HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-105 Grant -Community Works CITY OF ASHLAND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD CONTRACT CITY: CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E Main Street Ashland OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 FAX: (541 ) 488-5311 GRANTEE: Community Works - Help Line Address: 900 East Main St. Medford, OR 97504 Telephone: Date of this agreement: July 1, 2003 ¶. Amount of grant: $8,000.00 ¶. Budget subcommittee: Social Services Contract made the date specified above between the City of Ashland and Grantee named above. RECITAL: City has reviewed Grantee's application for a grant and has determined that the request merits funding and the purpose for which the grant is awarded serves a public purpose. City and Grantee agree: 1. Amount of Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this contract and in reliance upon Grantee's approved application, the City agrees to provide funds in the amount specified above. 2. Use of Grant Funds. The use of grant funds are expressly limited to the activities in the grant application with modifications, if any, made by the budget subcommittee designated above. 3. Unexpended Funds. Any grant funds held by the Grantee remaining after the purpose for which the grant is awarded or this contract is terminated shall be returned to the City within 30 days of completion or termination. 4. Financial Records and Inspection. Grantee shall maintain a complete set of books and records relating to the purpose for which the grant was awarded in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Grantee gives the City and any authorized representative of the City access to and the right to examine all books, records, papers or documents relating to the use of grant funds. 5. Living Wage Requirements. If the amount of this contract is $15,713.00 or more, and if the Grantee has ten or more employees, then Grantee is required to pay a living wage, as defined in Ashland Municipal Code Chapter 3.12, to all employees and subcontractors who spend 50% or more of their time within a month performing work under this contract. Grantees required to pay a living wage are also required to post the attached notice predominantly in areas where it will be seen by all employees. 6. Default. If Grantee fails to perform or observe any of the covenants or agreements contained in this contract or fails to expend the grant funds or enter into binding legal Grant Contract 2003-04 Page 1 of 3 agreements to expend the grant funds within twelve months of the date of this contract, the City, by written notice of default to the Grantee, may terminate the whole or any part of this contract and may pursue any remedies available at law or in equity. Such remedies may include, but are not limited to, termination of the contract, stop payment on or return of the grant funds, payment of interest earned on grant funds or declaration of ineligibility for the receipt of future grant awards. 7. Amendments. The terms of this contract will not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented, or amended in any manner except by written instrument signed by the parties. Such written modification will be made a part of this contract and subject to all other contract provisions. 8. Indemnity. Grantee agrees to defend, indemnify and save City, its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all losses, claims, actions, costs, expenses, judgments, subrogations, or other damages resulting from injury to any person (including injury resulting in death,) or damage (including loss or destruction) to property, of whatsoever nature arising out of or incident to the performance of this agreement by Grantee (including but not limited to, Grantee's employees, agents, and others designated by Grantee to perform work or services attendant to this agreement). Grantee shall not be held responsible for damages caused by the negligence of City. 9. Insurance. Grantee shall, at its own expense, at all times for twelve months from the date of this agreement, maintain in force a comprehensive general liability policy including coverage for contractual liability for obligations assumed under this Contract, blanket contractual liability, products and completed operations, and owner's and contractor's protective insurance. The liability under each policy shall be a minimum of $500,000 per occurrence (combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage claims) or $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $100,000 per occurrence for property damage. Liability coverage shall be provided on an "occurrence" not "claims" basis. The City of Ashland, its officers, employees and agents shall be named as additional insureds. Certificates of insurance acceptable to the City shall be filed with City's Risk Manager prior to the expenditure of any grant funds. 10. Merger. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no understandings, agreements or representations, oral or written, not specified in this contract regarding this contract. Grantee, by the signature below of its authorized representative, ack_nowledges that it has read this contract, understands it, and agrees to be bound bj~s~erm¢ an~ conditions. By t ~~I~ By ~ ~ ~~ ~+c ~ Finance Direc~ ' Title ~~,~ ~¢L~~ Date ~,~~~ By Title Account Number (for City use only) Date Grant Contract 2003-04 Page 2 of 3 City of Ashland LIVING ~per hour effective June 30, 2003 ,.. (Increases 'annUally every June.30 Consumer Price Index) For all hours worked under a service contract between their employer and the City of Ashland if the contract exceeds $15,713 or more. For all hours worked in a month if the employee spends 50% or more of the employee's time in that month working on a project or portion of business of their employer, if the employer has ten or more employees, and has received financial assistance for the project or business from the City of Ashland in excess of $15,713. If their employer is the CitY of Ashland including the Parks and Recreation Department. In calculating the living wage, employers may add the value of health care, retirement, 401K and IRS eligible cafeteria plans (including childcare) benefits to the amount of wages received by the employee. Call the Ashland City Administrator's office at 541-488-6002 or wdte to the City Administrator, City Hall, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, OR 97520 or visit the city's website at www.ashland.or, us. Notice to Employers: This notice must be posted predominantly in areas where it will be seen by all employees. CITY OF -ASHLAND DATE (MM/oD/YY) ............. :CERtifiCATE OF Li'ABILI.TY NSU'RANCE PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION JBL&K RISK SERVICES ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EX'rEND OR TELEPHONE: ( 503 ) 222 - 1831 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, 220 N W 2ND AVE #800 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE PORTLAND OR 9 7 2 0 9 3 9 51 COMPANY A GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE CO INSURED COMPANY COMMUNITY WORKS B COMPANY 900 E MAIN STREET c MEDFORD OR 97504 COMPANY D I , COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO I TYPE OF INSURANCE POECY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POMCY EXPIRATION LTR DATE (MM/DO/YY) DATE (MM/DD/YY) EMITS I A GENERALLIABIUTY PAC6535546 07/01/02 07/01/03 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 X COMMERClALGENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS- COMP/OR ABC $2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 !i' , ,, t CLAIMSMADE [~ OCCUR PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $1, 000, 000 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 MED EXP (Any one person) $ '1 0 / 0 0 0 k AUTOMOB,LE UAB,IITY CAP 6535547 07 / 01 / 02 07 / 01 / 03 1,000,000 X I ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) iX HIRED AUTOS -- BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ · · · PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE LIABIUTY AUTO ONLY . EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS lIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM I $ WC STATU- (~TRH- ' WORKERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDENT $ THE PROPRIETOR/ II INCL EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE-LA EMPLOYEE A OTHER PAC6535546 07/01/02 07/01/03 LI 1,000,000/PER CLAIM PROF'L LIABILITY 2,000,000 AGGREGATE DES&RIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS CITY OF ASHLAND IS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS GENERAL LIABILITY ONLY. ALL OPERATIONS USUAL TO THE NAMED INSURED SUBJECT TO THE POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND EXCLUS IONS. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ~:::::: .. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE CITY OF ASHLAND EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ATTN: PATRICK CALDWELL 30 DAYS WRI'I'rEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, 2 0 EAST MAIN STREET BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY ASHLAND OR 97520 OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. · ' AUTHORIZES"~REPRESENTATiVEJ ' ~ .~ ~ A /~ t Ann ~wa S~~t'~-/AT A :ACORD 25-S (1195) '" ....... .. ©ACORD CORPORATION t988