HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-1016 REG MIN October 16, 1945 Bo. 24: The Counoil m.et in regular aession at 7,30 P. M. thia date. Present, )layor Wiley. Couneilmen Daugherty. lIerrill~ Putman, Redford. Weitzel. Absent, CO\D1cilman Selby. The ainutes ot the prerlous meetlag were read and approved as read. Monthly reports of the Eleotrio. Street and Water Departments and City Reoorder . were read~ aocepted and ordered plaoed on rile. CoDmi t'te. Reports I Eleotrio & Water: Inaotive aooounts in the amount of .,24.90 were authorized to be oharged oft. same having been found uneolleot1ble. Water: The 01 ty Superintendent made further reports o:a the Ashland water supply problem and upon motion by Kerrill. seoonded by Redford. the City Superintendent was instruoted to prooeed with the reoormalssanoeot 'the projeot. Carried. street,Plans tor two bridges were 8ubmi tted by the C1 t;y Superintendent. one on Water Street &ad one 01'1 Stanley Street and cost1.ag approximately .2,000.00 . The Ash- land Creek bridge with an aroh of 20 feet. and 80 teet ill-length. was reoommended to replaoe the present Peil Bridge. It _ s moved by Merrill aDd. seoonded. by Redford tb.a t the bridges be installedo Carried. Request tor a sidewalk on North Main Street beyond the Putman Auto Court was reported as having been requested by citizens in that viciJaity. Rea~: The commi'ttee hav1D.g re cOlDlll8nded the leasing of if the 'briangular corner at East Ii and Siskiyou Boilevard to S1;eve Zarka tor laDdsoaping and beautification, it was DlOved by Redford and seolmded by Putman that the recommendation of the Committee be accepted and the City Attorney draw up the lease to Zarka. The Jansen lfill having sold a part interest to Lawrenoe Edmtmson who desired to purohase approximately three acrea near the Mill(Cogg1ns)trom the City, it was .BlOnd by Daugherty and seconded by PuiaDan that the C1 ty sell the tract tor $1500.00 reserv- ing the sewer right ot way. Carried. The re-oalciminiDg ot the City Reoorder' a Office for $30.00 aDd the front end of City Counoil Chambers wa s authorized upon motion by Redford. aeooDded by llerr1l1 aDd oarried. street: Upon motion by Merrill, seoonded by Pu'tman, the Oi ty Attorney was instruct- ed to otter D. S. Powell 1250.00 and. Vera Doran $150.00 tor their pieves ot property and it the otters are rejected to prooeed with oonde..tion action. Carriedo Upon motion by Weitzel, seconded by Redford. the City Attorney was authorised to oloae the deal tor the two L. H. Hansen pro perties on Oak: and Pioneer Avenue tor a total ot $6.750.00. Carried 0 The8,(ollowing applioatioDB tor building permits were presented. No. ~o ereot dwelling on Wightman Street at an approximate 008t of $500.00 by Jlrs. Bob Babston. No. 811 To remodel business building at 89 North Main street at an approximate oost of .4.600.00 by George S. Reed. No. 82 t To remodel dwelling at 588 Beach Street at an approxlmate oost of .500.00 by George R. Jensen. Bo. 8Ss Tomerect dwelling on Wightman Street at an approximate cost ot $2.000.00 by Thoma. A. Ghea. It ..... mved by Put.man and seoonded by Redford that the permits be granted. Carried. fwo letters from the Ashlancl Chamner of Comm.erce. one oonoerDing the shortage ot Li thia Water and the other approving the "e" Street out-oft were read. On motion. the Counoil adjourned to meet at the oall ot the Mayor. Attest. (Signed) J. Q. ADAMS RECORDER (Signed) T. S. WILEY~ MAYCIi