HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-023 Conservation Agrmt - Barker CITY OF ASHLAND. CONSERVATION DIVISION CONSERVATION SERVICE CHARGE FINANCING PROGRAM AGREEMENT A. BORROWER(S): ADDRESS: , ellYla. 1 QVlhn / Ill.:> e.SS/c.<,-- ~ .\-1 4.",^ o/Z...., '17 0 B. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES TO BE INSTAlLED (seellWlVlph B below): /J c... 1< s.!, I!&vb C. AMOUNT BORROWED (see paragraph C below): I 2. AMOUNT OF MONTHlY INSTALLMENT PAYMENT (see paragraph 2 below): I G:, J. ~O Energy conservation service charge llnanclng agreemenl daled ~ - U:> \ I between th. City 01 Ashland (City) and the abov.-named Bol'rower(.). Recitals: A. City has conducted an .nergy analysl. of Borrower. r..Id.nce located at the addres. described above In Box A ("the residence"). B. Th. City has recomm.nded certain .nergy .avlng m.a.ures 'd.scrlbed above In BOle B. C. Bol'ro..,.,.r has or wtlIln.laIIthe _rgy conservation m.nur.. and dealre. to borrow from the City the amount speclfledabov. In Box C for the purpoa. 01 purchasing and In.lalllng .uph mMaur.a. City and Borrower agree as followl: 1. R.Dr8I.nlailan of awr-Ihlo and Oecu~nev of Ruld.nee, BOlrower (whenev.. required by the cont.xt of thla agreem.nt, the Ilngular shalllnclud. the plural) represent. Ihat Borro.ur II the ~ or conlrllC1 purcha..r of the r.sld.nea, Ihat Bol'rowar currently resld.., and will continue to r..1de In the resld.nce 10 long .. the .nergy service charge r.maln. unpaid, and that. the r..ldenea currently rec.lv.. ,'eclrlcal ..rvlce from the City of Ashland D.partm.nl 01 Electrtc UtBlllea. 2. Premla.te Pav bv BotrD...IIf. Borrower promise. 10 pay City lhe .um .peclfled above In Box C (or such '....r amount n .hall equal the amount paid by City purauantlo P8ragraph 0 p1ua a 1!Kj.00 .ervlc. charge) payabl. In monthly In.tallmen" a. .pecllled abov. In Box 2, with the flrat/n.tal/m.nt due within 20 days aIler the dat. of the next monlhly ullllty blIllng to the Bol'rowar for ulJ/1ty aarvlcello the re.ld.nea. 2. t. The monthly Inslallrnent .hall be added 10 lhe BOlr>)"", utility account for the r.ald.nc.. Th. monlhly paym.nt will be shown n a separal.lIne Item on lhe B~s utility bll and rtmltlanc. may be Included with th. regular monthly ulHIty paym.nt. . 2.2. No interest .ha11 be charged by City unl..a Borrow.- I. In defaull a. d..crlbed In paragraph 0, In such ca", Inter..' ,haft be charged at the rat. provided in paragraph O. 3. Pavm.nt bv Cilv. Subject 10 the lerm. of 1hI. agreement, City shall pay the .um specllled above In Box C or the actual in.talled co.t of the.nergy saving m.asures p1u1 a 150,00 servie. charge. whichever amount is I.... 10 lhe Bol'ro_ upon City's approval of lhe inslanatlon and lhe submission oIlhe appropriate invoic.s Th. invoices shal/ d.lailthe equipm.nl cost and the labor COlt a. s.paral. it.m. for .ach m.asur.. .. Assumption of R.sDOnlibilitv bv Bol'rower, THE CITY MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXP.RESS OR IMPliED. AS TO THE FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES INSTAllED IN THE RESIDENCE, OR AS TO THE SUITABILITY THEREOF FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, INCLUDING BUT NOT liMITED TO THE ADEQUACY OR EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES. Borrowar further understand. and agr..s thaI Bo"ower is sol.1y responslbl. 10 purchas. or inslalllh. .nergy conservation measur... provided however PAGE I-CONSERVATION SERVICE FINANCINn PRnr.R4U 4r.RI'I'UI''''T .. ..._...... that no payments .hlIIl be m" by \he City unI... \he conservation mea.ure. 10 In.talled meet or exceecI the CIty'I Energy Sm8lt Dellgn lpeclfIcatIonI. The inltalatIon mUll comply wtth lhe applicable cocIeI and .landard. and \he Borrower mUll obl8ln \he necelSIfy permill. 5. Indtlmnlflcatllln. BoITower .-10 defend. indemnify and aaveCily. ill ofIlcer. employeel and agents harmln. from any and II Ios.... dalml. aclIonI. COlli, eXpenlIea. JudlPnenll. .ubiUVOlllooll. or other dam.. reauIting from Injury to any perIOl'I (1nduclIng injury reaullIng In death,) or d8m. (1ndudIng loll or dealruCllon) 10 property, of wh~er nature ari.1ng out of or IncIdenlIO \he peI10rmance of lhiI agreemenl by Borrower (including but nolllmiled 10. Borrower'. employee.. agenll. and olherl deslgnaled by ~r 10 petform work or .ervicel atlenclanllo lhiI agreement). Borrower .hlIIl nol be held re'poIlIible for damages cauHcl by \he negligence of City. 8. Removlll of Conservation MealurH Prohibited. Energy con.ervatlon mea.ure. In.taIIed purauantlo thll agreement .hlIII not be removed from lhe reaidence al any time during their u.efulllfe. unte.. such mea.ure. cea.e 10 funcllon and are Irreparable or unle.. lhey are lemporarly removed for purpo.es of repair. 7. o.raull. Time I. of Ihe essence under Ihl. agreement. and a default .hall occur when B~: 7.1. Fall. 10 pay any In.llIIlmenl when due a. provided In parlll1aph O. 7.2. Move. from or faUllo occupy the re.ldence for a period of marelhan Ihree consecullve monlhl. Iran.fera lhe ullllty account 10 another. purcha... eleclricily for the re.ldence from another or sell. or olherwl.e Iran.fers lhe re.ldence to any per.on. or 7.3. Fall. 10 abide by Ihelerm. of Ihl. agreemenl 8. Remedlel. In Ihe event a default occurs: 8.1. All principe! .hall becomelmmedlalely due and collectlble althe opllon of lhe City. 8.2. The City may allO withhold paymenll for energy con.ervallon mealurea. seek recovery, of any loanl made 10 Borrower. oblaln .peclflc: performance of Borrower'. obIlgallon. under IhI. agreement. or .eek oIher rsmedln avaHabl. allaw or In equity, Including, without Ilmlllllon. \he rtghllo lermlNl" Borrower'. or waler or eleclric .ervlce 10 lhe re.ldence. or any other residence owned or Conlrolled by BoI~r. 8.3. Any balance then remalnlng to be paid by Borrower 10 City .hall be..-Inlereslalthe ra" of one percenl per month beglnnlng from the dale of default. All remedies sel forth above are cumulative and not mutuelly exclusive, and lhe City may slmultaneou.ly exercls. anyone or all of lhem. 9. A_nev F.... If a legal acllon Is commenced 10 enforce any of lhe provl.lons of Ihi. agreement. Including, wlthoulllmllatlon. any arbitration. mediation. or acllon In any court. lhe prevalllng party .haD be enlllledlo recover from lhe other party cosl.. dlsbur.emenll and altorney fee. Incurred both allrlal and on appeal. ,~Z~ ower SSN: CITY OF ASHlAND: BY ,c:%( ~ e-oz:::: Director of Finance CONTENT REVIEW:/.;LI1-- (City Oepl. Head) FORM REVIEW: (City Altomey) Coding: (for City purpo.e. only) Borrower SSN: