HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-270 Contract - Cascade Earth Sciences C....T.y....O..f ~SI-l[AN[) NOTI~E OF TRANSMl'IT^~ TO: KARl OLSON PURCHASING DATE: PROJECT: JOB NO.: SUBJECT: JANUARY 23, 2008 B ST YARD REMEDIATION ~~ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE BEING SENT TO YOU: Attached is a replacement proposal to be attached to the B Street Yard soil remediation CES Purchase Order. The PO 07955 has an outdated proposal attached and CES has asked the current proposal be included with the older version. The cost was not affected by the updated proposal. ENCLOSED OVER REMARKS: COPIES TO: Department of By: Dawn Lam Title: Public W gement Assistant PUBLIC WORKS 20 E. MUi Street Ashland, 0I8g0n 97520 www.ashland.or.us G~-ednWl\ENGINEER\PROJEC'n2006\06-36 P1qlosaI Updalll to Poo:hasIng NOT 1 OS.doc Tel: 54148-5587 Fax: 541-488-<<108 TIY: lIO().735-2900 '.1 ........ ......D..;.H;................S..>.. "".. '. ",' -. ,,-,.., .," ......... . ... . . .. .. .... .... --.,. ". .' .. -. " ' . '.. 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'" . ..~..;.:...,'.."~;J~......,,.. .. ...~5~:.~~~.............~~:~~!lrm: October 29, 2007 Mr. Pieter Smeenk City of Ashland 20 East Main Ashland, Oregon 97520 SUBJECf: PROPOSAL TO PERFoRM A SUBSURFACE INvEsTIGATION AT 1097 B STREET IN AsHLAND, OREGON (ODEQ USTC FILE '15-00-0024) Dear Mr. Smeenk: As per your request, Cascade Earth Sciences (CFS) prepared a proposal and cost estimate for further characterization of potential soil and groundwater impacts at 1097 B Street in Ashland, Oregon (Site) August 3, 2006. CFS was originally asked to provide a proposal for the Site in January 2004. The 2004 proposal was based on a conference call on January 23, 2004, with Eric Oough at the Oregon Deparbnent of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Tanks. Program. Since the original proposal, regulations have changed and ~sions with. Oaudia Johansen and Joe Klemz at (ODEQ) have indicated a new analytical suite will be required, due to these changes. This proposal has been updated to reflect costs using 2007 CFS rates (attached). Our goal is to assist the Oty of Ashland (City) in closing the Site with a 'No Further Action' letter from ODEQ. In order to do this as efficiently as possible, this proposal has been broken into several tasks. As we discussed, what is learned in the first task (review of the Site information and development of an action plan) will affect which of the ensuing tasks (if any) will likely need to be performed to achieve Site closure. For example, based on what is learned in Task 1 and Task 2, one year of quarterly groundwater monitoring (Task 3) may not be necessary. Therefore, this proposal pertains specifically to perfonIUng Task 1. The cost estimates and schedule for the remaining tasks have been included to provide you with a 'road map' of what the City should plan on if those tasks must be performed. H you agree with this proposal, and wish to proceed with Task 1, please sign' the authorization section, and return it to our Albany office. H a PO is issued for this work, please reference pre-project number 2723-750, We look forward to assisting the City of Ashland with their environmental and engineering needs. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (541) 812-6625 or by cell phone at (503) 931-3157. Sincerely, CASCADE RMT/mab Doc: 2723-750-B-StreelDoc October 29, 2007 PROPOSAL TO PERFORM A SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AT 1097 B STREET IN ASHLAND, OREGON (ODEQ USTC FILE ##15-00-0(24) This Proposal/Work Authorization is intended to establish responsible parties, ensure communication between Cascade Earth Sciences (CFS) and the Gty of Ashland (Client), and outline the terms and conditions under which both parties will operate. The proposal defines the approach, scope of work, and estimated costs for services provided. . r Significant amounts of data already exist for the Site, including laboratory results for soil and groundwater samples. However, the data have not been organized or interpreted, making it difficult to determine how to best proceed. The first step would be to review and organize the existing Site information in order to develop a work plan to characterize, and ultimately to close, the Site. Though the results of the review would dictate the work p~ the Gty would like to know up-front what the schedule and likely costs would be to achieve Site closure. Therefore, based on what CFS has learned. to date, tasks that may be necessary to achieve closure of the Site are presented in this proposal to assist the Gty in their planning process. The Site is currently the Gty of Ashland (City) maintenance shop, which has been used over the years for maintenance and repair of equipment and vehicles. Reportedly, the Site may have been used as an aboveground bulk fuel storage site. Along with the recent conference call, CFS also met with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) on April 10, 2001, to discuss the project and to come to agreement on the next steps, with the ultimate goal of receiving a No Further Action (NF A) letter from the ODEQ. From the information provided by the Gty, and information I gathered from the ODEQ project files, it appears as if three underground storage tanks (USI's) were decommissioned in place at the site on April 29, 1988. Two of the USI's contained gasoline and were each 1,000 gallons in volume; the other usr contained diesel fuel and was 2,500 gallons in volume. At the time of decommissioning, the diesel fuel UST was approximately 10 years old, and the gasoline USI's were approximately 30 years old. During the development of a new shop facility on May 3,2000, Gty contractor's encountered petroleum impacted soil, which appeared Cascade Earth ScIences 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank 81 proposal.07a.doc as Background City of AshlandlB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 1 October 29, 2007 to originate from the decommissioned USTs. The Oty contracted . with Pump~ Pipe, and Tank to excavate the USTs and collect soil samples. Several test pits and trenches were excavated in the area . adjacent and downgradient from the former location of the USTs. A soil sample collected at 3.8 feet below ground surface (bgs), from an excavation approximately 50 feet downgradient of the USTs, indiqited the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbon - gasoline range hydrocarbons (TPH-Gx) at 270 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and TPH - diesel fuel range hydrocarbons (Ox) at 84 mg/kg. In addition, 75 feet downgradient of the USTs, a soil sample was collected at 11 feet BGS, near the groundwater/soil interface, which exhibited a concentration of TPH-Gx at 440 mg/kg and TPH- Ox at 856 mg/kg. On June 9, 2000, the ODEQ collected soil and groundwater samples from several excavations at the site. Benzene was detected at 144 micrograms per liter (J1g/L), in the "North Trench", which is located approximately 45 feet downgradient of the former USTs. In addition, two soil samples, at unknown depths, exhibited concentrations of TPH-Gx at 840 mg/kg and 610 mg/kg, in trenches 35 feet and 75 feet downgradient of the. former USTs. Based on the results of the previous investigations at the Site, ODEQ has asked the Oty for further characterization of potential soil and groundwater impacts. CFS is re-submitting this new proposal based on feedback from ODEQ regarding the further characterization. Specific objectives of the proposed investigation include: · Review existing information about environmental conditions at the Site; · Prepare a work plan to fill data gaps (if any); · Collect additional soil and/ or groundwa~ data (if any); and · Prepare a written Risk-Based Evaluation of the Site requesting closure from ODEQ. Cascade Earth ScIences 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank SI proposal.07a.doc I'"""CC!. ~. Objectives "Quality of worlc, econOmic feasibility and close cIlent~nsultant reiat/onshlps are CES trademarks. " CIty of AshlandlB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 2 October 29, 2007 I""'I::C... ... .. ..... .......... '.. ~ The proposed investigation is presented herein as Tasks 1 through 4. Each task is outlined below, including 'thetask definition, and estimated costs. . Scope of. Work' Task 1 Site Review and Recommended Work Plan This task includes project planning and management, meetings, accounting, and correspondence with the City and the ODEQ. Continuing the good communicative rapport between the City, ODEQ, and CFS will be an asset towards ultimate Site closure. CBS will gather all information the City and ODEQ have regarding the Site. This will include information such as: digital CAD files of the Site, any decommissioning reports for the three usrs decommissioned in 1988, receipts or other information about contaminated soil excavated and removed from the Site, and laboratory data. H necessary, CFS may contact Bob McHenry of Pump Pipe and Tank for clarification. In additio~ CFS will also perform a site visit. A draft work plan will be prepared and submitted to the City. The work plan will present a recommended course of action to fill any data gaps identified to determine the magnitude and extent of contamination at the Site so that a risk-based assessment can be performed (if necessary) to achieve Site closure. The pertinent existing data will be presented m an organized fashion, including tables and figures as appropriate. Once the City approves the draft work p~ CFS will submit it to ODEQ for their review. Comments from ODEQ will be incorporated into the draft work plan as appropriate and agreed to by the City. A final work plan will be prepared for submittal to the City and to ODEQ. Task 2 Soil and Groundwater Characterization Based on our initial review of the background informatio~ it appears that the source of contamination (Usrs and contaminated soil) has been removed from the Site. Furthermore, the ODEQ has agreed that the existing suite of compounds analyzed by the laboratory (l'PH Dx and TPH Gx for many samples, volatile organic compounds (V0Cs) and ploynuclear aromatic hydrocabons (PARs) for some samples) is adequate. Therefore, additional soil characterization should be limited. Cascade Earth ScIences 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank SI proposal.07a.doc City of AshlandlB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 3 October 29, 2007 r'CC:1...... .............. .... ..... ~ Results for groundwater are based on one sample collected frOin pit water during excavation activities. The'reported concentrations are higher than several of the risk-basecI guidelines. Additional groundwater assessment and sampling will likely be needed to characterize the magnitude and extent of the groundwater impacts.. . A GeoProbeN will be used to advance four soil borings at areas requiring further delineation. Actua1locations will be made based on what is learned in Task 1. The borings will be continuously logged for lithology and photo-ionization detector (PID) headspace readings. A total of four soil samples will be collected from the borings to be analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbon screening (NWTPH-HCID). The samples will receive follow-up analysis for gasoline range hydrocarbons or diesel fuel range hydrocarbons based on the results of the screening. Additionally, the soil sample exhibiting the highest concentration of gasoline will receive follow- up analysis for VOCS and total lead. The sample exhibiting the highest concentration of diesel fuel will receive follow-up analysis for VOCS and PAHs. Vertical soil sample locations will be based on PID readings, odor, and visual signs. All sampling equipment will be de-contaminated between each sampling event according to CFS Standard Operating Procedures. Four 1.S-inch diameter monitoring wells will be'installed at the Site using the GeoProbeN. The location of the wellS will be determined in the field, but will likely include one upgradient well, one assumed 'worst-case' well near the area thought to be most impacted, and two down gradient wells. A licensed monitoring well installer will install the wells, and start cards will be recorded with the Oregon Water Resources Department. Lithology will be logged during drilling, under the direction of an Oregon Registered Geologist The monitoring well top-of-casing elevations will be surveyed by the aty. Wells will be developed by purging at least three well-bore volumes of groundwater. Purge water will be stored onsite in drums pending laboratory analysis. Field parameters (pH, conductivity, and temperature) will'be monitored during purging to assure that groundwater samples are representative of aquifer conditions. Wells will be allowed to stand for 24 hours prior to collection of groundwater samples. Static water levels will be collected and groundwater flow direction will be eStablished. Wells will be purged and sampled using a peristaltic pump, and dedicated tubing to prevent any cross contamination. Groundwater samples - will be analyzed for NWI'PH-HCID screening, with follow-up analysis for gasoline and diesel fuel range hydrocarbons. The Cascade Earth ScIences 2723-75OJDoc:'2723-750 B-Street Tank 81 proposal.07a.doc City of AshlandJB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 4 October 29,2007 rce..................... ~ sample exhibiting the highest concentration of gasoline will receive follow-up . analysis for VOCs and disSolved lead. The sample exhibiting the highest concentration of diesel fuel will receive follow-up analysis for VOCS and P AHs. Task 3 Ouarterly Groundwater Monitoring The four groundwater wells installed in Task 2 will be monitored for three additional quarters (one full year). Static water levels will be collected and a figure showing groundwater flow direction will be prepared. Three well volumes will be purged during each monitoring event. Samples will be analyzed for the same suite of analyses as in Task 2. One duplicate sample will be collected and submitted blind to the laboratory for quality control purposes. Laboratory results and the figure showing groundwater flow direction will be submitted to the City and to ODEQ with a brief cover letter. Task 4 Risk-Based Closure ReDort em will prepare a report of findings using the ODEQ's risk-based decision making guidelines for the remediation of petroleum- contaminated sites. This will include development of a conceptual model, identification of appropriate complete exposure pathways, and an assessment of risk. H the assessment shows that soil and groundwater at the Site is not impacted greater than any applicable geneiic risk based concentrations, Site closure will be requested. The risk-based report will also include a summary of figures, tables, results from all of the tasks performed earlier. Cascade Earth ScIences 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank 51 proposal.07a.doc City of AshlandlB-Street Tank 5ite Investigation Page 5 October 29, 2007 The scope of work and cost estimate proposed. herein are based on the following assumptions: . .. 1. Authorization for this proposal pertains to Task 1 only; . 2 The Oty will contract with CFS to implement the work plan; 3. Costs and schedules for additional tasks are estimates, and could change based on what is initially learned about the. Site by performing Task 1; 4. CFS will have access to the Oty and ODEQ files pertaining to the Site; . 5. The Oty can provide digital CAD drawings of the Site for use in the work plan; 6. The work plan will be submitted to the Oty no later than 2 weeks following receipt data files and performing a Site visit; and 7. All work will be completed on a time and materials not to exceed basis. CFS will honor the quoted cost estimate for ninety (90) days from the date of this proposal and thereafter reserves the right to make any necessary modifications. . The total estimated cost to perform Task 1 as outlined in this proposal is 54.900.00. The total estimated cost is based on the scope of work and assumptions present herein. The. total cost estimate presented for Task 1 is not a lump sum cost estimate. Estimated costs are based on available information and Will not be exceeded without prior client authorization. Billing will be based on the time and materials actually expended. CFS suggests beginning as soon as possible, and can begin within 24 hours of receipt of a signed contract (this proposal) to proceed. A final project schedule will be determined with the Oty following authorization. At this time, CFS anticipates Task 1 can be completed and a draft work plan for the Site will be submitted for review to ODEQ within one month of the date of authorization. At CFS, quality is our commitment to provide products and services that meet or exceed our clients' expectations each and every time. CFS is committed to its safety mission: "A. passion for world~ safety: excellence in execution, employee commitment, innovation, Cascade Earth ScIences . 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank SI proposal.07a.doc as Assumptions and Limitations Total Estimated Project Cost Schedule Quality Safety . City of AshlandlB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 6 October 29, 2097 exceptional communications...globally." CFS employees will apply the principles. 'of this rirlssion to ensure that Safety is a priority for the duration of the project and for everyone involved in its completion. PROJECI' AUTHORIZATION The attached cost estimate is not a lump sum. Total estimated costs are based on available information used to develop the scope of work and are a "good faith" estimate of charges that will not be exceeded without additional authorization by the Oient. CFS reserves the right to change our Schedule of Fees on a yearly basis to reflect inflation and any increase in the cost of conducting business. If variables unknown at this time become apparent during the course of performing the services outlined and it is shown that additional staff time, materials, testing, etc. will be required, CFS shall terminate further work until a revised Work Authorization has been signed by the Oient authorizing CFS to proceed. All invoices net 30 days, 18% per annum. All work under this authorization shall be in accordance with the attached Terms and Conditions. 1 through 12. Work will commence upon receipt of this signed document Please retain the copy of this proposal, with attached CFS e of Fees and Terms and Conditions, for yo . es. Submitted By: yan Tobias CBS Project Manager Date CFS is authorized to provide the services outlined above under Task 1 for the price of $4,900.00. I understand this is a time and materials . estimate and that CFS will not exceed the estimate without' additional authorization from the City of Ashland. I also understand the scope of work, compensation, and terms and conditions provided in the proposal, Reviewed and Authorized By: ~ :J I>m~ 1/ O/6c1h ,~/, RkJ [)ir. Name/l'itle of Signer (please print or type) t:~..tf fb),(c-oI Com y (if other than Client) I l-z z/ D/!!:J Date. Att: Schedule of Fees Terms and Conditions Cascade Earth Sciences 2723-7501Doc: 2723-750 B-Street Tank SI proposal.07a.doc as Compensation Terms and Conditions City of AshlandlB-Street Tank Site Investigation Page 7 C.....ES...... . -. . . . ,. . .... .... .:,..... '," . . . N:itUnIt~fOtWater SCHEDULE OF FEES Professional Services* . Principal · Managing n I Senior ill · Mallag;ng I Senior n I Contracting Manager . Senior . Staffn · Staff I Environmental Technician n · Environmental Scientist I Environmental Technician lEngineering Designer · Field Technician I Drafter I Engineering Technician I Data Technician I Technical Editor · Administrative Coordinator · Administrative Support $ 166/hour $139/ho~ $ 122/hour $ 116/hour $98/hour $85/hour $78/hour $70/hour $61/hour $53/hour · Expert testimony @ 1500A. of the above rates · Work requiring medical monitoring, OSHA training (40-hour) @ 1200A. of the above rates *Professional staff including soil scientists, hydrologists, geologists, engineers, biologists, and contract administrators Reimbunables Actual out-of-pocket expenses associated with the performance of services, including but not limited to: · Rental of CES-owned equipment · Copying @ $0.10/page · Meals and lodging @ cost plus 15% · Mileage @ $O.60/mile ($0.70 for Y2-ton vehicle or larger) · Custom software charge @ $251hour · Project materials @ cost plus 15% Outside Services Subcontracted services and equipment rental @ cost plus 15%. Payment Invoices are to be paid within 30 days from date of invoice. Interest on late payments @ 18% per annum. 2724-750 ....... ...".. ......... .. ........ .".. ...".. ..". ..." . . .fES ~;~;~ ,~~y~, TERMS AND CONDITIONS , \ . 1.0P AYMENT TERMS - All invoices are due wit:hi1\ 30 days from the date of the invoice. A finance charge of 1.5% may be assessed on the unpaid balance if payment is not received within the 3O-day period. 2.0 CREDIT APPROVAL - as reserves the right to deny any signed contract based upon credit evaluation by as Credit/Collections department. Oient will be notified in writing of such credit denial. 3.0 NOTICE - Any notice to be given under this Authorization shall be delivered in 'person or mailed ~ the representative executing the Authorization. Every notice so given shall be effectivewhen received. 4.0 APPUCABLE LAWS - Both parties to this Authorization shall at all times comply with applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, rules or regulations ~uding those relating to wage, hours, fair employment practices, anti-discrimination and prqect specific safety plans. 5.0 INSURANCE - as . maintains mmprehensive liability coverage with a million dollar limit Workers compensation/employers liability is maintained as required by law. Specific prqect insurance requirements are negotiated as required. 6.0 INDEMNIFICATION - Oient shall indemnify and hold harmless as from and against all claims and actions, including all expenses incidental to such claims and actions, based. on or arising out of, damages or injuries to pel"SOm or property to the extent such claims and actiOns are not caused by the sole negligence of as. CBS shall indemnify and hold harmless Qient from and against all claims and actions, including all expenses incidental to sum claims and actions, based. on or arising out of, damages or injuries to persons or property caused by the sole neg1igern of CES. 7.0 LIMITATION OF UABILlTY - CES.liability under this Authorization shall be limited to terms of its insuraR..'e coverage. Professional liability is limited to the amount of this Authorization. In no event shall CES have any liability for loss of use, profit, revenue, consequential, indirect, incidental. special, punitive or exemplary damages or environmental impairment. CFS reserv~ the right to maintain project files no longer than 7 years after closure of project. 8.0 PREY AILING PARTY - In the event that the Qient makes any claim against and the Qient fails to prove such claim upon final adjudicatiOll, then the Qient shall pay all costs incurred by CFS in defending itself against the claim, including but not limited to, the cost of the CES employees time, attorney fees, court costs, and other daim related expenses. If CFS institutes collection proceedings for late payments, the award shall include a sum for reasonable collection costs. 9.0 NOTICE TO STOP WORK OR RIGHT TO FILE LIEN - In the event the account becomes delinquent (60-90 days outstanding from the date of the invoice) CFS will pursue collections and work will be stopped on project. Nothing herein shall prevent from timely filing of a lien on its own behalf to secure payment of the money due under this work authorization, should it be deemed necessary. . 10.0 CONFIDEN'I'IAUlY - Both parties agree not to disclose to third parties confidentiaI information, proprietary information or trade secrets which have been provided to the other, which have not been previously disclosed to outside third parties or which is not in the public domain without the other parties prior written permission. 11.0 GOVERNING LAW - These terms and conditions shall in all respects be inh:..pl.eted and construed and the rights of the parties hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ofegon. In the event any term or revision of these conditions is held to be illegal or in conflict with any'law of the state where made, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be effected and these terms shall be construed and enforced as if they did not contain the particular term or provision. 12.0 ACCPSS TO PROPERTY - LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES - It is the sole responsibility of the Oient to ensure that CES access to the property is granted by all parties involved. Also, the Oient is responsible for determining if excavations, borings, etc. which are proposed by CES are in an area that will not affect or be impacted by buried utilities, tanks, or,other objects of functional value. ' . Any CBS CDIInIct may be Cll1Ia!led j1r nonptzyment offees II1Ul all CBS duties, expressed or implied by #he CXJnhrIct, are mJOked at amal1Idion. ~A' Page1/1 CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 07955 VENDOR: 012846 CASCADE EARTH SCIENCES 225 S HOllY STREET MEDFORD, OR 97501 SHIP TO: Ashland Public Works (541) 488-5587 51 WINBURN WAY ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Terms: Net Req. Del. Date: Speclallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: PUBLIC WORKS Contact: Paula Brown Conflnnlng? No THIS IS A REVISED PURCHASE ORDER Subsurface InvestiQation at 1097 B Street Yard per ODEa USTC File 15-00-0024 pertaininQ to Task 1 in the attached proposal dated AUQust 3, 2006. Project 2006.26.120 4,900.00 Processed chanQe order 01/24/2008 Proposal dated AUQust 3, 2006 /:las been replaCed with an updated proposal dated October 29, 2007. BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAIN ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 4 VENDOR COPY CI TY OF 1\.SHLAN [) REQUISITION No. PW _ - FY 2008 Department PUBLIC WORKS Vendor CASCADE EARTH SCIENCES 225 S. HOLLY STREET MEDFORD OR 97501 Account No. 410. Date November 8, 2007 Requested Delivery Date . ASAP Deliver To PAULA BROWN Via PIETER SMEENK. (. Nocc: PIeue allow IpprOXimatcly two(2) wccb for deIivay on items DOt pcraIIy cuied in stored, aod IppI'OXimately two (2) IIIOIIIbs on printing jobs.) Item No. Quantity Unit Description Use of . Office Unit Price Total Price PO No. Subsurface investigation at 1097 B Street Yard per ODEQ USTC File 15-00-0024 pertaining to Task 1 in the attached Proposal dated August 3, 2006. $ 4,900.00 Job No. Unit No. I hereby c:atify dIIt tbe Ibove items are -.my for tbe operation of 1bia dciputmeat aod are budgeted ~- Issued By Date Received By rA' G:\pub-wrb\eng\dept-admin\ENGINEER\PROJECT\2006\06-26 CES B st Req 11 07.xls Memo CIT YOF ASHLA.ND Date: From: To: Re: November 15,?'}J~ Paula Brown ~ Lee Tuneberg SOLE SOURCE FINDINGS FOR CASCADE EARTH SCIENCES A subsurface investigation for the B Street Yard is required by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The attached requisition is with Cascade Earth Sciences to develop a detailed work plan to address the scope of the work needed to accomplish acceptance by the ODEQ that adequate soil remediation has been met. Cascade Earth Sciences were the original geotechnical investigators during the underground storage tank removal process in 1999 and already possess data and prior knowledge of the site to complete the work scope efficiently and economically. At the completion of the work, the produced scope will be utilized to prepare bid documents to advertise and obtain quotes for any remaining clean up efforts necessary to submit the ODEQ report for final sign off and issuance of a "no further action" letter. ENGINEERING DIVISION Tel: 541f488.5347 20 E. Mail S1reet Fax: 541/488<<Xl6 Ashland OR 97520 TTY: 8001735-2900 www.ashland.or.us G~ng\dept-adrnln'CNGINEEfWlROJECT'I2OOlNl6-26 B St CES Sole Soroe Find Memo 11 07.doc '.1