HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-177 Contract - Pathway Enterprises Contract for JANITORIAL SERVICES CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 Telephone: 541/488-6002 Fax: 541/488-5311 CONTRACTOR: Pathways Enterprises, Inc. CONTACT: Eldon Olson ADDRESS: 722 Jefferson Ave., Ashland, OR 97520 TELEPHONE: 541-488-1536 DATE AGREEMENT PREPARED: July 4,2007 FAX: 541-488-5948 BEGINNING DATE: July 1,2007 COMPLETION DATE: June 30, 2008 COMPENSATION: The total annual cost for FY 2007-2008 will be $79,122.09. Per the cost breakdown on the attached Price Sheet and individual Costina Workbooks for each of the seven (7) buildinas. GOODS AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: Pathways Enterprises (QRF) to provide city-wide janitorial services at the following buildings: City Hall, Community Development, Municipal Court, Police Department, Service Center, Street and Shop, and the Grove. ADDITIONAL TERMS: NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to AMC 2.50.090 and after consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the CITY AND CONTRACTOR AGREE as follows: 1 . All Costs by Contractor: Contractor shall, provide all goods as specified above and shall at its own risk and expense, perform any work described above and, unless otherwise specified, furnish all labor, equipment and materials required for the proper performance of such work. 2. Qualified Work: Contractor has represented, and by entering into this contract now represents, that any personnel assigned to the work required under this contract are fully qualified to perform the work to which they will be assigned in a skilled and worker-like manner and, if required to be registered, licensed or bonded by the State of Oregon, are so registered, licensed and bonded. Contractor must also maintain a current City business license. 3. Completion Date: Contractor shall provide all goods in accordance with the standards and specifications, no later than the date indicated above and start performing the work under this contract by the beginning date indicated above and complete the work by the completion date indicated above. 4. Compensation: City shall pay Contractor for the specified goods and for any work performed, including costs and expenses, the sum specified above. Goods shall be paid for within 30 days of an invoice after delivery of goods conforming to the standards and specifications. Once work commences, invoices shall be prepared and submitted by the tenth of the month for work completed in the prior month. Payments shall be made within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Should the contract be prematurely terminated, payments will be made for work completed and accepted to date of termination. Compensation under this contract, including all costs and expenses of Contractor, is limited to $25,000.00, unless a separate written contract is entered into by the City. 5. Ownership of Documents: All documents prepared by Contractor pursuant to this contract shall be the property of City. 6. Statutory Requirements: ORS 279B.220, 279B.225, 279B.230, 279B.235, ORS Chapter 244 and ORS 670.600 are made part of this contract. 7. Living Wage Requirements: If contractor is providing services under this contract and the amount of this contract is $17,342 or more, Contractor is required to comply with chapter 3.12 of the Ashland Municipal Code by paying a living wage, as defined in this chapter, to all employees performing work under this contract and to any subcontractor who performs 50% or more of the work under this contract. Contractor is also required to post the notice attached hereto as Exhibit B predominantly in areas where it will be seen by all employees. 8. Indemnification: Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save City, its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all losses, claims, actions, costs, expenses, judgments, subrogations, or other damages resulting from injury to any person (including injury resulting in death), or damage (including loss or destruction) to property, of whatsoever nature arising out of or incident to the performance of this contract by Contractor (including but not limited to, Contractor's employees, agents, and others designated by Contractor to perform work or services attendant to this contract). Contractor shall not be held responsible for any losses, expenses, claims, subrogations, actions, costs, judgments, or other damages, directly, solely, and proximately caused by the negligence of City. 9. Termination: a. Mutual Consent. This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of both parties. b. City's Convenience. This contract may be terminated at any time by City upon 30 days' notice in writing and delivered by certified mail or in person. c. For Cause. City may terminate or modify this contract, in whole or in part, effective upon delivery of Contract for Goods and Services, 7/4/2007, Page 1 of 6 written notice to Contractor, or at such later date as may be established by City under any of the following conditions: i. If City funding from federal, state, county or other sources is not obtained and continued at levels sufficient to allow for the purchase of the indicated quantity of services; ii. If federal or state regulations or guidelines are modified, changed, or interpreted in such a way that the services are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this contract or are no longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by this contract; or iii. If any license or certificate required by law or regulation to be held by Contractor to provide the services required by this contract is for any reason denied, revoked, suspended, or not renewed. d. For Default or Breach. i. Either City or Contractor may terminate this contract in the event of a breach of the contract by the other. Prior to such termination the party seeking termination shall give to the other party written notice of the breach and intent to terminate. If the party committing the breach has not entirely cured the breach within 15 days of the date of the notice, or within such other period as the party giving the notice may authorize or require, then the contract may be terminated at any time thereafter by a written notice of termination by the party giving notice. ii. Time is of the essence for Contractor's performance of each and every obligation and duty under this contract. City by written notice to Contractor of default or breach, may at any time terminate the whole or any part of this contract if Contractor fails to provide services called for by this contract within the time specified herein or in any extension thereof. Hi. The rights and remedies of City provided in this subsection (d) are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. e. Obliqation/Liability of Parties. Termination or modification of this contract pursuant to subsections a, b, or c above shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to such termination or modification. However, upon receiving a notice of termination (regardless whether such notice is given pursuant to subsections a, b, c or d of this section, Contractor shall immediately cease all activities under this contract, unless expressly directed otherwise by City in the notice of termination. Further, upon termination, Contractor shall deliver to City all contract documents, information, works-in-progress and other property that are or would be deliverables had the contract been completed. City shall pay Contractor for work performed prior to the termination date if such work was performed in accordance with the Contract. 10. Independent Contractor Status: Contractor is an independent Contractor and not an employee of the City. Contractor shall have the complete responsibility for the performance of this contract. 11. Non-discrimination Certification: The undersigned certifies that the undersigned Contractor has not discriminated against minority, women or emerging small businesses enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts. Contractor further certifies that it shall not discriminate in the award of such subcontracts, if any. The Contractor understands and acknowledges that it may be disqualified from bidding on this contract, including but not limited to City discovery of a misrepresentation or sham regarding a subcontract or that the Bidder has violated any requirement of ORS 279A.11 0 or the administrative rules implementing the Statute. 12. Asbestos Abatement License: If required under ORS 468A.710, Contractor or Subcontractor shall possess an asbestos abatement license. 13. Assignment and Subcontracts: Contractor shall not assign this contract or subcontract any portion of the work without the written consent of City. Any attempted assignment or subcontract without written consent of City shall be void. Contractor shall be fully responsible for the acts or omissions of any assigns or subcontractors and of all persons employed by them, and the approval by City of any assignment or subcontract shall not create any contractual relation between the assignee or subcontractor and City. 14. Use of Recyclable Products: Contractor shall use recyclable products to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work set forth in this document. 15. Default. The Contractor shall be in default of this agreement if Contractor: commits any material breach or default of any covenant, warranty, certification, or obligation it owes under the Contract; if it loses its QRF status pursuant to the QRF Rules or loses any license, certificate or certification that is required to perform the work or to qualify as a QRF if Contractor has qualified as a QRF for this agreement; institutes an action for relief in bankruptcy or has instituted against it an action for insolvency; makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or ceases doing business on a regular basis of the type identified in its obligations under the Contract; or attempts to assign rights in, or delegate duties under, the Contract. 16. Insurance. Contractor shall at its own expense provide the following insurance: a. Worker's Compensation insurance in compliance with ORS 656.017, which requires subject employers to provide Oregon workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers b. General Liability insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent, of not less than $2,000,000 for each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. It shall include contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this contract. c. Automobile Liability insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent, of not less $1,000,000, or Not A licable for each accident for Bodil In'ur and Pro ert Dama e, includin covera e for owned, hired or Contract for Goods and Services, 7/4/2007, Page 2 of 6 Ii" I non-owned vehicles, as applicable. d. Notice of cancellation or chanqe. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits or intent not to renew the insurance coverage(s) without 30 days' written notice from the Contractor or its insurer(s) to the City. e. Additional Insured/Certificates of Insurance. Contractor shall name The City of Ashland, Oregon, and its elected officials, officers and employees as Additional Insureds on any insurance policies required herein but only with respect to Contractor's services to be provided under this Contract. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates prior to commencing work under this contract. The certificate will specify all of the parties who are Additional Insureds. Insuring companies or entities are subject to the City's acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies, trust agreements, etc. shall be provided to the City. The Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions and/or self-insurance. 17. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue: This contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without resort to any jurisdiction's conflict of laws, rules or doctrines. Any claim, action, suit or proceeding (collectively, "the claim") between the City (and/or any other or department of the State of Oregon) and the Contractor that arises from or relates to this contract shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court of Jackson County for the State of Oregon. If, however, the claim must be brought in a federal forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the United States District Court for the District of Oregon filed in Jackson County, Oregon. Contractor, by the signature herein of its authorized representative, hereby consents to the in personam jurisdiction of said courts. In no event shall this section be construed as a waiver by City of any form of defense or immunity, based on the Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction. 18. THIS CONTRACT AND ATTACHED EXHIBITS CONSTITUTE THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. NO WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE OF TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BIND EITHER PARTY UNLESS IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. SUCH WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE, IF MADE, SHALL BE EFFECTIVE ONLY IN THE SPECIFIC INSTANCE AND FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE GIVEN. THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, OR REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, NOT SPECIFIED HEREIN REGARDING THIS CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR, BY SIGNATURE OF ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ THIS CONTRACT, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 19. Nonappropriations Clause. Funds Available and Authorized: City has sufficient funds currently available and authorized for expenditure to finance the costs of this contract within the City's fiscal year budget. Contractor understands and agrees that City's payment of amounts under this contract attributable to work performed after the last day of the current fiscal year is contingent on City appropriations, or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow City in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments under this contract. In the event City has insufficient appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority, City may terminate this contract without penalty or liability to City, effective upon the delivery of written notice to Contractor, with no further liability to Contractor. 20. Prior Approval Required Provision. Approval by the City of Ashland Council or the Public Contracting Officer is required before any work may begin under this contract. 21. Certification. Contractor shall sign the certification attached hereto as Exhibit A and herein incorpor ted by reference. CONTRAC OR CITY OF ASHLAND: BY . L Signature Ormand Print Name BY N TITLE President/CEO DATE 7~ t7 FederallD# 93-0891433 CONTRACT AWARD AND FINDINGS DETERMINED BY: B . . \ , y. '\,f\L/C.. (l\ eyC 'Y'(/'\ City Department Head Date: 7 -3D - V{ ACCOUNT # /I';P/lE ~~ ~C6~ c9 '3~i9- (For City purposes only) DATE 7/23/07 'Completed W9 form must be submitted with contract PURCHASE ORDER # t;?'i 703 Contract for Goods and Services, 7/4/2007, Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS: Contractor, under penalty of perjury, certifies that (a) the number shown on the attached W-9 form is its correct taxpayer 10 (or is waiting for the numberto be issued to it and (b) Contractor is not subject to backup withholding because (i) it is exempt from backup withholding or (ii) it has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that it is subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (Hi) the IRS has notified it that it is no longer subject to backup withholding. Contractor further represents and warrants to City that (a) it has the power and authority to enter into and perform the work, (b) the Contract, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of Contractor enforceable in accordance with its terms, (c) the work under the Contract shall be performed in accordance with the highest professional standards, and (d) Contractor is qualified, professionally competent and duly licensed to perform the work. Contractor also certifies under penalty of perjury that its business is not in violation of any Oregon tax laws, and it is a corporation authorized to act on behalf of the entity designated above and authorized to do business in Oregon or is an independent Contractor as defined in the contract documents, and has checked four or more of the following criteria: (1) I carry out the labor or services at a location separate from my residence or is in a specific portion of my residence, set aside as the location of the business. (2) Commercial advertising or business cards or a trade association membership are purchased for the business. (3) Telephone listing is used for the business separate from the personal residence listing. (4) Labor or services are performed only pursuant to written contracts. (5) Labor or services are performed for two or more different persons within a period of one year. (6) I assume financial responsibility for defective workmanship or for service not provided as evidenced by the ownership of performance bonds, warranties, errors and omission insurance or liability insura ce relating to the labor or services to be provided. ~!~rma Contractor 7/23/07 (Date) Contract for Goods and Services, 7/4/2007, Page 4 of 6 Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Give form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. (Rev. January 2003) Depanment of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name N OJ Ol Ol a- t: o Cllll 0..5 ~.; .. lJ o ::l ...~ c: III .- c: Q:~ u::: 'u Cl 0.. VI OJ OJ VI Pathway Enterprises, Inc. Business name. if different from above O Exempt from backup withholding O Individual! Check appropriate box: Sole proprietor i.J Corporation o Partnership 0 Other ~ ....__.._.__....... Requester's name and address (optional) Address (number. street. and apt. or suite no.) 722 Jefferson Avenue City. !ita\ll, and ZiP code ASn..Land, OR 97520 List account number(s) here (optional) J UTIty number I 1 I or Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. For individuals. this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities. it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number. see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Certification Under penalties of perjury. I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me). and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding. or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends. or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding. and 3. I am a U,S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions. item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid. acquisition or abandonment of see d property. cancellation of debt. contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA). and generally. payments other than' ter nd dividends. you are not required to sign the Certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. (See t . slruction n pa Sign Here Signature or u.s. person .. 7/23/07 CEO Dale .. Nonresident alien who becomes a resident alien. Generally. only a nonresident alien individual may use the terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax on certain types of income. However, most tax treaties contain a provision known as a "saving clause." Exceptions specified in the saving clause may permit an exemption from tax to continue for certain types of income even after the recipient has otherwise become a U.s, resident alien for tax purposes. If you are a U.S. resident alien who is relying on an exception contained in the saving clause of a tax treaty to claim an exemption from U.S. tax on certain types of income, you must attach a statement that specifies the following five items: 1. The treaty country. Generally. this must be the same treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a nonresident alien. 2. The treaty article addressing the income. 3. The article number (or location) in the tax treaty that contains the saving clause and its exceptions, 4. The type and amount of income that qualifies for the exemption from tax. 5. Sufficient facts to justify the exemption from tax under the terms of the treaty article, Purpose of Form A person who is required to file an information return with the IRS. must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) to report, for example, income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt. or contributions you made to an IRA, U.S. person. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien). to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued). 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding. or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. Note: If a requester gives you a form other than Form W-9 to request your TIN, you must use the requester's form if it is substantially similar to this Form W-9. Foreign person. If you are a foreign person. use the appropriate Form W.8 (see Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities). Form W-9 (Rev. 1-20031 Cat. No. 10231X Contract for Goods and Services, 7/4/2007, Page 5 of 6 '\ PRICING SHEET City of Ashland 07-08, Building Monthly Yearly City Hall $783.06 $9,396.69 Community Development $1,765.91 $21,190.91 Municipal Court $549.04 $6,588.54 Police Department $1,017.07 $12,204.84 Service Center $1,110.67 $13,328.10 Street and Shop $537.89 $6,454.69 rhe Grove $829.86 $9,958.32 Totals $6,593.50 $79,122.09 . saifcorporation 400 High Street SE ' , Salem, OR 97312-1oo0 Toll Free 1-800-285-8525 OREGON WORKERS COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE '11 MAIL TO: \ " ',l ! ..t::1!:: CITY OF ASHLAND A TT KARl OL~ON 90 N MOUNTAIN' ' , ASHLAND, OR 97520' CERTIFICATE HOLDER: --r CITY OF ASHLAND A TT KARl OLSON 90 N MOUNTAIN ASHLAND, OR 97520 , The policy of insurance listed pelow has been issued to the insured named below for the policy period indicated. The insurance afforded by the policy described herein is subject to all the terms exclusions and conditions of such Dolicv. POLICY NO. 524679 INSURED: , PATHWAY ENTERPRISES 722 JEFFERSON AVE' ASHLAND, OR 9c7520 " '-POLlCY-PERIOO' ..- _..." ISSUE DATE . "04/0 1/2007 to 04/01/2008 04/13/2007 BROKER OF RECORD: ASHLAND INS (MEDFORD) 801 O'HARE PARKWAY SUITE 101 MEDFORD, OR 97504 . ~i:\ ~v' t,; ',:., L~ .~. . " :" . ~"i,';,i . LIMITS OF L1ABI'-ITY l~;p;;i;;.:~~g'~IM In~urY by A?cident$500,OOO each accident 'Dt!"j., :j~.h,I;l, 9.!".:.,q.!.~~,r.',,'.l;.J. ~~uryby D. ~s, ~ase '"' $500,OOOea~h e~~loyee ;:i"I!~9qt~~~;lnJury by Olsease, $500,000 policy limit DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlON~/~9pATIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS: .*f:'," "'1;",1 : IMPORTANT: , " The coverage del)cribed ~bo~e. 'IsJn effect as of the issue date of this certificate. It is subject to change at any time in the future;" ' , This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights to the certificate holder. This certificate does notam~nd, extend er alter the coverage-afforded by the policies above. ' ;', AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ~r--- ~, INSURED 1"- I ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID 1~ DATE (MMlDDIYYYY) PATHW-1 05/14/07 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIRCATE Western States Ins. - Medford HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 739 Medford Center ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Medford OR 97504 Phone:541-779-1321 Fax: 541-779-9187 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A:. Granite State Insurance INSURER B: National Union Fire Ins Pathwa! Enterprises, Inc. INSURER C: 722 Je ferson Ave INSURER 0: Ashland OR 97520 INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOlWlTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I PnIIr.V N LIMITS LTR NSR~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE IMMIDDIYVl DATEdlMID GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 - A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 02LX50599373000 05/11/07 05/11/08 PREMISES lea occurence) $200 000 I CLAiMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone pen;on) $ 10000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 - ~ Professional Liab GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 3,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COM~OPAGG $3,000,000 !xl POLICY n ~~8i n LOC Emp Ben. 1mil/1 mil AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGlE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 I-- A X ~ ANY AUTO 02CA62675283000 05/11/07 05/11/08 (Ea accident) - ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) '-- f-- HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) f-- I-- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ==1 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EAACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESSlUMBREUA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3,000 000 B X ~ OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE 29UD46599733000 05/11/07 05/11/08 AGGREGATE $3,000,000 $ ~ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $10 000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND IT~~YS~~Ws I IOJ~ EMPLOYERS' IJAB!UTY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERlEXECUTIVE OFFICERlMEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE E $ If res, describe under E. L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ S ECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS Certificate holder is additional insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER Ci ty of Ashland Attn: Kari Olson 90 N Mountain Ashland OR 97520 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO so SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR ACORD 25 (2001/08) C!../G @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ~ IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies} must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s}. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s}, authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001/08)- ~ Ashland City Hall 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program . ~ Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. QRF Name Project Executive Director Signature: Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) -........". '. ....::,~~~..:-;,''''.. .... '.' ............ .... ........ ..' .... "'-. . .' ; "... . Subtotal 1 ' . . :'" Labor Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) ~~ Overhead See Overhead Worksheet ~ _ ..... . ..'.- ,,- .~":1i; . - , ", '^' ,~' . Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) mli:~~J...,.aT~l T Bf M 1~-~~~j;1 otal e ore arg n _'* . . .")R~%:,,,'. '"",.. ... .. .. " Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) 1.~~.a~.rJ 10taIBldYearly_.....: Monthly ..... '. . .. .. . 'Om DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 City Hall Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per UselPer Item Manufactured - Supplies Item $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 0.1666 . 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.5000 0.1666 . 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Total l1:.k:'_"'~' :,~.~" ',', ~:;~~<,,>;~&;..$"''''~~~~~r~~~~1f rm_D,.y_b)i9,!~ilb.~t~19kM_J..~U_1fil! Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet I; " . -.I:: ~~ Ul 0 ~~ -e~ 1iii: - 0 .Eo EO' ... :;: ~e- ~a.. c . .e ., 0. . e c o '" f o .. . 0... ., ., .~ Ul.5 0::1- o I- o :i I- Z o o ID ~ Ul . E i= .. 'I: " ~ 'ti ., e- o. en S j . 5 'g c l;j ! "Q c iii en E en lO .s 1ii .. 8 ., 0 '" " = . '5 5 c .: ~ ~ 8. ; l;j 0 ;;; .I:: .2. = ,: CD ~ ~ = IS ., 0 . l ... -g g II 0. II .5 . ... o .. '5 e.,;.e <T l!:! ~ ~ . .8 en en 'g :is '" >- :g ~i;g> lO e -g en: . E e 0. ti ~e~ e-s g ~ i o"c:.. e .8 en ~~j! en ;c.l:l;;; '" ~~~ is.. co... E ~og. 5:8~~ S lO~ elOC.l:: u<(:; 0'Cl!. e E 8. ",... lO C ~ 5 ; en ~ ijgl: .., en !jaiz. '" =~!= 1: c en Gl :S11 mil!!.!! E 0. lOti E>=.I:l '5 E lO .e.~o.i <T o. E =lO. W .Bg> g ~ ::;; '" c I!::- .!Q ::I II C ~ ~i~ :; "D >-. iHl8- '5~.i.!! :g -..., ~gs. Gl E c == :8~= f3. lDlDCJ) I!! il jg ~ ~cj~ ~.E(.) Ul Ul - <Xl ......,:39 c( en en " ii!8~~ ~~~~j oC(1:W.c :l! Gl~.:l! ~ K~ '5 oC( g... ~ a:wa..u ~.l!illlllll~lll -. :a~ .... !o 88888 ...158sa:88 i:U"N:f.. N ::a;t "I"'"C'IlI - ....,......,..,. .. c co P' 0.'1: - " 8-: We -NC')...It)<O"COC7J~::~~~~ en o {:. c Gl E 0. '5 <T W ~ 8 Gl = '0 C o :e 8- 1;; = >. "E o Gl "C ::l (j .s g e ::l Ul 1l ti~ .~'t3 [g ~ 8 o Ul fij~ :5.. oj e.e !!: o.l!:-ai .2 Es!l 3lcSalll ~ ;,gal !J'e' e:511l!JEQ.. OE~~.!l~~.~,gj Gl 0.- C 2: C .5!5~fiilll:l31': lie l~ [1l~tl ~ I:~..i.l! i 11 ~!! .Gl-;""''08'li):5:5 .=CC>......8.2!Ul ,'0 :2 ~ fij iIi _ J! ~ . . :ls .~ !lo ~ '6 c Q.E ., ~= "C _ . c: ::J 8 - ,.f:; ~ Gl & ~ ~ 8 I.G; "C :5 .l!! ~ - g "'" ,Ul Gl ClC.~Cl"C C ',::l-C!I!eCGl "al~~~Q.~"S!~ I""!~ ~ ~!~ ~ ~.~ >., Ul E !J :5 E ~ a. 'j:l'~~n'~~5~ ;~.Q"C ili"C al >'"c ~CI):m.9!'E'~-~Q) ..1.:.'~ MJ i~ ~ ~ i .'1:. Gl 0 C '" III ::l 0 ):> cow III 0 :E 0 auuu IIIIU J!&~: .;!!it .J!"':J oco ii=::~ ~::~ !!ct... "Eo~ '0....1 ::a.c ,!a..:g:;: ... .i :JCo'O' ~ -:8~~ . 1 ~5D. -a..2 :Jf 0. ~ '" Gl '" lO a.. ..., "'''' -~ E- & .~ en CJ) '> <( Gl co:: Jj it Ii :eS Ell ~f '15... 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R I r-. ~ ~p.~ali8 ~ i:i ~ ~'" ",:5 "' '" H ",,, Jlli i~ U ~~ !~ U i~ I-Itl 'OK '1;8 i.... ~~ c: II ~~ ~g li-: 8 I; ~t. ~l h i:~ '50 El)l tl'l; h d ~.!! II "''fj 6. ." ij l! E .. ! i l~ "!-t i~ ~i jt g.~ Ii o i iltl :i 'J ~1 ii "'I 51 ,,'" q. i'O c:"' !l~ ~~ .! it 1;': ~!-t '" o!i ~a~ It 'I; ~ lili::l 8St:: .8.8; .... li ~ -.- 4) iiB i8~ i'~e 'j:~ = ..~~ ,IWi U~ ~ '" " i.fi . .! <IJ .8 ~ 11 ! i5 ... '" .. . 0.. ..., ",,,, _0 "0 ~~ u...ij <IJ'S <( e 00:: OVERHEAD Overhead Costs Pathway Enlerpris CIty of AshI8nd 07-08 CIty Hall There are many different waya organizations allocate overhead Internally (e.g., Percent of total costs, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, ete). In the space provided below, Indlcete how your organization allocates overhead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overhead, and what that overhead amount Is (whether as a percent or exact amount) ONllon Department of Admln_ Servl... Project Coating WorkahMt IFILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spent producing e finel product, or providing e service, e certain percentage of that dollar is required for overhead. To calculllethe overhead percentage, K is best 10 have finenclal nocords for your organization thai go back a year or more. Add together tha expendKunos thai make up the overhead cost (see workeheel below). Now add this flguno 10 tha Raw malerials, OInoct labor and Delivery for a lolal cost. Divide the figuno for overhead by tha figuno for loIal COIls. The nosult is e percenlthat I1lpnosents overheed as a percentage of the total cost If financial records are not available estimate the overhead expenses 8S best you can, estimate other costs as best you can, and use the lame formula to get a percentage. OR OR Dollar-FIgure Sum Method: You can enler the dollar amount you "'" allocating 10 overhead In tha box W you ano confident \hat you can aUocale overhead Kems 10 \his particular project. You can use the Workeheelas a tool (~needed) 10 id costs. 3;.,~'rtI'~iid..~~.~.P' T~I.P~l.IIbOr't10~ Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To identify overhead costs, you need the finenclalnocords for your organization or divialon for tha pasl year. Inpul alllhe costs of the entino entity as detailed below. Uno Kems which "'" not detailed below should be input into the cells mar1<ad "other"; please include a descripllon. What you ano Irylng to dalermine is a percentage, thel1lfore, do nol gross up the expenses for Inflation or to conform to the CUI11Inl year budget. Next, Input into the cell below the lotal dlnoct labor hours paid out by your entino organization for the same peliod. Thesa figures should be found on the year end payrolll1lport. Do nol Include hours which can be classified as managemenl or admlnislralive costs. (Including these costs inlo the dinoct labor hour loIaJ wiU _tha actual costs.) The _ will compute the overhead es a line Kem cost by dividing Ihe total ad labor hours for tha contract into tha toIel ad labor hours for the CIlrI1lnt ar. ToIaJ Annual OInoct l.Bbor Hours I Input ToIaJ from Workeheet on Balowl Overhead per labor hour Time noquillld 10 complele contnoct Total Asalanad Overhead I Worksheet Total Annual 0 rations INDIRECT COSTS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Manegement Salaries Management PayroD Tax Expense Management Medlcallnsunonce Management Panslon Plan Expense Sales & Admlnl_ Salaries Sales & Administrative PayroIJ Tax Expens. Seles & Administrative Medicellnsurance Sales & Admlnlstnotive Pension Plan Expense OIIlce Renl Advertising end Public Education Background Checks & Urtnelysls Professional & Accounting I Audn Fees Training & Worker Safety Insurance Telephone Utillti.s Property Taxes/licenseslFees Dues & Subsaiplions Depreclalion-oflica buHdlng Depreclallon-offic equlpmenl Repairs & Maintenanoe-oflico Cleaning and Maintenance OIIlce Equipment Rental 0Ifice Supplies Postage & Fl1llght Rehab Miscellaneous Expense Bad Debts Qlher{i WORK AREA: Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Overhead 0' CPl Fector from BLS (... link below) htID"/1wIIw hkaav/ro8frnostntcaLhtm Total !.ell% 1.85% tllWllk'i;~~~ DAS Form .12 J Revision 10-03 Page 5 Overhead Computation Sheet Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 City Hall This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" I 6.0~ol DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet Community Development 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Progra'm Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SEt U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. Executive Director Signature: 6!U/d7 Raw Materials Per lime Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting Labor Direct Labor Subtotal 1 (from labor daily worXsheet) I"~~_~ Overhead See Overhead Wor1<sheet 1~1IIFA__.JJ Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worXsheet) ._~~~. Total Before MarglnIi\l'1'llt'1~~!f.~ Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worXsheet) r..F2~{."_~J Total Bid Yearly_ Monthly.......,' <=," . . .. ...." DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. C' of Ashland 07-08 Communi Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.5000 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 , 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Total .' .- -' . ':>" ,~, ..' ~,,?:Y 'I Monthly Cost = M~nthly cost is ~mputed by multiplying th~ total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet Ii ~'i .of en 0 . == . ~ ~ l!", i l!! !... .5u Etj . - '" . .~ ~e' (/).5 oil. 0::1- C 0 l- . . 0 E € i:! i= - .. c. l- I! z ! 0 c 0 0 u Ol m e :J 0 (/) C 0 :;: 'I: u ! ~ 2" c. .. s 1 . ;; ~ C S -g C ii .. E .. '" .s us 8 ! . u = . '0 = c .: 0 I i .i:i 1;j .c .a = c ., 2:- 0 = c .. 0 - 0 ., i '" -g .e :g c. ~ . o '" :; emS <:r e .. ill:;.!! .8 ., .8j~ .. ~ .. . ~ = l!! 13 en: . E E c. is gj 'fi ~Ei j .E.!!.!! i.8.. .,.. - .. .e'lij 6 US ~ 1l ., ~6~ c815", Q. E GJen.s ~6Eg l'l E!-oc. '"~o l! i ~.c ., U :; 01: l! · l!! E8.Ol'g '" 6'"=- '" ",~i: 0 {!. ~ Is 1: [ oll '" 1: %'" .!!~!= ., 'fi~ li.cf.!! E '"ij E!E=.a c. :; E CO .e.~c.; <:r .. E = co 'Ii: 0 w ~Ol g-.,:= Ol ~.5 .!!!-g-~ c rm~ ~ =" >-- .c" c. 'O~~.!! :e .!!!"', ~gs'li: ., 5:5 ~tS~= ~ mmen ~'Ii::lllll:ll~lll -. :a:2 !O 88888 _.c5gg:gg CU..,.C\I... N :lit _N - 1: ., E c. .!2 !E ., E 0 fl ~ I!! 5 1: E R . E 15uo =.50 ~ ~ :3~ S.!!~b 0:: 8 ~'t:l t!:!t-si < 'E~:Z: :E ., it~ ~t~; 0:: Jr ~ 0 .......... -NC')..,.II)CC.....COQ)~::~~:t~ '" ~ 1: ., E c. :; <:r W ., ~ Gl = '5 C o 'E 8. 't;j = ~ C o Gl -c ::J U .s S l!! ::J ., Gl .c ~t [ll: ~ 8 o III I6s =.. ~_ai l!! .E o.a:-ai :a Ea!! :ll",5ill ! ~.Qi ~2' 'E=:Gi~EQ.. ~~~.!!l~1!1l~ ~ it eGl f6 'Z;Gl ~ 5 .E -." en..... "C tl Gl [1:~tl ~ ~ll:=.5:s!liill:1: Q.c~[T::JGlCE '581il:~~8~ ij!~=~!,GlGl Gl"" -0_=:5 ~*:5 Cl"" 00 III Gl ._.55~~8llUl .,.,0 :2> - III .l!l "" Q. E .Ci.! .- .m ~ 0 C E "" '= ." S . c: :I 8 - ;1'5~Gl~"":'~ 8 Gi-c=sll S"" 'Ill Gl Cl C .~ Cl -c 'c ,.::J't;jC!IIe'SGl::J ..li '5 >. ~ Q..a:- '2 'f't;j ~ ~ !,.!!l,g. as 1l 'E ~'5 Gl:5'5 C2' ;"" III E ~ :5 E !! Q. :Ul'~~tl'~~5~ ~~~i~}l}l~i :~1l~~.!!!.!!!~~ ;111 aE.l!l !il~:e E .oEGloc.,IlI::JO ,.t$ C U W III U :i: U al.1 nln i&:: !l!! .S>::l uCu .li~~ :!:e:. 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In the space provided below, Indicate how your organlzaUon allocates overhead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overhead, and what that overhead amount Is (whether IS a percent or exact amount) IFILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spent producing a fll1lll product, or providing a service, a certain percentage 01 th.t dollar is requinld lor ovemead. To calculate the overhead percentage, Ills best to have financial records lor your orga_n lhlIt go back a year or more. Add together the expsndllures that make up the overhead cost (see worksheet balow). Now add this figure to the Raw materials, Direct labor and Delivery lor a total cost. Divide the figure for overhead by the figure for total costs. The result is . percent that represents ovemead as 8 percentage of the total cost. If financial records are not available estimate the overhead expenses as best you OR cen, esllmate other costs as bast you can, and use the samelormula to get a percentaga. Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can enter the dollar amount you are allocsllng to ovarhud In Iha box ff you are confident that you can aRocate overhead iiams to thil perticular project. You can use the Worttshaet al a tool (II naedad) to ldenlllv YOur coils. OR Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To identify o_ad coils, you need the financial records lor your organization or division lor Iha pest year. Input all the costs of Iha entire antity as detailed balow. Une lIems which are not _lied below should ba Input into Iha cells mar1<ed "other"; plaase Include a dasatption. What you ere trying to determine Is a percentage, therefore, do not gross up the axpsnlaslor lnlIalion or to conform to the CUlTOnt year budget. Naxt, Input into Iha call balow the total direct labor hours paid out by your entire org.-n lor the lame period. Thase figures Ihould ba lound on the year end payroll report. 00 not Include hours which cen ba dasslfiad as management or admlnlstrBliva costs. (Induding lhasa costs into the direct labor hour total will deflBla the adual costs.) Tha worksheet will compute the overhNd as a line lIem cost by dividing the total . labor hours lor Iha contract Into the total ed labor hours lor Iha culTOnt year. Total Annual Dired Labor Hours I Input Totallrom Worttsheet on Belowl Overl1Iad per labor hour Tome required to complete contract I Total _nod OWrtIud Worksheet Total Annual 0 raUons INIlIRECTCOSTS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Management Selarias Managarnent Payron Tax Expensa Management Medical Inourence Management Pansion Plan Expense Salas & Adminlslrsllve Salarie. Salas & Administrative payron Tax Expense Seles & Administrative Medlcallnsuranca Sales & Administnltive Pension Plan Expense 0Ifice Rent Advartislng and Public Education Background Checks & UrinaJysls Professional & Accounting I Audll Fees Training & Wor1<er Salety Insurance Telephone UtIlities Property TaxeslUcenseslFees Duos & Subsaiplions Depraciation-ofiice building Depraciatiorrofiice equipment Repairs & Melntenance-ollice Cleaning and Maintenance Office Equipment Rentsl 0Ifice Supplies Postage & Freight Rehab Misceltsneous Expense Bad Debts WORK AREA: Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Overhead CPI F.:tDr from BLS (see Ink below) hIm:lMww,*.~htm Total 1.85'" 1.85% M.iilJli:t~{\t~ir~ DAS Form .12 J Revision 10.03 Page 5 Overl1ead Computation Sheet Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Community Development This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" 6.0%1 DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet Municipal Court 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 I" I SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment. Tools & Subcontracting (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) Labor Direct Labor Subtotal 1 (from labor daily worksheet) r4Igl:j;jlqn~7t4:%iji;0s11;gIl~S6kBitl Overhead See Overhead Worksheet .0t1~~!Ait~i_"1 Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) .1~t~'-'+. Total Before MarglnIUl#ielliwiiiiij,li\lllililjim_\l Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) 1,j1{~~i0f~~%:~.\t~l Total BldYearlyl........_.; Monthly ~w:J~:-----=----:J DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet " I RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07 -OS Municipal Court Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.1666 0.5000 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Total k~....=""~i!!i.~~~~~~i(i%\%Y ~~.!---~j$~J Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet .'1: 1!! ~~ Ul 0 ~;: ='" f C ;ii - 0 su ~~ ~e' 011. c .. E t: .. ... .. C C o F o 8... . .. ..~ 11).5 D::~ o .... ~ .... z o U ID ;:) II) .. E 1= .. ~ E' ... "' S t .. 5 '" C ; ! "Ii C 0 ii :l E '" S ~ i .. :5 .. '5 5 c .. 0 .. ;: > 8. i .i:i 'Iii z:. .2. :5 C .. :b 0 :5 c = 0 .. 0 .. ~ '" ~ .s ... ;~ .5 .. '" .s .. e 8 ~ l!!ai.2 0 ::J '5 .. 1j I.! "' "'i:;;; I!! .. "' 1]tig c :Q i;' .. l!! i::: . ~ d 3 E e ... ::J .5 ::!! ti ~j~ IS gj II) III - CD - c. . ..loll:l'i'l m-;)-= < en cor-;.. II) i.cl1 5 'lil ~ 1] ii:81~.!!! ~5'll c86'O l!:!...._~~ ~~B ~~:~ C(E.D~1l '"~ ... l!!'liiCz:. :Ii .. >. .. U ~ o't::f. 3: [1'5; E 8. "'~ ~g.,"~.!I! 5::15" wa.u 0 ",.!ll'i: 0 =~"c ~ 011 .. ~~:e. .. c C "' -1J-. Cll 1i1l c:z:1!.. E lOti G)~:I~ ... E '" [~...'" ':; 0- .. E '5ca.~ w .ag> :6...= '" ~c e '" . .. C .!! ::I · c ! c '" :5~ >'. ~~ ~ '5 ~.!! :E -"'I >.0.... .. 5.5 C c S .. F= mmlll ~8;i! ~.~~~~~ - . ~:l !'O 88888 .....;ss;illis CU"'N:;f N ::J~ ":N ..: ........... ... .. c Co ~= ...-c - u M~ "' Cll "' .. l!! .. o {:. c CIl E c. 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" 0> .. lL .., NM _0 "0 e- .f .~ U) .S 0( .. 0", OVERHEAD Overlle8d Costs Pa1hway Enlerpris City of Ashland 07~ MunIcipal Court There are many different ways organlzatlons allocate overhead Internally (e.g., Percent of total costa, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, ete). In the space provided below, Indicate how your organization allocates overhead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overhead, and what that overhead amount Is (whether u a percent or exact amount) Dragon Capartment 01 Admln_ Sarvl... ProjKt Coating WortcsMet I FILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spsnt producing a final product, or providing 0 service, 0 cartein parcentaga ollhol dollor is I1lquil'8d lor overheod. To calculate tha ovomood psrcentege, Ills best 10 hovo finoncioll1lconls lor your orgonizalion that go back 0 year or morB. Add logBlher the oxpendlluraslhBt moke up the ovemead cost (saa wor1<sheel below). Now add this figul1llo IhB Raw mllerials, Direct labor and Delivary lor ololal cost. Divide tha figul1llor overlle8d by the figul1llor lotal costs. Tho l1lSull is a psrcent thall1lpl1ll8nls overhead as 0 psrcent&ga of tha total cost. If financioll1lCOnls al1l not avalloble estimllothe ovorheod expensas as best you can, estimota other costs as best you can, and usa IhB same lannuloto gal a psrcenlaga. 20.00% OR OR Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can ontar the dollor amounl you al1l ollocating 10 overhead in the box II you al1l confident thai you can a1locata ovomaad lIoms to this porlicular project. You can usa the Wor1<sheelas a tool (II n88dod) to iden ur costs. If.~Y"rhjad'a$'aP8ril4int'o~'r"I'~~t.atlqr''1~uts: '"I .. Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To idantlfy ovamaad cos.., you need lhe financial I1lCOnlS lor your orgenlzalion or division lor tha past yeor. Input all tho costs of the entiI1l antlty as dalallad below. Una lIems which 011l nol dotailed below should be input into tho calls mar1<ad "other"; please Indudo a description. What you al1l trying to detannlna is a psrcentege, thel1l!ol1l, do not gross up tho expenses lor inflalion or to conform to IhB CUlT8nt year budgol. Noxt, input into tho call below tha total dil1ld labor hours paid out by your enlll1l orgBnizalion lor IhB same psriod. These figUl1lS should be lound on IhB year end psyrolll1lport. 00 nol includa hours which can be classified as managament or adminislralivo costs. Qncludlng these costs into tha dil1ld labor hour total will dallato tha adual costs.) The worksheet win computo the overhead as a llno 110m cosl by diViding tho total ad labor hours lor IhB contrad into thololal ectad 1abor hours lor the CUlT8nI or. Total Annual Dinlct Lllbor Hours Input Tolallrom Worksheel on Balowl Overhead psr labor hour . Tlmo l1lquil'8d to compIe\o contrad I Total Aulgnad Overhead WORK AREA: Worksheet Total Annual 0 eratlons INDIRECT COSTS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Managemenl Salaries Monagemont Payroll Tax Expenso Managomont Madicallnsurance Management Pension Plan Expensa Sales & Adminislnillva SalariBs Sales & Adminlslrallve Payroll Tax Expense Soles & Admlnistrativa Madicallnsuranca Sales & Administrative Pansion Plan Expensa OIIica Rent Advorlising and Public Education Background Chocks & Urinalysis Prolossional & Accounting I Audll Faes Training & Wor1<ar Salaty Insurance Talephono UIililias Property TaxeslUcanseslFaas Dues & Subscriptions Deprectation-oftica bUIlding Depl1lciotion-ollica aquipmonl Rapairs & Mointenanca-olllca Cleaning 8nd Maintenance OIIica Equipment Rontel OIIica Supplies Postage & Fl1light Rohab Miscellaneous Expense Bad Debts Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Overhead 0f~j,t[~m~;~~~.~{~;t ?$k.:Jl;' ..S:{~\ ;~~~:'<-:>~9'" CPI FGor from BLS (...Ink be'ow) htJrJ:J1YNtw bls aovtro9/rnostreau htm Total 1.85% 1.65" ~0G,#'1UHj(li0,9}M'JR\*11::fk4i%Wil DAS Fonn#12 J Revision 1l).()3 Page 5 Overheod Computation Shaal Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Municipal Court This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement. but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" 6.0%1 DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet Ashland Police Department 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Admlnlstnltlve Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. QRF Name Project - Subtotal 1 :;', "'""'.It(' .....,' .1;~~'1Bmu:ljJ executive Director Signature: Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) Labor Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) Overhead See Overhead Worksheet 1~~~X1l Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) I~R1'I~1I:<<ff~;:.:tf!:!;!1~ Total Before Marglnlt$~m::mW;{,t5J"1R:~~_~11 Reserve Margin Held In Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) l_lSij;;:Zi~~.i TotaIBldYearly_...'................., . ....., '.' Monthly: ,"" . .'. '. .......... DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet " I RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Police Deoartment Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 " 0.5000 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Total Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet .- . . u · -"" ~~ 11I0 ~~ o;:tll ~s .. . - 0 .5u .gi <0' ,!&: c . ~ .. ... . c c o tll f o .g .9 ~e e ~ ~ ~ ~; g O.Q ~ g~ ~ ,,_0.. ~ ~~..-~ i 0( Ul 5l... Ul ii!8~~ ~ I!!I-J!lmE o(-i.n~l'l ;if~i i:! 5- '" ~.!!! WD..U 8 I- oil c a> E ... "5 CT W tll C I ~ ~ .. . ..... . .. .~ II).E 0::1- o l:i i:! I- Z o U III :J II) . E j:: .. "C U : c .c .2. a> :; Ul 5l ~ e ... oe1! lS~: ism {Uli :a 0 ... u~~ Ul a> .6= "6.6 '""6 E co .. E ~2' ~'E e -ala> '5i 13 0. E~l ,,= mm ~ e- o. .!!! :; j 5 " c t I :g E ~ S ~ 1 :; . ~ :; i I ! ~ b 0 !i 1il ~ i 11 t .9 .. f.m .l! ""5 . Ul"5Jii 1l-gg tS In: . ~5g! c..E: . . Q)CO-= !iUi ~ 1; c80... ~!iE'S ~'l\1'l:,g El~i !i c:; co "gi: ~ ;S'i i ,!!41IM c:!;!"". a> i I:! .! 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'O~~l :!5:i! :!111.!~ ... .5! ..Jgu'[ ~ -~.. . .;.!!cD.. e- ~~;:) II. 0. a M a> Ol '" 0.. -, NM ;~ E~ ~.2 Ul III .:; < a> Oil: 51 z: · .ll~ ~~ ji .58 E1l ~t 'Ii... 1! I I .!! c: l o .. -3 1 l! ... :ti . 0 is it:!: I ~ ~ 8 ! 8 Ps -i... i,S,g !:5S lD ~ ~ 'ijj = '5 .." lil ~ ~ l- e Q. ~ di .!.. i 8 .. ;S e cO - E ~.2 "'8 i.!! ~~ 1ii 2i- '. ~ "> ~= y t~ I .."5 .." ;s~ 1i' 1l~ ~ !~ ~~ ~~ :t:: c: ::::J CD 8.~ ~ =. 'C lD 8 l; l: i...-", !l!~ - E~ t. ,..~ i[ 3 t~1 ~ .. ~ !~ ::::J & ~.5 ls ~ ~~ 0.- 'I:~~ 1!!0l....:.~5i "E~ g.S""u [ ,~.!:~ .I:=:8;.2lD..1l0 1ii ~"':-I' Eo.~lii..'C -Q."'.~ '1:= l: i,;,~~~~~ti; 15e~-~-"8.:~!l ~~~.2~"" 8~ ,g;!'5ljlj1i'll'l:lD l!"'-'-!l,l!!lDlll ~1i'~i~'i';i~~ .8 'i'1!!~~~~~~O .!!! 8' ~~~~j.!lii!i~ liijlii ~~1i'1i'1i'05~'DIll~8.~ CD ~_""''''''lD 41- c:"O 0.- ~ lD,S]j]j1ii:!]l'i,g l:'C~i5. .!!...oeoi!i!=....lD~.. 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"li " .l!~=h... a ~ 1i.5~t!ill; 0.8 ~ '~8~~a;' I! !;<. :;t.2l~~1Il l~ llli' 1 118i~ 1~ gi ~.;: s; S",; ~~ ill5!i S.e s", 1i~ H~i~~ ~;tS~~ 1l~ '.c:-r!fj ~~-o" i~l!!l ~lil~ _'K:c:ii... ~";lOll nEI!~ gi ~8 " " .c: OJ .8 j II ! o s Ii l~ " .." ;~ ,,- H "'2- 'H ~~ li~ =... lig ~.,. ~~ .... i~ 'tl >< H Bg ~.. c: " "", =>< li'2 .-:- 8 li 2-~ !l h ~8.,' i! . "0 E:;: r~ c il ~i ~- :j 5~ .!l 'E~ ~ i '5" ~~ ii~ " '" E!! : ~ = . j;. g-i Ii 0; -... ~~ ~.. ~'" ~ =1 '!! ~l; !II "... E fii ! i" ! c'" 8e ~~ E !. " " "'E li. :g~ ia~ l-::! ii~~ 88t:: ~~.. .8.81i .!!.!!'" H~ --.. ii.! ii~ j:~ =~.l; ~l-; "", E 8 ~l'lii ~" " " ~ c: ~:Ii . ~ '" .. ... g, !! '5 .,. ! f ~ l! ... " o .., ;~ E~ ~~ OJ '> <( .. ca: OVERHEAD Oregon Department of Administrative Servlces Overhead Costs Project Coating Worksheet Pathway EnlBrprt. City of Ashland 07-08 Police Department There are many different waya organizations allocate ovemead Internally (e.g., Percent of total costs, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, etc). In the space provided below, Indlcata how your organization allocates ovemead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your ovemead, and what that ovemead amount Is (whether as a percent or exact amount) I FILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWl Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spent producing a final product, or providing a service, a certain percentage of that dollar i. requirad for overhead. To CBlculalethe overhud percentaga, II is besl to have financial records for your organization thai go back a year or more. Add logether the expenditures that make up the overhead cosl (see wortcsheel below). Now add this figure to the Raw materiais, Direct labor and Delivery for a totel cost. Divide tha figure for overhead by tha figure for lotel costs. The resu" is a percenlthat represents overhead as a percentage of the total cost. If financial records are not available estimate the overhead expenses 8S best you can, estimate other costs 8S best you can, and use the same fonnula to get 8 percentage. 20.00% OR Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can enter the dollar amount you are allocating to overhBBd in the box II you are confident thBl you can allocate overhead Roms to this particular project. You can use the Worit.haola. 11001 (II needad) 10 Idenlifll YOU r costs. OR Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To Identify _ad costs, you need the financial records for your organization or divi.ion for the past year. Input all the costs of the entire Bntity as delalled baIow. Une IIams which are no! deteilad below should be Input Into the cells maritad "other"; please Include a delCltption. WhBI you are trying to dete""lna is a percentage, tharefore, do no! gross up the axpenses for Inflallon or to conform to the cumsnt year budgel Next, Input Into the cell below the loIaI direct labor hours paid out by your entire organization for the ..me period. These figures should be found on the year end peyroIl report. Do not Include hours which can be cI...1fied as management or administrative costs. (Including these cost. Inlo thl direct Ilbor hour total will dellalathe actual costs.) The wortcsheel will compute the overhead a. e line Rom cost by dividing the tolal d labor hours for the contract into lhe lotel . ctad labor hours for the current sr. Totel Annual Direct labor Hours Input Totel from WoritsheBt on Below Ove_ per labor hour Time required to complBle contract I To\8l _.nod OVe....d WORK AREA: INDIRECT COSTS Managemanl Salaries ManagllTl8nt Payroll Tax Expense Management MadiCBllnsuranco Mlnagement Penolon Plan Expense Sales & Administrative Salaries Sales & Adminislr8tlve Payroll Tax Expenaa Sales & AdmlnislrBlive MadiCBllnsurance Sales & Administrative Pension Plan Expense Office Rent Advertising and Public Educallon Background Chect<s & Urin8lyols Professional & Accounting I AudIt Fees Tl'IIinlng & Woriter Safety Insurance Telephone Utilitie. Property Taxes/Ucenses/F..s Due. & SublCltptions Depreclation-office building Deprecl811on-office equipment Repairs & MBintanance-offico Cleaning and MBinlenance Office Equipment Rental Office Supplies Posloge & Freight Rehab Miscellaneous Expense .Bad Debts Worksheet Total Annual 0 rations ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Ovemead '"~~.. CPI FlICtarfrom BLa (...IhkbeDw) httD./Jwwwbls~htm To\8l 1.65% 1._ 1D'j(;;'i!i!iJJitif.,;~,%':~itJilli.~ OAS Form '12 J Revision 10-03 Page 5 Overhead Cornpufolion Sheol Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Police Department This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Marain The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" 6.0%' DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet Service Center 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 '" I SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. QRF Name Project Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) Labor Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) Subtotal 1_ .f_RIW!~1i911~_1 Overhead See Overhead Worksheet liI'l,'kilil!7i0llii:;m~f~Zs~ Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) !:\1~ill,~%J!~2.Jiili1U~*t2~i,jiX!i:;;[f;;1 Total Before Marglnr~"I~Ji!;t1I Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) I&::fJl?~.fa Total Bid Yearly_ ".' "'. ~ , ,'~' 11<', ">.it'W . ..... ., . Monthly~' ""... .'"". . ,i0".. .. '. ..:.' DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. Citv of Ashland 07-08 Service Center Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. . A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 Total Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 \, . 0.1666 0.1666 . 0.1666 0.1666 0.5000 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet ::'Gl ~~ ~-E o 0 !::i: ='" !l~ .!! B .5u ~i ~'[ ~n. C CD € 11 c!l C o f o o " .s ..~ e ~ 5- ~ CD I!! ]l U CD C B~ ~ u ~ ~ ".50ij ~: :g"q i ~ ~ ~~ I j!!1-.tljE <cw~ II ;!!"Oi ccg.,"~.!Il D:Wn.U8 I- 011 i E 0. "5 C" W g> ~ ~ ~ !... :: : e> ~i= g u g z o (.) al ::I I/) CD e i= .. CD i ~ :: :a I!! f!! 0. .gj~ I?! _DU !l1 II) " ~o.c ~~i "C U II CD C li CD e- o. II) S .c '; i '" ~ II) '" 'Ii; 8 ~ "0 C o I CD 5 C ~ C .. e .s i U CD 5 II) CD C II) ti~ '"ij E '" a E ~~ g>>5i1! ~-!8. E-gl ,,= IDID ..: I .c c o = .. l 0. CD " .s .. I!!ai,g ili~ .8ij~ i:: . p'sgj i5.C.. 41)-;-= C - >0 CD o en .. .D c815" ~ce'S I!!,g~,g o~l!. E8."'i! c II) 5. ~~l: Gl ... " c !IlOGl8. =~!= c~ I! ~ CD~=,g [~~~ il'" i~ .!! · c :6 >0. o_.i.!! itog._ :8~! 'Iii :5 b c o Gl " " 13 .5 ~'Gll5ll5ll5l~1ll -. !~ :!o 88888 _CDC;8s:!:28 c:U"'N:;f N ::;) ;t ..-: (\Ill T"" ...........,..". II) Q) II) e ....N(')...~Q).....CIOQ)~::~~~~ II) ~ c '" E 0. 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G ~ '" o .0 m ..J U e Ci ... " .. Il Q. ~ . '0 'S 1 ..., N'" _0 "0 E- ~ .~ ~ .~ 00:: Oregon Department of Admlnlalnltlve Servi... Project CostIng Workoheet OVERHEAD OVerhead Costs Pathway Enterpris CIty of Aohland 07.oe Servlce Cenler There are many different ways organizations allocate overtlead Internally (e.g., Percent of total costs, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, ete). In the space provided balow, Indicate how your organization allocates ovartlead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overtlead, and what that overtlead amount Is (whether as a percent or exact amount) IFILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar .pent producing a final product, or providing a service, a certain parcentage of that dollar is requil1ld for overhead. To calculate the overhead parcentage, " Is be.lto have financial records for your organlzalion that go back a year or more. Add logether the expend"ure. that make up tha overhead co.t (.ae worltsheel below). Now add this figure to the Raw materials, Direct labor and Delivery for a lotal cost. D1vida tha figure for overhead by the figure for lotal costs. The resu" i. a parcent thel repre.ents overhead a. a parcentage of the lotal cost. If financial record. are not available esllmale Iha overhead axpensa. a. best you can, estimate other costs as best you can, and use the same fonnula to get a percentage. OR OR Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can enter tha dollar amounl you are allocallng 10 overhead In tha box W you are confidenl that you can allocate overhead Woms 10 thi. particular project. You can use Iha Worltsheelas 11001 (W neded) 10 ide r costs. Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To Identify overI1eld costs, you nead Iha finonclll record. for your orglnizalion or divi.ion for Iha Pl.t year. Input III the costs of Iha entire enli\y I. detailed below. Una "ems which Ire not detailed below .hould be Input into the call. mlr1<ed "other"; ptelse Include I desaiption. Whit you are trying 10 dele""inl i. I parcenllge, therefore. do not gross up lhe expen.es for Inflllion or 10 confonn 10 the curronl yelr budget. Next, Input Into the cell below Iha lotal direct Ilbor hours paid out by your entire orglnization for the .ame pariod. These figure. .hould be found on Iha yelr end payroll report. Do not Include hours which can be c1as.ified I. management or admlnlslrallve costs. (Including Iha.e costs inlo Iha direct Ilbar hour lotal will deflate Iha actUlI costs.) The worltsheel will compute Iha overheld I. I line "em cost by dividing the lotal pro ad Ilbor hours for Iha conlrect Into Iha lotal .ectad labor hours for \he current Ir. Total Annuli Direct l.Ibor Hours Input Total from Worltsheel on Belowl OVerhead per labor hour TIme required \0 complete conlrect Total Aaelaned OVerllud 'HilLi#J7i .. "",."b Worksheet Total Annual Ooel1ltlons INDIRECT COSTS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Management Salaries Manogemenl Payroll Tox Expense Management Madicallnsurence Manogemenl Pensian Plan Expense Sale. & Admlnlslralive Selaria. Slla. & Administrative Payroll Tox Expense Sele. & Adminlslnttive Madicellnlurence Sale. & Admini_ Pension Plan Expen.a Office Rent Advertising Ind Public Education Beckground Checks & Urinalysis Professional & Aocounting I _ Fee. Trelnlng & WOlI<Br Safety Insurance Telephone UtIIW1e. Proparty ToxeaIUCOnseslFee. Dues & SUblcription. Dapreclalion-ollice building Dapreciation-ollice equipment Rlpeirs & Malntanl_ce Cleaning and Maintenance Office Equipmenl Rental 0lIice SUpplies Postage & Freight Reheb MisceUeneou. Expen.e Bad Debts ;l.\;[t.....i,i;, ~(t'"n''' .'T' Oth4a.r: ,. "n;;,,' ',i;"..'''. i.,. .Othin)~{ " .... TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS "". CPl F_"" Bl8 (_Ink below) htID.IIwvNtY&~lhtm Total 1.85% 1.85% 1"',W@kWiW%n',t;;i:W0ie,k;),;;i;;;it;'ttfJ)iz~ DAS Fonn '12 J Revision 10-03 WORK AREA: Usa the area balow to show how you arrived at the flna' figure that you show as your total Overtlead pege 5 0VerI1eId Computetion Sheet Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Service Center This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. 6.0%1 Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet 1" I Street and Shop 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. Labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. ~ ,::' ,~'" (; II g 1;7J Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) '. Subtotal 1 " Labor Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) I!i$~ Overhead See Overhead Worksheet I_!i!\a~~ Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) .i"!\jj;~8j,~.~~f4E0'~%~:rSi':!ii'/,'1 Total Before Marglnl~:0!i~\Hh8~0'&:i,%jj?isf6;~1",1 Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) 1;i$;;~~"UfMI!f%\;~!il Total Bldyearly_.... ...... ..... ...'........ ...................................1. Monthly. . . !l8Q' DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Street and Shoo Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example. may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 4.59 Units Needed Per Month 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.1666 0.0833 0.0833 0.1666 0.1666 0.0833 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.0833 0.0833 0.1666 er Total $.cf .~>t;, Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet ..- .. .. u .. ~~ ..of III 0 ..;= ~~ j;.. L. .. .. - 0 .5u E- .. . ... ~ ..~ ~f' 1Il.5 ~a.. 0::.... 0 c t- .. .. 0 E E 1:: g 1= .. .. Cl. .. .. Z C 0 .. c 0 0 0 U ... ID l!! ::I 0 III c 0 .. 'C u .. .. C 11 e- Cl. I/) 5 i .. 5 ... c fil i .~ c iii I/) E . .s 'lil - 8 .. ~ 8 .. '5 5 c ..: i ~ i .l:i iii .c .2, :5 C .. b 0 :5 c .. 0 . 0 .. ~ ... ... 2 ::I ~ Cl. ... .. l!! ... o .. "3 eai2 0" l!! ="5 . .8 I/) l/)al:i5 CD I/) .8"fig. il;- l/) l!! ~: ~ . E e Cl. "fi ~el "[5 gj i .s; . . e.81/) ~ili-! I/) 'I(.Da; .. ~5"lS ~85... Q. E ~~.5 CE= S 0_0 . ~ g. ~ ~ C ~ l!! U ::;: E &. ~~ .. C1/)5. I/) Ogl: "8 al....alc .... !lo !. 011 I/) c !.. =~!= .. "fil!! Iii 1 e.!! E ~~ Cl. ~~!i 'S 0" ~~ ::I .. 0 w g"..:= ... 11:.5 U)~.: C g>:a e ~ 5 >-. ~ ~ !. '5~~.!! :e E~i ~gS. ~ ::1= -8~i IDIDl/) ~.~~~~~ -.. a~ !O 88888 _..ci8!Oi:g8 c:U'lfI'N:;f N :::.;t _N ... .... tilt tit.,. 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"" .~~ ~ It "G Ii ~ .1: I!' .. c: 0 e~ a ~= -~ l~ ~i 1i '. ~i B 8. ii c: ~ !ti ~~ Uii:8~ .Ii" co!! 0 iUi~ g i~ s: 8 Ii ~~ .. .. ":!! ;~ ~- e 8 o.b = zo ';i ;: ~~ _ 0 .... zo. ills !l!. "'- ~~ ill! "''' ~~ ~8 "... c " "", :; " !~ 8 ti b!l!. ~l ~8 1~. "0 EN ll; .1:- 88 d ~.!! :1 c'" 01i i~ E · ! Ii ~ " l~ "!t E:s! : ~ = . jl %!. ~~ H -N ~i g. ~-:i ~ ""; 51 i~ 11'" c'" q P .l it l ~ . ~8~ Eo g '=:Cil h::l li.C"') 88~ ...... .8.8li ..!.! a ij[ ~fiB ="J.. 1185 ~~,g 25ltC'\ll S"- : -. A- Ct.!!. ~ ~8 ~l!;; .... " ~:i ;; " .<: rn .8 ~ II ! i5 ... " go II. ~ E ! "" ! ! c .. ." .., N'" _0 "0 E- & .a rn's> 00( .. Do: OVERHEAD Overl1ead Costs Pethw8y Enterpris CIty 01 AshI8nd 07-08 Street ond Shop There are many different ways organizations allocate overhead Internally (e.g., Percent of total costs, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, ete). In the space provided below, Indicate how your organization allocates overhead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overhead, and what that overhead amount Is (whether as a percent or exact amount) Oregon Department 01 AdmlnlstrllUVOl Services Project CoIlIng Worksheet I FILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spent producing a final product, or providing a service, a certain percentage of that dollar is """,Ired lor ovemead. To calculate tha overhead percentage, ~ is bell to have finsnclal racords lor your organization that go back a year or mora. Add togethar the expen~uras that make up the ovemead cost (see wol1<sheel below). Now add this figura to the Raw materials, Diract labor and Delivery lor a total cost. Divide the figura lor ovemead by the figura lor total costs. The rasuK is a percent that raprasents overhead as I percentage of the total cost. If financial records are not lvallable 8stimMe the overhead expenses as best you can, estimate other costs as best you can, and use the same fonnula to get a percentage. 1; . E!1t!!i' ()!I 20.00% OR OR Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can enter the dollar amount you ara allocating to overllaad in the box n you ara confidlnt thll you can allocate overhead Kams to this particular project You can use the Worksheet as I toot (t needed) to ide' rcosts. Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To ldentny overhead coats, you need the financial racordslor your organization or division for the pall year. Input all the costs 01 tha entira entity as detailed below. Une Karns which are not detailed below should be input Into the cells mari<ed "othlll"; please Include a description. What you are trying to determine Is a percentage. theraIora. do not gross up the expenses for Inflation or to conform to the cunent year budget. Next. Input Into the cell below the total diract labor hours paid out by your antira organization lor the same period. These figuras should be found on the year ond payroll rapor\. Do not Include hours which can be c1..s_ as managarnent or admlnl_ costs. (Including these costs Into the diract labor hour total will daftate the actual costs.) The wor1<shaaI will compute the ovemead as a line Kam cost by dividing the total ected Iebor hours lor the contract Into the total 'ected labor hours for the cumsnt ar. Total Annual Diract Labor Hours Input Total from Worksheet on Below Ovemead per labor hour Time raquirad to complete contract ; "g!:%U) Total Aasloned overhead WORK AREA: INDIRECT COSTe Management Salaries Management Payroll Tax Expense Management Medical Ins....nee Management Pension Plan Expense _ & Administrative Selarias Sales & Administrative PayroI Tax Expense Selel & Administrative MedIcaIlnsUlBrlCll Selel & Administrative Pension Plan Expense 0Ific:a Rant Advertising ond Public Education Background Chacks & Urinalysis Professional & AccounIIng I AudIt Fees Training & Worker Safety Insurance Telephone UtII~s Property T"""slUcenseslFees Dues & Subscriptions Depraciatlon-offlce building Depracia\lon.offioe equipment Repairs & MaInte_ Cleaning ond Maintenance Office Equlpmenl Rental OIfoce Supplies Pollage & Fraight Rehab Miscellaneous Expense Bad Debts Worksheet Total Annual 0 rations ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAL Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Overhead '311' CPI FtICltDr from BL8 CHI Ink bekIw) hnD:JJwwwhal~Nm Total UI!5" 1.85,. I~ DAS Form'12J Revtsion 10-03 Page 5 Overllaed Computetion Sheet '" Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 Street and Shop This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil, vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service b~ing offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" 6.0%1 DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet Ashland - The Grove 07-08 Costing Workbook For Janitorial & Grounds Maintenance Contracts Under the Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program Oregon State Department of Administrative Services Procurement, Fleet, and Surplus Services 1225 Ferry Street SE, U140 Salem, Oregon 97301 (503) 378-4642 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL COSTS Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet The summary sheet is linked to the other sheets in this workbook. Any area shaded in light green is either a formula or linked to another work sheet. The only manual input to this sheet will be to input the QRF name. The costs are to be divided into five categories: Raw Materials, Labor, Overhead, Delivery and Reserve Costs. Raw materials consist of supplies, small equipment & tools, and large or special equipment. Each category is detailed on the following sheets. labor costs is direct labor used to produce or service the contract. Overhead costs is a line item charge which is computed on the overhead sheet. Transportation or delivery and reserve computations are also completed on the following sheets. All these costs will vary depending upon your organization and the specifications for the project. Each sheet will have an example calculation and further instructions for completion. Executive Director SI nature: , !z,f!fJ7 QRF Name Project Raw Materials Per Time Use - Supplies Equipment, Tools & Subcontracting Labor Direct Labor (from labor daily worksheet) Subtotal 1_ 1~_:l~~lliI (from supplies worksheet) (from small equipment worksheet) Overhead See Overhead Worksheet UI"'~1fi:.i\IM~.~ Delivery Transportation (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) fei$.~'i{*T~,g~W&~t}f\jffi)ii:;:i)';ll Total Before Marglnl~~~~'1;i;m~~Q;.~;!1 Reserve Margin Held in Reserve (from Trans & Reserve worksheet) ~_&_lliI Total Bid Yearly_ Monthly'....,.. .. ."., ,., ,'J.. ',J.,', DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 1 Summary Sheet T"' I RAW MATERIALS Supplies Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 The Grove Raw Materials: This category is often spelled out in the Request for Offer (RFO). Language such as "Items to be provided by Contractor" will usually reflect Supplies or Raw Materials. In the case of a Service Contract this will likely include not only supplies required to perform the service each month, but also Equipment & Tools. In the case of a commodity contract the Raw Materials will be figured on a Per Item Manufactured basis. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet A custodial contract, for example, may require the following for month - Supplies: Paper products and soap Cleaning chemicals or products Spray bottles Broom and dustpan Floor Wax Scrub brushes or scouring pads Per Use/Per Item Manufactured - Supplies Item Units Needed Per Month 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 Unit Price 4.80 2.91 6.29 4.80 30.65 5.00 13.01 2.27 1.71 6.51 2.31 21.10 5.65 4.26 1.18 5.75 2.74 4.70 6.80 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.1666 : 0.5000 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 0.1666 0.3332 0.1666 0.1666 Total - Monthly Cost = Monthly cost is computed by multiplying the total unit cost by the units needed per month. Annual Cost = Annual cost is computed by monthly cost times 12 months. DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 2 Supplies Sheet I, III 0 {:. 1: ., E 0. '5 ... 0- .. .. W u .. -,C ~~ III 0 !t:l: :;:lQ ~!i .. .!! a .. ':0 c... Etl ." 'tl .. ..~ ~e' 11I.5 ~o.. 0::1- c g .. .. u E ~ i:! i= . .. a. I- .. .! z .. c 0 . 1ll u 0 0 0 f ID 8 ::I 0 III Gl = c '0 0 C :;:l 0 :e 1: 8. u .. .! 10 = >- ;: 0 Gl "C ::l "0 .5 12 ai e- o. III S ~ .. :; "5l c 1i ! "U c lil ii III E . S 1il .. B .. 0 .. u :; .. '6 :; c .: 0 I 1: 8. .i::i 1i ,C .2, :; c .. ~ 0 :; c :;:l 0 . .g .. U 'tl I! .2 " "U a. ~ .5 .. 'tl o .. :; eai.e 0- e ~ "5. .8 III III "5l :is .. III .8'fi~ i;' ~ 1f:: . E f! a. 'fi ~f!~ IS!!) i c .. .. !! ~II ~~i-! a. cB15'tl E So" lJ~E:; S ~o. .. 0 ~ ~ic~ I! E I! 'tl Qc .. ~f1:;. .!!! ~ l]:~: cO .. " l5 'i !. 1: ~~ =~J= .. 'fi_ iiil!.! E a. '"'fi E > " ., '5 E '" 0.;-0.; 0- .. 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E. =; 51 li i'O c'" q q E . . .. =E ~= ~:~ ~i~ B. '0 <<'1 .1ii~ 88t: .811" .!!ii ii ~ ;;'61 .. fi " ='i. ~,,5 ~,e .!!.~ : -..!' ~tli . E 8 ~h ~ . " ~. ~ c o C IL.. -;; . s:; (/) o '" .. .J tl f 15 ... . '" m n. .., N'" _0 "0 e- ~.~ (/) '!> <( . 01>: '; OVERHEAD OVerl1ead Cos1s PllIhway EnIerprll CIty of Ashland 07-08 The Grove There are many different ways organizations allocate overhead Internally (e.g., Percent of total coats, dollar figure sum, as a percent of direct labor, ete). In the space provided below, Indicate how your organization allocates overhead to this particular contract, what Items go Into your overhead, and what that overhead amount Is (whether as a percent or exact amount) O"'gon Oepartment of Admlnl_ Servlcu Project Costing Worksheet IFILL IN ONLY ONE OF THE THREE METHODS DETAILED BELOWI Percent of Total Cost Method: For every dollar spent producing a final product, or providing a leNice, a certain percentage 01 that dollar ill "'qui",d lor overl1ead. To calculate the overhead percentage, K II best to have financial "'COrdi lor your organization that go beck a year or more. Add together the expondilu"'s that make up the overhead cost (lee wor1<sheet below). Now add this figu", to the Raw materials, D1",ct labor end Oellvery lor a total cost. Oivlda the figu", lor overhead by the figu", lor 1oIa1 COlts. The ",suK Is a percent that "'pI1lsents overhead al a percentage of the total cost. ~ financlall1lCOrds a'" not available estimata the overhead exponle. a. best you can, estimate other costs as best you can, and use the lame formula to get 8 percentage. OR Dollar-Figure Sum Method: You can enter the dollar amount you a", allocating to overhead In the box ~ you a", confident that you can allocate overl1ead Kems to this particular project. You can use the Wor1<sheet el e tool Of needed) to ldentllv YOUr costs. OR Percent of Total Direct Labor Method: To ldentlly overl1ead costs, you need the financlall1lCOrds lor your organization or divieion lor the palt year. Input all the costs of the anti", entity as detailed below. Una Kams which are not detailad below should be Input Into the cell. merited "other"; please include a dHCriptlon. What you a", trying to determine is a percentage, the~, do not gross up the oxpenses lor inflation or to conform to the cu,",nt year budget. Next, Input into the cell below the total dil1lcllebor houre paid out by your enti", organization for the same period. These figures should be found on the year end payroil report. Do not include houre which can be c1assifiad as management or administrative costs. (Including thele costs Into the direct labor hour total will deftate the ectual costs.) The _t will compute the overhead as a line lIem cost by dividing the total ro cted labor houre for the connct into the total jected labor houre lor the cu,",nt ar. Total Annual Direct Labor Hours I Input Total from Wor1<sheet on Belowl Overhead per labor hour l6lJ**...1\1h'0%8-Y;i\~'i~if:<~j" Time required to complete contract ;;."'.~~~~"" Total_aned OWmaad , WORK AREA: Worksheet Total Annual 0 rations INDIRECT COSTS ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTAl Management Salaries Management Payroll Tax Expense Management Medical Insurance Management Pension Plan Expense Sales & Administrative Salaries Sales & Administrative Payroll Tax Expense Sales & AdminIstrative Medical Insurance Sales & AdmlnistrBtive Pension Plan Expense Office Rent Advertising and Public Education Background Checks & Urinalysis Profisssional & Accounting I Audll Fees Training & Womr Safety Insurance Telephone UtIlities Properly TaxeslUcenseelFees Dues & Subscrlpilons Oepreclation-otllca building Oepl1lclation-olfice equipment Repalre & Malntanance-olfice Cleaning and Maintenance Office Equipment Rental Office Supplies Pastege & F"'ight Rehab Miscellaneous Expense Bed Oebls Use the area below to show how you arrived at the final figure that you show as your total Overhead CP' F__ BLS (...Ink_ hftn:llwwwb/lr;~auhtrn Total 1.15% ,..... t.i~-f~;~~di'l-'nW41 DAS Form'12 J Ravlsion 10-03 Page 5 Overhead Computation Sheet h ,. Delivery & Reserve Pathway Enterprises, Inc. City of Ashland 07-08 The Grove This category covers any costs associated with delivering your product or service to the buyer. A service contract, for example, will likely include the costs associated with getting the individuals who will perform the service to the place where the service will be performed. Gas, oil. vehicle maintenance and repair are all part of Delivery costs. Most often these costs can be recovered by charging a certain amount per mile. The State of Oregon reimburses 36 cents per mile for its employees who use their own vehicles on State business. That's not to say your costs may be less or more. The labor required (the driver and the workers if they are on the clock), should be captured in Direct Labor. If your costs are greater than the state allowed cost, please provide a detailed schedule on how you arrived at your cost per mile. Oregon Department of Administrative Services Project Costing Worksheet Services Contract Delive 1 caravan 2 3 4 Miles Per Service Rate Per Mile Services per Year Margin The law allows a "margin held in reserve" This is usually added as a percentage after all other costs have been calculated. The margin % can vary depending on the product or service being offered and organizational, contractual and market variables specific to the project. Some research will likely be required to come up with a percentage that not only allows for inventory and equipment replacement, but is in alignment with industry standards and fair market value. Any percentage higher than six percent (6%) will have to be justified to DAS. Enter as a % of "Total Before Margin" 6.0%~ DAS Form #12 J Revision 10-03 Page 6 Trans-Delivery and Margin Sheet ~ ... .. r~' CITY EECORDER'S COpy CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 Page 1 / 1 ~~ 7/30/2007 VENDOR: 005727 PATHWAY ENTERPRISES INC 722 JEFFERSON AVENUE ASHLAND, OR 97520 SHIP TO: Ashland Building Maintenance (541) 488-5358 90 N MOUNTAIN AVENUE ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Terms: Net Req. Del. Date: Speciallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Dale Peters Confirming? No Janitorial Services Exempt - QRF Approved by Council on July 17, 2007 79,122.09 Contract for Janitorial Services Terms: July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAIN ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL ~ ~ ~ 7~~)' Authorized nature /" -, VENDOR COPY " I Pi i, F\:.,c REQUISITION FORM CITY OF ASHLAND THIS REQUEST IS A: o Change Order(existing PO # Date of Request: '24 July 200U Required Date of Delivery/Service: I Vendor Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number Fax Number , Contact Name PAthwAY~ FntAr:pri~p~ Inr. 722 Jefferson Ave Ashland, OR 97520 541-488-1536 541-488-1536 RaDel'! t'enny I l:loon Olson SOLICITATION PROCESS Small Procurement o Less than $5,000 o Quotes (Optional) Intermediate Procurement o (3) Written Quotes (Copies attached) Sole Source o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro sal attached CooDerative Procurement o State of ORlWA contract o Other government agency contract o Copy of contract attached o Contract # Invitation to Bid (Copies on file) Description of SERVlel!S ~U4lVt(t~r u/l.t!.,.,l4te O~ ~,T/)fl..IAl.- 8~'f!1EJ' Fy 20CJ1-~C;C;8 o Per attached PROPOSAL (!(;~~ 1 14 Item # Quantity Unit Description of MATERIALS Unit Price Total Cost Project Number _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Account Number 410-08-24-00-602352 · Items and services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financials to reflect the actual expenditures accurately. o Per attached QUOTE By signing this requisition form, I certify that the information provided above meets the City of Ashland public contracting requirements, and the documentation can be provided upon request. Employee Si~re"-=~~ -- SupervlsorlDept. Head Signature: ~ ~\ue fv\~ G: Finance\Proaldure\AP\Forms\8_Requisition form revised.doc Updated on: 7/2412007 Jr' I