HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-120 CONT Addendum - Univar USA ADDENDUM TO CITY OF ASHLAND CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES Addendum made this 6th ("City") and Univar day of June ,2007, between the City of Ashland ("Consultant"). Recitals: A. On Julv 27, 2006, City and Contractor entered into a contract for for the Water Treatment Plant resulting from Bid #2006-103. Chemicals B. The parties desire to amend the agreement to extend the contract for another fiscal year - Julv 1, 2007 throuqh June 30, 2008 - for the same usaqe and terms.. :Kt>\t..y...... 'X.-Ii~,... I-€'::i,)l~o\""\() \~.J.\ <S.J"ch'",,~< '\\Cr"(.~"", .ho.-h ~'3"5.v_' 1o~'q"':,}.CI":" City and Contractor agree to amend the agreement in the following manner: 1. The date for completion as specified in the bid specifications will be extended for an additional fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008. 2. The scope of services, chemical usage and terms remain the same, .;, 1((( I"t r~")c 3. Except as modified above the terms of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. CONTRACT.OR: " / l / . BY y,?! ( J/h iLlc-- {':A:'4~} l:;j{,\~ \-\"-\.- . /L - / Its 1 h<..1i \ ~ l ',~)~j.\ '),')( (' ,') L", i - .. , CITY OF ASHLAND: BY <, /' ,etL- ",J..-'~-&--:l. :.... / Finance Director 7 / //_ 1,/ b / (..or7 / r Date Fed. 10 # q \. \ 6L\ 1 q '.~':.:)- OR Social Security # CONTENT REVIEW: ~~ Date: ,~ /7 (~il:~~p~..H~ad) Purchase Order # . " '. / DATE . ) . v\i \C :X6 I )L' " Acct. No.: /' ,.'..-- !..,; /"" ,,/.< r . " ,~ ,. r I ~ '" ,. (For City purposes only) , / 1- Addendum to City of Ashland Contract for Goods and Services Univar USA Inc. 8201 South 21 ih Street Kent, WA 98032-1994 USA nlVAR T 253 872 5000 F 253 872 5041 www.univarusa.com June 28, 2007 Kari Olson Purchasing Representative City of Ashland 90 N. Mountain Avenue Ashland, OR 97520 Subject: Contract Renewal #2006-103, Chemicals for the Water Treatment Plant Dear Kari: Univar USA, Inc. is pleased to extend the current contract through the next year with the following updated pricing effective immediately; all other terms and conditions will remain the same: Product Cytec Superfloc N-300 Fuel Surcharge PKG 25 KG Bag Per Delivery PIN # 730328 600973 Price $2.625 LB $35.00 New Quote $2.625 LB $45.00 FOB DLVD Deposit Terms: Net 30 days Order Phone: 800.452.4912 - Portland location Univar appreciates your business and looks forward to continuing to supply your chemical requirements. Should you have any questions, please call my office at 253-872-5075. Sincerely, );rlJ4 4'.~-tk-- Laura La~i~r Municipal Specialist - WER Univar USA, Inc Kent, Washington Phone: 800-562-4860 x 5075 Fax: 253-872-5041 o UnlVAR June 1 S\ 2007 Subject: Fuel Surcharge Dear Valued Customer: Due to the continued escalating cost of diesel fuel, Univar USA Inc. will be utilizing the following fuel surcharge schedule for all deliveries, both packaged products and bulk deliveries, effective June 1 sl 2007. 1. The U.S. National Average On-highway Diesel Price will be utilized to determine the applicable fuel surcharge on a quarterly basis. You are able to review the current diesel fuel price by calling the Department of Energy at 1-202-586-6966, 24-hours a day, or via the Internet at Weekly On-Hi~hway Diesel Prices. 2. The fuel surcharge will be applied to each Univar USA, Inc. invoice. If multiple invoices are delivered to the same ship point, the fuel surcharge will be applied to only one invoice. The fuel surcharge will not include any accessorial revenues applied to the Univar invoice, which does not consume fuel. 3. In the case of business governed by contracts, the applicable surcharge will be applied as noted in the agreement. If a fuel surcharge is not addressed in the contract, the scale as outlined below will apply. If you have any questions concerning the fuel surcharge, please contact your Univar Sales Representative. FUEL COST PER GALLON $1 .499 or Below $1.50 - $1.999 $2.00 - $2.499 $2.50 - $2.999 $3.00 - $3.499 $3.50 - $3.999 $4.00 & Above Univar USA Invoice Surcharge $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 Univar USA Inc. 3950 NW Yeon Ave Portland, OR 97210-1412 USA T 503-222-1721 F 503-222-2714 800-452-4912 www.univarusa.com unlVAR GENERAL INFORMATION ReQular Office Hours durinQ which orders may be placed: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm (PST) In case of an emerQency durinQ non-business hours: For Non-Chemical Emergencies: After-hours emergency pager - 24-hour response: For Chemical Related Emergencies: ChemTrec: (800) 424-9300 (503) 804-7015 Names, telephone/FAX numbers of those responsible for takinQ orders and initiatinQ delivery: Office Phone: Office Fax: (503) 222-6260 (503) 222-2714 Jim Craig - Customer Service Representative Dan Deale - Customer Service Representative Jamie Brown - Dispatcher Rob Matteson - Plant Manager For anythinQ pertaininQ to bids: Please send all bid packets/documents to: Contacts: Shawnasey McCarthy OR Municipal Specialist Phone: (253) 872-5052 Fax: (253) 872-5041 shawnasev. mccarthv@univarusacom Remittance Address: Univar USA Inc. File No. 56019 Los Angeles, CA 90074-6019 iames. craiq@univarusa.com dan iel. deale@univarusa.com iames. brown2@univarusa.com robert. matteson@univarusa.com Univar USA Inc. 8201 S. 21ih Kent, WA 98032-1994 Laura Lanthier Municipal Specialist Phone: (253) 872-5075 Fax: (253) 872-5041 laura.lanth ier@univarusa.com Standard Payment Terms: Net 30 days CITY OF ASHLAND CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES Contract made this and UNIV AR USA 27th day of Julv ,2006, between the City of Ashland ("City") ("Contractor"). City and Contractor agree: 1. Contract Documents: This contract is made as a result of an Invitation to Bid issued by City entitled "INVITATION TO BID" for CHEMICALS FOR THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT, Bid No. #2006-103. Contractor was awarded the bid as the lowest responsible bidder on 07/27/2006 . In the event of any inconsistencies in the terms of this contract, the contract documents defined in the invitation to bid and Contractor's bid, this contract shall take precedence over the contract documents which shall take precedence over the bid. 2. Scope: Contractor shall produce and deliver the goods and services described in the contract documents within the time prescribed in the contract documents. The following exceptions, alter- ations or modifications to the contract documents are incorporated into this contract: 3. Price and Payment: City shall pay Contractor the following prices for the following chemicals: Chemical #3 Cvtec Superfloc N-300 LMW Flocculant Estimated usage - July 2006 through June 2007 - 24 Bags 55.12 Lb/Bag, (6) Bags per order, Delivery charge per order $35.00 $2.6250/Lb 4. This contract may be cancelled by either party with 30-days written notice. CORPORATE OFFICER ~;' iJ'~ BY", "'c\"'~~U . - . ., I nature Lw 3. l ~..h'\ h;'-i:'. Print Name CITY OF ASHLAND / BY 'te~. .7j; C7 Finance Director Title: rVL ,,"\, ( ~'O~J I Sxc',;-.l ."'..;, , ., REVIEWED S TO CONTENT: BY Fed 10 # q, . \'~q lq :~::; D~~ent Head Date ('~"1 (~ /.-..;. -_.:, /' /' Coding Purchase Order ".,- r:- c: r--::~' .f '"' ~......, .." Page 1 of 1 , CONTRACT t- Z ~ ...J n. t- z w :E t- ~ w a: t- a: w t- ~ == a: CD 00 LLO CJ)N ...Jew) ~,... 0(1) -c:: :E::J w.., :I: .. O~ ca ""C M0 0(1) "7::J CDt- o .. O:E Nn. #0 "CO mN O~ -.c c:: (I) .2 ::J -"C ca ::0 >~ .Em en -- en - enQ)"O en ~uQ) 0 0 ~ <tlc:"O 0 C\I u LO LO 0 0 ... c: Q) :::s C\! C? 0 ca C? -~ U I'-- "': ci <(.....- LO co Q) LO 0 .~ Q) _Q)U LO C\I M Lri v c: <tl - c:: I'-- I'-- "0 >- M LO c:: ..- M Q) CO CO ..- Q) uQ)- I'-- 0 M ~ (9 -c a: .... M M "0 ..- CO C\I- ~ CO ~ ~ ::J ~ ~ ..- ..c:"OO (3 ~ ~ ~~z c: - I- .!!:! "0 o .c:: a: IIIIIII Q) "0 ca U en ca o ca :c E :::s 15 o I -I <( o == W ::J: o ..... 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OCl)ou..O o o c:) LO "<:t C\i ~ 0) 0) 0>.2 '- 0 ro > oCr:::: ~.- ::J '- CJ)g, >-0 e>o 0) . r::::LO W~ 0) 0> '- ro ..s:: o ~ 0) .~ CD (:) -0 0) -0 ::J U r:::: o q LO ..... or- I- o z C\I C") ~ I I en 'w >- ro r:::: <( t:: o a... 0) c: ro .2 r:::: ..s:: u 0) I- co o <<?. C\I (ijen 0) ::J '- g t5.{g en <(..... ::>0)';;0 -0 r:::: 0> C") O)::Jroor- 1'a-:lCC. EloCi) .- >- 0 9 en ::J co_ ro W-:lC\lCC C\I "0 C\I 0) 0> ro a.. .ri ro I- -0 CO ri o or- <b o o C\I "'*' CC I- ~A' CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 \,.,/.; ; ,;..... ',,~... ..."". L..,,,~ .,.m;" 'I (" e"' ('~'; ::J\l ...,; "'"" i 1 Page 1 / 1 ", ) 1. ~ DATE~. 7/6/2007 .PO"NUMBER . 07647 VENDOR: 000191 UNIVAR USA INC, ACCT#146175 FILE #56019 LOS ANGELES, CA 90074 SHIP TO: Ashland Water Treatment Plant (541) 488-5345 ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Terms: Net 30 days Req. Del. Date: Speciallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Daryl McVey Confirming? No unit' ,.," ,., ' ......... .'..... . "'.'] f.",," "', CYTEC SUPERFLOC N-300 FLOCCULANT 3,652.56 I nvitation to Bid 2006-1 03 Price per pound $2.6250 Cost per 55.12 Ib baQ $144.69 Cost per order (6) each 55.12 Ib baQ $868.14 Delivery charQe per order $45.00 *Del chQ increased July 1,2007 Estimated UsaQe June - July 24 BaQs - 4 Orders SUBTOTAL 3652.56 BILL TO: Account Payable TAX 0.00 20 EAST MAIN ST FREIGHT 0.00 541-552-2028 TOTAL 3,652.56 ASHLAND OR 97520 , A~~()lIlll.@rnJiel'.' /' 'Rr(.>ject Number . Amoul'1t Accour;ltNumb.er ~roiect ..:. E 670 .08 1 9 .00 .60 1 501 3 652 56 ,4< ~eds~~7 VENDOR COpy CITY OF ASHLAND REQUISITION FORM THIS REQUEST IS A: o Change Order(existing PO # Date of Request: I 7/1 L{/o I I Required Date of Delivery/Service: 17/"f7 - 6/+ f 8 Vendor Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number Fax Number Contact Name Urv ~ vAJL SOLICITATION PROCESS Small Procurement D Sole Source ~ Invitation to Bid D Less than $5.000 D Written findings attached (Copies on file) D Quotes (Optional) D Quote or Proposal attached Cooperative Procurement D Reauest for Proposal D State of ORNJA contract (Copies on file) Intermediate Procurement D Other govemment agency contract D Special! Exempt D (3) Written Quotes D Copy of contract attached D Written findings attached (Copies attached) D Quote or Proposal attached D Contract # D Emeraencv D Written findings attached D Quote or Proposal attached Description of SERVICES /3tAI'I)!(IL't .0, ;CtNZ vJ~r~1C... j'zIiA-',mliJ1l/ CHIZ-,z,-ttCI4 L o Per attached PROPOSAL Item # Quantity Unit Description of MATERIALS ~ Unit Price ~ + Total Cost ! :JV 15 5 &/2..;-(0 /P"eJ ~ tP-c' Project Number _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Account Numbe412.e8. tr.qq.(PQ!{p_O . Items and services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financials to reflect the actual expenditures accurately. o Per attached QUOTE By signing this requisition form, I certify that the information provided above meets the City of Ashland public contracting requirements, and the documentation can rovid pon request. Supervisor/Dept. Head Signature: ~ '"\."C ~~ Employee Signature\} G: Finance\Procedure\AP\Forms\8_Requisition form revised.doc Updated on: 7f7/2006