HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-077 Solar Access-Taylor CITY OF ASHLAND SOLAR ACCESS WAIVER AGREEMENT Tax Lot # of Property Requesting Solar Waiver 420 CLAY STREET Address of Property Agreeing to Solar Waiver 380 CLAY STREET The undersigned, for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, consent to permit obstruction of their solar access rights described in Chapter 18.70 of the Ashland Municipal Code on that portion of property in Township 39, Range 1 East, Section'~C[ ! ¢---l,l (-.-Tax Lot # ~ ~ O~ ), further des-cribed by legal description in the attached Exhibit "A". The undersigned certify and agree to the following: 1. This agreement shall be binding upon their heirs, successors and assigns and shall run with the land. 2. The undersigned are the owners of the property described on Exhibit "A". This waiver applies only to the specific building(s) noted in the attached Exhibit "B"; and to the shadow(s) cast by such building(s) as noted in Exhibit "B". , The solar access rights described in Chapter 18.70 of the Ashland Municipal Code are waived only for that buildable space shown on Exhibit "B" and the City of Ashland is indemnified and shall be held harmless for any damages resulting to any person or property resulting from this waiver: The consideration for this agreement is $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged by the undersigned. Dated this ~_'-~day of 15 ropq~n~e r Property Owner LOYS TAYLOR State of Oregon ) d ~ ~ ¢.. ;~ ),9/ ,~ ~ ~ 3..._ County of Jackson ) , Personally appeared the above named J~6 and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a volurftar~ act and de~~~~..~~~~ J-~ OFFICIAL SEAL Before me: J~ JULIA A GRIMES ' J~..JJ #o'rARY PUBLIC-OREGON / I Notary Public fg/. Ore_.ggn J ~ COMMISSION NO. 33378~- ~j/Commission expires: <-~ 30. 2004 Ashland Planning Department This document recorded on the deed of the aforementioned property owner(s) by the Office of the Jackson County Recorder this day of , 19 County Recorder .,~, . NOTE: THE FOllOWING EXHIBITS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS DOCUMENT: EXHIBIT A (LeO-gal de~cription of property agreeing to solar waiver.) EXHIBIT B (Plot plan of both the property requesting solar waiver and the property agreeing to the waiver. The plot plan must show, on the requesting property, the specific building(s) and shadow(s) cast by such building(s) and, on the agreeing property, the buildable space affected.) .' i. ,_ (h ~.~ '..', 03 38940 '- OJ 1> ~ --....... \c) ~ ~ m ~ -lr ~2 5~ -l tp~ 0"' 00 iU r () "' (j) I o c (J) Om m(J) OI mp' =rO OlO mE ~O ~z I I I -Oh.h'_T_h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e-- I I I I l_ ~ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _______ OG\ ZII O:-J(J) mII O-p. mG\O =rIO OlliE m~1I ~oO Nm~ N00I3'0"E 100.00 ~ ~ ~ oP!I;!I;J; I -<~~~~~ PQ~~~-i lPommffi~ ~:I~~0l~ ~~~~~~j; ~ . ~~.,~ l> ~~~~ ~~G i!~ - t~ ::JUN 3 200Z A NEW TWO 5TO~.,... ~E5'DENCE <4rD0 CLAY &TREET. L.OT 1'), ~AND. 0REGClt-l "'2I1D, (MAr- ~ llt IE nee, TA)( \..OT . ~..) e.REe. "'ARGUS (Phone . 48IH~"2&) dbz~~~ ,Y; (~.Ii ..2 -..~)~ r!>4li !>!>2-il!>12 rIb) dbd..le"-..I"d".1 ;)/ 05;30!2~~L l~' ~~ ~a18304222 L8!::; SU~\"F.\'rH.l F't413E 01 03 38940 7S....0H4 WAUAN1'Y OUG I.- ~~L Milt I'" THIll! 'RUI'~f' i ~:1~ V;le.'f L. UITDMUM ...... VIYJAN 14. .'ITIMMUN. _".n. M:tf o;;lf.. ,..,el".f'.? call" t~.. G".lIt.l".. in cOft.ide,.acloft of ~~rl"t': ;~OUSAJm ANI) 00/100 f'lll, .",~~ ,.C', IOLLAIS, that ..ba ell. tnt. .... -ceLUll e...,i4...tloR '0 Cru'er. ,.,. " L. I.. rA~LOI (11.. 1Cfton II &.. L. I....tyt' TAYLOR) .... LOYI LCUISl TArLO.. hulNH ... vi'.. "...l..".r ~.lJ.' t_. Vr..t..l* do ,.r.., ,TAnC, "rlata. ..11 end c...., u,"co ~.... ~"'..c.." .. ,....,. .., ~".~ ''''.''' !'.,~,., '''. ....t l'~.; tit el. .urvlYO? lad t~.i? .'Il,n.. that c.rtalA r.a. prop.rtJ. .." t". ,..~.ft'" ~,y"tt....t. ..4 _"UteeR..e., t....unto ,.- lo"lla, 6f' .p,ept.lalnJl. "tt,,,t.~ ~.a 'l:b. CDunt)' of JackloD. St.,. ~t ~,~~. ~~~er~~;t ~~ f~tlt"~. 1~.Wl'~ "C\~"f.r..n .,~ A ,."J,"~ ~~ t.,..~ 1)4I!l~~~~ t'tq~ ~O"t~~~ltt ~..," ~f ,... '~'v.'-"t."..! ~"'f'''., 1M ~!'\'!l tm..~~~Jf"t Qua.,.,.. ftt, t,\" hut.~"..." rw ~.~tl\'t " ,~~~ J..'" !!... "'....lIIt l, ,. ~~~:'lll ~ '~~f'''' ~ lJal!ft ft' t.~" ";j ~,-, ,,. 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