HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-0620 REG MIN June m, 1944 1'0. 1'1 The Couae!l met ill r.gular a8s81en at ,.30 P. K. this date. Present. .Aoting lIayor Kooser. Councilmen Applewhi 1;8. Daugher't7, Redford. Abaen't,' "'7or 1111.1'. C.uncilmen Putman. Selby. . The minutes .r the previous meeting ....re read end appr.ved as read. }[onth1y reports ot the :Electrio. Water aDd Sweet Departaenta ...ere read. acoepted and ordered plaoed on tile. The Report e:f 'the Re.order was laid en the table pending adjus-tm.ents in 'the amoun't .r cash balaaces in 'the utility tunds. The following applieations tor building pend t8 were pre8ented. !lo. 33. To remodel .....lling at 209 Oak Street at en approximate costot .200.00 by B. F. Cre.ig. No. 341 To ereot garage on East lain street at. an approximate 008t ot .226.00 by W. O. Blaylook. No. 35: To ereot hamburg stand at 29 lou'th Pioneer at an approxim...te ..81; or .210.00 by Reba Abbott. It was moved by Redford. and .econded by .A.pplewhi te that 'the permi t8 be granted. Car ried. The -tranBter of ullappropria:ted _lances tre111 tb.e street Department. Hoapi tal Depart- ment and C...tery Fimd a8 or June 30. 1944 to the Project SiDJaing Fund .. approv.d. upon motion by Applewhite. seoonded by Daugher1f.y and oarried. Upon motion by Applewhite. 8eeended by Redford. 'the paymen:t of .5.000.00 to lira. Karl 1'i1u tor "the hoapi'tal inventory _8 confirmed. CarrIed. tellowing a U!'18.D.imoua roll .al1 by Koozer. Applewhite. Daugherty, Redford. The new agreement ooncerning the lease or -the hospi'tal was read by 'the City.A.1#torney. An ao'tual physical inapeotioll or the hospital had been made on the morning of SaiNI-day. Jw'.e 17th by the member. .r 'the Counoil at whioh tiae 'the es'timated 8081; of neoe8sary repairs and main'tenence was deoided upon.' It was JDOved by..lppl....hite and ..ooaded. by Daugher1;y that -the 01 ty Superin-tenden1; be au1ihoriled to make .eo.ssary improv..enta up to a -.ximum ot .3.000.00 tor paioing. deeorating. new liilolewa and put-ting in a new ceillag 1D the operating roo~ Carried. I't -. moved by Daugher'ty and. t!<!o~M *~ Red:tord tha't 'the )layor and Recorder be iu'truoted to exeoute 'the new lea" ~ "!o~ng a W'18.D.imoU8 roll eall was carri.d. On lIO'tlon. 'the Counoil adj ourned to mee1; a-t the oall .r the Mayor, A'ttest. (Signed) J. Q. ADA.lIS RECORDER (Signed) R. E. XOOZER. .lC TIliG-KA.YOR