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Hotel/Motel Tax Monies
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May I, 1979
Mayor Prickett led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting
to order at 7:30 P.M. on the above date in the Council Chambers at
City Hall.' Phelps, Medaris, Hamilton and Laws were present. Rag-
land arrived a few minutes late.
Medaris moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
April 17, 1979 and of the adjourned meeting of April 24, 1979;
Sims seconded the'motion and on voice vote motion passed unanimously,
Phelps moved to accept minutes of boards, commissions and committees;
Hamilton seconded and motion passed 'unanimously on voice vote.
The City Administrator read a letter from OSFA proposing to increase
Ashland's transient occupancy tax levy from 5% to 6%, and to alloc-
ate that additional 1% return in revenue to support the continued
operation of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival. Bill Patton of OSFA
presented Council with a list of supportive local motel owners. On
Phelps question as to what amount would represent the 1%, Patton
estimated $14,000. City Attorney Salter said he has some question
on the proposal and said he would investigate wr.ether or not tax
monies could be used to give to "not for profie' organization.
John Evey representing the Festival said it could be done and added
that Medford participates in this way. Laws took exception to cur
proposing to use a tax law to generate moniee for a private interest
and said that it is hard to justify the request when l% could not be
allocated to give legal'counsel to the poor through the City budget.
Patton pointed out the volume of money generated in the comlnunity by
visitors coming to Ashland to see the plays and if those monies dry
up because of gasoline prices or shortage, theu we will be in troc:hl"
Patton said the monies will be necessary to carryon in spite of
such problems. Ragland recalled that some time back the City illade
an attempt to entertain tourism as opposed to heavy industrial bus-
iness and is happy Ashland is known for OSFA rather than the "Pitts-
burgh of the West". The Mayor supported the effort for this year
but reminded OSFA people that the proposal would be for one year
only and not an auto:-!1atic request on a yearly basis nor assumed sup-
port should request be granted at this time. Mayor Prickett asked
that a letter be sent to this effect. Laws suggested $10,000 be
earmarked for Shakespeare. Sims said he could net support the
request and said it would be benefitting the business interests and
agreed with Salter that legality should be looked into. Sims said
that OSFA has a habit of ~nder-anticipating theatr~ activity in
their budget every year an:l invariably come out s1!ccessfully without"
the degree of income gap anticipated and that the $1.00 lease fro:::
City could be sho.<ll as financial support to generate private moni~s
contributed by patrons etc. Evey said thac Medford appropriated che
amount of $15~OOO or 1%, T,il1ichevcr is less cOTIiputed on total :ax.
Laws moved to have staff increase from 5% to 6%, to appropriate tt~
sum of $10,000 to Oregon Shakes~earean Festi.val Association; Ph2.1?s
seconded. Ragland expressed conce.rn that a dollar amount bE: set
i.n the event that the gasoline problem becomes super critic.al ana
5/1/79 Pg. 1
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OSFA MOTEL TAX MONIES cont. the tax monies didn't 'amount to the $10,000. Medaris amended the
motion to call for,appropriation of $12,000; Ragland seconded and
on roll call, Ragland and Medaris voted YES; Phelps, Sims, Laws
and Hamilton voted,NO so the amendment failed. On the original
',motion Cnclmn Ragland, Medaris, Laws and Hamilton voted in favor
and Phelps and Sims opposed the motion.
BEAR CREEK GREENWAY COMMITTEE A letter was read from Jackson County Bear Creek Greenway Committee
expressing concern over proposed runway expansion and recommending
alternative use of tieil Creed by reserving a minimum of 50' on each
side of Neil Creek for a trail and floodplain. Parks Director
Neil Ledward attended the meeting to communicate what was contained
in the letter and to answer questions. Ledward said that acquisitio:,
of Jones-Bryant property by the State is eminent and that the proper-
ty will be turned over to the City of Ashland as have others for
the greenway system. The letter was accepted and placed on file
and Ledward said he would report back after next committee meeting.
Ragland expressed delight at the acquisition of Jones-Eryant land
saying it is the most crucial piece of all for the whole chain.
James R. Benson
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A letter was read from the Ashland Heritage Committee requesting
permission to use the City parking lot on Winburn Way for model
railroads on Heritage Sunday (July 1). Laws moved for approval and
agreaito invitation to antique car club if desired; Ragland seconded
and on roll call, all YES.
A letter of appeal was submitted by Sims on Tolliver proposal and
public hearing date was set for 7:30 P.M. on May 15, 1979.
A letter was read James Benson requesting permission to cut pavement
at 1150 Iowa Street to install water and sewer lines and fire hydran:
and a memo from A],sing was also read. Discussion follm.,ed as to ."hy
the building permit was issued prior to approval and it was learned
an error had been made. Laws said that more consideration should be
given the proposal to purchase a bore to go under the streets to
save the pavement since so many requests have come in for cutting -
none of which have been turned down. Hamilton moved to approve;
Laws 'seconded and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
~~yor reported on emission tests being given police cars and noted
the only car which passed the test was the one which has been modi-
fied with heated jets and suggested that such equipment should be
placed on other vehicles. On question posed to Chief Lively on the
performance of the jet equipment Lively said that it is hard to con-
clude that the mileage on the vehicle is better because of the type
of wear and tear of police vehicles and noted the cars tested are
in various stages of repair and some in need of tuning which would
reflec t in success or failure in the testing. Lively said when the
new cars no" ordered arrive it will be time to consider the JUodH ica-
tion. Council agreed the testing is great idea for Clear, Air \,eek.
(Later in the evening Phelps urged cooperation from every driver to
have his automobile checked for emissions free of charge this weck.
5/1/79 Pg. 2
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Kneebone Zone Change #57
Water O/S City
In keeping with the policy of Council to bring back cost estimates
exceeding 10% over those estimated in formation of assessment dis-
tricts a list was given which showed jobs on Walnut, Windsor and
Emma would exceed the criteria. Council agreed that, no bids should
be accepted until staff has contacted property owners to get the~r
individual opinions as to,whether tbey care to go on with the work
at the accelerated costs.
Findings of Fact and Order were submitted to Council for it's authori
zation of Mayor's signature. Box reviewed the need of the packet
sho>ling various information on which Council had acted to deny Zone
Change #57. On question of Hamilton as to the need for such findings
at this date Salter said the action is in order and in fact Council
'should be commended for having considered the findings in their del-
iberations to preclude a court order on such decision to justify
their decision. Salter told Council that packets of findings would
also be presented on the H [, S Development proposal and the Hill
Amendment. Laws reminded Council of the need for orderly actions and
said recently minutes presented an unclear action. Salter said that
Courts also have tapes recorded to compare information. Laws moved
that Mayor be authorized to sign findings of fact and order of the
Council; Medaris seconded and on roll call, all YES.
Request for water service by Charles Calhoun for property outside
City was presented and it was learned that Calhoun was not present.
Laws moved to defer until Calhoun is present; Medaris seconded and
the lllotion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
A memo was read from the Planning Commission relative to the hazard-
ous conditions created by alley situation in the High-Manzanita area
as a result of several multifamily developments. Recommendations
to purchase a small sliver of tax lot 4200 to expand T-intersection
behind the restored house at 325 North Main (Toney's) by paving it
for easier and more safe maneuver of various vehicles using ,the
access. Ragland asked if staff could contact property ~wners and
come back with recommendation. Alsing said that Toney might be agree
_ able to setting up an assessment district. No action necessary until
more information is available on alternatives.
Councilman Medaris reviewed his memorandum of committee findings on
question and advisibility of purchasing the old Armory building for
City purposes or community functions. Medaris noted the need for
parking and said cost estimates for land acquisition and development
must be considered along with study of renovation costs. Hedaris and
Almquist agreed that architectural or engineering firm should take a
look at the overall project before going into the matter any further.
Ragland commented on staff's concern regarding further fragmentation
of City offices saying that it may be something we must learn to liVe
with because,of the nature of the ownership of City Hall based on it~
function and said it might be adequate indefinitely for certain ae-
partments. Laws agreed that if Police, Justice and Council'Chambers
were set apart in a separate building, there would be room for the
balance of city functions at City Hall. Discussion follm.ed on "he
5/1/79 ?g.3
'AshLand CltY.Councii~,
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ARMORY CONVERSION cont. conversion of-the~Albany Armory at a cost of $21.71 per sq. ft.
in March of J977 and an offer by their structural engineer to
appraise and'give estimates for Ashland for an amount not to
exceed $4,000. Council agreed they would feel comfortable to have
a person with such expertise look the situation over. Raglana noted
there are interesting options and reminded Council that previous
Councils, Planning Commissions and Citizens Committees had decided
that City Hall should remain in the north end of town. Laws said
that we tried to get a downtown Justice Center and lost that battle
when it became apparent that the Lithia Mill site is the people's
choice. Phelps said he is looking to the Lithia Mill area and'with
further development it will become more centralized than it is today.
,Hamilton said she felt distressed at the input from Staff in that
none of the departments recommend use of the Armory. Sims agreed ani
said.it is too bad is is so one sided. Sims added that it would be
costly to bring the Armory up to code but that a Contractor could
circumvent that expense all at once by doing the work in phases and
recommended that an impartial structural engineer or someone with
like qualifications appraise and recommend what can be done. Rag-
land said he is intrigued at the cost, location and space afforded
by the Armory and urged Council to look for expertise outside the
valley and asked that the Committee carryon until more facts are
gathered. Sims suggested that the Lithia Mill property could be
sold, exchanged or otherwise. used for financing acquisition etc.
SimS moved that one person be sent to Albany to see what has been
done there and to report back with pictures etc.; Laws seconded and
on roll call vote, passed unanimously. Medaris asked for input from
Mickelson, Drager, Bohannan and Box.
TONEY SUED. EASEMENT A memo from the Public Works Department was read and map submitted
relative to an easement vacation and Laws moved to authorize Mayor
and Recorder to sign quitclaim deed; Hamilton seconded and the
motion passed unanimously on roll call vote,
MARK ANTONY HOTEL GRANT Almquist read a memo requesting that Staff research position of
City as "guarantor" in connection ,~ith a $2S,000 grant received by
Mark Antony Motor Hotel from National Heritage Conservation & Rec-
reation. With no objection from Council, Acting Mayor so ordered,
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Phelps revie.wed policy on preliminary and final appU.cations ana
need to mudify the su1wivisicn ordinance by calling for time limit
of 18 months for active development after final approval of plat or
voiding the pe.rmit. After some discussion, Phelps moved that staff
be.directed to retJrite ordinance accordingly and Hamilton seconded.
On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously.
LOLICH ANNEXATION ORD. Second reading was given an ordinance by title only dispensing with
an election and calling a public hearing on a proposed annexation
and withdrawal from JCFD I/S for property sitmlte'(j behind Knight' s
Inn Motel. Laws moved for adoption; Phelps seconded and motion
passed unanimously orr roll call vote.
WATER & SEHER CONNECT RATES Second readirrg by title only was given an ordinance amending Ordin-
ance No. 1961 setting Hater & Sewer rates. Phelps moved for adoption,
Laws seconded and on roll call, all YES.
, 5/1/79 Pg. 4
Ashland City Council
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Second reading by title only was given an ordinance amending
Ordinance No, 1859 and the Ashland Municipal Code relative to
Sewer User Charges and Hamilton moved to adopt; Phelps seconded
and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.
Second reading by title only was given an ordinance repealing
Ordinance No. 1949, and amending Ordinance No. 1676 relative to
water turn-on charge. Medaris moved to adopt; Hamilton seconded
and on roll call, motion pessed unanimously.
First reading was given an ordinance amending the Ashland Municipal
Code relative to the provision of underground utilities for minor
land partitions. Laws moved to second reading; Phelps seconded
and on roll call, all YES.
HITT ROAD VACATJON RESOLUTION A resolution setting a public hearing on the proposed vacation of
Hitt Road was read for June 5, 1979 at 7:30 P,M. Medaris moved
for adoption; Hamilton seconded and motion passed without opposition
on roll call vote.
BUIl.DING CODE VALUATION RES. A resolution adopting building code valuation data pursuant to
Section 423 was read amending Uniform Building Code. Laws moved
for adoption; Phelps seconded and motion passed unanimously on
roll call vote.
Record Storage
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City Recorder
A proclamation was read declaring May ll, 1979 as the "Day of the
Nurse". No action necessary.
Financial Report for March 1979 was accepted without comment.
Phelps as liaison to the Air Quality Committee in Jackson County
urged everyone to have his vehicle checked free for emissions
during Clean Air Week. Phelps then' 'reviewed progress of committee
saying the responsibility for pollution rests with both the wood
industry and the automobile and each points to the other as being
the larger of contributors.
Phelps then expressed concern that building and planning records
be safely stored and asked that Planner Box check on costs of fire-
proof files or microfilming records on which the City has been
planned and built from its literal foundation up. Box said he would
report back.
Medaris urged that police vehicles be tuned up and tested again
for emissions and report back on r ts as they are testen.
Meeting adjourned
WHEREAS, nurses ~oday are assuming increasing respon-
sibility and accountability for this community's health
care needs, and
WHEREAS, nurses have forcefully demonstrated their pro-
fessionalism continually striving to upgrade standards
of care and improve services, and
WHEREAS, the Oregon Nurses Association has declared May 11
NOW THEREFORE, I, GARY L. PRICKETT, Mayor of the City of
Ashland, Oregon, do hereby proclaim Friday, May II, 1979
as "THE DAY OF THE NURSE IN ASHLAND", and do urge all
residents of this community to join in this observance and
participate in a demo~stration of recognition and support
of nurses, the nation's largest group of health profess-
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proclaimed by me this / al day of May, 1979..
Gary L'.
City of Ashland, Oregon
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Nan E. Franklin
City Recorder/Treasurer