HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-291 CONT AMND #2 - Marquess & Assoc. ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.2 Engineering services contract made on the date specified below in Recital A between the City and Engineer as follows: Recitals: A. The following information applies to this contract: CITY: CITY OF ASHLAND City Hall 20 E. Main St. Ashland, Oregon 97520 541 488-6002 FAX: 541 488-5311 Date of this agreement: March 10,2006 ENGINEER Marquess & Associates, Inc. Address: 1120 East Jackson Street PO Box 490 Medford OR 97501 Tele hone: 541fl72-7115 Fax: 779-4079 B: RFP Date: January 18, 2006 Pro osal Date: Februa 21, 2006 112.3 City Contracting Officer: James H. Olson, Project Manager 112.4. Project: Street Improvement Project No. 2005-34 116.1. Engineer's Representative: Rick Swanson P.E. 118.3. Maximum Contract Amount:$74,460.00 (First Adjustment= $108,293.00) . Second Ad'ustment = $159,813.00 B. AMENDMENT NO.2 1. Modification to Section 2.4 . a. Add the following project segments to the scope of services · B Street waterline replacement (Oak Street to Fifth Street section) . Hersey Street Sidewalk Reconstruction · Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass, Phase I and Phase \I 2. Modification to Section 8.3 1. Add cost of B Street Waterline Replacement (Oak Street to 5th Street) 2. Add cost of Hersey Street Sidewalk Reconstruction (Oak Street to Ann Street) 3. Add cost of Hersey Street Strom Drain Bypass Phase I (feasibility Study) Phase II (design and construction) Total Contract Amendment $ 9,940.00 $21,900.00 $ 7,080.00 $12.600.00 $51,520.00 G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\ENGINEER\PROJECT\2005\05-34 Marquess Contract Amend 2 11 07.doc 1 Original Contract Total = $74,460.00 First Adjusted Contract Total = $108,293.00 Second Adjusted Contract Total = $159,813.00 CONSULTANT /L~L ac- CITY BY BY /{x ~~-- Finance Direct REVIEWED AS TO CONTENT i- Fed. ID # 9....?- O..s~9h "/.i/ BY Date: J z. /11/t)7 Coding: (for City use only) yf2tJ tJ6Gg~ G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\ENGINEER\PROJEC1\2005\05-34 Marquess Contract Amend 2 11 07.doc 2 11 vJo 06663 CITY OF ,. . ASHLAND Council Communication 4PPfUOcJJ!:D ~y COt/Ale Ie Approval of Contract Amendment for Engineering Services in Excess of 35% For the Street 1m rovement Pro' ect No. 2005-34 December 4,2007 Primary Staff Contact: James Olson, 488-5347 Public Works / Engineering E-Mail: olsonj@ashland.or.us Finance Secondary Contact: Pieter Smeenk, 488-5347 Martha Bennett Estimated Time: Consent Agenda Meeting Date: Department: Secondary Dept.: Approval: Question: Does Council approve a second amendment to the existing contract for engineering services with Marquess and Associates Inc. for an additional $51,520 in professional services, an increase of 47.6% over the current contract amount of$108,293.00? The additional funds to finance the design and development ofthe following projects: 1. 'B' Street Waterline Replacement - Oak Street to Fifth Street 2. Hersey Street Sidewalk Reconstruction - Oak Street to Ann Street 3. Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Contract Amendment No.2 with Marquess and Associates, Inc. in the amount of$51,520.00. Each of these projects are included within the current budget. Background: The City currently has a flexible engineering services contract with three local engineering firms including Marquess & Associates, Inc. (MAl), Thornton Engineering, Inc. (TEl) and Hardey Engineering and Associates, Inc. (HEA). The contracts were issued in response to a request for proposal to establish a pool of pre-approved and well qualified engineers willing and able to develop a variety of small scale projects without further proposing. Engineers were selected from this short list based upon their current work load, project expertise and cost. This process saves the City from going through a lengthy (over 30 days) proposal process for each and every engineering project that the City puts forth. MAl was selected for these three projects as they are currently working on similar projects in the area. Proiects 1. 'B' Street Waterline Replacement MAl currently has a contract with the City to design the reconstruction of 'B' Street between Oak Street and Fifth Street. A recent review of the waterline in this section of the street indicates that it is prone to leaks, is undersized and should be replaced concurrently with the planned street construction. Engineering costs for this work is $9,940.00. 2. Hersey Street Sidewalk The 5' wide sidewalk located on the north side of Hersey Street between Oak Street and Ann Street is no longer ADA compliant. There are approximately 26 trees planted within the sidewalk in three foot square planters that effectively reduce the usable sidewalk width to only two feet. In addition, Page I of2 05-34 CC to Increase Eng Serv Contract II 07.doc G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\ENGINEER\PROJECT\2005\05-34 CC to Increase Eng Serv Contract I I 07.doc !'A~ .--- CITY Of ASHLAND root growth has caused numerous sidewalk upheavals resulting in vertical displacements of several inches in some locations. Under this proposal, unhealthy trees would be removed, the sidewalk repaired and additional easements would be acquired to allow the walk to be widened around the trees to be saved. New trees would be planted where possible. Engineering cost for this portion of the project is $21,900.00. 3. Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass This project would relieve storm drain capacity within the Clear Creek Drainage Basin by providing a bypass directing storm drainage to Ashland Creek or to the Ann Street drainage system. The engineering cost for this portion ofthe contract is $19,680.00. Related City Policies: Under current City of Ashland purchasing and contracting rules, the Council shall review all contracts in excess of $75,000 and all contract amendments in excess of35% above the current contract amount. Council Options: The Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, may approve this second amendment to the current engineering services contract with Marquess and Associates to include design and development of: 'B' Street Waterline Replacement, Hersey Street Sidewalk Reconstruction and Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass; Or, Council may decline to approve the contract amendment; Or, Council may choose to limit the number of projects to be included within the amendment by eliminating one or more of the three projects. Potential Motions: Council may move to approve or reject the second amendment to the Engineering Services Contract with Marquess and Associates, Inc. Or, Council may move to approve the second amendment to the Engineering Services Contract with Marquess and Associates, Inc. by eliminating one or more of the projects from the contract. Attachments: Vicinity Map Contract Amendment Form Page 2 of2 05-34 CC to Increase Eng Serv Contract II 07.doc G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\ENGINEER\PROJEC1\2005\05-34 CC to Increase Eng Serv Contract 11 07.doc !'A 11 ~ z 0" ~ ~ ~z~ s:~~ o<r:~ gj~~ >-..l ~ ~~~ ~I ~ iilVJtl vV)~ i=l~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~^'" ~~~ -.. -.. -.. ......tNM \ - - III Z~ .!1 ~ ..... ~~~:l QQ Ie "r.!~~ j ;~~~ 0 0 ~ Ii} 0 6~d It) C'Ii It) II 0 .c j ~ I! .. I f <5 It) ~ It 0: I I N ci .... 0 0 B t III""" ~~ l~~ - 0 ~.. .__11 ClTY RECORDER r CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 VENDOR: 000575 MARQUESS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1120 E JACKSON MEDFORD, OR 97501 FOB Point: Terms: Net 30 days Req. Del. Date: 3/10/2006 Speclallnst: Page 1 / 2 - 7/1/2007 --11 06683 SHIP TO: Ashland Public Works (541) 488-5587 51 WINBURN WAY ASHLAND, OR 97520 Req. No.: Dept.: PUBLIC WORKS Contact: James Olson Confirming? Yes THIS IS A REVISED PURCHASE ORDER BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER Provide enQineerinQ services for the desiQn of the Miscellaneous Street Construction Project 05-34 Plaza Avenue LID Schofield / Monte Vista LID "A" Street Reconstruction Processed chanQe order 01/16/2007 Amendment 1 A - Delete A Street Reconstruction ($30,520.00) Amendment 1 B - Delete Plaza Avenue Reconstruction ($18,697.00) Amendment 1 C - Add "B" Street Reconstryction $49,200.00 Amendment 1 D - Add Granite Street Reconstruction $25,000.00 Amendment 1 E - Add Airport ParkinQ Lot Reconstruction $8,850.00 Processed chanQe order 12/17/2007 ChanQe Order NO.2 2A. Add B St Waterline Replacement $9,940.00 28-. Add Hersey St Sidewalk Reconstruction $21,900.00 2C. Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass - BILL TO: 18,697.42 25,242.82 30,519.76 33,833.00 51,520.00 SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL E E E E 670. E 200534.100 E 200534.100 E 200534.100 E 200534.100 109 362.09 19 680.00 20 830.91 9 940.00 PA-&!- T LJ1) Authorized Signature VENDOR COPY I!J.. ._~ CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 VENDOR: 000575 MARQUESS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1120 E JACKSON MEDFORD, OR 97501 FOB Point: Tenns: Net 30 days Req. Del. Date: 3/10/2006 Speclallnst: I I - 06683 Page 2 / 2 l Phase 1 Feasibility - $7,080.00 2D. Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass - DesiQn & Construction - $12,600.00 Approved by Council December 4, 2007 7/1/2007 BILL TO: Account Payable 20 EAST MAIN ST 541-552-2028 ASHLAND, OR 97520 A/ ~na..:>-'/ i/o/ SHIP TO: Ashland Public Works (541) 488-5587 51 WINBURN WAY ASHLAND, OR 97520 Req. No.: Dept.: PUBLIC WORKS Contact: James Olson Confinning? Yes SUBTOTAL TAX ~FREIGHT TOTAL VENDOR COPY 1 A request for a Purchase Order REQUISTION FORM CITY OF ASHLAND Date of Request:_ THIS IS A REQUEST FOR A: [Xl Change Order (existing POI 06683) Required Date of Delivery/Service:_ Vendor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Phone: Project Title: Project Number: MARQUESS & ASSOCIATES, INC. PO BOX 490 MEDFORD OR 97501 2006 STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 05-34 Services Only Deserl on Total Cost Cha e Order No.1 = $33,833.00 Chan e Order No.2. $51,520.00 2A. Add B Street Waterline Re lacement 2B. Add Herse Street Sidewalk Reconstruction 2C. Herse Street Storm Drain B ss . Phase I Feaslbll 20. Herse Street Storm Drain B * Current contract Includes: A. Schofield / Monte Vista Construciton B. 'B' Street Reconstruction C. Granite Street Reconstruction D. Airport Parking Lot Reconstruction E. B Street Waterline Replacement F. Hersey Street Sidewalk Replacment G. Hersey Street Storm Drain Bypass, Phase I & II Account Numbers Amounts I: $ 20,830.88 I: $109,362.12 670. = $ 9,940.00 I: $ 19,680.00 $159,813.00 G:\jlub-wrks\eng\dept......IENGlNEERIPROJEC1\2OO5'D5-34 Amendment No 2 11 07.. ~h-~~~,