HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-213 CONT Addendum - Lindsey Painting ADDENDUM TO CITY OF ASHLAND CONTRACT FOR WORK LESS THAN $25,000 Addendum made this 10th day of September. 2007, between the City of Ashland ("City") and Lindsey Paintina Inc. dba All Seasons Paintina ("Contractor"). Recitals: A. On September 5. 2007 , City and Contractor entered into a "City of Ashland Contract for WORK Less Than $25,000" (further referred to in this addendum as "the agreement"). B. The parties desire to amend the agreement to modify the proiect to add the paintina of the second floor hallways of Fire Station NO.1 at an additional cost of $1.971.00. Note: The first floor/interior is $1.971.00 and the second floor/interior is $1.971.00 City and Contractor agree to amend the agreement in the following manner: 1. The maximum price as specified on the original contract is being increased by $1,971.00 which will make the total amount of the agreement $10,854.00. 2. The scope of services is modified to add the painting of the second floor hallways at Fire Station No.1. 3. Except as modified above the terms of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. BY Its CITY OF ASHLAND: ::18 ~~ . . 7 -() Fed. 10 # 99 /:) ~ (l5/ 1'7 OR Social Security # ! CONTENT REVIEW: ,tAA.{ (- iJ~ City Dept. Head) J Date: Purchase Order # ~7eo3 DATE q-J/-07 Acct. No.: If,(J d7 7 r r2 .?~ G t? ft ~ ~ (For City purposes only) 1- CITY OF ASHLAND SERVICES CONTRACT <$25,000 ADDENDUM FROM I=lLL SEASON PA I NT I NG PHONE NO. 541 855 8682 Aug. 31 :2007 08: 27AM P1 COVER SHEIE.T ---_.,...__._-_.._.~._._._..__..."".~~~---_.~-_..._.-. .._._-~~ .. f'i! _w. ~hl vii ~ ,_. . ,. I ::- S_~~-jt:--:--=_~lli_==.=j ~~_'"__^"~''''__~''''M___.__'''' "l\ilt.ll_ I ~ ...- ~_....-~___...............--..................~_._-..... ~~":I.'~'~"H'I'~""""."_~_'''''''''''_~'''-'''''__'_.''''''____~''''''__.f'V-.)Aof~.'} ___~~:53Li_~-_-.....l.. " .,..__....:~".,-].~.!i_~~~2-___..1 D~f [J~J~~ o~~~ rJ~APtr~ rJ6'W~II'~ ~J,.,~~; \\:;.~ ~ ~ft,;:",..~:':ft 1lSielr,.... 111s11mJ1I1/1~: 2__. ..~... J-.tJ't ~__4,",~' r ~ I . ~fB .J .,.. J;:>() ~/\'" r..t"AQ 0,,,,..,tn.)I p"j,..,f r)l'~rlr~n COI;()') r-i4"..77Q..~RaR 1='."<.",.. r.:A-l ...r.-,' ~___ FROM : ALL SEASON PAINTING PHONE NO. : 541 855 8682 Aug. 31 ~~1211217 1218: 28AM P2 . - .'~ .,," . '.~. ... .,.... :.~ 541 779-8696 541 855..2015 No ..~~~~~56 . 8..31-07 Date . ..,-", --.'0"" ~No- ASP-8:28 .} ..~~"BQX{s569' '~t~t. QR.Q1S0l ..'1'!'-'., ..'_' ,~",,,,'__'" ,.'_: . c. .. .........". "':. OR CCB#111149-C L1C#610441 . W" ....~' ;D~'__..;&..~'J., " '. Q~., _~O:~l~~~......',~t: ...... . , ASHLAND F~RE &.RESCUF .' : s...', 455. SISKIYOU BL VO ~'--, , .,ASHLAND. ..., _ '* OR ~~ ~.. ,- . ,.: .--..... -'. . .'l<< KEITH WOODLEY :1.' < , <F (~. (~ .~. ~;, ;a.. , :~, 55~~:217 FPV< 488-5318 .\.. .. . "1' ~ ~.... . EXTERIOR PAINTING . , EXTERIORPREPARATIONS TO CONSiST OF PRESSURE WASHING OF WOOD AND METALS . . .. _' .. , " ..... . . . ,. . . . ,.,_' H QS.l?HO (RUST TREATMENT) OR ETCHING OF METALS W,~ERE NEEDED SPOT PRIMING OF BARE METALS. . . MASKING OF WINDOWS .R89.PP1NG-OFF ANPCO'lERING OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ANDDRIVEWA.Y,' BRICK, . ,..~"... ... ... '". " " ". ' J I PLANTS AND SHRUBBERY . ... .. ...__. ,., .. II '. ~ 'EXTERIOR PAINTING TO CONSISTOF STE:EL CHANNELS(ALL ELEVATIONS), VVINDOW HEADER., ' '. SYN$HAPEF~M~S, HANORAlkIN<Pi C~N.OPY FASCIA ANi:) $VPPORT~;"DO()R AND f.8AM~~~ · --.. .' . .. " . WOOD SOFFIT, EAVES, BEAMS TO BE RE$EALED METAL MATERIAL,.5 TO BE IN QIL. 6AS~O PRODUCTS COLORS AS SPJ::CIFIED: MATCH EXISTING TO INCLUDE LABOR AND MATERIALS ............"..-.....-............... . .' ' ,"N" l ....,. ....".........~- \. ..' ..ij,~~t~tS~~.~be~:~~~.~~tObepe~in~~wtththe~.~ ! ' ,~~~ti~' SU~ fOr a50V~WOrl<. and~~in sUbSmlitial wOrlcmanlikematl~ ~rtl'Jle sum'of SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWELVE Qq"8rS-($ 6i,912.00 1 VWbpaymerttsto' be made. as' follows: .." . '~.......4J#.. ,~ . ~~J'1y ~ilhmiltAri AI,..L SEASONS PAtNTING P" TIM LINDSEY ,e(' 'NOte- TtI1iso~~1..;.;~.bCt~ tiK. U$ ff nOf~ .' . pt .~.'.1~1 . VI WIthin 0 'days. FROM : ALL SEASON PAINTING PHONE NO. : 541 855 8682 Aug. 31 2007 08:28AM P3 . t_....'. . ~ '~j~ . I..,'. . ,..., . ': 541 779..8696 541 855-2015 NQ LPI-857 8-:31-07 Date ASP.828 $neet-NG. ,~{fJ..~;'~~:"~-":~ QR9150Z OR CCB#111149-C L1C#610441 .... .....;~lOt .0" '.........KEITH WOODLEY ~.""'''''' ~:~;~~. ~, CQ. j ,~55~-~~17 FAX 488..5318 " VI rk ~",.'ID:.." 'ied.At~ ..Q ..qt!....~_.'~...:.iot' ASHl..ANDFIR~&RESCUF . s.... 455 SISKIYOU BLVD ",,'-', I ,~ . . -, . . .- t~.A~Jj~~P ,~OR ~~ "~i ~. . . ..t.... _ ....."~' .; ,. '- ..]-.j) ." '7/ INTERIOR PAINTING " j',: r .. ._.. ....." ..' .... ..... ,'-' ..~. - .._~.~~~ARATIONS TO CONSI~T OF MA~KING AN[)COV~RING Of FLOORING PATCHING OF SMALL HOLES OR INDENTS . ,'-'- 'Lhd' . '. ~SPQT PRlMlNG QF RAW A.REAS ON, .WA"-LS AND METALS FRAMES.. """,--,----'-'''--'- .p~~N;rlN.G TO INCLUDE AL.L HALLW.AY AND CORRIDOR WALLS, DOOR AND VVINDOW FRA~~S, .. EXIT DQQR$ .' WALLS MATERIALS TO BE IN EG-SHELL FINISH FOR DURABILITY . .ME.TAL FRAMES AND DOORS TO. BE IN-OIL BASED PRODUCT '~~M"" - "., . 1 ~ ' .,. .. ,.. , . -gO.L9RO AO Or.r:.OlrlCD. ~^TOII CXIOTINO . .. ,- ""', ' . "-' - ,'" l \ TO INCI,.lJDE LABOR ANIJ MA TIiRIAlS . . -~,.~... ..-- ---...........- .,.,~ _.---~ .' . AI::~fal' ta"oua~,to,.~.g speclfied ,aM the.*'1ie~ to be:~~:i"a<<o~'~'~~'~.~.~ :. ;~~ssu~fOf~~~:~~'~~$~t:llitialw&~n.~ArieFfOf.th1!;sU",:,()f .' ..... . ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE ,~~rs ($ '1,971.00 l Wth:payments to be made, as fotto.ws: 'R~Il'IVSlmmllMd ALL SEASON.~ PAINTING. Per TIM LINDSEY ~t ~ rhj' ~~"",~'be ~'i.., us if not'accepted ..e . :spm~'~'-T. . ..., . _ 0 'd' =W,'. e.. ~'Hi" ._ :-:1~ Contract for WORK less than $25,000 CITY OF ASHLAND 20 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 Telephone: 541/488-6002 Fax: 541/488-5311 CONTRACTOR: Lindsey Painting Inc. - CCB #111149 dba All Seasons Painting CONT ACT: Tim Lindsey ADDRESS: PO Box 5569, Central Point, OR 97502 TELEPHONE: 541-779-8696 DATE AGREEMENT PREPARED: 09/05/2007 FAX: 541-855-2015 BEGINNING DATE: 09/06/2007 COMPLETION DATE: 10/05/2007 COMPENSATION: Exterior Painting per scope of work $6,912.00, Interior Painting per scope of work $1,971.00. Total amount $8,883.00 WORK TO BE PROVIDED: Exterior/Interior Painting of Fire Station NO.1 as outlined in the attached Scope of Work. ADDITIONAL TERMS: NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to AMC 2.50.090 and after consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the CITY AND CONTRACTOR AGREE as follows: 1. All Costs by Contractor: Contractor shall, provide all goods as specified above and shall at its own risk and expense, perform any work described above and, unless otherwise specified, furnish all labor, equipment and materials required for the proper performance of such work. 2. Qualified Work: Contractor has represented, and by entering into this contract now represents, that any personnel assigned to the work required under this contract are fully qualified to perform the work to which they will be assigned in a skilled and worker-like manner and, if required to be registered, licensed or bonded by the State of Oregon, are so registered, licensed and bonded. Contractor must also maintain a current City business license. 3. Completion Date: Contractor shall provide all goods in accordance with the standards and specifications, no later than the date indicated above and start performing the work under this contract by the beginning date indicated above and complete the work by the completion date indicated above. 4. Compensation: City shall pay Contractor for the specified goods and for any work performed, including costs and expenses, the sum specified above. Goods shall be paid for within 30 days of an invoice after delivery of goods conforming to the standards and specifications. Once work commences, invoices shall be prepared and submitted by the tenth of the month for work completed in the prior month. Payments shall be made within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Should the contract be prematurely terminated, payments will be made for work completed and accepted to date of termination. Compensation under this contract, including all costs and expenses of Contractor, is limited to $25,000.00, unless a separate written contract is entered into by the City. 5. Ownership of Documents: All documents prepared by Contractor pursuant to this contract shall be the property of City. 6. Statutory Requirements: ORS 279B.220, 279B.225, 279B.230, 279B.235, ORS Chapter 244 and ORS 670.600 are made part of this contract. 7. Living Wage Requirements: If contractor is providing services under this contract and the amount of this contract is $17,342 or more, Contractor is required to comply with chapter 3.12 of the Ashland Municipal Code by paying a living wage, as defined in this chapter, to all employees performing work under this contract and to any subcontractor who performs 50% or more of the work under this contract. Contractor is also required to post the notice attached hereto as Exhibit B predominantly in areas where it will be seen by all employees. 8. Indemnification: Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save City, its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all losses, claims, actions, costs, expenses, judgments, subrogations, or other damages resulting from injury to any person (including injury resulting in death), or damage (including loss or destruction) to property, of whatsoever nature arising out of or incident to the performance of this contract by Contractor (including but not limited to, Contractor's employees, agents, and others designated by Contractor to perform work or services attendant to this contract). Contractor shall not be held responsible for any losses, expenses, claims, subroglations, actions, costs, judgments, or other damages, directly, solely, and proximately caused by the negligence of City. 9. Termination: a. Mutual Consent. This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of both parties. b. City's Convenience. This contract may be terminated at any time by City upon 30 days' notice in writing I and delivered by certified mail or in person. c. For Cause. City may terminate or modify this contract, in whole or in part, effective upon delivery of written notice to Contractor, or at such later date as may be established by City under any of the following conditions: Contract for Goods and Services Less than $25,000, Revised by Legal 06/30/2007, Page 1 of 6 i. If City funding from federal, state, county or other sources is not obtained and continued at levels sufficient to allow for the purchase of the indicated quantity of services; ii. If federal or state regulations or guidelines are modified, changed, or interpreted in such a way that the services are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this contract or are no longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by this contract; or iii. If any license or certificate required by law or regulation to be held by Contractor to provide the services required by this contract is for any reason denied, revoked, suspended, or not renewed. d. For Default or Breach. i. Either City or Contractor may terminate this contract in the event of a breach of the contract by the other. Prior to such termination the party seeking termination shall give to the other party written notice of the breach and intent to terminate. If the party committing the breach has not entirely cured the breach within 15 days of the date of the notice, or within such other period as the party giving the notice may authorize or require, then the contract may be terminated at any time thereafter by a written notice of termination by the party giving notice. ii. Time is of the essence for Contractor's performance of each and every obli~lation and duty under this contract. City by written notice to Contractor of default or breach, may at any time terminate the whole or any part of this contract if Contractor fails to provide services called for by this contract within the time specified herein or in any extension thereof. iii. The rights and remedies of City provided in this subsection (d) are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. e. Obliqation/Liabilitv of Parties. Termination or modification of this contract pursuant to subsections a, b, or c above shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to such termination or modification. However, upon receiving a notice of termination (regardless whether such notice is given pursuant to subsections a, b, c or d of this section, Contractor shall immediately ceaSl9 all activities under this contract, unless expressly directed otherwise by City in the notice of termination. Furthm, upon termination, Contractor shall deliver to City all contract documents, information, works-in-progress and other property that are or would be deliverables had the contract been completed. City shall pay Contractor for work performed prior to the termination date if such work was performed in accordance with the Contract. 10. Independent Contractor Status: Contractor is an independent Contractor and not an employee of the City. Contractor shall have the complete responsibility for the performance of this contract. 11. Non-discrimination Certification: The undersigned certifies that the undersigned Contractor has not discriminated against minority, women or emerging small businesses enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts. Contractor further certifies that it shall not discriminate in the award of such subcontracts, if any. The Contractor understands and acknowledges that it may be disqualified from bidding on this contract, including but not limited to City discovery of a misrepresentation or sham regarding a subcontract or that the Bidder has violated any requirement of ORS 279A.11 0 or the administrative rules implementing the Statute. 12. Asbestos Abatement License: If required under ORS 468A.71 0, Contractor or Subcontractor shall possess an asbestos abatement license. 13. Assignment and Subcontracts: Contractor shall not assign this contract or subcontract any portion of the work without the written consent of City. Any attempted assignment or subcontract without written consent of City shall be void. Contractor shall be fully responsible for the acts or omissions of any assigns or subcontractors and of all persons employed by them, and the approval by City of any assignment or subcontract shall not create any contractual relation between the assignee or subcontractor and City. 14. Use of Recyclable Products: Contractor shall use recyclable products to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work set forth in this document. 15. Default. The Contractor shall be in default of this agreement if Contractor: commits any material breach or default of any covenant, warranty, certification, or obligation it owes under the Contract; if it loses its ORF status pursuant to the ORF Rules or loses any license, certificate or certification that is required to perform the work or to qualify as a ORF if Contractor has qualified as a ORF for this agreement; institutes an action for relief in bankruptcy or has instituted against it an action for insolvency; makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or ceases doing business on a regular basis of the type identifie~ its obligations under the Contract; or attempts to assign rights in, or delegate duties under, the Contract. jtJ 16. Insurance. Contractor shall at its own ex nse provide the following insurance: a. Worker's Compensation ins rance in compliance with ORS 656.017, which requires subject employers to provide Oregon workers' com pens Ion coverage for all their subject workers b. General LiabIlitv insurp~e with a combined single limit, or the equivalent, of not le~s th~n Enter one: $200,000, $500,00~ $1,000,000,$2,000,000 or Not Applicable for each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. It shall incluae cOritractualliability coverage for the indemnity provided under this contract. c. Automobile 'aeilit. insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent, of not less than Enter one: $200,000, $500,00 $1,000,000, or Not Applicable for each accident for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverage for-owned, hir~d or non-owned vehicles, as applicable. d. Notice of cancellation or chanqe. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits or intent not to renew the insurance cover e(s) without 30 days' written notice from the Contractor or its insurer(s) to the Cit . i () Contract for Goods and Services Less than $25,000, Revised by Legal 06/30/2007, Page 2 of 6 r- e. Additional Insured/Certificates of Insurance. Contractor shall name The City of Ashland, Oregon, and its elected officials, officers and employees as Additional Insureds on any insurance policies required herein but only with respect to Contractor's services to be provided under this Contract. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates prior to commencing work under this contract. The certificate will specify all of the parties who are Additional Insureds. Insuring companies or entities are subject to the City's acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies, trust agreements, etc. shall be provided to the City. The Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions and/or self-insurance. 17. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue: This contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without resort to any jurisdiction's conflict of laws, rules or doctrines. Any claim, action, suit or proceeding (collectively, "the claim") between the City (and/or any other or department of the State of Oregon) and the Contractor that arises from or relates to this contract shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court of Jackson County for the State of Oregon. If, however, the claim must be brou9ht in a federal forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the United States District Court for the District of Oregon filed in Jackson County, Oregon. Contractor, by the signature herein of its authorized representative, hereby consents to the in personam jurisdiction of said courts. In no event shall this section be construed as a waiver by City of any form of defense or immunity, based on the Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction. 18. THIS CONTRACT AND ATTACHED EXHIBITS CONSTITUTE THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. NO WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE OF TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BIND EITHER PARTY UNLESS IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. SUCH WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE, IF MADE, SHALL BE EFFECTIVE ONLY IN THE SPECIFIC INSTANCE AND FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE GIVEN. THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, OR REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, NOT SPECIFIED HEREIN REGARDING THIS CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR, BY SIGNATURE OF ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ THIS CONTRACT, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 19. Nonappropriations Clause. Funds Available and Authorized: City has sufficient funds currently available and authorized for expenditure to finance the costs of this contract within the City's fiscal year budget. Contractor understands and agrees that City's payment of amounts under this contract attributable to work performed after the last day of the current fiscal year is contingent on City appropriations, or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow City in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments under this contract. In the event City has insufficient appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority, City may terminate this contract without penalty or liability to City, effective upon the delivery of written notice to Contractor, with no further liability to Contractor. 20. Prior Approval Required Provision. Approval by the City of Ashland Councilor the Public Contracting Officer is required before any work may begin under this contract. 21. Certification. Contractor shall sign the certification attached hereto as Exhibit A and herein incorporated by reference. CONT CTOR CITY OF ASHLAND: BY BY 6~/ ,,- <'"' / ,,- ..-+--i.L.--"------.~ {~/'_ 1---. -~ FINANCE DIRttTOH TITLE DATE 'f DATE CONTRACT AWARD AND FINDINGS DETERMIINED BY: By: 1....'" ",'f l, f L... i}ll LL~.I t City Department Head / Date: f"1 { FederallD# D 'J.. "', ~l ('t (' l ~l ~l-)' LLULt-) ACCOUNT # 1/( . t '"I 1./_ (" (. ". (~ -'.-), (, (For City purposes only) 'Completed W9 form must be submitted with contract PURCHASE ORDER # t/ j? ~ (:,--~ _.~~ ,," Contract for Goods and Services Less than $25,000, Revised by Legal 06/30/2007, Page 3 of 6 FPClr'1 : RLL. S"=RSm~ PR I m I NG PHm~E NO. : :41 855 8682 Sep. 07 2007 01:31F~ Pi U9'05/0~ wEe Ie 15 PAX :4~ 4~b ~~2D t\SHLA~D S'. C C:,')..: 14:0u4 EXHiBIT A CERTIFICATIONS/REPRESENT ATbONS: CCJntractor, linder penalty of perjury, certifies that (a) the number shown 011 the attached W-9 form is its correct taxpayer \0 (or lS wa.ltlng for the !"lumber tu be issued to It and (b) Contractor IS not subject to backup withholding oecause (I) it is exempt from bacKup wIthholding or (ii) it has not been notified by tIle lntamal Revenue Service (IRS) that it \s subject to bacKUp withholdIng as a result or a failure to raport alllnterest or dividends, or (Hi) the IRS has no1if\ed It that It Is no longer subject to backup withholding. Contractor further represents and warrants to City that (a) it has the power and authority to enter into and perform the work, (b) the Contract, when executed and delIvered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of Contractor enforceable in accordance with its terms, (c) U"',8 wor'K under the Contract shail be performed in accordance wlth the highest professional standards, and (dj Contractor is quallfied" profs8siona\ly competent and duly llcensed to perform the work. Contractor also certifies under penalty of perjury that Its business is not in violation 01 any Oregon tax laws, and it \s a corporation authoriz(3d to act on behalf of the entity designated abcve and authorized t.o do business In oragon or is an independent Contractor as defined In the contract documents, and has checked four or more of the foHowlng criteria: / (1) I cmry out the labor or se~ices at a location separate irom my residence or IS in a specifi~ portion of my residence, set aside as the looatlon of thG business. (2) Commerciai advertising or business cards or a trade association membership are . purchc;"sed for the business. (3) Telephone listing \s used for the business sepa.rate irom t.he personal residence listing. (4) Lal,or or services are performed only pursuant to wrltten contracts. (5) Lal)or 01' services are performed for two or more different persons within a period of one year, (6) I 6S5Ume financial responsibility ror defective workmanship or for service 110t provided as evidenced by the ownerShIp of performance bonds, warranties, al'rors and omission insurance or lIability insurance relating to the labor or services to be provided. / .; ./ ,-- ,/ '~~ C1-~ ~D\ (Date) Contract lor Goods and ServIces :..ee! than $25,000. RevIsed by Le;al 06tJQf2007, page 4 of 6 r,"fr W.9 Request for la.payar 'dent'''catJOft Number and Certiflcatlon CllIe form ~ tm. rtlqUlllSUIr :)0 ~ ......1 fn I.... ,~ IR.,. .......'. .OO~, LiIIuN.,1'.', "1!'\ -f..,.,,''i l~ ..~1nA ..l.....oA' "".111_ ~, LINDSEY PAINTING INC ! :-~''''~'ALL~~8ij"s-PAINTING-- 11 C.:...... ~ll(>.,ili."" bl> 0 ~::::....'" 00 .ar;"'...'"..n i . hEo,qp~o. dB'Ox "S569"';u ,----- t ~:ly~fRAl-.~T ~ _" O'R'.9750;-----,.. \ : lit. 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MSoIdtl'l! allon v.t'" 15 relytn~ vn <II. (ir'dud.~g 8 (~$ijl!'1t ellefl). tlllJl,-I\.idot :tOI.!! CCol'ecl IIN Ie mf' (l,r,';P1tlJ'I ~.)(1\.t1il1olC ,n It\,, l>3'J:'1q Clt:'~ r:J e lAX 1'\!31~ 11.1 ~fo;l"'W"l.'~t"IUf\l"'tjn:) Ir ~....,.. r~'ll~~~' ~nri wttttn a:'1(lp~":Jtib:C? ~("-: .._I_~ ",.. &'tX""""pt..(H1 ,,"'l't"'> l).~. ".;.. ~ .::.~t', L)'p". c...f Ir.c~"'.v 1 CDtV'! 01. lhe Tlr! you llrl: 9!V!I1~ I~ cur/tlC' fl:' 'fC'" fiN r,OY fTl'Jit at:ecl't II 5\'.114l/T1lll!"lt th/lI: s,.e~~~ the follnwtnl) tlVQ mmll19 lor a nurr bill '\ be it;)velf, 18J"5' 2 c.l'.rtlry ltlat YllUi'r.,,)Jol ,tilt,KIIO 1l<let.OJD W1Iill'CltJn~. ,. Th"fllllfY ~',)U'l'i- t.;lil''lelalfy. llii$ rl1U~ be the ~dnll" . l It<l1~' ."1Ci;r ,r,r.ctl ~(,~ C1.JimEod llxetrotkln "00'1 tlU t:~ 1 (.ll" I;'~' ,"',,: ..ll1in. i ~"l ........-ity _I I I I t I + i _1 1 " 3. :::14lfl nen.pl!'l/1 r or;. :..odCk.UOi '''It!lt,o'~ln;:J W ',t.u 1I<'e" \j ':.; t:J41fllpl \lilY,,", Note: !' 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'-"~G::I!l a,'1( : "r\'iCC,1 Us'j,j Ih'Jl1 $25.'l()'} H"., ~,.t1: l'L40'.l1l ..,Il.iiGi2:)C;, p~ E, 01 L CITY OF ASHLAND, OREGON EXHIBIT B City of Ashland LIVING ALL employers described below must comply with City of Ashland laws regulating payment of a living wage. ~-, Employees must be paid a living wage: 'Y For all hours worked under a service contract between their employer and the City of Ashland if the contract exceeds $17,342 or more. 'Y For all hours worked in a month if the employee spends 50% or more of the employee's time in that month working on a project or ~per hour effective June! 30, 2007 (Increases annually every Junll! 30 by the Consumer Price Index) portion of business of their employer, if the employer has ten or more employees, and has received financial assistance for the project or business from the City of Ashland in excess of $17,342. 'Y If their employer is the City of Ashland including the Parks and Recreation Department. 'Y In calculating the living wage, employers may add the value of health care, retirement, 401 K and IRS eligible cafeteria plans (including childcare) benefits to the amount of wages received by the employee. 'Y Note: "Employee" does not include temporary or part-time employees hired for less than 1040 hours in any twelve- month period. For more details on applicability of this policy, please sel3 Ashland Municipal Code Section 3.12.020. For additional information: Call the Ashland City Administrator's office at 541-488-6002 or write to the City Administrator, City Hall, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, OR 97520 or visit the city's website at www.ashland.or.us. Notice to Employers: This notice must be posted predominantly in areas where it can be seen by all employees. CITY OF ASHLP~ND Contract for Goods and Services Less than $25,000, Revised by Legal 06/30/2007, Page 6 of 6 ASHLAND FIRE AND RESCUE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for RE-PAINTING A T ASHLAND FIRE STAT/ON #1 PROPOSALS DUE: FRIDAY, A UGUST 31, 2007 TIME: 2:00 PM Ashland Fire and Rescue is requesting proposals for all labor, materials, and equipment for surface prepara- tion, priming and repainting at Ashland Fire Station #1,455 Siskiyou Blvd, AsWand, OR 97520. Work is as shown on the attached drawings and as described herein: WORK SCOPE Exterior Work Remove all rust and corrosion from metalwork scheduled for repainting. Spot prime bare metal with an ap- proved primer. Apply one coat oil-base semi gloss enamel to all surface scheduled for re-painting. Match exist- ing color (color on file with Miller Paint, Ashland Store). Thoroughly clean stained wood at second floor eaves, soffits and outriggers. Apply one coat clear sealer to all exposed wood. Note: Remove Christmas lights that are in the way of painting work. Deliver light strings to the Owner. Interior Work Provide an altemate price to prep and ie-paint first floor corridor walls and doorframes as shown on the at- tached floor plan (washable low gloss acrylic latex at walls, alkyd semi gloss at trim). Match existing color (color on file with Miller Paint, Ashland Store). INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS Contact Chief Keith E. Woodley (541-552-2217) to make arrangements for a pre-proposal site inspec- tion. Proposals must be in a sealed envelope and delivered to the office of Keith E. Woodley, Fire Chief, Ash- land Fire and Rescue, 455 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, Oregon 97520 no later than 2:00 PM, Friday, Au- gust 31, 2007. Ashland Fire and Rescue reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and/or waive any informalities. All work must be completed no later than Friday, October 5, 2007 An addendum or supplementary instructions, if necessary, will be issued by email up until 5:00PM, Au- gust 29, 2007. Ashland Fire and Rescue RFP for Station #] Re-painting Augusl24,2007 Pt<~PT Rt;..l'R,fV"I <i>'-i- ~l CHt:\fVt.Jf L..s .J ;" 4' .. --.- it>' I P~C?T R~PAltJI p, ~E. ~FtIl-lfUG ~ Pee:. P -+ RE ?A r ,..,... Ooo~ + Ooo~ FeR-ME P2€-f' -t- ~~P~I""'r S~"L w."'Oow HEROEt2S ) 4' "'" rr.- '" ---01 PJC?~(, -t g~?~,~ PIPE ~AI1.-1fV~ ~ p~p{J"'t R~ ~AI,vr- SOJU S \-\ A DE fl?f\t'\~~ ..Jo. O ~ 0 cr 'l) ~.J .1 4: 0 ' "2 It.\ iU j (t \I) on "'-. .It j ~ 8. ' "-.....J t U Q{ ~ ;: ~ ~ ~~ f' 2. ~ . - 2 <t ~ 0. c ~3 t .J c.ul ~~ ll.. ~ .J _ W <t 2 Q. ~ I.&.l C Ol :r J ~ ... Q.~ \loll&) ~$ ")-- ~ ~~~0 ~~tt:O 1jQ.~lLI ~ uJ fl.J \-'~: ~ Vl J -QUO' ~20~ IJJ_UJot ttWoQ + tr .I "" Q.. J ~ b ~tt~~ ('LlL.I I \J I~ .u r It QL u. w o It ~ ~ l , II) ~~ - a ~ 2 \U)II'\ tIl~tlL .....J~ <<:}.. 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C~II'~" · ii~l~o__ e . { #1: fi ~<t :-;.:;-~~":::~:~ U~/Ub/~UU{ Ui qj ~~X ~4 HClCl44~Cl REHHClLDT OH,u,RR,u, I4J 1)01,/1)(11 ACORD~ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID K~ DAT~ (IolMlDDIYTTYI LINDS :t 08/21/07 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICA,TE IS ISSVED AS A MATTEI~ OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Reinholdt & O'Harra Insurance HOL..DER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 518 Washington StrliOlii:t ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORD ED BY TH 15 POLICIES BELOW, Ashland OR 97520 I Phone; 541-482-1921 Fax:541-488-4458 , INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE i NAIC# ._ - __n INSURED ~~3.jRERP Austin Mutl,J.al l :\30~ER B Sa if Corporat.l.on , I L~ndse1 Painting Inc i NS~R=R C; DBA Al Seasons Painting ~---- PO Box 5569 INSURER D: Central Point OR 97502 -----....,-.----... ",-_._, .- - , INSUR~R ~: COVERAGES TH" POL,CIES OF INSURANCE LISTED B/"LO'V HAVE BEEN 15SUED T':) THE INSuREO NA'-1ED ASCviO ~OR TH!:: PC.IC'f PERIOD INDICATED, rJOTWITHST"JJDlrJG ,~NY REOUIREME[\lT T"RM OR CONDITION OF AN,. CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITri RESPECT TO WHICH TrilS CERTIFIC.'ITE M,~Y BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFfORDED BY -HE ~OLlCIES DESCRIB/"D HERE [\lIS c.JSJ5CT TO .A~, THE T"-RM$ EXC,'~~IONS ANO CONOITIQNS Or' $JC;h POliCIES, "GGRI<G,qE LIMITS SHOWN MAY' HAVE BEEN R EDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS 1NSInl'DO"-- L T~ INSRQ TYPE OF INSURANCii POL.ICr NUMI;l"R I G~N~RAL LIASILI'N i A ~. X COMMERCIA.'_ GENERAL ",ABILlT,' BP1706237 ! I CLAIMS MAJE I X ! CCCLR ~_..__~ L..::....::.... f'o~~~'j'i~io~g~! Pgk~~t(~':'b"trA~N! liMITS i 02/15/07 ! EACHOCCUFi,RENCE ! ~ 1000000 ,lYAr07i5c TO RcNT~"-"-"".""---- 02/15/08 ' PREMISES iEaocclJfsnoe) I ~ 50000 ~ ~'L ,,'~(;F:1~GAT~ ,IMIT AF?"~,S PER: ,F] POLIC., II ~r8T I: LOC ~OMOBH," ~IABILITT H ANY AUTO I I ALL OWNED AUTOS I I SCHEDULED AUTOS : "'1 HIRED A.UTOS ~ t\lON.O\!VI\J~C' AUT"05 c-i ~ , 'lED E,>;P (,,,ny ono porson) ! PERSOr,,~L (\ ADV INJURY i 5000 : GENERALAGGFi,EGATI< $ 2000000 I F'RODUOTS, COMI'/OF'AGG , J> 2000002. I COM~INED SINGLE C1MIT I $ : (Eo Bcc,dent) -t--,- 80DIL'IINJURY $ {P~r pl:lr~an) --- ! i c;lA~(JE LiABIL.IT'I' f-- : i ANY A.UTO H I I ~li!OESSlIJMSREkLA UA8JUTT I n OC:UR 0 CLAH~~ MADE : r--- I ~i Ol;DUC;'leLE I ~ ! RETENTION BODILY INJUR'y i \PElf acr..dfjlil) I--~-",.,.,---" """ ,,___,_ : PROPEI<T'I' DAMAGIE i (P" accl~"nl) ! 'I AUTO ONLY. EA ,~C~ S OTH':R THAN EA ,,;C I $ ALlTO ONl. "" AGG i ~, ':"C,-I OCCURR=~CE . !s AGGR!::GATE E WORKERS COMPENSATION ANt> "MPL.O'(ERS' L.IAillL.IN "NY ~F:OPI'<IErOR/FARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/r-AEMBER EXCLUDED? , ~t~'~I~tag~~v~~~~~~s b~tow i 634102 08/01/07 , 08/01/0B . . I,.. "n 's i,~ X I We ~IATU- I "u=_R~"1 , TOR~' LIMITS I ,. " i "L EACH ACCID~~T 1$1000000 I i U, IJ,S~ASE, EA EM?LOYEI!:! $ 19,0,9 OQ_~__ I i:,- DI5EASE, POLICY L,,,"W $ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER i ! I i I ! i , CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELlATION CITYOFA SHOUL.O ANY 01' THE AeOVE DESCRlll"O POL.ICIIiS B~ CA~C!LLED 8E~ORe THE EXPIRATION DATE THI;ReOF, THli ISSUING INSWt~1t WILL ~NOEAI/OR TO MAil 10 OATS Wl'ltTTEN NOTIC!! TO THE C~RTIFICATE HOlOIiR l'lJ>.MEO TO TI1I! LEI'T, BUT FAIL.URE TO DO SO SHA.LL IMPOSE NO OilL.IGATION O~ L1AeILI'n' OF ANY KIND UPON T~E INSUitER, ITS AGENTS OR "EPR!S"-NTATIV~S, AUT~ORIZEO RE~I't~SENTATIVE , I Clty of Ashland Attn; Carrie Olsen 20 E, Ma~n Ashland, OR 97520 ACORD 25 (2001/08) Anq.ie Fowler I @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 A FARMERS' Message: Here is the certificate ofinsufancefor Robin Lindsey, All Season.s Painting. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a cal/. Thank You, To: Department: FAX#: Pages Attached: Subject: Cassie Carrie From: Agent Tn: Department: Phone #: FAX #: Christian Babbinj 73-01-337 541-488-5320 I Farnners Insur~nce 541-773-3465 541-610-1645 Certltic<tle of insurance Thank you, Christian Babbini, Agent ThiSFAXtrall.fI1JissiOIl is i"tendf:(}unly !n, the USe ofj'hc peni()nn'JJI~.,nm'soffice 10 whom addresseda1fdlnaycuntilin information llliil is privileged or confidential. llj~f!.R},Qvereceivec{t!'is CO"'ltlu.nicaiJonin er.ror, pl(!aS~,,()liJynul' oj]icgjl1unedlo.tely al the .. .. ......... I ..lelepholle nliiitbershown ah(J~e. TllaH/c.liou. ! A II ot!te,r.>:. clren(Jlijle.dill iiireceijJiof ,t. ismes$.o.ge rJoesnot walvttflnyapP!ifa])leprivile.'geof. e.xemptioilfrom di!J'c:lu:\'lll'i! ii1rdthtU(lriYifissemintl!iqiz,dis'r.i~ut;iJn,or. copy in.8of this commul1iccrfiol1 fOl'otlwl'tban.lhe reaSQ1t1ransnlilted,;spmhibited. . 2.1:dbted 02[S88b : 01. : UJO.J.::I 22 : [0 L002 - 9[1-,::13::, Commercial Certificate of Insurance C01ll1'''"y A Tmck lrburancc l:!.XCMllgc . Robin Lindsey U,ltcr Name All Seasuns Painting Company B Farmer.') T nSl1fancc ExchaIlg," I & . 10585 BI,.'well Rd ~;:..."; C Mld-C'","'" In,,u~,e comp;, nY_~ Address . Central Point Oregon 97502 l.otlllr ~ Cumpan,' 0 L.m.r Coverages 1 Thl, I, to ''"'fy <hOl th, ""Iklm "r ,,,""""' '"to' h,luw hm b,,,, '""'0 t" th. ;,",re' n'n,,' ''''w, 'oc "~ ""lity p"lod Indi"." Nn.wi''''''ndl", I + any l'l'quiremcnt. lerm or condition of any conlfllct or other document willI respect to which this certlOcate may be Issued or In<lY pcrtilirl, the ImlJrance afforrled hy the pOlkles described hereIn is suhjerr to alllhe terms, exclusiom and conditiuns of such policies Limits mown may have hren reduced by fl~ld claims. I Cu, I Ltr Agency Name & Addrcs~ Chris Babbini 136] Center Drive Suite lUll . Medford Oregon 97501 541-773-3465 St. 73 DisL 01 Agent 374 insured Type of IJl.Surdnce -I Policy Number I I r General Liability I Commerciul General Liablll ty - Occurrence Version Contractual - Incidental Only OWne~ & Contructol~ Prot. A Automobile Liability 1\11 Owned Commercial Autos Scheduleol Autos Hired Autos Non-Owned Autos Gmge Uability 6lJJ674647 Umbrella LiabilJty Workers' Compensation I I and I [ I Employers' Liability J Description of Oper:Jtlons/VehiclcsIR,",trlcttons/Specl Additional Insured: Cily of Ashland 1)0 N. Mountain Ave ^sbloud Oregon 97520 Cer ificate Holder Robin Lindsey A II Seasons Painting 10585 lllack.well Rd Central Point Oregon 97502 I Name I & Addl'e~, L__ .~ FARMERS Issue Date (MMfDD/n) ~9/05/2007 ! : L- '/'hls certificate is 1.'>Suet! ~ a matter oflnformatlon vnly and confer,s no rlghl\ upon the certific;;Ilc holdt;[', Thl-I ccrtlllc.ate dOC:i notllInenrl, eXlend ot alter tile coveragr atTorded by the poUcles shown below. Companies Providing Covera~: EHective Policy Expiration iPuliry Urnlts (M MJDD/YY) Date !M1\'lIDD/rYl .. General Aggreg<l~e $ Products-ComJ.lfOPS I\mcgate $ Pe"()n~l & ^dverli~iIlg Injury $ Each OcculTence $ FIre DiilJlBgr (Anyone fire) $ Meolical Expense (Anyone person) $ Combined Single limit $ ] ,000,000 l30dily Injury 0/16/2006 ] 01] 6/2007 (Per penon) $ Bodily Injury $ (ppr accident) Property Damage $ Car~c Aggregatr $ -. L1nll t $ _. 1- Statutory Each Acddent I $ I Disease. Each Employo"1 $ Di,lease - Policy limit I $ Policy Date -----1 r j r I '--r- 1- I I al !t,"lrls: I .---j i Cancellation Should any of the lIbove describct:l pollcie:; be (..1ncelled before the cJ\jJjrdtion r1~te lllereof, the Jssuing company will rndpllvor to mall 30 day. written notice to the certHlrate holder named to the left, bllt fallure to mall sucJllllJtke shall impo~e no obllgation Oflliabll1ty uf a the r IpallY, Its agents or represent~tlves ~. Ho Copy Distribution: Service Center Copy and Agent's Copy 5R-24n 4.9~ 2/2: "",e,t;>d 02[S88b : D 1 ~ ;WD.....:J [2:[0 L002-90-d3S ~.. ._~ CITY RECORDER CITY OF ASHLAND ~ 20 E MAIN ST. L ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 Page 1 / 1 .~ 07803 . VENDOR: 012641 LINDSEY PAINTING INC, DBA ALL SEASONS PAI~ PO BOX 5569 CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 SHIP TO: Ashland Fire Department (541) 482-2nO 455 SISKIYOU BLVD ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Tenns: Net Req. Del. Date: Speclallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: FIRE & RESCUE Contact: Keith Woodley Conflnnlng? No THIS IS A REVISED PURCHASE ORDER Exterior/Interior Paintin~ of Fire Station No.1 As outlined in the Scope of Work Processed contract addendum 09/18/2007 Project has been modified to include the second story interior of Fire Station No. 1 for an additional cost of ~1 ,971.00. 8,883.00 1,971 .00 Contract for Work Be~innin~ date: 09/06/2007 Completion date: 10/05/2007 Certificates of Insurance/Required/On File BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAIN ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 1 .d?< $~- ~ ~~Y/o7 A rlzed Signature VENDOR COPY A request for a Purchase Order REQUISITION FORM Date of Request: THIS REQUEST IS A: XX Change Order (existing PO # 07803) Required Date of Deliveryl Vendor Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number Fax Number Contact Name AI I ~A~~nn~ P~inting P 0 Bnx 5569 Central Point, OR 97502 (541) 779-8696 (541) 855-8682 SOLICITATION PROCI!SS Small Procurement XX Less than $5,000 o Quotes (Optional) Intermediate Procurement o (3) Written Quotes (Copies attached) Sole Source o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro sal attached Coooeratlve Procurement o State of OR/WA contract o Other government agency contract o Copy of contract attached o Contract # o Invitation to Bid (Copies on file) Reauest for ProDosal (Copies on file) Soeclall ExemDt o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro sal attached o Emeraencv o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro sal attached Description of .I!RVlC~S D Per attached PROPOSAL Total Cost Revised Purchase Order #07803 Item # Quantity Unit Description of IlATI!RlALS Unit Price Total Cost Project Number ______. ___ D Per attached QUOTE Account Number 110-07.12.00-602320 · Items and services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financia/s to reflect the actual expenditures accurately. By signing this requisition form, I certify that the information provided above meets the City of Ashland public contracting requirements, and the documentation can be provided upon request. Employee Signature: 'f. ~?U~ Supervisor/Dept. Head Signature: r :-/ G: Finance\ProcedureIAPlForms\Revised Requisition For Station Painting.doc 9/10/2007 Updated on: CiTY RECORDER Page 1 / 1 rA' CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 9/7/2007 rmfi.....'~ L:" 07803.';"< . VENDOR: 012641 LINDSEY PAINTING INC, DBA ALL SEASONS PAI~ PO BOX 5569 CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 SHIP TO: Ashland Fire Department (541) 482-2770 455 SISKIYOU BLVD ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Terms: Net Req. Del. Date: Speciallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: FIRE & RESCUE Contact: Keith Woodley Confirming? No Exterior/Interior PaintinQ of Fire Station NO.1 As outlined in the Scope of Work 8,883.00 Contract for Work BeQinninQ date: 09/06/2007 Completion date: 10/05/2007 Certificates of Insurance/Required/On File BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAIN ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 8 3.00 0.00 0.00 8,883.00 ~ VENDOR COPY CITY OF ASHLAND a REQUISITION FORM Date of Request: THIS REQUEST IS A: D Change Order(existing PO # Required Date of Delivery/Service: Vendor Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number Fax Number Contact Name All ~p';::J~nn~ P;::Jintino P.O. Box 5569 Central Point, OR 97502 ~ (541)779-8696 .J-~JC g~~- ~ I'~ (541) 855-8682 Ann: 11m Lindsey Inte ediate procuremen@t.-)I (3) Written Quotes 0/p) ) _~~~~i~~._attache~)~ o Sole Source o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro osal attached Cooperative Procurement o State of ORJINA contract o Other government agency contract o Copy of contract attached o Contract # uest for Prl)posal Copies on file) o Special I Exemm o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro osal attached o Emeraencv o Written findings attached o Quote or Pro osal attached SOLICITATION PROCESS Small Procurement o Less than $5,000 o 9~ot~s (Optional) ..__._----~ /~ xx Per attached PROPOSAL Description of SERVICES Exterior I Interior Painting of Fire Station No.1 As Outlined in Scope of Work Item # Quantity Unit Description of MATERIALS Unit Price Total Cost Project Number _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ ;)~7t{: #&7 q kb (? ti ?Vrl~ y: (~. ( ~ (5' o Per attached QUOTE Account Number 110-07-12-00-602320 . Items and services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financia/s to reflect the actual' expenditures accurately. By signing this requisition form, I certify that the information provided above meets the City of Ashland public contracting requirements, and the documentation can be provided upon request. Employee Signature: Supervisor/Dept. Head Signature: {MA- "- E- U rr-d j G: FinancelProcedurelAPIFormslRequisition For All Seasons Painting.doc Updated on: 9/512007 ASHLAND FIRE & RESCUE Fire Station No.1 Painting Bid Results - AUQust 31. 2007 Contractor Fire Station Exterior Corey Robbins $15,963.00 $14,890.00 $ 6,912.00 Don Braaten All Seasons Fire Station Interi,or $2,186.00 $1,640.00 $ 1,971.00 Total $18,149.00 $16,530.00 $ 8,883.00