HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-0315 REG MIN Karoh 15. 1938 110. S The cO\moil met in regular session at '1.30 P. 114. 'this date. Present. Kayor 1f~ley. Counoilmen Applewhi'te. Blake, Crandall. Hensen. Ingl.. Xoozer. Absent: Bone. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. as readJ !he monthly report ot the Park Bard ....8 reoal ved and filed and the monthly reports of the Library, Eleotrio. Str eet. Water and City Reoorder wre read. aooepted and ordered plaoed on tile. Upon motion by Crandall. seoonded by Xooser, -tie Fire Chief. C. J. Baughman was authorised to attend the state Fire Chief's Keeting at Portland. Transfer of deposits to delinquent acoounts amounting to .23.55 and adjustment to oonsumers ' active acoounts amoUll'bing to .3.45 ....r. authoriled. The purchase of seven tons ot asphalt tor the ..ter and E1eotric Deparwnts was approved. the appointment ot viewers tor the' levying ot special bene:t'i t assessmcta again8t the properldes affected by Sewer Dls1r iot 1'0. 40 on Indiana street was the net order or bua1ness and the ."or appointed the following to act as such,.. C. Kitchell. A.. E. Xinney am S. .1. Peters. It waa mond by Kooser that the vi....era be appointed previous to the appointment by tb9 Uayor. Seconded am carried. Upon motion by Ingle. notice on intention to construct sewer An Sewer Dis trict Bo. ~1 was approved. Secohded and oarried. Plana and specifications tor the oonstruction of Sewer District No. 4:2 were appro.... od upon motion by Blake. seconded by Ingle and carried. Committee Reports: streett ][ooser reported on ths vaoation of the s1dnalk: on tm High School grounds on Iowa Street. Ita t1ng that the High School a~1;ll.Rr~.i~.f~ had been int.tN~t.d to go ahead provided they would provide the light pole and 'r~.r tie satety."~n motion by Crandall, seoonded by Hans en. the recommendation or tile Sir ee't CoDlni ttee was aanc'tloned. Oarried. !he grading and oiling ot Oak Street was eatilated to ooatt '800.00. It 1IU moved by 11*_ aod ..oonded by Ingle 'that the _tter be re!'erred to the .treet Committee to report baok. :'al1;yc Cemetery. The installation ot a sprinkling system was disou8sed. plaoing on 'the ballet ot the question ot having the Ci'ty ct!~ ~hland take over the Bargad:ine Cemetery was disouss.d. It _8 thought; ad vi.able 1;0 -fJftItI' thos. interested in meeting with 'the council and ,1 ving their views on the ma'tter. Planning. Upon motion by Ingle. .eoonded by Crandall. 'the Ci1.;y Attorney was inatruou to oontact the p1tm,,-t"g expert a_ilabl. thru the Berne.. or the League ot Oregon Clti.. 1;0 have him. vi.it Ashland on his ooatem.plated trip to Granta Pus in 'the near future. to get his aasisianoe in planning in Ashlmd. Carried. C'ditication. The ooditioation ot ordinanoes by 'tha League of Oregon Citles _8 di.oussed, alao the poasibili'ty ot doing 'the work here withou't 'their assistance. OrdiDanoe. and Resolutions. !he Building Code Ord1nenoe whiq,lt had been passed 1;0 the seoond reading by title on 'theJraroh lat meetiDg was brough't"'tcr adoption. It -.s moved by IDgle and 8eoonded by 'Hansen following the aeoond reading that the ordinanoe be adopted as read. .011 oall .... order.d in it. adoption. 'the vote being Aye.. Blake. IDgle, Crandall" Hansen, Iooser, Applnhite. )Jays a Hone. !here upon tha )(ayor declar.d Oi'ty Ordinmce Io. 9'18 ad'pted. !he Fire Prevention Ordinanoe al.o having been read tor1he first 'time at the lIaroh lat meeting was adop'ted upon motion by Blake, seoond.d by Xoozer am. following a 1m.,,".... OUS roll call. the Mayor deolared City Ordinance No. 979 adopted. )larch 15. 1938 .0. 8 the oil Burning Equipment Ordinance (aftecting 'the tire cone only) andthe Oil stove Ordinance, likni.. having been read the tirst time at the lI'arch lat meeting and following the HOOne! reading by title only. it....s moved by Applewhite and sMOnd- ed by Blake that the ordinance b. .a.opted as read. Roll call was ordered on both ordinances and following a unanimou8 roll oall. the llayor deolared CiV Ordinances 1I0a. 980 aDl 981 respeotiTely Adopted. A pro Po led aip orclinanoe ... read am 41aou.sed thoroughly. but no definite action taken at the mee'tlng. !he City Attorney brought up the tranohise with the Pacitic !elephon8 aDd t.le,ra- ph Compay which was aooeptaB1e to them except the cluaae oonoerning the rGOval 01' the exohmge. It ... mend by Koozer andseconded by Blake 'that the tranchise wi tbout this clause be executed. Carried UJ1~i1J'nU8Iy. On motion. the counoil adjourned to meet a't 'the call or 'the Mayor. Atte.t. (Signed) J. Q. Adams (Signed) T. S. 'II1le7. Recorder Jlayor ..