HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-005 Talent Water - KraderA G R E E 1,I E N T It is recognized that the hereinafter described lar;d uzc.,; o: is permitted to use Talent trr.igation District irrigation ware: from the City of Ashland, The right to the use of this ~.'ale: J: regulated and n~ay be temperarJJy or permanently terminated pu:5,~:nt to the provisions of Ashland City Ordinance No. 2188 and a,,, it ma> be a~nended in the future. The land involved is !oc:~te~i a~ 2~0 hutley in the City of Ashland, County of J::c3'~,:,n. State of O:elon, more par'ticular]y described as follows: (attached on page 2) Thc. earners or contrac5 purchasers are the persons who h:~x'v ::ig,ued this docu:rtent and they agree to the terms of the above rcJcrenced orfii~ta~ce and as it may be amended in the future. This agreement is to run with the ]and and to be bind:ng on the hei:s, successors and assigns of the undersigned. ' IAN:o AND SEALS this ~.~ Count>' o: Jackson) PersonaJ. ly appearinS the above named ..~d~_4'-~ a~d acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be t]~c'i:' voluntary act Before I]lC 11111 ' II1[1'1 A tract or parcel of land situate,] in Government Lot 2 and tile South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Towns~lip 39 South, Range I East of the Willamette Merldiag, J~ckson County, Oregon, and being more fully described as follows: Commencing at a found sandstone with an 'X' thereoa, situated at the quarter corner common to Sections 8 and 9, said Township and Range; thence South 89~ 52' 42" West along the East-West centerllne of Section 8 a distance of 1434.54 feet to the Southwest corner of Goverrunent Lot 2; thence North 02° OU' 59" East along tile boundary line common to Government Lot 2 and the East boundary line of the Southwcst quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 8, a distance of 661.01 feet to a found 5/8 inch iron rod'sktuated at the Nortbesst corner of the South half of the Soutl%wefit quarter of thc N~)rth~,ast quarter of ~;ectlon 8 .:Hld being the 'l'lue Point o~ th,~nce l;~uth 119a 5II' lO" We~;t along Lbo Nolther[y b~)un~lary line o[ 5al~] f]outh hall of th{3 f;outhwest quarter of the ~{ortheast guart(3r ~;ectlon ~l, a distance oi 212.,14 feet to a 1/2 x 23-1/2 ~nctl Iron plDe; th~nce 5outh a distance of 199.36 feet to a lead [)lug set rock of undeterminable size, with brass nail and tag marked, LS 759, and situated in the Northwesterly right of way line of D~tch Road, as decreed in that Court Case designated as "Stipulated Judgment" Case No. 83-1571-NJ-3, dated 12 March, 1984; thence along said rigat way liae, North 73~ 09' 13' East a distance of 23.90 feet to a point of curvature; thence along the arc of a 68.00 foot radius curve the left, the radial beariaqs 'in aad out" are North 18" 56' 30" West and South 47" 37' 14" East (the central angle is 28" 40' 44") 34.035 feet; thence leaving said right o~ way line, South 47~ 37' 14' East, 14.00 feet to a point in the Southeasterly right of way line of Dltch Road, as hereinaDove set forth; t~esce leaving said road right of way line, North 81" 03' 10" East alo,g that boundary line as set fo~th theft "Stipulated Judgment" Case No. 83-1571-NJ-3, dated 12 March 1984, a distance of 18.825 feet to a found 5/8 inch iron rod; thence continuing North 81~ 03' 10" East along said boundary line, 209.405 feet to a found 5/8 inch iro~ rod; thence South, 2.785 feet to a found concrete nail and brass tag marked, LS 759, situated in a inch by 24 inch by 14 inch granite stone; thence continuing South, 18.305 feet; thence North 81~ 00' 00" East, 4.175 feet to a ~lnt the Westerly boundary line of that tract or parcel of land designated as being 0.286 Acre and shown on Recorded Survey No. 10456 and filed in the office of the Jackson County Surveyor; thence Nort~ 08~ 25' East (deed record North 08~ 49' East) 30.355 feet to a ~ound 1/2 Inch iron pipe; thence continuing North 08" 25' East (deed record North 08" 49' East) 185.60 feet to a ~ound 1/2 inch iroa rod situated In the Southerly right o~ way line of Nutley Street; thence North 89" 54' 40" West along said Southerly right of way line I0~.41 feet to a found 5/8 inch iron rod situated In the Easterly boundary liae of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 8, said Township and Range; thence South 02° 08' 59" West along said Easterly boundary line, 45.39 feet to t~e polar of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of la~d 14.0 feet in width lying 7.0 feet ua each side of, when measured normal therefrom, the following described centerline: Commencing at a ~ound 5/8 inch iron ~od situated at the intersection of the new Westerly righ~ of way line of Ditch Road and the Northerly bouadary line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 39 South, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, Jackson County, Oregon, as set forth on that ~qinor Land Part~tion filed for record the 25th day of October 1978 4:12 o'clock P.~. a~d recorded in Volume 2, Page 55 of "Hinor Laqd Fartlt~ons" [n Jackson County, Oregon; thence North 89~ 58' 10" East along the Northerly boundary line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 8 (record 19.425 feet) 19.43 feet to a 5/8 x 22 inch iron ~od situated in the Westerly r~ght of way l~ne of Ditch Road, as decreed by the court to be public, in that Court Case designated "Stipulated Judgment" Case No. ~3-t571-NJ-3, dated 12 Harc~, 1984; thence continuing North 89° 58' i0" East along said Northerly boundary line, 7.39 feet to the centerline of Ditch Roa~ as referred to in the hereinabove mentioned "Stipulated Judgment" for the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said Northerly boundary liae, South 18° 38' 29" Wesg along said road centerline, 68.76 feet to a point of curvature; thence along the arc of a 100.00 foot radius curve to the le~t, the radlal bearings a~d est" are South 71~ 21' 31" East amd South 88" 47' 32" West (the ce~]t~al a[~gle is 19~ 50' 57") 34.645 feet to a ~int of tangency; thence South 01~ 12' 28" East, 27.365 feet to a point of curvature; t~]~3[~c,3 along the n~C of 75.00 foo~ radius curve to the right, the ~'a~tia[ bearin9~ "ia aad oo~" a~e South OO* 47' 32" West amd South 47° 37' 14" East (the central angle is 43~ 35' 14") 57.055 ~cct to a D~knt ~n thr3 cut'Ye ami being the terminus of this cegterline. Extend a~/or snort,s the side lines of said road, to close upon the P~o[therly bouadary line of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 8, as r~uired. Stab 0t 0~eg0n, G0u.t~ 0f ]acks0.--~. .~ The3th: ,n~m9%recei~dy ao~d filed a~/~,/~. ~,~k Ore,on._ ~~~~ County Clerk. ~/~~ ~ Deputy