HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Annual Appt Process CITY OF ASHLAND Memo DATE: TO: FROM: RE: March 16,2009 Mayor & Council City Rec~rder's Office 2009 Annual Commission/Committ~eAppointment Process Please note attached schedule deadlines for u ittin recommendations for a Resor 'n 11989-24 r The following is a list of applications and requests I for reappointment received for the Annual Commission/Committee/Board Appointment Pro~s. Please note: Most Commissions are 3 year term. ~.'. with the exception of the Band Board (1. year term) and Planning Commission (4 year term). Becaus there are current vacancies on some Commissions you will find several identified with different term e, ding positions. i Only new applications are attached. If you req~t further information on any person requesting reappointment, pl~ase let me know. I have enclosed contact information on all our Commission members if you should wish to contact them. I This information is also being submitted to the ch~irs of each Commission and staff liaisons. Requests Reappointment I (3p ons available) - Term ending 4130/2012 (1 P itlon available) - Termendill9 413012011 Rich rd. Hendrickson Oavi Wolske AIRPORT COMMISISON New applications Larry, Graves Alan ~nder I AUDIT COMMITTEE New~lications BAND BOARD Requests Reappointment (1 pdrsltlon available) - Term ending 413012012 Ma.rtU(l Levine . Ro~rta Stebbins (7 p~SitiOnS available) - Term ending 413012010 Ma . n Belford Don .. ieghler Davi4Hoxie HarrY Kannasto Mike I Knox Do~ MacDonell Raoul Maddox City Hal City Recorder's 0IIIce 20 E Mail Ashland. Oregon 97520 www.ashland.or.us Tel: 541-488-5307 Fax: 541-552-2059 TTY: 800-735-2900 r&, II II BUILDING APPEALS BOARD Requests Reappointment New applications CONSERVATION COMMISSION Requests Reappointment New applications FOREST LANDS COMMISSION Requests Reappointment HISTORIC. COMMISSION Requests Reappointment HO-USING COMMISSION Requests Reappointment PLANNING COMMISSION Request Reappointment New applications (2 posi~ons available) - Term ending 4/30/2012 Carol Hqm Davis Darrell Jlarvis Royce Duncan (3 posltfon available) - Term ending 4/30/2012 (1 posltfon available) - Term ending 4/30/2010 Jim Mcqinnis Risa Bu~k Shelley Lotz David R~nkel (2 positions available) - Term ending 4/3012012 Craig. Gprson Anthon~ Kerwin (3 posibons available) - Term ending 4/3012012 Allison ~enwick Dale SHostrum Samuel I Whitford (2 pOSi~ons available) - Term ending 4/3012012 Regina ~yars Benjam~n Aaron (2posi -on available) - Term ending 4/3012013 (1 pos; -on available) - Term."ding 4/30/2012 DaveD tterrer Larry. Bake Nick Frost ( 3 POX- .ns available) - Term ending 4/30/2012 Dana sse II Dudley. ynkoop . TRANSPORTATION COMMISSlON(1Pos/"on available) - Term ending 4/3012010 New applications Mick C~urch (email att~ched) TREE COMMISSION (3 posb;ons available) - Term ending 4/3012012 (1 p~n available) - Term ending 4/3012010 PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Requests Reappointment Requests Reappointment New applications I Zane J9nes (requesting 1 year appointment) Russel~Neff city Hall - City Recorde(s 0fIIce 20 E Main Ashland. Oregon 97520 www.ashland.or.us Tel: 541-488-5307 Fax: 541-552-2059 TTY: 800-735-2900 \ r., CITY OF ASHLAND 2009 Annual Commission/Committee Appointment Process {Per Reso. 1989-24} _,~;ir_ ) i' ,t'%>~~f0t"ik':'\','",\;,;" 1',',1'1 ';::~'i':,')I"'t,"1.w-:%'- 'f'~~"'.?-':;~", ,%'{""t ~'h"'lcf;~}ii"'@ill~;~~.~.f;;J:i.'i','d;t,,',"~~ ,'i ri~~'f" (J~ f';'\~~"ii if, ,::\:, ,',:" '., ' ,:-::",~':: ~~~~r~"'\tt~" ;,: itt. ~~~t\W!l~'~J:~'ll!~';:.,~~~,:,~" ',' ,\~ Ii~"" ''',,'. ~ ~" >'I"J1 k' >.~~ '%', JI' '., ","q0',,~~ 'BlBIl' '"iii'" '" ~~.~.._' , ~;/ ; ~"',-'''''4;:;: .'! -. "'" "' A " '*&->%'~ ,/.>. t' ~~k~~ ~"l'1 ~ ~L f,; ~ k 1~~t.~t.k<"!f ~l ~~1>" ~~Y~~i:&~ '<.~~ l~~ ~ '& t"'" ~ t ~'('~ ~ g'li ',Je'" 'it \, ';' :thJe,', t:'<: '10,;yn .Ee,' Yf",. t.,:'\ :F: F"rt5 n,~w;',,2;"%h~i:1'\~'~'i~1IV:i~~":~' .,\'11', 4;., " ~1~.1i~ b~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Friday, February 13 A public notice entitled "Notice of Appointment" shall be published Friday, March 13 (1) Deadline for applications from citizens; and (2) a complete set of applications shall be forwarded to the Mayor and each Councilor within three days after said deadline. Monday, March 23 Final day for individual councilors to submit their personal recommendations to the Mayor. Friday, April 3 Mayor is to submit a preliminary list of recommended appointees in writing to each councilor. Wednesday I April 8 Final day for individual Councilors to provide the Mayor with any final comments concerning the list of recommended appointees. Monday, April 13 Mayor is to submit a final list of appointees for inclusion with the agenda packet. Tuesday, April 21 Appointments confirmed by the Council at Regular Council Meeting. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer 20 E Main Tel: 541-488-5307 Ashland, Oregon 97520 Fax: 541-552-2059 www.ashland.oLus TTY: 800-735-2900 r~' ()(")(")8() ()()()(")(")()(") OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ uuun )>)>)>)> )> )>)>)>)>)>)>)>)>)> 000 0 =i=i=i=i=i=i=i rr-r-rrr ~ CCCc " ~~~iiii~iii~ zzzzz NNNNNNN 9.P~999 m 0000 z ""U""U""U"""O""U""C~""U enenenC/)en mmmmmmm )>~~)>)>)> RD =i=i=i=i ""U 0000000 0 mmmmm zzzzzzz ""U ""U""U""U ~illiln ;;u ::o::o::o~;;u::o::o;;u::o ::0::0::0:;0::0 en en en en en en en ""U""O""O""U"U"U " (") m 0 -i-i-i -4-i--i-4-i ~~~~~ m~~mmm m 0 c (j) OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ OJ 0 a. -i-i-i-4-i CCCCCCC )> )>)>)> I:: co ~ () () rr-r-rrr 0 o c CCO ::J !2. 00000 0000000 en C/)C/)en en en g 0 ::T en () s: c: Q) zzzzz G)G)G)G)G)G)G) 0 ::J ," mmmmmmm ~ () r 3 s: g (, -i-i-i-i-i-i-i 0 Qj" 3 Z ::T (, Z I:: ii)" ::0 r ::J (j) ~. ::T 0 g 0 t]) iii" Q) m ::J " (ii. ,. 0 r 0 0 iii. ::J m (ii" 0 0 m ::J s: OJ m ;;U 51Qg~g ;!Q2g'~~~~ ~fii~:!!g' N ~n~rll G)zm< 0 ::oenN:Efen<fo 0 ~a~f) (ii" I::OCDI: ~)> CD ~ ~ ~ i-~ o !!!. 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Bender Chair: Research and Scholarship Associate Professor-Aeronautics Extended Campus Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Office: 145 Almond Street Ashland, OR 95720 Telephone: (916) 719-9506 FAX: (541) 488-4411 E-Mail: alan.bender@erau.edu March 6, 2009 Dear Councilors: ~~@[j;ll ~......_-- City Council City of Ashland 20 East Main Street Ashland, OR 97520 I would appreciate your consideration of my application to serve as a Commissioner on the Ashland Airport Commission. During my 4+ years as a citizen of Ashland, I have participated in more Airport Commission meetings than many of the commission's own appointed members. No one else in Ashland has shown that kind of dedication to the Commission. I have assisted on Ashland Airport Commission projects and other work whenever called upon by the Chair, Lincoln Zeve. I am not a licensed pilot; however, I am a tenured professor of aeronautics, and my very broad aviation teaching and research experience compliments the backgrounds of the current Commissioners very nicely. My vita (attached) demonstrates my lifelong dedication to aviation higher education and research. I have twice before (2005 and 2006) applied for a post on the Ashland Airport Commission, and twice before I have been turned down. I believe those decisions were somewhat a function of my concurrent service on the Ashland Traffic Safety Commission. I was an Ashland Traffic Safety Commissioner from 2005 until the Commission's last meeting in 2008. I did not apply for a post on the new Ashland Transportation Commission (which recently replaced Traffic Safety as well as Bike and Ped.) specifically because I wanted the opportunity to serve on the Airport Commission. It is my sense that the City of Ashland would prefer to "spread the wealthlwork"-and not have individual citizens serving on multiple commissions. I do serve on the Jackson County Airport Advisory Committee. However, I do not believe there is a conflict of interest with the City of Ashland as my work on Jackson County aviation issues simply allows me to bring more knowledge and information to the table when I participate in Ashland Airport matters. My record of service to the City, the Airport Commission, and aviation research and education make me an outstanding candidate. Thank you for giving my application your consideration. ~CerelY' Attachments --- Leading The World In Aviation and Aerospace Education CITY OF ASHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb(mashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Name: Alan R. Bender, Ph.D. Requesting to serve on: Ashland Airport Commission Address: 145 Almond Street, Ashland, OR 97520 Occupation Professor of Aeronautics Phone: Home 488-4967 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Work 488-4967 Email: alan.bender@erau.edu Fax 488-4411 1. Education Back2xound What schools have you attended? UCLA and UC Berkeley What degrees do you hold? B.A. (Honors) Geography, UCLA; M.A. Geography UCLA; M.S. Air Transportation Engineering UC Berkeley; Ph.D. Geography (Specialization: Transportation) UC Berkeley What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? Have attended and presented papers at innumerable air transport-related conferences and seminars since I received my Ph.D. in 1987 (please refer to my vita, attached). 2. Related Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? Over 20 years as a university professor specializing in aeronautics related issues; publications in refereed transportation journals; aviation research work; aviation related consulting work; National Air and Space Museum's (Smithsonian) 2001 Alfred Verville Fellow in Aeronautics; quoted on airport issues in virtually every major newspaper in the United States over the last 10 years, plus on-air interviews on CBS Radio, ABC, NPR, Fox, Bloomberg, CNN, MSNBC, and others. Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? Y es. Aviation is constantlv changing! Further education-conferences, seminars-are absolutely essential. I currently attend approx. 6-8 such forums each year, many sponsored by my university. ~j.' 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? I feel I can an invaluable resource to the Ashland Airport Commission due to my years of teaching airport management and operations, as well as conducting airport- related research work for NASA, FAA, and the California Dept of Transportation. 4. Availabilitv Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? Yes. I can usually arrange my schedule so that I can attend the Airport Commission's regular meetings-and special meetings as well. Note: Over the last four years I've attended and participated in more Airport Commission meetings than many of the appointed commissioners-even though I am not a commissioner! I have assisted the Commission on a number of projects as well. Commission Chair Lincoln Zeve will attest to my years of dedication to the Ashland Airport Commission-despite the fact that I have never been a Commissioner, only a very concerned citizen. I am indifferent to day or evening meetings. 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? I have lived in Ashland for approx. 4 12 years. Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Nearly all of our Ashland Airport Commissioners are local business leaders who happen to be pilots. They bring real world experience to the table, and this is an invaluable resource. In contrast, I am neither a business person nor a pilot. I am a well-known and well-respected Professor of Aeronautics at America's leading aviation/aerospace university. Every other week I fly to classes throughout America and Europe to teach graduate level aviation courses. I've taught master's-Ievel classes in airport management and operations for many years; in fact, I'm currently teaching two! Most importantly, I bring to the able a very rich airport research baCk-3und ~t ~Iqnts the hands-on ~ rience of the other commissioners. Date Signature ~j.' CURRICULUM VITAE ALAN R. BENDER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Aeronautics Program Chair: Research and Scholarship Embry~ Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Office address: 145 Almond Street Ashland, 0 R 97520 Tel. 541.488.4967; Fax 541.488.4411 Email: alan.bender@erau.edu EDUCATION Ph.D. Geography (Specialties: Transportation Geography; Economic Geography) University of California, Berkeley 1987 M.S. Civil Engineering (Specialty: Air Transportation Engineering) University of California, Berkeley 1978 M.A. Geography (Specialties: Urban Geography; Transportation Geography) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 1976 B.A. Geography (Honors) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 1974 ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Chair of Research and Scholarship, Embry~Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, Daytona Beach, FL (2003~present) Smithsonian Research Associate, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC (2002- present) Associate Program Chair, Bachelor of Science in Transportation, Embry~Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, Daytona Beach, FL (2006~2oo8) Alfred Verville Fellow in Aeronautics, Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC (2000~2002) Visiting Professor of Aviation Business Administration, Autonoma University, Madrid, Spain (1993~I995) Associate Professor of Aeronautics, Embry~Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL (I993~present; tenured in 1997) Assistant Professor of Aeronautics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL (1988-1993) Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley, CA (1980-1983) Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Transportation Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA (1977-1981) CURRENT PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS/AFFILIATIONS National Academies, Transportation Research Board (Appointed University Representative for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Appointed Member-Aviation Economics and Forecasting Committee) Transportation Research Forum (Vice President-Elect) Air Transport Research Society Association of American Geographers University Aviation Association Washington Airline Society Southern Oregon Historical Society A viation Pioneers Association RESEARCH INTERESTS Commercial Air Transportation Transportation Economics Transportation History Transportation Policy Travel and Tourism Transportation Geography Urban Geography 2 CURRENT PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Member, Aviation Economics and Forecasting Committee (National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board) Member, Air Transport Committee (Transportation Research Forum) Member, Transportation Geography Specialty Group (Association of American Geographers) RECENT COURSES TAUGHT Airport Operations and Management (Graduate) Transportation Management (Graduate) Aviation Labor Relations (Graduate) Research Methods and Statistics (Graduate) Graduate Research Project (Graduate) Thesis (Graduate) The Air Transportation System (Graduate) Advanced Aviation/Aerospace Planning Systems (Graduate) Management of Research and Development in the Aviation/Aerospace Industry (Graduate) Advanced Aviation Economics (Graduate) Airline Operations and Management (Graduate) Airline Marketing (Graduate) Aviation Labor Relations (Undergraduate) Transportation Principles (Undergraduate) Airport Management (Undergraduate) Airport Planning and Design (Undergraduate) Airline Management (Undergraduate) Trends and Current Problems in Air Transportation (Undergraduate) International Aviation Management (Undergraduate) 3 ELECTED OFFICES (ACADEMIC) Speaker of the Faculty Senate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide (1999-2001; 2002-2004) V ice Speaker of the Faculty Senate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide (1997-1999; 2001-2002; 2006-2007; 2008-present) Secretary of the Faculty Senate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide (1993- 1997 ) MAJOR UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE AND SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS Chair, Graduate Research and Communications Committee (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide 1992-present) Member, Admissions Committee, Aviation Ph.D. Program (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) Member, Tenure, Promotion, and Grievance Committee (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, 2oo4-present) Member, Graduate Curriculum and Degree Requirements Committee (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide 1989-2005) Member, Master of Aeronautical Science Subcommittee (Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, 1989-present) Member, Faculty Handbook and Review Committee (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, 1989-2002) Member, Doctoral Program Task Forces/Committees (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1992-1994; 1996-1998; 2000-2001; 2008-present) Member, Tenure and Promotion Boards (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide 1998-current) Representative of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, to accreditation/quality assurance site teams from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Quality Education Services Program (QES), Military Installation V oluntary Education Review (MIVER), and the State of California (1991-present) 4 HONORS, AWARDS, AND RESEARCH GRANTS Alfred Verville Fellow in Aeronautics (Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space ~useum,2oo0-2002) Business Research Award [with Professor Fred Stephenson] (University of Georgia, 1994) Best Research Paper A wards (Society of Logistics Engineers, 1993; 1994; 1995) Faculty Research Development Grants (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 1989; 1990) First Prize: Graduate Student Paper Competition (Transportation Research Forum, 1980) Regents Graduate Fellowship (University of Califomia, 1976) President's Undergraduate Fellowship (University of California, 1974) EDITORIAL BOARDS Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research (2ooo-present) Journal of the Transportation Research Forum (1991-present) Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum (1997-present) World Review of lntermodal Transportation Research (2oo5-present) Transportation Research Board publications (various) (1998-present) WORK WITH THE PRINT AND ELECTRONIC ~EDIA Since 1998, one of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's most prolific aviation industry "expert commentators" for newspaper, magazine, radio, and television stories. My perspectives on the commercial aviation industry have appeared in virtually every major newspaper in the United States including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Newsday, Christian Science Monitor, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, Portland Oregonian, and scores of others. On-air interviews include the following radio and television networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, and BBC. 5 PROFESSIONAL MEETING CHAIRMANSHIPS Chair, "Sustainable Transportation in the Pacific Northwest" (Transportation Research Forum, Portland, OR, :Z009) Chair, "Airline Fares and Allocative Efficiencies" (Transportation Research Forum, Ft. Worth, TX, :zooS) Chair, "Financing the Airlines" (Transportation Research Forum, Boston, MA, 2007) Chair, "Current Aviation Issues" (Transportation Research Forum, New York, NY, :zoo6) Chair, "Airline Industry Financial Performance" (Transportation Research Forum, Washington, DC, 2005) Chair, "Efficiency and Productivity in Air Transport" (Transportation Research Forum, Chicago, :Z004) Chair, "Airline Economics Issues" (Transportation Research Forum, Williamsburg, V A, :Z001) Chair, "Airline Mergers" (Transportation Research Forum, Annapolis, MD, :zooo) Chair, "Aviation Issues" (Transportation Research Forum, Washington, DC, 1999) Chair, "Jet Crew Costs and Productivity in the Nineties and Beyond" (Transportation Research Forum, San Antonio, 1996) Chair, UPS Paper Session, "Changes in Business Travel Behavior and Demand" (Transportation Research Forum, Daytona Beach, FL, 1994) Chair, "Air Transport Geography Special Session" (Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 19SI) PROFESSIONAL MEETING PAPERS/PROCEEDINGS Bender, A, R. (:zooS). Long before airline deregulation. Paper presented at the 104th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA. Bender, A. R. (:Z003). u. S. non~scheduled airlines (1940s~1950s). Paper presented at the 11th annual meeting of the Conference of Historic Aviation Writers, Oklahoma City, OK. Bender, A. R. (:Z003). America's first no~frills airlines. Paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, Washington, DC. Bender, A. R. , Tacker, T., & Chumley, K. (199S). Social impacts of airline pricing. Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, Philadelphia. 6 Bender, A. R. (1995). Battle 2000: New jet entrants versus the regionals. Paper presented at the 3lh annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, Chicago. Bender, A. R. (1994). The future of u.s. business air travel. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Logistics Engineers, Anaheim, CA. (Best paper award) Bender, A. R. (1993). The challenge facing the U. S. airline industry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Logistics Engineers, Ontario, CA. (Best paper award) Bender, A. R., & Stephenson, F. J. (1992). Airline passenger fare strategies. Paper presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Forum, St. Louis. Bender, A. R. (1991). The geography and politics of military air base reuse. Paper presented at the 87th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Miami. Bender, A. R. (1988). Flying on the "cheap": The evolution of affordable airline service. Poster session presented at the 84th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Phoenix. Bender, A. R. (1981). Local air service under regulation and deregulation. Paper presented at the 77th annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles. Bender, A. R. (1980). Comparative analysis of Soviet and U. S. airline service patterns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the. Canadian Association of Geographers, Montreal. Bender, A. R. (1977). Geographical analysis ofU. S. airline services. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Regina, SK. INVITED GUEST LECTURES Invited guest speaker, Transportation Seminar Series, Center for Transportation Studies, Portland State University (Portland, OR, May 2008) Invited guest speaker, Washington Airline Society (Washington, DC, October 2002) History of Technology Lecture, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC, October 2001) Invited guest speaker, Transocean Air Lines reunion (Oakland, CA, September 2001) Invited guest speaker, Utah Air Travel Commission (Salt Lake City, June 1999) Invited guest speaker, Autonoma University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain, October 1994; November 1995) Luncheon speaker, Transportation Research Forum, Northern California Chapter (Berkeley, CA, September 1994) 7 Luncheon Speaker, Transportation Research Forum, Northern California Chapter (San Francisco, October 1986) REFEREED AND NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Bender, A. R. (:zo03, September/October). The right price. Aircraft Economics, 19-::W. Bender, A. R. (2000). Fasten your seat belts. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education e;- Research, 10(1), 9-10. Bender, A. R. (1999, Spring). Yield management: A double-edged sword? The Leader, ~1. Bender, A. R. (1998, June 22). Allied airlines: The new robber barons? Aviation Week 0 Space Technology, 70. Bender, A. R., & Stephenson, F. J. (1998). Contemporary issues affecting the demand for business air travel in the United States. Journal of Air Transport Management, 4(2), 99-no. Bender, A. R., Schultz, J. T., & Landgren, E. W. (1998). Guide to the Master's Thesis. Daytona Beach, FL: Riddle Press. Bender, A. R., Schultz, J. T., & Landgren, E. W. (1993; 1994; 1996; 1997; 2005). Guide to the Graduate Research Project (15\ 2nd, ld, 4th & 6th eds.). Daytona Beach, FL: Riddle Press. Bender, A. R. (1996). Battle 2000: The new jet entrants versus the regional partners. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education e;- Research, 6(1), 7-18. Stephenson, F.J., & Bender, A. R. (1996). Watershed: The future ofU. S. business air travel. TransportationJournal, 35(3), 14-32. Bender, A. R. (1993, June 14). Majors' inefficiency may benefit upstarts: Day of reckoning for U. S. airline industry is at hand. Aviation Week e;- Space Technology, 97. Kanafani, A., Gosling, G., Novak, E., & Bender, A. R. (1981). San Francisco Bay Area off- airport terminal demonstration project (Institute of Transportation Studies Research Report). Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Transportation Studies. Gosling, G., Kanafani, A., Bender, A. R., and Evmolpidis, V. (1977). Off-airport passenger terminals (Institute of Transportation Studies Research Report). Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Transportation Studies. RECENT PUBLIC SERVICE Appointed Chair, Air Service Subcommittee, Jackson County, OR (2006-present) Appointed Commissioner, Traffic Safety Commission, Ashland, OR (2005-2008) 8 Appointed Member, Airport Advisory Committee, Jackson County, OR (2oo6-present) REFERENCES A vailable upon request 9 J2t-~~ed umCj Larry Graves 1336 Prospect Street Ashland, OR 97520 Hon. Mayor John Morrison City Council, Ash/and, OR July 1s~ 2008 Dear Mayor Morrison and members of the Ashland City Counci~ I am writing to introduce myself and let you know of my interest in becoming a member of the Ashland Airport Commission. Ashland Municipal Airport is an incredibly valuable asset and resource to the community of Ashland, and to all of General Aviation. From my very first visit to Ashland in 1973, my first out-of-state flight experience as a newly-minted pilot landing at Ashland Airport in 1978, and through the years to my recent attendance at the Ashland Airport Appreciation Day, I have been enamored of this community in large part due to Ashland Municipal Airport. My interest in making this application is that I wish to do what I can to help preserve Ashland Municipal Airport for all current and future users. I hope to volunteer my time, experience and enthusiasm for flying in all its forms to aid in the deliberations of the Commission, and to make excellent recommendations to the City Council and Mayor regarding the airport. In addition to operating my own businesses, I have pursued many personal projects, including restoring and operating my own vintage Cessna, building a Glasair-III high-performance kitplane, promoting the Young Eagles program by taking dozens of kids (and a lot of parents) up for their first flight. During six inter-sessions at a local Middle School I have taught a one-week "Intro to Flying II class. I spent several years teaching weekend seminars for the EAA IS Sportair A viation Workshop series, IIComposite Aircraft Construction Techniques.1I I have a very strong affinity for flying, for airplanes and for people. Multi-tasking and team-building come second-nature to me, and I am eager to volunteer to assist the Ashland Airport Commission. Sincerely, Robert Lawrence (Larry) Graves 1336 Prospect St., Ashland, OR 97520 650-793-2277 Cell 541-488-5019 Evenings larry@graveshome.org 1336 Prospect St., Ashland, OR 97520 541-488-5019 larry@graveshome.org CITY OF A.SHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb@ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Name: Robert Lawrence Graves (Larry) Requesting to serve on: The Ashland Airport Commission Address: 1336 Prospect S1., Ashland, OR 97520 Occupation: Consultant Phone: Home: 541-488-5019 Work: 650-793-2277 (cell) Email: larry@graveshome.org Fax: 541-488-5019 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? U.C. Davis; San Jose State University; Stanford University What degrees do you hold? B. S. Aeronautics Operations, with Business Minor (SJSU) What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? American Association of Airport Executives Scholarship Award 1980; "Funding a Startup," Stanford University Extension Course, 1998; FAA Commercial Multi-Engine License, Instrument Rating, Commercial Flight Instructor, Advanced Ground Instructor. . 2. Related Experience: What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? I have work experience with the Regional Airline Association in Washington, D.C. (1980); GTE Government Systems (1981 - 1991) modification of US Air Force SpecOps airframes; Flying 20, Inc (1982) Incorporating this organization as a 501.c(3) non-profit; Commercial Flight Instructor (1991 - 1995) teaching people to fly at Palo Alto Airport; Founder, AirCrafters LLC (1998 - 2002) Custom Aircraft Completion Center working closely with the FAA SJC FSDO and based at Watsonville (CA) Airport; Young Eagles Organization (Associated with the EAA); member AOP A; Instructor for EAA Sportair Workshops nationwide; numerous assignments and positions developing business plans, marketing plans and product-development plans for a variety of business interests; video advertising production; production of camera-ready advertising materials; vendor-member, Watsonville Airshow. ~A' CITY OF ASH LA'NO Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? I believe that staying abreast of developments and trends in community-based public policy and the general aviation marketplace is important and relevant to the work of the commission, and I would be willing to attend conferences and seminars with this goal in mind, however, I would also be willing to do this" on my own nickel" and thus not cost the city of Ashland any additional revenue. 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? I have a lifelong and abiding interest in aviation, flying and in their promotion. I am a permanent member of the Ashland community and I have a strong interest in the preservation of the Ashland Municipal Airport for all current and future users. 4 . Availability Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? I am available to attend special and regularly-scheduled meetings of the Ashland Airport Commission, and I can attend either day or evening meetings. 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? I have lived in Ashland since December 2006, and have been visiting Ashland regularly since 1973. My family considers Ashland their permanent home, I own property here and in Grants Pass, and I have family in Grants Pass as well. Pleaseuuse the space-below-to summaFizeuany-additional-qualifications you have for this position: I have the interest, motivation, aptitude and experience to add constructively to the deliberations and recommendations of the Ashland Airport Commission, and I believe that my presence on the Commission will help keep its place as a valuable resource to the City of Ashland. Date: July 1 st, 2008 Signature: Robert Lawrence (Larry) Graves ~A' Page 1 of 1 Barbara christensen - Re: Audit committee From: To: Date: Subject: CC: "Martin H. Levine, CPA" <mhl@mhlcpa.com> Barbara Christensen <barbarac@ashland.or.us> 1/12/2009 3:58 PM Re: Audit committee Lee Tuneberg <tuneberl@ashland.or.us> Hi Barb! Consider this my "official" request for consideration as a member of the city's Municipal Audit Committee. I understand the appointment, if made, will be affective after April 30th, 2009. Thanx! Marty The advice we provide in this communication is not intended or written to be used, a MARTIN H. LEVINE Certified Public Accountant Come visit us @ www.mhlcpa.com Lee Tuneberg wrote: Marty- There is one position open and you should contact Barb Christensen to apply. H thanks lee This ernail is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Or Lee Tuneberg Administrative Services and Finance Director 541-552-2003 file://C:\Documents and Settings\christeb\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\496B68B6As... 1/12/2009 I (1/20/2009) Barbara christensen - Re: Audit Page __~__: From: To: CC: Date: Subject: "Roberta Stebbins" <robertas@mind.net> "Lee Tuneberg" <tuneberl@ashland.or.us> <ch risteb@ashland.or.us> 1/16/2009 10:45 AM Re: Audit Good Morning, I just returned last evening via Redding, thanks to United's decision to drop us there, so am late in replying to your message. I did not file for the audit committee, but if you feel I might be of service there, I am happy to do so. You know I am always pleased to give a little back to this city that gives me so much, and more importantly, the high esteem in which I hold you and every member of your Finance Department (even when I don't always agree with you). So, Barbara, pleased consider this my "hat in the ring". If you need further info, let me know. I do not know when the appointments are being made; I may be too late. It was nice to hear from you. I always support you even if not physically on a committee. Roberta ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lee Tuneberg" <tuneberl@ashland.or.us> To: "Roberta Stebbins" <robertas@mind.net> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:20 PM Subject: Audit Roberta- I hope the new year has been good for you. Things are much the same here but I just have to ask... Have you thought about applying to be on the audit committee again? We could certainly use your experience. lee This email is official business of the City of Ashland, and it is subject to Oregon public records law for disclosure and retention. If you have received this message-in error,-ptease let me know. Lee Tuneberg Administrative Services and Finance Director 541-552-2003 No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.176/ Virus Database: 270.10.6/1888 - Release Date: 1/12/2009 CITY OF ASHLAND t C. t.. \ \I t.. \) R ~\l>.\\ I.)? 'l~~~ Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb({.l)ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessary . APPLICA TION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Name _ Royce Duncan Requesting to serve on: _Building Appeals Board_ (Commission/Committee) Address 1065 Paradise Lane, Ashland Occupation _ Retired Architect Phone: Home 448-4101 Work Email Fax 1. Education Backf!round What schools have you attended? Arizona State University Cal Poly University, San Diego State University, What degrees do you hold? Bach. Of Architecture What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? Various Professional work shops & seminars related to the building industry. 2. Related Exnerience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? I was a practicing architect for approximately 30 years. As founder and CEO of Duncan Associates Architects for the last 19 of those years I was involved in the design and construction of commercial, industrial and research projects in several western states. The nature of many of those projects required special building code interpretations and appeals including building classification, hazardous materials storage and ADA requirements. Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? _Always useful but not necessary. ~j.' 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? I have come to care a great deal about Ashland and our joint future. Members of Boards of Appeal usually need some technical background regarding building code application. I hope my past experience can be of some value to our city. 4. Availabilitv Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? _I am generally available for meetings ether days or evenings. 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? Our property in Ashland was purchased 18 years ago and we relocated here 9 years ago. Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Registered Architect California Registered Architect Arizona N CARB certified American Institute of Architects (past member) Construction Specifications Institute (past member) Industry advisor San Diego Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Group (past) .,..--"---'_..,........-...._-.*..~ ~: ;2-.7 ~~'JC 1 ./ . Date .... ,. ?~'). - '--..~ ~~ I "'':.''::x:' ~ .L .' "- L_~ ~~.-:-? ~ ~~ ...,../.:.~::~.. '~<'Signature - ~~ rj.' CITY OF ASHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb@ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attach additional sheets if necessa~. ,_, T' " j~@~JIWlJi:> :::sti~: t: :e~~ on: ~ ( '1~';;: ::~ I, "~ (COmmissiow~::e~)'> 20091 --..--..------------- Address (" f G t:f'. 1-1--1 b {.". <)l Occupation - , f 1/\ ;--.....1::: ~ -' /<'. \. Phone: Home Work Email Fax t( ~'v' -II (i \ - (j u v . " ( ~r :i- - ( c-' \' D -7 ! I . ; I I... f - V ^ /(: f I ( -v- t" vt. t/t" (\ I I. ( !"-, 1. Education Back!!round What schools have you attended? t ( g,; . / [.~ \"' G /) r I (/c t-\ -". ') / /! "'- ~ What degrees do you hold? r<. ~. C <. "'1-- ,; v_., , (, S" What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? v 5 () '1 L/! h /~"<-- /~ I/IA ~. I/O, i :- ' ../ co: V A YI:'" I 2. Related EXDerience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? / ! Z \.J ,..,' I" ./ . . '-7 ;' I ,7 .. /) /' f f .~,;> t to-v. -r;. (.I I /1..., \.. 1 t-.. '> C' fA.-:L.( (. t, \?-t:.f tr (J ,"I'v! L/ t:.. \ T ('7 Ci ( (I f J [ t Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? (.; ...lu'I<: _ ! L. ~/ / . I /,J.J. l . t... A r"J I.....', c.. <'-'.1 A.:z.L. . \./ ',' (/""-- c'l--" . b L 1-'" . i /l _',-,>' (r { I'" .-i..... \ {.-"l ,f . ____-..1.-', . " /, 'L "'. lJ '. I I /j , f /"\. ~- I C.-v ~ (i (/ (j /U2-/_. , f c 1 (t--..-< I - t;.h -r 7' Iv r h ~ 5...."t~'......5 r~' 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? "';J '1lt.1< ;' ;' ~7'" / .. / ~ I..{ c~...... '1/,.....2.tA..... (^- vv fA I t L , { ,~....;. I. C (~_ ,1 ! f'y1 " v / 1.._;, < .......,. ..Z ./7 ,. -; ,_~:J- !t'- A (, 1...'\,/ (i ,j f,{.. ~....... ......A: I .c.. J/, ,_ ._k: . J ;J '. 4. Availabilitv Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? -,- {/7 .y"- \.'1 t L. 1-? 5 5. Additional Information How long have you lived in this community? "z.. - ( ~ 1...z '^/.\ ...; Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position I / 5 / I '-' / {: f1' Date I -1,- 0 n )~._-__ f../ 'l~_. iL--~.--~, Signature r., CITY OF ASHLAND APPLICA TION FOR APPOINTMENT TO CITY COMMISSION/COMMITTEE Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb@ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. necessary . Address: 1743 Homes Ave, Ashland, Or Attach additil~;; if flt41( ~.!lfJp I:/}: , 6?a ~, ........ 'lJ.9 .... .............~ .... .... .... .... Name: Nicholas Andrew Frost Requesting to serve on: Planning Commission Occupation: Notary, Editor, Database Programmer Phone: Home: (541)-324-3283 Work Email:nikotrost@yahoo.com Fax 1. Education Background What schools have you attended? AsWand Public Schools, SOSC, U of 0 (briefly) What degrees do you hold? None What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? Early architecture and planning courses at U of 0, long personal study of urban design and planned cities. 2. Related Experience What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? Currently a member of the housing commission. Looking at land appropriately zoned for affordable housing. Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to have further training in this field, such as attending conferences or seminars? Why? Yes, the field is always advancing. ~~, 3. Interests Why are you applying for this position? I have a long interest in planning and municipal government. Interested in bringing together diverse elements of the community. " "...T....~l....J...~l;.....T -r. .Llt.. 't' a....au........" Are you available to attend special meetings, in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings? Do you prefer day or evening meetings? Yes. No preferred time for special meetings. 5. Additional Information now long have you 11 veu III Lllis C0111111Unity? Thirty three years. Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position Long observation of Ashland's growth and demographic change resulting from planning decisions, familiarity with city commissions and the compo plan. March 9th 2009 , Date --,~ Signature r~' (2/9/2009) Barbara christensen - Re: re Transportation Commission Page 1 From: To: Date: Subject: Mick Church <mickchurch@gmail.com> John Stromberg <john@council.ashland.or.us>, <christeb@ashland.or.us> 2/5/2009 6:28 PM Re: re Transportation Commission John -- Yes, I am interested. In terms of this big trip, there is a chance that we will not be back until June -- a slim chance but definitely possible. In the interests of full disclosure I will almost certainly have to take a trip back to England in September for my Dad's 85th birthday. This will probably be a three week visit. I read the authorizing resolution for the Transportation Commission on the City website and saw that it was staffed by Engineering, but it did not specify how often they will meet. What is the thinking on this? I received the package for the next planning commission meeting yesterday. We will probably be setting out on our adventure within a couple of days of this meeting, and we have a fair amount of prep to do, so I will probably not be at next week's meeting. In fact, given my impending departure, and your suggestion concerning the possible appt to the transportation commission, I'm thinking I should resign from the Planning Commission now and give you the chance to appoint a replacement ASAP. If that works for you, please accept this as my resignation from the Planning Commission. Let me know if this is not what you want. Mick On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:55 PM, John Stromberg <john@council.ashland.or.us>wrote: > Hi, Mick > > You probably know that there's a new TC that replaces Traffic Safety and > Bike and Ped. > > It has 9 members and I'm appointing them now. I intend to take 2 or 3 from > each.of the two 'parent' commissions plus 3 to 5 other individuals. > > The Commission's big job for the coming year or more will be the > Transportation System Plan Update. This will amount to a multi-modal plan > for the whole city and my personal desire is that it will be based on public > transportation. This has major land use implications and so I want to get > some experienced land use Commissioners in the mix. > > In particular, I'd like to have you on the Commission and my plan is to > appoint 8 members to the Commission next week, perhaps with 'automatic' > renewals in April/May and to appoint you in April, to begin serving in May. > I'm assuming that would more or less coincide with your return from > traveling. > > Interested? Let me know. My office number is 552 2104; cell is 944 9227. > Better yet reply by email to this msg and include Barbara Christensen as > well. That could serve as your official application if you choose to do so. > > I'm really busy these days but will get back to you one way or another. > CITY OF ASHLAND APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO J~". CITY COMMlSSlON/COMMfITEE , @!l;>Jl (140 ~~ Please type or print answers to the following questions and submit to the City Recordsr at ~11 , 6' ~ City Hall, 20 E Main Street, or email christeb@ashland.or.us. If you have any questions, >:.... ' 2(}(}g please feel free to contact the City Recorder at 488-5307. Attadl additional sheets if.... t!. n~ess~. .............. Name /f /5S'E/L Ab-r ..... Requesting to serve on: hE ~A1 JSS'ICYII (Commission/Committee) Address 254.. Ci/e4AJI ~~ A.-S/iIAAJ)) ./ O~ '7752d " oCCUPation~RJ:)) Phone: ~ ~;~~:;;:i;:::~ 1. Education Back2round What schools have you attended? &- J'7/J-Z13 L./AJ/t/ ; 64 ~.J ~~ ' ./ V/I/V What degrees do you hold? "..6j~ - MA.J}:)Q:A-/~ /f-~JZi:::;7zJAZE What additional training or education have you had that would apply to this position? c.t?vA/7/'NL/./AJb ~ //f/ ~~ ,T6 ,KE~ kV A<5M ~&Nkrsj,0 ~l$jdfe-~~r~ ~ LA ~'p,i /IIy(retJrd s/a:fL/S-) 2. Related Exoerience V What prior work experience have you had that would help you if you were appointed to this position? , I / . A /' ,::: ~5 yA:: t- /./7 /7?~ /r~LIJ<:.1SL T.LA ~ :5/7~ /a-AJAJ/AJ6. <<:;045 ~/7 ///ih.J--E'- 1t?rdt:'~'hc:.e- (JC>-<;;dt9Ui--~/ ) / -- Do you feel it would be advantageous for you to we fur1her, training in 1lps field, sY9t as attending confer~ces or seminars? Why? A/ HL4YS cf!~ ~ ~ ~re'df/ &/ ~ /r~C'!>/&~ l.Y'd~dp.d/g ~A' 5. Additionallnfonnation How long have you lived in this commtmity? / "\bd r /' Please use the space below to summarize any additional qualifications you have for this position v0 . - -J., 'fi! I /f ~ _ / ' .Alat~ ~k1e.r"'~ ~o/y n ~~/e... ' ~~ ~,f&f, fMi91 Date r.,