HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-163 Agrmt - Hunter Construction Jul-07-04 03:47P 7;}Core digital services -- P.07 ~'o cJ?/7/5 )110( $L.{'L~f r) .. :) ~ f " I ,., t. J 4 ,. ! i '" z, . ,,- .' c,.. " · '7) I.. ; t ! -" , ' \ .J~ . V\ I .-1' ~... ,', ~ D~ Internet / Intranet Service Agreement Vo1.7.4.0 1. SER'VICES. ............ .......... .......... ........................... ......... ...................... ........ .................. ...... ............. ...... ... .... .... .......... 3 1.1. DATA SeRVICES. ....... ................... .............. .............. ..... ......................... ............................. ................ ...................3 1.2. INSTALLATION SERVICfS. .................... ...................., ......... ........... ...... ......... ......... ....,....... .......... ......... .................... ...3 2. TERM. ...... ............ ...... ........... .......... ............... ........... ........ ...... ..... ......... .. ...................... ....... ..... .... '11.' ................ .... ....... 3 3. CHARGES. ......... ......... ........... ............ ....................... ......................... .......................... ................ ... ..... ........ ... ............ 3 3.1. DATA SERVICES RATE.. ....... ...... ............. .......... .... ........... .......... ..... ........ .................. ............. ....................... .............3 3.2.INSTALLATtON SERVICES CMAAGe. . ................ ................................................... ..... ......................... ..... .....................3 3.3. LATE PAYMENT, DePOSIT. ............................. ........ ................ ...... ..................... ........... ................... ..... .....................3 4. SERVICE LEVE LS. ............. ............ ........ ........................._....... ...... ........._............ .................. ............ ... .................. 3 5. COUDS F AQlI11ES. ._..... ............_........ ............_....._............. ........_................................... .... ....... ....._....._.. 3 5.1. REMoyAL. ..... ..................... ................ ...... ... ..... ....... .................. .................. ...... .......... .......... ......... ...... .................4 5.2. PROPER ENVIRONMENT. ........ ..................... ...... ........ ................ ..... .................. ..... ........... .................. .............. .........4 5.3. DAMAGE............. .................... ................ ............................. ........... ............... .. .........................".............. ......... ......4 6. RIGHTS AND OBUGAnONS OF CUSTOMER. .............................................................................."............................ 4 6.1. INSTAlLAnON. .... .............. ......... ............. .......... ....................... ......... ...... ............ .................... ......... ........ .............4 6.2. PREMISES Access. ... ........... .......................... ...... .................... ............................... .................... ....... ......... ............4 6.3. ACCEPTAeU USE POUCES. .. ........... ............. ......... ......... ........... ............. .................. ...................... ...... ....... ......... ...4 6.4. SYSTEM INTEGRITY. ..... ......... ...................... ......... ........ ............. ............. ......... ......... ................ n... ...... ...................4 6.5. CouDS EQUIPMENT MOVEMENT. ........ ........... ......... .......... .......... ............ ... ................................ ..... ...... ................. ..4 7. TERM INA nON ................. .................. ......... ....................... .......... ...... ......... ........ ........ ............ ..... ... .......................... 4 7.1. CESSATION OF SERVICE. ......... .......... ...... ........... ..................... ......... ....... ........... ........................ ....... ...... ..... .........,..5 7.2. CESSAnON OF ACCESS. . ............................ ......... ......... ..... ..... .......................... .......................... ........ ....... ...............5 7.3. TfttMlNATlON FEE. ......... ............. ...... ........ ......... ...................... ............................ ................ ....'. ........ .....................5 8. NO W ARRANnES. .......... .........._...... ........................... ......... ............ ............... ...._.... ....... ......... "........... .................. 5 9. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES; LIMITADON OF LIABILITY AND REMEDY; EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. ............ 5 10. UNCONTROLlABLE CONomONS. ............__..................................... .......... .............. ................ ..u ........... .... ......... 5 11. SEVERABI LITY . .~... ....................... ........ ...................... I.. .... .................. ......... ......... ........"... .......................... ......... .... 5 12. GEN E RAL PROVISION S. ........ ......... ....... .... .._....... ......... ........... .............. .................. ........... ......... ....... .... ... ........ ... 5 13. COREDS DIGnAL SERVICES ACCEPTABLE USE POUCY FOR COREDS IP PRODUCTS AND SIERVICES................ 5 13.1 PROHIBITED USES OF CoReDS's 5Y~HS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ............................................................................ 6 13.2 TERMS Of SERVICE .... ................. ................... ......... ............................... ............... ....... ..... . .................... ........ .... ..... 6 13.3 HIGH SPeED DIRECT Flal!R CoNNecnOflt ........ .................... ......... ....... .......... ............... ......................' .....................,............6 13.4 ACCE PT AB LE U Sf POUCY ............. ................... ...... ..... ...... ...... ......... ..... .................. ...... ..................... ................ 6 801 Enterprise Drive · Ste. 102 · Central Point, Oregon 97502 (541) 734-2800. Fax (541) 772-4805. www.coredS.net Jul-07-04 03:48P P.os --- '-. ore digital services Agreement between Core Digital Services (CoreDS) and Customer named below for CoreDS' ("Data Servicesj on CoreDS's telecommunications system through its fiber optic network (the "network" or "system"). Customer Name: City of Ashland (P.D.) Key Billing Contact: Michael Bianca Billing Address: 1155 E. Main, Ashland, OR, 97520 b'~ tJGa""c1> Email Address: t1imael@ashland.or.us Premises Address (if different): Ashland P.D. to Medford P.D. connection. Service Address (if different): Branch Address (if different): 2 CoreOS Initials 4L-oate ~tft. Customer Initials J~ Dote .3 Jul-07-04 03:48P 1. Services. Customer shall purchase and Core Digital SeTvices (CoreOS) shaU proVide to customer: 1.1. Data Services. Data Services permit access by customer to CoreOS' telecommunications system at the point of delivery I<<ated in the Customer's premises desaibed above. The point of delivery is that location where the network and Customer's system are interconnected. 1.2. Installation SeMces. Installation services consist of coordinating with Customer the necessary engineering, site survey, system configuration and other ~es necessa~ to prOVide Customer Data Services. These seMces shall be prOYided up to the date that the service testing Is compl:ted. base~ on COreOS' customary testing procedures and the servICe IS available to the Customer ("the service acceptance date"). In addition, CoreDS will provide the equipment (collectiVely refeJTed to as "CofeDS factlitiesj necessary to connect Customer's facilitles to the netwof1(. 2. Terms. This agreement wift be effective upon the date executed by CoreDS and shall continue for twelve months, unleSs sooner terminated as provtded in this agreement In the event written notice is not given by elther party to terminate this agreement. at least. 30 days prior to the termination date, this agreement shall be extended on a month-to-month ~ en ~ same terms and COO<Jtions except for the rate specIfled 11 section 3. The rate for each extension per;od shall be the rate then in effect, as pub4lshed by CoreOS, at least 15 days prior to termination date. 3. Charges. CoreDS agrees to provide an Internet connection service for which Customer agrees to provide consideration as outlined below: . Point to Point: $600.00 billed monthly level of Service PTP Initial Date _ Point to point leased lines can be added for each branch location for which Customer agrees to at the costs outlined below. Additional branch locations are to be billed at $300/ea. monthly plus installations charges. With 1 O/lOOM bps of internal connectivity, branch locations will also have Internet service capped off at the home sites limits agreed to above. . Number of Additional 8fanches_ Inltial_ Date_ 3.1. Data Services Rate. From the service start-up date, Customer shall pay the rate specified above for each month of service. If the service does not begin on the first day of a btlling cycle, then payments for the first month shall be prorated on a daily . basis. All accounts wUI be invoiced on the first day of each month, and a. sums shall. be paid within 20 days after tile date of the monthlv biaing for seMces (the "due date;. 3 J..J.09 -- 3.2. Installation Services Charge. Customer shall pay the installation charge specified below for the installation services provided by CoreOSWhich charges shan be due clnd payable upon onsite installation of the fiber tenninating hardware and therefore establishing the due date of the installation charges and any prorated data services for the start-up period. Hardware and fiber installation: l~750.00 one time fee per location. 3.2.1. Uninterruptlbte Power Suppl". Customer shall provide a form or unlnterruptible power for the fiber termi~ation hardware and any CoreOS facilities at the Custl:>merS location. If the OJStomer does not prov;de a untnterruptibte power source, CoreDS will provide one for the price listed below. . APe Unlflterruptible Power Supply: $200.00 (one needed for each location) . 3.3. Late Payment, Deposit. Payments received after the due date may be subjected to a charge of 1'1/2% per month on the unpaid balance at the discretion of Coret)S. Cor~~ may require Customer to pay a deposit in advance l)f the pI1MSlon of any service. CoreDS shall hold any such depos,it In a non-interest bearing account and used to satisfy (in whole or in part) any obligation of Customer under this agreement. 4. ServIce lewis. CoreDS will exercise rejiSOflable efforts to providelntemet service on a 24-hour-a-da1f, 7-day-per-weelc. basis. Customer understands and ac:knowIedge.; that CoreDS does not warrant that its Internet service wi' be provided without interruption. Customer also understands that the rates and speed for this service Is based on the utilization d burstable data transmission methodology where the fuI bandwidth contracted for is to be utilized in bursts only and not continu<llJSfy. CoreOS may monitor customers' bandwidth utilization in order to ensure that Customer's transmissions are within burstable utilization rate guidelnes. These guidelines are subject to chclOge at any time bV CoreDS acting in its sole discretion, and all SU(:h changes shaD be binding upon Customer upon written notic~! to Customer by CoreOS. In the event of a Internet service outage deemed to be at the CoreDS seMce level, CoreOS will have a technician investigating the issue within 4 hours after receiving notification of the outage from the Customer to the assigned service number provided to customer from time to time. W1th respect to a failure of continuous Interruption which is not excused as provided In this section or otherwise, which exceeds 24 consecutive hours in duration and of which CoreDS receives written notice within 48 hotxs d such failure or interruption, GoreOS shall credit Customer's account with respect to the affu:ted service by an amount equal to one-thirtieth of the recurring monthly charge for the service for each 24-hour period during which the failure or interruption continues. This credit shall be th,e sole and exdUSive remedy of Customer with respect to any intelTuption or failure of the service. No such credit shah be due, however, if the interruption is caused by reasons beyond the reasonable control of CoreOS Of for reasons related to scheduled network ma;ntenance. 5. Core OS Faditles. Anv CoreDS tKilities installed on Customer's premises shall be and remain the: property of CoreOS and may be repaired or replaced at any time and removed at the termination << service, and may be used to supply other customers of CoreDS whether or not on the same premises. No rent or other charge shall be made by Customer on CoreOS for pladng or CoreDS InitialS~DateH ~~ Customer InitiaIS~_Date //~l'.3 Jul-07-04 03:49P maintaining its fadlities upon Customer's premises. CoreDS sha' be entitled, at any time, to affIX to CoreDS fadlities a label indicating the interest 0( CoreDS. 5.1. Removal. Customer will use reasonable efforts to ensure that CoreOS fadlities are not removed or caused to be removed by any person, other than Coreos or without CoreDS' prior written consent. 5.2. Proper Environment. Customer shall use reasonable efforts to keep the location of CoreDS' fadlities in the proper environment as specified by CoreDS. 5.3. Damage. Customer agrees to exercise due care and caution to protect CoreOS' facilities from the weather, vandalism and other potential probtems. Customer shall be liable for any loss or damage to CoreDS' fadlities at any location artslng from Customer's negligence, intentional act, unauthorized maintenance or other cause within the reasonable control of Customer, its employees or agents. In the event of any loss or damage to CoreDS' fadlities for which Customer Is lIabte, Customer shall reimbocse CoreDS for the lesser of the reasonable cost of repair or the actual cost of replacement. 6. Rl9hts and Obligations of Customer. 6.1. Installatton. Customer shan at its expense undertake all necessary preparations required to comply with CoreOS' installation and maintenance instructions. Sudl preparations Include obtaining aU necessary consents for the installation and use of CoreOS facilities in the building, inducIing consents fer ~ alteratiOnS to buildings; ensuring that arrf floor loading limits will not be exceeded; providing suitable accommodations, foundations and an environment to meet the environmental specifications tor CoreDS including all necessary bunking, conduits and cable trays; providing suitable electric power and any other utilities needed by Coreos to instan, test and or maintain CoreOS' fadlities; providlng a suitable and safe wot1dng environment for Coreos' personnel, including an environment safe from environmental hazards; and taking up or removing, in time to allow CoreDS to carry out installation as scheduled, any fItted or fixed floor coverings, ceiling tiles, suspended ceilings and partition covers. 6.2. Premises Access. Customer shall prOVide CoreDS or other persons authorized by Core OS with access (on both a routine and emel'9ency basis) for the Imptementation of all sesvice acceptance date; CUStomer will prOVide CoreDS reasonable access to the CUstomer premiSes where any CoreDS fadlities are installed. CoreOs shall not be responsible for any faults on the network or any failure to perform the provisions of this agreement to the extent that CoreOS, in good faith, requires access, and any such faults Of failures or the continuation thereof are a resutt of the failure of Customer to provide access to the place at each location where CoreDS facilities are Installed supporting the failing setVice or connection. (a) During implementation, CoreDS will normaIty carry out work required to install and/or repair CoreDS' facilities during its normal working hours but may I on reasonable notice, require access at other Urnes. At Customer's request.. CoreOS will any out wor1c to instan eoreDS' facilities outside CoreDS' regular wor1<ing hours, in which event Customer agrees to pay overtime and any other appropriate charges agreed between the parties. (b) An( out-of-pocket costs, reasonably incurred by CoreOs, as a consequence of the c:lenial of access by 4 P.IO CUstomer (or budding owner) to any location shall be paid by Customer. CoreDS shall advise Customer of any suctl costs on a case-by-case basis. 6.3. Acceptable Use Polides. Customer shall compty with CoreDS' acceptable use poIides. The accecJ'tabfe use policies are subject to change at any time bV CoreOS acting in its sole discretion, and all such changes shall be binding upon Customer upon written notice to Customer by CoreDS. 6.3.1 Customer shall be responsible for the use and compatibility of equipment or software not provided by COreOS. In the event that Customer uses equipment or software not provided by CoreOS which impairs Customer's ~lta Services or the network, Customer shall nonetheless be Hable f~;)f payment for all service, including without limitation any software provided by CoreDS. Upon notiCe from CoreOS that any equipment or software not provided by CoreOS is causing or is likely to. cause an hazard, Interference, or service obstruction, Customer shall ilTVllediately eliminate the likelihood or hazard, interference, or service obstruction and if Customer fails to do so, CoreOS may take such action as it deems required to etiminate such h;~zard, Interference or service obstruction. 6.3.2 Customer will only connect to 'the networl< using Industry standard equipment, which complies and is compatible with the 5efVice specifi<:ations set forth in ~pplicable technical publications. Notwithstanding the undertaking lot Customer in the prior sentence, if, in CoreDS' reasonabee opinion, the technical integrity of the network or the service being provided over the network to Customer or any other third party i~; being jeopardized or is likely to be jeopardized as a resuft of the connection of any Customer premises equipment to the networ1< by CUstomer or by any other activity for which Customer is responsible, CoreDS may suspend the PfOViSiOn of the seMces to clny connection so affected. Following remeaal action by Customer satisfactory CoreDS, Core OS wit reinstate the service provided through that connection as soon as possible. 6.3.3 eoreDS reserves the right to allow or refuse to allow any make, model or software revision of a&omer-provided equipment to be used as a gateway to any network access. CUstomer will cooperate with CoreDS in setting the initial configuration for Its equipment's interface with the network. 6.3.4 Coreos may from time to time issue technical Instructions on the use of the network to ensure the proper functioning ot the seNices or the protection elf the network from damage or deterioration. Customer will obserVe technical instructions. 6.4. System Intetrity. Customer tl) cure any violation (other than failure to pay) of the provisions; of this agreement within 30 days notice by CoreDS. 6.5. CoreOS Equipment Movem4~nt. Customer Is obligated to obtain written approval from CqrIa>5 prior to moving imy of CoreDS' equipment Moving of equipment without authorization may cause damages and/or an (IUtage. A customer- caused outage, due to the mOVing of equipment without written authorizatiOn, will be the sole responsibility of the customer. The costs to repair any damages by CoreDS technidans shall be borne by the customer. No deductions to bilUn9 will be made for customer-caused outages. 7. Termination Either party may terminatE! this agreement for cause, provided written notice Is given the other party specifying CoreDS Initials ~\)ate . /t Ai76 Customer Initial~_Dafe //~r;-./13 Jul-O/-04 03:b~P .--' the cause for termination and reQuesting correction within 10 days for f~i1ure to pay a sum due, or within 30 days for any other cause, and such cause is not corrected within the applicable period. Cause is any material breach d the terms of this agreement, including the faillSe to pay any amount when due, the filing of a petition in bankruptc.y by or agam Customer or CUstomer's inability to meet obligations when due; or failtn of CoreOS. CoreOS will furnish copies of such pofities upon request. 7.1. cessation of Service. CoreOS may deny Customer access to the netwOf1< and cease to provide all or part of any services described in this agreement without notice If Customer (a) violates any provision of applicable acceptable use poIldes; (b) engages in any conduct or activity that CoreDS, in its sole discretion, reasonably believes causes a risk that CoreOS may be subjected to civil or criminal litigation, dlarges, or damages; or (c) wou1d cause CoreDS to be denied access or to lose services by CoreOS' internet provider. 7.2. Cessation of Access. If Coreos ceases to pnMde or demes CUstomer access to ltle network pursuant to this section, neither CUstomer nor any of Its customers shall have any right (a) to access through CoreDS any materials stored on the internet, (b) to obtain any credits otherwise due to Customer, and such (l"edits shall be forfeited, or (e) to access third party services, merchandiSe or Information on the Internet through CoreDS. CoreOS shan have no responsibility to notify any third-party providers of services, merchandise or information of any cJlSCOOtinuance of any services pursuant to this section, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from lack of such notification. 7.3. Termination Fee. If CoreDS terminates this agreement for cause, or if Customer terminates this agreement without cause, Customer shall pay CofeDS a termination fee equal to the lesser of (a) the remaining charges applicable through the end of the sdleduted term, or (b) six month charges. 8. No Wamantles. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CoreOS is providing the serVices and the system (including but not limited to the CoreDS facilities and any access to the network) as Is and with all faults, and hereby disclaims all other warranties, if any, either express, implied, statutOry or otherwise with respect to any of the system and services provided or to be provided under this agreement. including but not limited warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of lack of viruses, lack d negligence or lack of workmanlike effort. CoreDS makes no warranty: (a) of title, quiet enjoyment or lack of infringement with respect to the system or services; (b) that the system or services are "'year 2000u compliant; and (e) that the operation of the system or service wlU be uninterrupted or error free. 9. Exduslon Of Certain Damages; Umitatlon Of Uablllty And Remedy; Exduslve Remedy. To the maximum extent pennitted by appliCable law, In no event wUl CoreOS be liable under any contract. negligence, strict liability or other theory for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (indudin9 but not limited to damages for loss of profits for confidential or other information, for bustness interruption, for personat injury, for loss of prwacy, for failure to meet any duly induding of good faith or of reasonabfe care, for negtigence, and for any other pecuniary of other lOSS whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to any bream by CoreDS of this agreement, to the provision or use of or inability to use the system or services Of" otherwise With respect to any subject matter' of this agreemen~ 5 ....~~ even if CoreDS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. CoreDS' total liability to customer under this ~,reement and the transactions contemplated herby, including without ~mltation any liability d C()feOS for any damages of any nc.ture whatsoever, including without limitation direct or actual damages, shall be limited to the direct damages incurred by aJstomer in actual and reasonable reliance on the system or services;, which damages shall not, in the aggregate, exceed 100% of the amount having actually been paid by customer to Core OS In the twelve month period immediately preceding the date on which the breach giving rise to the damages occurred. Except for the provtsion of aedits to customer's account as specifICally prov;ded in section 4, tfle rights and remedies granted to customer under this sectiOn 9 constiMe alStomer's sole and exdusive remedy against CoreDS, it's agents, offidals and employees for any and all daims artsing lInder statutory or common law or otherwise. There are no third party beneficiaries d this agreement. Customer agrees that CoreDS shall have no liability fC)f the negligence, products, services or websites of customer; d affdiates; of developers or consultants identifJeCl of referred to customer by CoreDS; or of any other third party, including but not limited to liability for the content, quality and accuraqr of the foregoing which are accessible by use of the system or services of CoreOS. 10. Uncontrollable COnditions. Neither party shalt be deemed in violation fA this agreement if it is preventE!d from performing any of the obligations under this agreement by reason of severe weather and storms; earthquakes or other natural occurrences; strikes or other labor unrest; power failures; nuclear or other dvil or military emergendes; acts of legislative; jlldidal; executive or administrative authorities; or any other circumstances which are not Within its reasonable control. 11. 5everabllity. In the event that a court, governmental agency, or reglAatory body with proper jurisdiction determines that this agreement or a provision of this agreement is unlawful, this agreement or that provision of the agreement to the extent it is unlawful, shall terminate. If a proviSion of thiS agreement is. terminated but the parties can legally, commercially and practicably continue without the terminated provision, the remainder of this agreement shall continue in effect. 12. Genera' Provisions. faiture or delay by eiU1er party to exercise any right or privilege ooder this ~greement will not operate as a waiver of such right or privilege. Customer may assign this agreement only with the consent of CoreDS. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between Customer and CoreOS with respect to Service provided herein and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings. 13. ContOS DI91tal Services Acceptable Use Policy for CoreDS IP Products arwl Services CoreDS Digital Services Acceptable Conduct Policy (tne "Policy") for CoreDS IP Products and Services is des6gned to help protect CoreDS. CoreOS' ClJStomers and the Internet I:ommunity in general from irresponsible or, in some cases. illegal activities. The Policy is a non-exduSive list of the actions prohibitc:rl by CoreDS Digital CoreDS Initials ~-L- Date H ftr":s Customer InitiatR Dote J/~ 3 JUI-O/-0403:52P ServiCeS. CoreOS Digital Services reserves the right to modify the Policy at any time. 13.1 Prohibited Uses of CoreOS' Systems, Products and Services 1. Transmission, cflStribution or storage of any material in mation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark,. trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws. 2. Sending unSOlidted mail messages, -inclUding the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to Individuals who did not specifically request such material (e.g., lie-mail spam..).This includes, but Is not limited to, bulk mailing of commercial advertising, infonnational announcements, and political tracts. It also Includes posting the same or similar message to . one or more newsgroups (excessive cross-posting or multiple- posting). CoreDS accOll\ts or services may not be used to colled: replies to messages sent from another Internet Service Provider where those messages violate this Policy or that of the ottter provider. 3. Unauthofized use, or forging, of mail header information (e.g., "spooftng"). . ~. Unauthorized attempts by a user to gain access to any account: or computer resource not belonging to that user . (e.g., "aackingj. 5. Obtaining or attempting to obtakl service by any means or device with intent: to avoid payment 6. Unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, or any attempt thereof, of any information of any CoreOS customers or end-users by any means or device. 7. Knowingly engage in any activities that wiD cause a deriial-of-servke (e.g., synchronized number sequence attacks) to any CoreDS OJStomers or end-users whether on the CoreDS network or on another provider's network. 8. Using CoreDS's Products and Services to interfere with the use of the CoreOS network by other customers or authorized users. 9. Any open wireless network is strictly prohibited. Any type of unauthorized service sharing will be searched for and immediately identifted. Any Customer unWiiling to bring down any such network Will be terminated Each CoreDS IP customer Is responsible for the actMtIes of Its customer base!representatiVes or end-users and, by accepting service from CoreDS, is agreeing to ensure that its wstomers/representatives or end-users abide b'f this PoliCy. COmplaints about customers/representattves or end-users ~ CoreDS IP customer will be forwarded to the CoreDS IP customer's 6 ....~~ postmaster for action. If violations of the CoreDS o.gital Services Acceptable Use Policy ocOJr, CoreDS IP custofner's Products and Services reselVes the right to terminate servI,ces with or take act10n to stop the offending customer from violating CoreDS's ~p as CoreDS deems appropriate, without notice. 13.2 Terms of Service To ensure that all CorE~ Networt. users experience reliable setVi<:e, CoreDS requires users to adhere to the following terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns regarding CoreDS 5efVice, call the appropriate contact listed on your monthly b~ling statement. l-tigh Speed Data customers can oontact: 772-9282 and Cable IModem customers need to contact their respective ISP prlMders. 13.3 High Speed Direct Fiber Connection . No reselling of bandwidth 5elVices. . Bandwidth use will be monitored at the CoreOS Head end. Should a Business Service site exceed the maximum sustained bandwidth contracted, you witt receive a notifimtion requiring VOl' service level to be upgraded to match the needs of your business usage. Web Hosting services are permissible uses, such as a marketing firm hosting pages for their OJstomers. OthE!r seNlces not yet imptemented may be allowed by written consent of COreDS AdminiStration. 13.4 Acce9table Use Poticy (AUP) CoreDS' Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is posted to our web site and is to be ac:knowledged and known by th! Customer at all reasonable times. Customer: By: Title: Date: ~~VIa: Tide: t;J .,; / /'h ,;pr"~ ~ Date: IIP~~"3 CoreDS Initiats~)ate /t/~;l Customer In;tial _Date I"/~~ -- , Page 1 /1 r~' C I T Y 0 F C" 'TY RECORD~;~~~=~2I~ AS H LAN D I---DME~='?'" I 20 E MAIN ST. 7/14/2005 ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 06073 VENDOR: 000082 HUNTER CONSTRUCTION INC 801 ENTERPRISE DR STE 101 CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 SHIP TO: City of Ashland - Police Dept. 1155 E MAIN STREET ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Terms: Payable on receipt Req. Del. Date: Speciallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: POLICE Contact: Linda Hoggatt Confirming? No BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAl N ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 'SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 7200.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 ~ 7- ~ / / ,/J Cf - Autho d Signature r VENDOR COPY 4CITY OF AS.HLAND REQUISITION FORM Date of Request: THIS REQUEST IS A: D Change Order( existing PO # Required Date of Delivery/Service: Vendor Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Fax Number Deliver Location Hunter Communications 801 Enterprise Dr Ste 101 Central Pornt, OR 97502 Services Only Project Number olicitation Plfocess: Exempt 0 3 Written Quotes opies attached) o Invitation to Bid (copies on file) o Request for Proposal (copies on file) If -~~ Account Number' 6X (:; ";!;f;/p~ attach the Original signed contract and Insurance certificate. r~ Description Unit Cost Total Cost Materials Only Item # Quantity Unit Project Number Account Number . . - . --- -- -- -- ------ *PI ase attach the quotes. Employee Signature: SupervisorlDept. Head Signatu~ . . NOTE: By signing this requisition tonn, I certify that the above request meets the Gfly of Ashland Solicitation proce'Umen/ when necessary. ~ G: Finance\P rocedure'AP\F orms\requ isition Updated on:07/15/02