ~he CommJ...o.oion wfL.-Lte a tdt~ ~o ~he Cay Council ~equell~ng an ex:ten.oion 00 ~he tea.oe between the Cay and ~he Comm--l.6l.lion 60~ ~he LaMa SpJUng.6 P~op~y up to the lime which ~he CommJ...o.oion hM g~aMed a lea.o e to the Gun Club. Commi.o.oion~ Nwon .0 eeonded. In d{J.,eu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 ~equell~e.d ~hat in ~he le.ft~ ~h~ ~he eommJ...o-6ion expWn ~o ~he Cay Counw ~h~ ~he Gun Club WM pfunMng .-LmpfLove.men:t6 to the p~opmy and 60~ ~hJ...o ~eMon fLequellted a tong~ tea.oe wah ~he CammJ...o.6ion. The vote WM: 4 Ijell - 0 no e e e REGULAR MEETING - Ap~ 28, 1983 IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 5 CommJ...o.6ion~ Ne..t6 an gave a b~e6 ~epo~ an the eon6~enee which he and SupwMendeM Giell attended ~eeen-Uy. He .oaid ~h~ th~e WM one all day .6 eMion which he 60und v~y u.o e6ul in wMeh eomm-L.6-610ne.M and bOMd me.mbe.M ~ote ptayed in p~oble.m .6olving .6Uua.-t1ovr.o and .6hMed ideM how dJ..66~eM eommunli.,[ell .6otved p~oblem.o. He .6aJ..d that he had ~equellted a w~en ~avr.o~pt 06 po~ovr.o 06 the -6 eMion and would make d avMtabte to the oth~ eommi.o-6ione.M when he ~eeuved a i6 they would like. The next RegulM Mee.-Ung 06 ~he eommJ...o.6ion J...o .6eheduted 6o~ Thun.oday, May 19, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. Wdh no 6Mth~ ou.o,lne..o.6, the eh~an adj oMned ~e meeting. Rellpe~6uLty .6ubmWed, Ann BenecUct VepMtmen:t SeM~MY e ".~ . , ,~. . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 18, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. BILLS AND FINANCES . A. QuMtwy F inanual St~e.meM REGULAR MEETING The meeting WM eatled to o~d~ by the chainman ~ 7:30 P.M. ~ 59 WinbMn Way. W~.6, CnawfiofLd, Net.oon, Se~, Peckham, Miekwen None CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 added a ~epo~ fi~om the P~ozzi FOuMMn CommWee und~ Otd Bu.oine..o.6. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 moved to app~ove ~he min~e..o 06 the RegufM Me~ng 06 Ap~ 28, 1983. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6eeonded. The vote WM: 5 Yell - 0 no The eommJ...o.oione.M had no qu.ell~ovr.o eone~Mng ~he QuMtwy F inanual S~~e.meM encUng MMeh 31, 1983. D~ecto~ Miekwen eommen-ted that the depMtmen-t WM appMe.n-Uy in goad .6hape at the end 06 ~he 3~d quMt~. Chainman W~.6 M ked L6 th~e w~e any que..o~oY1..6 eone~Mng the Bil.t6 LJ...o:t6 fi~om ~he p~eviou.o mOMh. Th~e w~e no qUell~ovr.o. IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None ON THE AGENDA e V. AUDIENCEPARTICIPATION None NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLDBUSINESS A. Fu.n~a.-L6ing nO~ Poot CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.aM ~epo~ed that ~he .6~viee dub.6 in A.6htand, M a combined un-<-:t, having been eon-ta~ed by Pat Adam.o, have agfLeed ~o hoU a M66te to ~e money 60~ the cOYl..6t:fLu~on 06 ~he Daniet Mey~ Memo~al PooL Ffu~ p~ze w.-LU be a :two week ~p ~o Tah-Lti. He .6Md ~hat the dub.6 have ~equellted ~~ee ~h.-Lng.o in ~~ovr.oh.-Lp ~o ~he M6nte e660~: the u.oe 06 ~he po~eh 06 the buLedJ..ng ~ 59 WinbuM Way on ~he weekend 06 SOSC g~ad~on and on the 4th 06 July and wo the ~up~on by the PMR..6 Comm.-L6.6ione.M on ~he 4~h 06 ~he Juty at the ~a6tlte booth. All eommJ...o.6ioneM ~ellponded 6avo~ably ~o ~he .6uggell~on e REGULAR MEETING - May 18, 1983 OLD BUSINESS - con-tinued Poot nun~aJ...oing C. Repo~ 6~om P~ozzi Fou~n Comm.-Lt:tee D . Le.ft~ n~om Ron saU~, Cliy Arto~ney e VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Gu.n Ctub L eM e MOTION VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DTRECTOR'SREPORT e PAGE 2 th~ ~hey he.-tp man the booth on ~he 4~h 06 JU-ttj. CommJ...o.6iol1~ Se.aM ~epo~ed that ~he HJ...o~o~e CommJ...o.6ion hM been v~y bu.oy wUMn ~he lMt mOMh due ~o HJ...oto~e PfLell ~vatJ..on Week wMeh hM ju.ot been eomplued. He hM not y~ had ~he oppo~u.nily ~o me~ wlih thw eom~ee pe.Mon eonc~nJ..ng the P~ozzi FOu.-MaJ..n. He and D~e~o~ Miekwen had dtlleu.o.6ed ~he pO.6.6ib.-Lli:ty an "de.aning up" ~he 60uMaJ..n a Urtte J..mmecU~ety .60 ~hat a would took be.ft~ ~hJ...o .6u.mm~. They did not 6ee.-t ~h~ a would in-t~tl~e wah any ptavr.o which mig~ deve.-top in the 6~Me. The commJ...o.6ion gen~atly ag~eed ~hat the 60u~n .6houtd have .6ome bMie wo~k done .6ueh M c~ng back- ~he .6hJr.ubb~y be60~e the 4~h 06 July weekend. The eommJ...o.6ione.M ~e.ad a le.ft~ 6~om Ron saU~, Cay Arto~ney, in which he ~ellponded ~o ~he qUell~on 06 liab.-Lli:ty an ~he pMt 06 the CommJ...o.oiol1 in ~egMd.o to atlowing p~vate eoneell.6ionaaell ~o .oe.U be~ at .606:tbatl ~oMnamen:t6 on Metd.o admi~~~ed by PMR..6 and ReMe~on. ~. saU~'.6 ldt~ indie~ed ~hat u.nd~ the gu{de.linell p~e..o eMed, the eommJ...o.6 io n .0 ho uld not be ineMting any liabilily. V~e~ofL w.ekwen .6Md ~h~ he cheeked wah Bob Nwon at the illy and he .6Md th~ ~he ~bilily ivr.oManee e~ed t~ough the illy would eov~ i6 60~ any ~eMon ~he PMk.o WM named eo-de6endan-t in any .6~. CommJ...o.6ioneJL SeM.6 .6Md th~ ~he Cay Council hM app~oved ~he exteYl..6ion 06 thw teMe wah the Comm--l.6.6ion ~o eov~ ~he 6ull leng~h 06 ~me in wMeh the CommJ...o.6ion hM agfLeed ~o leM e land to the Gun Ctub. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.aM .6Md that he would like to add an addendum ~o the le.a.o e which the CommJ...o.oion hM j u.ot .6igned wah ~he Gun Ctub and that would be ~o teMe a pMeet 06 adcUtional tand wMeh had b een p~eviou.oty leM ed to the M hland Lane~ Moto~eycle Club, Inc. HJ...o ~eMon WM ~hat the Gu.n Ctub WM .6e..tUng up a ~p .6hoo~ Mea and ~hat ~he .6eati~ Mea 60~ the .6hot WM not .6u66iueM aeeo~dJ..ng to NRA ~ule..o. The .6matl pMeel Otl tand dell~bed in ~he addendum would give the adcUtional Mea 60~ .6a6~Y. He.6o moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .oeeonded. Will Urtte dtlleu.o.6ion, The vote WM: 5 Ye.6 - 0 no D~e~o~ Miekw en p~ell eMed a le.ft~ 6~om ~he SIUU.o Bank in which ~hey indicated ~hat ~hey had no objection ~o ~he dep~eM'.6 wo~lUng an ~he Mu.o eu.m BuUdJ..ng p~o~ to ~he ~~mJ..n~on Otl thw teMe wMeh would be on June 21, 1983, and ~equell~g .6 ome .6~o~ge Mea in the buUcUng 60~ ~hw aem.o ~ June 2 1.o~. D~e~o~ Miekwen had indJ..e~ed to the.m ~hat he had no objewovr.o ~o th~. e MOTION e e REGULAR MEETlNG - M~y 18, 1983 IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA PAGE 3 CommJ...o.6.-Lon~ SeM.6 .oMd ~h~ 60~ .6ome lime bo~h the eomm.-L6.6ioneM and the d{f[ecto~ had men-tJ..oned ~he pO.6.6ib.-Lli:ty an p~ng an a pienie/bMbeeue tlO~ ~he depaJdmeM'.6 Mew and ~hw 6am-Lliell. The iMeM 06 the g~h~ng WM to .6ay thank you 60~ the 6ine wOfLk wMeh the Mew hM done OV~ the pMt couple 06 yeM.6 in ~~on ~o ~he ~ell~o~on wo~k. He. made a mo~on ~o 6und the picnic o~ an the OpeJl.ltt:-tng Cowngeney Fu.nd. CommJ...o.6ion~ CMW60~d .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no The next RegulM Meeting 06 the eommJ...o.6ion WM .6U no~ June 30, 1983 at 6:30 P.M. Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmWed, Ann BenedJ..~ DepMtmen-t SeM~y e e e June 8, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: H.C.R.S. GRANTS MOTION ADJOURNMENT CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING The meeting WM eatled to o~d~ by ~he chainman. W~.6, Nwon, Peckham, Cnawno~d, Miekwen S e.M.6 D~ecto~ Miekwen .6Md th~ he WM pteM ed ~o announce ~h~ he had ~eeeJ..ved wo~d ~h~ ~he depMtmeJl1.-t hM ~eeuved 6undJ..ng 6~om :two H. C. R.S. gfLan:t6. One 60~ the eon-tinued ~e..oto~a:tion an LilhJ..a PMk and one tlO~ ~he .6olM Mpe~ On ~he DaMet Mey~ Memo~al PooL He .6Md that he 6eli ~hat a would be app~op~ate at thJ...o time 60~ the dep~eM ~o aceep~ ~he g~aM, ag~ee ~o came up with the matching nund6 and adv~e nOfL bid.o again nO~ ~he .6olM Mpe~ nO~ the pooL The dep~eM can go o~ ~o bid at thJ...o lime b~ a~uat eovr.o~uwon canno~ begin u~ a6:t~ Juty 1.6~ due to the natMe Otl ~he gfLan:t6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nel.6on moved ~o a~ho~ze the adv~ing nO~ bid.o nOfL ~he .6otM Mpe~ 06 the DaMet Mey~ Me.mofLial PooL CommJ...o.oion~ Cnawno~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no Will no n~h~ bu.oinell.6, ~he meeting WM adj oMned. Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmWed, Ann BenecU~ Dep~en-:t Se~uMY . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING J u.ne 22, 1983 Chainman W~.o called the meeting to o~d~ at 4:45 PM ~ 59 WinbMn Way. ATTENDANCE: P ~ell en-t : Ab.6 eM: W~.6, C~60~d, Peckham, SeaM, Nwon (~ved tate,) w.ckwen None e PEROZZI FOUNTAIN Ch~man W~.6 .6aid ~h~ he had been app~oaehed by Counc,Uwoman Rud eone~n-tng ~he e~ng 06 :the taMW Maund the P~ozzi Foun-tain. In the May 18, 1983 min~e.o ~he eommJ...o.6ion eone~ed ~h~ ~he taMW would be e~ be60~e the 4th 06 July weedend. Cou.ncAhvoman Reid .oMd that .-Ln talung wah D~e~OfL Miekwen he .6Md that the P~ozz.-L FouMMn Commiliee had m~ and that a WM deuded ~o pO.6pone e~ng ~he fuMW ~ a w~ lime. Ch~an W~.o told the eommJ...o.6ion ~hat he had not known ~h~ th~e had been any change 06 ptan.6 and WM quae e.mb~.6ed when app~oaehed by Su.oan Rud M to why ~h~e had been a change an ptavr.o. He .6Md ~h~ he had Mked tlO~ ~he meeting ~hJ...o evenJ..ng ~o e~6Y wh~h~ o~ no~ ~he b~u.oh WM to be e~. He .6Md th~ .6inee the 6uU eommJ...o.6ion had eone~ed ~hat the b~u.oh would be e~ th~ he 6e.U i6 a WM no~ e~, ~he tluU eommJ...o.6ion .6hould .60 deude. . CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6, ChMfLman 06 the P~ozzi FOUMMn CommWee, ~ellponded. FiM~ he apotogized to Chainman W~.6 nO~ p~Yl.g h.-Lm in an awkwMd and embaJULM.6--Lng .6a~on wilh Couc,Uwoman Rud. He exptMned ~hen that il had no~ been hJ...o iMeM ~h~ ~he eommJ..rtee ov~de a dewion 06 the eommJ...o.6ion b~ ~hat he had 6e.U ~h~ wMUng uMil ~he next RegufM Meeting would .6u6Mee; he ~egfLdted ~h~ a pfLobte.m had come up. He explained ~hat the "eommJ..rtee meeting" which ~e~ed ~he p~obte.m had been an .-LmpfLomptu meeting in which he, ~he ~ecto~ and .6tatl6 walked ~o the 60uMMn to ~ake a hMd took ~ a. He .6Md ~hat he WM go.-Lng to be eOMawng ~he HJ...o~oMe CommJ...o.6ion abo~ .6 uung up a meeting wah them eone~ng ~h~ ptaY1..6 60fL ~ell~o~on and he 6e.U the need to have .ota66 '.6 inp~ be60~e doing .60. DuMng the gen~ fueu.o.6ion eone~n-tng ~he 60uMaJ..n in gen~al, ~he .o~a66 ho~euU~~ expWned ~h~ ~hJ...o WM no~ ~he p~op~ ~me On ye.M ~o c~ back ~he taMW; al.oo tW eOMe~ p~un-tng 06 ~he.m .00 M ~o Jt~n ~he.m M ~hey gfLew WM mo~e ~han ju.o~ e~ng the.m back. He wo exp~ned ~h~ e~ng the.m back now would teave the appe.Manee 06 dead-to 0 lUng .6~eR..6' poking up o~ 06 ~he g~ound. CommJ...o-6ion~ SeM.6 .6aJ..d ~h~, ell.6~Y, e~ng back ~he taMW ~o expo.6e ~he 60uMMn ~ ~h--l.6 ~e would, in hJ...o opin-ton and the opinion 06 the .6~a66, Meate an eye..oo~e in the pMk ov~ the 4th weekend and no~ the ~ell~ 06 ~he .6u.mm~. He .6aJ..d that wah atl the QommJ...o.6ion'.6 and dep~eM'.6 enno~ ov~ ~he. tM~ ~~ee ye.M.6 ~o upg~de ~he pMk, he 6e.U ~h~ ~o delib~atety Me~e an eYello~e ~ thJ...o POiM in SPECIAL MEETING - June 22, 1983 PAGE 2 e time would no~ be ~he eho.-Lee 06 ~he eommJ...o.6ion. He .6Md ~hat a WM hJ...o iMen-Uon ~o b~ng the eommJ..rtee'.6 ~eeommend~on back to the eommJ...o.oion at the next meeting which would be be60~e ~he 4~h 06 July. The ~e~ofL M.6Med him that a could .6~ be e~ back be60~e ~he 4th i6 ~he eommJ...o.6ion .6~ waMed a done. MOTI ON AM~ b~e6 d{J.,eu.o.6.-Lon, Chainman WW.6 Mked wh~h~ anyone would like to make a mo~on. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6 moved ~o teave ~he taMet Mou.nd ~he P~ozz.-L FouMMn M a J...o 60~ now, te.ave a ~o the dewion 06 the .6~a6n M to the app~op~~e ~me ~o p~une a M tong M a J...o done waMn the next 6J...oc.a1- yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. In dt.oeu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d qUe.6~oned the .ota6n ho~euU~t abo~ the e66ec:t6 On e~ng the .6eh~ub.6 now V.6. in the 6atl. He exptaJ..ned ~h~ in ~hey w~e e~ now ~hat they would de60li~e teaving bMe .6tieR..6 tMough to next .op~ng. She wo Mked wh~h~ the hJ...oto~e p~ell~v~on peopte had any .6peuMe ptaY1..6 60~ the 4~h 06 July. Chainman WW.6 .6Md no; that he 6ett they ju.o~ waMed a expa.oed wh~e a could be .0 een. A6:t~ .6ome oth~ b~e6 d{J.,eu.o.6ion, ~he chainman catled 60~ ~he qUell~on. The vote WM: 5 Yell - 0 no ADJOURNMENT Wah no 6~h~ bu.oinell.o, the meeting WM adj oMned. e Sine~ety , Ann BenecU~ Dep~e.M SeM~MY e e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 29, 1983 The Chainman called ~he me~ng ~o o~d~ ~ 8: 00 PM ~ 59 W.-LnbMn Way. ATTENDANCE: P~elleM: Ab.o eM: We.J...o.6, Cnaw60~d, Peckham, SeM.6, Miekwen Ne..t6 on I. ADDITIONS OR DE LETI ONS TO AGENDA II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None Chainman We.J...o.6 incUe~ed th~ ~h~e w~e t~ee .6 ea 06 min~e..o to be app~oved in the tM~ mOMh and i6 th~e w~e no adcUtioY1..6 o~ de1.~oY1..6 ~o ~he min~ell ;they could be app~oved wah one mo~6n. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 moved that the min~e..o 06 ~he meeting.o an May 18, 1983, June 8, 1983 and June 22, 1983 be app~oved M w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. Th.~e WM no fueu.o.6ion. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no The Ch~an a.oked wh~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6.-Lone.M had any qUell~ovr.o eonc~Mng the b.-LU.o and 6.-Lnaneell 60~ the pfLevioU.6 month. Th~e w~e no qUell~oYl..6. e III. BILLS AND FINANCES IV. AUVIENCE PARTICIPATION None ON THE AGENDA V. AUDIENCEPARTICIPATION None NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLVBUSINESS A. Manage.mel1-t Ag~ee.meM w.-Lth C.-Lty - WCC Btdg. fJOTION CommJ...o.oion~ Se.M.6 exp~ned that he, CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon and D~e~o~ w.ckwen had mu wah Cay AdmJ..M1>~o~ B~n AlmqM1>~ eone~Mng ~e illy '.6 p~OPO.6al ~o have the PMR..6 CommJ...o.oion eon-tinue ~o adminJ...ot~ the Women '.6 Civic CeM~ BuLeding 60fL a p~od 06 Mnuy day.o beginMng July 1.o~ when the pMR..6 06Mee..o will no long~ be u.oing ~he buUdJ..ng. In fueu.o.oion wah M~. AlmqM1>~ a WM 6e.U ~hat ~he ~equell~ WM ~eMonabte; ~he illy would ~ake an ~he eMU 06 maJ..MaJ..Mng the buUdJ..ng and the pMR..6 woutd tWLYI. ov~ atl ~evenuell de.Mved n~om ~eMal 06 ~he buitdJ..ng ~o ~he illy. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 fLeeommended ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion aeeep~ ~he eo~~ual ~angement w.-Lth ~he cily and .00 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6eeonded. In d{J.,eu.o.6ion a WM dUeJunined ~h~ poUUell 60~ ~eMal and admJ..nJ...o~ation would no~ be changed und~ ~he eo~~ b~ ~h~ ~evenUell de.Mved tl~om ~e~ would be tMned ov~ to ~he illy. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no REGULAR MEETING - June 29, 1983 e VII. NEW BUSINESS A. SatMy nego~ovr.o 1983 - 84 MOTI ON VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT e IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS MOTION X. NEXTMONTH'SAGENDA e PAGE 2 CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved that the hoMty pMR..o e.mptoyee..o .6alMJ..ell be -LnMeMed by 3.6% beginMng July 1, 1983 and th~ vJ...oion eov~age be added to the heaUh bene6m eov~age 6o~ 6am.-LUe..o; that the PMR..6 SupwMendeM'.6 .6atMy would inMeM e by 3.6%, ~h~ vJ...oion eov~age would be added ~o ~e heaUh benetlw package and that a ~evJ...o ed .6ehedule 60~ va~on te.ave would be added; that the D~e~o~'.o .6alMy would be inMeM ed by 5% ptu.o ~he added vJ...oion eMe 60~ 6am.-Ley and ~evJ...o ed vacation .6ehedule. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The WM no fueu.o.6ion on ~he mo~on. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no D~e~o~ Miekwen announced th~ the p~opo.6ed ~me 60~ ~he dedJ..e~on e~e.mony and opeMng 06 ~he DanJ..et Mey~ Memo~at Poot would be Noon on SatMday, July 2nd. He .6Md that -<-nvaatiovr.o would be .6eM to eounc-Ume.mbeM and illy o6Mua!6 plU.Q tho.6e people v~y he.-tp6ul wah ~he p~ogfLell.6 06 ~he p~oj e~. Inva~ovr.o w~e bung he.-td u.n:til ~he tM~ mJ..n~e, howev~, to make e~n ~h~ ~h~e would be no de.tay in ~he opeMng time. He a.t60 .6aJ..d that it had been .6uggellted by ~he poot manage~ and P~ Ada.m.o ~h~, wh~ev~ day ~he poot opened, ~h~ ~he eommun-tty be 06n~ed 6~ee .6wimming 6o~ th~ day M a ge..otMe 06 thanR..6 to the eommunay 60fL ~hw .6UppofLt 60~ ~he p~oject. The eommJ...o.6ione.M ag~eed. CommJ...o-6ion~ SeM.6 .6Md that, in ~ellpovr.oe 6~om a ~equ.ellt by the D~ecto~ and P~R..o SupwYl.-tendeYl.-t, he would move ~o upg~ade one 06 ~he MMMenanee WOfLk~ I p0.6aoY1..6 ~o a MaJ..Menanee Wo~k~ II pO.6~on wah ~he ~e 06 IMJ..gatJ..on Speu~t. He .oMd that he 6ett due to the tevet 06 exp~e needed to mMMMn the upg~ded ~- g~oY1..6 .6Y.o~e.m.6 wah ~he pMR..o ~h~ ~he adju.otmeM WM w~aMed. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. Th~e WM no fuCU.6.6ion. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no The neti RegufM Meeting 60~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion WM .6U 60~ Wedne..oday, July 27, 1983 at 6:30 P.M. D~e~o~ Miekwen fLe.minded ~he eommJ...o.6ion that ~h~e would be a Speual Meeting hetd in the new 06Mee bU-ttdtng an July 6, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. 60~ ~eview 06 the bid.o 60fL ~he .6otM Mpe~ 06 ~he poot p~oj e~. Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he meeting WM adj oMned. Sine~ety , . ~~ Ann BenecU~ Dep~eM SeM~MY . e e July 6, 1983 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM : I. BIDS FOR POOL SOLAR SYSTEM MOTION MOTION II. MERIT PAY MOTI ON CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING The Chainman called the meeting to o~d~ ~ 7:00 P.M. ~ ~he PMR..6 066iee on 330 S. Pione~. WW.6, Se.M.6, CJtaW60~d, Peckham, Miekwen Nwon The 6.-LMt ae.m on ~he agenda. WM awMdJ..ng the bid 60~ the .6 aiM .0 y.ote.m 60~ ~he Dan-iet Mey~ Me.mo~al Pool. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o aeeep~ ~e low bid 6~om HawIUYI..6Gu.nae COYl..6~uwon nO~ $17,478.00. The mo~on Wa.6 .6eeonded by Comm.-L6.6ion~ C~aw60~d. Th~e WM no d{J.,eu.o.6ion. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 them moved that ~he matching nund.o 6o~ the .6oiM g~aM 6~om LWCF be allocated 6fLom ~he HUM~ PMk TfLu.ot Fu.nd. The motion WM .6eeonded by CommJ...o.o.-Lon~ Peckham. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no The .6 econd ae.m on ~he agenda eone~ned elltabwMng a m~ pay .0 Y4~e.m 60~ dep~en:t e.mptoyeell in ~he 1983 - 84 budg~ yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6 moved to .6U Mide ,'""3.4% 06 ~he .6alMY bu.dg~ atloe~on, not ~o exceed $7,500, 60fL a m~ pay plan 60~ the 83-84 budge.-t YeM atloeatJ..on 06 .6ueh pay ~o be d.i.1>~b~ed at the fuMwon 06 the D~e~o~. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .oeeonded ~he mo~on. The vote WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no Wah no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6, ~he mewng WM adj oMned. Re..o pe~6uUy .6 ubmJ..rted, ~tLl.ATv Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~eM S e~e.-tMY . -III. VII. - MOTION CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 2 7, 1983 The Viee-Ch~an called ~he me~ng to o~d~ ~ 6:30 P.M. .-Ln ~he PMR..6 DepMme.M 06Mee. ATTENDANCE: PfLell eM: Ab.o eM: Peckham, SeM.6, C~aw60~d, w.ekwen Nwon, WW.6 I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Th~e w~e no ad~oY1..6 o~ det~ovr.o to the agenda. Comm--l.6.oion~ SeM.6 moved that the min~e..o 06 the RegulM Meeting 06 June 29A 1983 be app~oved. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved that the min~e..o a 6 the Speual Meeting 06 July 6, 1983 be app~oved. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 ye..o - 0 no BILLS AND FINANCES Th~e w~e no qUell~OY1..6 eone~Mng ~he b.-LU6 w:t6 nfLOm the p~eviou.o mOMh. IV. AUVIENCE PARTICIPATION ON.THE AGENDA None V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 a.oked ~he ~e~o~ 60~ an aeeoun-ting on the 6u.n~wing nO~ ~he DaMet Mey~ Me.mo~al PooL 1)~e~ofL w.ekwen .6aJ..d that app~oumate.-ey $20,000 ha.o' been ~ ed .6inee the cdy announced that a would M.6J...ot in the 6undJ..ng 6o~ ~he blLilcUng p~oj ed. He .6Md ~h~ a 6ull aeeouwng 06 ~he pfLoje~ woutd be avaUable 6o~ the next ~egu.tM me~ng. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .6uggellted that ~ the next meeting ~he eommJ...o.6ion dWeu.o.6 ptan.o 6o~ keeping ~he 6un~ing e660~ awve and in 6~OM 06 ~he public ov~ the next yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 Qone~ed and ~eeommended that Pat Adam.6 be inv.-Lted to attend ~he next memng .60 ~hat the eommJ...o.6ion could know ~o wh~ exteM .6he w--l.6hed to eon-tinue p~eJ..patJ..ng in the 6un~ing e660~. NEW BUSINESS D~e~o~ M.-Lekwen indJ..e~ed ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion th~ he needed ~ho~zatJ..on ~o adv~e 60~ bid.o on :two p~oject.o. Fili~ WM 60~ ~he MphaU wo~k an pathway.6 .-Ln LaMa PMk wMeh WM budgded 60~ in the 83-84 6J...oeal yeM and, .6eeond, 6o~ a 6Mnaee nO~ the new 06Mee blLildJ..ng. He .6aJ..d ~h~ he cUd no~ know ~hat a would be neeell.oMY ~o bid 60fL ~he 6Mnaee b~ i6 quot~ovr.o came in ~oo Mgh, he needed a~ho~z~on to do .60. CommJ...o.6ion~ CfLaw6o~d moved ~o a~ho~ze the adv~ing 60fL bid.o 60fL bo~h ae.m.o mewoned. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6. .6 eeo nded . The vote WM: 3 Yell - 0 no eVI II . e e REGULAR MEETING - Juty 27, 1983 CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR'S REPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 2 D~e~o~ Miekw en ~ead a tdt~ 6~om B.-LU Patton 06 ~he ShakellpeMean Fe..o~val eomplimewng ~he PMR..6 CommJ...o.6ion and peMonnet on the out.otandJ..ng condition 06 the pMk and p~e~y an the FeMt 06 W.-LU A~ea wMeh made ~he 6eM~ a p~eu.tMly me.moMbte eveM ~hJ...o yeM. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d atJked ~he d{f[e~o~ i6 he 6e.U il would be p0.6.6ible 60~ the depMtmeM to eo-.6povr.oo~ a Ma6:t6 day wah the G~ Seout.o. The pMpO.6e 06 the eO-.6poY!.6ofLing woutd be ~o M.6J...ot in obtMMn9 ~heu.oe 06 one 06 '~lte SCMot 6a~e..o. The d{f[ecto~ and eommJ...o.6ione.M .6aJ..d th~ they dJ..d not have any pfLoblem wah thJ...o idea. The next RegufM Mewng watJ .6 eheduled 60~ AugU6t 25, 1983 ~ 6:30 P.M. .-Ln the PMR..6 066.-Lee. D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6Md that he would g~ in ~oueh wah Pat Adam.o abo~ atiencUng the meeting. Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.6, the Vice-Chainman adjoMned ~he mewng. Re..o pe~6uUy .6 ubmJ..;t:ted, a&~~ Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~eM SeM~y e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AugMt 25, 1983 ATTENDANCE PfLe.o ent:: Ab-6 e.nt:: I. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS I I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~III. BILLS AND FINANCES A. JUl1e 30, 1983 Qua.fLt:eJtly F il1al1Ua.l S;tMem e.nt: REGULAR MEETING The. ChaifLmal1 c.alled the. me.etil1g t:o ofLdeJt at: 6:30 P.M. at: 330 S. Piol1ee.Jt St:Jte.e.t:. WW-6, Pe.ek.ham, Se.aM, CfLa.w60fLd, Nel-6on, Miek.el-6e.n NOI1e. DifLe.et:OfL Miek.e1-6 e.n adde.d a di-6 eM-6iol1 t:o Old BMinM-6 eOl1eefLMng the. pfLO-6 al1d C.0n-6 011 lea.oing a de.pMt:me.nt: ve.hiele. fLMheJt thal1 buying a de.pMt:me.nt: ve.hiele.. Commi-O-6ione.Jt Pe.c.k.ham move.d t:o aeee.pt: the minut:eo 06 the. RegulM Me.etil1g 06 July 27, 1983 M wfLlit:en. Commi-6-6iOl1eJt CfLa.w60fLd -6 e.eol1de.d. TheJte. WM no di-6 euM-<-o 11. The. vote. Wa.-6 : 5 ye.o - 0 110 The ChaifLman M k.e.d whet:heJt t:heJLe. weJte. any qUMtiOn-6 eOl1eeJLrUl1g t:he. Bill-6 Li-6t:.o 06 t:he. pfLe.vioM mont:h. TheJLe. weJte no que.otiOn-6. The. ChaifLmal1 Mk.e.d t:he. c.ommi-O-6iol1efL.6 i6 the.y had al1Y que.otiol1 OfL eomme.nt: 011 t:he. end 06 the. Ye.M 6-<-l1al1Ua.l -6tat:eme.nt:. The.y did 110t:. DilLeet:ofL Miek.e1-6 e.n -6aid t:hat: he. had gOI1e. oveJt the. -6t:at:ement: wlih Financ.e. Committe.e. Chabunal1 Sea.fL-6 in det:a.il al1d that: t:he. -6t:at:ement: a.-6 a whole. indieat:e.d that: t:he. de.pMt:me.nt: Wa.-6 in exee.Ue.nt: Ml1anc.ia.l -6 hape.. IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA None. V. AUVIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA No 11 e. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. H ea.til1g -6 Y-6t:em 60fL PafLk.-6 06 Mee. DifLe.et:OfL Miek.el-6e.11 -6aid t:hat: Ste.ve. GiM, PafLk. Supe.Jtint:el1de.nt:, had inve.otigat:e.d t:he optiOn-6 eOI1c.eJtMl1g the. k.ind 06 6Uftl1aee t:o be. put: -<-n the. building 011 Pione.eJt St:Jte.et: wheJLe. the. I1W 066-<-c.e. Wa.-6 loeat:e.d al1d he would give. a fLe.pofLt: to t:he eommi-6-6ion. St:e.ve. -6Md that: he. had had -6 e.veJLal eomparUe.o eome. out: t:o give. t:hw fLeeomme.l1da.t.ion-6. He. -6aid that: t:heJte. Wa.-6 about: a $250.00 di66eJLe.l1ee. be;twe.e.11 in-6t:a.lUl1g a 60fLc.e.d a.iJt gM 6uJtl1aee. al1d a 60fLc.e.d a.iJt ele.~e 6Uftl1aee.. He -6aid that: t:he -6 lj-6tem.o weJte. ba.-6iea.Uy t:he. -6a.rne. e.xee.pt t:hat: ol1e M e.d ga.-6 al1d one. M e.d ele.~eliy; ot:heJt t:hal1 t:hat he. 6ill the. -6Y-6t:em.o WeJLe. eompaJutble.. It: would jMt ma;tteJt whet:heJL the. eommi-O-6ion wi-6 he.d t:o go wlih ga.-6 OfL ele.~e; the -6t:a66 pfLe6 eJLed ele.dfLie -6inc.e. a ga..oUl1e WM 110t a.lJte.ady fLul1 to the. building. By ge.l1eJta1.. eOl1een-6M t:he. eommi-6-6iOI1 de.uded to il10tall an ele.dfLie 6uJtnaee.. ~ REGULAR MEETING - Auguot: 25, 1983 e VI. OLD BUSINESS - eontinued B. RepofLt: on opeJta.t.ion 0-6 -6wimming pool PAGE 2 Le.e. HowafLd, Pool Mal1ageJt, WM pfLe.oe.nt: in t:he. audienee t:o fLepofLt: to t:he. eommi-6-6ion on t:he. op~on 0-6 t:he. new DaMel Me.YeJL MemofLia1.. PooL He -6aid t:hat: -6inee July 2nd appfLoximat:ely 15,000 pe.ople. had a.:t:te.nde.d t:he. pooL The aveJtage. Wa.-6 300 people. peJt day; 250 in geneJLa.l admi-6-6ion al1d 50 in aduLt .ta.p -6wimmil1g. He -6aid t:hat: eOn-6idefLil1g t:he at:ypic.ally eool -6ummeJL t:hat: we have. had in A-6hla.nd, he. eOn-6idefL.6 t:he. MgWte.o e.xt:Jtemely good. He -6aid t:he fLe.ve.nue.o to dat:e have been afLound $8,000. Antiupat:e.d fLevenue.o pftiofL to t:he. Ope.Ml1g on t:he pool weJte. e.x:timat:e.d at: $6,300 nOfL thU' P.l/e.Mon. He ha.-6 he.a.fLd llit:le ne.gative eomment: eOl1eeJtMng the. 6e.e. -6t:Jtuet:Wte. Le.e. fLe.c.omme.nded t:hat: t:he pool fLemain open 011 a Umlie.d ba.-6i-6 t:hfLough t:he mont:h 06 SeptembeJt. He 6e.ft t:he. pfLogfLamrnil1g Wa.-6 -6oUd, t:hat: t:heJLe. c.ould be. -6ome. rninofL ehal1ge..o, but: t:hat: e.o-6entialiy the pool had met: a lot: 0-6 ne.e.d il1 t:he eommu~y. He. -6aid t:hat: me.ehaMeally t:he.y had had 110 di66ic.uUy. AMeJL -6ome. fueM-6ion al1d que.-6tiOn-6 by t:he. eommi-6-6iol1efL.6, ChaifLman WUM t:hank.e.d Le.e. 60fL hi.6 fLepofLt:. Pat: Ada.m.o Wa.-6 il1 t:he. audienee. She. -6aid that: all heJt eont:aet: wlih pe.ople eOneeJLMng t:he. pool, ill pfLogfLam-6 and ill loeation, de.oigl1 have be.e.n e.xt:Jte.me.ly pO-6itive. COnc.eJtMl1g 6U11dfLa.i.6ing in t:he. earning Ye.a.fL to pay baek. the debt: t:o t:he. eit:y 60fL t:he. buildil1g 06 t:he. pool, -6he. -6ugge.ot:e.d eontil1Ml1g t:he. $100 dOI1a.t.ion eOl1ee.pt: 60fL pa.-6-6 e.o next: Ye.a.fL. The eommi-O-6iol1efL.6 agfLe.e.d .to eontinua.t.iol1 06 t:hi.6 way t:o donat:e. to t:he building 6und. Commi-6-6ioneJt Pe.ek.ham a.-6k.ed Pat: how -6he. nill about: eontil1Ml1g t:o -6pe.a.fLhe.ad the 6undfLwing en60w 60fL the. c.oming ye.afL -6aying that: t:he. eommi-O-6ion undefL.6t:ood t:hat: -6he had a1..Jte.ady c.ont:fLibut:e.d:two ye.a.JtO 0-6 time al1d e.660fLt: to t:he. pftojed. Pat: -6aid t:hat: -6he Wa.-6 -6tiU willing al1d want:e.d t:o he.lp eontinue. t:o fLa.i-6 e. the. money l1eeded t:o pay baek. the loan 6nom t:he. eit:y. OtheJL liem.o eonee.Jtnil1g t:he. pool- 6 undfLw ing e Commi-6-6ioneJt Sea.fL-6, in bftie6 di-6eM-6ion, fLe.eomme.l1de.d t:o the. eommi-6-6iol1 t:W what:e.veJt ba.la.nee. i-6 le.6t uneommlit:e.d in the Hunt:eJL TfLMt: FUI1d be. appUe.d t:o t:he. loal1 fLe.payme.nt:. He. a.l.60 -6aid t:hat: he. would ehe.ek. wlih the eit:y M t:o whet:heJt t:hey would be. ehafLgil1g int:eJte.ot t:o t:he. pafLk. 60fL the amount: 06 t:he. loal1. Commi-6-6ionefL.6 SeaM -6aid t:hat: he. had met: wlih t:he eit:y' -6 Hi-6t:ofLie Commi-O-6iol1 eOneeJLMl1g thw int:elLMt: in fLMt:ofLing t:he. PeJtozzi Fount:ain. At t:hi.6 time t:he. Hi-6t:ofLic. Commi-6-6iol1 eannot: pfLe.diet: a time. 6fLa.me. 60fL whe.11 t:he.y eould be.gil1 wOfLk. on t:he. fLMt:ofLation. Commi-6-6ioneJt Sea.fL-6 -6aid t:hat: he told them t:hat: the. PafLk. 6eJ.;t t:hat: -6ome dean-up wOfLk. on the 60unt:ain Wa.-6 in ofLdeJt al1d that: il1 t:he me.an time., t:he. pafLk.-6 -6ta6-6 would go ahead wlih pfLe.vioM p.ta.n-6 to mak.e the. 60unt:ain mOfLe ~aetive. at: t:hi-6 time. but: t:hat: the. Und 06 wOfLk. dOl1e would 110t: int:eJt6eJte. wlih t:he. Hi-6t:ofLie Commi-O-6ion ' -6 pla.n-6 60fL fLe.ot:ofLation -6ome. time. in t:he. 6ut:uJte. He 6eJ.;t t:hat: t:he. 6ull PMk.-6 Commi-6-6iol1 would eoneuJt wlih t:hi.6 appfLoaeh whieh t:he.y did. A6t:eJt bftie6 di-6eM-6iol1, ChaifLman WW-6 fLeeomme.l1de.d t:hat: t:he eommi-O-6ion mak.e. a mot:ion aeeepting t:he. eommlit:ee fLe.pofLt: to -6ub-6t:antiat:e. the. eommi-6-6iol1'-6 de.wiol1 a.-6 t:o how to pfLoee.e.d with impfLoveme.nt: 06 t:he PeJtozzi Fount:ain. Commi-O-6ioneJt Pe.ek.ham move.d t:o aeee.pt: t:he. eommi:t:te.e.' -6 fLepofLt:. Commi-O-6ioneJt Nel-6on -6 eeonde.d. The. vot:e Wa.-6: 5 ye.o - 0 no C. PeJtozzi Fountain Commlit:e.e. Re.pofLt: MOTION , REGULAR MEETING - Augu.ot: 25, 1983 PAGE 3 e D. Le.a.-6 e. v-6. PUfLeha.-6 e. DifLe.dofL Miek.e1-6 en pfLM ent:ed the. eommi-O-6io n will 06 de.pa.fLt:me.nt: vehide in60fLma.t.ion eoneeJtMng le.a.-6ing t:he 06Mee. OfL difte.et:OfL' -6 vehide. fLMheJt t:han pUfLeha.-6ing t:hat ve.hide.. The 6inanua1.. di66eJLe.nee beJ:we.en t:he. :tJJJo would be. t:hat: 06 not: -6pending t:he. lafLge eaplia1.. out:la.y. He. a.l.60 -6ugge.ot:ed t:hat:, in-6t:ead 06 t:Jtadil1g in one. 0-6 t:he eUftfLe.nt: piek.up-6 60fL anotheJt pic.k.up, that: t:he. o-6-6iee. ve.hide. -6hould be a -6mall -6t:a.t.ion waggol1. He. explaine.d t:hat: t:he. de.pafLt:me.nt: did not have. a vehiele. at: thi-O time. -6ulia.ble. 60fL t:Jta.n-6pofLting mOfLe t:han :tJJJo pe.o pie and t:hat: t:he. eLtfLfLe.nt: 0 n Mee. piek.up Wa.-6 M e.d a lot nOfL t:hat:. In fueM-6ion, he. and the. -6upe.fLint:ende.nt: a.-6-6UfLe.d t:he. eommi-6-6ionefL.6 t:hat: M-6 entially dftoppil1g a piek.up 6fLom t:he. 61e.d would 110t: leave. t:he. de.pa.fLt:ment: -6hofLt: 06 -6mall t:Jtuek.-6. The. ve.hide. undeJt di-6 eu.o-6iol1 Wa.-6 fLMely M e.d t:o haul liem-6 whieh a -6mall -6t:a.t.iOI1 wagon c.ould not: a.l.60 haul. An aUeJtna.t.ive. would be. to puJteha.-6 e a ha1..6 t:on piek.up whieh would have mOfLe. pe.ople. eaMying eapaeity. A6teJt -6ome. 6wr:theJL fueM-6ion, t:he. eommi-6-6iol1 indieat:e.d that it: would have. no objeetion to t:he le.a..oil1g 06 011e. 06 t:he. de.pa.fLt:ment:'.6 vehide.o and that: t:he. t:ype 06 ve.hide -6Lutable. 60fL t:he. 0 -6 6ic.e vehide. would be. le.nt up t:o t:he di-6efLetion 06 t:he. difte.et:OfL. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS None. DIRECTOR'SREPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS Comm14-6ione.fL Pe.c.k.man di-6eu.o-6e.d t:he. idea. 06 doing a -6hofLt: al1d long fLange. pian 60fL pafLk. & Re.efLe.a.:tional need.6 in the eommurU.ty. It WaA agfLe.ed by the Commi-6.6iol1 t:hat the. conee.pt 06 de.ve.lopil1g a plan 60fL t:he. depafLt:- ment: 60fL PMk. and fLe.efLea.Uonal ne.ed6 in the. 6ut:uJte wa,o an e.xee1le.nt: ide.a. It: Wa.-6 de.ude.d t:o hold a -6t:udy -6e.o-6ion de.a.Ul1g wlih t:he. pfLoee.duJte. On developing a PafLk. & Re.efLea.Uonal plan nOfL t:he. depaJt:tme.nt:. The ne.xt: Regualft Me.eting Wa.-6 -6ehe.dule.d 60fL Sept:embeJt 29, 1983 at 7: 00 pm in t:he. pMk.-O 06 6,[ee.. Wit:h no 6ufLt:he.fL bu.oine.o-6, t:he ChaifLmal1 adjouJtne.d t:he. me.eting. e X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. AVJOURNMENT Re.ope.eti6uliy -6ubmli:te.d, Anl1 Be.ne.diet: De.paJt:tme.nt: Se.CfLda.Jty e DifLedofL Miek.el-6en -6aid that: he had been appfLoaehe,d by t:he A-6hland YMCA 60fL Uo e 06 t:he Hunt:efL PMk. b,[eld.6 a1..ol1g wlih t:he Walk.elt School -6lie 60fL thuft Youth SoeeeJt pfLogltam. Fe.eling t:hat: the eommi-6-6ion would have no obj eetion wlih thio kind 06 eoopeJLa.t.ive e660fLt: wlih t:he YMCA, Ken -6aid he, had dJrawn ut:) a leM e agfLeement: wlih t:he YMCA and pfte.o ent:ed it t:o the eommiMion 60fL thrUfL appfLoval at: thi.6 t:ime,. The le.M e agfLeement: i-6 -6imilM t:o t:he one whieh hM eX.0sted wit:h t:he A-6hland Little Le.agu.e 60fL a numbeJL 06 yeaM. AMeIt bftie6 fueu-6-6..ion, Comm..i.!.J-6ioneJt Nel-6on moved t:o aeeept: t:he leM e agfteement: wlih t:he A-6hland YMCA M wtU..:tten. CommiMioneJt CfLa.w60ftd -6 eeonded. The, vot:e WM: 3 ye-6 - 0 no VilLeet:ofL Miek.e1-6 en fteminded th e eommi-6-6 io 11 eM that: eOn-6t:Jtuetion 06 a nw fLe.ovwom ..in t:he Cation MemofLial Aftea. had been budget:ed 60ft -en the 83-84 6..G!)ea.f. yeCVt. He M k.ed at: t:hi-6 t:ime peftYniMiol1 to adveJttio e 60fL bid.6 on t:he. l1eee.o-6MY phM M 06 that: eOn-6:tJwetion. e Sept:embelt 26, 1983 ATTENDANCE: PfLM ent:: Ab-6 e.nt:: I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. BILLS AND FINANCES . IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA '- V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLV BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Hunt:eIt PMk. leM e 60J1. YMCA SoeeeJt MOTION B. Nw lte.ot:Jtoom - CotiOI1 MemofLial AfLea e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Viee-ChaifLman c.alled t:he meeting t:o ofLdelt at: 7: 10 P.M. Peek.ham, CfLa.w60fLd, Neloon, Miek.eloen Wei-6-6, SeaM TheJLe weJte 110 addilion-6 OfL deletion-6 t:o t:he agenda. Commi-6-6ionelt Neloon moved to have t:he minuteo 06 the AugMt 25, 1983 Regulaft Meeting appfLoved. Commi-O-6 ioneJL CfLa.w60ftd .6 ec.onded. The vote WM: 3 ye.o - 0 no Viee-ChaifLman Peek.ham Mk.ed t:he eommi-6-6ioneM wh~thelt t:he had any qUMtiOn-6 eoneeftning t:he. Bill.6 Li-6u 6fLom the. pfLe.vioM mont:h.. TheJte welte no qUMtion-6. None NOl1e None e e e REGULAR MEETING - Sept:embelt 26, 1983 PAGE 2 NEW BUS I NESS Reot:Jtoom - Cot:t:on AfLea eontinued Commi-6-6ionelt Nel60n moved to aut:hofLize t:he depMt:ment t:o adveJttio e 60fL bid.6 on t:he eOn-6t:Jtuetion 06 a new fLMt:Jtoom 60ft t:he Cot:t:on MemofLia1.. AfLe.a. Commi.6-6ioneJL CfLaw-6ofLd -6 eeol1ded. The vot:e WM: 3 YM - 0 no MOTI ON VI II . CORRESPONDENCE, DilLe.dofL Miek.e1-6 e.n .6aid that: MayofL GOfLdon Me.dafLi-6 COMMUNICATIONS, had fLe.eeived a lett:e.fL 6ftom Edwand D. Joneo and DIRECTOR'S REPORT Company -6aying t:hat they weJte. dona.t:ing $35.00 t:o the eliy 60fL t:he. puJtehMe 06 a t:Jte.e. The eheek. WM made out t:o t:he Pa.Jtk.-O Commi-6-6ion. MayofL MedMi.6 had w~en a lett:eIt 06 t:hank. you to t:he eompany 60fL t:he. dona.t:ion. It: wao t:he. difteet:oft-6 fLeeommendat:ion t:ha.t: t:he $35.00 eheek. be endoft-6 e.d OVeJL t:o t:he. eliy t:o be M ed by the nw A-6hland St:Jteet: TfLee. Commi.6-6ion. The eommi.6-6iOnefLO eoneufLfted. DifteetofL Miek.el6en fLepofLt:ed t:o t:he. eommi-O-6ion that: Fall Volle.yball WM get:UVl.g undeJ1Way. Al.6o, t:he.y would notiee t:hat: t:he old pat:hwaY-6 on the fLight .6ide. 06 Winbuftn Way WeJLe being t:OfLn out t:o begiVl. wottk. on t:he new ao phalting whieh would be. going on in that: Me.a. A -6 e.eond pfLO j ed undeJ1Way at: t:hi.6 time. WM t:he plaeing 0-6 t:he nw ifLfLiga.t.iol1 une.-6 and lawn below the UppeJL Duek. Pond. IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISS TONERS Commi-6-6ione.fL Nel-6on -6aid that: he i-6 -6till get:Ung -6ueh numelto(~ pO-6itive eomme~ 6fLom people eoneeltning t:he pool and ill opeJta.t.ion oveJL t:he. -6ummeJt. The otheft eommi-6-6ioneJt-6 and the. difte.et:OfL il1dieat:ed t:hat t:hey [velte a.l.6o eOn-6t:ant:ly -6t:opped by pe.ople eomme.nting 6avofLably and they a.ll eoneLtfLfLe.d t:hat: a lot 06 the efLedli 60ft .6ueh pO-6itive fteaeUOn-6 -6hould go to Lee HowafLd ao Pool Managelt. The ne.rt RegulM Me.e.ting 06 t:he. eommi-6-6ion wao .6 d 60fL Oet:obeJt 26, 1983 at: 7:00 P.M. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT Wlih no -6wr:theJt bMinM.6, t:he me.eting WM adj oUJrned. RMped6ully -6ubm-Ute.d, ~b:i> Ann Bene.did D epafLt:m ent: S eefL et:a.Jty e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OdobeJL 26, 1983 The ChaifLman ealled t:he meeting t:o ofLdeJt at: 7:00 P.M. at 340 S. Piol1e.~~. ATTENDANCE: PfLe.o ent:: Ab-6 ent:: WW-6, Peek.ham, CfLa.w60fLd, Sea./tO, Nwon, Miek.e.l6en None. I. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commi-O-6ioneJt CfLa.w60fLd moved t:o aeee.pt: t:he minut:e.o 06 t:he. Re.gulafL Meetil1g 06 S ept:emb eJL 26, 1983 M wfLltte.n. Commi-O-6iol1eJt Nel-6on -6eeonded. The. vot:e WM: 5 ye.o - 0 no Commi-6-6ioneJt Sea./tO moved t:o appfLOVe. t:he expenciUuJte..6 06 t:he pfLevioM mont:h: Payable.o ehe.ek.-O #6704 t:hJtu 6760 and PaYfLoll eheek.-6 #3894 t:hJtu 3933. Commi-O-6ionefL CfLaw60fLd -6e.eonded. The. vot:e. WM: 5 YM - 0 no III. BILLS AND FINANCES e IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION UN THE AGENDA None. V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. o LV BUS I NESS None VII. NEW BUSINESS A. CUfLb eut:o Commi-6-6ioneJt Pe.ek.ham -6aid t:hat: fLeee.nt:ly he had been -6peak.ing wit:h a handic.apped peftOon and it: wa..o bfLought: t:o hi-6 atien-tiol1 t:hat: the.fLe. WM not: a c.UfLb eat: 60fL wheelehailL aeee.o-6 neafL t:he pooL He. a.l.6 0 notiee.d that: t:heiJt appMen-Uy WM not: a eUfLb eut: at: GMden Way PafLk.. A6teJt -6ome bfLie6 di-6c.M-6ion, t:he eommi.Q-6ionefL.6 Mk.ed t:he. dilLedofL t:o -6peak. wlih LaMY Hy.ta.nd who i-6 a66iliat:e.d wlih t:he. So. OfLegon Cilize.n-6 60fL Inde.pel1de.nt: Living eOl1eeJtMng vaJc...i.oM p.ta.ee.o whieh t:he.y may 6eel eould Me. eUfLb eut:o .00 t:hat: t:he handieapped eould have ea..oieJt aeeM-6. VIII . e CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT DilLe.dofL Miek.el-6 en fLepofLt:e.d t:hat: t:he t:Jt~ 60fL t:he -601M -6Y-6t:em at: t:he MeyeJt Pool i-6 now undeJt eOn-6t:JtueUon and t:hat: t:he. pfLO j e.et: i-6 610wil1g -6 moot:hly . He. a.l.6 0 fLe.pofLt:ed t:hat: t:he. depa.fLt:ment: hM now puJtC.hM ed t:he eity' -6 old ehippeJt whieh WM inc.lude.d in thi-O yeM'-6 budg et:. e REGULAR MEETING - Oet:obeJt 26, 1983 CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT eon-tinued PAGE 2 DilLedofL Miek.wen a.l.6 0 pfLe.o ent:e.d a lefteJt t:o t:he eommi-6-6iol1 6fLom Bdty Wilk.in-6on who uve.-6 in San FfLanU-6eO but: who vi-6lied A-6hland and Llihia PafLk. fLeeent:ly. M6. Wilk.in-6on WM dona.t.ing $100.00 t:o t:he pMk. due to heJt appfteua.t.ion 0-6 t:he pMk. and wanting t:o help wit:h t:fLee fLe..6tofLation. IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS None. The. next: RegulM Meeting On t:he eommi-6-6ion WM -6et: 60fL Nove.mbeJt 17, 1983, ThUfLOday, at 7:00 P.M. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA e XI. SPECIAL ITEM - Reviw 06 Llihia. PMk. RM:tofLa.t.ion PfLO j eet: DilLedofL Miek.el-6 en pfte.o ent:ed the eommiMionefL.6 wlih an oVeJLviw On t:he fte.ot:ofLa.t.ion pfLO j eet: be.ginMng wlih t:he. fte.--6UfL-6aung 06 the. tenw c.o~ in 1979 t:hfLough t:he eLtfLfLe.nt: pfLO j e.et: UI1deJLWay with t:he pat:h -6 YJ.dem in Llihia PMk.. He indieat:ed t:hat: the t:hJtee MeM fLemaiMng to be. addfte.o-6 ed eoneeJtMng fLe.ot:ofLa.t.ion WeJLe. t:he hilloide efLo-6ion, eJte.ek.bank. e.fto.6ion ge.l1efLally, and, t:he e~ten.6ion a.Jtea along Guanajuat:o Way. He t:he.n t:UfLne.d di-6euo-6ion ovefL t:o t:he eommi-O-6ion. In di.6euo-6ion, t:he eommi-6-6ion det:efLmine.d t:hat: t:he. eJLo-6ion pfLoblem pefLt:aiMngto t:he undeJteut:ting 06 t:he. gunlie a1..ong t:he bank. 06 t:he efLeek.bank. on Guanajuat:o Way wao 06 pfLiofLliy t:o be dealt wit:h. They aoke.d t:he difLe.et:oft t:o.[nvelJ.:tigate waY-6 in whieh that: pot:e.nUa.lly -6 e.fLioM pfLoble.m eould be -601ved. A-6 ,to hilloide eJto.oion and eJte.e.k.bank. eJLo-6ion in g en eJLa.l, t:he. eo neen-6 M WM that: depMt:me.nt: -6t:a -66 -6 ho uld addfte.o -6 t:hO-6 e pfLO b.tem.o eLtfLfLent:ly M on-go-tng maint:enanee t:Mk.-6' XII. ADJOURNMENT Wlih no 6wrtheJL bMine.o-6, t:he me.eting WM adj o uftn ed . RMpe.et:-6uUy -6ubmi:tte.d, ~u'<'6 Ann Benediet: Depa.fLt:me.nt: S eefLet:a.Jt1j e . . -- CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NovembeJL 17,1983 The ChaifLman ealled t:he meeting t:o o~deft at: 7:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE: P,ItM ent:: Ab-6 ent:: Wei.!:J-6, CfLaw60fLd, Nel.6on, Peek.ham, SeafLO, Miek.el.6en None. I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None CommiMioneJt Nwon moved to have t:he minut:M 06 t:he RegulafL Meeting 06 Oet:obe~ 26, 1983 appftoved M wftitien. Commi.6-6ioneJt Peek.ham -6eeonded. Wit:h no di.6eUO-6ion, t:he eommi-6.6ion vot:ed unan-imou.oly t:o appfLove t:he minut:e.6. III. BI LLS AND FINANCES The ChaifLman Mk.ed whe;theJL theJLe weJte any que.o,tion-6 eOl1eeJLMng the Billo and Finanee-6 6ftom t:he pfLev~ou.o mont:h. TheJLe weJte no que.otiOn-6. CommiMioneJL Nel-6on moved t:o appftove t:he expendit:UftM 0-6 t:he pfLeviou-6 mont:h ~s indieat:ed by Paljftoll eheek-O #3934 - 3961 and Payable.o eheek.-6 #6762 - 6828. Commi-6-6ioneJt Peek.ha.m -6eeonded. The vot:e WM: 5 ye.o - 0 no ChaifLman Wei.6-6 fLead a letteJt fLeeeived 6fLom Bill Patton 06 t:he OfLegon Sha~e.opea.ftean Fe.6t:ival A-6-6oeiation indieating t:hat: theJte WM an enelo-6ed eheek in t:he amount: 06 $6,347.00 whieh WM t:he .6 eeond in-6ta1..lme.nt: in the, donation whieh the 6e.otival would be mak.ing t:o the depMt:ment: whieh i-6 bung -6 et: Mide. M a t:Jtu.ot: 6und. LMt: YeM the 6eot:ival 066eJted to dedieat:e :two peJL60ftmanee-6 t:o t:he pMk. ul1defL t:he eondition that: t:he pfLinuple be held in t:Jtu.ot: and the. int:eJte.ot: be u.oed 60fL maint:enanee 06 the lOWeJL end 06 Llihia Pa.ftk.. Thi-6 ehee~ ftepfte.o en-U t:he fLeeupu 6Jrom the -6 eeond peJL60ftmanee bftinging the t:Jtu.ot: t:o jU6t oveJt $12,000. ChaifLman WUM -6aid t:hat: he had fLe.6ponded w~th a thank. you letteJt to t:he OSFA. Shak.e.o peafLe TfLu.ot: Do nat:ion IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None .ON THE AGENVA v. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLD BUSINESS A. 1982-83 AucU;t RepofLt: eomment: on t:he CommiMioneJt Sea.fL-6, Finanee Cha.iJtman, Mk.ed t:he eommiMionefL.6 whet:heJt t:hey had any que.ot:iOn-6 eOneeJLMng t:he ju.ot: eomplet:e.d 82-83 aucU;t. He at60 ,6aid that: in fLeading the fLepofLt: he notieed that: t:he. aucU;toft-6 made no 6aet t:hat: t:he PMk.-6 Divi-6ion and ReefLea.t.ion Vivi!.\.<-on weJte debinit:ely REGULAR MEETING - Novembeft 17, 1983 PAGE 2 e OLD BUSINESS eon-tinued -6e.pafLat:e a.-6 t:o t:he -6ouJtee 06 6unding. The eommiMionefL.6 di-6eM-6ed t:he Management: Reeommend~tion Letteft 6fLom t:he audliofL-6. The audliofL-6 fLeeommended a c.hange in t:he aeeount:ing pfLoeedUfLe.o 60fL UnfLeeofLded M-6 eU and t:he Shak.e.o peafLean F Mtiva1.. Dona.t.ion. He indieat:ed t:hat: he and t:he. dilLeet:ofL f,eU that: t:he fLeeommenda.t:-i..on-6 eould be aet:ed upon and t:he fLec.ommended ehange.o would be made. One ot:heft fLe.eommendation Wa.-6 t:hat: t:he depa.fLt:ment: look. int:o t:he pUfteha.-6e 06 a miM-eomput:eJL. Commi-6-6ioneJt S ea.fLO a.-6 ked the ot:heJt eommiMionefL.6 whet:heJL he 6 eU t:hat: t:he depa.fLt:ment: had a nee.d 60fL a eomput:eJt. None. 06 t:he eommi-6-6ionefL.6 6eU t:hat: they -6a.w an oVefLWhelming need 60fL a eomput:eft 60fL t:he depafLt:ment, howevefL, ChaifLman WW-6 6eU t:hat: paJctieulMly he would lik.e t:o inve.otigat:e t:he pOMibilliy that: a eomput:eJL eould e.nhanee t:he opeJLa.t:ion 06 t:he depa.fLt:ment: and int:ended t:o look 6wrtheJt int:o the mat:teJt. GeneJta1.. eOneen-6M 6fLom the eommiMion Wa.-6 that: t:he dilLedofL .6hould inve-6tigat:e t:he pOMible mefLiU 0-6 puJteha.-6ing a eomput:eJt and al.6o invMtigat:e. t:o -6ee what: Wa.-6 on t:he mMk.et: whieh eould -6ua t:he. depa.fLt:ment:'o p0-6-6ible need.6. MOTION Commi-6-6ioneJt CfLa.w60fLd moved t:o aeeept: t:he 1982-83 audit: on the depafLt:ment. Commi-6-6ioneft SeafLO -6eeonded. The vot:e Wa.-6: 3 YM - 0 no (Commi-6.6ionefL.6 WW-6 and Nel-6 on weJLe not: pfLM ent: 60ft the vot:e.) It Commi-O-6ioneJt SeafLO a1...60 mentioned that: budget: t:ime Wa.-6 fLapidly appfLoaehing and -6uggMt:ed that: t:he vafLiOM eommi-6-6ioneJt6 eOn-6ideft pO-6-6ible. Capit:a.l Outlay pfLoje.et:o whieh t:he.y might: be int:eJtMt:ed in -60 t:hat: t:he dilLedofL c.ould fLe.oea.fteh pO-6-6ible eO-6t: be60fLe. budget: t:ime. B. BM k.et:baU Cowrt AfLea - Llihia MOTION Commi-6-6ioneJt Pe.ekham -6aid that he had fLeee.ived ne.g~t[ve eomme.nt: eoneefLning the. plaeement: 06 t:he ha.l6-eoufLt: 60fL ba.-6 k.et:ball neM t:he volleyball eowrt in Llihia. PftimMdy t:he eoneeJtn t:hat: Unl1ec.M-6afLY a.-6pha1;t Wa.-6 bung layed in t:he pafLk.. AMeJt -6ome di-6eM-6ion whieh ineluded t:he pOMibilliy 06 helping t:o fLe6uJtbi-6h ewting ba.-6k.et:ball eowrt Mea.-6 in -6ehool YMd.6, Commi-6-6ioneft Peek.ham moved t:o delet:e. the ha1..6-eowrt -6fLom the a.-6phaU bid whieh would be let: t:hi-6 eoming DeeembeJt a.-6 pafLt: 06 t:he. fLe.ot:OfLa.t.iOI1 pfLojed. Commi-O-6ioneJt SeaM -6e.eonded. The vot:e Wa.-6: 2 YM - 2 no (Commi-6-6ioneJt Ne1-6on Wa.-6 not: pfte.oent: 60fL t:he vot:e,.) The motion died 60fL laek 06 a maj ofLliy. C. Meeting wit:h t:he Lineoln Sehool PrO e Chaiftman WW-6 fLepo~ted t:hat: he and t:he. difLeet:ofL had at:te.nded a PrO gfLoup meeting at: Lineoln ElementafLY Sehool M a mean-6 06 -6 eeUng publie input: eo nc.eJtMng fteefLeatio l1al ne.ed.6 at: t:he eommunliy level wlihin t:he eliy. Ot:heJL -6ehool.6 have been eontaet:ed t:oo but: have not: yet: f1.Monde,d. He -6aid t:hat t:he gJtQup Wa.-6 vefty fLMpOn-6ive a.lt:hough t:he.y did not: have any imme.diat:e eonefLet:e -6uggMtiOn-6 t:o fLeeommend. They did mention t:heiJt exeJtwe pat:hlpM eouJt6e wrueh Wa.-6 u-6ed by people in t:he ne.ighbofLhood wit:h whieh t:hey eould pO-6-6ibly need M-6i-6t:anee. DilLeet:OfL Miekel-6 en -6aid t:hat: t:hey a.l6 0 men-tioned t:he. need 60fL mOfLe indoofL fteefLea.t.iona1.. aet:ivitiM; would lik.e t:o -6ee i6 t:he depa.fLt:ment: eould he.lp -6p0n-60ft mOfLe open-gym t:ype aet:ivitiM. Both t:he. dilLedofL and Chaiftman WW-6 6e.U t:he. meeting Wa.-6 VeJLY pO-6itive and look.ed 60ftWa.ftd to 6ut:Ufte meeting-6 wit:h ot:heft gfLoUp-6. REGULAR MEETING - Novembeft 17, 1983 PAGE 3 eVIL NEW BUSINESS None VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, Difteet:ofL Miek.el6e.n fLepofLt:ed t:hat: he had juot: COMMUNICATIONS, fteeeived a letteft indieating t:hat: t:hefte would be DIRECTOR'S REPORT mOfLe Land and Wat:eft COn.6eftvation Fund-6 available 60fL pftojew t:hi-6 eoming yeM. The depMt:ment: hM be.en 60fLt:unat:e in fteeuving 6und.6 60fL pfLoj ew in :the pM:t and he. -6uggeot:e.d :that t:he eommi-6-6ion give t:hought: t:o pOMible. pfLoj ew whieh would be. -6uUable in applying 60fL a gftant:. The eommi-6-6ion geneJta.lly agfLeed t:hat: J.x might: be appfLopfLiat:e t:o wOfLk. with :the -6ehool-6 on a eombined pfLojed. DiftedofL Miek.el-6en -6aid t:hat: t:he gfLanU had t:o be applied 60fL by JanuMY 31, 1984 :thefte6ofLe would fLequifLe pfLompt: aet:ion i6 :the depa.fLt:ment: weJte:to apply. Commi-6-6ioneJt CfLaw60fLd -6aid t:hat: -6he had been fteeeiving eommenU indiea.t.ing t:hat: people would lik.e :the oppofLt:unity :to -6wim dulLing :the wint:eJt mont:h.6. She M k.ed Difteet:ofL Miek.e1-6 en i6 he would ehec.k. int:o :the pOMibilUy 06 fLenting t:he. SOSC pool even one day a week. t:o 066eJL open -6wimming. IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS e CommiMioneJL CfLa.w60fLd -6aid t:hat -6he had a.l.60 been wOfLk.ing wlih a Ut:izen' -6 gfLoup eoneeJtning PMk.ing a1..ong Walk.eJL Avenue. She a..ok.ed whet:hefL t:he. eommi.6-6iol1 might: 6eel it appfLopfLiat:e t:o wfLlie a f,efteJL t:o t:he Tfta6Me Sa6et:y Commi-O-6ion eoneeJLning pa.ftfung and t:Jta6Me a1..ong Walk.eJL Avenue -6inee t:he depa.fLt:ment: hM ineJteMed fLeefLea.t.iona1.. 6aeiUtiM in t:hat: Me.a. The eommi-6-6ion 6eLt li wou.ld be appfLopfLiat:e and ChaifLman WeiM -6aid t:hat he. would wfLlie a letteJt t:o t:he TfLa6Me Sa-6et:y Commi-6.6ion. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA The next: RegulM Meeting 60fL t:he eommiMion wa..o -6 et: bOfL 7:00 P.M. on Deeembeft 6, 1983. DilLeet:ofL Miek.el6en fLe.minded t:he. eommiMion t:hat: bid.6 60fL t:he M phalt: wOfLk in Llihia PMk. would be pM-6 ed upon at: t:hat: me.eting. Wlih no 6wr:theJt bu.oine.o-6, :the. meeting WM adj o Uftn ed . XI. ADJOURNMENT Re'oped6uUy -6ubmJ..fted, Ann Benediet: S eefLet:a.fLY e . - e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DeeembefL 21, 1983 The Chaiftman ealled the meeting t:o oftdeJt at: 4:30 P.M. at: 340 S. PioneeJL St:Jteet:. ATTENDANCE: PfLM e.nt:: Ab-6 ent: W W-6, P eek.ham, N el-6 0 n, SeaM, Miek. e1-6 en CftdW60fLd I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS None I1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commi-6-6ioneJt Nel-6on moved t:o appJtOve t:he minut:M 06 t:he Novembe,'t 17, 1983 RegulM Meeting. CommiM-toneJt Peek.ham -6eeonded. Wlih no ciL.6eM-6ion, t:he eomm~MtOn unanimou-61y apPfLoved t:he. minut:eo. III. BILLS AND FINANCES Chaiftman IJ)W-6 a..ok.e.d i6 t:hefLe weJte any que,,~tiOn-6 eoneeJtning t:he biffi WU pfLe-6 ent:ed 6fLom t:he ptLeviou-6 mont:h. TheJte WeJLe no que.otiOn-6. CommiMione.ft Se.Mo moved to aeeept t:he billo wu: PaYfLoll eheek.-6 #3962 - 3988 al1d Payableo ehe.ek.-6 #6829 - 6880. Commi-6-6ioneJt Nel-6on -6 e.eonded. The. vot:e. Wa.-6: 4 ye.6 - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION m/-lE AGEN1Ji\- None. V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON 11Tr-AGrNDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Covl/~ideJLat:ion 06 VilLe.et:OfL Miek.el-6 en pfLeo ent:ed a bid t:abula.t.ion 60fLm Bid.6 60fL A.6phatt t:o t:he eommi.6-6ioneJtO -6howing t:he bid fteoult:o 60fL WOfLk in LliMa. PMk. t:he Mphatt WOftk. pftoj eet: in Llih~a PMk.. Two bid.6 had been pfLMent:ed: TfLu-Mix COn-6.tJ1LLetion pfteoent:ed a t:ot:a1.. bid paekage 06 $106,100 and Rogue Rive.ft Paving pfteoent:ed a tot:al bid paek.age 06 $107,500. He indieat:ed that: t:he bid-6 had eome ~n appfLoxi- mat:ely double what: t:he depCV1;tment: -6 t:a 6 6 and t:he Mehliec;t on the ptLO j ed had Mt:imat:ed. He !leeommended t:o t:he eommi-6-6ion t:hat: t:he.y t:ak.e t:he. bid.6 unde!l advi-6ement: giving t:he depMt:ment: t:ime t:o con-6ideJt aUeJLna.t.ive met:hod.6 oil eompleting t:he pftO j ed. MOTION A6teA bftie6 ~~euo-6ion, Commi-6-6ione.ft Neloon moved t:o pO-6t:pone. t:ak.ing aet:ion on the bid-6 60fL a pwod not: exeee.ding thifLt:y daY-6 6'tom t:he dat:e 06 bid opeMng. Commi-6-6ioneJt SeaM -6econded. The vote Wa.-6: 4 ye.o - 0 no e - e REGULAR MEETING - DeeembefL 21, 1983 PAGE 2 VII. NEW BUSINESS None VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT DilLedofL Miek.el-6 en pfLM ent:e.d t:he. eommi-6-6ionefL.6 wilh a eopy 06 t:he 6inanua1.. -6t:at:ement: 60fL t:he opeJta.t.ion 06 t:he DaMel MeYeJL MemofLia1.. Pool 60fL t:hi-6 la.-6t: -6ummeJL. TheJte. Wa.-6 lit:t.le M.6eM-6ion. The -6t:atement: will a.-6-6i-6t: in t:he budget: planMng pftOeM-6 60fL t:he 84-85 6i-6eal yeafL. IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS Commi-6-6ioneJt SeaM not:ed t:hat: t:he mUftw had been eut: baek. 6fLom t:he. PeJtozzi Fount:ain. The .6t:a.66 planned t:o do -6ome eonefLet:e wOfLk. and land.6eaping t:hi-6 -6 pfLing . DilLe.dofL Miek.wen -6aid t:hat: he had fLeeuved notiee 6fLom Finanee Difteet:ofL Bob Nel-6on 06 t:he. -6ehedule 60fL t:he eliy budget: planMng pfLOeM-6. He -6a.id t:hat t:he t:,[m-tng Wa.-6 move.d up 6fLom pfLe.vioM yeaM and fLeeomme.nded a meet~ng e.a.fLly in JanUafLY t:o -6t:a.fLt: pfLepafLil1g 60ft t:he 84-85 budget:. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT The eommi-O-6ion will me.et on JanUafLY 5, 1983 at 6:30 P.M. t:o fLeview t:he. bid.6 on t:he a.-6 phaU: pfLO j eet: and to eondud a St:udy SeMion on t:he budget:. Wlih no 6ufLt:heJt bu.-6 inM-6, t:he meeting Wa.-6 adj oUftned. RMpeet:6uUy -6u.bmi:t:ted, Ann Benediet: Ve.pMt:ment SeenetafLY