HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchofield_530_PA-2015-00077 CITY - J I'' , February 26, 2015 Notice of Final Decision On February 25, 2015, the Community Development Director approved the request for the following: Planning Action: 2015-00077 Subject Property: 530 Schofield Applicant: Charlie Hamilton Description: request for Physical and Environmental Constraints Review approval to allow for the construction of a driveway to access a vacant lot. The driveway is on land greater than 25 percent slope. The subject property is located at 530 Schofield. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 391 E 05BD; TAX LOTS: 2308 The Community Development Director's decision becomes final and is effective on the 13th day after the Notice of Final Decision is mailed. Approval is valid for a period of one year and all conditions of approval identified on the attached Findings are required to be met prior to project completion. The application, all associated documents and evidence submitted, and the applicable criteria are available for review at the Ashland Community Development Department, located at 51 Winburn Way. Copies of file documents can be requested and are charged based on the City of Ashland copy fee schedule. Prior to the final decision date, anyone who was mailed this Notice of Final Decision may request a reconsideration of the action as set forth in the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) 18.108.070(B)(2)(b) and/or file an appeal to the Ashland Planning Commission as provided in ALUO 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). The ALUO sections covering reconsideration and appeal procedures are attached. The appeal may not be made directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact Amy Gunter in the Community Development Department at (541) 488-5305. cc: Parties of record and property owners within 200 ft COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 t SECTION 18.108.070(B)2 Effective Date of Decision and Appeals. B. Actions subject to appeal: 2. Type I Planning Actions. a. Effective Date of Decision. The final decision of the City for planning actions resulting from the Type I Planning Procedure shall be the Staff Advisor decision, effective on the 13th day after notice of the decision is mailed unless reconsideration of the action is approved by the Staff Advisor or appealed to the Commission as provided in section 18.108.070(B)(2)(c). b. Reconsideration. The Staff Advisor may reconsider Type I planning actions as set forth below. i. Any party entitled to notice of the planning action, or any City Agency may request reconsideration of the action after the decision has been made by providing evidence to the Staff Advisor that a factual error occurred through no fault of the party asking for reconsideration, which in the opinion of the staff advisor, might affect the decision. Reconsideration requests are limited to factual errors and not the failure of an issue to be raised by letter or evidence during the opportunity to provide public input on the application sufficient to afford the Staff Advisor an opportunity to respond to the issue prior to making a decision. ii. Reconsideration requests shall be received within five (5) days of mailing. The Staff Advisor shall decide within three (3) days whether to reconsider the matter, iii. If the Planning Staff Advisor is satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall withdraw the decision for purposes of reconsideration. The Staff Advisor shall decide within ten (10) days to affirm, modify, or reverse the original decision. The Staff Advisor shall send notice of the reconsideration decision to affirm, modify, or reverse to any party entitled to notice of the planning action, iv. If the Staff Advisor is not satisfied that an error occurred crucial to the decision, the Staff Advisor shall deny the reconsideration request. Notice of denial shall be sent to those parties that requested reconsideration. C. Appeal. L Within twelve (12) days of the date of the mailing of the Staff Advisor's final decision, including any approved reconsideration request, the decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party entitled to receive notice of the planning action. The appeal shall be submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary on a form approved by the City Administrator, be accompanied by a fee established pursuant to City Council action, and be received by the city no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 12th day after the notice of decision is mailed. ii. If an appellant prevails at the hearing or upon subsequent appeal, the fee for the initial hearing shall be refunded. The fee required in this section shall not apply to appeals made by neighborhood or community organizations recognized by the city and whose boundaries include the site. iii. The appeal shall be considered at the next regular Planning Commission or Hearings Board meeting. The appeal shall be a de novo hearing and shall be considered the initial evidentiary hearing required under ALUO 18,108.050 and ORS 197.763 as the basis for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. The Planning Commission or Hearings Board decision on appeal shall be effective 13 days after the findings adopted by the Commission or Board are signed by the Chair of the Commission or Board and mailed to the parties. iv. The appeal requirements of this section must be fully met or the appeal will be considered by the city as a jurisdictional defect and will not be heard or considered. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 51 Winburn Way Fax: 541-552-2050 ( l Ashland, Oregon 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 ` ASHLAND PLANNING DIVISION FINDINGS & ORDERS PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00077 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 530 Schofield APPLICANT: Charlie Hamilton DESCRIPTION: A request for Physical and Environmental Constraints Review approval to allow for the construction of a driveway to access a vacant lot. The driveway is on land greater than 25 percent slope. The subject property is located at 530 Schofield. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 39 1 E 05BD; TAX LOTS: 2308 SUBMITTAL DATE: January 15, 2015 DEEMED COMPLETE DATE: January 22, 2015 STAFF APPROVAL DATE: February 25, 2015 FINAL DECISION DATE: March 11, 2015 APPROVAL EXPIRATION DATE: March 11, 2016 DECISION The subject property is located on the south side of Schofield Street and is approximately of an acre. The parcel was created in 2004 as part of the Blossom View Estates Subdivision. The lot is vacant of structures. The subject property has a steep slope uphill at the front of the property adjacent to Schofield which levels out at the top of the cut bank. The majority of the parcel is less than 20 percent slope. The request is for a Physical and Environmental Constraints Review Permit to allow for the installation of a driveway up the cut slope embankment to provide access to the site. The construction of the residence will not require a separate land use application. The applicant has requested a Physical and Environmental Constraints Review Permit (P&E) to install a 240 foot, shared driveway to access both lots on Hillside Lands with Severe Constraints. The proposed driveway will be 85- feet in total length, 15-feet of the driveway is within the public right-of-way. The applicant has hired Marquess & Associates., to prepare the Site Evaluation and report which discusses development suitability for the construction of the driveway and associated retaining walls. The engineer found that the driveway will be installed on bedrock, Depending on the fractured nature of the bedrock the applicant anticipates the final surface of the cuts will likely be somewhat irregular in shape in order to prevent deeper loosening of the surface material. The applicant has proposed a maximum height of seven feet for cut slopes in cases where seven feet will be exceeded, the applicant has proposed to terrace the cuts. The report also specifically lists appropriate erosion control and mitigation requirements. The report discusses the need for periodic inspections in order to assure compliance with the Geotechnical Expert's findings and recommendations. The findings indicate that the cuts are into bedrock and that minimal erosion control will be required due to the stability of the rock. The applicant will protect the freshly exposed soil with jute netting, hydroseeding or anchored straw. A wattle is proposed near the intersection of the driveway and the street and possibly at the base of the slope to address surface water off of the new wall. All mitigation techniques noted in the applicant's Geotechnical Report will be conditions of approval. PA #2015-0077 530 Schofield/adg Page 1 It is not common for a Hillside Development Permit for only a driveway, but due to the steep slope of the parcel along the front property line and because the slope is so steep and tall that the site is inaccessible the applicant seeks to install a driveway so that potential buyers can see the area of the parcel where the home will be located. The applicant's findings address the measures taken to assure that no adverse impacts are caused by the development and that though not required by code, a Geotechinal Expert was consulted for the project in order to assure that hazards are mitigated. A letters was received from the public during the 14 day comment period. The letter address the future home construction which is not part of this review and that the spacing standards for driveways be adhered too. The proposed driveway does comply with the required separation of 24-feet between driveways. The criteria for a Physical Constraints Review Permit are described in AMC Chapter, as follows: 1. That the development will not cause damage or hazard to persons or property upon or adjacent to the area of development. 2. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented reasonable measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. 3. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding are, and the maximum permitted development permitted by the Land Use Ordinance. 4. That the development is in compliance with the requirements of the chapter and all other applicable City Ordinances and Codes. The application with the attached conditions complies with all applicable City ordinances. Planning Action 2015-0077 is approved with the following conditions. Further, if any one or more of the following conditions are found to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, then Planning Action 2015-0077 is denied. The following are the conditions and they are attached to the approval: 1) That all proposals of the applicant shall be conditions of approval unless otherwise modified here. 2) That the new driveway approach shall be permitted through the Engineering Division and are required to be separated from existing driveways and-each other by a minimum of 24-feet per City Street Standards. The driveway curb cuts shall be installed and inspected prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3) That prior to any driveway and retaining wall construction, an encroachment permit from the Ashland Public Works Department shall be obtained for any portion of the driveway in the Schofield Street right-of-way. 4) That the driveway curbcut on the west end of the parcel shall be closed to the property line prior to the certificate of occupancy for the future residence. Z_/Z B'll- olna Director Date ~epartm'e t of Community Development PA #2015-0077 530 Schofield/adg Page 2 't PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2305 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2307 i PA-2015-00077 391 E05 BD 2325 AGAKHANOV VADIM ALLEN MARC D/SUSANN M ASHLAND CITY OF i,521 SCHOFIELD ST 550 SCHOFIELD ST CITY HALL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BA 1700 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2321 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2310 BILLINGS JOHN STANNARD JR BURJOSKI ALAN B TRUSTEE ET AL DEFAUW MICHAEL S ET AL j 1140 JACKSON RD 520 LAKOTA WAY 490 SCHOFIELD ST ASHLAND OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 iASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2320 D AMONTOPOU OS WIBLDLIA 13 M A FALKENSTEIN JIM AND BETH LIVING TR I PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2309 FORREST ROBERT TROY/HOLLY M TRUSTEE ET AL ET AL 1535 SHERIDAN ST 14734 CAMELLIA AVE ! 560 SHERIDAN ASHLAND, OR 97520 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2312 FRANKS VERNON LOUIS TRUSTEE ET PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2308 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2316 AL HAMILTON CHARLIE MORTENSEN SHAUN/SHERRIL 530 SCHOFIELD ST 1503 LAKOTA WAY 555 SHERIDAN ST I ASHLAND, OR 97520 j ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHUMD, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2304 ( PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2322 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2318 PARKER RONALD A TRUSTEE ET AL PEAKE CAROLYN S RAO A K RAJA/PATRICIA B 501 SCHOFIELD 500 LAKOTA WAY 531 LAKOTA WAY ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2302 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2319 ! PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2317 SULLIVAN FAMILY INVESTMENTS LLC WALCHER JEANNE POWERS TRUSTEE C/0 SULLIVAN DAVE THOMPSON;NEAL R/AUDREY E 8735 SW IRONSTONE PL 545 LAKOTA~WAY ET AL 517, LAKOTA WAY BEAVERTON, OR 97007 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 i PA-2015-00077 PA-2015-00077 I JIM HBBS I RICK SWANSON j PO BOX 1947 j PO BOX 490 PHOENIX, OR 97535 MEDFORD, OR 97501 I III- I ~ 1530 Schofield 2/26/15 NOD 20 I'I i i ' I AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that:- 1 . 1 am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. i 2. On February 26, 2015 1 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2015-00077, 530 Schofield. fil, T, Signs ure of Empldyee Documend 212612015 Zimbra https:Hzimr~q.ashland.or.us/h/printmessage?id=109870& 1 i Planning Action PA-2015-2050 r : Ron Parker Sat, Jan 31, 2015 06:12 PM <rparker@mind.net> Subject : Planning Action PA-2015-2050 To : planning@ashland.or.us Alan Burjoski <aburjoski@gmail.com>, j Patt Rao <pbrao@ashlandhome. net>, Neal & Audrey Thompson <nealaud@mind.net> Jeanne Walcher <jeanne@mtashland.net>, Marc Allen <allens8@msn.com>, Troy and Holly Forrest <hollyforrestl@yahoo.com> External images are not displayed. Display images below This is in response to your planning action dated January 26 concerning the empty lot at 530 Schofield Street. I want to be sure that you recognize and that you notify the developer that our subdivision is an HOA, and all development needs to be approved in advance by our Architectural Control Committee. Any questions in this regard should be directed to Alan Burjoski, Chair Person. 1 of 2 2/2/2015 8:21 AM i Planning Department, 51 Winuurn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 CITY F 541-488-5305 Fax: 541-552-2050 www.ashland.or.us TTY: 1-800-735-2900 LAND NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING ACTION: PA-2015-00081 SUBJECT PROPERTY: 530 Schofield OWNER/APPLICANT: Charlie Hamilton DESCRIPTION: A request for Physical and Environmental Constraints Review approval to allow for the construction of a driveway to access a vacant lot, The driveway is on land greater than 25 percent slope, The subject property is located at 530 Schofield. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential; ZONING: R-1-7.5; ASSESSOR'S MAP: 391E 05BD; TAX LOTS: 2308, NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 26, 2015 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: February 9, 2015 E _ i r if SLR v) rn ~ I SIBJECTPROFER7Y _ s308CHOFlELB 2 l 391E 0580 2308 - 1 MIA I LAKOTA WY - 012.5 50 Feet »aFe.:yresa,ef.reeneeenty,rtorseateabre The Ashland Planning Division Staff has received a complete application for the property noted above. Any affected property owner or resident has a right to submit written comments to the City of Ashland Planning Division, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520 prior to 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date shown above. Ashland Planning Division Staff determine if a Land Use application is complete within 30 days of submittal. Upon determination of completeness, a notice is sent to surrounding properties within 200 feet of the property submitting application which allows for a 14 day comment period. After the comment period and not more than 45 days from the application being deemed complete, the Planning Division Staff shall make a final decision on the application. A notice of decision is mailed to the same properties within 5 days of decision. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Planning Division Staff's decision must be made in writing to the Ashland Planning Division within 12 days from the date of the mailing of final decision. (AMC 18.108.040) The ordinance criteria applicable to this application are attached to this notice. Oregon law states that failure to raise an objection concerning this application, by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes your right of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on that issue. Failure to specify which ordinance criterion the objection is based on also precludes your right of appeal to LUBA on that criterion. Failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval with sufficient specificity to allow this Department to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost, if requested. All materials are available at the Ashland Planning Division, Community Development & Engineering Services Building, 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon 97520. If you have questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to contact the Ashland Planning Division at 541-488-5305. G:\comm-dev\planning\Planning Actions\Noticing Polder\D4ailed Notices & Signs\2015\PA-2015-00077.docx PHYSICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONS %INTS Criteria for Approval A Physical Constraints Review Permit shall be issued by the Staff Advisor when the Applicant demonstrates the following: 1. Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. 2. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. 3. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The Staff Advisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum permitted development permitted by the Land Use Ordinance. (ORD 2808, 1997; ORD 2834,1998; ORD 2951, 2008) i i i I GAcomm-dev\planning\Planning Actions\Noticing Folder\Mailed Notices & Signs\2015\PA-2015-00077.docx PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2305 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2307 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2325 AGAKHANOV VADIM ALLEN MARC D/SUSANN M ASHLAND CITY OF 521 SCHOFIELD ST 550 SCHOFIELD ST CITY HALL ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BA 1700 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2321 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2310 BILLINGS JOHN STANNARD JR BURJOSKI ALAN B TRUSTEE ET AL DEFAUW MICHAEL S ET AL 1140 JACKSON RD 520 LAKOTA WAY 490 SCHOFIELD ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2313 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2320 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2309 DIAMONTOPOULOS WILLIAM A FALKENSTEIN JIM AND BETH LIVIN : 1:1 G TR FORREST ROBERT TROY/HOLLY M TRUSTEE ET AL ET AL 560 SHERIDAN 535 SHERIDAN ST 4734 CAMELLIA AVE ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602 PA-2015-00077 391 E05 BD 2312 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2308 PA72015-00077 391 E056D 2316 FRANKS VERNON LOUIS TRUSTEE ET HAMILTON CHARLIE MORTENSEN SHAUN/SHERRIL AL 530 SCHOFIELD ST 503 LAKOTA WAY 555 SHERIDAN ST ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2304 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2322 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2318 PARKER RONALD A TRUSTEE ET AL PEAKE CAROLYN S RAO A K RAJA/PATRICIA B 501 SCHOFIELD 500 LAKOTA WAY 531 LAKOTA WAY ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2302 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2319 PA-2015-00077 391 E05BD 2317 SULLIVAN FAMILY INVESTMENTS LLC WALCHER JEANNE POWERS TRUSTEE C/0 SULLIVAN DAVE THOMPSON NEAL R/AUDREY E ET AL 8735 SW IRONSTONE PL 545 LAKOTA WAY 517 LAKOTA WAY BEAVERTON, OR 97007 ASHLAND, OR 97520 ASHLAND, OR 97520 PA-2015-00077 PA-2015-00077 JIM HBBS RICK SWANSON PO BOX 1947 PO BOX 490 PHOENIX, OR 97535 MEDFORD, OR 97501 530 Schofield 1/26/15 NOC 20 E AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF OREGON ) County of Jackson ) The undersigned being first duly sworn states that: 1. I am employed by the City of Ashland, 20 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon 97520, in the Community Development Department. 2. On January 26, 2015 1 caused to be mailed, by regular mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, a copy of the attached planning action notice to each person listed on the attached mailing list at such addresses as set forth on this list under each person's name for Planning Action #2015-00081, 530 Schofield. Signature of Employee Document51/2612015 u' r ~ 4• • s t '8 , JC111'9P 19!7;' ~1~1t~ m n IGO tl1: , a 1141 110 9,D ~ 7.02, 11 10 Olt ~0.l•L ~ 14,02 11 4 to _ . ' 1 140 r~ 17UD , , IBoa i 1802 -2,M~ 2304 2-M 130 .2111 Iti4 304 2* 3 I is fl 23,10 230 1 y i 9 2'30- 9 t a" 2'0 1 3 1 a .31.3. 7- 2302 23,14 2316 23.14 I i! r ati0 UVwP,VI" p {1~7 X31 +d 231 1 aN~ Ilvlta~' 2244 704 i I ? you, T 2-62 D k- 1 1. 11~ 1Imig 18~1~ f°., V ~ 111 1k 19eu! I ll ik I 144, 13'~ 13 11 ° I r ~ d1 U u u iu Il eI 1 1 1 Till 1 8.62.040 Approval and Permit Required 1. Criteria for approval. A Physical Constraints Review Permit shall be issued by the Staff Advisor when the Applicant demonstrates the following: 1. Through the application of the development standards of this chapter, the potential impacts to the property and nearby areas have been considered, and adverse impacts have been minimized. This application is for just the installation of a driveway on the subject lot as shown on the plan. The driveway will start at the street curb about 15 feet West of the East property line, turn westerly upon approaching the North property line with a 20' radius, progress up gradient at 18% grade, then turn southerly with a 20' radius to the future house garage. A turnaround stall is also planned in the westerly portion of the driveway. No filling is anticipated. New cuts up to possibly 10' high will be required. We understand these cuts will be shaped in a terraced manner with bottom (intermediate) slopes cut no higher than 7' in height, if a taller cut is required then bottom cut to be 5' then benched 3' back, then cut again as necessary to reach finish grade, but no higher than 5'. Although not required the applicant had Geological Engineer Rick Swanson of Marquees & Associates evaluate the site and review the driveway plans submitted (see attached report). It was the applicant's intent in having Mr. Swanson evaluated the site to the potential impacts to i the property any adverse impacts. 2. That the applicant has considered the potential hazards that the development may create and implemented measures to mitigate the potential hazards caused by the development. Although not required the applicant agrees to have a geotechnical engineer evaluate the excavation to confirm the type of bedrock that is encountered and will provide a letter of compliance with his recommendations at the conclusion of the project. The reason for the onsite inspection: although very close Rick Swanson of Marquess has recommended different cut slope angles depending on the type of rock encountered during excavation. The bedrock may locally require rock excavation equipment in spots showing light or widely spaced fracturing, particularly in the gray-colored bedrock. Because the bedrock is variously fractured from closely fractured and seamy to moderately fractured and tight, we also anticipate the final surface will be somewhat irregular in shape. Some care will be required to smooth and trim the surface in order to prevent deeper loosening of the slope material. JAN 1y 2015 1 Cut slope steepness should vary with the strength of the material and the height of the cut slope. Maximum height of 7' in hard bedrock. Where higher overall cut slopes are required, the maximum height of 7' should not exceeded, and instead an intermediate bench should be cut into the slope (at the top of the lower cut slope) to form the toe of a higher cut slope. Maximum permanent cut slopes in closely fractured or seamy bedrock should be no steeper than 0.5:1 for a maximum height of 7', but may be steepened somewhat for lower cut slopes. Some small modifications to the grading plan may be needed during the excavation of the cut slopes for it will be necessary to observe the cuts during excavation to evaluate the bedrock's stability and confirm the bedrock is stable at the proposed cut slope angle. 3. That the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. Irreversible actions shall be considered more seriously than reversible actions. The StaffAdvisor or Planning Commission shall consider the existing development of the surrounding area, and the maximum permitted development by the Land Use Ordinance. Again the applicant is exercising caution and is taking all reasonable steps to reduce any adverse impact on the environment. Again, although not required the applicant has hired a geotechnical expert and also has agreed to have this expert inspect the excavation during construction and provide a letter of compliance with his recommendations at the end of the project. i JAN -15 2 18.62.080 Development Standards for Hillside Lands It is the purpose of the Development Standards for Hillside Lands to provide supplementary development regulations to underlying zones to ensure that development occurs in such a manner as to protect the natural and topographic character and identity of these areas, environmental resources, the aesthetic qualities and restorative value of lands, and the public health, safety, and general welfare by insuring that development does not create soil erosion, sedimentation of lower slopes, slide damage, flooding problems, and severe cutting or scarring. It is the intent of these development standards to encourage a sensitive form of development and to allow for a reasonable use that complements the natural and visual character of the city. A. General Requirements. The following general requirements shall apply in Hillside Lands: 1. All development shall occur on lands defined as having buildable area. Slopes greater than 35% shall be considered unbuildable except as allowed below. Variances may be granted to this requirement only as provided in section 18.62.080.H. i a. Existing parcels without adequate buildable area less than or equal to 35% shall be considered buildable for one unit. The lot was created in 1998 and is lot 10 of the Blossom View Estates Subdivision and has a large buildable area of less than 35%. b. Existing parcels without adequate buildable area less than or equal to 35% cannot be subdivided or partitioned. The lot was created in 1998 and is lot 10 of the Blossom View Estates Subdivision and has a large buildable area of less than 35%. 2. All newly created lots either by subdivision or partition shall contain a building envelope with a slope of 35% or less. This parcel is not a newly created lot, it was created in 1998 and is lot 10 of the Blossom View Estates Subdivision and has a large buildable area of less than 35%. 3. New streets, flag drives, and driveways shall be constructed on lands of less than or equal to 35% slope with the following exceptions: a. The street is indicated on the City's Transportation Plan Map - Street Dedications. No new street is being requested with this application 3 JAN 15 20115 b. The portion of the street, flag drive, or driveway on land greater than 35% slope does not exceed a length of 100 feet. On the submitted site plan only that area within the first 8-10' of the lot is over 35%, the driveway as submitted quickly moves though this area. This 8-10' is much less than the maximum allowed distance of 100' so the application meets this requirement. 4. Geotechnical Studies. For all applications on Hillside Lands involving subdivisions or partitions, the following additional information is require& A geotechnical study prepared by a geotechnical expert indicating that the site is stable for the proposed use and development. The study shall include the following information: This P & E application is for a driveway only so the following section 4 does not apply. a Index map. NA b. Project description to include location, topography, drainage, vegetation, discussion of previous work and discussion of field exploration methods. NA c. Site geology, based on a surficial survey, to include site geologic maps, description of bedrock and surf cial materials, including artificial fill, locations of any faults, folds, etc..., and structural data including bedding, jointing and shear zones, soil depth and soil structure. NA d. Discussion of any off-site geologic conditions that may pose a potential hazard to the site, or that may be affected by on-site development. NA e. Suitability of site for proposed development from a geologic standpoint. NA f. Specific recommendations for cut and fill slope stability, seepage and drainage control or other design criteria to mitigate geologic hazards. NA JAN 15 4 g. If deemed necessary by the engineer or geologist to establish whether an area to be affected by the proposed development is stable, additional studies and supportive data shall include cross-sections showing subsurface structure, graphic logs with subsurface exploration, results of laboratory test and references. NA h. Signature and registration number of the engineer and/or geologist. JAN 15 201 NA i i. Additional information or analyses as necessary to evaluate the site. i NA j. Inspection schedule for the project as required in 18.62.080. B. 9. NA k. Location of all irrigation canals and major irrigation pipelines. NA. B. Hillside Grading and Erosion Control. All development on lands classified as hillside shall provide plans conforming with the following items: 1. All grading, retaining wall design, drainage, and erosion control plans for development on Hillside Lands shall be designed by a geotechnical expert. All cuts, grading or fills shall conform to the International Building Code _and be consistent with the provisions of this Title. Erosion control measures on the development site shall be required to minimize the solids in runofffrom disturbed area The Marquess geotechnical report reviewed the driveway plan and all slopes cuts and percentages have been determined by a geotechnical expert. The Marquess report is calling for a coarse gravel track out pad, perhaps 20' long, should be constructed at the toe of the driveway at the start of construction. Dirt dropped onto the paved street should be swept off. Some biobags may be necessary in the street gutters to prevent sediment movement into curb inlets. They do not expect the new bedrock cut slopes to require cover to protect the freshly exposed surface from erosive activities. Freshly exposed soils, however, should be protected with something, such as jute netting, hydroseeding, anchored straw, etc. They suggest placing a wattle, rather than a silt fence, across the cut of the driveway near 5 i the street. Wattles may also be needed along the front property line depending on the movement of surface water off the new and e4xisting cut slopes. 2. For development other than single family homes on individual lots, all grading, drainage improvements, or other land disturbances shall only occur from May I to October 31. Excavation shall not occur during the remaining wet months of the year. Erosion control measures shall be installed and functional by October 31. Up to 30 day modifications to the October 31 date, and 45 day modification to the May I date may be made by the Planning Director, based upon weather conditions and in consultation with the project geotechnical expert. The modification of dates shall be the minimum necessary, based upon evidence provided by the applicant, to accomplish the necessary project goals. This application is for the installation of a driveway, so this section is not applicable. 3. Retention in natural state. On all projects on Hillside Lands involving partitions and subdivisions, and existing lots with an area greater than one-half acre, an area equal to 25% of the total project area, plus the percentage figure of the average slope of the total project area, shall be retained in a natural state. Lands to be retained in a natural state shall be protected from damage through the use of temporary construction fencing or the functional equivalent. For example, on a 25, 000 sq. ft lot with an average slope of 29%, 25%+29%=54% of the total lot area shall be retained in a natural state. The retention in a natural state of areas greater than the minimum percentage required here is encouraged. The lot is less than one-half an acre so this section is not applicable. 4. Grading - cuts. On all cut slopes on areas classified as Hillside lands, the following standards shall apply: a. Cut slope angles shall be determined in relationship to the type of materials of which they are composed. Where the soil permits, limit the total area exposed to precipitation and erosion. Steep cut slopes shall be retained with stacked rock, retaining walls, or functional equivalent to control erosion and provide slope stability when necessary. Where cut slopes are required to be laid back (1:1 or less steep), the slope shall be protected with erosion control getting or structural equivalent installed per manufacturers specifications, and revegetated. The Marquess report is very specific with cut slope angles depending on soils type that are to be used. Because of the possibility of encountering different types of bedrock the applicant is going to have the geotechnical expert visit the site during excavation to provide recommendations for which of the cut slope angles are to be used for which type of bedrock encountered. There may be some small deviation to the driveway plan as the applicant follows the geotech's recommendations. The applicant agrees to provide a letter 6 JAN 15 E of compliance with all onsite geotechs recommendations for all excavation at the completion of the project. b. Exposed cut slopes, such as those for streets, driveway accesses, or yard areas, greater than seven feet in height shall be terraced. Cut faces on a terraced section shall not exceed a maximum height offive feet. Terrace widths shall be a minimum of three feet to allow for the introduction of vegetation for erosion control. Total cut slopes shall not exceed a maximum vertical height of 15 feet. (See Graphic file attached) The top of cut slopes not utilizing structural retaining walls shall be located a minimum setback of one-half the height of the cut slope from the nearest property line. Cut slopes for structure foundations encouraging the reduction of effective visual bulk, such as split pad or stepped footings shall be exempted from the height limitations of this section. (See Graphic file attached) The cut slopes for the proposed driveway shown on the plan are as follows, if a single cut slope then it will be no higher than 7' if the cut slope is higher than 7' then the first cut slope shall be 5' with a 3' set back and the next cut slope. See Marquess report for slope of j these cut slopes. The cut slopes are set back within the property lines so no cut slope is closer than one half its height to a neighbor's property line. c. Revegetation of cut slope terraces shall include the provision of a planting plan, introduction of top soil where necessary, and the use of irrigation if necessary. The vegetation used for these areas shall be native or species similar in resource value which will survive, help reduce the visual impact of the cut slope, and assist in providing long term slope stabilization. Trees, bush-type.plantings and cascading vine-type plantings may be appropriate. Because the majority of the cut slope is near vertical and in bedrock and the Marquess report is not calling for any retaining for any of the bedrock excavation. No landscape plan is being submitted. The top soil area is recommended to be 2:1, in that area erosion control netting will be used and that area is to be reseeded. Since this is only being reseeded with native grasses no irrigation is being provided at this time. 5. Grading -fills. On all fill slopes on lands classified as Hillside Lands, the following standards shall apply: a. Fill slopes shall not exceed a total vertical height of 20 feet. The toe of the fill slope area not utilizing structural retaining shall be a minimum of six feet from the nearest property line. (Ord 2834 S6, 1998) b. Fill slopes shall be protected with an erosion control netting, blanket or functional equivalent. Netting or blankets shall only be used in conjunction with an organic mulch such as straw or wood fiber. The blanket must be applied so that it is in complete contact with the soil so that erosion does not occur beneath it. Erosion netting or blankets shall be 7 JAN 15 20'1 securely anchored to the slope in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. There are no new fill slopes proposed with this application. c. Utilities. Whenever possible, utilities shall not be located or installed on or in fill slopes. When determined that it necessary to install utilities on fill slopes, all plans shall be designed by a geotechnical expert. There are no new fill slopes proposed with this application. d. Revegetation of fill slopes shall utilize native vegetation or vegetation similar in resource value and which will survive and stabilize the surface. Irrigation may be provided to ensure growth if necessary. Evidence shall be required indicating long-term viability of the proposed vegetation for the purposes of erosion control on disturbed areas. The only area that is to have vegetation is the just a small layer of top soil that will have erosion control netting as its main method of erosion control and will also be reseeded. 6 Revegetation requirements. Where required by this chapter, all required revegetation of cut and fill slopes shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, signature of a required survey plat, or other time as determined by the hearing authority. Vegetation shall be installed in such a manner as to be substantially established within one year of installation. The only area that is to have vegetation is the just a small layer of top soil that will have erosion control netting as its main method of erosion control and will also be reseeded. 7. Maintenance, Security, and Penalties for Erosion Control Measures. a. Maintenance. All measures installed for the purposes of long-term erosion control, including but not limited to vegetative cover, rock walls, and landscaping, shall be maintained in perpetuity on all areas which have been disturbed, including public rights- of-way. The applicant shall provide evidence indicating the mechanisms in place to ensure maintenance of measures. The Marquess report indicated the stability of the bedrock, and calls out specific slopes for the various soil conditions with erosion control measures all for long term stability of the site. For antidotal evidence the lot has been in existence since 1998 with near vertical 10' walls. b. Security. Except for individual lots existing prior to January 1, 1998, after an Erosion Control Plan is approved by the hearing authority and prior to construction, the applicant shall provide a performance bond or other financial guarantees in the amount of 120% of the value of the erosion control measures necessary to stabilize the site. Any financial guarantee instrument proposed other than a performance bond shall be approved by the 8 J 15 2011 City Attorney. The financial guarantee instrument shall be in effect for a period of at least one year, and shall be released when the Planning Director and Public Works Director determine, jointly, that the site has been stabilized. All or a portion of the security retained by the City may be withheld for a period up to five years beyond the one year maintenance period if it has been determined by the City that the site has not been sufficiently stabilized against erosion. The erosion control plan submitted by Marques is as follows: A coarse gravel track out pad, perhaps 20' long, should be constructed at the toe of the driveway at the start of construction. Dirt dropped onto the paved street should be swept off. Some biobags may be necessary in the street gutters to prevent sediment movement into curb inlets. They do not expect the new bedrock cut slopes to require cover to protect the freshly exposed surface from erosive activities. Freshly exposed soils, however, should be protected with something, such as jute netting, hydroseeding, anchored straw, etc. They suggest placing a wattle, rather than a silt fence across the cut of the driveway near the street. Wattles may also be needed along the front property line depending on the movement of surface water off the new and existing cut slopes. 8. Site Grading. The grading of a site on Hillside Lands shall be reviewed considering the following factors: a. No terracing shall be allowed exceptfor the purposes o e f developing a level building pad and for providing vehicular access to the pad. The purpose of this application is to provide vehicular access to the pad. c. Avoid hazardous or unstable portions of the site. (Ord 2834, S2 1998) The property was inspected by Marquess & Associates regarding the suitability to install a driveway and to build a single family home. No hazardous or unstable portions of the site where found. c. Avoid hazardous or unstable portions of the site. There is no hazardous or unstable portion of the site as indicated by the Marquess report. d. Building pads should be of minimum size to accommodate the structure and a reasonable amount of yard space. Pads for tennis courts, swimming pools and large lawns are discouraged. As much of the remaining lot area as possible should be kept in the natural state of the original slope. The purpose of this application is install a driveway to access the property JAN 15 2015 9 9. Inspections and Final Report. Prior to the acceptance of a subdivision by the City, signature of the final survey plat on partitions, or issuance of a certificate of occupancy for individual structures, the project geotechnical expert shall provide a final report indicating that the approved grading, drainage, and erosion control measures were installed as per the approved plans, and that all scheduled inspections, as per 18.62.080.A. 4j were conducted by the project geotechnical expert periodically throughout the project. This is an application to install a driveway, no subdivision nor are partitions being applied for. C Surface and Groundwater Drainage. All development on Hillside Lands shall conform to the following standards: 1. All facilities for the collection of stormwater runoff shall be required to be constructed on the site and according to the following requirements: a. Stormwater facilities shall include storm drain systems associated with street construction, facilities for accommodating drainage from driveways, parking areas and other impervious surfaces, and roof drainage systems. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield b. Stormwater facilities, when part of the overall site improvements, shall be, to the greatest extent feasible, the first improvements constructed on the development site. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield. c. Stormwater facilities shall be designed to divert surface water away from cut faces or sloping surfaces of a fill. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield. d. Existing natural drainage systems shall be utilized, as much as possible, in their natural state, recognizing the erosion potential from increased storm drainage. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield. e. Flow-retarding devices, such as detention ponds and recharge berms, shall be used where practical to minimize increases in runoff volume and peak flow rate due to development. Each facility shall consider the needs for an emergency overflow system to JAN 15 2015 10 t safely carry any overflow water to an acceptable disposal point. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield. f. Stormwater facilities shall be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner that will avoid erosion on-site and to adjacent and downstream properties. At the time a house is built is when the storm drain system will be installed connecting to the City storm drain system in Schofield. g. Alternate stormwater systems, such as dry wellsystems, detention ponds, and leach fields, shall be designed by a registered engineer or geotechnical expert and approved by the City's Public Works Department or City Building Official. D. Tree Conservation, Protection and Removal. All development on Hillside Lands shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Inventory of Existing Trees. A tree survey at the same scale as the project site plan shall be prepared, which locates all trees greater than six inches d. b. h., identified by d. b. h., species, approximate extent of tree canopy. In addition, for areas proposed to be disturbed, existing tree base elevations shall be provided. Dead or diseased trees shall be identified. Groups of trees in close proximity (i. e. those within five feet of each other) may be designated as a clump of trees, with the predominant species, estimated number and average diameter indicated. All tree surveys shall have an accuracy ofplus or minus two feet. The name, signature, and address of the site surveyor responsible for the accuracy of the survey shall be provided on the tree survey. The existing street tree in the proposed driveway apron will be moved to the West outside the driveway. There is also an Elm shown on the plans that is out of any construction zone and remain onsite. 2. Evaluation of Suitability for Conservation. All trees indicated on the inventory of existing trees shall also be identified as to their suitability for conservation. When required by the hearing authority, the evaluation shall be conducted by a landscape professional. Factors included in this determination shall include: a. Tree health. Healthy trees can better withstand the rigors of development than non- vigorous trees. b. Tree Structure. Trees with severe decay or substantial defects are more likely to result in damage to people and property. c. Species. Species vary in their ability to tolerate impacts and damage to their 11 JAN 15' environment. d. Potential longevity. e. Variety. A variety of native tree species and ages. f. Size. Large trees provide a greater protection for erosion and shade than smaller trees. 3. Tree Conservation in Project Design. Significant trees (2'd b. h. or greater conifers and I'd b. h. or greater broadleaj) shall be protected and incorporated into the project design whenever possible. a. Streets, driveways, buildings, utilities, parking areas, and other site disturbances shall be located such that the maximum number of existing trees on the site are preserved, while recognizing and following the standards for fuel reduction if the development is located in Wildfire Lands. b. Building envelopes shall be located and sized to preserve the maximum number of trees on site while recognizing and following the standards for fuel reduction if the development is located in Wildfire Lands. c. Layout of the project site utility and grading plan shall avoid disturbance of tree protection areas. Only the driveway is being proposed and the one street tree will be moved to the West outside of the driveway. 4. Tree Protection. On all properties where trees are required to be preserved during the course of development, the developer shall follow the following tree protection standards: a. All trees designated for conservation shall be clearly marked on the project site. Prior to the start of any clearing, stripping, stockpiling, trenching, grading, compaction, paving or change in ground elevation, the applicant shall install fencing at the drip line of all trees to be preserved adjacent to or in the area to be altered. Temporary fencing shall be established at the perimeter of the dripline. Prior to grading or issuance of any permits, the fences may be inspected and their location approved by the StaffAdvisor. (see 18.61.200) The applicant will clearly mark the existing tree on site which is to be saved and the temporary fencing will established prior to issuance of any permits b. Construction site activities, including but not limited to parking, material storage, soil compaction and concrete washout, shall be arranged so as to prevent disturbances within tree protection areas. JAN 15 015 12 No tree protection is needed. c. No grading, stripping, compaction, or significant change in ground elevation shall be permitted within the drip line of trees designated for conservation unless indicated on the grading plans, as approved by the City, and landscape professional. If grading or construction is approved within the dripline, a landscape professional may be required to be present during grading operations, and shall have authority to require protective measures to protect the roots. No tree protection is needed. d. Changes in soil hydrology and site drainage within tree protection areas shall be minimized. Excessive site run-off shall be directed to appropriate storm drain facilities and away from trees designated for conservation. NA e. Should encroachment into a tree protection area occur which causes irreparable damage, as determined by a landscape professional, to trees, the projectplan shall be revised to compensate for the loss. Under no circumstances shall the developer be relieved of responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this chapter. 5. Tree Removal. Development shall be designed to preserve the maximum number of trees on a site. The development shall follow the standards for fuel reduction if the development is located in Wildfire Lands. When justified by findings of fact, the hearing authority may approve the removal of trees for one or more of the following conditions: (Ord 2834 S3, 1998) No trees are being removed with the construction of this driveway, only the existing street tree is being moved West to outside the driveway section. r a. The tree is located within the building envelope. i b. The tree is located within a proposed street, driveway, or parking area. c. The tree is located within a water, sewer, or other public utility easement. i d. The tree is determined by a landscape professional to be dead or diseased, or it constitutes an unacceptable hazard to life or property when evaluated by the standards in 18.62.080.D.2. I e. The tree is located within or adjacent to areas of cuts or fills that are deemed threatening to the life of the tree, as determined by a landscape professional. 6 Tree Replacement. Trees approved for removal, with the exception of trees removed JA M 1.5 3 13 because they were determined to be diseased, dead, or a hazard, shall be replaced in compliance with the following standards: a. Replacement trees shall be indicated on a tree replanting plan. The replanting plan shall include all locations for replacement trees, and shall also indicate tree planting details. (Ord 2834 S4, 1998) b. Replacement trees shall be planted such that the trees will in time result in canopy equal to or greater than the tree canopy present prior to development of the property. The canopy shall be designed to mitigate of the impact ofpaved and developed areas, reduce surface erosion and increase slope stability.. Replacement tree locations shall consider impact on the wildfire prevention and control plan. The hearing authority shall have the discretion to adjust the proposed replacement tree canopy based upon site-specific evidence and testimony. c. Maintenance of replacement trees shall be the responsibility of the property owner. Required replacement trees shall be continuously maintained in a healthy manner. Trees that die within the first five years after initial planting must be replaced in kind, after which a new five year replacement period shall begin. Replanting must occur within 30 days of notification unless otherwise noted. (Ord 2834 S5, 1998) 7. Enforcement. a. All tree removal shall be done in accord with the approved tree removal and replacement plan. No trees designated for conservation shall be removed without prior approval of the City of Ashland. b. Should the developer or developer's agent remove or destroy any tree that has been designated for conservation, the developer may be fined up to three times the current appraised value of the replacement trees and cost of replacement or up to three times the current market value, as established by a professional arborist, whichever is greater. c. Should the developer or developer's agent damage any tree that has been designated for protection and conservation, the developer shall be penalized $50.00 per scar. If necessary, a professional arborist's report, prepared at the developer's expense, may be required to determine the extent of the damage. Should the damage result in loss of appraised value greater than determined above, the higher of the two values shall be used. The existing street tree is being moved West outside of the driveway section. E. Building Location and Design Standards. All buildings and buildable areas proposed for Hillside Lands shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the following standards: This section is not applicable because only a driveway is being applied for with this 14 JAN 15 application. H. Administrative Variance From Development Standards for Hillside Lands -18.62.080. A variance under this section is not subject to the variance requirements of section 18.100 and may be granted with respect to the development standards for Hillside Lands if all of the following circumstances are found to exist: No variances are being requested with this application. 18.62.090. Wildfire Zone This application is for a private driveway only, there will be no structures being built, there will not even be combustible materials onsite during the excavation, so no fire prevention plan is required. The applicant is aware that they will need to keep the grasses mowed to less than 6" and agree to do so. Utilities: All utilities will be installed at time of house construction and it is anticipated that the new driveway will be used for utility access to the house. Electric, cable and water are all at the bottom of the driveway a new sewer tap may have to occur to line up the sewer with the driveway. The applicant believes they have meet all the required criteria and respectfully request approval of the application. Sincerely, Charlie Hamilton i JAM 15 15 1-772-7115 F X0/9 I120 E11~ f)A(_.I:SOf~ PO BOX 490 MEDI OI:D, OR 97501 AS O,,. f A Eu"li,iL: infi,"'.nar<lues~.com WEB: ~~~w.in;uyuss.omi Date: January 8, 2015 To: Charlie Hamilton From: Rick Swanson, P.E., G.E. RE: Driveway Grading 530 Schofield Street, Ashland, Oregon MAI Job No. 14-1188 This letter presents soil engineering grading recommendations for the proposed driveway at 530 Schofield Street in Ashland, Oregon. As part of the preparation of this letter, we visited with you at the property on January 6, 2015, observed the cutslope at the property, reviewed the proposed grading plan prepared by Friar and Associates, and discussed things with you. We understand that it is your desire to construct the driveway and, several months from now, start construction of a proposed house. Proposed Driveway. As shown on the plan, the driveway will start at the street curb about 15 feet west of the east property line, turn westerly upon approaching the north property line with a 20' radius, progress upgradient at 18% grade, then turn southerly with a 20' radius to the future house garage. Overall elevation change along the driveway will be about 26 feet. A turnaround stall is also planned in the westerly portion of the driveway. No filling is anticipated. New cuts up to possibly 10' high will be required. We understand these cuts will be shaped in a terraced manner with bottom (intermediate) slopes cut no higher than about 5' to 7' in height, then benched 3' back, then cut again as necessary to reach finish grade. Site Conditions. The property has an approximate frontage on Schofield Street of about 96 feet and the average depth of the lot is about 110'. The front of the lot consists of a very steep cutslope varying from about 12' high at the east end to about 14' high at the west end. The cutslope was probably excavated several years ago as part of the original construction of Schofield Street. The ground surface uphill and south of the cutslope slopes up to the south with a gradient of about 20%. The cutslope exposes granodiorite bedrock across the entire face except for the uppermost 3' to 4' of the cutslope that is mantled with loose silty sand. The overall slope of the cutslope is about 0.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) at the east end of the cutslope and 0.7:1 over the remainder of the cutslope. Existing slopes within the bedrock vary from near-vertical (where the bedrock is less fractured) to about 0.5:1 (where the bedrock is closely fractured). The bedrock varies from JAN 15 201, Charlie Hamilton January 8, 2015 Page 2 of 3 brown in the westerly half of the cutslope (this portion is more fractured than the easterly half) to gray in the easterly half of the cutslope. Although no digging into the bedrock was performed as part of this evaluation, the bedrock appears to be firm to hard where "firm" means diggable with conventional trackhoe equipment and "hard" means possibly hard rock excavation equipment, such as a hoeram, may be required to loosen the rock. Existing fractures are common in the bedrock, however, the fractures appear to be randomly oriented and are likely not through-going and continuous. The larger fractures appear to be oriented sub-perpendicular with the cutslope face and steeply dipping with dips of possibly 60 to 80 degrees. A few of the fractures are also seamy showing that intense crushing and possibly shifting movement has occurred along the fractures during emplacement of the bedrock. In general the cutslope appeared stable with no current instabilities except for minor raveling that is common to cutslopes. No groundwater was observed seeping from the cutslope. Earthwork. The bedrock may locally require rock excavation equipment in spots showing light or widely spaced fracturing, particularly in the gray-colored bedrock. Because the bedrock is variously fractured from closely fractured and seamy to moderately fractured and tight, we also anticipate the final surface will be somewhat irregular in shape. Some care will be required to smooth and trim the surface in order to prevent deeper loosening of the slope material. Cutslope steepness should vary with the strength of the material and the height of the cutslope. Maximum permanent cutslopes in soil should be no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) for any height. Maximum permanent cutslopes in bedrock should be no steeper than 0.2:1 for a maximum height of 7' in hard bedrock. Where higher overall cutslopes are required, the maximum height of 7' should not be exceeded, and instead an intermediate bench should be cut into the slope (at the top of the lower cutslope) to form the toe of a higher cutslope. Maximum permanent cutslopes in closely fractured or seamy bedrock should be no steeper than 0.5:1 for a maximum height of 7', but may be steepened somewhat for lower cutslopes. Some small modifications to the grading plan may be needed during the excavation of the cutslopes for it will be necessary to observe the cuts during excavation to evaluate the bedrock's stability and confirm the bedrock is stable at the proposed cutslope angle. The finished cutslopes should be picked clean of loosened rock blocks leaving only firmly in- place bedrock materials. The existing cutslope at the west end of the property frontage is not within the driveway areas scheduled to be excavated; however, the soil portion of the cutslope is overly steep and should be out back somewhat to increase the slope stability. In this area, we recommend sloping back the soil materials to a 2:1 maximum slope angle. Sedimentation Control and Erosion Protection. A coarse gravel trackout pad, perhaps 20' long, should be constructed at the toe of the driveway at the start of construction. Dirt dropped onto the paved street should be swept off. Some biobags may be necessary in the street gutters to prevent sediment movement into curb inlets. A I 15 E Charlie Hamilton January 8, 2015 Page 3 of 3 We do not expect the new bedrock cutslopes to require cover to protect the freshly exposed surface from erosive activities. Freshly exposed soils, however, should be protected with something, such as jute netting, hydroseeding, anchored straw, etc. We suggest placing a wattle, rather than a silt fence, across the cut driveway near the street. Wattles may also be needed along the front property line depending on the movement of surface water off the new and existing cutslopes. Slope Setbacks. The building footings, including all footings supporting porches, roofs, etc. that are attached to the house, should be set back behind an imaginary 1.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) plane extended up from the toe of cutslopes comprised primarily of bedrock and behind an imaginary 2:1 plane for soil slopes. In addition, we recommend a building setback of at least 10' behind the tops of any cutslopes. Some moderation of these setback requirements can be made where footings are embedded and bear directly on bedrock. Pavements on firm, natural soil should be set back at least 3' from the tops of nearby finished cutslopes and the edge of the pavement should be protected with an embedded curb. Pavements on firm or better bedrock should be set back at least 2' from the tops of nearby cutslopes. This brief letter has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and practices in this area. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. PROFF~~ IN ~ E W~ 16886 OREGON f~,A "T. EXPIRES: 6-30-?~/~ 15 [1 115, 6 u n e~ I it ~ " ~ ' o u ~ a ° h I gCZ 9'CZ I I I I a G I O' I W 4 °a ~h o s n NO/S1n10817S S31b1S3 I o °m a U N K I I M3U WOSS078 6107 I ? a aSn~ h n W n IF I ® I S00W'WE 00.09 I n n O aV) Q ffi " M u nn ~G: B \ Sl W y U C, O m 18e;, I I a R m Zmw J8~ a % r ti " \ A I O O 0 Yp dl UtiMa ~ ~ „ r; } o `..im o F` ujaW 'o^ 3 N I WZ 2 Q1m e w m G'OJ zmi woo -,j 1. 8 \ 1 \ •{f W I j I°n m N Vi 7 ' W e is cs N V w wo ' o I K 0 ~0'' w 0, a QZ I w 3 (n Q I O N N J ~ II 2 2 U U m ti 9 1869 I 20 „ y~, ~yu~, i ~7S ~ $8~g3 $ II I z ti J m8~ I r 2WW S a W Ra's m 0 O C~/ 3 I G`~'~ I 11 I N ~ W ~o m I~a~ i A al 0 m5 a<~ 1 m O < yw o 9"888 888 888 2~~$ I i ~ m W 0/ ~ I ~i ?g~ ~I I ~ ~ tt ~ ~ QI I m6 w n. .d'm i0' ~ n ,'y by~ 1\ arc ~ ~ rJ~ W~ ~u m, ~a¢~5, ^ a~ \ ro I lilt S 09 ' 22.1 o'd v MENEMMIlmr- ISIA ns S - si d1S3 t71~ ~ OSS078 11 107 f / M} E 15 0 spy 40 g6~ ry' ~ N TELPED® R! ® >0 BFWgY c0~ UR9 & RFM QRQAC& ~y WM 962 0?~FµgLk ~R STREET - \ ~ CUR \ 1,96 q S REET TREE & CU 7966 STREET TREE 968 J19yh OUT OF CRIVEW Y/ Y 1 964 1>0 9;2 (SIDEWALK 0`110 N 9I 1g;~6 \ ,~g6A2, 0x \ 00 R0 4 t'-g ED 197 \ N \ 1968 ~18~ ~0 x ~8X aZ' X966 9> s 0 _ 0 1978 FlRS 188p,- ~aG CUT 1 82 , 1982 lg~8s6'10k~g1'5 0 ! TOPSOIL TO BE 2:1 SLOPE WITH E NETTING- N PER MARQUESS & ASSOC. 0 g 101 DRIVEWAY 00 9 j t9j95610k852 984 VI m V JAW 15 1,~h^ Q Q TITLE: DATE: REGISTERED PROPOSED DRIVEWAY 15 JAN 2015 NOTES; PROFESSIONAL ASSESSOR'S MAP J: SCALE ELEVATIONS B4SE0 ON USCGS BMj V548, (NGVD1929156) CLAND SURVEYOR 391E056D TL2308 1 inch : 10 teat 5 20 PROPOSED DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE AT 18X FROM 10+00 TO 11+05.16, FOR: SUNCREST HOMES, LLC DRAWN BY. JEH CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE OF 500 CY EXCAVATION FOR DRIVEWAY PO BOX 1313 CHK BY - EXTENT OF EROSION CONTROL TO BE DETERMINED BY MARQUESS & ASSOC. A v V TALENT, OR 9540 ORIGIN: 0 10 30 OREGON JULY 17, 1986 JAMES E. HIBBS L.J. FRIAR & ASSOCIATES P.C. ROTATION; O 2234 F A CONSULTING LAND SURVEYORS JOBfr 141[77FM RENEWAL DATE 6-30-15 P.O. Box 1947 Phoenix OR 97535 Phone; (541) ' 72-278 © L.J. FRIAR & ASSOCIATES, PC. 2014 Email: Ilfnar®chorter.net Street 1 Of 1. NI IT APPLICATION Planning Division 51 Winburn Way, Ashland OR 97520 FILE CITY OF ASHLAND 541-488-5305 Fax 541-488-6006 , DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT eV 4 U/' DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Pursuing LEED® Certification? ❑ YES ❑ NO Street Address ° Assessor's Map No. 391 E Q 13t) Tax Lot(s) eZ30 Zoning Comp Plan Designation I APPLICANT Name ~~L1 Carl i ~f 4 MI W Phone q It 6E-Mail Address j I - City Zip PROPERTY OWNER Name Phone E-Mail Address City Zip SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OTHER Title !~Uf11®® Name 77641 If'~~6GS~ Phone 7/' ° E-Mail Address p(7. o~ (q City Zip q-7S35 Title 'os Name _ a-C iC,h 5(VOA/Sor✓ Phone 771®~l E-Mail pl'611 OA"M., - C®M Address p O Lf9® City Zip 75o I hereby certify that the statements and information contained in this application, including the enclosed drawings and the required findings of fact, are in all respects, true and correct. 1 understand that all property pins must be shown on the drawings and visible upon the site inspection. In the event the pins are not shown or their location found to be incorrect, the owner assumes full responsibility. I further understand that if this request is subsequently contested, the burden will be on me to establish: 1) that I produced sufficient factual evidence at the hearing to support this request; 2) that the findings of fact furnished justifies the granting of the request; 3) that the findings of fact furnished by me are adequate; and further 4) that all structures or improvements are properly located on the ground. Failure in this regard will result os ' ely in not only the re est being set aside, but also possibly in my structures being built in reliance thereon being required to be removed at my expense. I ve ny doubt advised to seek competent professional advice and assistance. Applicant's Signature Date As owner of the property i olved in this request,) have read and understood the complete application and its consequences to me as a property owner. Property Owner's Signature (required) Date [To be completed by City Stafl] Date Received Zoning Permit Type Filing Fee $ OVER GAcomm-dev\planning\Pmms & Handouts\Zoning Permit Application.doc t. Job Address: 530 SCHOFIELD ST Contractor: ASHLAND OR 97520 Address: C A Owner's Name: HAMILTON CHARLES O Phone: P Customer 08057 N State Lic No: P HAMILTON CHARLES T City Lic No: L Applicant: PO BOX 1313 R Address: TALENT OR 97540 A C C Sub-Contractor: A Phone: T Address: N Applied: 01/15/2015 O T Issued: Expires: 07/14/2015 R Phone: State Lic No: Maplot: 391 E05BD2308 City Lic No: DESCRIPTION: P & E Constraints Permit VALUATION Occupancy Type Construction Units Rate Amt Actual Amt Constuction Description Total for Valuation: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL STRUCTURAL PERMIT FEE DETAIL Fee Description Amount Fee Description Amount Physical Constraints Permit 1,012.00 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tel: 541-488-5305 20 East Main St. Fax: 541-488-5311 Ashland, OR 97520 TTY: 800-735-2900 www.ashland.or.us Inspection Request Line: 541-552-2080 CITY ® F