HomeMy WebLinkAbout1513 Repeals Various OrdinancesOrdinance No. 1513 An Ordinance to repeal certain Ashland General Ordinances. The people ot the c1ty ot Aahland do ordain a. tollow., /'Sec1iion 1. All ordiDanc.. enaated prior to Ioveaber 30, 188'>> are ",PI_led, exoept OrdiDaDC.. . 10. 12, enact.ed Jul7 20, 188', relatiq to tlUM., 41trhea. ud water pipea. j 8801i101'1 2. O~1nanc. Ho. 40, enaot.ed Rov...r 9, 1887, nlatiq to cOlILJ;'enaatjLon ot tr...u.rer, 1. repe.led. I I 8.01;1011 3. Ord1Dance 10. 43, enacted Deo...r 1, 1887 relat1n& to pu~ 11C!h..ltb, 1s repe.led. Sec1iion 4. Ordinance 10. 46, enacted Feb:rwa17 8, 1888, relat1l11 to l1q,or 11(~.D..., 1. "peeled. I Sec1r.ioD 5. Ord1Danoe 10. 47, enacted re'brua17 20, 1888, relat1ns to te1,phonG 81et_, 1. rep.. led . I 8801:.1011 6. Ordinance 10. JJJ, enact.. March 19, 1888, relatina to 11qtr l1c)8D'.', i. rep..led. S.c1~loD 7. Ord1nanC8 10. 49. enaoted April 2, l888, relatiq to bue e.. licen..., 1. repealed. I SeoUon 8. OJod1Danoe 10. SO. enacted Ma7 22. l888. "latinC to aurve7 ot f1tl 'bc)UDdarie. and title. "0 streets, 1. repeal". L Sec1~lol1 9. Ordinance Ho. '1, enacted Mar 21, 1888, relatiDg to bu.l- D.', 110_Jus.., 1, repealed. i S.c1~loD 10. Ordinance 10. 52, _Mct.. JW1_ U, 1888, r-latiDI ~o pla~tiDI ()t land, ia repealed. I S.o1~1on U. OtdiDance No. 60, enactM JanL1a%7 16, 1889, relat1q to liv,ltock at lars., 1. rep..led. _~ S.c1~lon 12. OrdinaDce 10. 6.3, enacted Maraa 28, 1889, relatiq to co~e.amat:lon pl'Oc"una tor water works, 1, repealed. I Seotion 13. OI'll1Danoe 10. 64, eDloted March 28, l889. "lat-iDe to Obl~Nctlc)D ot ,"reet, and lidewalks, 1, repealed. ka S.c1~1on 14. Ord.1Dance 10. 69, enact. 10""'1" 4, 1889. ..l.\1ag to bawr1 hoU1S.. J 1, rep.al". Sec~~10D 15.. OnU.DaDOe 10. 70, enacted lovember 4, 1889, relatiDg to ..l~ ot llquor J ia repealed. ! I Sec'tiOD 16. O1'd1Danoe 10. 71, eMoted Ioveaber 4, 1889, relatd.q to diaprderl;, coaduct, 1, repuled. S.c'~lon 17. Ord1Danoe 10. 84, enacted Sept.aber 1, 1890, relatinl to p..~oot.:r. and oatApult., 1. repealed. SeO.tiOD 18. OrdWl'1ce 10. 87, enacted Ifov..er 7, 1890, relatiq to ...~._n't, roU tor taat.ion, 1, rep..led. I SectioD 19. Ord1Danc. 10. 90, enact.. Jan\la17 9, 1891, nlat1q to to~l .... lare-, ia "pealed. , Section 20. Ord1Dance 10. 97, eDeeted Marey 19, 1891, nlat1n& to cIi~oh.., re.ervoir., aD4 tl....., 18 repealed. Seotion 21. Ordinanoe 10. 99, aueted April 20, 1891, relatiq to p~l1Dg in :railroad depots, ls rep..led. hatloD 22. Ord1Dance 10. 100, eDected June 18, 1891, relat1Dl to 111' lie___. 1. npeaW. . , Section 23. OnlwDoe 10. 104, eMet.. SeptMber 19, 1891, relating to we,,_ eAC1 election ot counC11aeD, 18 "pealed. I . SeetloD 24. Or41Dano. 10'. lOS, enacteel SeptUlber 19, 1891, relat1ng to ~1re departaent, 1. repe.W. SectioD 2S. Or41Dance 10. 113, enacted January 20, 1892, "latina to tl11e departaat, 18 repe.led. S80't,1011 26. 0n11DuC8 10. 114, eMoted JanuaJ7 20, 1892, relatiDI to 1n~rt.1'8:ftC8 with t1l'eMn, 1a repeal". 880't1oI1:rt. Ord1Danee 10. 122, eMoted Jv.l11, 1192, 1'81&\1111 to l~r 110.1'1'.., 1, rep.aled. Seo'tiOD 28. Ord1uaoe 10. l24, enacted >>ec8liber " 1892, relatinC to ob.~ru.ctllf)n ot atreet.. ami aidewalke, 1. repealed. rI.a Seotion 29. OJodiuno. 10. 126. enaoted JUWlI'7 )1. 189). nlatinC to tl1 raa, ia repealed. I Sec't.ion 30. OrdiDance 10. 128, enaoted .April 8, 189', relatiq to COD~~ct. ent.Nd 1I1to D7 cha1raeo ot atre.' aDd vat... co_i:tt..., 1. NPr1e4. 1 Sec"l;ion )1. Ord1nanQ. 10. 135, enacted lfoYeaber 13, 1893, relat1q to .aap11q, 1s repealed. I Seo~~lon 32. Ord1Dance 10. 136, enacted Dec8liber 5, 1893, nlatiq to .,8.,.n07 J 1, rep..led. 8e01,1on 33. OrdiDanoe 10. 1.38, eueted February J, 1894, Nlatq to boatd ot Jt&ealth, 18 repuled. ' Seo1~loD .34. On1Mnoe 10. 139, enact" rebrwa17 S, 1894, Nlatiq to boaf'd ot )w81th, 18 repealed. ___1 S.01~10n 3'. OrdiDance 10. 1.40, _Mat.ed rebNa17 6, 1894, relatiq to ou.rfew tOJr aiDO", 1, rep..led. -1a S.c1~1oD 36. Ordina. nce &0. 141, enacted AprU " 1894, rela\ac to DO,.'8Direra pttiDe 01'1 or ott JDOviDg traiD., 18 repealed. S.c1~1oD 37. Ordinance 10. 148, e.cted loYeaber 17, 1894, NlatiDI to treapal18, 1. repealed. I Sec1ilon J8. Onl1Dance 10. 149, e.eted loveaber 17, 1894, nlatlD1 to ,......~Dt.., 1. repealed. S.ai.ion 39. Orclwnc. 10. 1'2, enaoted Ma7 9, 1895, relat1DC to ain,ra in saloons, i. repealed. I I Sec1.1oD 40. Ord1nance 10. 153, eMoted June 12, 1895, relatiDg to aup.rintez:dent of vater work., ia rep..led. Section 41., Ord1Daace No. 167, enacted Aquat 13, 189', N~tlnc t.o ......11'., 1, repealed. , Section 42. Ordinanoe 10. 169, eJ'18oted rebl'UJ7 10, 1896, ~lat.1Dg to at..t co,_i..1oner, 18 repealed. Seo'tion 43. OrcI1J18noe 10. 175, .naet.ed March 1, 1897, relatl1Da \0 bo.~ of :b..lth, 1s "p..lect. I I Sec'tlon 44. OrdwDce 10. 179, enaot84 Dec.liber 11, 189'7, ~1a'1q to atTt cOJ.-1.810n.,.,1. "pealed. I &.o't,10D. 4'. Ordinaaoe 10. 180, eMoted Dee8J1ber U, 1897, ).1attq to oo-penHtioa ot ..rahal, 1. repealed. I I I I Sec'tlon ItA. OrdiDarus. 10. 187, -.cted ,ebrwa1713, 1899, z1latiaa to C..1iq, 1. repealed. I , 88()'t,10n 47. OJ'diDane. 10. 191, enaot. June 10, 1899, "1at~ 'to ba~er1q on SUDdef-. 1. repealed. , I SeC.tiCD 48. Ord1nance 10. 192, aDact" June 16, 1899, "lat~ to .al~ of 1:1quor, 1. "p..W. S.e'~10D 49. Orcl1uJ1c. 10. 213, lDected Ioveaber il, 1902, ~lat1Dgto ,a-lllDc, 11 rep.aled. i -r I S.c.t1on SO. OntiDuoe 10. 2l4, enacted Io"ub.r 11, 1902, z1.1at1Dg to ttzia lia1'te. 1. repealed. ~ . Section Sl. OJod1Dance 10. 225. enact.ecJ Decuber S. 1903, nfa'htc to t I a181'll apt.., i. npealacl. , S.c~t',1oJ1 52. OrdiDanoe 10. 229, a.cted reb:ro.aJ'7 " 1904, nla'\1D& to a1!el-1fte.t.h...1ot. _chiDe., i. .."..1". aectic. D 53. OrdiDaac. 10. 232, Hact." Harch 21, 1904~ relat,1Dg \0 wi BO.., ,18 repeal". , 8a01'1011 ,it. Ordinance Ro. 238, enacted October " 1904, relatiq to lo1~.r1nC on .chool 110"8. 1. repealed. . Sec~~10D ". OrdiDuce 10. 24l. enac\ed Decuber 8, 1904, relat1q to vat.r cloj..ta and bathtub., 1. rep.aled. Sec4~1ol1 56. OrdiDuce 10. 213, eaacted March 9, 1906, relatiDa to ru.l~8 ot ;~. oouacU, 18 repealed. , S.c~t.ion '7. Orc1wace 10. 283, _.ct.84 Aquat 8, 1906, relat1Dl to norc at :1arp, is repealed. I 8.o;~lon 58. Ord1Danc. 10. 289, .MOt." Septa.ar 14. 1906, relat1nc to .ewrr cOJlheot.lolUl. 1. np"W. SeC.t-,10D 59. Ord1Danca 10. 290, eMeted Sept...r 14. 1906, relat.1Dg to ..w~r cODJl1ect.1on., 1s repealed. L Sac'tioD 60. OrdiDuoa 10. 295, enact. Deeuber 1', 1C)06, rela\1Dg to ..wir cODJMotions, 1. "puled. I , &ec't',ioa 61. OrdiDaaca 10. 302, enact.. Janwa17 'J 1907, relttiDI to stz1tet cOJ_1..ioa.er, 1s rep..l". Sec'tioD 62. Ordwnce 10. .303, e,.oted January " 1907, "latiDe to pol~c._nt 11 rep..lect. I hc'tion 6'. Ordinance 10. )04, 8D11oted JanuZ7 S, 1907, relat1Dl '\0 .a~r;y of chier of polio., 1. repealed. ! I I ~ Sec'tion 64. Ordwnce 10. 309, enaoted Ma:rch 19, 1907, relatin, to bolr- ot l'1elath, 1. repeal". _.J Section 6S. OJod1nence 110. 310. enacted March 19, 1907. re1atm, 'to -...ar'ra, 11 repealee!. I ! Sec'tlon 66. OrdiDance 10. 329, enacted 1I0Y"':r " 1907, relatlDc to .al~17 ot chiet or police, 1. repealed. I Sec'tioD 67. OrdwDce Ho. 130, enacted Io"Mber 5, 1907, rela'iDI to pol~ce_n, 1s repealed. I Section 68. OnUnanoe No. 334. enaoted DeceJllber 31. 1907. re18tinC to b~ post:1Dg, 18 repealeeS. 1..... Sec~'10J1 69. O1'd1unce 10. liqrr ..:l.ee, 1, repealed. Sec1~10D 70. OrdiMnce 10. 11q~r ..:L.., i. ~e.led. I S.o1~loD 71. OrcU.Dallce 10. 3.39, enact.. Februl7 4, 1908, relat181 to ..1f1'T of recorder, i. repeal". I Sec1r.loa 72. Ordwnoe 10. 340, enacted rebN8J7 18, 1908, relat1q to 'bIrr' and .table" 11 repealed. i Sec1~1oD 73. Ord1uno. 10. 343, enacte" Marah 3, 1901, relatina to ob.~ruct1()n ot .tnet. u4 .Wewa1k., 1, repe.led. 336, eMcted January 8, 1908, relating to 3.38, eueted reb:ruaJ:7 4, 19at, relatiq\o t 8.01'10. 74. Ord1Dance 10. 362, _ot.. Aqu.t 18, 19(8, relat1q t.o up oton1~1DI, 18 rep..led. . · S.o1~lon 7'. OrcJ1Jw1ce 10. 372, eMc'ed Deoeab.r' '0, 1908, nlatiq to .8!r1.., 18 rp,ealeti. . . Sec1~ioD 76. 0rcI. ,a.nce 10. 37', enact.. 'ebru.ary 2), 1909, relat1Df( to al. stant vater auper1nt.endent, i. rep..led. S.c1~loD 77. Ordinance Mo. 387, enaot.. Ma7 18, 1909, relat1q to tlrfMn J ~l. repealed. SeQ1~loD '18. OrdiDanoe No. 389. enacted June 15, 1909, relating to pro- tec~10D ojr tre.., 11 repealed. I S.c1~ioD. 19. Ordwnoe Ho. 420, 81U1ct.d Januarr 11, 1910, relatin, to "l~ ot llquor, 1. rep..led. S.c1~1oD80. Ordinanoe 10. 433, ena.cted Aupet 9, 1910, relat1nc \0 ..1 r'7 ot auperinte.ndent ot vater works, 1. "p..led. S.e1~1oa 81.. Ordinanee 10. 436, .naote. Auguat 31, 1910, relat1q to .. 'r7 ot recorder, 1. repealed. . S.e1~lon 82. Ordinance 10. 449, enaeted Januarr 27, 1911, "latina to ott~oe or 01t.1 en,iDeer, 1. repealed. I I l S.c1~ion 83. Ordinance No. 463, enact.. March 28, 1911, relating to aa1rZ7 ot 01ty reoorder, 1s rep..led. : S.c1~lon 84. Ordinance 10. 480, enaoted Ma7 23, 19U, relat1n1 to injUJ7 to ~l.ctr:Lc ll1ht plant, i. repulect. i S.c~~1on 8S. Ordinance No. 482, enaoted May 2', 19U,relatinc to aPr-1t,u.... wlt.bout oouncil act.1on, 18 rep..led. Sec'tioD 86. Ordinanoe No. 5'2, eueted Maroh 18, 191.3, relating to ..~rle.. 1. repe.led. Sec:tion 87. Ordinanoe No. 559, enacted AquatS, 1913, relatal to ot~ioer. l.aving \he 01t7 w1\hout permi..ion, 1. "p..led. +l Section 88. Ordinanoe 10. 560, enaated Augult S, 1913, relating to hi10hinr rack., 18 rep..lect. Section 89. Ordinanoe No. 561, enaoted AMguat 19, 191J, relat1ngto ~up.poat1nl, 1. repealed. Sect10n 90. Ordinance Bo. tit. departunt, 18 rep.. led . Section 91. Ordinance No. ~r., 1s repealed. r Sect1on92. ON1nance 10. tra . tic oontrol, 18 rep..l". Sec'tioD 93. Ord1nence No. owte"" to:r minora, 1. rep.. led . i Sec'tien 94. OrdiDanee No. '74, 8nected June 17, 1914, relating to W1V~Ol..OJH foods, 18 "peel... I L Section 9S. Ordiaance No. S'7S. enact.. Mar 1, 1914. n18tinC to tiN d.PrrtMD~~, i. rep..led. I ! S.c1~lon 96. Ordinance No. '78, enaote. Auru.et 22, 1914, re1at1Dg to '.1~ ot tC)baoco to minora, 18 rep..led. i I . Section 97. Ordiaanoe 10. m, enacted Aucuat 22. 1914. n18~ing to be-tel ot c~el1.or., 18 rep..l". _ . I Sec1~ion 98. Ordinanoe No. SSl, .Dllcted lov..... 4, 1914, re-ut1na to Nl!. ot 1~he council, 1. repealed. Sec1.1on 99. Ordinance 10. 581t, enacted Iovellber 2', 1914, relatiDr \0 dOl , 18 1t'8pealed. I 562, auoted August n, 1913, relating to 569, enacted January 2, 1914, relating to 571, enacted April 8, 1914,. relat.1pg: to 573, enacted Maroh 'J 1914, relatlDc to I Sec1.1on 100. Ordinance Ho. 58,*, enacted Janua%7 1), 1915, relatiDc to unv~l..oll8 ".', 18 repealed. Sec1.1on 101. Ordwnce 10. 591, 8naot.. 'ebru.a!'7 16, 1915, relatiq \0 oat11e in tbe stNet, 18 repealed. 8801,1011 102. Ordinance 110. 592, enact..'ebrua17' 16, 1915. relatlDc to uuteaentlJ, i. repealed. ' , Sect,10rl 103. Ordinanoe!fo. '9', enacted April 6, 191', reJAt.1r1a to ...!ru.ctlc,n ot tlower. on pri...at. property, i. repealed. SeoUon 104. O:nl1Dance 10. S96. _cted April 6. 19l$, n18tinC too pic iDe 01" 1"lower. on o1t7 la.a, 1. r,pealed. .1 Section 105. Ordinance 110. S9'i. enacted April 21. 1915, N18tinl to inttx1catlnr beverag.. J 1. NpMled. I Section 106. Ord.' inane. 10. S99 J enaoted April 29, 191' J relat1q to pr1r t1gbt1q, 18 rep..led. j Section 107. OIll1nance 110. 600. _ct.. AprU 29. 1915, n18_inC to to-lee te1l1ins, 1. repealed. I Sectlon lOSe Ord1Danoe 10. 60', enacted Jul7 6, 1915, relating to Po1~c. 'depart_at, is repealed. , Section 109. Ord1nanoe 10. 606, enacted Jul7 20, 1915,relattna to boaxra ot h~..l th, i, repealed. J S.8ot1on 110. Ordinanoe 10. 603, eMoted Sept..er "', 1915, re1a\lnc to h1t~h1nc x.cka, 18 rep..led. I Sec:t.lon Ul. Ordinanoe 10. 609, enacted Septeaber 21, 1915, rela\iq to aot1r .ehicle., 1. repealed. I Sec:tion 112. Ordinanoe 10. 612, enaoted Deeember 11, 1915, relatina to ottoe of oitf81ectrle1an, 18 repealed. S.C~tloD 113. Ordinenoe 10. 614, enacted Januarr 4, 1916" "latiDa to ped lera, 1, ~p..1ed. I Section ll4. OnUD8.11.Oe 10. 620. enect. " Maroh 23, 1916, relating to d 11~0 ..1 a,f dead oiul. aDd .a..be.., ie repealed. I J Section 113. Ordinance Bo. 621. enacted April I., 1916.re18tina to otl~c. of pound .ater J is rep..led. 1 Seotion 116. O:rdinance lfo. 622. enacted Aprll 19, 1916.re18tinC to bic~Ql. rld1q on aidewalka, i. repealed. I S.c~t1on 117. Ordinance 10. 638, enacted 'ebruary 7, 1917, reIatire to orr~c. of superintendent ot ..U1a17 v.~eJ' .,ltea, 1. repealed. I 1 Section l1B.. Ordinance 10. 639. enacted rebl'Ua1'.7' 23. 1917. re18tinC to 01t1 electrician'. bond, 18 repealed. 11 seCJ:t. 10n 119. Ol'd 1unoe 10. 6SS. enacted J. .nual'7 29, 1918, re18. tal \0 tel phone. for cit7 officiela. 18 repealed. . 8.<::\1011 120. Ordinanoe tfo. 6'9, enacted AprU 18. 1$18 J Nlatiq to "en real ell i...... , i, repuled. I S.<:~tioa 121. Ordinanoe 10. 661, enacted Ma7 21, 1918, re1atlnc teo wor~1nc c~.t7 pri.onera, i. rep.aled. J Sec~t1on 122. Ordinance 10. 668, enact.ed Jul7 16, 1918, relat1ng to DOX1rOU.. wet.., 1. repealed. 8.c:\10D 12). Ordinance 10. 669, eMoted AUlWlt 27, 1918, reletiq to alo~ho11c beverag.. J 1. repealed. I ' 675 t enacted April 1, 1919, relai1q to jl Sec:tion 124. Ordinance 10. PP .1iDde" <:1bt.iecq?h1.N.pealed . Sec!tion 12'. Ordinance 10. 676, enaoted Ma7 13. 1919, relatiDa tot pub ic 481110.a, 1s repealed. I Section 126. Ord1ne",c.: No. 691, enacted Jenual'.7' 21. 1920. rela'tinC to PUb'r1C ctel1lc.., 1s rep.aled. 1 Section 127. OJod1Dance Jlo. 698, enacted June 1, 1920. re18tinl to aon,...1o~l and licens., 18 rep..led. J Sec!{,ion 128. Ordinance 10. 712, enaoted March 17, 1921, relatin, to .al~17 of ait,. en.in..l", is repealed. Sec:t1on 129. Orclinance 10. 713, enacted Karch 17, 1921, relatina t.o t1~ depar'i.nt, 11 rep.aled. I S.(!~tion 130. Ordinance 10. 746, enacted December " 1922, relatinC to ...~IItaDt recorder, ill repealed. I ~ Se,~t1on 131. Ordinanoe 10. pedrler. . 11 repealed. , S'I()tioD. 132. Ord1Danoe No. 11~or .el.., 1. rep..led. , S.<,t.1on 1.33. Ordinance No. Jdntra J 1.. repeal... 11 Section 134. Ordinance No. 111 rei1a~ret.1on, 111 repe.,.ecI. Se(~t ion 13'. ora inance 110. dog , 1, J~pe.l.d. Sec:t1on 136. Ordinanoe No. 78', enaotett ~:r 20, 1924, relating to in1 1ativ4I' and reterendum powers; 18 rep.. led . 7S0, enaoted Dece.Mber 27, 1922, re1a'\iDa to 7~, eneated May 1St 1923, "latinC to 772, enacted Deoember 4, 1923, relata, to 773, enacted Dec'ember 4, 1923, "181,1111 to 776, enacted :December 28, 1923, relatlnc to Sec:t1on 1.37. Ordinance 10. 801, enacted February 23, 192', relatlDc to poo and ~.lniaN licen..., 1s repealed. I J Section 138. Ord1nance No. 806. eMoted *1 ,. 1925. re18t1nc to ., -11' vehlcl.., i.repealed. J Section 139. OJ'd1nence No. 824. enacted June 10, 1926. re18ting to pu.btic dal1lC.. J 1. repealed. J Sec!t1oll 140. Ordinance 10. 826, enacted Jan. 15, 1926, relatin, to PubiC dance.. 18 rep..1ec1. .J Se(!!tion l4l. Ordinance 10. 827,. enacted Jul7 7, 1926, relating t.o OO~.I1..tlon ot judge, 18 repealed. I Sec~tlon l42. Ordinance No. 828, enacted Jul)r 6, 1926; relatal to o1t.7 -~. pI" I 1" rep..led. Seo.tiOD 143. Ordinance 10. 8", enacted September 28, 1926, re1atiq to ini fatlve! au nte:ren4W1 powera, 1. rep..led. J Sec,tion l44. Orc11nance 10. 8)7, enacted November ), 1926, reletiDI to t,ra,.t.r o,r electric depart.aent reoeipts '\0 stnet tund, 11 rep..l". Section 14'. Ordinance No. 8'6, enaeted Ma,. 19, 1921, relatiftg 'to do,., 18 rp..11:d. : Section l46. Ordinance 10. S,S, enacted August 16. 192'1, relat1D& to poo~ ud billiard liceneee. i. repealed. I Section U.7. Ordinance No. 863, enacted February 21, 1928, relating to 1arbase coU.otion., 1. rap..led. Section 148. Ordinance 10. 868, enacted December 18, 1928, relatiDa to red 0 interference, 1. rep.. led . Section 149. Ordinance 10. 881, enaoted March 18, 1930, nlet1nc t.o 1. repealed. Section 150. On11nance 10. 887, enacted Jenua17 6, 1931, relatina to 011, 1e repe.led. ! Seotion 151. Ordinance 10. 928, enacted March 8, 1934, relating to alc~11c beverage., 18 repealed. I .L. Seotion 152. Ordinanoe 110. 936, enacted t>eoOlllbel' 18, 1934, re18tinC to rtiat1ve and reterendu power., 18 :rep..led. J Section 153. Ordinance 10. 9'8, enacted Maroh 17, 1936, relatina to dOl" 1. rep..led. I 1L Section 1".. Ordinanoe. 110. 959, enact.ad Mal' 5, 1936, relatiDg to 011T ot c!irt str..ta, 18 repealed. , .Sec~~ion 15S. Ordinanoe r:o. 983, ~ct,ed April 19, 1938, relat.1q '\0 elec~ion p:rec1nctl, 18 repe.led. I I Sec~t,1on 1S6. Ordinance 110. 984, enacted April 19, 1938, relatin, to eleCrion p:recinets, 1s rep..led. r Sec~~1on lS7. Ordinanoe No. 1003, enacted *1 21, 1940, r.lating ~o cbso ne pi~atu.r.s and immoral acts, i. repealed. Sec'~ion lS8. Qrdinance Eo. 1016, e~cted December 17, 194.0, relata. to x+dio iJtlterrerence, 1. rep..lee!. Sec'~ion 1". Ordinance No. 1026, enscted December 12, 1941, relata<< OkOU:~6, is repnled. Se(:,~1on 160. Ordinanoe No. lOSS, en&cted May 21, 1947, relating to bu1 1ng C4~., 18 repealed. I Sec'trioD 161. Ordinance Ha.. 1104, enacte4 October 18, 1949, relating to c~tlzen1Bt sat.tT comittee, 1s rep..led. L. Sec'tion 162. Ordinance No.. 1107, enacted February 21, 1950, relat1q to dr-tie. ~:>t appointive of tic ere , 18 repeal". I Sec.t'.lon 163. Ordinanoe No. 1111, enacted April 4, 1950, relating to Hy~ht "vine tiae during 1950, 18 repealed.. . . . ~ Sect10n 164. Ordinanoo No. 1112. enacted April 1.8. 1950,. relatine to ea1a110n ot cindera tl'OlI aawad11 burDera. 18 repealed. .. Sec'~1on 165. Ordinanoe No. lllS, eucjiect July 6, 19'0, relating '\0 otri~e of la1t1 superintendent, 1s repealed. Sec'~1011 166. Or4inance No. 1123, enact.ed August, 1950, relating to oe.81a laDd privie., 18 rep..led. . l Section 167. Ordinance 10. 11". enacted April 1. 1952. re18tinC to uplp,.8' :rr1nae bener1te, 11 repealect. I ! Seo't1on 168. Ordinance No. 1210, enacted !lJ1rch 19, 19S7, relating to .l.c~rlc.l wiring and lic.ne.., 1. repealed. I I L Section 169. OnSlnance 10. 1291, enacted Aprll1.8. 1961. relatine to Purcr81D1 ag.nt, 18 repealed. ~,j.'~"~ The t~:>relOinl ordinanoe W8. duly passed at II rell&1ar -"ine ot the ColllllOn COImc11 held on the ?"day of ~ Hi> Z . 196~, the 'vote be1ng 88 follow., 4e8_ 4 Nays 0 Approved, .d['-<::" nd/ ~70r ot ~wh1oh I hereb;y cert1tr: -rt .~~ R order