HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-100 Bld. Agrmt - Goodman/Finley CITY OF ASHLAND Jackson County Official Records 2007-028772 R-A Cnt=1 Stn=3 MORGAN~/18/2007 11 :56:37 AM $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $1100 Total:$36.00 11I1111111111"" 1111 """""" - - 01269882200700287720030032 I, Kathleen S. Beckett, County Clerk for Jackson County, Orogon, ~::%~hat the Instrument identified herein was rec~dod in the Clerk Kathleen S. Beckett - County Clerk Community Development - Planning Department 20 East Main Street, AstUnd, OR 97520 Phone 541-488-5303 Fax 541-488-6006 AGREEMENT Dated: September 25,2006 Subject Property Address: Project #: Map & Tax Lot #: Legal Description: Property Owner: Property Owners Address: For County Use Only 333 North Main Street. Ashland. Oreaon 80-2006-00238 39 1 E 0500 3300 (Parcels 1 & 2) See Attached Goodman. Mark and Finlev. Robert 333 North Main Street. Ashland. OR 97520 As owner of the property listed above, I hereby consent to the following improvements, dedication, or other actions as required by the City of Ashland, and agree to bear the proportionate payment of associated costs. This Agreement is to be binding upon myself/ourselves, my/our heir(s), executors, and assigns, and it is my/our express intention that this Agreement shall run with the land, so that fulfillment of the items listed below shall be binding upon future owners of the property. Action: That the eXisting Cond"lonal Use Perm" for the operation of a Travelers Accommodation at 333 North Main Street shan become Invalid If the two contiguous parcels created under Planning Action #2006- 00238 cease to be under the same ownership. Owner Signature: Date: 1.../ ~ II (J t- Owner Signature: e: ;)..(;)../10 7 STATE OF OREGON) County of Ja~ ) lGbi'uMf./ 0'/ tnaIeK (;xJai.mt2.n ar;d C'e/-eSfe On this :21 day of ,20_.beforemepersonallyappeared,~ 'f>DA .fOr lfofytyf"l='ln./eI.I whose Identity was proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to this Instrument, and ackr;>wrged (!}e ~) ~a;;; same. OFFICIAL SEAL QoJtz - -~ _ DEBRA A INGRAM tary Public for Oregon ~~ '. j NOTARY PUBUC-QREGO 1/"'1 () 1'/. MMISSION NO. 397056 My commission expires: ILl This document has been acknowledged by Derek D. Severson. Assocl_ Planner ,~'u!. s-W~'1 Date on behalf of the City of Ashland. 3/0<6/07 , I My commission expires: STATE OF OREGON) County of Jackson ). .'>-. On this L day of In M4..20 a1, before me personally appeared. d.JefZe.K. 5e.v-e e5a-n whose Identity was proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to this instrument, ...,~~..... . .-- Notary P Ie for OregOn . uf:>:'ClAl. SEAl t-f-7- 09 I , e, BOSWEll I \ / NOTAFi y PUBlIc-oREGON ~ M~' C~MlVIiSSION EY~;R':S APR. 07, 2009 ';;m~:m'll~.'" ,\lo;I,~ ,"~~~~~':""e-.'..,,;.:.!',,\;! G:Icomm-dev\planning~\333 N MIin Deed Reslricticn.doc FORM No. 154 - GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY - DURABLE - (Short Form). C 1998,20 EA '--.---------..-----....----------------. NO PART OF "'NY STEVENS-NSSS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED IN Official Records-2006-055952-- 06 To a 0 1111111111 " 1111I11'111111111" II 01228127200600559520010014 POWER OF ATTORNEY S C n To SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE a, i hathleen S Bee"," County Clerk for Jackson County Oregon Cf'rtJf}. that the tnstn.Jment Identified hneln \has reecr ded In the Clerk b reCords Kathleen S Beckett - County Clerk a Nl,. ------------ .....-........~....'" ....... ........ -~._.~~.;. -------------------------------------------------------- .-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- NAME TITLE Alter recording. return to (Heme. Addr_. Zip): -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- By -nn-n--______n__n_n_n_____h____. Deputy. ---------------. ---------------------------------------- KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that I. ----~IS..'2!2-~-E_fn__t!..___fL_~_GJ~~' ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ~1~~~_~~~_~._~~~_s_t~~~~~~~L~~~_~~~~~t~_(i~~Q~~12~~lL~~~_~~~~~~t~_t~_~~_~~~~~~:~_~-_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~=======~._ my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name. place and stead. and for my use and henefir: to demand. sue for. recover. collect and receive all such ,_UIII'; of money. debts. rents. dues. accounts. legacies. hequests. interests. dividends. annuities and demands whatsoever. as are now or shall hereafter hecome due. owing. payable or helonging to me: to have. use and take all lawful ways and means in my name or otherwise for the recovery thereof. and to compromise. SCtlle and adjust and to execute and dcliver acquittances or other sufficient discharges for any of the same; to bargain. contract for. purchase. receive and take lands. tene/llents. here- ditaments. and accept the seisin and possession thereof and all deeds and other assurances in the law therefor. and to lease. let. demise. bargain. ,ell. remisl'. release. convey. mortgage and hypothecate lands. tenements and hereditaments. including m) right of homestead in any of the same for such price. upon such terms and enn- ditions and with such covenants as my attorney shall think fit: to sell. transter and deliver all or any shares of slOck owned by me in any corporation for any price and receive p<l)'ml"nt therefor. and to vote any such stock as my proxy: to bargain for. buy. sell. 1Il0ngage. hypothecate and in any and every way and manner deal in .uld with goods, v.ares and merchandise. ehoses in action. and other propelly in possession or in action. and to make. do and transact all and every kind of husiness of whatsoever nature or kind: for me and in my name and as my act and deed. to silln. seal. execute. acknowledge and deliver all deeds. covenants. indentures. agrel.'- ments. trust agfLl.'rnents. mortgages. pledges. hypothecations. hills of lading. hills. honds. notes. evidences of debt. receipts. releases and satisfactions of monga[.:e:;. jud[.:J11cnls and 'l/her debts payable to me and other instruments in writing of whatever kind and nature which my attorney in hislher ahsolute discretion shall deem It, he for my hest interests: to have access to any safe deposit box which has heen rented in Ill) name. or in the name of myself and any other person or persons: 10 sdJ. discounl. endorse, deliver and/or depusil all checks. drafts. notes and negotiahle instruments pavable 10 my order: to withdraw any moneys deposited in m) name with any bank. by check or otherwise. and generally to do any business with any bank or banker on my hehalf: to complete. sIgn. and deliver .my lax return or form and pay taxes thereon or collect refunds therefrom; also G AND GRANTING unto my attorney the full power and authority to do and perfonn all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises. as fully to all inlents and purposes 3.'. I might or could do if personally present. with full powcr of suhstitution and revocation. hereby ratifying and confimling all that my anomey shall lawfully do or cause to he done by vinue of these presents, This power shall take effect (delete inapplicable phrase): (a) on the date next written below; (b) on the date I am adjudged incompetent hy a C<lun of proper jurisdil'lion, If neither phrase is deleted. this power shall take effect on the date next written helov., My attorney and all persons Unlo whom these presents shall come may assume that this power of attorney has not been revoked until given actual nl.rice either of such revocation or of mv death, In construing this instniment. and where the context so requires. the singular includes the plural. I II II I! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han,j on ,-~LC:?!L-t2~~j~~;:('!...q~ '~?zzJl~n .n'n'un ... u STATE OF OREGON. C """'y of ~.. ......... n... u.. .... ) ". by .n.?:,,'g~z.~"~" ;./~L't;r~.O~~.~~L'~;~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~: 1<'.';\ ' ,{~O)(:,EG'~Jf~ :~~ ~~ ><:1. I ", ': ~-:; (, ,:.':.~ -',', ',:_ :~g~~~I;o, ~ N~t~;P~~li~-t~~~~eg~)~---6--~;-);6-----n---------- --- ~:.; ',,- ' .,.', ',:' ~:; ,;-. ,",~.,;'.c,:-:,.::,.;~ ~ My commiSSIOn exptres "-!/-~--I--~----------..______n____ ~-;.. '..":~~~ -.." y~ l ~;;-~ ~';:;;:, l' i' '..:\ }~j '~~{~.~, :_-~;;'~~;'.~' ~,-;,;....' ~ 02 68633 113306ja EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Lot 11, Block 14 of the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof, adopted November 5, lSSS, which point is 123 feet Easterly from the southwest corner of said Lot 11; thence North 69053' East, along said southerly line of Lot 11, to the southeast corner thereof; thence northerly, along the westerly side line of North Main Street in said City, 91 feet, more or less, to the division line between the Northerly Half and the Southerly Half of Lot 10 in said Block 14; thence Westerly along the northerly line of said southerly half of Lot 10 to a point 100 feet Easterly from the intersection of said northerly line with the east side line of Almond Street in said City; thence Southerly, in a straight line, 107.5 feet to the point of beginning. (Code 5-01, Account #1-005817-0, Map #391E0500, Tax Lot #3300) Subject To: 1. Easement, for the purpose of installing, operating, and maintaining a traffic counter over, and rights in connection therewith, granted to the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, Highway Division, and the City of Ashland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, by instrument recorded June 1, 1981 as No. 81-10097 of the Official Records of Jackson County, Oregon. (Affects southeasterly corner) Jackson County. Oregon Recorded OFFICIAL RECORDS DEe 2 3 2002 ~ ;ti 10 PM .&~'r~M~ COUNTY CLERK 1/ ;}