HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-08 Planning MINCITY OF ASHLAND ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 8, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chair Pam Marsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street. Commissioners Present: Larry Blake Michael Dawkins Pam Marsh Debbie Miller Melanie Mindlin John Rinaldi, Jr. Absent Members: None Staff Present: Bill Molnar, Community Development Director Derek Severson, Associate Planner April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor Council Liaison: Russ Silbiger ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Marsh welcomed Russ Silbiger as the Commission's new Council Liaison. Councilor Silbiger thanked the commission and commented briefly on the new City Council goals. Commissioner Marsh reminded the Commission of the Joint Study Session with the Transportation Commission on Thursday, February 10th at 7 p.m. Community Development Director Bill Molnar noted there will be a Study Session on the Urban Renewal Feasibility Study on Monday, February 15th, and on Tuesday, February 16th the Council will hold a hearing on the 85 Winburn Way land use action and associated development agreement. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes January 11, 2011 Planning Commission Minutes. Commissioners Dawkins /Blake m/s to approve the Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 6 -0. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forward to speak. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Findings for PA- 2010 - 01570, 590 Clover Lane. Ex Parte Contact No ex parte contact was reported by the commissioners. Commission Mindlin asked for clarification regarding the sense of entry for the building, and remembered the Commission being satisfied with what was proposed by the applicant. Associate Planner Derek Severson clarified the motion adopted by the Commission was to recommend that the applicant better respond to the sense of entry, but not require it. Commissioners MillerlRinaldi m/s to approve the Findings for PA- 2010 - 01570, 590 Clover Lane. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 6 -0. Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2011 Page 1 of 3 TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PLANNING ACTION: #2010 -01622 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 163 Hitt Road APPLICANTS: R. Scott Dixon and Joan Cresse DESCRIPTION: A request for a Modification of the Performance Standards Options Subdivision Final Plan Approval (PA #2003 -020) for the Strawberry Meadows Subdivision. The proposed modifications include relocation of the driveway entrance, changes to the approved building envelope, and the allocation of a portion of the lot coverage from the subdivision's approved "Open Space `A "' to allow increased lot coverage for Lot #6, located at 163 Hitt Road. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Rural Residential within a Performance Standards Overlay; ZONING: RR -.5- P; ASSESSOR'S MAP #: 391 E 08AC; TAX LOTS: 506. Applicant Scott Dixon called a point of order and stated the staff report included new information which he should be given the opportunity to rebut. Commissioner Marsh explained the staff report was a reiteration of information already received and recommended they move forward with their deliberations. Ex Parte Contact: Commissioner Miller stated she contacted staff and received some clarification. No ex parte contact was reported by any of the commissioners. Deliberations and Decision: Lot Access: Commissioner Mindlin questioned whether Hitt Rd meets the City's street standards, and whether the Commission should require the applicant to bring the street up to current standards. Mr. Molnar clarified the street complied with the street standards at the time the subdivision was created, but concurred that the standards have since changed. He stated the question is whether the impacts of this proposal merit extending the Hitt Rd improvements up to the proposed new driveway. It was questioned whether staff sees it as a benefit for the applicant to access their property from the upper driveway. Mr. Molnar stated it is not so much of a public benefit, but rather a part of the performance standards subdivision which speaks to minimizing tree removal, cuts and fills, and the impacts of the building on the site. Comment was made questioning whether there could be development past this site in the future. Mr. Severson stated this is a possibility and noted the original subdivision approval identified three lots that would be accessed from the same existing driveway. Commissioner Blake questioned the width of the proposed driveway and stated the applicant's drawings seem to indicate the driveway is wider than Hitt Road. Commissioner Mindlin expressed concern with the lack of clarity on the street issue and would like the Commission to be clear on what standard they are applying. Mr. Molnar provided some background and explained when lots are created a portion of the lot needs to front a street that complies with a minimum standard, and this can be as narrow as 20 ft. in hillside areas. He stated in this case the improved portion of Hitt Rd does meet street standards, however as you move up to the location where the new driveway is proposed it is less than 20 ft. wide. Mr. Molnar stated the Commission could require Hitt Rd to be widened to 20 ft. up to the point where the applicant wants to access their lot, or they could apply a provision that allows for three lots to be served off a private driveway of 15 ft. with 20 feet of clear. Comment was made voicing support for keeping the road at its current width. Commissioner Mindlin stated she also does not have a problem with this, as long as they are clear that they are applying the 3 -home flagdrive standard. Building Envelope Modification: No concerns were expressed with moving the building envelope. Lot Coverage: Commissioner Marsh explained the applicants have requested a lot coverage allocation of 56.7 %, and staff is recommending an allocation of 4,356 sq. ft or 47.75% (which is the standard minimum for a one -half acre parcel size allowed within the district). In addition, it was noted that staff does not support the additional 1,122 sq. ft of permeable surface proposed by the applicant. Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2011 Page 2 of 3 Commissioner Miller voiced support for staff's recommendation and stated basing the allocation on the standard half -acre lot size makes sense. Mr. Severson clarified the action before them is a lot allocation request specific to a particular lot. It was clarified the owners of the subdivision could come forward and resolve the allocation issues for the subdivision by assigning out coverage for the undeveloped lots, however the Commission cannot fold the applicant's request into that bigger consideration of lot coverage for the subdivision as a whole. Commissioner Mindlin commented that she does not want their decision to be interpreted as being against cluster development, however she supports the 4,356 sq. ft. lot coverage recommended by staff. Commissioner Marsh agreed and believes the calculation based on a half -acre lot and excluding the existing driveway is a reasonable comprise. Mr. Severson commented on the conditions proposed by staff and listed modifications for the Commission to consider. He noted the applicants have raised question about whether their future development would trigger a Physical & Environmental Constraints permit and noted the applicant's surveyor has indicated that portions of the building envelope has a slope less than 25 %. Mr. Severson stated as it is currently written, Condition #3 states the P &E permit is required, and they may want to modify this to clarify the permit is only required if it entails development on hillside lands with slopes of 25% of greater. Mr. Severson added if the Commission agrees to the 4,356 sq. ft. lot coverage as recommended by staff, they may want to remove the permeable coverage requirement for the building footprint. Mr. Severson clarified he could address the lot access issue by clarifying in the Findings that they are applying the flaglot standard, and stated if development goes beyond the limitations of a flagdrive, this will trigger further street improvements to Hitt Rd. Commissioners Miller/Mindlin m/s to approve PA #2010 -01622 to allow a 47% lot coverage (4,356 sq. ft), to not count the shared driveway in the lot coverage, to modify Condition #3 to clarify a Physical & Environmental Constraints Review Permit may be required, to remove the permeable surface requirement from Condition #2, and to approve the proposed locations for the driveway and building envelope. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawkins, Blake, Miller, Rinaldi, Mindlin and Marsh, YES. Motion passed 6 -0. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Mindlin noted DEQ will be in Ashland at Pioneer Hall on March 3rd to take input on changing graywater standards. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, April Lucas, Administrative Supervisor Ashland Planning Commission February 8, 2011 Page 3 of 3