HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-0521 REG MIN *, 21. 1~ ~o. 11 the Couaol1 .-tin NCula,. ....1on at 7,SO ;'. ti,;. We 4ttte. Pre._t'~JOrh:11.,.. Cowloilum IA.ur.herty. Uen111, Selby. Aba.". Counoihwn ::'!.~~,'::;,_t'ord. '-j.l~..l. The ,airnrtea ot tho preriOt. .-etiIli .... reedand appro'" .. .-_d. Ioathl, reporta ot tti. Eteotno, SVeet and rJatw r..pa~t8 ar:u;l C6'ty heoo!-d.e,. .ro ..eael. aoeept<<l w ord6~d plaoed or! tile. In. lmroat""ct of tti.ooo in Utility tunc1. &I1d *1100.00 in '--..t9l"Y Truat "wxta .. .pplOYed upon _tlol1 by Selby. HOODded by Uerr111 and curled toll,-1W1D€ . ...."S.. oua roll oal1. . JHk ltrucu, l.eader ot the Allbland Hli,h Sobool bed. appeaNd 'before the Counol1 and &akecI tor ...la'" of the Cit). 1n tlDane1..r1& a trip by the Dead to theio.. 1'"8.'t- 1ft1 at, Fortlatx'l. the ..tbdljled cost .. tfSOO.UO. )'ollowlnt. . brier dl_...a1 011. 1 t ... IiIOYM by....rill alld .~Ddecl by Dauper~ that t200.00 bI deaated tor t hi. trip. Carried. 1N.C.Buttintton ot SUMDrille, Calitornia ,.....ted a pt'opoaltioD tor.. 1"urD- lab1D& and lnstallatiOll of n1\we 0.. to "pla_ ~ p....1; ,arba.&- __ at eo coat to the Cl t..v torthe prinl... of u1D& .... tor ...rUa1.D&. Coa.tn.o't to run to.. Ii 1M".. rollowiDi a dlIOQ..lon. ..it .. .... 'bJ' Dau&herv Mil..," ....'th 'thee 00 OO1l'tn4t be aocept.ecl aubject Siatt'ie appro.l ot the City Atto.., ad 1:he Clty...,......thor1... de.lo-_ wheN .... abouldbe plaoecl 1'01'" gJ"Mteet oollV8Dienee. Seoonded and earn.. Coud. ttee l~. i!!!!... 2~ Fllre. the Clir Sup'~ ":;.or~ 011 . trial ..e ., toe fipU-ne. The d....ttU1011 .. ~w1th old tlr.. eto ad little water was uN a. DO 'trouble.. toUDd in put'tlnc the tin out with tbe roc equ1~. Wat.r I Hoeler Npprtecl on tbe Ll We "ater aup"~l)'. -plUIl1n& the GaU" tor t.he laok or aiittl"'nt _ter. A letter ~ Mt,. ....1"1\ .....;.... nad oono..J.d.D& what hi. CoapaDl Ud done to OOl"reot tbt\ a:ltuatloL A8 _t.n _r~ .t111 in a ...,. \8J..'\1.- taotor,. ooDd1\ion. the City AttorM)''' l_~ted to _1te a .~ lett.er to .\tr. J.'-;er'I1 1u1aUnt. that the _tt.er b. oornc'ttid at ODGe. liveoia The ;;)urobaa. or a n....t tluah_ tor '2800.00 plwa mouf't(obei..la) ._ reported. ..... . ". ' it:tr. I'.:n.ng been Npo.rted that the air port bill Md pae8ed 0011&1'.... the e!"" .. r-7 ..a lnatruo'tecl to write t.he C1YU Aeronautio. .Authority OODOCtrtlda& the A.sb1.m Air k'ort. The tollowl~ applloat.1cm8 ft)p bu11d1~ ptnd:ta were p....ct.eh 10. 99. !o -NOt dwell1!l6 on f~lt,i:~ St...t at an approxl ate ooat of NQOO.OO '\t)' C. O. leal.,. 10. 100. '0 remodel d_ll~ on Avwy 5th'" at 811 ap:;c-oa1...;.at.. coat or 1400.00 'l>>y iwntt Eokbola. 10. 101, To erect Churob of "..1U11 Cbriat of Latter 1__ Saint. on Iowa Stre.t aoroa trw.1 Hl&b Sohool at. an approDate ooat of '10.000 b)r Alnn L. BoUDda. 10.1021 to erect dlMl1in& .... 276 Van I... AY.__ at an approx1Mte Goat of '1600.00 ... t.'1.0t0r %'boN1*1. 110. 101, To .-.ot 1IIM111Dg and &a-Ie OD Lot 1.. 'lfl4lP~ ~Jt"t4t at aD .pprox1a'te OOR .ot $1000.00 l'rj' Mra. P. it. _tw. 10. 106 t To .Net ,ar9.t;" at l01-7th Street at. an appro~te ooat ot 1800.00 by Chari.. A. I1er. 110. 101. fo Npa1r .. pr&&. at 180 V1.. St.r_" at u apPJODate ooat ot '600.00 lJf 1tJ'. J. S1lIn'eI1a. 10. 106. To ....t .nge tIDd repa1r dwellln6 at b4 Fourth S'trMt at an approa1aate OOR ot '210.00 'b7 A. J::1. cla7k. 10. .107. To ereot dwell1n, aDd ,ara,. on Allda Street at aD .ppron.t. ooat of '3.250.00 117 J. j,.. YO'f.m.ga. .y 21. 19t6 No. 11 Com:td No. lOd. to erect clwel111lf; on ..ant.. Street at an approdM'bJ coM; or t6iOO.OO by L. R. e04l.... 10. 109 t '0 erect chlok" he...... on Dtl. Gbeet at an .pproai,....u GOat of '700.00 1ty 1..1 .ua,.. 10. 110, fo ....t dwllln, at oorner }!ith &: Wl_rS~i_ at an .p!)rox1~te ooat ot taOOO.OO by Bla1ne E. I~aOD. di It .. ..,.,.. bJDeu....'t7 ancl aeoond8d 'by ...,.111 that tM pesta be uarrMd. Carr1e Apropoeed 0 d1aanoe tor the ftOatlon ot Aah St....ft ... .nacl by ~h. Clt;y Atton.,. and it we 8)'ftMl by ae11'7 aDd aeooatea "1 J)aUi-n,-tba_ the pul.. be .ua~ aDd the ONS-ace be ...sed to thNeOODd readlnt~ by title oDlr-- Curi_. rollow1~ the __lid na41>>&. 1't... aowcl .. ~~1 aDd ........ 'by Sel'b7 tat 'tho o.rd1.-no. -"~4 .. ~ &Dd f'o11~ . UMftSIIOU8 roll _11. 'the *JOr declared Cltv OrdlrlUH 10. ",v~C)pted. 'lb. propoa. aomnt ordineoe beari.a& ... Nt tor r."l. "u . 41th. ... to be advent... aad publlahed in both uwapapen. upon _t1on bJ SelbJ. MOO_eel bJ "prUl tmd carr1ed. ()1 _tlon. the Counoi 1 adjoUl'D8Ci to .e' at the oall of 1the :is7orl Att-.t. (SlO'1~) J.". j. (Slgaed) T. s. l",r~Y. U.A 1'011