HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-0705 REG MIN July 5, 1944 No. 18 The COlmoil m.et in regular session at; 1.30 P. II. 'this date. Presen1a Kayor Wi1e7. Councilmen Applewhite. Daugher'ty. Keozer, Redford. Selby. Absen1a Councilman Putman i'he minutes of the previou8 meeting were read and approved as read. Monthly reports of the Librarian and City Judge were read, ac cepted and ordered plaoed on tile. Bills amounting to 112.84:8.58 were read as to t,ot,a.1 _Olmt onl1. same having 'been eked b1 the various departments, committees and timnce oom:mi-ttee and were ordered paid. Committee Reportsl Finance. The placing of 16.091.69 in tax deed funds in the Sinking Flmd was approved upon motl. en by Applewhite. seconded by Koozer and oarried. The purohase of .18.500.00 in U. S. Government Bonds, Series aa" was approved upon moiaon by Kooler. seconded by Daugherty &rJd carried. Purohase 1;0 be mad.e out of Sinking and Cemei;ery Trust Funds. Stree'la It was reported that a di toh digger at Ked1'ord was available for rent when and if needed by the City. A salary ordinance providing for and fixing salaries ot oi ty employees tor the fiscal year ending June 30. 1945 _8 read by the City Attorney. This provided tor 'the same salaries of all ~ployees as had been .rfeo~ive sinee MarchI. 1944 excepttag the Secretary who was given an inorease ot 125.00 per month or '160.00 per month. It was JlL(')ved by Appl....hit. and seconded by Daugherty thtt the rules be suspended and the erdinanoe passed to the second reading by title only. Carried. Following the seoond reading. it was Uved by .lpp1ewhi t. and 8eCOnd.~.!f Redford that the ordinance be adopted a8 read and to1lowing the unanimous rolrj the Kayor declared Oi ty Ordinance Bo. I041 a4opted. I"?/~' Hospi'tall It 1f'8.8 reported that Mrs. Evens. who had recently leased -the hospital had found it impossible to obtain adequate help. On motion. the Council adjourned to meet at 'the oa11 if the Mayor. Attest. (Signed) J. Q. AD.u5 RECORDER (signed) T. S. WILEY, lfAYOR