HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-0305 REG MIN March 6, 1940 1'0. 10 The Oounoil met 1B regular aession at '1.30 P. K. this date. PreseD:t, Jlayor 1Jiley, C.unoilmen J.pp1ewbi te" Carson, Delaman. Kooser. Abaent. Councilmen Crandall, ~a71.r. !he minutes ot the previous m.ee't:Lng were read and approved a s read. JIonthly reports ot the Oi ty Judge and Librarian and annual report or 'the Cemetery were read, accepted and ordered placed on tile. Bills amounting to tll,250.06 were rea'cas to total amount only. sam.e having been oked by the various departments, oommi tteas and finance oonmi ttee end upon motion by Kooser. seconded by Applewhite and following a ~a"imoU8 roll call were ordered paid. The following applications for building per.mits were pre8ented. No. 10: To erect new dwelling in 400 block of Wigh'bIan Street at an approximate cost of 11500000 by John Hooevar. No. 11: Torem.odel dwelling at 614 Boulevard at 8.11 approxiJIate cost of 1200.00 by Bellie Diokey. Ii; was m.oved by Carson and seconded by Delsman that tlMt ~tk;!.&n.nted. Carried. A petition requesting the oonstruotion of'a ourb and gutter o~ft~~tl between Soenuo Drive and n&h Streets having been read. it _s moved by Koozer and seoonded by Applnhi te that "Botice of' Intent to Construct curb md gut'ter" on Bob Hill 'be publi8hed. Carried. 1Ir. Flurry. a ltm1berman whi had taken over the )(oon till 100& tioD at the J.i.r Port gave an interesting talk on 1 UD1ber1ng and his plans for the 1mmediate tuture. Be s'tated he needed more water and also would require more land, but le.t't the ma t'ter for hrther s1:;udy bp the counoil. Councilman ""ayler ent.ered at this time and took his place at the couaoU table. . ' &'t jpe mill 11; was End by Applewhite and seoonded by Carson that the question of' _tar/be referred to the Water Committee ~or investigation. Carried. The reneural of the oontract p'th the Ashland Tidings tor adveriD.sing and legal 11otioes was approved tor the year 1940 upon mo1Alon by Koozer.. seconded by Applewhite and carried. Co:amd ttee Reports. . Streetl Frank Davia reported on the flood duage to the bridge on Mountain Avenue and the - tter wa,8 referred to the Street Committee tor tur'ther inves'tigation. Biegel, City Sup't reported that the road up Mount Ashland _s being repatiJed. He also reported on the reart room oondition whieh had 'been referred to 1;11e Chier of Police and hiaaelf for investigation and reoommended that it be pain*'4 8J3d the janitor give it another cleaning each atterDOoD and increase his pay .10.00 per month. It -- moved by Carson and 8eoo:nded by Delsman that the repor't be acoepted, the interior of the rest ro~being painted.. additional duties being given the jm! tor and his pay being increased $10.00 per month. The work to be untie. the supervision of the Chief of Police. Carried. It was further reported that the store. had been notitied to atop 'throwing refuse into Ashland Creek. A statem.ent from the Ashla13d Park Commission showing oost of maintaining the Boulevard Park Row and Hospital as $308.00 was read aDd 'ollcnrlDg some disoussion. it 'WaS DIOved by Kooser and B4loonded by Delsman tha't 'the bill be accepted at t300.00..carried. Insurancel XoO&~ .~~SSed the insurance UDder -the _ gro~., One auggea-tiol1 being that just the 'buit Yla- be insured under this plan and the .) be carried in the regula.r way as in the past. It was left tor further 8tudy. Go1fa Koocer reported that he had met with a committee of the the golf club in- ClUding. J. W. )(oCoy. !heo Norby, Fred Engle. Bill Allen, Frank Jordan, Ken 11'811 and their proposition of 8elliDg it __ to the oity discussed. He stated that it oonsisted of 97 aores. The incom.e _s about 12000 per year and the .~8e f242O. There _8 a first JIOr1;gace of ".000 and a aeoond one of ..,..000. Annual taxes. ..00 wa'ter tax. 1116.20 proPerll7 tax. Presen-t l1abil11;y _s faxea 125.00. m"itrea~.()o aDd 'the' :IIOr'tgage of .4.000. fbe .econd mortgage to be cancelled. It was *. to -put the qu,stion of 'this purchase up 1;0 an advisory vote at the ooming eleo1;ioD in lIq. 11'18 CiV' JiO't to operate nor guarantee e2penaea of operation. _rely purchase as an investment 1n property. Karoh 5, 1940 lIo. 10 !he )fay-or #HI had 'the City Attorney read a letterwhioh he had written to the S'tate Highway concerning 'the Gutting off ot the corner at 'the 'la&a. A letter from President Band of the League ot Or~on Ci'ties oonoerning 'the C11;188 ahare ot paoli_ 'tax money was el so read. I \' ! Iv]. ) On motion. the Counoil adjourned to m.eet at the call ot 5Jm Mayora Attest. (Signed) J. Q. AIWIS Reoorder (Signed) T. S. WILEY. Iayor