HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-0504 Council Contd Mtg MINASHLAND C/TY COUNGL MEET/NC
May 4, 20/ 1
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May 4, 2011
Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
Mayor SVOmberg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Slattery, Morris, Lemhouse, Voisin, Silbiger, and Chapman were present.
3. Does the City Council wish to affirm, reverse, modify or remand back to the. Planning
Commission the decision to approve Planning Action #2010-01239 a Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Map Amendment, Site Review, Tree Removal Permit, and Physical Environmental
Constraints Review Permit to construct a 10,632 square foot building at 85 Winburn Way?
Does the City Council wish to approve the Development Agreement proposed by the applicants,
make changes to the Development Agreement prior to approval, or reject the Development
Councilor Slat[ery, Mortis, Lemhouse, Voisin, Silbiger, Chapman, and Mayor Stromberg declared no Ex
Parte or conflicts of interest.
Motion Councilor Chapman made May 3, 2011 regarding 85 Winburn Way:
Councilor Chapman/Lemhouse m/s to modify the decision by the Planning Commission to limit the
zone c6ange to C-1-D solely to 85 Winburn Way and to require an In-Lieu-of-Parking Fee of
$16,350 for 25 parking spaces and direct staff to make appropriate changes to the Development
Agreement reFlecting these changes and bring back ordinance for First Reading.
Councilor Morris/Voisin m/s to amend the motion to change the City owned parking lot from its
current zoning to Gl-D, to revise the In-Lieu of parking fee to $10,000 per space for the 24.75
spaces, to restrict the use with no medical office uses and also restrict it to no residential uses.
Mayor Stromberg ruled the amendment out of order wi[hout prejudice.
Council discussed how the different zones on the adjacen[ properties would require a 10-foot se[back and
cause a redesign for the project. Planning Manager Maria Harris and Associate Planner Derek Severson
described how the 10-foot setback would cut off the base for the arch and part of the view�ing deck for the
Ice Rink. Council had concems the C-1-D zone pushed buildings to [he lo[-line and wanted to re[ain the
transition and setbacks the current buildings on Winbum Way afforded. Other comments preferzed a GI
zone for the parking lot with a park overlay.
Interim City Attomey Doug McGeary addressed Councilor Morris' earlier amendment and clarified an
amendment could be inconsistent with another one already adopted, and also be in direct conflict with the
spirit of the original motion but it must have direct bearing on the subject of the original motion. The
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amended motion was reactivated. Council requested Councilor Morris withdraw his amended motion and
make separate motions for each amendment instead.
Councilor Morris withdrew his amended motion with Councilor Voisids consent.
Councilor Morris/C6apman m/s to amend the motion and eliminate residential uses on the site.
DISCUSSION: Councilor Morris did not think the location was a good place for residential use without
parking and was concemed with [he proximity to Lithia Park.
Councilor Voisin motioned to amend the amended motion to make residential uses found in the
Development Agreement under B. Additional Conditions Approved by Council and SITP as Part of
De4elopment Agreement for Winburn Way) 12. Special Permitted Uses (revised from AMC
18.32.025) B. Residential Uses, be deleted and added to B. (14) Prohibited Uses. Motion died for lack
of a second.
Staff explained that the GI-D zone allowed residential on 35% of the ground floor and then the upper
floors. The requirement was 60 dwelling units per acre.
Roll CaII Vote: Councilor Voisin, Chapman, Silbiger, and Morris, YES; Councilor Lemhouse, and
Slattery, NO. Motion passed 4-2.
Councilor Morris/Voisin m/s to amend the motion to prohibit the use of inedical building uses in
this facility. DISCUSSION: Councilor Morris explained the location was a secondary use and a
medical facility was a destination place that would cause traffic and parking issues. Councilor Voisin
noted medical uses appeared twice in the Development Agreement and wanted to ensure both were
removed. Councilor Lemhouse would not support the motion and preferred medical be a conditional use.
Councilor Slattery did not support the motion and suggested adding language to the Development
Agreement requiring parking if used for medical. Councilor Silbiger confirmed a future developer could
ask the City to change the Development Agreement. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Chapman,
Silbiger, and Morris, YES; Councilor Lemhouse, and Slattery, NO. Motion passed 4-2.
Councilor Morris/Chapman m/s to amend the motion to revise the In-Lieu of parking fee from
$16,350 per space to $10,000 per space. DISCUSSION: Councilor Morris was concerned surface
parking amounts were not used to determine cost per space and $]6,350 per space was too much.
Alternately, the City should receive something in retum to assis[ future parking issues. Councilor Silbiger
clarified surface parking was $30,000 per space. Councilor Lemhouse would no[ support the amendment
and wanted a better method for determining cost per space. Councibr Slattery thought the process was
planning by piece meal and it made him uncomfortable. He would not support [he amendment.
Councilor Silbiger responded the process was difficult because it was ordinarily not executed with a
Development Agreement. He thought it was better to have a specific number and be arbitrary on the
credi[s Council would provide when it came to future requests [o additions to the downtown. Councilor
Chapman would have required 48 spaces at a much lower number per space. Councilor Voisin had
difficulty wi[h the applican[ finding the In-Lieu of parking fee unacceptable and was concerned about the
applicanYs financial viability. Council was basing their decisions on what would enhance Lithia Park and
she supported the amendment. Councilor Morris agreed the Development Agreement did not fit the land
use process. He noted the parking space for the Zamboni valued at $300,000-$600,000 and did not think
the In-Lieu of parking fees were out of line. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Chapman, Silbiger, Voisin,
and Morris, YES; Councilor Slattery and Lemhouse, NO. Motion passed 4-2.
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Councilor MorrisNoisin m/s to amend the motion to rezone the City of Ashland parking lot to a
C-1-D as in the initial agreement. DISCUSSION: Councilor Morris preferred a C-1 zone change on
the City owned lot. He did not support retaining the property as residential and imposing the 10-foot
setback on the side yard. It was not worth having the applicant redesign the building or have to apply for
a setback variance. Councilor Chapman responded applying for a setback variance was the normal
procedure for this siwation and would not support the amendment. He had additional concerns that
changing the City owned lot to G1-D opened [he location to uses that should not be there. Staff
confirmed the development agreement would extend to the City lot as far as prohibiting.medical uses.
Roll Call Vote: Councilor Lemhouse, Morris, Slattery, Silbiger, and Voisin, YES; Councilor
Chapman, NO. Motion passed 5-1.
City Recorder Barbara Christensen read the amended motion aloud: "...to modify the decision by the
Planning Commission to limit the zone change to C-1-D to 85 Winburn Way and the City owned
parking lot with no residential uses allowed, prohibits medical uses in this facility and to require an
In-Lieu of parking fee of $10,000 for 25 parking spaces and direct staff to make appropriate
changes to the Development Agreement reflecting these changes and bring back ordinance for First
Councilor Silbiger/Voisin m/s to amend the motion to remove the non-competition clause
prohibiting the Ciry from selling food or beverages on City owned property. DISCUSSION:
Councilor Silbiger explained the Pazks and Recreation Department owned the property the clause affected
and it would encumber their ability to make decisions on that site. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin,
Lemhouse, Chapman, Silbiger, Slattery, and Morris, YES. Motion passed.
Staff listed the uses:
Permitted Uses
A. Professional, financial, business offices, personal services establishment such as beauty and
B. Stores, shops and office supplying commodities or performing services such as antique shops,
artists supply stores, or non-chain department stores
C. Restauran[s
D. Theaters but not including a drive-in
E. Manufacture or assembly of items sold in a permitted use, provided such manufacturing or
assembly occupies 600 square-feet (s� or less and is contiguous to the permitted retail outlet
F. Printing, publishing, lithography, xerography, and copy centers
G. Temporary trees sales from November 1- January 1
H. Public and quasi-public utility and service buildings and parking lots, but excluding electrical
Special Permitted Uses
A. Bowling alleys, auditoriums, skating rinks, and miniature golf courses
B. Residential removed per Council
Conditional Uses
A. Medicaluses—removedperCouncil
Temporary Uses
A. Outdoor storage of commodities associated with a permitted, special permitted or conditional use
B. Churches or similar religious institutions
Prohibited Uses
A. Formula Stores or Restaurants added per applicant
B. Medical added per Council
C. Residential added per Council
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Council retained the Zamboni structure as stated in the Development Agreement.
Council and Staff discussed the proposed timelines for obtaining building permit approvals, the first
approved building inspection, and construction. Under current codes, a standard land use action has 12
months to design Ihe project, ob[ain [he building permits and first building inspection approval on the
proposal. The code provides an 18-month extension in addition to the 12 months for a total of 30 months.
The applicant was asking for 42 months to commence construction, then 36 months to complete
construction. Staff recommended approving the proposed timelines.
Councilor Silbiger/Slattery m/s to amend the motion and accept the staff recommendation on the
timelines. DISCUSSION: Councilor Morris confirmed that curb and sidewalk was included in the
timeline. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Lemhouse, Chapman, Silbiger, Slattery, and Morris.
Motion passed.
Council went on to discuss Right of First Offec Staff explained they put a time limit on the right of first
offer of 20 years to protect the applicant's heirs and preserve the living memory of the document [t did
not bind either party.
Staff went on to explain the heigh[ limit recommendation was irrelevant because Council was not
changing the lots to a C-1-D zone.
Councilor Voisin/Morris m/s to amend the motion and remove the height restrictions on other
properties. Roll Call Vote: Councibr Voisin, Lemhouse, Chapman, Silbigeq Slattery, and Morris,
YES. Motion passed.
Council agreed to have City Utilities pay the System Development Charges (SDCs) on the Zamboni
Councilor Slattery/Lemhouse m/s to amend motion and have the City Utilities pay the system
development charges on the Zamboni building. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Lemhouse,
Chapman, Silbiger, Slattery, and Morris. Motion passed.
Roll Call Vote on the main amended motion: Councilor Voisin, Lemhouse, Chapman, Silbiger,
Slattery, and Morris, YES. Motion passed.
1. Will Council approve a resolution requested by Mayor Stromberg in support of the senior tax
deferral program2
Council approved sending a letter in support of renewing the senior tax deferzal program.
Meeting as adjourned at 5:11 p.m.
v�G C/�
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
Jo n Stromberg, Mayor