HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01 Minutes . - . CITY OF ASH LAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING JanuMY 5, 1984 The Chainman called ~he me.eting to o~d~ ~ 6:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE: P ~e..o en~: Abl.J eM: WW.6,Peekham, C~aw60~d, Nwon, HOWMd, Miekwen SeM.6 I. Bid.o 60~ A.ophaU The eommJ...o.6ion WM meeting ~o eovr.oid~ ~he bid.o WO~Q in L.-Lthia PMk which had come in on Deee.mb~ 21, 1983 60~ MphaU wo~k in Lahia PMk. D~ee~o~ Mieket6 en ~e.minde.d the eommJ...o.6ione.M ~h~ ~he bid.o had come in .6ubl.J~an-tJ..ally high~ ~han ~he depMtmeJll.-t had awup~ed. T~u Mix Con.6~uwon had .6ubmWed a to~al bid 06 $106,100 and Rogue Riv~ Paving had l.JubmWe.d a bid On $107,500. He ~eeommended ~o ~he. eommJ...6.6ion ~ha:t ~hey ~eje~ ~he bid.o and make a mo~on a~ho~zing ~he. dep~eM ~o inve..o~gate. aU~n~ve m~hod.o 06 eompteting ~he p~oje~ and ~o p~oee.e.d wah ~he. p~o j e~ when a hM come up wah a muhod 06 eompte.-Ung ~he. p~o j e.~ in a mann~ which woutd be ae..o~hetieatty pte.Ming and wahin ~he budgu 60~ ~he p~oje~. MOTT ON CommJ...o.6ione.Jt NeR,6 on move.d to ~ej e.~ ~he. bid.o .6ubmWed Veeemb~ 21, 1983 60~ A.6phaU and O~h~ Re.tated Wo~k in L.-LtMa PMk. Comm--l.6.6;,on~ PeeQham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..6 ~ 0 no In b~e6 fueu.o.6ion, ~he eommJ...o.6ion a~ho~ze.d ~he d{f[e~o~ ~o inve..o~g~e and p~oeeed wah an aU~natJ..ve m~hQd 60~ eompte.-Ung ~he p~hway .6 Y.6~e.m. Completion 0 6 ~he PMking Mea Mound ~he new I.Jhop would be. eon.oide.Jted ano~h~ lime. II. AdjoMnmen~ Wah no 6u~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he me.eting WM adjoMne.d. Re..ope.~6uUy .6ubmWed, ~.';o Ann Bene.dJ..~ VepMtmeM SeMuMY . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RegufM Meeting JanuMY 26, 1984 The chainman eatled the meeting to o~d~ ~ 7:15 P.M. in ~he depM:tmen-t onniee. ATTENDANCE: P~e..o eM: Ab.6 en-t : W~.6, Peckham, N~on, C~aw60~d, AUekwen, HOWMd SeaM I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6aJ..d ~h~ he had ~eeuved a Mnal copy 06 ~he manage.meM ag~eemeM bdween the illy and ~he eommJ...o.6ion eone~nJ..ng mMn-tenanee On ~he Women'.6 C.ivie CeM~ BuUdJ..ng and .6ugge..o~ed ~h~ a be ptaeed und~ old bu.oil1ell.6. CommJ...6.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o have ~he min~e.o a -6 ~he Deee.mb~ 21, 1983 RegutM Meeting mJ..n~e..o appnoved M ~e.ad. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vote Wa,6: 4 ye..o .,.. 0 no II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES . CO~.6~on~ Peckham moved ~o have ~he min~e.o On ~he Speual Meeting 06 Jal1uMY 5, 1984 app~oved M ~ead. Comm~.6ion~ Ne1.oon .6econded. The vo~e Wa,6; 4 YeA - 0 no II!. BILLS ANV FlNANCES CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon moved ~o have ~he Bit.t6 LJ...o:t6 inducUl1g PaYfLoU CheeR..6 # 39 89 t~ough #4030 and Payabte.o CheeR..6 #6881 ~~ough #6973 app~oved. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA A. Ron Lamb - The eommJ...o.6ione.M had inv.-Lted Ran Lamb ~o ~he me~ng SOSC O~doo~ ~o p~ell eM an ov~vie.w on ~he Mt. Camp AdveMuJLe P~og~am P~og~am which the depM:tmen-t .opovr.oo~ed ye.Mly and which WM eondu~ed and WM an iMeg~al p~ 06 ~he mM~e.M p~ogfLam in Outdoo~ Education ~ SOSC. D~. Lamb exp~ned how ~he pfLogMm WM ~un M :to .6~udeM deve.-topmeM and gutda.nee, votumn 06 p~eipan:t6 which the camp could manage, dellign an ~eMecc;t{:onal and e.due~onal exp~enee 60~ ~he campe.M, -6auuy 6a~OM and .ouch. He -6Md ~hat -6ueeell.6 06 ~he. p~og~am derende.d in lMge. p~ on enltoUmeJll.-t in ~he o~doo~ p~og~am which had been dwindeJ..ng in ~eeen-t ye~. He .6a.id ~hM ~he coUege WM ~ying a cU66eJLeM 6o~mat to ~y ~o in~e.Me _ ewwUme.M ~n ~he p~ogMm. The eO~.6~oneM ~hanked DfL. Lamb 6o~ hJ...o eommen:t6. . e MOTION e Janu.MY 26, 1984 -- RegufM Me~ng PAGE 2 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA - CONTINUED B. Dianne DeBey - M6. DeBey WM p~e..o eM ~o d{J., eu.o.6 wah ~he eommJ...o.6ion P~ozzi FouMaJ..n ~he. HJ...oto~e CommJ...o.6ion'.6 p~og~ell.6 in piavr.o ~o fLe..o~O~e. ~he P~ozzi Foun-tMn. She. exptained ~o ~he eom~.6ion ~h~ ~he HJ...o~o~e CommJ...o.6ion 6e.-U that ~hey had 60u.nd m~~at6wah which ~he flouMMn could be ~e..o~o~ed which w~e d~abte and v~y ~ellJ...o~aM ~o vand~m. The. H--l.6to~e CommJ...o.oion ell~m~ed ~hat ~he 60uMain could be ~e..o~o~ed along ~he..oe linell 60fL abo~ $20,000 and ~hat ~hey w~e inve..o~gatJ..ng .6 ev~al way.o ~o ~ e ~he money. D~e~o~ w.ekeY--6 en ~otd Diane ~hat ~he de.p~men~ WM neMly eompl~ed wah m po~on 06 e-eeaMng up ~he. Me.a nO~ ~ell~o~aUon and that ~hat .6houtd be eompl~e. wahin ~he next ~h~ee we.ek.6 o~ .60. AgeU:n ~he eommJ...o.6ion emphMized ~h~ ffi p~mMY eone~n abo~ ~e..o~ofLa;Uon WM ~he pO.6.6.-CbiWy 06 vand~m which could be v~y expen.oive. D~e.e:to~ Miekwen .6Md ~hat he- had .-Cnve..o~qated and ~hat ft WM hJ...o u.ndeM~andJ..ng ~h~ an iYl..6~anee policy could be PMchMe.d~ which p~obabty would ~un an annual pJtemiu.m 015 abo~ $300 and would have a $1000 deduwble p~ oeeuMnee.. M6. DeBey .6aJ..d ~hat in .6pealUng wah John hegone..oe, D~ee:to~ 015 PianMng, ~h~ he had .6Md ~o M.6Me ~he eommJ...o.oion ~h~ ~he illy would be piaung ~he 60U-MMn und~ ~he cay'.6 ivr.oManee. p~og~am. Counwman HOWCULd .6uggell~ed that .6he Mk John ~o w~e a te.ft~ ~o ~he PMM CommJ...o.6.-Con .60 .6~a;Ung at60 .6~~ng who would be ~e..opoYl..6ibte 6o~ pfLemiu.m paymeM. CounUlrnan HOWMd .6aid wo ~h~ he had atiende,-d a me.eting in wMeh p1.avr.o 60~ ~ell~o~on 06 ~he. nouMain had been pJLelle.Me.d and ~hat he 6e.-U he could veJUf 111ueh .6lippO~ :the plavr.o undeJl.WaY ~ tM.6 thne. V~ee:to~ Miekwen .6 IUd ~hat he had atiended ~he .6ame-mewng and th~ he too could .6 uppo~ ~he p.ta,n.o, howev~, ~he. eommJ...ol.1ion would .6:t{U waM to .0 ee fJ-tna.l ptaY1..6 fJO!( ~ell~OfL~On be60fLe wo~k would begin pf.u..o ft WM neee..o.oMY th~ ~he eomm--l.6.6ion know eonct~ety how ~he qUe..o~on 06 pO-6.6.-Cbte eM:t6 ineUf1/l.ed by van~m would be handted. D.-Lane VeBey .6aJ..d ~hat .6he and CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 ha,d d-t6euM ed at one ~me having a -6maU -6hOWCMe. ptaeed at ~he. 150uMlUn exp~Mng ~he. wo~k bung done and ~he neee..o.6fty ~o ~we fJund.o. She Mked i6 ~ha;t eould be a.pPJtove.d. The eommJ...o.6ioneM .6a-2d ~hCtt ~hey would like. to eovr.oid~ ~he mart~ .6inee ~hey had ju.ot ~eeen-Uy deuded ~o pf.aee a eM e. at ~he band6he.U eone~rU:ng upeom.-Cng even:t6 and w~e.n I ~ e~Mn abo~ plaung ano~h~ eM e MJ nca~y. M6. De-Bey .6Md th~ .6he !leU a wouf.d be v~y he.lp6U-t to the. Jte..o~o~on pfLoje~. V.AUVTENCE PARTICIPATION NOT (IN THE AGENVA None. VI. OLD BUSINESS D~e~o~ Miekwen o~ned ~he. Mnal Ma6;t 06 ~he managemeM ag~ee.meM between ~he cay and pMR..6 150~ admJ..n-U~on 06 ~he Women'.6 Civic CeM~ BuildJ..ng. He .6aid ~h~ ~he ag~ee.meM WM in aeeo~da.nee wah p~eviou.oty d{J., eu.o.6 ed ~ange.men:t6 ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.oion had ag~eed to. He.6 ugg e..oted a mo~on ~o have ~he eh~an .6ign ~he agfLeemen-t. Com~.6ion~ Peckham .60 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 e.eonde.d. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no VI I. NEW BUSI NESS A. Etewon 06 06MeeM The. Chainman Mked 60~ nominatJ..oY1..6 6o~ Chainman tOfL 1984. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d nominated CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon, Th~e w~e no 6~h~ nomin~oYl..6. The Ch~an Mked i6 ~h~e. w~e a mo~on ~o eto.be. ~he . JanuMY 26, 1984 -- RegutM Me~ng PAGE 3 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Etewon 06 06 Mee.M B. Aeeep~nee. an audU 6~ 60~ 1983-84 e MOTION VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNI CATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA e nomJ..natJ..on.o and eM~ a unaMmou.o ballot. CommJ..Mion~ Peckham .60 moved. CommJ...o.oion~ C~aw60~d .6eeonded. Th~e w~e no deeewng VO~ell. The Ch~man Mked i6 ~h~e w~e any nomJ..n~oY1..6 nO~ Vice-Chainman. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon nomJ..n~ed CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaWno~d. ThefLe W~e. no 6~h~ nomJ..na.-uoYl..6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o ceo.6e ~he nomJ..n~on.o and eM~ a unaMmou.o ballo~. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6eeonded. Th~e. w~e no deeewng VO~ell. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d nomJ..n~ed Comm.-LMion~ SeM.6 nO~ T~eMM~. Th~e w~e no o~h~ nomin~oYl..6. CommJ..Mion~ Nwon made. a mo~on to do.6 e ~he nomin~oY1..6 and eM~ a unaMmou.o ballot. COmmJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. Th~e w~e no deeewng vo~e..o. D~e~o~ w.ekwen fLepo~ed ~ha:t ~he Cay On Mhtand hM agMn llied the 6~m 06 BMvr.o and Updeg~oveM audUoM 60~ 1983-84. He -6Md ~h~ the. dep~meM hM be.en v~y -6~ nied wfth ~he. 6J.Jr.rr1.6 wo~k in ~he pM~ and ~eeommended ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion ~h~ ~hey ~oo app~ove ~ng ~he 6~ 60fL ~he 1983-84 audU 60fL a nee 06 $1,980.00. A6~~ b~e.n dt.oeU6.6ion CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d moved to aeeep~ ~he 6~ 06 BMY1..6 and UpdegfLove M audUoM 60~ the de.pMtme.11-t in 1983~84 60~ a 6ee 06 $1,980.00. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6eeonde.d. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no Di~e~o~ w.ekw en ~epo~ed th~ ~he .6 otM .6 Y.6~e.m nO~ ~he poot J...o now eompt~ed. A.t6o ~he w~~ ~un in Lahia pMk hM now been ~e-.6M6aeed. And ~he Japanell e GMdeY1..6 Me now in the pMeell.6 06 bung ~e..o~o~e.d. A6:t~ d{J.,eu.o.6ion Vi~e~o~ w.ekwe.n WM Mke.d to .6ehedule a .6~udy .6 e..o.6ion between ~he. eommJ...o.oion and ~he Cay Counue an ~he ~opie On ~ee~eatJ..onal 6undJ..ng. The ne~ RegufM Me.~ng wa.o .6eheduted 60~ Feb~uMY 23, 1984. Re..ope.~nuUy .6ubmJ..rte.d, ~>b Ann B e.ne.dJ..~ DepMtmeM SeM~MY . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Feb~UMY 21, 1984 A TTENDANC E : P~e..o eM: Ab.6 eM: I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. . BILLS AND FINANCES A. App~oval 06 fu b UM e.men:t6 B. App~oval 06 QuMt~y F inanUat S~ate.meM - Deee.mb~ 31, 1984 REGULAR MEETING The me.~ng WM ealle.d to o~d~ by ~he chainman ~ 7: 15 P.M. ~ 340 S. Pione~ S~e~. Nwon, C~aw60~d, Peckham, Miekwen W U.o.6, S eM.6 Th~e W~e. no ad~ovr.o o~ det~oY1..6 ~o ~he agenda. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d moved to have ~he mJ..n~e.6 06 ~he. JanuMY 26, 1984 RegufM Me~ng app~oved a6 w~en. CommLMion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 ye..o - 0 no CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham move.d ~o appfLove ~he fubUMemen-t.o 60~ ~he p~eviou.o mOMh wMeh inetuded Pay~oll ehe.ek.o #4031 ~~ough 4058 and Payabte.o eheek.o #6974 ~~ough 7030. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d .6 eeonde.d. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no The ehM~an Mked the eommJ..MioneM whuh~ ~hey had any qUell~OY1..6 eone~vUng ~he VeeembefL 19 84 QuMt~y Finanual S~~e.meM wMeh they had been p~e..o eMed. Th~e w~e no qUell~iovr.o. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham moved ~o app~ove ~he. Qu~~y Finanual S~ate.me.M. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeo nded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA A. Pi~Mell 06 LaMa MIL. TeJrJLY SlUbby, an A6htand ~e..oiden-t, p~e..o eMe.d a PMk - T~y SlUbby collection 06 pho~ogMph.o ~o ~he eommJ...o-6ion 06 Lah.-La PMk d~ng back ~o app~oxhnatety 1915. The eommJ...o.oion had been eOYl..6id~ng pMehMing eopie..o 06 .6ome ea!1.-ly pi~Mell 06 ~he pMk and MfL. SlUbby had been Mke.d ~o .ohow hJ...o eollewon. A6~efL .oeung ~he pi~Mell, the eommJ...o.oion Mked M~. SlUbby ~o e..o~m~e a eo.6~ 60~ having .oome. 06 ~he. pho~o.6 ~ep~oduee.d 60~ pMeha6e. e V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None . REGULAR MEETING - Feb~uMY 21, 1984 PAGE 2 MOTION VII. .ION VI II . e VI. 0 LV BUS I NESS A. 1984-85 Budg~ App~oval A6~~ b~e6 d{.oeu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham move.d to appfLove ~he 1984-85 PMR..6 and ReMeatJ..on Dep~en-t Budg~ M p~ell eMed. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vote WM: 3 Yell - 0 no V~e~o~ Miekwen ~e.minded ~he eommJ...o.oione.M ~h~ Diane DeBey 6~om ~he HJ...o~o~e CommJ...o.6ion had ~eque1>ted ~h~ a .ohoweMe be piaeed at ~he P~ozzi FouMMn exp~ning ~he ~e1>~o~~on wo~k which they hope to und~ake no~ ~he 60uMMn. He .6Md ~h~ the .6~a66 elllimated ~h~ a eMe could be butU 60~ app~oUmatety $200 i6 ~he eommJ...o.6ion would .60 app~ove. In fueu.o.6ion, a WM du~ned ~h~ ~he .6howeM e would ~e.mMn at ~he 60uMMn d~l1g ~he ~e..o~o~a-uon p~oee..o.6 and ~hen would be ~emoved. It WM d~~ned ~h~ ~he depMtmeM would ~y ~o dellign ~he .6hOWeM e .60 ~hat ft could be ~eu6 ed. I~ WM a.t60 dU~mined ~h~ ~he .6howeMe would no~ be butU u.nte..o.6 ~he illy app~oved ~he budgu ~eque..ot by the HJ...o~otie CommJ...o.6ion 60~ pMtial 6uncUng an ~he p~oj e~. B. ShoweMe 60~ P~ozzi Foun-tain NEW BUSINESS A. AppfLoval 06 ~e..ootuUon ~o ~avr.o 6 ~ 6 und.o - 1983-84 budg~ COMMUNICATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE, DIRECTORl'SREPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA x. XI. ADJOURNMENT The diJte~o~ p~e1>en-ted a b~eakdown ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion 06 a ~eque..o~ ~o ~avr.o 6~ 6und.o 6~om ~he Op~~ng Cowngeney Fund to o~h~ aeeou.n:t6. A6t~ b~e6 d{.oeU6.6ion CommJ...o.61on~ C~aw60~d made a mo~on ~o ~eque..o~ ~h~ ~he Cay Cou.nw app~ove ~he ~avr.o 6~ 06 6und.o M incUeated. Commi.6.oion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no None None The RegufM Mee-Ung 60~ MMeh WM .6 ~ 60~ ThuJ1l.lda.y, MMeh 29, 1984 ~ 7:15 P.M. Wah no n~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he chainman adj oMned ~he mee-Ung. Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmJ..rted, o(:5huLt >1> Ann BenecU~ Dep~e.n-t Se~UMY . fII0TION . MMeh 6, 1984 ATTENDANCE: P~e.6eM: Ab.6 en-t: I . Re~eatJ..on SWal Levy II. AdjoMnme.M CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING The Chainman called the. me~ng ~o o~d~ ~ 7:30 A.M. ~ CtMk Cortage, A.6htand. Net.oon, C~aw60fLd, Peckham, W~.6, Miekwen SeM.6 D~ecto~ w.ekw en p~ell eMed ~he eommJ...o.6ioYLeM wah a copy an the ballo~ ~e 60~ ~he p~opo.oed ~eMeatJ..on .0 wal tevy. He b~e6ty exptMned ~he eOMen:t6 in ~he ~e. CommJ...o.oion~ W~.6 made a mo~on .6~ng ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion .6hould w~e a tdt~ ~o the cay council endoMing ~he piaee.meM 06 ~he ~e~eat-ion .6wal tevy M o~ed in ~he batlo~ ~e an ~he May 15, 1984 ballo~ 60~ electJ..oYl..6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The mo~on eaMJ..ed unan-tmou.oty. Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he me.~g WM adjoMned. Rell pect6uUy .6 ubmJ..rted, ~:Y::. Ann BenedJ..~ DepMmeM S e~~MY e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MMeh 29, 1984 The chainman called the meeting ~o o~d~ ~ 7:30 P.M. at ~he PMk.o and ReMe.atJ..on Dep~en-t onMee. ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: Ne.-e.oon, Peckham, CJtaW60~d, SeaJt6, Miekwen, HowaJtd WW.6 I. AdcUUovr.o OfL Dete.-Uovr.o Th~e w~e 110 adcUUoY1..6 o~ detetiovr.o ~o ~he agenda. e I I I. &U6 and F inaneell II. App~oval 06 Min~ell CommJ...o.oiol1~ SeM.6 moved ~o have ~he mJ..n~ell 06 bo~h ~he RegutM Mee.-Ung On Fe.b~UMY 21, 1984 and ~he Speual Mee.-Ung an MMeh 6, 1984 app~oved M w~en. CommJ...o.oion~ CJtaWno~d .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no The chainman Mked whuh~ ~h~e WM any fueu.o.6ion on the b.-LU6 w:t6 p~elleMe.d nO~ ~he p~e.viou.o mOMh. Th~e WM no cU.oeu.o.6ion. CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6 moved ~o app~ove ~he ~he fubuMe.men:t6 ~ep~elleMed by Payabtell eheek.o #7031 t~ough 7083 and Pay~oU ehe.ek.o #4059 t~ough 4087. CommJ...o.oiol1~ Peckham .6eeonded. The. vo~e. WM: 4 Yell - 0 no IV. AucUenee P~upatJ..on an ~he. Agenda None V. AudJ..enee. P~up~on None no~ an the Agenda VI. Otd Bu.oine..o.6 A. Coneell.6iovr.o 60~ D~e~o~ w.eke..t6 en .oaJ..d ~h~ he had ~e.euved .6 ev~al .ou.mm~ .6e.Mon ~equell:t6 6~om pe.MOY1..6 eone~ning .6povr.oo~ng .ooMbatl tOMnamen:t6 th--l.6 coming .6umm~. Thelle pOMibte. ~oMnameM .6pOvr.oOM had Mked abo~ p~ovidJ..ng eonee..o.6iovr.o in ~~ovr.o hip to ~he ~oMnamen:t6 in o~d~ to ~a.-L6 e money d~ng ~he ~oMnamen:t6. D~e~o~ Miekwe.n .6aJ..d ~h~ he would like. a eoneevr.ou.o bfLom ~he eommJ...o.6iol1 eone~nJ..ng eoneell.oioYl..6. A6~~ .oome. fueu.o.oion, a WM du~mJ..ned that nO~ ~hJ...o coming yeM ~h~ .-LncUvidual ~oMnameM .opOvr.oOM would be atlowed ~o ~un ~hw own eOl1eell.6ioYl..6; ~h~ ~he. dep~eM WM no~ iM~ellte.d in ~alUng a p~eeMage n~om ~ho.6e eonee..o.6iovr.o o~ tuung ~he. eoneell.6iovr.o o~ ~o bid. Howev~, in ~he eomJ..ng ye.M, in ~he ned~al gMM J...o app~oved and ~he eoneell.6ion .6tand J...o butU ~ the SOSC Metd.o, ~h~ ~he policy would obviou.oty be aU~ed. It WM dUeJunine.d that a nee 06 $15. 00 p~ ~e.am would be atJ.6ell.oed n~om each ~OMnameM .6p0Yl..60~ in o~d~ ~o u.oe. ~he Metd.o adminJ...o- ~~e.d by ~he de.p~eM. e e - REGULAR MEETING - MMeh 29, 1984 PAGE 2 Otd BU6ine.6.6 - eon-tinued B. B~yaM-Jonell PfLOP~Y- Comm--l.6.6ion~ Se.M.6 .6Md ~hat ~he ~e~o~ had vehiete eo~ot ~eee.-{ve.d a ~e.-eephone call 6fLom a p~on who ~epo~ed ~h~ nOM-wheet ~ve. vehicte..o had be-en .6 e-en ~ving Maund down ne.M the B~yaM-Jone..o pond Mea an .6ev~al oeeM.6ioYl..6. He ~eeommended ~h~ ~he depMtmeM take .oome .6~ep.6 to eontk.ot vehide aeeell.o to the Mea. Th~e WM fueu.o.6ion eone~Mng pO.o~ng ~he- Me.a and having ~he potiee depMtme.M cheek .-Lt p~od{eally. Final eoneeYl..6u.o WM ~hat a 6e.nee would be ~e.~ed ~ the end 06 Gtendow~ S~e~ which woutd p~oMba vehieulM ~an6ie6~om g~ng OMO ~he- p~op~y b~ which woU-td te.ave aeee.6.6 6o~ 600~ ~n6ie. FJ...ohing in A.ohtand C~e-ek CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .6Md ~h~ he had ~eeuve.d eat.t6 eone~Mng ehil~e.n 6J...oMng in Mhtand C~ee-k o~ 06 .6 eM 0 n. A.6 --l.6 known, illy ofLdJ..nanee peJunm ehil~en twetve yeM.6 06 age. and und~ ~o 6J...oh in Mhtand C~eek wahin pMk bou.nd~ell. Howev~, 6J...oMng in ~he Meek 6at.t6 und~ the j~cUwon 06 ~he .6~e. FJ...oh and Game CommJ...o.6ion and can onty be done- d~ng the tegal nJ...oMng .6e.Mon M .oU by ~he. FJ...oh and Game- CommJ...o.6ion. He ~eeommende-d ~h~ ~he ~e~o~ eon-ta~ ~he toeal new.opap~ MlUng ~he.m ~o ~un a .6matl ~ete ~emJ..ncUng ~he chJ..l~en 0 n ~he F J...o h and Game GommJ...o.6io n ~ule..o and ~e.mincUng ~he-m ~h~ 6J...ohing in MILt-and C~e.ek 6at.t6 und~ ~ho.6e ~ule..o a.t60. The o~h~ me.mb~ On ~he. eommJ...o.6ion eone~ed. Requell~ by Su.oan Rud nO~ D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6Md ~h~ he had been app~oaehed Corton AfLea b~~oom by CounUfue.mb~ Su.oan Rud a eoupte On lime..o eone~Mng ~he- Carton A~ea b~h~oom bu-itdJ..ng. Som~e ~h.-L6 .op~ng ~he- de.p~me.M w.-LU be ~e-~ng down ~he ~ell~oom in o~d~ to budd a new na~y. Su.oan Rud hM M ked ~he ~e~o~ whuh~ o~ no~ il would be- ag~eeabte ~o ~he dep~eM ~o have a g~oup ~e.move the. buddJ..ng iMa~ and move- a ~o ano~h~toeatJ..on nOfL ~hw awn u.o e-. D~e~o~ Miekwen .6aJ..d ~h~ he had incUe~e-d to h~ ~h~ he dJ..d not 6eet th~e would be. a pfLobte.m wah th~ M tong M ~he budding WM moved be.no~e the depMtmeM nee-de.d to .o~Mt eo~uctJ..on on ~he. new ~ell~oom 6a~y no~ ~he pMk. He. M ked ~he. eommJ...o.6ion i6 ~hey would ag~e.e ~o thJ...o. The eomm--l.6.6ion dJ..d no~ opp0.6e having ~he. buddJ..ng ~e.moved in a WM done- be60~e- eovr.o~u.~ion 06 the new 6auWy WM neeell.6MY and .6ugge..o~ed t~ ~he. dJ..~ecto~ eOMa~ Su.oan Re.-Ld giving h~ a date. by which ~he budcUng would have ~o be moved i6 .6he wan-te.d ~o do .60. VIII . VI I. New Bu.oinell.6 None. .1. IX. CommUMe~OYl..6, CO~e.6pondenee., V~e.~o~'.6 Repo~ I~em.o n~om ~he. CommJ...o.6ione.M Next Mon-th'.o Age-nda The next Re-gulM Memng WM .6 eheduted no~ Wedne.6day, Ap~ 25, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. W.-Lth no 6~h~ bu.oine.6.6, ~he eh~an adjo~ned ~he me.mng. None- None x. AdjoMnmeM Re..ope~nuUy .6ubmJ..rted, Ann BenecU~, SeMuMY e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Ap~ 26, 1984 The ehaaman called ~he meeting to o~d~ ~ 7:00 P.M. at ~he PMk.o and Re.MeatJ..on Dep~eM o66iee, 340 S. Pione~ S~e~. ATTENDANCE: P~e..o eM: Ab.6 eM: Ne.-e.oon, C~60~d, SeaM, Pe.ekham, Miekwen WW.6 I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Th~e w~e no ad~ovr.o OfL dete.-UoY1..6 ~o the age.nda. CommJ...o.oion~ Pe.ekham moved ~o have the mJ..n~e..o 06 ~he MMeh 29, 1984 RegufM Mee.-Ung app~oved a.6 w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .0 eeonde.d. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no - III. BILLS AND FINANCES A . D J...o b uJ1I.l em en:t6 CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.aM moved to aeeep~ ~he. p~e.v.-Lou.o mOMh'.6 eXpendUMell M indJ..e~e.d in pay~oU c.heek.o #4088 t~ough #4121 and payabte.o ehe.ek.o #7084 ~~ough 7139. CommJ...o.oion~ C~aw60~d .6e.eonde.d. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no B. QuMt~y Finanual S~e.meM - MMeh 31, 1984 The eommJ...o.6ione.M had ~eviewed ~he QuMt~ty F inanual S~~e.meM M p~epMed by ~he c1...{}[e~o~. The eommJ...o.6ioneM had no qUell~iovr.o eone~Mng ~he ~epo~. D~e~o~ Miekwen .6~~ed ~h~ ~he depM:tmeM WM in good .6hape going iMO ~he 60uUh quMt~ 06 the 6J...oeal YeM. VI. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA None V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS None VII. NEW BUS I NESS None -- e e e REGULAR MEETING - Ap~ 26, 1984 PAGE 2 VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT D~e~o~ Mieke.-e.oen in60~ed ~he eommJ...o.6ion ~h~ the b~oehMe 6o~ .oumm~ p~og~.6 would be o~ ~he. 6.-LJt6~ week in May and t~ ~he. 6.-LJt6~ day 06 ~egJ...o~atJ..on 60~ .ou.mm~ pfLog~.6 would be S~Mday, May 12~h between 9:00A.M. and Noon ~ ~he. Mey~ PooL The .6p~ng opening 60~ ~he poot WM .6~ 60lt May 25~h. D~e~o~ w.ekwen at60 mewoned ~h~ eovr.o~uction 60~ ~he new ~ell~oom 6a~y in ~he Carton Me.mo~al A~e.a would be.gin mJ..d-May. IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham inq~ed abo~ ~he eMb eut.o 60~ handJ..eapped aeee1>.6that W~e. pianned 60~ ~he pooL D~e~o~ Miekwe.n .6aJ..d ~h~ ~he.y would be done be.60~e ~he poot opened 60~ ~he .oeMon. The ne.xt RegulM Meding WM .6eheduled 60~ May 24, 1984 ~ 7:00 P.M. X. NEXT MONTH '.6 AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT Wili no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.o, ~he chainman adjoMned ~he meding. Rell!;rt6ue.e.y .6ubmJ..rted, (Jj~L~ Ann BenedJ..~ De.p~e.n-t Se~e.-tMy CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION May 2 3 , 19 84 ATTENDANCE: P~elleM: Ab.o eM: I. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR MEETING The chainman called the me~ng ~o o~d~ ~ 7:00P.M. Nwon, CfLaw60~d, Peckham, W~.6, Mieke.-e.oen CommJ...o.6ion~ Se.M.6 aMJ..ved tate. None Th~e w~e no ad~oY1..6 o~ det~ovr.o ~o ~he agenda.. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o app~oved ~he min~e..o 06 ~he Ap~t 26, 1984 RegufM Meeting a6 w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 e.conded. The vo~e. WM: 4 ye..o - 0 no III. BILLS AND FINANCES CommJ...o.6ion~ Pe.ekham inq~ed 06 the ~e~o~ a6 ~o whe-th~ .-Lt Wa6 ~eq~ed 60~ ~he. dep~en-t to have. a fLegJ...ot~ed Mehile~ Maw up ptaY1..6 60~ any eovr.o~ucUon 60~ a buUcUng wahin ~he pMk.o. V~e~o~ Miekwen ~e..oponded that he cUd not know that a WM ~e.q~ed 60~ atl buttcUng.6. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6~~e.d th~ he 6eU ~h~ i6 a WM no~ ~eq~ed ~o have a ~egJ...o~~ed Mehile~ th~ ~he depMtmeM eovr.oide~ having .6ome oth~ qualiMed pe.Mon Maw up the ptaY1..6 i6 a would p~ove to be te..o.6 expe.n6ive.. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 moved ~o have ~he. Bil.t6 w:t6 ~etewng fubuJ1l.le.men:t6 Payabtell eheek.o #7140 th~ough 7198 and Pay~oU ehe.ek.o nu.mb~ed 4122 ~~ough 4162. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6eeonde.d. The vote WM: 4 Yell - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA None V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. A~ho~zation 60fL bid.o an equtpmeM Di~e~ofL w.ekw en ~eque..oted a~ho~z~on ~o adv~ e 60~ bid.o on two pieeell 06 equtpmeM budge-ted 60~ in ~he 1984-85 bu.dg~: ~he hil.t6ide .6tJ..de 60~ ~he ptayg~ound and a tM6 ~uek.ot~. CommJ...o.oion~ CfLaw60~d moved ~o a~ho~ze adv~ing 60fL bid.o an the equtpme.M .6tated above.. CommJ...o.oion~ WW.6 .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no REGULAR MEETING - May 23, 1984 PAGE 2 VII. NEW BUSINESS None VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, Chainman Ne.t6on fLead a te.-t:t~ ~o ~he eomm--l.6.6ion 6~om COMMUNICATIONS, B.-LU Patlon on ~he O~egon Shakellpe.Mean Fell~val in DIRECTOR'S REPORT which he ~eque..oted th~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion give app~oval 60~ a mJ..M-baJtbeeue on June 12~h 60~ ~he company me.mb, 06 ~he 6ell~val M an extevr.oion On ~he Fea.ot 06 WiU .6eheduled no~ ~he 15~h 06 Ju.ne ~w YeM. He exp~n' ~h~ .6.-Lnee company membe.M w~e ~equ{f[ed ~o wo~k d~ng ~he Fe.M~ ~h~ they could no~ p~upate in the eeteb~atJ..on and, th~e60~e, the 6ell~vat would like to 066~ ~he.m a minJ..-Fe.a6~ in advance. 06 ~he eeteb~atJ..on. CommJ...o.6ion~ Pe.ekham eommen-ted ~h~ he 6e.-e:t ~h~ ~he ~eque..o~ 6~om ShakellpeMe .6h01Ud be eOYl..6id~ed a "new" fLeqUell~ 60~ a bMbeeue and th~e60~e .6 hould be deMed by the eommJ...o.6ion in that ~hey had p~eviou.oty .6 ~ a policy .6~atJ..ng ~h~ onty ~he thltee tMge bMbeeuell w~eh had been app~oved a eoupte 06 yeM.6 ago would be hetd in ~he FeM~ 06 W.-LU Mea. In b~e6 d{.oeu.o.6ion eoneeYl..6u.o among ~he eommJ...o.6ione.M WM ~h~ in no way dJ..d ~hey wJ...oh ~o aU~ ~he p~eviou.6ty e1l~abwhed policy ~egMdtell.6 06 thw dewion on the euMeM ~equell~ 6~om ~he Fell~vat. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 eommeMed that the ~eqUellt in the tdt~ Mked i6 ~he adcUtionat mini-bMbe.eue eoutd be eovr.oid~ed an "erteYl..6ion 06 ~he Fea.o~ 06 Will" which would not a~uatly aU~ ~he eommJ..Mion'.6 policy eone~Mng atlowing MOTION mo~e. tMge. bMbe.eue..o iMO ~he Mea. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham made a mo~on ~o ~e..opond to the O~egon ShakellpeMean Felluval M.60uatJ..on fLeg~~6uUy denying ~he u.oe On ~he FeM~ On Will Mea 60~ ~he miM-bMbeeue ~eque..o~ed beeau.o e. a weM eo~y ~o eommJ...o.6ion policy e..o~abwhed p~eviou.oty eone~Mng the nu.mb~ 06 bMbeeUell to be hetd in the Mea. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .6 eeonded. In d{.oeu.o.6ion CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6tated ~hat he could no~ eOYl..6ide~ ~he ~e.quell~e.d bMbeeue an "ex~eYl..6ion on ~he FeM~ 06 Will" and a ~heAeno~e .6hould be deMed. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 dJ...6ag~eed .6aying th~ he 6eU it could be eOn6id~ed an erteYl..6ion and ~h~e.60~e WM no~ eo~aJty ~o eommJ...o.6ion policy. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 .oMd ~h~ he 6e.-e:t ~hat app~oving ~he ~equell~ would go eOUM~ to p~eviou.oty elltabwhed policy and that ft woutd invae mo~e ~equell:t6 60~ mo~e tMge. bMbe.eUell in ~he, Mea and ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.oion would no~ ~hen have a eteM policy ~egMcUng the .6ize and nu.mb~ 06 g~OUp.o which would be. aUowed ~o hotd nuncaoY1..6 in the Mea. Ch~man Ne.t6on eatled 60~ the qUell~on. The vo~e WM: 2 ye..o (Peckham, SeM.61 2 no (WW.6, C~aw60~d) 1 ab.6~ewon (Nwonl The mo~on cUed 60~ tack 06 a majo~y. Ch~man Nwon indJ..e~ed ~hat he WM inilined ~o app~ove 06 ~he Fe..o~vat'.6 ~eqUell~ no~ ~he ad~onal ~me 60~ ~he bMbeeue no~ nell~val e.mptoyee..o b~ ~hat he would waM a deMty .6~ated gen~y and ~o ~he. Felluval p~eulMty ~h~ app~oval 06 ~hw ~eqUellt J...o eon-UngeM on the na~ ~hat a i.6 bung int~p~~ed M an ertevr.oion 06 ~he FeM~; that a J...o appfLoved 60~ ~hJ...o .6peu6J..e date only; and, ~hat a in no way aUe.M eommJ...o.6ion policy conee~Mng ~ell~wng ~he. nu.mb~ 06 tMge bMbeeuell ~o be held in ~he FeM~ 06 Will Mea. I"~TION CommJ...o.6ion~ WUM move.d ~o gMM ~he O~egon ShakellpeMean Fell~val p~Mion ~o engage in an erten6ion 06 the FeMt 06 Will M ~eque.6~ed in ~he tdt~ wah the u.nde.M~ancUng ~h~ ~w i.6 a one ~me p~mJ...o.6ion onty. CommJ...o.6ion~ c~aw60~d .6 eeo nded. REGULAR MEETING - May 23, 1984 PAGE 3 CORRESPONDENCE - eon-tinued In d{.oeu.o.6ion CommJ...o.6ione.M SeM.6 and Peckham .6poke agMYI..6~ ~he mo~on; CommJ...o.6ione.M Nwon and WW.6 .6poke 60~ ~he mo~on. Gen~al eoneeYl..6u.o among aU eomm--l.6.6ione.M howev~, wa.o ~h~ ~hey dJ..d no~ wan-t ~o p~ eommJ...o.6ion potiey eone~Mng the nu:nbe.M and 6~eque.ney 06 tMge bMbeeuell in ~he Fe.M~ 06 Will Mea in j eo pMdy . The vo~e WM: 3 Yell (CfLaw60~d, Nwon, WW.6 J 2 no (SeM.6, Peckham) T empo~y do.6 Me 06 I owa S~e~ 6~om Wig ~man ~o Walk~ S~eu D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6Md ~hat a ~eeommendatJ..on WM bung eovr.oid~ed in ~he No~h Campu.o DevetopmeM CommJ..rtee at SOSC to do.6 e a po~on a 6 I owa S~e~ 6~om Wightman to Walk~ d~ng the .6u.mm~ mOMM 60~ du.o~ and .6a6~y ~eMOYl..6. The eommWee ~houg~ that wah .6u.mm~ .606;tbaU .6t~ng ~hat the commJ...o.6ion mig~ be w.-Ltling ~o wfL.-Lte a te.ft~ ~o ~he cUy eounut endoMing ~h~ ~e.mpo~aJty dO.6Me ~ng ~he .6u.mme~ mOMM. Th--l.6 would aMY be uMil Iowa S~e~ gd6 paved. MOTION A6t~ b~e6 d{J.,eu.o.6ion 60eu.oing on ~he amOUM 06 pMlUng wMeh woutd be e~ dawn i6 ~h~ po~on 06 Iowa S~e~ WM dO.6ed and aU~- native way.6 06 pO.6.6ibty e~ng down ~he du.o~, CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o have ~he eommJ...o.6ion wfL.-Lte a ldt~ to the illy eounut exp~ell.6ing eone~n ov~ the ,~a6rty p~oble.m due ~o pM lUng along ~he po~on 06 Iowa S~eu between Wightman and Walk~ and fLe.eomme.nd .6ome IUnd 06 eomp~omJ...oe, .ouch M PMlUng only an one .6ide 06 ~he .6~eu, ~o help atlevwe ~a66ie in the Mea. The motion dJ..ed 60fL tack 06 a .6eeond. Commun-tty/Schoot DevetopmeM D~e~o~ Mick~en ~e6~ed to ~he ~eeen-t g~an-t p~OpO.6al wMeh had been ~~ned down by ~he .6~~e 60! the CommunUy/Sehoot Developmen-t PfLoje~ mewoMng none ~he te..o.o, wah ~he pO.6.-LUve vo~e. 60~ ~he. .6 ~a). wMeh inctuded .6UppO~ 60~ Commun-tty/Sehoot pMk dev~opmen-t M we.U M 60~ ~he poot, he 6eU that the eommunUy gen~ally .6uppo~ed ~he p~og~am. He no~ed ~h~ ~he 1984-85 PMk.6 and Re~eatJ..on DepMtmen-t budgrt inctude.6 $15,000 wMeh wa.o ~o be u.o ed M pMt 06 ~he mateMng 6und.o wMeh would have been neee..o.6MY i6 the dep~eM had ~eeeived the LWCF g~an-t. The C.-Lty 06 A.ohtand a.t60 eommJ..rted $15,000 o~ 06 6ed~ ~evenue .6h~ng 6und.o. D~e~o~ Miekwen M ked the eommJ...o.6ion i6 they W~e w,itling ~o keep ~he depMtmen-t.o $15,000 budg~ed eommJ..rted to ~he Commun-tty/Sehoot devetopmen-t p~og~am .60 ~h~ nego~atJ..oY1..6 wah SOSC could eownue 60~ a .6ealed dawn p~oj e~ wMeh would inetude a ~e..o~oom 6a~y and .oee~y 6eneell 60~ ~he batl Metd.o. In d{.oeu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 Mked wh~h~ SOSC and ~he Sehoot DJ...o~~ W~e. .6~ iM~ell~ed in eom~ng 6und.o and wOfLking on ~he p~oje~. Di~ecto~ Miekwen .oMd ~hat ~hey w~e ~hough ~he whole p~oje~ would have. ~o be tooked ~ agaJ..n and .6ealed dawn. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham exp~ell.6ed eone~n ~hat ~he nu.mb~ 06 .606;tbaU team.6 wMeh .6igned up 60fL thJ...o .6eMon had Mapped by ~en ~e.am.6 and wond~ed whuh~ ~hJ...o WM a ~end wMeh would eownue and,~h~e60~e, ~he eommJ...o.6ion .6hould vtO~ be .6~ng Mide $15, 000 60~ mOfLe 6au~ell 60~ .6oMbatl. D~e~o~ w.ekwen ,~Md that he dJ..d not neet eone~ned abo~ the nu.mb~ 06 ~eam.o Mopping ~h--l.6 yeM; ~h~ ~h~e .6 ee.med ~o be. -6ome 6~u.o~~on among ~e.am.o eone~Mng ~he high 6eell and ~hat ~eam.o .6 ee.med to be fLeo~gaMzing b~ he .6aw no fLeMon ~o be eone~ned ~h~ ~he p~og~am WM dying. He a.t60 nett ~hat ~ell~oom/eonee..o.6ion 6a~e..o and .6ee~y 6enee..o w~e an impo~aM pMt 06 ~he ,~ ~ e REGULAR MEETING - May 23, 1984 CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT -eon-tinued PAGE 4 Commu~y/Sehoot Deve.-topme.n-t - eon-tinued 6a~y dellpae ye.Mty 6tuctuatJ..ovr.o in the p~og~am. CommJ...o.6ione.M SeM.6, Peckham and C~awbo~d exp~e..o.6ed eonc~n ~h~, waho~ ~he g~M, ~he p~oje~ woutd be .6 0 aU~ed ~h~ they waMed to know exacUy what the $1 5, 000 WM bung eommWed ~o. Di~eeto~ Miekwen .6Md ~h~ ~he p~oje~ would have to be .oealed down and ~hat a new p~OpO.6al woutd be bfLoug~ back ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion 60~ ~hw app~ovat be60~e any mOMell would be .6peM b~ ~h~ he needed ~o be abte to ~e.U the oth~ p~ell ~hat ~he eomm--l.6.6ion had 6und.o aVMtable i6 an ag~eemeM can be ~eaehed. MOTION CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o keep ~he $15,000 which had o~ginatty been budge-te.d M m~eMng 6und.o 60~ LWCF g~aM avMtabte 6o~ ~he CommunUy/Sehool PMk Devetopmen-t p~oje~ p~ovided an ag~ee.men-t can be ~eaehed w.-Lth ~he o~h~ age.vruell invotved which md eommJ...o.6ion app~oval. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. MOTI ON The vo~e WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no A6~~ b~e6 dt.oeU6.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d moved ~o fLe.qUe..o~ ~h~ ~he cdy eounul at60 keep ~he $15,000 .6U Mide 6~om ~evenue .6h~ng monie.o ava.-Leabte 60~ a modJ..6ied P~OpO.6al 60~ the Commu.nily/Sehoot Devetopmen-t p~oject. Comm.-L6.6ion~ SeM.6 .6eeonded. e The vote WM: 5 ye..o - 0 no CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham ~e.-exp~e..o.6e.d hJ...o eone~n abo~ ~he nu.mb~ 06 ~eam.o deMe.Ming in ~he p~og~am ~hJ...o yeM. IX. ITEM..<; FROM THE CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6Md ~h~ .6he had been app~oaehed COMMISSIONERS by .6omeone 6~om AduU and FamJ..ty S~viee.o eonee~nJ..ng ~he dep~meM pOMibty don~ng .6ome 6~ee .6w.-LmmJ..ng pM.6 e..o 60~ ~he Mey~ Poot wMeh ,they mig~ d{J.,~b~e ~o 6amiliell wah ehil~en who'.6 Mnanual .6auation woutd ~y p~ohiba ~hw .6wimm.-Lng o~h~J...o e. She M ked ~he eommJ...o.6ion bO~ ~hw ~hough:t6 on ~he idea. AM~ d{J., eu.o.oion ~he eommJ...o.6ion deuded ~o give AduU and Family S~vieell 300 admJ...o.6ioY1..6 60~ Open SW.-Lmming ~ ~he poot 60~ ~hJ...o .6 eMon. They would be awMded in 100 tot btoek.o p~ mOMh 60~ June, July and Augu.o~ wah ~he unde.M~andJ..ng ~hat AduU and FamJ..ty S~vieell would M.6Me ~he eommJ...o.6ion ~h~ ~he. ~eke.U would be fu~b~ed ~o 6am.-LUell which would no~ oth~J...oe be abte ~o enjoy ~he poot beeau.oe 06 thw Mnanual .6au~on. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA The next RegufM Meeting Wa6 .6ehedU-ted 60~ ThuJ1l.lday, June 21, 1984 at 6:30 P.M. XI. ADJOURNMENT Wah no -6~h~ bu.oinell.6, ~he ehM~an adjoMned ~he meeting. e Re..op'e.~tluUy .oubmWe.d, ~.t. ;-0 Ann BenecUct De.pMtmeM Se~dMY . e e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 21, 1984 The Chainman called ~he meeting to o~d~ ~ 6:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE: P~e..o eM: Ab.o eM: SeM.6, Peckham, Net.oon, Miekwe.n WW.6, CJtaW60~d Th~e w~e no ad~oY1..6 o~ detetioY1..6 ~o ~he. ag enda. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved to appfLove ~he mJ..n~e..o on the RegutM Meeting an May 23, 1984. Comm.-L6.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no Comm--l.6.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o app~oved dt6bUft~emen-t6 (1,6 indJ..eated by Pay~oU eheek.o # 4163 thfLough # 4205 and Payabte.o eheek.6 # 7199 ~~ough 7272. Comm.-L6.6ione~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no I. AVVITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. APPROVAL OF BILLS AND FINANCES IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None ON THE AGENDA V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA Miehaet WeMng and B~an WMmo~e p~ell eMed a p~opo.oal ~o ~he eommJ...o.oion wMeh would a~ho~ze ~he.m ~o p~ovide a nood and .6oM ~nk eonee..o.6ion 60fL ~he illy teague .606~ball p~og~am. They 066~ed ~o pay a nee 06 $100.00 to ~he commJ...o.6ion in o~de~ ~o be abte ~o hotd ~he Qonee.o.6ion ~hJ...o .6eMon. They pfLelleMed a te.ft~ ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion o~Mng ~hw p~OpO.6al. A6t~ fueu.o.6ion ~he eommJ...o.6ion deuded to atlow ~he eoneell.6ion on ~he SOSC Metd.o onty, no~ fLegufMty .6cheduled teague ptay onty, and 60~ ~hJ...o .6eMon onty und~ ~he guide.linell.6~ no~h by M~. Kaehing'.6 pfLOpO.6al. Comm--l.6.6ion~ SeM.6.6O moved. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS None None e e e REGULAR MEETING - June 21, 1984 PAGE 2 VIII. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT The eommJ...o.6ione.M ~ead a lert~ w~en by B~uee S~ew~, a ~e..oideM on Gtendow~ S~e~, wMeh had been w~e.n ~o ~he Cay AdmiM.o~~o~ and ~en~ed ~o ~he PM(Z.6 DepMtmeM. The tdt~ eone~ned M~. StewMt'.6 ob.6~ving abu.oell ~o ~he p~op~y Mound ~he pond ~ ~he eon6lue.nee 06 A.ohtand C~eek and BeM C~eek. M~. S~ewMt .6ig~ed .6ueh abu.oell M peopte .6Uting M~ell, ~ving vehidell up ~o ~he. pond and teaving ~h in ~he Mea. The dtfLecto~ .6Md ~h~ he had .6poken ~o M~. S~ewMt and .6uggell~ed ~h~ when he .6aw viot~oY1..6 th~ he call ~he police dep~eM. The eomm--l.6.6ion deuded ~h~ a woutd be app~op~~e ~o ptaee mo~e. p~omine.M .6igY1..6 and a mo~e .6ub.6taYl.-Uat g~e ~o p~oMba vehieulM ~a6 Me in ~he Mea. D.-LJtecto~ Miekwen .6Md th~ he a.t60 undeM~and.o th~ ~he cay eounw hM de~e~ined ~o ~~n~e the manage.meM ag~eemeM wah ~he depMtmeM eone~Mng the buUcUng ~ 59 WinbMn Way an July 1, 1984. He .6Md ~h~ he pe.Monatly hoped ~h~ eommun-Uy g~OUp.6 wMeh have u.o ed ~he buildJ..ng ov~ ~he yeM.6 would no~ be a66e~ed ~oo much by ~he change. Commi.6.6ion~ SeaM ~eeommended ~h~ ~he depM:tmen-t w~te. a tert~ to ~he v~ou.o g~oup.o who Me u.oing ~he buildJ..ng now advJ...oing ~he.m 06 the change o n adminJ...o~~o n. IX. ITMES FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA None The next Re.gufM Meeting WM .6eheduted 60~ July 24, 1984 ~ 6:30 P.M. XI. ADJOURNMENT Wah no n~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he meeting WM adjoMned. Re..ope.~6uUy .6ubmilted, ~ u~"b Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~eM SeM~MY . e e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 2, 1984 ATTENDANCE: P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: 1. SatMy Nego~atioY1..6 1984 - 85 &J...oeal yeaJt SPECIAL MEETING The Chainman called ~he meeting ~o o~d~ ~ 5:00 P.M. Ne..t6on, C~aw60~d, Peckham, SeM.6, w.ekehen WW.6 CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o inMeM e .6al~ell 60~ atl de.pMtmeM pe.Monnet by 4%% in ~he coming yeM and ~o in~eM e ~he PMk SupwMendeM'.6 .oalaJty ba.oe by $600.00 annually. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeo nded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmJ..rted, ~~.'D Ann BenedJ..~ Dep~eM S e~uMY . e e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 26, 1984 ATTENDANCE: P~e..o eM: Ab.6 eM: REGULAR MEETING The chainman called ~he meeting ~o o~de~ at 6:30 P.M. ~ 340 S. Pione~ S~e~. Nwon, W~.6, Peckham, SeM.6, CJtaWnofLd, Miekwen None ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS Di~ecto~ w.ekwen .6Md ~hat ~h~e w~e :two aem.o ~o add ~o AudJ..enee P~ctp~on on ~he Agenda; Sdh Ullman Mked ~o .6peak ~o the eommJ...o.6ion eone~Mng ell~abwhing a eoo~cUn~ng eMdy 60~ the .6eheduUng 06 J.ipaee 60~ toeal ~:t6 to p~60~m; and, Ruth Ann AfuquU~ and Wink Jean Mked ~o .6peak to ~he eommJ...o.6ion eone~Mng ~he u.oe 06 Guanajuato Way 60~ a .6~Mday mMkd. 1. Di~e~ofL w.ekwen .6Md th~ und~ New Bu.oinell.6 he woutd like an ae.m ptaeed eone~Mng ~eque..o~ng .6upplimeJll.-tal appMp~atJ..OY1..6 60~ ~he 1984-85 budg~. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. APPROVAL OF BILLS ANV FI NANCES IV. AUDIBNCE PARTICIPATION ON THf AGENDA A. S,~h Ullman 3'6 s. 2nd S~ed #1 ~ htand CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o app~ove the mJ..n~e..o 06 ~he. June 21, 1984 RegutM Meeting a6 w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 ye.6 - 0 no Comm--l.6.6ion~ CfLaw60~d moved ~o aeeep~ ~he. ~n~e..o 06 the Speual Mee.-ting 06 July 1, 1984 M w~en. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .0 eeonded. The vo~e WM : 5 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ S eM.6 moved ~o accept d{J., buJ1l.l emen:t6 M indLe~ed by Pay~oU eheek.o #4206 ~~ough #4262 and Payablell cheek.o #7273 ~h~ough #7383. CommJ...o.6ion~ W~.6 .0 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 5 Yell - 0 no M~. Ullman .6aJ..d ~h~ he had .6poken ~o ~he Wy Counctt in June eone~Mng ~he. need in At,htand 60~ a p~60~ng ~ eeJll.-te~ o~ .6ome. kind 06 eoo~dLn~ng agency 60~ aeq~ng eW~ng .6paee 60~ toeal ~{.o:t6 ~o p~60~ ~hw ctaM 60~ 6,'Lee o~ at a nominal eo.o~. tHe .6aJ..d ~hat ~he eounw had .6uppo~ed ~he idea b~ dJ..d no~ eOYl..6ide~ m etn ~he app~op~ate agenay 60~ invoivemeM. . REGULAR MEETING - Juty 26, 1984 PAGE 2 e Sdh Ullman - eon-Unued He .6Md ~h~ in dt.oeu.o.6ioY1..6 wah V~OU.6 peopte and agenue..o abo~ town ~hat ~he PMk.o and Ree~e~on CommJ...o.6ion WM .6ugge..o~ed ~o h.-Lm M a pO.6.6ibte eoo~dJ..n- atJ..ng agency 60~ ~hJ...o kind 06 amvay. He .6aJ..d ~h~ ~h~e w~e .6ev~ 6a~ell Mound town which we~e .6uUabte nO~ p~no~anee..o but ~h~ ~en:t6 w~e .60 high ~h~ a WM ~ath~ p~oMb.-LUve on an indJ..viduaf bMe..o 60~ ~:t6 ~o aequJ..~e .6paee ~o p~60~. He 6eU ~h~ ~h~e.wM a w~de dJ..VeMay 06 ~aleMed ~:t6 in A.6htand and that ~h~e .6hould be .6ome way 60~ ~hem ~o be abte to mo~e ~eadUy .6hMe ~hw ~alen:t6. He WM ~equell~ng M.6--l.6tanee in the pOMibte eoo~dJ..n~on 06 u.oage 06 v~ou.o 6a~e..o M .6u.ch M ~he dep~en~ doe..6 wah ~he .oehoot gym.o and ~he SOSC batlMetd.o. . CommJ...o.6ion~ WeJ...o.6 eommeMed ~h~ he .6u.ppo~ed ~he idea an aMi.6u,ng toeat ~:t6 in ~hw endeavo~ ~o P~no~ and ~hat he beU ~hat PMR..o and Ree~e~on wa.o pO.6.6ibty an app~op~~e agency to become invotved 6~om a ~e.Me~onal POiM 06 view b~ ~h~ he WM wo v~y awMe 06 ~he amOUM an ~me and en60~ invotved in .6 eheduUng na~e..o when .6 ev~al en;t."LUe..o Me invotved. In ~e..opoYl..6e ~o a qUell~on by CommJ...o.oione.~ C~aw60~d, ~. Uttman .6Md ~h~ in .6pealUng wah ~he college, ~he .6ehoot dL6~~, and SOSC ~h~ ~hey mJ..g~ pOMibty be ag~eeabte ~o ~eduung ~he eO.6t on .6ome 06 ~hw 6au~e.6 ~o M.6J...o~ in ~hiA und an e660~. CommJ...o.oione~ SeM.6 exp~e..o.6 ed eone~n M ~o who would be. ~ell pOYl..6ibte 60~ .6 e:tt--Lng ~he c.JU;t~a 60~ g~OUp.6 which woutd appeM und~ the au.o pieell a 6 ~he eoo~din~ng eMily. M~. uttman .6aJ..d ~hat he awupated a bung ~he~ open and democJt.at.,Le. A6te~ .6ome dt.oeu.o.6ion, eoneeYl..6u.o among ~he eommJ...o.6ioneM WM ~h~ in genefLat ~hey .6uppo~ed ~he eoneep~ 06 an MU eounW which would enc.oMage ~:t6 who w--l.6hed ~o p~60~ and .6uppo~ed ~he c-onee.p~ 06 eoop~atJ..ve U6e 06 6a~e..6 w.-L:thin a eommu~y ~o bene6.-L:t the eommu~y; howev~, at tM.o poin-t they dJ..d not 6eet ~hat the, eommJ...o.6ion WM the app~op~e eMily ~o .6 ~ve ~he 6unwon which M~. Ullman .6ugge..o~ed. They indJ..eated that ~hey 6eli ~h~ .6ome kind 06 aJr-t6 eounw O~ eommJ...o.6ion would be mo~e app~op~~e 60~ ~he IUnd 06 nunction M~. Ullman WM tooking 60~. They incUe~ed ~h~ ~hey would be .6uppo~ve and, i6 a eounw WM no~med, ~hat ~he pMk.o could a~ a6 liMon wah ~he .6ehoot fu~~ i6 ~h~ WM app~op~~e. R~h Ann AfuquU~ and Wink J ean p~e..o eMed a w~en p~OpO.6al 60~ the op~~on 06 a .6atMday mMk~. They ~equell~ed p~.6ion 6~om ~he eommJ...o.6ion to u.o e ~he pMk tand known M Guanajuato Way 60~ ~he .6~u.~day mMku. In d{J.,eu.o.6ion 06 ~he w~en p~OpO.6al a WM exp~ned ~h~ tweMY-.6ix 8' by 8' .6~aU.o could be ,6e~ up along Guanajuato Way teaving e.m~ge.ney ve.Mete. aeee..o.6 06 ~en 6ed. Comm--l.6.6ion~ Se.aM Mke.d i6 ~h--l.6 had been app~oved by ~he H~e DepMtmeM. MIL6. AbnquU~ ~eplied ~h~ ~hey had been ~otd ~h~ a WM adequ~e. R~h Ann wo .6aJ..d ~hat, i6 pOMible, ~hey would like ~o utilize the cUU Mea aMO.6.o ~he e~eek 60~ booth.o W o. B. S~Mday MMk~ p~OpO.6al e Re..opoY1..6 e ~o ~he p~OpO.6al 6~om ~he eommJ...o.6ion WM pO.o.-LUve.. CommJ...o.oion~ Peckham .6aJ..d ~h~ he. would Mk ~hat an aMange.me.M be made. wah ~he cLty, howe.v~, ~o have vendoM pMk ~w ve.hid{Y~ on W~~ S~ed o~ 06 eO~ellY, p~eufMty ~o ~he G~anUe S~eu ~elliden:t6 in ~h~ Mea. . REGULAR MEETING - Ju.-ty 26, 1984 PAGE 3 e S~Mday MMku p~Op0.6al - CommJ...o.6ione~ WW.6 qUell~oned wh~h~ ~he- eon-tinued p~OpO.6al gUMaMeed any und 06 dean up 06 the Mea. MM. AlmquJ...o~ .6Md ~~ ~he mMk~ woutd p~ovide a du.mp.6~~ and ~h~ when ~he mMk~ WM ov~ ~he Me-a would be poliee-d and "deane.d up" ~o ~he pMk.o .6pe-uMeatJ..on6. CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 qUell~oned the MgMe 06 2% 06 ~he g~O.6.o amOUM 06 .6ale..o 066~ed to ~he eommJ...o.6ion 60~ u.o e 06 the fundi he- .6aJ..d ~hat he- would p~e-6e~ a .6~ amOUM. MM. AtmquJ...o~ p~elleMed h~ ~eMoMng 60~ deudJ..ng ~o wo~k on a p~eeMage. bM--l.6. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d Mked whuh~ ~he m~ehan:t6 in ~he. Mea had exp~ell.6 ed any opiMon to hotdJ..ng a .6~Mday mMku in ~he Me.a. MM. AlmquJ...o~ .6Md ~h~ ~hey had not yu palled ~he m~ehan:t6 beeau.o e ~~ ~hey 6eU ~h~ ~he MM~ .6~ep would be to .6 ee i6 ~e PMk.o CommJ...o.6ion woutd eOYl..6ide~ a p~Op0.6al eone~Mng Guanaju~o Way. She- .6aJ..d ~hat they dJ..d iMend an .6peaking to the m~ehan:t6 in ~own eone~Mng thu~ 6ee.ling.6 abo~ ~he .6~Mday mMke:t eonee-p~ and haw a woutd a66e~ ~hw bu.oinell.6e..o. AM~ .6ome 6~h~ d{J.,eu.o.6ion eone~Mng ~e..o~oom 6a~ell, p~o.6 and eoY1..6 eOn6e~Mng pO.6.6ibte ~eawoY1..6 6~om ~he- bu.oine..o.6 eommunay, dean up ~eq~emen:t6 and pOMibte u.oe 06 the tand aMOM the Meek 6~om Guanaju~o Way, ~he Ch~man .6uggell~ed that the PMk.6 D~e~o~ eOMact the C.-Lty ArtolLney ~o have a ~eM~ve ag~ee.meM dtlLwm up. He ~hen .6u.gge..o~ed a Speual Meeting ~o go ove~ ~he ag~eemeM wah R~h Ann AlmquJ...o~ and Wink Jean ~o i~on o~ d~Mt6. He .6Md ~h~ he .6 eY1..6 ed a gene~ally pO.6~ve ~eawon to ~he p~OpO.6al 6~om the eommJ...o.6ione.M. They eoneuMed. A Speuat Meeting 60~ Augu.ot 9, 1984 WM ~eMatJ..vdy .0 ~ ~o ~eview ~he ag~ee.meM which would be- dJtawn up by ~he Cay Arto~ney. V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Bid L ~ting - ~M6 ~u.ek.o~~ None MOTION D~e-cto~ Miekwen .6aJ..d ~hat the- depMtmeM had ~eeuved one bid 60~ the new th~ee -wheet ~u~6 ~uek.o~~. The bid had come 6~om BaUz and SoY1..6 in ~he amoun-t 06 $5,050.00. CommJ...o.6ion~ Wie..o.6 moved ~o aeeep~ ~he- bid. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vote WM 5 ye..o - 0 no VII. NEW BUSINESS A. LWCF GfLan-t Applie~oY1..6 e D~e~o~ w.ekw en .6~~ed ~hat gfLan:t6 w~e- bung aecep~ed up ~o Augu.o~ 31, 1984 60~ LWCF 6und.o. A.o p~ a me.mo~andu.m ~o ~he commJ...o.6ion, ~he de-pMtme-n-t .6ugge..o~ed wo MeM ~o .6ubma g~an:t6: 6.-LM~, 60~ a .6otM .6Y.6~e.m ~o hetp wah ~he. ho~ w~~ 60~ .6howe.M ~ ~he Mey~ Poot and, .6 eeond, 60~ ~he eownued fLe..o~o~~on 60~ LaMa PMk. D~ng dUeu.o.6ion, ~he d{f[ecto~ .6Md ~h~ ~he .6otM J.jY.6~e.m now bung u.oed ~o hetp he~ ~he poot hM .6ee.med ~o have a dJtamatJ..e a66e~ 06 ~he gM u.oage 60~ he.atJ..ng and he 6eU ~h~, likewJ...oe, a .6otM .6Y.o~em bO~ ~he .6how~ .oY.6~e.m woutd agaJ..n e~ back eO.o:t6 06 op~~on .6igMMeaMty. . MOTION e MOTION e REGULAR MEETING - JU-ty 26, 1984 PAGE 4 LWCF G~aM Apptiea:t--lon.o- The eommJ...o.6ion ~e.6ponded &avo~abty ~o apptying eownued 60~ .6ueh a .ootM g~M and D~e~o~ w.ekwen .6aid ~h~ he would like app~oval 6~om ~he eommJ...o.6ion to .6pend up ~o $500.00 60~ an MehilectMal .6~udy 60~ ~he 6e.Mib~y 06 .ouch a p~oje~. CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 .60 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 .6 eeonded. In d{J., eu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham que..o~oned wh~h~ o~ not a WM neeell.6MY ~o go ~o a pfL06e..o.6ional Mchae~ 60~ a 6eMib~y .otudy. He 6ett th~ p~hap.6 an o~ganJ..z~on .6ueh M SUNERGI woU-td have ~he exp~e 60~ ~h~ IUnd 06 .6tudy. D~e~o~ w.ekel.oen .6Md ~h~ he would p~e6~ ~o have an Mehde~ ~aw up ~he. de..oign, dUeJunine ~he nu.mb~ 06 panel.o and e0.6~ a o~. Comm--l.6.oion~ SeM.6 .6aJ..d ~hat he would fL~h~ have a p~06ell.6ional do ~he wo~k beeau.o e ~hen i6 ~h~e ~Mned o~ ~o be any dJ..6MeuUy wah the dellign ~h~ pe.Mon could be hetd aeeouMabte. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham atJked wh~h~ ~he ~ecto~ watJ talking abo~ wo~king dfLawing.6 wMeh would be .6ubmWed wah ~he g~aM. He .6Md no; he WM ~allUng abo~ a pfLojected dollM amOUM wMeh a would ~ake to buUd .6ueh a .6Y.6te.m and wh~h~ o~ no~ a would be a ~e(Monable p~oje~ 60~ which ~o .6ubmil a gfLan-t. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~awbo~d Mked wh~h~ a WM neee..o.6MY ~o have wo~king ~awing.6 ~o .6ubmil ~he g~aM ~o ~he .6~~e. D~ecto~ w.ekel.o en .6aJ..d no~. The vote watJ: 4 Ye.6 - 1 no (Peckham) D~e~o~ Miekwen .6Md ~h~ ~he .6eeond p~opo.oal woU-td be no~ an amouM Ob abo~ $20,000 ~o do .6ome catch up wo~k in ~he upp~ pMk .6uch M Meekbank .6~ab.-LlizatJ..on, ~e6MbJ...oMng ~he pienJ..e MeM and ~gatJ..on wo~k, p~hap.6 .6 orne wo~k on Guanaj uato Way wah ~p-~apping. The eommJ...o.6ion ag~eed ~h~ ~hJ...o al60 would be app~op~ate in applying 60~ g~aM money. B. Old block buUcUng.o AM~ d{J.,eu..o.6ion, the eommJ...o.6ion gave p~.6ion zoo Mea 60~ ~he b~ek buUdJ..ng.6 which had p~eviou.oty been u.oed ~o .6he.U~ anJ..mal6 60~ ~he old zoo Mea in Whia PMk ~o be ~o~n down. The .6ta66 had exp~ned ~o ~he eommJ...o.6ion ~h~ ~hey QOufd .6 ee no u.6 e6ul pMpO.6 e 60~ ~he buitdJ..ng.6 in ~he pMk at ~hJ...o lime and 6eU ~he Mea would be mo~e .ouLtable ~o ~he pMk i6 land.oeaped. The eommJ...o.oion could .6 ee no ptaY1..6 in ~he n~Me wMeh would indJ..e~e. ~h~ ~he buildJ..ng.6 .6hoLLld be pfLell~ved. VITI. CORRES PONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, VIRECTOR'S REPORT Di~e~o~ Mieke.-e.oen atJked ~he eommJ...o.oion ~o ~eque.6~ a .6upplimen-tal app~op~a:t--lon 6o~ ~he 1984-85 budg~. He exptMned ~h~ ~epaymeM 06 ~he poot loan wMeh had been inceuded in ~he 83-84 budg~ had no~ been paid due to bookkeeping p~OeedMe.6; ~h~e60~e, ~o ~epay d in ~he 1984-85 budg~, a .6upple.me~ app~op~atJ..on woU-td need to be ~eque..o~e.d. COmrnk1>.6ione~ SeM.6 .60 moved. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no (WW.6 te6~ e.Mty.J CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham ~eque.6~ed ~h~ a ~epo~ be w~en eov~ng ~he 60M MeM 06 .6tudy which ~he eomm--l.6.oion puJ1l.lued eMli~ ~hJ...o yeM. D~ec;to~ Miekwen .6Md ~hat he iMended ~o wfL.-Lte that ~epo~ and hoped ~o have a ~eady 60fL ~he. O~ob~ RegulM Meeting. . IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS None X. NEXTMONTH'SAGENVA The next RegufM Meeting watJ .6ehedU-ted 60~ Augu.o~ 23, 1984 ~ 6:30 P.M. XI. ADJOURNMENT Wah no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6, ~he me.eting WM adjoMne.d. Rellpe~6uUy .6ubmJ..rted, Ann BenedJ..~, Dept. See~uMY ~M/~ CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Augu.o~ 9, 1984 The Ch~man called ~he me.U.-Lng ~o o~d~ at 6:30 P. M. at 340 S. P ione~ S~e~. ATTENDANCE: P ~e..o eM : Ab.6 en-t : Nwon, C~aw60~d, Peckham, Miekwen WW.6, SeM.6 The eommJ...o.6ion had been p~e..oen-ted w.-Lth a eo~a~ ag~ee.meM dJtaWn up by Ran saU~, Cay Arto~ney, 60~ the u.oe 06 ~he. Guanaju~o Way p~op~y no~ a .6~Mday mMk~. R~h Ann Atmqut.o~ and Wink J ean w~e p~ell eM to dJ...6eu.o.6 the eo~a~. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d inq~ed M ~o wh~h~ ~he "MMkuplaee" o~gaMzatJ..on iMended ~o dean up ~he Mea aMoM ~he ~eek n~om Guanaju~o Way even i6 a no~ u.o ed 60~ the mMkd p~op~. MM. Atmqut.o~ .6Md that they would clean up whatev~ immedJ..ate Mea that the mMk~ a6 nected. M ~h--l.6 ~me R~h Ann fLequell~ed ~h~ ~he MMk~ptaee be. allowed ~o ptaee .6ome .6tat.t6 a~oM the Meek. She.6 aid ~hat in going back ~o Guanaj u~o Way -tt appeMed ~h~ ~hey mig~ too.6e .6ome .6~atl .6paee due ~o pM king dJ..6Meu~e..o and would th~eno~e ~equellt to be allowed to u.o e the ~ .6 pace aMOM ~he Meek 60~ boo~htJ wo. She 6eU ~h~ ~he MMk~ptaee, in o~de~ ~o be .6ueeell.6ilut, mig~ ne.ed ~h~ .6paee. ChaJ..Jiman Net60n Mked ~he dJ..~ecto~ hJ...o opiMon. P~e..oeMatJ..on 06 Co~act Ag~ee.men-t 6o~ SatufLday mMk~ on Guanaj uato Way DJ..Jtecto~ Miekwe.n .6Md ~h~ he could .6 ee no ~eM an that the mMk~ eoutd not u.oe that Mea. He WO .6Md th~ 60~ .6ome ~me ~he eOmmJ...o.6ion hatJ nett ~hat wo~k needed ~o be done in ~he Mea and hatJ eOn6ide.~ed ~e.moving the piece 06 ptayg~ound eq~pmeM which J...o ~h~e. Among the eomm.-L6.6ioneM .th~e .6 ee.med ~o be no ~eal OPPo.6~on ~o u..oing ~he .6paee aMOM the ~eek, aUhough, CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6tated ~hat he would be eone~ned abo~ oV~MowdJ..ng and would like to .6ee ~he boothtJ limiled to 26 (M .6hown an ~he o~ginal ~awing p~elleMe.dl whuh~ ~hey w~e placed on one .6ide o~ bo~h J.iidell 06 ~he e~eek. AM~ .oome fueu.o.6ion in wMeh ~he eommJ...o.6ion and R~h Ann d{J., eu.o.6 ed ~he wo~cUng ehange..o in ~he o~ginal agfLeemen-t wMeh Ron saU~ w~ote and DJ..Jte~o~ w.ekwen exptaJ..ned that the MMk~ptaee would need ~o MOTION police and uean ~he ~e..o~oom na~y on aM~ ~he MM~ 06 O~ob~, Comm.-L6.oione~ Peckham moved to aeeep~ the ag~ee.meM unde~ ~he .6~pulatJ..on ~h~ the Cay Arto~ney app~ove ~he ehange..o and ~h~ ~he Mea in qUell~on would inelu.de ~hat .6~ed in the o~ginat p~OpO.6at plUll the Mea aMOM the Meek wah the total nu.mb~ 06 boo~h.6 no~ ~o exceed twen-tY-.6ix. CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaWno~d .6 eeonded. In d{J.,euMion DJ..Jtecto~ w.ekw en ~eeommended ~hat ~he Mnal ag~eemeM indude a map indJ..e~ng the Mea to be u.oed by the mMk~. The commM.6ion eoneuMed b~ d~eJunined ~hat a WM no~ ne.eeMMY ~o in dude ~hat in ~e mo~on p~op~. The vote WM: 3 yell - 0 no Suppo~ 06 expaYl..6ion a 6 Gol6 CouJ1l.l e ChM~an I\!won .6ugge..oted to the eommJ...o.6ion th~ a wwe a ldte~ ~o the Cay Counul in .6UppO~ 06 the e e e SPECIAL MEETING - Augu.o~ 9, 1984 PAGE 2 Suppo~ 06 Got6 COuJ1l.l e expaYl..6ion euMeM p~OpO.6al coming be60fLe ~he eounut on Augu.o~ 2 1.6~ 60~ expan.oion 06 ~he got6 eouJ1l.l e 6~om ~he POiM 06 view 06 expanded ~eMeatJ..onal awv~ell 60~ the eommu.nily. A6t~ b~e6 d{.oeU6.6ion, CommJ...o.6ione~ Peckham moved ~o w~e .6 uch a te.ft~; CommJ...o.6ion~ CJtaW60~d .6 eeonded. The vote WM: 3 ye..o - 0 no Will no 6~h~ bu.oinell.6, ~he meeting WM ad] oMned. AdjoMnmeM Re..ope~AuUy .6ubmWed, ~~:O Ann BenedJ..~ DepMtmeM SeM~MY . . e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Augu.o~ 23, 1984 The Chainman eatled ~he. meeting ~o o~d~ at 6:30 P.M. ~ 340 S. Pionee~ S~e.~. ATTENDANCE: P ~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: Nwon, SeM.6, C~aw60~d, w.ekwen, Reid Peckham, WW.6 I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS Di~e~o~ w.ekwen indJ..cated ~hat Ron G~mell WM p~e..o eM ~o give the eommJ...o.oion hJ...o ~e.po~ on ~he. 6eMib~y .o~udy eone~Mng addJ..ng a .6otM .6y.6te.m 60~ ~he dome..o~e wat~ .6Y.6te.m at the DaMet Me.y~ Memo~al PooL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. RegufM Meeting July 26, 19 84 CommJ...o.oion~ C~aw60~d moved ~o accept ~he min~e..o a 6 ~he RegufM Mee-Ung 0 6 July 26, 1984. CommJ..Mion~ SeM.6 .6eeonded. The vote WM: 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ SeM.6 moved ~o aeeep~ ~he min~e..o 06 ~he Speual Meeting 06 Augu.o~ 9, 1984. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .0 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no B. Spe.ual Meeting Augu.o~ 9, 1984 III. BILLS & FINANCES A. June 30, 1984 - QuMt~y F inanUat S~ate.meM Atlt~ fLeviewing ~he QuMt~y Finanuai S~ate.meM 60~ June 30, 1984, CommJ...o.oion~ SeM.6 moved to aeeep~ ~he .6~~emeM 60~ ~he 1983-84 6J...oeal yeM. Comm--l.6.6ion~ CJtaW60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 ye..o - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA Ron G~mell, A~ehile~ Ran G~e..o ~epo~ed an ~he .6~udy he dJ..d on ~he 6eMib~y 60~ ivr.otatling a .6otM .6Y.6~e.m 60fL ~he domell~e W~~ u.o e at ~he DaMe.! Mey~ Memo~al PooL (See attached tdt~. J He incUeated ~h~ ~he .6Y.6~e.m, e.xdudJ..ng the ~e.tW, would be appfLoum~ety $11 ,500. I~ J...o e..o~m~ed ~h~ p~ellenily ~he depMtmeM .opend.o abo~ $100. 00 p~ mOMh on gM ~o he.~ the. .6howe~. A .6otM .6Y.6~e.m woutd app~oum~ety .6ave $54.00 p~ mOMh. The eommJ...o.6ion atlt~ .6ome fueu..o.6ion deuded agaJ..YI..6~ dWtying 60~ a gfLaM 60~ ivr.o~atling a .60-tM .6Y.6~e.m at ~he pooL . - e REGULAR MEETING - AugU6t 23, 1984 PAGE 2 V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VI II . CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS x. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA XI. ADJOURNMENT None None None None None The next RegulM Meding 06 ~he eomm--l.6.6ion wa.o .o~ nO~ Sep~emb~ 27, 1984 ~ 6:30 P.M. Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.6, the eha.{j[man adjoMned the meeting. Re.o pect6uUy .0 ubmWed, I~(~i~ Kenn~h J. Miekwen, Di~ecto~ A.ohtand PMR..o and ReMea:t--lon DepMtmen-t . CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING S ep~e.mb ~ 27, 1984 The ChMfLman eatled ~he meeting ~o ofLd~ ~ 6:30P.M., 340 S. Pione~ S~ee.-t. ATTENDANCE P~ell eM: Ab.6 eM: Nwon, C~aw60~d, Peckham, Rud, Miekwen WW.6, SeM.6 I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS None e III. BILLS AND FINANCES II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d moved ~o app~ove ~he min~e6 06 ~he RegU-tM Meeting 06 AugU6t 23, 1984. CommJ...o.6ion~ Nwon .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d moved ~o aeeep~ ~he dJ...obuJ1l.le.me.n-t6 M incUe~ed by Payabtell Cheek.o #7384 th~ough #7586 and Pay~oU Cheek.o #4263 ~~ough #4410. CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham .6eeonded. The vote WM: 3 Yell - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA None V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA R~h Ann Almqut.ot WM p~ell eM in the audJ..enee ~ep~e- .6 ewng "The MMk~ptaee." She .6aJ..d ~hat atl had been "The MMke.-tptaee" going we.U ~he 6.-LM~ new S~Mday.6 b~ that ~he one eommeM ~h~ ~hey w~e eovr.otanily ge-tUng WM ~h~ ~h~e needed ~o be mOfLe boo~h.o. She .6Md .6he. WM Mking ~he eommJ...o.oion ~o amend the c.on-tMct .00 ~hat ~hey would vtO~ be limiled ~o :tweMY-.6ix boo~h.o. She 6eU ~hat mo~e vendoM could be, wo~ked in waho~ OV~-MowdJ..ng o~ viofatJ..ng o~h~ po~OY1..6 06 ~he eon-tMct. MOTION A6t~ .6ome d{J.,eu.o.6ion, CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o ~e.und ~h~ po~on 06 ~he motion app~oving the eon-tM~ wah "The MMke.-t- ptaee" which ~e..o~cted ~he numb~ 06 boo~h6 ~o :tweMY-.6ix. CommJ..Mion~ C~awno~d .6 eeonded. M.ON The vo~e WM : 3 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham at.oo moved ~o amend ~he eOMfLa~ w.-Lth "The MMkuptaee" deteting ~he ph~eotogy which limaed ~he. boo~h .6paee ~o uven-tY-.6ix. CommJ...o.6ione~ C~ffiv60fLd .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 3 Yell - 0 no . REGULAR MEETING - Sep~e.mb~ 27, 1984 PAGE 2 VI. OLVBUSINESS VII . NEW BUS I NESS None None. e VIII. CORRESPONDENCE. D~ecto~ Miekwen .oaJ..d ~h~ he had ~eeuved a bid COMMUNICATIONS~ p~OpO.6al 6~om ~he home owneM M.60U~On an Jell.6iea DIRECTOR'S REPORT Lane 60fL pMehatJe on ~he ptayg~ound equipmeJl1.-t which J...o going to be ~e.moved n~om ~h~ po~on 06 LaMa PMk aMO.6.o 6~om Guanaju~o Way. D~e~ofL Miekwen .6aJ..d ~h~ he waMed peJunJ...o.6ion n~om ~he eommJ..Mion to .6 e.U the equipmeM ~o ~he. home oWn~ M.60U~on. Comm.-L6.6ion~ Peckham Mked haw ~helle peopte knew ~he e.quipmeM WM no~ .6ale; whuh~ a had bee.n adv~ ed. D~e~o~ Miekwen .6Md that a had no~ been adv~ed and ~hat ~hey had p~obabty ju..ot he.Md ~h~ .-Lt watJ going to be ~emoved 6~om the pMk and had made an 066~. AM~ .6ome d{J.,eu.o.oion a WM deuded ~h~ ~o be 6~ ~o ~he public in gen~ ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion would ~un an ad .6~atJ..ng ~hat ~he equipmeM WM 60~ .6ate and ~hat ~he eommJ...o.6ion would aeeep~ 06neM 06 pMehMe in a .6e.ated bid 60~~. 16 ~he. eommJ...o.oion ~eeeived no o~h~ Onne.M no~ ~he equipmeM a would .6 e.U a ~o ~he Jell.6iea Lane Home OWneM M.60uatJ..on ~ ~hw onn~ed p~ee. IX. ITEMS FROM THE CommJ..Mion~ C~aw60~d p~e..o eMed a tdt~ which COMMISSIONERS .6he had ~eeuved 6~om ~he DepMtmeM On TMYI..6po~~on wMeh indJ..eated ~~ ~e-~ p~e..o eM~Vell 6~om ~he .6~~e would be in Mhtand .6 eeking ,inp~ 6~om toeal 06Muw and tegi.6tatMe..o on thw eone~vr.o which would p~Mn ~o .t'Lavr.opolLtatJ..on in thw Mea. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6ugge..o~e.d ~h~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion wJtile a tdt~ ~o ~he DepMtmeM 06 T~aYl..6po~atJ..on in .6uppO~ 06 bo~h bieycee p~h.o and bieyde, .6a6~y Mom bo~h a ~eMe~onal and .6a6~y .6~andpoiM M we.U M a meavr.o 06 ~avr.opo~~on. The o~h~ me.mb~ 06 ~he eommJ...o.oion eOl1eUMed wah ~he .6uggell~on. x. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA Cay League SoMbatl Cay Cou.nW Uwon Su.oan Rud .6Md that .6he had been he~ng eone~vr.o 6~om .606~baU ptay~ in A.6htand eOl1e~nJ..ng the 6~Me 06 the p~og~ and Mked ~h~ a fueu.o.6ion eoneeJtMl1g ~he upeomJ..ng .6eMOn be ptaeed on ~he agenda 60fL nert mOMh .60 ~h~ anyone. eone~ned eoutd come ~o ~he mee.-tLng w.-Lth ph.-Lt050phical qUe.6~On.6 eone~nJ..ng wh~e the p~ogfLam WM goil1g. AM~ b~en d{J.,eu.o.6ion, Ch~man Nwon ptaeed ~he ae.m und~ AudJ..enee P~upatJ..on 011 ~he Agenda 60~ nert mOMh'.6 meeting. Clteek ,~ee-6 along Guanojuato Way e CounUUo~ Rud .6aJ..d ~h~ .6he had wo ~ecuved eommeM n~om .6omeone eone~nJ..ng the aldeM which g~ow up in ~he Meek along Guanaj uato Way and ~he pO.o.6ible ~h~e~ ~o p~ope~y due ~o ob.o~uwon by ~he.m d~ng ano~h~ 6tood eyete.. She Mke.d ~h~ ~h~ ae.m be ptaeed on ~he agenda woo The eommJ...o.6ione.M .6aJ..d ~hat ~hey had ad~ell.6 ed ~h~ J...o.6 ue p~evioU61y and ~h~ ~h~e WM a eownuing mMMenanee pfLog~am eone~Mng ~eek tJtee..o and ~h~ ~hey dJ..d no~ neet ~hat .-Lt WM an ae.m which needed ~o be placed on ~he agenda. C~man Nwon .6Md ~h~ i6 any memb~ 06 ~he public had eone~YI..6, ~hey wOLttd 06 eouJ1l.le. be. wdeome at the mernng. . e e REGULAR MEETING - Sep~emb~ 27, 1984 PAGE 3 NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA eon-Unued D~e~o~ Miekwen .oMd ~h~ he would have a ~ough ~M 06 ~he ~epo~ eone~ning the 60M MeM 06. policy maUng wMeh ~he eommJ...o.6ion hM .6~ucUed ove~ ~he tM~ yeM ~eady by ~he next meeting. He Mked whuh~ ~he eommJ...o.6ion w--l.6hed ~o ptaee ~hat M an aem an ~he agenda o~ wh~h~ ~he eomm.-L6.6ione.M would p~e6~ a .6tudy .6e..o.6ion. He .6Md that he woutd p~e6~ ~o .6ee. U adMe..o.oed in a .6~udy .6ell.6ion. A S~udy Se..o.6ion WM .6 U 60~ 4: 15PM, Octobe~ 16, 1984. The next RegufM Me.eting WM .6 ~ 60~ 6: 30P/vl an Monday, O~ob~ 29, 1984. XI. ADJOURNMENT Wah no 6~h~ bu.oine..o.6, ~he meeting WM adj oMned. Re..o pect6uUy .6 ubmJ..rted, ~;~ Ann BenedJ..~ DepMtmeM SeM~MY . e e O~ob~ 29, 1984 ATTENDANCE P~elleM: Ab.o eM: I. Adcii;tievr.o 'Oft Detdiovr.o I I . AppfLO val 0 6 Min~e..o III. B.-Le.t6 and Finanee.o A. App~oval 06 mon-th'.6 d{J., bM6 emen:t6 CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATIOM COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING B. AppfLoval 06 quMt~y Mnanual .6~~e.meM C. AppfLoval 06 1983-84 AudU The Chainman eatled ~he meeting to o~d~ ~ 6:30P.M. ~ 340 S. P.-Lone~ S~ed. Nwon, W~.6, C~aw60~d, Peckham, Miekwen, Re.-td SeM.6 Th~e w~e no ad~oY1..6 o~ detdioY1..6 ~o ~h e ag enda. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 moved ~o aeeep~ ~he mJ..n~ell 06 ~h~ RegufM Meding 06 Sep~e.mb~ 27, 1984. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no CommJ...o.6ion~ Peckham moved ~o app~ove ~he dt.6buMemen-t.o M indJ..ca:ted by Pay~oU eheek.o # 4411 t~ouh 4455 and Payabte.o eheek.6 #7587 ~h~ough 8647. CommJ...o.6ion~ W~.o .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no The eommJ...o.6ion~ ~evie.wed ~he QuMt~y FinanUat S~~e.meM endJ..ng Sep~emb~ 30, 1984. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 moved ~o appfLove the .6tate.meM M p~elleMed. CommJ...o.6ion~ C~aw60~d .oeeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no Having ~evie.wed the annuat audU p~epMed by G~ald BMvr.o, CPA, CommJ...o.6ion~ CfLawilofLd moved ~o aeeep~ the doeu.meM M w~en. CommJ...o.6ion~ WW.6 .6 eeonded. The vo~e WM: 4 Yell - 0 no IV. AucUenee P~up~on an ~he Agenda None V. AudJ..enee P~cipatJ..on no~ an ~heAgenda None VI. Otd Bu.oinell.6 A. S06~batl Sandy RobiYl.6on .opoke. 6~om an audJ..enee 06 abo~ :tvJeMY- Mve p~ OY1..6 who w~e .6 a 6~batl ptaye.M in ~he dep~eM'.6.6umm~ pfLogfLam. He .6aJ..d ~h~ ~he ptaYeM p~ell eM w~e eone~ned abo~ ~he op~atJ..on e e e REGULAR MEETING - Oet:obeJt 29, 1984 PAGE 2 So Mball - eontinue.d 06 t:he pfLogfLam and would lik.e t:o -6 ee -6ome. impfLove.ment: made 60fL t:he. upeoming -6edOon. EMentialiy, he -6aid t:hat: they would lik.e t:o -6 ee. b e;t:teJt nacJ1.liie.o, b e;t:teJL pfLogfLamming, and loweJt 6 ee.o . He -6 aid t:hat: th e gfLo up WM pfLe.o enting illeln M an ofLgaMza.t.ion whieh would lik.e to wOfLk. wlih the depa.fLt:me.nt: in p.ta.nMng a be;t:teJL -6oMball pfLogfLam 60fL Mhland. The 6ift.6t: queot:ion 6fLom t:he. audie.nee t:o t:he eommi-6-6ion WM whet:heJt t:hey eould -6 e.e a bfLeak.dowl1 06 how t:he -6oMba.li nee.o weJte -6pe.nt:. ChaifLman Ne1-6on fLe-6ponded t:hat: t:he.y eould be pfLovide.d a bfLeak.down aMeJt t:he meeting and explained t:hat: 6ee.o weJte -6 et: eaeh o eM on aMe.fL D,i.fLe.dofL Midzwe.n det:eJtmine.d t:he eO-6t peJt t:e.am peJt game. Ot:heJt t:han t:he. peJt game. eo.ot:o, 60fL t:he la.-Ot: :two ye.aM eaeh t:eam hM been aMe.o-6ed a maint:ena.nee 6e.e in ofLdeJt t:o -6UppofLt: maint:enanee 60fL t:ho.oe Meld.6 developed on nOI1-dedieat:ed pafLk. land.6. Bill Gablt.tel indieat:e.d t:hat t:he. gfLoup fLepfLM ent:ed peJt-60n-6 who would lik.e. t:o 60fLm a S06t:ball A-6-6oeiation whieh would fLun t:he. pfLogfLam and wh-teh would have ,the aut:hofLliy t:o hifte t:hUfL OWI1 pfLogfLam eoofLdinat:ofL, to have t:hat eoofLdinat:ofL fLe.-~pon-6ible. to t:hem and t:o be. M-6uJted t:hat: pfLoee.ed.6 6fLom eonee.o-6ion-6 and -6ueh be. difLede.d baek. int:o t:he -6otl;tba.li pfLogfLam. ChaifLman Nel-6ol1 M-6uJte.d t:he audie.nee. t:hat: t:he eommi-6.6ion wouin not be oppo-6ed t:o t:he ofLganization 06 a S06t:ba.li M-6oeiatiol1. The. audienee. inquilte.d M t:o whet:heJt t:he eommi-6-6ion -6uppofLt:ed -606t:ball t:o t:he. de.gfLee t:hat: t:hey would go t:o the Cit:y Counc.il to dO k. 60fL 6undo 60fL t:he pfLogfLam. CommiMioneJt Pe.c.kahm fLM ponde.d t:hat: he. would not: -6UppofLt: Mk.ing 60ft 6unding t:o -6ub-6idize. aduU fLe.efLe.a.t.ion pfLogfLamming. Commi-6-6ioneJt Ne1-6on and t:he. ot:heJt c.ommi-6-6ionefL.6 a.l.60 -6t:at:ed t:hat li WM t:he eommi-6-6ion' -6 poUey t:hat: adult: fLe.efLe.a.t.ionM pfLogfLamming would be -6el6 -6uppofLting and would not: fLely on t:ax dolla.Jt.6. Commi-6-6ioneJt CfLawnofLd fLeminded t:he audienee t:hat: tax dollaM weJte. u.o ed t:o help de.velop and upgfLade t:he exi-6ting fi,[eld.6 and to t:hat: de.gfLee. adult fLeefLea.t.ion WM -6ub-6idized. She explained t:hat: t:he. eommi-6-6ion t:hfLough lOl1g delibefLation had 60fLme.d poliey whieh -6aid t:hat: t:he. eommi-6-6ion would 6acU..i:tat:e loea1.. gfLoUp-6 il1 t:hw e,660fLU by pfLoviding ami QoofLdina.ung 6acJ1.liie.o. The. eommi-6-6ion WM M k.ed whet:heJt li would eOn-6ideJt dftoPP,tl1g t:he maint:enanee ne.e a;ttaehed t:o t:he t:eam -6e.e.o now t:hat: t:he. SefLia1.. Le.vy pM-6e.d thi-6 lMt: ye.a.fL. The. eommiMion fLe.oponde.d t:hat: li would eOn-6ideJt whet:heJL OfL not t:hat 6e.e. eou1.d be dftoppe.d in t:he eomil1g budget: 60fLma.t.ion -6 e.o.oiol'LO aMefL t:he. 6rut: 06 t:he. ye.a.fL. The audienee M ke.d whet:heJt t:he eommiMiol1 would M k t:he. eliy 60fL a pofLtion 06 t:he hotellmotel t:ax t:o -6UppofLt: fLe.duetion in 6e.M -6ofL -6otl;tba.li. The eommi-6-6ion fte.oponded t:hat: in pfLe.viouo ye.a.Jt.6 li hM appfLoaehed t:he. budget: eommUt:ee. 06 t:he eliy 60fL pofLt:ion-6 06 t:he. hot:ellmot:el t:ax on ot:hefL t:hing-6 al1d had not: had pO-6i:ttve fLe.oult:o. Commi-6-6ioneJt CfLa.w60fLd point:e.d out: t:hat: t:he. eommi-6-6ion e.-6-6e.ntia.liy Mk.ed t:he eouneil bOfL a lump -6um t:o -6uppofLt: fLeeftea.t.ion; wheJte t:he.y .6uppUe.d t:he. mOI1e.y 6fLom t:heilL budget: WM up t:o t:hem. The eommiMion -6tat:ed again t:hat li would not: dO a body at: t:hi-6 t:ime fLe.qUe.ot: -6ub-6idy money 60fL aduU fLeefLea.Uon pfLogfLamming but: i6 t:he. -6otl;tball p.ta.yefL.6 want:ed t:o appfLoaeh t:he eliy t:hat: WM t:heift PfLeJtogative. t REGULAR MEETING - Oet:obe.fL 29, 1984 PAGE 3 S06tball - eon-tinued A6t:e.fL -6ome. 6ufLt:he.fL di-6euo-6ion, t:he eommi-6-6ion let: the. audie.nee. k.now t:hat: li would de.Mn-Uely be willing t:o wOfLk. wit:h a S06t:ball A-6-6oeiation. They expfLe.6-6ed eoneeJtn t:hat: t:he. ofLgaMza.t.ion be. able. t:o demon-6~e t:ha.t: li Wa.-6 a bonefiide ofLgaMza.t.ion wlih a.-6-6uJtanee.o 06 6i-6eal fLMPOn-6ib..i.LUy. The. eommi.6.6ion indieat:ed t:hat i6 t:he de.pMt:me.nt: eould be of, a.-6-6i-6t:anee t:o t:he gfLoup, t:hat: t:he.y -6hould eont:ad t:he. PMk.-6 DifLeet:ofL. SMan Rud, Cliy CouncJ1. Uai-Oon, fLdayed a me.o-6age. Mom CouncJ1. PfLe.oide.nt: Don Law-6 fLe.qUe.otil1g t:hat: the. commio-6ion me.et: wit:h t:he. Cit:y COUl1eil be60fLe appfLoving the. "St:at:eme.nt: 06 Poliey and WOfLk.il1g Plan" whieh li had jMt: eomplet:e.d. The -6e.ve.fLa1.. eommi-O-6ionefL.6 fLe.opol1ded t:ha.t: t:he.y weJte. -6 UfLpW ed at: t:he. fLe.qUe.ot 60fL t:he. meeting al1d a.-6 k.e.d t:he. liai-Oon why t:he. eouncJ1. had made. -6ueh a fLequMt. CounUlmembeJt Rud fLe.oponded t:hat aeeofLdil1g t:o LCDC that: t:heJte. ean be. 110 plan-6 adopt:e.d wlihout: eouncJ1. appfLova1... She. -6aid t:hat: t:hi-6 inelude.d any plan-6 0-6 wOfLk.. In di-6eM-6ion t:he. eommi-6-6iol1 det:eJtmil1e.d t:hat: no one. 6fLom t:he. c.ounm had a.-6 yet: fLe.ad t:he. doeume.nt:, and t:hat:, aUhough t:he.y did not: like. p0.6t:pOMl1g apPfLoving t:he doeume.nt: a.-6 planne.d at: t:hi-6 me.eting, t:he.y would do -60. Commi-6-6ioneJt WW-6 made a motion t:o de.6eJt t:he adoption 06 t:he. "St:at:eme.nt: 06 PoUey al1d WOfLk.in.g p.ta.n" unt:il the. ne.xt: Re.gulafL Me.eting in ofLde.fL t:o give. the. Cliy CouncJ1. t:he. oppofLt:un-Uy t:o fLead t:he. eont:e.nt: 06 the. doeume.nt: and t:o me.et: wit:h t:he. Commi-6-6ion i6 t:he.y .ohould choo-6e. t:o do -60. Commi-6-6ione.fL Pe.ek.ham .oe.eonde.d. The. vot:e. Wa.-6: 4 YM - 0 no B. Re.newa1.. 06 eont:Jta.d 60 fL m e.a1.. -6li e. MOTION C. Adopt:ion 06 Poliey and WOfLk.ing Plan MOTION DifLe.et:OfL Miek.e1-6 e.n pfLe.o e.nt:e.d a eont:Jta.d to t:he eommi-O-6ion 6ftom Ac.ee.6-6, Inc. The. eont:Jta.et: Wa..6 60fL c.ontinue.d Mage. 06 the. Hunt:eJt PafLk. Building M a meali -6lie -6ofL the. Loave.o and Fi-6he.o pfLogMm 60fL the. upc.oming ye.afL. He. a.-6k.e.d 60fL a motiol1 nfLOm t:he eommi-6-6ion t:o appfLove. t:he. eont:Jta.et: i6 t:he.y eho-6e to do -60. Commio-6iol1efL CfLaw60d made a mot:ion to appfLove. the. eont:fLa.et:. Commi-6-6ione.fL Pe.ek.ham -6e.eonde.d. The vot:e. WM: 4 ye.o - 0 no The. Chaiftman in-6t:Jtuded t:he. DifLe.et:OfL to make. eopiM 06 t:he plan available. t:o the. Cliy COUI1cJ1. memb efL.6 and a.-6 k.e.d Su.oal1 Rud t:o fLefuy t:o t:he. CouncJ1. t:hat: in the.y -6tiU had eoneeJtn-6 about: t:he. doeume.nt: af,t:eJL fLe.ading li t:hat: t:he. Commi-6-6,ton WOLttd be. happtj t:o me.et: wlih t:he. Counm. VI I. New BMine.o-6 A. Le.tte.fL 6fLom Rogue. Valley Couneil 06 GOVe.fLnme~ The. eommi-6-6ionefL.6 weJte. pfLe.o ent:e.d a le;t:teJt 6fLom ElLie Dlit:meJt, Wat:eJt Qua1..liy CoofLdinat:ofL 60fL t:he Rogue. Valle.y Counul 06 GoveJtnmen:t6. The. le...UeJL c.ol1eeJtne.d the. de.velopment: On A-6hla.nd Pond a.-6 a pa.-6-6ive t:Jte.at:me.nt: oppofLt:un-Uy nOfL A-6hla.nd Cfte.ek. al1d t:he buildi.ng 06 an impfLoved e.xli -6t:JtudUfLe. 60fL t:he oat:610w wat:eJL. He. a.-6 k.e.d whet:heJt t:he. Cliy OfL t:he. PafLk.-6 would be. int:eJte.ot:e.d j! I e e e REGULAR MEETING - Oet:obeJt 29, 1984 PAGE 4 MOTION A.6hland Pond - eontinue.d in helping wilh t:he mat:efLia.l.6 OfL fubofL. In fLM po n-6 e to t:he. lefteJL t:he eommi-O-6 io nefL.6 indic.at:ed t:hat: t:hey weJte. not: 6amiUM e.nough wlih t:he t:eehMea.lliie.o 06 what: MfL. Vi:ttmeJt want:e.d t:o do and t:o t:he. be.ne.6w t:ha.t: /Lt would have t:o t:he. pond in oftdeJt to mak.e. a de.wion. They a.-6 k.ed t:he. VifLeet:ofL t:o invlie MfL. Vlit:meJt t:o t:he. nex:t RegulM Meeting -60 t:hat: t:he.y would have. t:he. oppofLt:UI1ity 60fL t:hem to a.-6 k him que.otiOn-6 eoneeJtMng t:he. bene.-6w t:hi-6 new -6Y-6t:em would have. nOfL t:he pond. B. LefteJt nfLom t:he. A-6hland GafLde.n Club The. eommi-6.oion Wa.-6 pfLe.o e.nt:e.d a lefteJL nfLom t:he A.6hlal1d Ga.Jtde.n Club which had be.el1 wfLlit:e.n t:o t:he. CUy Admb'Lat:Jtat:ofL thal1king him nOfL -6ome. t:Jtee WOfLk. whieh had been done. il1 Blue.bifLd PMk. and a.l.60 Mk.il1g him t:o Mnd -6ome. way nOfL t:he. PafLk..6 Vepa.fLt:ment: t:o beeome ),l1volve.d in t:he. maint:e.nanee 06 the. eliy admiMot:eJte.d pafLk. The. lefteJt e.xplaine.d t:hat: a.lt:hough t:he. GafLde.n C.tub wOlLtd c.ontinue t:o help maint:ain the. pafLk. in a Ught: way t:he.y did not: 6e.et t:hat: t:he.y eould t:ake. eafLe. On t:he. impofLt:ant: heavy maint:e.nanee.. AMeJL fLeviewing the le.tte.Jt Commi-O-6ione.Jt Peek.ham move.d t:o wfLlie. a le.tte.Jt to t:he Cliy CouncJ1. fLe.qUe.otil1g that: BluebifLd PMk. be.eome a de.dieat:e.d pafLk.. Commi-6-6ioneJL CfLa.wnofLd -6 e.c.ol1ded. The vot:e Wa.-6: 4 YM - 0 no VI II . COfLfLel> pondenee, CommwUea.t.ion-6, VifLectofL'-6RepofLt: None. IX. It:em6 6fLom Commi-6-6ion~ None. X. Ne.xt MOnt:h'-6 Age.nda The. adopUol1 06 t:he eommJA-6ion'.6 "St:a.t:ement: 06 PoUey a.nd WOfLk.il1g Plan" Wa.-6 fLe.p.taee.d on ,the. age.nda 60fL t:he. nex:t Re.gula.Jt Me.eting. The. next Regu.ta.fL Meeting On t:he eommiJ.i.6ion Wa.-6 -6et: 60fL ThufL6day, Novembe.Jt 29, 1984 at: 6:30 P.M. XI. Ad] o uJtnm e.nt: Wlih no 6wr:theJL bMil1e.o-6, t:he ehaifLmal1 adj OMned t:he me.etil1g. Re.opeet:6uUy -6ubmitie.d, ~illi Al1n Bene.diet: Ve.pa.fLt:ment Se.efLet:a.JtY -- . e CITY OF ASHLANV PARKS ANV RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NovembeJt 29, 1984 The Viee-ChaifLman ealled t:he meet:ing t:o ofLdeJt at: 6:30P.M. ATTENVANCE: P fLe.o ent: : CfLdW 60 fLd , P eek.ham , W W-6, S ea.fL-6, R ud , Miek. el-6 en Commi-6-6ione.fL Neloon a.fL/tived la.t:e. None. Ab-6 e.nt:: I. AVVITIONS OR VELETIONS None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commi-6-6ioneJt Sea.fL-6 moved t:o aec.ept: the minut:eo 06 t:he RegulafL Meet:ing 06 Oet:obe.fL 29, 1984. Commi-6-6ioneJt Wei-6-6 -6eeonded. The vot:e Wa.-6: 4 YM - 0 110 III. BILLS ANV FINANCES Commi-6-6iol1efL Pe.ekham moved t:o aeeept: t:he di-6bUftOeme~ 60fL t:he pfLevioM mont:h M indic.at:e.d by Payable-6 c.heek.-6 numbe.fLed 7648 - 7711 and PaYfLoll eheek.-6 numbefted 4456 thfLough 4483. Commi-6-6iol1eJt Wei-6-6 -6e.eol1ded. The vot:e. Wa.-6: 5 tje.o - 0 no IV. AUVIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENVA A. EfLie V,{ftmeJt - fLe: pfLojeet: 011 pond on BfLyant-Joneo pfLopefLt:y EfLic. Vlit:meJt, WateJt QuaWy CoofLdinat:ofL at: t:he Rogue. Valley Couneil 06 Gove.fLl1me~, -6pok.e t:o t:he eommi-O-6iOI1 eoneeJtnil1g a pfLopo-6ed pfLoje.et: 60fL t:he. pond on t:he BfLyant:-JonM pfLopefLt:y whieh would impfLove t:he "pa.-6-6ive t:Jteat:me.nt:" pot:ential 06 t:he. Wat:e.fL wh:teh 610w-6 thfLough t:he pond and an additional eomplimentdfLY pfLojeet: whieh would impfLOVe. t:he wildli6e habliat: 06 t:he pond afLea. He -6a.id t:hat: t:he. pfLopo-6e.d pfLojed would impfLove t:he pOl1d' -6 ea.paei:ty t:o ele.an t:he wat:eJt whieh Wa.-6 alfLeady fLunMng t:hJtough d plM would impleme.nt: a befteJt mOl1liofLing devi-6 e t:o mea.-6uJte t:he qualliy 06 t:he. wat:efL 610wing int:o and 6fLom t:he pond. He -6aid t:hat: t:heJte. weJte vafLioM en-uueo in-te/tMted in t:he. pfLojed 60fL dio6efLing int:eJte.ou but: wdh -6imilafL goa1...6. He. me.ntioned -6efLioM int:eJte.ot: eXpfLM-6e.d by t:he. Biology Ve.pa.fLt:ment: at SOSC, The Rogue. Fly Fi-6heJtman, The A-6hland ChapteJt 06 SOfLoptimi-6u. MfL. Vlit:meJt -6aid t:hat: he Wa.-6 look.ing OOfL -6uppofLt ofLom t:he eommi-6-6iol1 t:o bot:h eonduet: t:he. PfLoje.et: and 60fL 6undo t:o in-6t:all t:he. new monliofLing -6Y-6t:em. He. -6aid that: he Wa.-6 -6 e.ek.ing any a.-6-6i-6t:anee in t:he 60fLm 06 mat:efLia1...6 and labofL 6fLom vafLioM e.nt:itie.o ineluding t:he. above mentioned gfLoUp-6 al1d t:he Cliy 00 A-6hland. MfL. VLttme.fL -6aid that: he. 6eLt t:he e06t: OOfL t:he, impfLoved monLtofLil1g J.JY-6t:em would fLun about: $1,500. A/;t:eJt -6ome. que.otioMng by t:he eommi-6-6iOneM, the eomm..0~-6ion ge.neJtally il1dieated t:hat: t:he.y -6uppofLt:e.d the. plan. The.y a.-6k.ed ,that: MfL. Vlit:meJt aMange. a meetil1g among all int:e.fLe.ot:ed pafLtie.o in t:he pfLO j e.d -60 e REGULAR MEETING - NovembefL 29, 1984 PP BfLyan-t-Jone.o pond pfLojeet: pfLOpO-6a.l - eontinue.d t:hat: t:heJte would be eoofLdina.t.ion among t:he Vt ent:liiM int:eJte.ot:ed. MfL. Dli:tmeJt -6aid t:hat: rl would be willing t:o ad a.-6 eoofLdil1at:OfL 60fL the pfLoj eet:. Commi-6-6ioneJt Se."aM volunt:eefLed t:o fLepfLe.o ent: t:he eommi-6-6ion among t:he pafLtie.o involved. V. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLV BUSINESS MOTION A. Adoption 06 St:at:eme.nt: 0-6 Poliey and WOfLk.ing Plan CommiMioneJL SeaM move.d t:o aeeept: t:he. St:at:ement: 06 Polic.y and WOfLk.ing Plan a.-6 wfLltten. Commi-O-6iol1eJt W W-6 -6 e.eo nded. e In di-6eM-6ion, Commi-O-6ioneJt CfLaw60fLd -6aid t:hat: aMeJt t:he meet:ing w..Lth t:he CiJty CouncJ1. -6he had fLeviewed t:he plan and t:hought: t:hat: peJLhap-6 -6ome afLe.a.-6 eould be dafLiMed. She qUf,,6WtlW t:he time 6fLame. 06 "10 t:o 15 ye.aM" whieh t:he eommi-6-6ion had -6t:at:ed and a.l.60 que.otione.d t:he -6tat:ement: 06 "not: pUft6 uing t:he aequioitio n 06 pa.-6-6ive. pafLk. land.6" a.-6 bung t:oo geneJta.l. She. -6ugge-6t:e.d peJthap-6 a befteJt de-6wption 06 t:he. -6ize. 06 pafLeel-6 06 land t:o be. de.dieat:e.d a.-6 pafLk.-6. CommiMionefL.6 Se.aM and Ne1-6on -6aid that: t:he.y did not: 6eel that: t:he -6t:at:ement:-6 neede.d 6wr:theJt exp.ta.na.t.ion; t:hat: the time 6fLame Wa.-6 not: t:oo long e.opeually -6inee -6ut:uJte eommi-6-6ionefL.6 eould fLevi-6e OfL a.lt:eJt poliey at: any time t:hey 6eLt apPfLopfLiat:e, and t:hat:, t:he. -6t:at:ement: eoneeJtMng the aequioition On pa.-6-6ive. pafLk. .ta.ndo did not: fLe.o:tJvld the eommi-6-6ion 6fLom aeeeptil1g any land t:hat: li eOn-6ideJted -6 uaable. 60fL pafLk. puJtpO-6 M, j uot: t:hat: li would not: "aetively puJt6ue." additional pa.-6-6ive. pMk. lal1d.6. Wlih no -6wr:theJt di-6euMion, Commi-6-6ioneJt SeaM ealled 60fL t:he que.otion. The vot:e Wa.-6: 5 ye.o - 0 no VII. NEW BUSINESS None The PMk.-6 DilLedofL pfLe.o e.nt:e.d t:he eommi-O-6ionefL.6 wlih a F inaneial St:at:eme.nt: -6ofL OpeJLa.t.iOn-6 06 t:he. DaMel Me.yeJt MemofLia1.. Pool 60fL t:hi-6 pa.-6t: -6ea.-6on. Lee HowafLd, Pool ManageJt 60fL t:he pfLevioM -6 e.a.-6on, Wa.-6 pfLe.o ent: t:o fLe.pofLt: to t:he eommi-O-6ion. Lee -6aid that: he 6eLt veJty pO-6itive about t:hi-6 la.-6t: .6ummeJt' -6 opeJta.t.ion. He. -6aid t:hat: eO-6t t:o opeJtat:e t:he. pool peJL day t:hi-6 yeM Wa.-6 le.o-6 t:han 60fL t:he yeM be60fLe. He a:tt:fLibut:ed thi-6 pfLimafLily t:o t:he. addition 06 t:he. -601afL hea.t.ing -6Y-6t:em 60fL the. pooL A6t:eJt eompleting hi-6 fLe.pofLt:, he -6aid t:hat: he would like t:o -6 e.e. t:he eommiMion eOn-6ideJt t:wo pfLoj ew eoneeJtMng t:he. pool 6aUUt:y. Fiftot:, "bubbling" t:he pool -60 t:hat: li eould be a yeafL-fLound 6aUUt:y; al1d -6 e.eol1d, eOn-6t:Jtuding a wat:eJt -6lide in eonj unetion wlih t:he pooL AMeJt a que.otion and an-6weJt pefLiod, t:he. eommi-6-6ionefL.6 and t:he PMk..6 DifLe.dofL t:hank.e.d Le.e. 60fL t:he exeeUent: wOfLk. t:hat: he al1d hi-6 -6t:a66 did ovefL t:he -6ummeJt. Bef,ofLe eonduding t:he fLepofLt:, DifLedofL Miek.el-6en -6t:at:ed t:hat he Wa.-6 veJty plea..o ed with t:he -6 uec.e.o-6 06 t:he -6olafL -6 Y-6t:em 60fL t:he pooL F iguJte.o indieat:e t:hat: eneJLgy -6aving-6 between t:he ' 83 -6e.a.-6011 al1d t:he ' 84 -6e.a.-6on Wa.-6 between one-hal6 and t:wo-t:hifLd.6. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, DIRECTOR'S REPORT VIII. OpeJtation-6 Re.pofLt:- MeyeJt Pool 1984 e e e e REGULAR MEETING - NovembeJt 29, 1984 PAGE 3 IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA None The. ne.xt: Regula.fL Me.eting 60fL t:he eommi-6-6ion Wa..6 -6et: 60fL ThUfLOday, De.eembe.fL 13, 1984 at: 6:30P.M. DilLe.c:tOfL Miek.wen -6aid t:hat: the de.pa.fLt:ment: Wa.-6 beginning t:o put: t:ogethefL il160fLmation 60fL t:he. upeoming budget: pfLoee.o-6 al1d a.-6k.ed the eommi-6-6iOneM t:o bfLing any PfLoje.et:o al1d fLe.eommendation.6 to the next: meeting whieh would pefLt:ain to t:he next: 6i-6eal yeafL and t:he budget: pfLoee.o-6. Wlih no 6wrtheJt buoine.o-6, t:he. ChaifLman adj o UfLned t:he meet:ing. XI. ADJOURNMENT Re.opeet:6ully ,6ubmitt:ed, II . ~&"I'-b Ann Be.nediet: Depa.fLt:ment: SeefLet:MY e e e CITY OF ASHLAND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Deeemb eJt 12, 1984 The ChaifLman ealled th~ m~e.t:ing t:o ofLde.Jt at: 6:00P.M. at: 340 S. Pione.e.Jt St:fLe.et:. ATTENDANCE P fLe.o ent:: Ne.l6on, CfLa.w60fLd, SeafLO, Wei.6-6, Pe.ek.ham, Mic.k.el-6en, Rud None Ab-6 ent:: I. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None Commi-6-6iol1eJt Se.aM moved t:o aeeept: the minut:e.o 06 t:he R~gula.fL Meeting 06 NovembeJt 29, 1984 a.-6 wfLitt:en. CommiMioneJL Wei.6-6 -6 e.eande.d. The. vot:e Wa.-6: 5 ye.o - 0 no III. BILLS ANV FINANCES A. APpfLova1.. on D i-6 b UftO em en:t6 Commi-6-6iol1eJL SeafLO moved t:o appfLove the fubuMement:o a.-6 indieat:e.d by PayablM eheek.-6 # 7712 t:hfLough # 7773 al1d PaYfLoll ehe.ek.-6 # 4484 t:h!Lough # 4511. CommiMioneJL WUM -6e.eonde.d. Th~ vot:e. WM: 5 ye.o - 0 no IV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION ON THE AGENDA NOl1e v. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION NOT ON THE AGENDA None VI. OLD BUSINESS None VII. NEW BUSINESS A. It:em-6 60fL 85-86 budget: DilLeet:ofL Miek.el-6 e.n pfLe.o e.nt:ed the. eommi-6-6ionefL.6 wlih a li-Ot: 06 pfLopO-6e.d pfLoje.et:.6 60fL t:he. upeoming nioeal ye.M. He. a.-6k.e.d t:he c.ommi-6-6iol1efL.6 whet:heJt t:he.y would lik.e t:o eOn-6ideJt t:he.oe pfLoj~W and have. t:hem ineluded in ne.x:t ye.afLO budget: OfL whet:heJt t:hey k.new at: t:hi-6 time t:hat: t:h~y would not: want: t:o eOn-6ideJt t:he. pfLO j e.w li-Ot:ed in t:he. upeoming budget:. Atlt:eJt fLe.viewing t:he. Wt:, t:he. eommiMionefL.6i.ndieCLted t:hat: ,they weJte willing t:o eOl1-6ideJt all the. pfLO j ~W Wt:ed al1d that: t:he. difLe.et:OfL -6 hould eompile mOfL~ -6 p~uMe e.otimat:e.o M t:o eO-6t: and pfLe.o ent: t:hem agail1 at: budg et: pfLepafLa.t.ion time. ChaifLman Nel-6on Mk.e.d whet:heJt t:he eommi-O-6ionefL.6 woul.d lille t:o add any pfLoj e.w to be. eOn-6ideJte.d 60ft t:h~ upeoming yeM. Commi-6-6ioneJt CfLa.w60fLd -6aid t:hat: li ha.-6 b~en bfLought: t:o heft a.ft~ntion t:hat: t:he. eeme.nt: bloek building on t:h~ Gfte.e.nway PfLopefLt:y nee.ded a new fLOOn. The.fLe Wa.-6 -6ome. di-6eM-6ion M t:o whet:heJt t:hat: -6t:JtudUfLe wa.-6 adually on t:he land de.dieat:e.d t:o the. pMk.-6 OfL whet:he.Jt in WM loeate.d on t:hat: pofLtion -6tiU undeJt t:he. jUfLi.6dietion 06 t:he eliy. VilLe. do fL Miek.el-6 en WM cUJte.et:ed to det:eJtmine. whet:heJt OfL 110t: the -6t:JtUet:UfLe. Wa.-6 undeJt t:he. e REGULAR MEETING - Deeembe.fL 12, 1984 PAGE 2 NEW BUSINESS - eon-tinued eommi-6-6ion' -6 jUfLi-Odietion and, i6 i-6 Wa.-6, t:o bfLing eO-6t: e.ot:imat:e.o 60fL a new fLo06 t:o t:he eommi-6-6iol1 at t:he. appfLopfLiat:e t:ime. e VII 1. Commi-O-6ioVl.eJL Se.a.fL6 .6aid t:hat: he. would uk.e t:o have. 6undo -6et: Mide 60fL elean.<..ng t:he pond out: on t:he BfLyant:-Jone1> PfLopefLt:y. He hM-etat:e.d a.-6 to how willing he. would be. to alloeat:e 6und.6 60fL the. ot:hefL aopew 06 t:he. pfLoje.d int:fLodueed by EfLie Dlit:meJL 06 WateJL QuaWy in t:he pfLevioM meeting but: did 6eel t:hat: t:he pond -6hould at: le.a.-6t: be eleane.d out:. Comm-e6-6iclVLeJL Ne.l-6ol1 -6aid t:hat: he would uf<.e to -6ee. the. 6ull. pfLojed -6ueee.o-66ul and not: fLe1>t:~,et: the eommi-6-6ion jMt t:o the. eO-6t: 06 dftedging t:he pond. Commi-6-6ioneJt Sea.fL6 -6aid t:hat: he. would a.l.60 uk.e t:o .6ee $1,500 in 6und-6 -6et: a.-6ide. 60fL impfLoveme.nt:o on the Llihia Sp4i.l1g-6 PfLopefLt:y. DilLeet:OfL Miek.el-6 e.n !1.J!minde..d t:he eommi-6-6ion t:hat: t:hat: money would have t:o eome 6fLom fLe.venue. -6hafLing money -6inee t:he Llihia SpfLing-6 PfLopefLt:y Wa.-6 not: de.dieat:ed pa/tk. land. Su.oan Rud inquilted a.-6 t:o whet:heJt that: Wa.-6 t:he. PfLopefLt:y t:hat: t:he Gun Club wao loeat:e.d on. It Wa.-6 e.xplained t:o heJt t:hat: t:hat: Wa.-6 -60; that: t:he Gun Club hM a lea.-6e with t:he. PafLk.-6 Commi-O-6ion. It WM e.xplained t:hat: oveJt t:he ye.a.fL6 t:he. GUI1 Club ha.-6 done. mO-6t: 0-6 t:he. impftovement:o and maint:enanee 06 t:he. Mea wlih a f,Uile. mon-LtMY -6UppofLt 6fLom t:he depa.fLt:ment:. MO-6t: 06 the. WOfLk. done. on t:he pfLopefLt:y i-6 done. wlih donat:e.d mateJt.-ta.l.6 and laboft. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR'S REPORT None IX. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS None The eommi-6-6ionefL.6 -6 et: a Budget: St:udy Se.o-6ion 60fL Th~day, JanuafLY 17, 1984 at 6:30P.M. and t:he. ne.xt: Re.gulM Meeting 60fL ThUftOday, JanuafLY 24, 1984 at: 6:30P.M. X. NEXT MONTH'S AGENDA Will no 6ufLt:heJt bMinM-6, the ChaifLman adjoufLned t:he me.eting. XI. ADJOURNMENT Re.oped6uUy -6ubmifte.d, O-~~O Ann Be.ne.diet: D epa.fLt:m e.nt: S eefL et:MY e