HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-077 Conservation Agrmt - InadaCITY OF ASIA.ANO CONSERVATION DIVISION A. BORROWER�S): /r) i /e S ADDRES3: ISgd �•✓�o�F �La� C,; rc.l B. ENER(iY CONSERVATION MEASURES TO BE INSTALLEO (ae� parqaph 8 pNowg Ntfr P�r� P C. AMOUNT BORROWED (es� Da►aO►aph C 2. AMOUNT OF MOMMLY INSTALLMEM PAYMENT (aee parsQapA p pdam�; b3 Ensrpy conservatlon servics charps flnancinp e0►e�meM datsd S/i7� behvesn th� Clly d AeMand (CNy) and ths above-namsd gp►owert��. ReeHals: A. Ciqr ha� conducled snergy analyais of Bcnpwere realdanc� loeafed at the sddrn� ds�c►fbed abovs in Box A ("the roslGsnce'). 8. TM Cfly hae recommendsd esAaln energy savinp meawro� desulbed abpvs In Box B. C. Borrower ha� a wNl intlap IM snerpy consmafion meuwe� and dsdre� to borrpw from fM Cify tM amounl specMbd abov� In Box C fa Ita purpos� of purchaslnp uid Inelarykp �ych me�wn�. C�y uw Barow�r ape� u fd�owr. t. Banaww (rvfNn�wr contsxt of Ihit aprMmeM. lfM sinpula ehNl Indud� IfN plural) ►eWese� tlNt Bonow�ir owror a COMl�CI pWWC�IqN 0/ 1�1� flObMC�. (hil BOROWM CUR�IIU�I ►MIdM. Md 1M/ OOflbf1W (0 f�t� III (M rasld�nc� eo lonp at IM �nvpy s�nrk� chwp� nmaU� unW�d. aid 1A�t 1h� n�ld�nw cun�ndy neNvs� elecVkN a�rviu Irom IM Clly of Mhland O�parlm�nl d El�etric U1YIUh, 2. Promia� to Pw 6v Borrnwr, �mbe� to pay Clly da aum sp�cffl�d abow In 9p� C(a such Iee�N amouM a� �haN equal tM amounl pald bY CNy punuuM to P�►�?� 0 plu� a t3q.00 aKVfc� chsrp�) WribN In monlhy InsfaUm�nb w sP�eNMd abov� In Boa Z. wph dN INst Inslapm�rH dw withln 20 day� aRN fM daf� of tlN Mxl monthly UtdMY bN�p to tM Barawr fa ufYNy �wka to Ila rnid�nc�. 2.1. TM moMliy InstapmeM ihap b� add�d to tM Banow�r'� u11Uy �ccourR fa th� n�ld�nq. 7M mo�thly paymsN wIA b� ehown a a aeParoh Ifn� R�m on Ifw 8onowM� uWfy b(� and remNf�nc� may W ��d�ded �a, �n. �syuiar monury �wny wr�•m. 2.Y. No intapt �haN b� charp�d py Ciy uMai Bonowa b In dN�ulf as d�taibW In puapnph 0. In euch c�i�, Int�t �h�ll b� charpsd at th� nN povided in Parep►aph 0. 3. Pavmen� bv Ginr. gubjecl to If� brms of lhie apreem�nf, Cily �haN pay fh� ium ap�cflf�ed apevs In Box C a tM xlual Instalhd co�t d Ih� �n�rpy aavinp m�asum plw a f50 00 aavic� charp�, whkhn,a amounl is lees, to Ifu Barow�r upon Ciy� approval o11M inshAatlon and Ih� aubmisiion d tM aPP�oPr�at� invoicsf. Ths im�oks� ahaN detaM IM equipmenl eoN xM fM labp eod a� eeparal� itsma la e�ch measun. THE CITY MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPIIED, AS TO THE FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITV OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION ARTICULAR URPO E I INCLU� NG UT TO THE A E OR E FECTI NESS OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURE3. Bonower further urMuetandi and sgr�i ry�� Borrower is solely rssponalbls fo purchaee a instaN Ihs snsrgy conaervalion msaaures, provided however P AGF 1.CANRrovsrinueen..u.��............. that ra P�eMS shaM b� m� by tM �hY w�l� TM kalalNbn mwl oomDh� tlw �pplkabN eacNd 1M CMy� Enrp�r Sm�rl DMI� rp�cMiealbra• codes and stsndards and IM BortowK mwt obWn tM rwasNry D�^ils. S. �p�jl�. BaROwN aRs�+ to dsiend. ind�mnlfY ard sw� CdY. iU ofNcer. emObYe�� and apsnts halmlps hom �nY �nd a1 IosNS. dNms, sCtlom. oo�b. exD�ruM. h+�b a�•� loss damap�s re�+p �Y b� P�c^ (M�cp+dY+o k�uy rsKitlnp a datrucuon) vr�b• d whatwww nsa�n +ristw ou� d« Inc�du+� b un D�m ou�en ehqnstea apre�mem bY Banowsr (���no1� ro U�is apresm 8«ro�shall no� b� he�d by Bo"'°w�'ro °°A°'m a cny. rsspomibN fa damps� csus�d Dy Ih� nspilp�ne� 8 Enerpy cpnsKVallon measures Insull�d punuaM to thb prMm�nt aluN rat b� nmowd ham tM ►eeW�ne� at �ny tlm� dirinp IMir ueNul Iib. u�s� wch me�wros csaa� to /unclion and an krepa►�bl� c► urdsss Msy an tsmpora►Yy rsmoved fa puryose� ot rep�ir. 7. Q�lYII. Tim� Is ot 1hs ssaenu undK lhb apreemenl. and a defeidl ehatl occw when Bonower 7.7. F�Ns lo paY any In�tallm�r►t wh�n dw ss Provided In pu�?aph 0, 7.2. Moves Irom a t�N� to xwpy th� re�ide�c e� electriclly fa Ua•e� e idene� hom anolha a moMh�. Vansfers tM uUIRy aeoouM lo arwtlur. Pureha se0� a othsnMs� Iranden Ih� roNd�nw lo �rryr pwson. a 7.9. FaNs to abid� by tM t�rms oi 1hN apre�ment e. g�. In th� �v�nt a dMwM oaun: e.t. All principM ahaN b�can� fmmedlatey dw and collecdbN N tM option of IM CHy. e.2. TM CHy mq �I�o wNhhold WYmMb (a �n�rOY conNrvatlan meaurs�. ae�k ncov�rY d any Iwm mad� to BorrowM, cbt�k+ �p�cMk D��^�� a�OW�� °a�lbns und�r thi� ap►Nm�rN. a sNk otlNr nm�dN� �v�Nabl� N law a In eqully� Indudinp� wltlaW IImlUdon au rip,� ro t.rmin.a. Bortowa'� a vwtK a eheVk s�rvia to Ih� ndd�. a any otha nsW� owned a eonboll�d by BorrorvM• e.3. q�y pdu�e� tM� nmalninp to b� paid bY Bor►owN to CitY shall baar Inhrnf at !h� rsl� d on� pac�nf p�r month bspinnlnp kom lM d�b ot ddwM. All rem�din sN foAh aDow an a+muladv� and no1 mutustly exdudv�, and ths Cly may aNnultansously exerci�� any on� a aN d tMm. 9. Attwn�v Fe�a. H� Ispd �cUon Is commenced to e�aa any of tM provisloru d thM aprMmeM� indudh�p. withoul Ilmlutbn, �iry rbltradon. m�dl�tlon. a actfon in any court. iM prwulbq parfy eh�N b� �nlM�d to neova irom tM othN partY eo�u. dbbun�m�nb and attun+�Y fe�� fneurnd Doth d Mal and on app�al. BO ROWE S B ow�r SN:—S63- srr- �v Ba►ow�r SSN: CITY OF ASHLANO: 8Y Dlrsctor d FinarSc�� CONTENT REVI (CAy Hea FORM REV (Ciy Anorneyl Codinp: (fa Ciy purposa onN)